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So here in North America, and probably even outside of here,

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 62

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So here in North America, and probably even outside of here, the most common form of interracial relationships are white men and asian women. So then why do we never see this reflected in realistic numbers in media and advertising?
Because Media doesn't reflect reality.
corporations want us dumber, not smarter. The iq difference in asians is like 6 points, the iq difference between whites and niggers is 20.
Here its more common to see latinas getting COLONISED, but i dont really see many asians considering that vietnamese is the third most spoken household language
If advertising was real you'd think that African Americans were 33.3% of the population of the USA and were successful.
What if sex slaves became a thing again
Caucasian and Asian...Notice something similiar in words...Caucasian and Nigger...Get it...
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In case anyone is looking for the source of the sauce:

I want to get lost inside of those obliques.
gross desu
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>i'm gay desu

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>i'm a faggot
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you seem strangely defensive...

Do you really find that nasty cunt more attractive then pic related?
302 is clear winner.
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When did I say I only like 8% BF women?
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kek is that the best you have? maybe you are gay haha
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>post more
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Because media constantly pushes niggers. Look at dr who:
>black girl
>white girl with black boyfriend
>another white girl with black boyfriend
>current black girl..white boyfriend? Nope. Lesbian.
CONSTANT anti-white hatred pushed in film,music etc. They want to destroy our culture.
That's a man.
>8-9% BF
>that waist:hip ratio
>"a man"
I notice it all the time in ads and more so then niggers. You're just too blind to actually see Asian and just see white skin. Pay attention sheep.


Literally all of globalization social justice nonsense is a scam to get a dumber population. Wikileaks even revealed this in some of their memos. The elite want a populace of IQ 85 mullatos that can be easily controlled.

Contrary to what the media says, the elite is fully aware of racial differences in IQ. Scientific racism was never debunked, simply silenced through (((political correctness))).

Soros and crew know exactly what they are doing. Their end goal is a society of obedient inferior dogs for themselves and their heirs to rule forever.
BMWF is the most common interracial relationship, atleast in terms of birthing mixed children.

she got spinabifida or something? whats up with that posture. she looks part centaur.
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statistically, the most common pairing is white/hispanic.

if Trump stops south american immigration, american hispanics will be BLEACHED within 2 generations. then we're looking at a strong white majority again.
This desu
>tfw some /pol/tards don't realize that Latinos are on their side
why couldn't they hold that kinda shit when i visited a few years ago
it's a brazil-style arse contest senpai
[citation required]
Asian family life is most similar to Latino family life
Why dont we see this more often
In Canada white guy-Asian girls is pushed HARD but in real life, they haven't gotten it far into media yet.
It makes me fucking sick that beta bitch white guys will dilute the gene pool because Yuki-chan is a fragile subservient cunt who fucks like a dead horse.
[citation required]
One drop rule

No wonder this country is 54% white and dropping
Post your genealogy.
Can I see those memos? I need them for debates and whatnot
someone needs to find her name and nudes
One drop rule never applied to Native American mixture, dumbshit. Even Thomas Jefferson and Madison Grant were OK with some mixing with Native Americans.
White men and Asians in general aren't as useful for a consumer class desu. White women are genetically designed to be a consumer class. Spent tens of thousands of years exercising their gathering instincts and making clothes. It's in the blood. while Cro-Magnon men hunted, fished, made tools, calendars and art. That's why white women can spend 8 fucking hours at a mall looking at literally every worthless piece of shit there, and unironically feel that it was a good way to spend the day.

Meanwhile, white men are patrician NEETs who are already post-ironic.
It would rustle white women's jimmies and have them actually going for somebody their own race for once.
Scientific racism was absolutely debunked.
You can continue to ignore the Flynn effect all you want. It doesn't make it any less scientifically correct.
>white/black at 737,492 according to the James P. Allen 2000 census
Half black children are the most common mixed racial composition . Granted, it doesn't specify the race of the fathers, but given the ratio of BMWF to WMBF, it's obvious what race is popping out all these babies and who is impregnating them. It's likely gone up since eighteen years ago as interracial dating is slowly being viewed as more and more acceptable.
Well yeah. Then your kids can really get toasted on a single beer.

Then eventually, cough syrup.

Then eventually . . .er, gas fumes.

Then dead.
>Scientific racism was absolutely debunked.

Are you actually implying there are no IQ differences between races?
Getting drunk every weekend is kind of degenerate and girls who do that are usually sluts.

Nothing wrong with consuming less alcohol.
Objectively this. Vid related had a European paternal haplogroup and a Native American mitochondrial haplogroup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU5xxh5UX4U
you'd figure interracial marriage would rise too since you seem to have access to dating stats what can you tell me about that
No, I am implying that the IQ differences observed betwee races is not caused by racial genetics.
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>muh Flynn effect!!!
>muh stereotype threat!!!
>muh culturally biased IQ tests!!!
>muh bad living conditions!!!
>muh structural oppression!!!
How about muh Occam's Razor, shitskins
So what do you make of the fact that people of Uganda and Nigeria have higher IQ's than Americans did in the 1930's.
The average American in the 1930's was as smart as a typical person from Kenya is today.
Occam's razor would just suggest that industrialization increases IQ's by around 20 points. Which is precisely what we see happened to America and Europe, and is currently happening to Africa and India.
I prefer plebs like you to keep your wrong beliefs, racial realism is a patrician thing.
I have a folder with about 400 MB of studies, abstracts and infographs that support racial realism unequivocally, but I won't waste it on you.

Not an argument.
You millenials love your buzzwords, don't you? lmao

You're an Evergreen College graduate
>It's likely gone up since eighteen years ago as interracial dating is slowly being viewed as more and more acceptable.
>implying that Jamal isn't just nutting inside white trash and obese white trash and morbidly obese white trash regularly
>implying dating hasn't been reduced to a postmodern Brave New World tier sterile HPV fest

Anon I...
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>So what do you make of the fact that people of Uganda and Nigeria have higher IQ's than Americans did in the 1930's.
Because Asian Women are sex objects and showing a White Male having one is too much of a "win" to allow to be seen. It implies asian women as being best as well as showing white men being sexual conquistadors and that dives black women and white women into a jealous rage.

WMAF here lol
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I'm not here to argument, I'm here to ridicule you without changing your mind.
Ignorance is a commodity. We need people like you.
You a power bottom or what?
You're only putting your own ignorance on display for everyone to see. It's really laughable.
Instead of trying to use evidence to justify your claims, you instead just meme about like a typical SJWcuck
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not an argument
1 in 6 Americans are in an interracial marriage, white men and women generally marry out at the same rate and are also the least likely of all races to marry interracially. White women are more likely than any other race of women to be married at 30-34.

BMWF is easily the shittiest interracial pairing, having the highest rates of domestic abuse and divorce. WMBF is significantly better, although still more likely to result in divorce.

WMAF and AMWF are both less likely to result in divorce than monoracial white marriages (30% less likely and 50% less likely respectively). Asian Americans of both genders are more likely to marry white people than non-US raised Asians. 36% of Asian men marry white women and 45% of Asian women marry white men.

Don't care about other combinations as they are either very insignificant or don't involve whites.
Not an argument.
Use evidence to justify this pls>>131600635
I bet your 400MB of "studies" are all blogs from that ridiculous website known as "human varieties" which has been completely discredited by, you know, actual science.
Why can't you post a citation?
>Implying africans have lower IQs than caucasian mediterranians

lmao just kys you racist piece of shit
I can't be assed, but everything I'm saying is correct anyway.
I push AF hard if you know what I mean
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sure thing sweetheart
The average IQ of 1930's America was around 80
The average IQ of Nigeria today is 84. Uganda 84. Kenya 80.
Also not to mention that by canonical racial theory, of the four human "sub-species" Indians are technically caucasian, and still only have an IQ of 82.
Accounting for the fact that the tests changed dramatically over time? Why are you even mentioning so-called "canonical racial theory" as if anyone gives a shit in the age of haplogroups?
Blacks are actually smarter than caucasians.
To the surprise of absolutely no one ever.

Can whites ever recover?
Hey guise! Found the Nigerian intellectual
It's okay to be attracted to masculine women, but don't call other dudes fags.
Yes, the Flynn effect is well documented even accounting for the change of tests over time.
There are way more chink women in nz than chink men due to so many of them getting visas by marrying lonely farmers and betas

Like 8 women for every 5 men or something similar
lolwhut? That's exactly what I said in my previous post, retard. >>131601112
>WMAF and AMWF are both less likely to result in divorce than monoracial white marriages (30% less likely and 50% less likely respectively).
>BMWF having the highest rates of divorce
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>don't call other dudes fags
Science is colonized and must fall
>The average IQ of 1930's America was around 80
This isn't written in the link you provided. It was just a bunch of shit about early cognitive development, socio-economic factors and the Flynn effect.
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You fell for it.
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I knew it i knew it, they learned to create women with curves.

Its over, were fucked, China BTFO the world.
You have to download the pdf
Which one?
Not all native american groups are the same tho. Natives in most the US and in Canada are more closer to Asians and hence smarter. Sorry, but racemixing just doesnt work well, see most of central and south america, im pretty sure people dont want to test it again here.
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302 302 302 302
Huh, I'll be. This is pretty interesting.

On a sidenote, I read a book a while back "Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?" Basically, it detailed how the tests people used to measure the intelligence of animals measured were biased towards certain animals over others, since the tests measured skills and capabilities some animals simply never developed out of necessity. The book makes the argument that that does not necessarily mean said animals are any less intelligent, rather, that the means we used to measure their intelligence are flawed.

It's a fine read, I definitely recommend picking it up.
Are you really this retarded?
"Request full text" at the top.
She looks like she's on gear desu. Is that what the article says ?
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>this is now a 302-chan thread
>Natives in most the US and in Canada are more closer to Asians and hence smarter.
This isn't true at all, dumbass. Have you met the Natives living on American and Canadian reservations?
There's like 4 different ones asshole. I think you don't want to post it because you know it's about early cognitive development and toddler IQ or some shit of that nature, which is all fucking worthless information.

You said America in the early 20th century, at +90% white had an average IQ of 80. So prove it Kang.
>but don't call other dudes fags.
Where do you think you are fag?
nope, the lower one is what's considered more correct, it sampled a much larger number of couples.
Obviously racism. Against whites & Asians, cause that doesn't fit their narratives. Diversity can only involve black people
I'm an anglo immigrant
>i-it's more correct they sampled more couples over significantly less time
gas yourself
this one's name is really hard to find

maybe there is some chinese porn of a naked photoshoot somewhere
I play the Chinese Bongos.
I said they were smarter in comparison to say, natives in panama, or Brazil. Further up north, particularly the Eskimos, have higher iqs, probably due to the fact they are part of the second wave migration and share more in common with Asians. The cold weather also helps i guess.
Chinese here. Very big vagina, very big!
you are not very intelligent.

more statistics if you're still interested:
>2.1% of ww & 2.3% of wm married interracially (so there is actually a slight difference)
>1.0% of wm were married to an asian-american woman whilst 1.0% of ww were married to a man whose race was classified as "other" (i'm guessing mostly latino?)
and fuck off, i'm not sourcing.
There's literally nothing in his source that states 1930s Americans had an IQ of 80
I've opened and CTRL+F'd all of these PDF's

It says nothing about 1930's era american adult IQ
China vagina.
Yum yum suck suck.
Sucky sucky boom boom.
Here since you are a low IQ brainlet and can't click the right link.
This might help.
I put feet behind ear. You love me long time.
>ctrl F
>No mention of 80 IQ
Nice source darius
You low IQ is showing.
It's not really surprising, racists do have lower IQ after all.

Screencaps where it says 1930's white american adults have an IQ of 80, I can't find it
I'll wait
The Natives that actually built civilizations lived closer to the Equator, moron. The Eskimo never advanced very far.
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>even the photo guy on the source is biased on 302
>hurr durr let me be completely retarded and have no knowledge on how to read scientific papers
It's literally page 433 (page 5 of the pdf)
Christ you guys are actually retarded.
The whole page is relevant, so screenshotting isn't ideal.
Fun Fact: Asians have extra deep throats.
Post screencap, still not finding it.
>making stuff up this hard
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>If we go by more recent norms instead, we arrive at an equally bizzare conclusion. Judging the American children of 1932 by today's standards... their average IQ closer to 80! [citation needed]
>children's IQ

You are a kang in the making, lad.
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>being this willfully blind
sure am going to enjoy seeing your attempts to argue this one
Those white men are beta and that doesnt sell good
Not to mention that the Netherlands, which were more white than America as a developed European nation, saw even more drastic changes in IQ (of 21 points in a shorter period, or 35 points since 1930 extrapolating the trend) making Dutch 1930's 18 year old men dumber than most African countries in 1930.
>moving goalposts
>implying child IQ doesn't matter
>ignores Netherlands data completely

Show me where it says white american adult IQ is 80?
I STILL can't find it.
Your screencap was of no help or relevancy.
All it proves is that 1930s american children are more intelligent than modern African adults
I can't fucking believe this.

That's the basis of your argument? You've been making shit up the last hour, literally based on nothing.


LMAO this is gold
>le you're moving goal posts
Bringing in CHILD IQ *IS* moving goal posts you retarded negro

>1930s american children: smarter than modern adult Africans
Fun Fact: Asian vagina is extra stretchy. Like Stretch Armstrong.
Negroes amirite
For one, I never used the words "adult IQ" in any of my claims.
Additionally, child IQ is still relevant. And there is data of Netherlands (of 18 year olds) that also verifies the trend.
I didn't read the paper but just this screenshot and I ALREADY can tell that this doesn't make sense. How did he translate the tests done in the past to the normalized tests now? How can he claim that the tests done at that time would be normalized to 80 now? It's obviously a anti-IQ test shill that is probably criticizing the IQ method of evaluation and is advocating some other retarded shit.
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You stupid idiots, can you not even read the original pdf?
Sorry, I don know what to tell you, they have lower IQs now at least, maybe they used ot be higher, maybe its simply too cold for a large civilization up there regardless of how smart they are. Go back to where you came from shitskin. peace out bro
This has become legit embarrassing, I'm out.

Keep believing it very hard, son. It might become reality someday.

Just wake up and tell yourself in the mirror everyday: IQ IS A RACIST SOCIAL CONSTRUCT, WE WUZ KANGZ
>The average American in the 1930's was as smart as a typical person from Kenya is today.
Then explain the difference in development between the US and Kenya.
Asians fear Whitezilla.
>I didn't read the paper
And I stopped reading your comment there. Show at least a little effort.
Lmao continue to ignore scientific evidence put in front of your face and then claim "scientific racism is completely justifiable"
You retardation is absolutely insane.
Are you implying that IQ caused the development? Because that is a particularly bold claim. The onus is on you to prove that.
At the very least, it shows that these IQ GAINS aren't hereditary. Since our genetics hasn't changed so much to cause a spike in IQ of 20 points.
>moving goal posts
That's not how it works m8. You said that in 1932 the IQ for the average American was 80 and you failed to produce the results. What you did produce is a Flynn effect model that says American children (the distinction needs to be made due to several factors) had an IQ of 80 under this testing model. You suck and are a faggot for that, basically.
>implying child IQ doesn't matter
I never did. But its irrelevant to the topic.
>ignores Netherlands data completely
Also irrelevant
Gooks can spend 400 years around niggers and then we can test their iq. Fuck your meme, queer
>comparing children's averages to adult's averages
>implying the 20 points spike is not due to age.
What the FUCK does child iq have to do with anything?
You're telling me that children aren't as smart as adults?
Wow shocking
Fun Fact: Asian men are the laughing stock of the sexual community.
Depends. Bitches love fillipinos. They have retardedly long dicks.
>The Natives that actually built civilizations lived closer to the Equator, moron. The Eskimo never advanced very far.

There were many civs in North America along the Mississippi River with big cities, culture and trade. But they got BTFO centuries before whitey came. I know it's largely irrelevant, but I'm just saying there was more than the Mayans and etc..
Filipino pls go
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>At the very least, it shows that these IQ GAINS aren't hereditary.

No. No it doesn't.
Everyone can sense that in an attractive WMAF couple the white man is dominant, like you can with BMWF couples on TV. That's why they don't show WMAF on TV the way they show BMWF couples, it would project the feeling of white male sexual dominance. Its the one thing that you never see anymore. White males on TV are fags, nerds, clowns and everything in between, but never intelligent, normal and dominant. And yeah most WMAF couples are beta male with beta female but then so are most every couple.
>"scientific racism is completely justifiable"
It is. Your producing one study that doesn't even show what you originally claimed is not going to outweigh centuries of observation that continues into the present of niggers being literally useless.
To provide an example, think about climate change. We have a considerable body of evidence that it is happening, spanning decades of direct observation and thousands of years of partial data. What you are arguing about racialism is just like me going outside in winter for a couple days, finding an average temperature slightly below normal, and saying, "huh, I guess we're fine." kys.
>The onus is on you to prove that.
No, faggot, the onus is on you to tell us why Africa is still a fucking shithole and the West conquered the world, when at the time of our rise, whites were still retarded according to you.
Don't you have something better to do than sit here spewing leftist bullshit for hours on end? At least take a Safe Break.
this is hilarious the average CHILD IQ is 80 your whole point is bullshit kys faggot
>muh dik
Stop, you're making us look bad.
Yeah, especially when they're dressed like a woman.
look up the top 100 podesta emails. can't be that difficult to find.
rome was great
/pol/ utterly, irreversibly, permanently BTFO
Why do you people keep hanging on to
>m-muh child IQ
The paper clearly states the trend is present for adult IQs as well. If you didn't keep requiring your information to be spoonfed to you, maybe you'd learn something.
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The Flynn effect is irrelevant, the hierarchy has remained the same. When dirt eating Somalis jump 30 points in a generation and overtake whites they can feel free to make their own racist image board and shit on whites, until then you have no argument.
Show me where it says 1930's american adult IQ is 80, samefag
Because it's not relevant to the discussion of the average IQ of Americans in 1932.
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Are you going to argue that the Netherlands are less white than 1930s America by any reasonable amount? Or that 19 year olds are not fully mentally developed?
>the most common form of interracial relationships are white men and asian women.
No it isn't
White men and Hispanic women blow Asian statistics out of the water tenfold
Maybe in cucknadia but they definitely aren't the majority in America
Take your r/asianmasculinity back to your containment shed
Why the fuck would anyone want sauce for such ugly sluts?
Can you give me a source on that? I'd like to read it. Sounds interesting honestly.
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>the Netherlands at 95% white is less white than America at 54% white

Also Dutch IQ is irrelevant, you claimed 1930's adult american IQ was 80, so post proof
Yes you are, muscular women are the same as far women
Closet homosexuality on a subconscious level
Both fat women and muscular women look nothing like a woman and are the opposite representation of the sex
You're a homo
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>the gains seem even more preposterous

That's because they don't fucking exist
>i have no idea what implications are
Grill abs are low fertility and disgusting tho.
That's your cross to bear homo not mine
>continues to show how new

302 has one of the hottest asses ever.
>These gains are not limited to the WAIS, to adults or to the United States.
>In an influential series of papers, Flynn showed that the increasing raw scores appear on every major test, in every age range and in every modern industrialized country. (The rise itself is now often called "the Flynn effect.")
>The increase has been continuous and roughly linear from the earliest days of test ing to the present. On broad-spectrum tests such as the WISC and the WAIS, Americans have gained about 3 IQ points per decade, or 15 points over a 50-year period.
Do a little math and tell me what you find.

Sure thing. https://sci-hub.cc/http://www.jstor.org/stable/27856851

It's a good read, especially at only 9 pages.
IQ TESTS AND IQ standards change over time, so gain is irrelevant
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You're a scumbag with terrible taste. Nothing disgusts me more than someone with shit taste in women. You are like Faggot Gavin Mcinnes trying to act manly with his fucking shocking taste. Sickening.
Same in the UK and every one if them is wed to a blonde woman.
Bm Wf is an advertising cuck fetish.
It'd probably be less common if they overpromoted it, desu.
man its all about 302
>muh Flynn effect

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Which is accounted for in the paper. Have you even read it yet?
Have you read this for yourself? This is, as far as I can tell, paywalled.
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why the fuck would those retards want to rule over that rabble? are they retarded too or what? They're asking for civilizational decline that they can rule over. That's so stupid, I can't imagine how that would make sense.
... so what was the gap between africans and americans then, and what is it now?

I could link a few more studies giving you about the same thing for free, if you'd like. All trends showing that dysgenic fertility is improving against all good reason, that the Flynn effect is reversing in developed countries due to their demographic problems, and that the "race realists" haven't been debunked on that front, or racial IQ differences, or anything of that nature.

The point is that you bros haven't made a valid claim ITT about the average IQ of America in the 1930's still.
>thread clearly dedicated to 302-chan
>faggots talk about iq and shit.

Theres no hope for us
>blacks are slowly dying off
>massive gains in tacos

yeah because we dont import niggers anymore. we gotta stop letting taconiggers in and kick out ALL the illegals. abortion will contain the poor and economic mobility destroys fertility rates.
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>when the old standardized WAIS was implemented 1978
Exactly, because IQ TESTS change over time.
They didn't adjust for different standards or testing differences (which happen very freauently)

You're a retard

Still waiting on source that claims average american adult IQ is 80 via 1930s
>abortion will contain the poor and economic mobility destroys fertility rates

The right needs to sort itself out on abortion bigly.
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>The way her subtle lips flow from her eyes as she squats...
>So then why do we never see this reflected in realistic numbers in media and advertising?
unfortunately it is here. i'm sure hongcouver is the same. many ads showing WM/AF couples with hapa kids. Fuck them all.
Did you read the paper? That very thing was accounted for.

Additionally, did you do the math like I asked? The answer would have been obvious if I did. I do hope you're just stupid and not willfully ignorant.
>That very thing was accounted for

Nope. You've failed to present an argument.

>do tha math mane

It's not an argument.
>the most common form of interracial relationships are white men and asian women.
Source? I thought it was white/hispanics
wow, you're shitposting from your phone in bed now aren't you?
>No, I am implying that the IQ differences observed betwee races is not caused by racial genetics.
Implying modern science is hijacked massively by politics and money and would ever dare publishing any evidence suggesting iq difference. enjoy your blind trust.


Because men are easily swayed by foreign pussy whereas white women are the least likely racial group to date outside their group. Women typically date across and up on the social ladder so only the tip top niggers can get even a slightly above average white girl. Asian women are low on the social totem pole in the west so they're an easy get for betas. The propaganda you see in media for WW/BM is precisely because they're desperately trying to convince white women to race mix. Instead you'll see a generation of crazy cat ladies who focused on their careers at the expense of raising a white family.
>51% of niggers conceived in the US are aborted before becoming criminals

its actively cheaper to pay for the poor's abortions than it costs to pay a cop to shoot them. God damn religious idealism gets in the way every time.

there's got to be a way to convince them.
>You're a sex slave to a guy
Now what anon?
Absolutely shocking anon.
You don't even need to take it there bro. Just hold them to their own arguments, use logic (they can't into it) kick back and watch them self destruct. Most of the more intelligent anti-nationalists actively avoid the topic of IQ because of the broken state of their rhetoric on the issue.
I can't believe someone can sustain this level of delusion and still function. IQ data by country is readily available. Children in Kenya fail the basic mirror test at 5 years old. This has nothing to do with nutrition or education.
>They didn't adjust for different standards or testing differences (which happen very freauently)
I see no argument here, just a statement. Burden of proof is on you, who made the initial accusation. I ask again, did you even read the paper
>i-i can't do basic math! you must be wrong!
I'll do the math for you.
>On broad-spectrum tests such as the WISC and the WAIS, Americans have gained about 3 IQ points per decade, or 15 points over a 50-year period.
>These numbers came from a work carried out from 2002 to 2006 by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries.
Let's go with 2000 as our reference point, it'll make things easier. In the link, we see the IQ of the average American circa 2000 is 98. 1930 to 2000 is 70 decades, so that's a difference in IQ of 3 * 7 = 21 points, or an IQ of 77 at the beginning of the 1930s.
>b-but muh whiter 30s america
Don't even try to bring this up. The Dutch have the same pattern, as showed earlier in the thread.
Fat women as in 250lb+ land whales?
Personally, I enjoy a woman with a bit of weight on her hips, it evens the body out but, those vulgar land whales make me want to vomit up a concoction of both mucus and blood.
The end goal is mass genocide of 90% of the human population, intelligent resistence must be eliminated before the end goal can be realized. So far most of intelligent western Europe is being overrun and starting to collapse, developed Asia has been warped with similar low birth rates and North America is flooded with low IQ immigrants.

The elite are pissed at Trump as his agenda is counter to their plan and has boosted nationalism in many target high IQ nations. Russia (and Iran) is also a constant focus of media/political attacks, as it is the last remaining high IQ nation not under complete globalist control.
More like 60% of the population and the highest income earners in the states/world.
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>I see no argument here, just a statement. Burden of proof is on you, who made the initial accusation. I ask again, did you even read the paper
You're replying to the wrong person.

You're still using that same fucking study, about children's IQ scores. The entire study doesn't match up to the origional claim, that the average IQ of Americans was 90 in 1932, you confoundingly stupid mother fucker.

Show me one (1) piece of evidence that proves the average IQ of Americans in 1932 was 80.

>In the link, we see the IQ of the average American circa 2000 is 98. 1930 to 2000 is 70 decades, so that's a difference in IQ of 3 * 7 = 21 points, or an IQ of 77 at the beginning of the 1930s.

Top fucking kek. And look! We're down in the 70's no. That must've been some top tier chow my great grandpa was getting, to progressively improve his IQ over two standard deviations in his lifetime alone. Really impressive. Fucking kang """"intellectuals""""
*80 in 1932

More so, you simply continue to use just this one study. That's a pretty shocking difference, how IQ improved over two standards deviations in 70 years. Any actually relevant studies would be great.
It is fucking gross.
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>China ladies
White women are jealous of asian women.
We do all the time. Only recently we been seeing asian guys with white women in media
>You're still using that same fucking study, about children's IQ scores. The entire study doesn't match up to the origional claim, that the average IQ of Americans was 90 in 1932, you confoundingly stupid mother fucker.
Did you read the paper? That same trend holds for adults too. I posted an image earlier in the thread stating as such.
>Show me one (1) piece of evidence that proves the average IQ of Americans in 1932 was 80.
Did you not see the math? There was nothing wrong with it. The only possible vector of attack is that of proving the statistical trend as outlined by the paper is simply incorrect, which you haven't even attempted.
>m-muh 70s
There is less than a 4 percent difference between 77 and 80. Is this truly the hill you've chosen to die on?
>That must've been some top tier chow my great grandpa was getting, to progressively improve his IQ over two standard deviations in his lifetime alone.
>Flynn concludes that the tests do not measure intelligence but only a minor sort of "abstract problem-solving ability" with little practical signficance.
You didn't read the paper, did you?
It's not like the Flynn effect is some freak observation of one man. Pick your poison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect#Rise_in_IQ
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So basicaly the kids never took the actual test but the reaserchers ''ESTEMATE'' the average IQ of children, i have a question on what these estemates are based on?Since we wery well know that IQ can be effected by bouth enviroment and devolopment of brain and race.
>ctrl+f BRAAAP
>0 results
did it go rotten
Love the whole muh iq here. Yet everyone here is a neet virgin autist.
High iq for nothing at least niggas got sports
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Fuck you leaf faggot, no one cares about your opinion , shut the fuck up chink faggot!
Why does the media never show black women with white men, or any other color? Because the media is biased, the media low-key props up white women as the highest form of life.

The media is white women.
Hmm no. If youre using okc data for beta bux yes.
We dont know whats going on there.

Interracial stats show they are mire likely aside from asian n latin women to marry out
Dude, that is not a brappy ass. Just because it's a picture of females with butts pointed at the camera doesn't make this a brap.
U did u irrelavent baltic shithole
Ur iq sux ur athletics sux an your country sux. Bet kenya gets more gold medals then you. Being part of russia was your peak.
>Did you read the paper? That same trend holds for adults too. I posted an image earlier in the thread stating as such.
Doesn't follow. I never doubted the Flynn effect. I do doubt that the IQ of Americans improved by over two standards deviations in 70 years, which you have failed to prove, but have continued to imply.
>Did you not see the math? There was nothing wrong with it. The only possible vector of attack is that of proving the statistical trend as outlined by the paper is simply incorrect, which you haven't even attempted.
Because you've posted nothing relevant to the argument, yet. Again, any single test which proves that in 1932 the average American's IQ was 80. No implications based on speculative models would be great
>There is less than a 4 percent difference between 77 and 80. Is this truly the hill you've chosen to die on?
What the fuck are you talking about? You said that the average IQ of Americans was 77 at the beginning of the 1930's.
>You didn't read the paper, did you?
Yeah. It had no statistically provable point about the average IQ of Americans in 1932 (except children, according to the model)
>>Flynn concludes that the tests do not measure intelligence but only a minor sort of "abstract problem-solving ability" with little practical signficance.
That wasn't your argument. Your argument was that the average IQ of Americans was 90 in 1932 (also that Africans had a higher IQ at the same period, if you're that samefag) and that average IQ scores in America improved by over two standard deviations.

Prove literally fucking any of this.

I'm not contending with the Flynn effect. In fact, I've even stated that it is reversing and linked a study to it (which would imply that I'm not contending with it).

What I am contending with is the claim that the average American's IQ was 80 in 1932, which you have failed to prove.

That's a pretty significant claim. There should be at least one other study to back it up, if true.
>Your argument was that the average IQ of Americans was 90 in 1932

80. I type to fast..
>Your peek was when you where part of russia
Even germans have more claims on our land fagg.
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White men can have flat chested asian woman who look like they suffer from down syndromes, we'll just get with curvy, beautifulwhite woman.
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This. Ok and these other dating sites are the best representation of how the real world works as most people, specifically minorities, don't go on those sites.

In real life I see white woman with black and middle eastern men all the time where I live.
>No implications based on speculative models would be great
Burden of proof, my man. Show me where the paper's stated trend was wrong. I place more faith on a peer-reviewed, sourced paper than a statement from some random anon. I trust you'll do the same. All I've done is do simple math based upon the paper's claims.
>What the fuck are you talking about? You said that the average IQ of Americans was 77 at the beginning of the 1930's.
77 is practically 80 (the original claim not made by me), unless you want to argue that 4 percent difference. Do you want to go there?
>I'm not contending with the Flynn effect. In fact, I've even stated that it is reversing and linked a study to it (which would imply that I'm not contending with it).
Your paper was behind a paywall. I doubt you read it for yourself.

Unless you can disprove that "Americans have gained about 3 IQ points per decade, or 15 points over a 50-year period," as the paper states, you fail to have a leg to stand on.
*Aren't the best representation
stop posting these softcore porn pics. kys. sage.
Sorry Tyrone http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/06/12/interracial-marriage-who-is-marrying-out/
>Burden of proof, my man. Show me where the paper's stated trend was wrong
If you would have linked precisely what you were talking about, I could have.
>77 is practically 80 (the original claim not made by me), unless you want to argue that 4 percent difference. Do you want to go there?
Sure. Points are not percentages.
>Your paper was behind a paywall. I doubt you read it for yourself.
It was cited in 160 scholarly articles, you can probably read it if you have access to a research database. Like I said, I could post free ones. This one should do fine: https://www.gwern.net/docs/iq/2016-dutton.pdf
>Unless you can disprove that "Americans have gained about 3 IQ points per decade, or 15 points over a 50-year period," as the paper states, you fail to have a leg to stand on.
Top kek. You provided a speculative model about the average IQ of children and based your math on it. You haven't proven anything.

Do you unironically believe IQ in white people (and white people alone) improved OVER two standard deviations in a 70 year period? Why didn't black people experience the same effect? Have you considered this?
what's the tl;dr of this? which race has the highest ratio of marrying out? does this taking dating/one-night-stands into consideration? that's an important factor.
Using the same model, how did white people go from around 80 to 100 in a 70 year period? And why have blacks gone from, well, whatever you think they were to their current average of about 80? If they expirenced anywhere near similar improvements, they would have had a starting point IQ of a literal fucking retard in 1930, using the same math. Wuz you retards?
You actually believe that link? You do realize that middle easterners and Hispanics are considered white under the u.s census right?
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The tldr is that white women AND men leave their race the least out of all races for marriage. That study didn't count hookups but pic related did and it was only measured in ultra lib cities so the values are even lower
You didn't read it. They did a separate ethnic study linked covering Latinos and their numbers were crazy high. People from ME not counted at all

The conquistador genes carried over, it appears. Do most Mexicans have Euro or native haplogroups? Does anyone know this?
Did you fail to read your own paper? It specifically states the USA still maintains a positive Flynn effect. Page 6, concluding statements.
>If you would have linked precisely what you were talking about, I could have.
Taken verbatim from this very thread:
>These gains are not limited to the WAIS, to adults or to the United States.
>In an influential series of papers, Flynn showed that the increasing raw scores appear on every major test, in every age range and in every modern industrialized country. (The rise itself is now often called "the Flynn effect.")
>The increase has been continuous and roughly linear from the earliest days of test ing to the present. On broad-spectrum tests such as the WISC and the WAIS, Americans have gained about 3 IQ points per decade, or 15 points over a 50-year period.
This same increase is something that has been observed by multiple people, including prior to Flynn's papers, as noted by Wikipedia. So have fun disproving that.

>Sure. Points are not percentages.
Again, did you even read your own paper? It acknowledges a 3 to 5 difference in IQ points as merely a "slight advantage." See page 3,

>Do you unironically believe IQ in white people (and white people alone) improved OVER two standard deviations in a 70 year period? Why didn't black people experience the same effect? Have you considered this?
Where the hell did I ever say this? America is more than just white people, you know. If you could provide some proof that black people are not subject to the Flynn effect, that would be great.
I am only here to disprove the claim that the average IQ of Americans in 1932 was 80. Still no proof. Still basing your claim on an implication of a speculative model, it does not (NOT) follow.

>Again, did you even read your own paper? It acknowledges a 3 to 5 difference in IQ points as merely a "slight advantage." See page 3,

3 to 5 points is very little. two standard deviations is not insignificant. And you have still failed to prove it.

>Where the hell did I ever say this? America is more than just white people, you know. If you could provide some proof that black people are not subject to the Flynn effect, that would be great.

I didn't make the claim, just holding you to your own argument and to your own math. What was their improvement? Or did they fail to meet it, considering that you allege the average African had a higher IQ than the average American in 1932, supposing your skewering of the concept of the Flynn effect, supposing that American's average IQ has improved two standard deviations.

So show me any single scrap of statistical evidence that the IQ of the average American was 80 in 1932.
One link anon. One study. of measured American IQ in 1932, or even around 1932.
You read the article again you doofus. That article stacks hispanics, Jews and Mena people under the white category and not as separate races, and guess what 52% of all Hispanic men married in 2010-2015 were married to white woman, therefore the white people are in reality marrying out alot more than that article let's on.
I don't think you understand the implication of the paper's claim. If a trend is linear, you can easily extrapolate, which is what I did. That trend is something that is backed up by multiple papers, as you yourself can see on Wikipedia. I've already presented a peer-reviewed paper showing that trend exists. I'd like to see some evidence to the contrary.
>considering that you allege the average African had a higher IQ than the average American in 1932
Where are you getting this? I think someone's up past their bedtime. What *was* said earlier by another anon is that the IQ of semi-present day Nigeria (84) was around that of 1930s America (roughly 80), which, assuming you can disprove the aforementioned linear trend, is true.
The jews are out to destroy the white man like they did the chinese man. Remember how the jews went on a spare no expense brainwashing run to desexualize the chinese male with the "all chinese men have micro penises lol" because they saw Bruce Lee as a threat when american women started lusting after him? Well now it's the white man's turn but they can't use the micro penis meme so they're using the gay meme. The jews want slaves bred from black men so they're dumb and easier to control when enslaved.
kek the US will have a bigger Mexican population than Mexico. we are only 126 million while we are reaching that point where our population is going to start declining. you guys are cucked
>estimate the IQ in 1930
So basically fucking worthless and relies entirely on completely accepting your retarded, outdated model.
>If a trend is linear, you can easily extrapolate, which is what I did

No, you claimed that the average IQ of an American (at a time when the US was +90% white) was 80, while the average Nigeran's was higher. Still waiting on evidence of that.

>What *was* said earlier by another anon is that the IQ of semi-present day Nigeria (84) was around that of 1930s America (roughly 80), which, assuming you can disprove the aforementioned linear trend, is true.

So assuming that I don't descend into that cluster fuck of implications based on nothing but speculative claims made by researches, according to the same math, why did black Americans not see a similar rise? Why are they not around 100, considering IQ averages in countries they would be native to hover around what you allege the US was in 1932? Or was their average IQ be closer to 60 in 1932? Because black averages are hovering around 80 right now in the US.

pls elaborate on the plight of the kangs.
asking the real questions
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>asians going for the THICC meme
Welcome to niggerlogic
About 1/3 of the commercial here in leafland have a white male with an asian or non-white female.I can think of 7 commercials that air all the time like this off the top of my head.
im trying at the moment to hook up with this thai woman for a fuck.

she hinted she has a friend and that she wants a fmf threesome.

im not interested in dating her, i just want to bone her tight body.
t. homosexuals
*Or would their average IQ be closer to 60 (legally retarded btw)

That's the problem with taking the Flynn effect out of context and using it to suit your agenda. By the same trend, using the same math, Americans would be legally retarded at the turn of the century, which would be a foolish claim. Just as the claim that Americans had an average IQ of 80 in 1932.
>No, you claimed that the average IQ of an American (at a time when the US was +90% white) was 80, while the average Nigeran's was higher. Still waiting on evidence of that.
Where did I say this? Please, as you seem to be fond of saying, post proof. Unless you mean present day Nigeria, which as evidenced by solid data is essentially true. At the very least, the two are comparable.

Do you not know basic math? Do you not know how slope works? These aren't difficult concepts, anon. I can explain them for you if need be.

>So assuming that I don't descend into that cluster fuck of implications based on nothing but speculative claims made by researches, according to the same math, why did black Americans not see a similar rise? Why are they not around 100, considering IQ averages in countries they would be native to hover around what you allege the US was in 1932? Or was their average IQ be closer to 60 in 1932? Because black averages are hovering around 80 right now in the US.
I never claimed any of this. I am only here to prove - to borrow your own words! - that 1930s America had a similar IQ to present-day Nigeria.

You really didn't read the paper, did you? Or else, you're just tired. As stated by the paper, that IQ of 80 is measured by today's standards, not 1930's standards. Which would be quite ridiculous, I agree - assuming you take IQ as the golden standard via which all intelligence is measured. The whole concept of IQ is ridiculous as a measure of intelligence, which is one of the claims of the paper as well.

Math does not lie, anon. Quit running away from the truth. :)
>So here in North America, and probably even outside of here, the most common form of interracial relationships are white men and asian women. So then why do we never see this reflected in realistic numbers in media and advertising?

for the same reason that homosexuals make up ~1.8% of the population, but are so overrepresented in media that americans literally believe that 1 in 4 people is gay
>Where did I say this? Please, as you seem to be fond of saying, post proof. Unless you mean present day Nigeria, which as evidenced by solid data is essentially true. At the very least, the two are comparable.
It's the entire premise you've been defending.

>You really didn't read the paper, did you? Or else, you're just tired. As stated by the paper, that IQ of 80 is measured by today's standards, not 1930's standards

No, it was about the scores of American children, again. If nothing else, I'm glad to see you're stepping away from this.

>I never claimed any of this. I am only here to prove - to borrow your own words! - that 1930s America had a similar IQ to present-day Nigeria.

So, you're now agreeing that Americans never had an average IQ of 80 during the 20th century? Good.

>Math does not lie, anon. Quit running away from the truth. :)

I haven't been. There is no legitimate, statistically-based source to prove that Americans' average IQ was 80 in 1932.
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>when you realize thats what The Dark Crystal and The Time Machine is about
because the people of Uganda and Nigeria who grow up in the USA today still have much lower It's than whites in the same conditions. Niggers never needed to evolve intelligence in Africa due to stable food supplies year round, rather than winter periods that required planning to survive.
Holy shit, I just skipped to the bottom of this conversastion. Do we have a kang in our midst trying to convince us that the average IQ of an adult male in the 1930's was around 80?


You're welcome for the tiny bit of white DNA thats most likely in you that has given you enough intelligence to even research this, but you're grasping as straws here.
Wasn't Frank Oz a jew?
He's implying that the Flynn effect proves that Americans had an average IQ of 90 in 1932, and that we improved over two standard deviations over a 70 year period. Not only that, but he conveniently avoids the racial gap, and where they would have had to start (somewhere around 60) to fit into his own premise.
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>It's the entire premise you've been defending.
Not an argument.

>So, you're now agreeing that Americans never had an average IQ of 80 during the 20th century? Good.
When measured by today's standards (the same standards present-day Nigerians are measured by), they did.

>There is no legitimate, statistically-based source to prove that Americans' average IQ was 80 in 1932.
Again, when using the yardstick of today, you're proven wrong. See pic related.

Please, where did the math go wrong? You do know about trend lines and such, right?
*average IQ of 80 in 1932. Not 90.
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I know we're supposed to just shit post since this is 4chan and all, but I just kinda feel bad for black people honestly. Imagine having no culture, no instinct for creating a nuclear family, no future outside of entertainment for white people. It's super depressing. I don't blame them for trying to cling onto a random unsubstantiated thing like this. It doesn't make it any less sad though.
So how stupid were niggers back then?
>Not an argument.
I know. I was telling you what you were doing. You seem to have forgotten.

>Please, where did the math go wrong?
From it's premise, desu. For one, it's based on childhood IQ scores in abstract capacity, which are always weaker than adult IQ scores. More so, if you continue to extrapolate the data, Americans were at one point legally retarded by today's standards. There is nothing about your manipulation of the Flynn effect that is not flawed. That is the issue you're failing to grasp. And there is nothing you've provided that has helped you prove the claim you've been defending, that average American IQ was 80 in 1932. Not even your faggy little graph does that.

Don't pity them. That got us into this mess.
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Shut up, shut the fuck up, make a new thread and go fuck yourselves in the ass there.

WE NEED TO KNOW WHO IS 302 girl, chinese anons ? nobody ? can someone detective shit this thing ?

Who is this girl ?
Fuck 302 and fuck you Europoor faggot. Me and kanganon are sorting some shit out.

No fuck you faggot, we want to know who 302 is, not to see you pester this thread with your militaristic bullshit.

Take a hike and make a new thread where u can discuss the intricasies of cuckolding there.
>For one, it's based on childhood IQ scores in abstract capacity, which are always weaker than adult IQ scores.
The trend holds up for adults as well as per the paper. I've stated this multiple times throughout the thread. You seem to have forgotten. :)
>More so, if you continue to extrapolate the data, Americans were at one point legally retarded by today's standards.
Which is proof of how hilariously stupid IQ tests are as an overall measure of intelligence. Why can't you get over yourself and accept that the math does not lie?

Again, you have to prove the trend, as stated by the paper, is incorrect. Considering how many researchers have looked into the Flynn effect and proved its existence, I think you'll be hard-pressed to do this.

>Not even your faggy little graph does that.
Let me walk you through this. See the 100-point reference point over on the left? See the 120-point dot on the right? Without even taking the extra decade into account, if you apply that 20-point gap to the 2000s-era IQ data posted earlier, you end up with 30s-era IQ of 78. Where, pray tell, did the numbers go wrong here?

Did you get a (debt-free) college education like I did, anon? Or are you just Mommy's special widdle boy? :)
Archive you fucking faggot
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Checked, but control yourself. Go take your sauce requests elsewhere. I'm trying to drill some sense into my fellow countryman over here and he's being more stupid than an American has any right to be.
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Good question,maybe because they cannot be exploited like the other minorities.
>So then why do we never see this reflected in realistic numbers in media and advertising?

Marketing works less well on men than it does on women. That's been proven in shittons of studies.

So obviously marketing is focused more on women. And white women make up the majority of the target demographic, so using white women makes more sense than using Asian women.

Also media has not much to do with reality. Never did and probably never will.
This is a politics board you sex tarved omega male faggot. Do your own digging.

>I've stated this multiple times throughout the thread
Yea. Incorrectly.

>Which is proof of how hilariously stupid IQ tests are as an overall measure of intelligence
There it is! I've been waiting for it this whole thread anon.

>Again, you have to prove the trend, as stated by the paper, is incorrect

No. You have to prove that the IQ of the average American was 80 in 1932. The study doesn't say that at any point, including your graph here>>131618096

>See the 120-point dot on the right? Without even taking the extra decade into account, if you apply that 20-point gap to the 2000s-era IQ data posted earlier, you end up with 30s-era IQ of 78. Where, pray tell, did the numbers go wrong here?
If I apply the 20 point gap to information that isn't present, based on data that's not in the study, your point is proven. Sure anon. That's not a stretch. I think we're done here.
hnnn, red hair is best hair
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I Agree they seek a population of ignorant slaves always fighting each other.
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You do see the graph itself cites a source, right? That "Flynn 1984, 1987" at the bottom? If you want to argue Flynn's datapoints are wrong, that's another matter entirely, but you can't say the information "isn't present." I know you're better than that.

Or maybe not. I can't tell if you've ever set foot in a place of higher learning before now. Sure would be nice if you told me where you went to school.
>that's another matter entirely

Correct. Because my issue was never with the Flynn effect, but you propping up bullshit rhetoric with it.

>I can't tell if you've ever set foot in a place of higher learning before now

Community college master race, and debt free as well (so far).
>Correct. Because my issue was never with the Flynn effect, but you propping up bullshit rhetoric with it.
Where, pray tell, did I go wrong? The numbers all add up. I never claimed that 30s America was clinically retarded, merely that 30s America would have had an IQ similar to present-day Nigeria if they took the test today, which according to the graph is true.

>Community college master race, and debt free as well (so far).
I respect a man who pulls himself up by his own bootstraps. Doing it debt-free is the way to go.
>Where, pray tell, did I go wrong? The numbers all add up
No, they don't. As you stated above, you would have to manipulate the information presented on the graph because of the lack of data. 3 fucking decades worth, in fact. Your claim is an assumption at best, and not one that is based in a measurable reality. It is a figment anon. Something you want to be true.

> I never claimed that 30s America was clinically retarded
I know. 80 isn't clinically retarded. But it's foolish to think that Americans' IQ has gone up two standard deviations since 1930, especially based on a speculation made by researchers in a study of children.

>merely that 30s America would have had an IQ similar to present-day Nigeria if they took the test today, which according to the graph is true.
For the hell of it, since this is my last post, Lets say it is the case. It would only be in abstract capacity. Not pattern recognition, spatial, verbal, math, etc... Don't choose to believe this bullshit anon. It's a hard redpill to swallow and I wouldn't want to do it if I was black. But good luck.

>I respect a man who pulls himself up by his own bootstraps. Doing it debt-free is the way to go.
Agreed. I pity the fools collecting gibs right now from the education industrial complex. I hope your degree is in STEM or something useful anon. I'm done for tonight bros.
>Agreed. I pity the fools collecting gibs right now from the education industrial complex. I hope your degree is in STEM or something useful anon. I'm done for tonight bros.
Yep, bachelor's in CS from UT.
Well, goodnight my friend. I don't think we saw eye to eye, but I did enjoy talking with you.
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>would let her force me to have sex with her /10
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>interracial relationships are white men and asian women
If you count Hispanic as a race there is no way this is possibly true. I mean that shit barely counted as interracial decades ago.
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thats a crime to count hispanics as whites
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Ah, young White women. So attractive that they're single handedly collapsing the greatest civilization known to mankind.
no the most common mix is white and native american followed by Hispanic and white.

your a fucking shill faggot
Native Americans are counted as Asian and then yes its hispanics
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Because Jews own the media, and they don't actually care about representation just promoting black people.
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