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Hello /pol/ I had fun answering your questions last night, unfortunately

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Hello /pol/

I had fun answering your questions last night, unfortunately a boatload of people told me to kill myself only AFTER I had left, so I want to give them a chance to tell me to kill myself to my face

I am a banker at a top 10 bank globally in a top 10 financial center. I won't disclose which but it's one of the biggest players, and you can ask me about the firm/what it does

I'm here to offer my answers to any questions you may have. For the record, Hillary Clinton was a better candidate. Things are getting better, not worse. Financial services is a good industry that contributes to overall welfare.

Ask me anything. Please keep an open mind
Just for the record, I do say 'top 10' for both since I don't work for a large American/British bank, although I deal with all of those banks as clients in my role
>I am a banker at a top 10 bank globally in a top 10 financial center
So you went to a top uni but were too dumb for a career in academia then? I love laughing at mental cucks like yourself. JHU represent
No one cares about you, kike loving faggot. Saged and reported.
Whats jew penis taste like?
I have about £5000 where should I put it?
>implying you aren't lying
obvious larp posting bait

Up your ass
For people ITT, I went to school with a bunch of people like OP claims to be. Most people who choose the finance/IB route are druggies with connected parents or insecure, basic bitch types. No self respecting intellectual would do something like that.
How do toy feel about fact that after western civilized world weakened by manipulations of kike bankers will be defeated by Islam, you will be killed for practicing usury according to Islamic laws?
Are you a cheese pizza connoisseur or do you prefer hot dogs?

Actually my school had a sub 10% acceptance rate and I graduated with the equivalent of a 3.95/4.00 cGPA. Finance is extremely competitive my man, beyond even academics too


I don't know, but I can tell you from clubbing at a fairly Jewish school that Jewish girls are not super attractive


Meme question


There's definitely a lot of connections, but those people don't really move too far up the ladder unless they're competent. As for intellectualism, I'll have you know I was a quiz bowl champion in high school
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Israel would never let that happen to me
>3.95 GPA
pol sci is a fake major bro, as is anything non-engineering/physics
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/pol/ is serious business
Any idea of what will happen in the near future with the US economy and also what do you think will happen with the NAFTA renegotiation?
Kill yourself

I did a double major in economics and mathematics

Strongly considering going to grad school in a few years for Economics although we'll see how things pan out
Kill yourself you fucking faggot cunt.
No one wants to hear any of your shitty opinions.

Israel cant do shit without USA, and USA has no future if you look at their birthrates. And one more thing - yous masters dont give a shit about expendable goyim livestock like you, you will be discarded in case of emergency.
Actually I can answer all of these quetions:
1) no one cares
2) no one cares
3) no one cares
4) you're a fucking faggot cunt
Why do you Guys always lose money and had to be safed ? We should let the banks crash and start over without bankers.
people in my major (chemical engineering) have a name for you math and econ majors. It's called "bitch"

Aww how cute, you think government has nothing to do with it? Guess who makes the banks legislation which leads to crashes like the 2008 one?
How many dicks can you bury in your ass?
>Hillary Clinton was a better candidate
>Things are getting better

Explain this, assuming you mean that Trump being president is what's making things better
VP at GS / MS / JPM generalist M&A team, London here.
What bank are you at and why isn't it a top 3 bulge bracket?
>the clinton cunt was the capitalist candidate
yeah, well, no
they were right
hang yourself
Go ahead and explain to us peasants the reasons that lowering the average iq of a democracy is a good thing.
he's right in that
>We should let the banks crash

but not so to create the eternal socialist new man
only so to encourage strength by punishing weakness
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I thought it is obvious. Jewish owners of banks rule JewSA. Talking head goyim elect doesnt decide shit. So much time passed after "election" and most burgers still dont get it - i used to have much higher opinion about them.
how hard is working in a big powerful bank? What is the financial industry like? How often to financial firms, stoke broking, hedgefunds, wealth management, etc. how often do they fail go/bankrupt (how often are new companies started)(why I ask this is I am wondering in investment banking, people working for the firm in each firm are trying to make money every day, im wondering their gain to lose rate, how often do workers in that industry suck/get fired)? Is QE money given to big banks to invest? What would you think about a singular one world currency?
people are waking up to this fuckin scheme though.

Good question. Honestly, it's hard to say because 1. Trump is unpredictable and 2. the economy is already at full employment. We'll probably see a moderate level of growth from Trump deregulating, lowering taxes and investing in infrastructure, etc. which will in part be offset by the Fed's rate hikes and natural labour market decay due to aging.

Personally I would've preferred to see TPP and a more Obama-esque approach to regulation and taxation since I think it would create more sustainable and equitable growth in the long-run. Dodd-Frank was a bit overbearing but Trump will probably pull some retarded shit instead like reinstating Glass-Steagall

I can't really comment on NAFTA besides the fact that the US probably has a good negotiating position (at least, based on Mexico and Canada's responses). Obviously pulling out of NAFTA would be harmful to all 3 countries


(((I'll))) be fine, thanks


Because we are rational businesses seeking profit, the government needs to regulate us better


I am actually finessing a girl who studied Chem Eng rn, she says she regrets her degree since it's useless and restrictive. I'm also better at physics than she is so lol @ chem eng


I can't say but it's because I work in a country that has a strong and highly interconnected banking system that was way easier for me to get into than going abroad yet still pays fairly well


This is a loaded question. You know, there are way more important factors in deciding IQ than race. Also, if that was your only concern, wouldn't you be happy with Asian immigration to the US? They are the fastest growing immigrant group after all
OK so why is Trump a worse candidate than Hillary in that regard? Why would Jews prefer him in power?
He swallows Bibi Netanyahu's dick balls deep. There never was more Israel-loving president in US history.
whats the deal with bank bailouts? Do the banks know they are messing up, but do it anyway because they know they will be bailed out? Shouldnt the big banks have to bail out their customers, not the gov?
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Lol literally letting a computer do the Jewing for you, creating nothing.
I thought Israel had nothing to do with the American Jews who actually enjoy seeing shit burn
Can you even spell engineering?

t. God tier Architectural Engineer
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>I would've preferred to see TPP
Fuck you, China shill. You guys want to speed up flight of American jobs oversees even before automation takes them. And force us to pay for other countries' healthcare

>a more Obama-esque approach to regulation and taxation since I think it would create more sustainable and equitable growth in the long-run
Yes, continue to tax Americans with jobs while handing the jobs of others to Foreign markets and illegal immigrants. SO sustainable, to continue to decrease our industry and energy harvesting, keep us reliant on other countries, and make deals that hurt us further and further
It's thier slave state. The Jew is a wanderer, a true parasite.
you know as well as i they'd flee to israel all the same were the united states to become uninhabitable. the same applies to EVERY jew in the world. they don't care about their host countries. not a single fucking bit.
They may have various interests, but they always remain united and loyal to their race.

Aren't all of Russia's oligarch's Jewish?


Well they didn't know they would be bailed out, that was a decision made during the crisis. So you think now with that precedent, they'd be encouraged to be risky and mess up because they know they'll be bailed out, right? Except now banks are way more tightly regulated. They are classified as being 'systemically important' in their local operating region and have to maintain adequate capital ratios (Basel II, III) among other things.

The bailouts don't exist to line the pockets of execs, they exist to prevent the flow of capital from collapsing so that the economy can continue to function and people don't lose their livelihoods. This is a huge misconception that populists like to push.

Post proofs or KYS.

Tell me about prep school fashion when you went.
Yes, and pootin is a huge shabbos goy.
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Explain this:
Full Movie: “Clinton Cash” – YouTube

Explain this:

Explain this:

Explain this:

Explain this:

Explain this:

Explain this:

Explain this:

Explain this:
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Feck off E-Corp.
>Hillary Clinton was a better candidate. Things are getting better, not worse. Financial services is a good industry that contributes to overall welfare.
People weren't referring to the economy you kike
>For the record, Hillary Clinton was a better candidate

Anything you have to say is completely irrelevant.

Please, do the world a favor and kill yourself asap.

TPP was fucking terrible for China, it took a bunch of SEA, Australasia etc. countries and moved them way closer to America. Pulling America out of TPP fucked that up.

>flight of American jobs

I'll take specialization of labour for 500, Alex.

Where is this 'hurting' us coming into play? The numbers are all against you. Median household real income is up. Unemployment is super low. Inflation is nearing optimal levels. Your only claim to fame is that inequality is up, but you are offering no solutions to that. Protip: Trump won't help


I'm not clicking those. If you summarize the arguments I'll address it
kid, this is /pol/, we are aware of the destructive forces of your profession.
There will be no leanience towards you

Go out and protest for Navalny then


Lol but that's the most important thing in ensuring quality of life. She also beats him on foreign policy and social issues imho

What do you make of Ronald Bernard's interviews?
Which is more important, BIS or City of London?
Will crypto tank?
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Hmm no its not the most important thing. There are more crimes in rich nigger neighborhoods than poor white ones.
Does anybody remember that episode of "Married With Children" when Al locked up Buck in the basement with copies of Biggin's to get him ready to fuck the neighbor dog? Buck got so worked up he fucked the neighbor dog to death.
Great posts OP

1. Don't know who that is

2. I don't quite know what you're asking but if it's about something British I can assure you that I am clueless

3. Most will, a few won't. Too risky to pick, still
Also how are you contributing to shit? All you do is manipulate and move money around then make a profit, eventually your bubble will burst but who cares right, you'll just be bailed out again.
How often do financial firms, stoke broking, hedgefunds, wealth management, etc. fail go/bankrupt

How often are new financial companies started?

What is the average gain/lose rate of financial firms?

What would you think about a singular world currency?

How much of the NK situation is about money?

What do you think about the petro dollar?
This thread is low energy, and for good reasons..Who the fuck cares about a bankers thoughts? You are a slave, and I don`t take advice from low-life Zionist capos.
Navalny cooperates tightly with (((Russian opposition))) that consists of so extreme turboyids that your bosses look like goyim compared to them and his own origins are rather vague and even suspicious. Proper opposition was removed long ago. So i do only thing that can be done - educate my fellow people on jewish question, because there are so few sources on it in Russian language.

Rural poverty isn't what causes crime, it's a combination of factors including poverty that are usually found in an urban setting.

You are comparing a rural town to a neighborhood in LA county, one of the most violent counties in the United States. Ffs, Beverly Hills has a violent crime rate of about 300/100k, and like 3.5k/100k for property crime (http://www.areavibes.com/beverly+hills-ca/crime/). You are full of shit my dude
>foreign policy
are you retarded?
she praised Gaddafi death, wanted to arm syrian rebels and said that Assad must go
Stop bragging you fucking giant Faggot. Working with people like you is insufferable.

t. PwC alumni
gib monies?
Do you think it would be intelligent for governments (successful ones) to buy stocks?

In most customer-firm contracts for investing, does the firm offer a guarantee of an amount of money back for the customer who's money they are using to invest?
>unemployment is super low
kike shill alert
Gadaffi attempted to remove international banks from his country. Of course death of this bad anti-semitic goy was good for them.
Do you think that people might vote for a candidate on whether they put Saudi and Israeli interests above American interests instead of which candidate will make them more jewgold and kikepaper?
You work in a bank in a junior position on a cunt hairs width above minimum wage.
Boo hoo! Life's not like the shit we make up on pol
Now fuck yourself and die

I've got a few questions for you OP.

What is your opinion of the Treasury report issued recently? To be more specific, what is your opinion concerning the Volcker rule?

What will the future of cryptocurrencies look like, and how long will they last before financial institutions and governments really start cracking down on them?

Finally, why are the top banks so greedy? What drives the endless greed in acquiring wealth? Does anyone on top have any interests in benefiting humanity, or is it just to gain more and more power and control?
Work with Trump to being some jobs back and lower taxes.
its not all, libya was a barrier that held hordes of niggers away from Europe

The Bank of International Settlements, nigger. They set out the Basel I, II, III

What wuld happen if tomorrow it collapsed. would fiat died?
As I told you yesterday: Kill yourself Hillary-shilling pedo-sympathizer kike ass bitch.

kys larper

>financial firms

Depends on the firm. A lot of asset managers (like hedge funds) fold, since they are not systemically very important. Larger banks very rarely do, at least in civilized countries (as opposed to countries like Spain).

Asset management firms are created new all the time, although recently less so the total number has been shrinking. Markets are getting more efficient and it's squeezing out any risk-adjusted return they can make.

>gain/lose rate

Not a real thing, if you're asking about profit, banks have been improving. Asset managers have been underperforming, largely.

>world currency

Not in my lifetime. One day, though. Global economic conditions are way too varied to make that work right now

>NK situation

None. They are a geopolitical and humanitarian threat that needs to be eliminated

>petro dollar

I'm not sure if I 'think' anything about it, it's just a phenomenon that exists


Fridman | Mikhelson 2018

Make Russia Jewish again


Liberal world order is necessary my dude, Assad must indeed go and Iran must be moved to our side


Shut up accountant make my fucking lunch


Absolutely fucking not lmfao w regards to governments investing in stocks, that is hardly in their mandate and has significant negative consequences for the stock market and peoples' confidence in it

>does the firm offer a guarantee of an amount of money back for the customer who's money they are using to invest?

Yes, they have invented this thing called interest which is exactly that
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>Median household real income is up. Unemployment is super low.
Almost like the Obama Admin changed the way everything is reported. So median household (not individual) income is up and employment down because people have to have multiple part-time jobs instead of the one solid full-time job they had, with a bigger chunk of their income going to health insurance and more of the household in the workforce (diluting the worker pool, lowering pay, and keeping parents away from their kids). And employment is "down" because they didn't include people who aren't currently looking for jobs or people who have very few hours a week (so their employer doesn't have to pay benefits).

>Inflation is nearing optimal levels.
wtf I love the Fed now
Stupid Fiat private bank national debt kike bullshit.
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>Liberal world order is necessary
Of course it is.
>violent crime rate of about 300/100k, and like 3.5k/100k for property crime

Now is that for crime that occurs in Beverly Hills? Or only counting crimes done by residents of that neighborhood?

Example: A dindu from a dindu hood takes a ride to Beverly Hills and breaks into some Jews Maserati and swipes a laptop left on the back seat. Is that counted as a Beverly Hills property crime?
Why do you hate poor people?

What? Firstly, it wouldn't collapse since it's not an actual commercial bank prone to commercial collapse. Second, Basel are agreed upon standards that nations are privy to independent of any action by BIS, BIS literally just serves as an open forum for central banks to talk about their shit and organize better


I am in a junior position but I can assure you I am compensated well


Good shit from the treasury, Dodd-Frank did choke out smaller banks which drives up the cost of capital and forces borrowers to support banks that are, to use a populist term, 'too big to fail'.

Honestly my own opinion on the Volcker rule is pretty unnuanced since it doesn't really impact me (I don't wok in the USA) but I am hesitant to scrap it entirely. Most advocates for reform will suggest that it is overly constrictive and there is no way for the same mistakes to be repeated twice by banks and investors, but the whole point of the Volcker rule is to prevent the next big risky thing (like what CDOs were) from shaking up the financial sector and thus the economy too much. Overall though my opinion could be easily swayed by a compelling argument from an economist on this.

>the future of cryptocurrencies

They won't be your libertarian paradise since central banks are here to stay, forever. They are good at what they do and they ensure stability. However, some cryptos can take off as an advanced and convenient payments platform, like Ethereum. Of course, if something similar were to exist that directly used fiat money instead it would probably be the next big thing.

>why are the top bank so greedy?

No more greedy than the top execs at any other firm. Yes, they do have interests in benefiting humanity. These are still people that you see at the top of banks, often from middle-class backgrounds. They're usually competitive and aggressive guys but they genuinely mean well. Banking isn't this huge well-maintained secret cabal

Nice trips, and thank you for answering my questions.
Post proof or GTFO. Anons are being baited like morons AND normalfags.
>Banking isn't this huge well-maintained secret cabal
Why did they started WW2 then?
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This is a psyop.
This scumbag is trying to cover for THIS VIDEO:

You contribute nothing to society you shuffle paper around for Jews at the expense of everyone else
Poland is right. I wanna see proofs too!
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Check my fucking Digits
LOGOS rising
Why do you hate poor people?
its kinda weird that you type hillary was better, followed by things are getting better, not worse. were those meant to be two completely separate thoughts?

indeed, financial services is helpful to morons. but how most of the world does fiat is a complete and utter scam in the first place, so who cares? and i dont need your counter argument or what have you on this matter. i have the age old opinions of people that matter far more than you do.

so i suppose this post asks a question that seems weird, and then tells you that financial services are nice, but not the problem at all, so i fail to see what youre getting at. are you just here to teach these idiots a thing or two?

Yes it is, that's the whole point, lol. That's why the black area you referenced has a high crime rate as well, it's the same phenomenon. It's in the same area.


Retraining is something that is definitely necessary for those workers who were displaced from their full-time blue collar jobs, and that was part of Hillary's appeal - a technocratic approach to legitimate issues like that.

Obama didn't change how anything is reported. Labour force participation is down largely because of heightened higher education and old people exiting the workforce (https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2017/january/dissecting-falling-labor-force-participation-rate).

Things are going well, and Hillary had a solid plan to fix the things that weren't. Trump is going to go back on what is going well while making what isn't worse.


No problem man. When people think banks are super greedy, I like to point them to Bill Gates - here's a man in a fundamentally creative industry who was an absolute capitalist monster who repeatedly stole and violated anti-trust legislation. I still wouldn't even say he's a bad guy (he is the biggest philanthropist of all time) but finance is not an exclusively evil industry, it's just misguided preconceptions and scapegoating. Working at a bank I can tell you how big the focus on CSR is - banks know they have a shitty reputation and they want to do their best to fix it, and that extends to the very top. The execs aren't sitting together in a room saying 'fuck poor people, let's take all this money'. They are normal people who have morals like a normal person would.


>telling me I hate poor people

I love poor people, both the poor in the West and the poor globally. I just want to help them with facts, not with feels
>banker at top 10 bank
You know that can be as low as a clerk in Springfield.
Silly larp anyways.
BND vs VTI for short term 2 year investment?

I'm looking into buying a house in 2 years and I want to beat inflation.
What are you feelings on federal licensure laws?
K you're done lol

>economy already at full employment.

just lol. Not understanding economcis well enough to use employment to population ratio, I see.

Be honest, you're a first year finance/econ student.
>Yes it is, that's the whole point, lol. That's why the black area you referenced has a high crime rate as well, it's the same phenomenon. It's in the same area.

Ok. I get it now. It's not that black areas are causing crime. It's because urban areas are mixed. That's the problem. Just need homogeneous communities, one for whites one for blacks one for mexicans etc.
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Thanks for coming by to talk. I know reading pol is like wading into a cesspit, but it's nice to get a reality check from actual credentialed experts once in a while.

Do the powers that be have any long term ideas for how we are going to employ the majority of humanity as automation gets more pervasive throughout this century?

It seems like it's killing jobs faster than they are being created. We'd like to keep the consumption based consumer economy alive if possible, but people need work that pays to buy goods and services.
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What are you doing to foil the Jewish led decay of western civ? Aka protecting your own ass, because you know what will happen to it in a collapse. Prolapse.

The only thing I can ever advise is to your risk tolerance. Efficient markets bruh

I'd probably just buy a treasury ETF in your position


I can't say I have an opinion, but I think broadly information asymmetries would make me hesitant to loosen them


There are a few reasons that labour force participation is falling, see my comment above. The decline in working-age male labour force participation is a bit troubling but hardly an economic catastrophe, results are positive on the aggregate and the u3 unemployment rate is still the most useful metric. Still the retraining programmes posited by centrist Democrats are an effective solution to that problem.


Sociocultural factors. The average wealth of an African-American household is 6% as wealthy as the average White. 6%! That is unnatural and rooted in discrimination, which in turn impacts Africna-American upward mobility. Since as a result they also lack the support structures of family and community they turn to crime. More black role models are needed; black communities need to be empowered for things to change.
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>another LARP faggot
>look how successful I am! No, I won't give you any proof!
>Hillary was the better candidate

Shut the FUCK up you Shareblue sliding CUNT.

ignore and post in other threads.
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>Sociocultural factors. The average wealth of an African-American household is 6% as wealthy as the average White. 6%! That is unnatural and rooted in discrimination, which in turn impacts Africna-American upward mobility. Since as a result they also lack the support structures of family and community they turn to crime. More black role models are needed; black communities need to be empowered for things to change.

I diverge with pol on this. I do agree that black people are disadvantaged in a white system, the only real solution to it though is for blacks in America to self actualize and branch off into their own government territory etc, as there will always be conflict caused by those who find it profitable to do so. Which is more avoidable on a national level. Many lives would be saved, and yes, black lives DO matter.

Actually, here's the thing: automation may cause temporary frictions in the labour market, but economists don't believe it will cause long-term structural unemployment.

Here's why: firstly, ignore what CGP Gray says. There is no reason to believe that automation is 'different this time' because he pointed out some easily automatable professions to spook you. New jobs always appear. Consider employment now vs before the industrial revolution. This anti-automation argument is very Malthusian.

There will be some frictions as people are displaced, and re-training will probably be necessary to move them effectively back into the workforce, but they won't be gone because:

Even if robots could do everything better than humans, based on the economic principle of comparative advantage, humans will still have work. Even if robots can do everything better than us, if they can do one thing 10x better than us and another thing 5x better than us, they will just do the thing they can do 10x better than us while we do the thing that they are only 5x better. This creates more productivity than just if they were to split themselves among both.

This works because computational power is not infinite, its limited on an atomic level. For now.

If somehow the traditional constraints are surpassed (my CS friend suggests quantum computing) we may find that an additional unit of human labour will produce such a marginal level of productivity that it will really be worthless. But not only is this not an inevitability, this would literally be an ideal post-scarcity society where people have literally 0 reason to work.

Long-story short, don't worry about automation beyond reasonably implemented training programs. It won't cause a mass famine, it won't cause a depression, it'll only make your life better.

I diverge with pol on this. I do agree that black people are disadvantaged in a white system, the only real solution to it though is for blacks in America to self actualize and branch off into their own government territory etc, as there will always be conflict caused by those who find it profitable to do so. Which is more avoidable on a national level. Many lives would be saved, and yes, black lives DO matter.

I think it's much more efficient for America to mobilize its considerable resources to help Black Americans and integrate them as equal members of society. I don't think racial conflict is in any way innate, especially as thoughts on race become more liberal as time goes on
>Sociocultural factors. The average wealth of an African-American household is 6% as wealthy as the average White. 6%! That is unnatural and rooted in discrimination, which in turn impacts Africna-American upward mobility. Since as a result they also lack the support structures of family and community they turn to crime. More black role models are needed; black communities need to be empowered for things to change.

Is the wealth of Jews included in the white average?
Can I have some money?

Actually, Jewish household income and education levels are quite comparable to Hindus and Episcopalians in the United States. It's just a matter of a culture that supports community and education. Indian-Americans even more overrepresented than Jews, I would argue.

That being said, insulation is never a good thing. But I think Jews serve as a fine example of what an emphasis on community and education can do for a group of people. I will say that they had a head start as the original German-Jewish immigrants that started the Ashkenazi community off were quite well-off, and they were able to support the destitute Eastern European ones that came later. Still though, nothing wrong with Jewish-Americans doing well.
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>I think it's much more efficient for America to mobilize its considerable resources to help Black Americans and integrate them as equal members of society. I don't think racial conflict is in any way innate, especially as thoughts on race become more liberal as time goes on

All the countries south of the U.S. border had the choice of being white countries or mixed countries. Look how that worked out. They all have similar histories and a wealth of natural resources. Hell, the African country Liberia even has the exact word for word constitution as the U.S. and look at the difference. Gotta be that whole biology thing that makes the difference!
Are you all done, Jew-boy?
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How accurate is this illuminati Banker video?

kill yourself
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do you have over 300 confirmed bank transactions?

When will the Chinese housing market collapse?

When are we going to war with China?
>Financial services is a good industry that contributes to overall welfare.


you fuckers and governments with unfunded liabilities are the only two reasons for the immigration flood in the West

fuck you
kill yourself
Can't even tell you where to place £5000, what a LARPER!
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You come across as slimy, and knowledgeable. We haven't forgotten that it was bankers who fucked us over in '07 and '08 while gorging yourselves on drugs and hookers. You bastards wiped out my parent's retirement savings and gave yourself bonuses after the fact. Die, kike.
Do you work with farmers? Or, has your company ever sold shares in DAPL?
Can I have a reference? I'll be graduating with that soon, and I want to take down the system from within. Can you hook me up?
>The bailouts don't exist to line the pockets of execs, they exist to prevent the flow of capital from collapsing so that the economy can continue to function and people don't lose their livelihoods. This is a huge misconception that populists like to push.

You misunderstand why we are complaining. Its not that we don't know why the bailouts were "necessary", its that we wanted the banks to fail because we already don't like banks. The entire system is fucked and 2008 was the best chance to have a not fucked system even if lots of people suffer to get there. We don't want stability or safety, we want freedom.

OP, dead serious here.

Some day you're going to hang. It won't be tomorrow, it won't be next week. But the day will come. You, your boss, your bosses boss and the entirety of that disgusting profession of Jewry will have their bodies shit on and paraded in the square like fucking Mussolini. Whether or not you think you've done anything wrong means nothing. I assure you of this, the day will come.
>For the record, Hillary Clinton was a better candidate

That alone makes me want to tell you to kill yourself, kike.
who cares honestly
OP, kill yourself.
>Things are getting better, not worse.
healthcare costs are continuing to increase 9% per year. it will consume the entire federal budget in less than 10 years. so no, things are not getting better. they are getting worse.
Yeah whatever I probably work with you if you aren't a larper
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Bill Gates is a lying faggot. He is only doing his shit and convincing people to "donate" so that the rich can further control the masses. Common Core is a dead meme of stupid education that is confusing and doesn't work and trying to make it essentially meant GamerGate needed to happen.

Also GamerGate is why Trump got elected so you can say thank you to Bill Gates for inadvertently saving western civilization
>I don't think racial conflict is in any way innate

Yea man, tribalism isn't genetic at all. Kin selection is a myth.

Also all those chinese railroad workers (slaves) that came over and were discriminated against just got lucky that their offspring didn't end up in the same ghettos.
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>For the record, Hillary Clinton was a better candidate. Things are getting better, not worse.
You feel that way because your end result is an underclass full of slaves who own nothing and lease everything, it's quite pathetic of a sell to be honest.

The Privacyless, Freedomless Smart City of 2030 the Elite Are Engineering

Zuck Harvard Gay
Any top 1% guy knows that politics don't matter.
Go fuck yourself LARP'ing faggot.

Martin Shkreli would beat your ass

What's your actual position? Being a "Banker" can mean a multitude of things, and depending on your position at whatever company you are at, it can mean you know alot or know jack shit about the state of affairs. Because based on your answers it sounds like you are a junior analyst at best.
You are not a banker, you are a shill, attempting to turn the retards on this board into socialists like you.
>The bailouts don't exist to line the pockets of execs

Yet they still did exactly that.

If you think the banks didn't know full well beforehand they would be bailed out (by necessity) then you're too much of a grunt or just a shill.
Why would you get a job in academia if you can make more money working in a bank?
You are essentially saying the types of things I would say before the evidence piled up to high that I had to give up the pretense of "everything is fine".

> Even if robots could do everything better than humans, based on the economic principle of comparative advantage, humans will still have work. Even if robots can do everything better than us, if they can do one thing 10x better than us and another thing 5x better than us, they will just do the thing they can do 10x better than us while we do the thing that they are only 5x better. This creates more productivity than just if they were to split themselves among both.

The problem with this is that eventually while continuously producing more robots the law of diminishing returns will say it makes no sense for them to continue doing the thing they do 10 times better and the new robots will start doing the thing they do 5 times better. Yes its true that robots will always be doing the thing they are best at but eventually that will be saturated and the new ones will move on to the less productive thing.

See the thing is when humans are working at productive jobs, they also create jobs with their demand. The only jobs these robots would make it their repair and operation. This would not be the same number of jobs other high wage high productivity workers would make. Once that labour market is saturated new robots would take all the other jobs.

Not to mention if strong ai is created everybody is fucked.
I'm a wage slave looking to get into investing as a means to get wealth over the long term. What resources are reliable that you suggest to teach me what I need to know?

Thanks for your time.
>For the record, Hillary Clinton was a better candidate.
Things are getting better, not worse.
What did he mean by this?
Arrogance and ignorance attracts my flabby ass. Thank you.
>Hillary Clinton was a better candidate
She is a murderer that will hang for her crimes against humanity.

Also, kys
You're a larping fagget you big headed ginger Fuck.
>on /pol/ for less than a month
>larping this hard
Seriously an hero


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