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Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 77

Why and where? Are they going throw Kurd or American-backed Jihadist territory?

I've heard "TURKS GOIN IN SYRIA" too many times now.
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I don't think I've ever seen a true piece of news from that twitter
Kurdistan when?
Turkey just can't help itself with genocides.
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>news twitter called breaking news
>non verified
seems legit
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The only thing I ever wanted in my life is to see a multi megaton aid package delivered to Istanbul. Please god. THEY NEED IT BAD.
>if you don't have the Twitter or Facebook seal of approval you're fake news
This twitter probably is BS, but that's a retarded reason for not trusting something.
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Mattis said "We'll keep arming kurds after Raqqa", i guess this is the Sultan's response
Putin should transfer some nukes to Syria.
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>reports say

no joke, i took a class at uni where the professor literally said the armenian genocide was a fabrication and form of anti-turkish sentiment. he said people did die but it was due to starvation from failed crops and the numbers were blown out of proportion. i reported him to my uni anonymously but hes still teaching today so i think they dont give a shit. he was also a huge palestinian shillfaggot
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this is a legit twitter they report shit before the dumbass media reports it.
>not using twitter for news
hello new fags
A professor or a (((professor)))?
turks have been eager for war since the failed coup
Any live streams yet? Either of the fighting or just news coverage?
>Turks enter Syria
>Nobody cares

Not like they would be the first nation to enter Syria illegally lately.
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Meh, that twitter gave us couple of fake news in last few days. I don't trust it anymore

stratfor is down for me now
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You guys need to pay more attention to the region.

Turkey is not going to take any action against Assad and the SAA, they have no interest in a full scale war. And the last thing Assad needs is a brand new, fully equipped enemy right as he finally has a handle on the rebels.

The Turks might relocate some batteries closer to the Kurdish zones of influence.

Not happening, at least any more than it already was.
no news from us , seems to be not true. Although you may never know , erdog may go more power hungry with the fear that he might lose his place. Paranoia and shit
I'd love to see Russia blow up some roaches

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Checking one of this sites Syria Gen has, there are reports of Turking shelling places...

Is this it, gentlemen? The happening we've been waiting for?

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>two away from Satan trips
Don't forget about that "Syria preparing another gas attack" shit too, goys. (((They))) might've actually done it now.
But is Turkey on Syrias side or against?
Against... How fucking new are you? How is that even a question?
Turkey is in NATO newfag
>right as he finally has a handle on the rebels.
That will change soon. Expect another false flag in the coming months.
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>Turkish army
Turks going to war lol !!! Maybe once they take uncle Sam's dick out of their mouth !
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Oh no, not like they did this nearly a year ago or anything.
Chill, and think more about the question instead of lashing out.
Is Turkey attacking Syria backed forces or US backed forces?

Is it, really?
Are those troops in Syria commanded by NATO?

Just think about it more.

Is Turkey against Syria really?
Nothing lol about it you fucking faggot, the guys in the video at least tried all they could to stop the üntermensch ISIS fuckers while all you do is typing 'lmao' at their death.

C'mon man...
I don't know, prefessor goldsteinberg never stated his religion.
fuck here we fucking go
If Turkey invades Syria, the US and other members of NATO will have no obligation to help them. Article 5 only applies to defensive wars.
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Turkey has been in Syria for a while...
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>implying we dont want ww3 to happen so then the elite can destroy us goys
So this is why assad is retardedly preparing chemical weapons
his name was mahdi and he was a brown skitskin from egypt i think. so probably not (()) unless you mean he was (((hired for his teaching credentials)))
These fuckers helped bringing down our empire, we lost all of our colonies, the monarchy was replaced by anarchy, we were occupied by the Allied powers for some after the great war, we were humiliated in treaties and our population suffered through years of starvation.

But Turkey will rise again.

Now THAT might be bad.

If Syria gasses a NATO member state that might start some shit.
let the fires of the third great war clean us all

> Turkey starts WW3 because it's pissy about much Ottoman Empire falling 100 years ago

Sounds about right
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>Implying he was actually preparing a gas attack
>Implying he actually did the first one

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Oh boy, here I go committing genocide again.
> Turkish Army invades Syria
> Russia sends forces to repel the invasion
> America does not intervene for fear of WWIII
> NATO rules do not apply since Turkey invaded first.
> Russian Army marches to Constantinople
> Patriarch of Moscow enters the church behind an honor guard of Spetznaz
> Minarets are brought down
> MFW we Byzantines now.
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>Those digits
Those digits
>Those digits
Those digits
>Those digits
Those digits
>Those digits
Those digits
>Those digits
Those digits
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It's hard to keep track of the cockroach invasion threads. I thought they were invading Saudi?

Turks invade Syria... unless it's gay they'll do it another day.
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Oh snap nigga, it's happening!
Final offensive for Al-Bab?
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You absolute madman. Kek blesses you.
they're already in syria tho

> trips

Good job anon

You know, there's an old study (by RAND I think) from the 1990s that considered that (defeat and occupation by a resurgent Russia) among 4 likely options for the future of Turkey.

The others included cooperation with Israel to take down Assad (!) and taking over the Caspian after the collapse of Russia

They got two right
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nice 1 (one)
Who cares? Just another 3rd world country thinking they are relevant.
Constantinople reclaimed soonish?
Well, If it's a false flag, then the US can say they HAVE to attack Syria now since Assad attacked a NATO ally with a chem bomb and killed babies!

If this happens, People better call that shit out. It would be so fucking obvious.

the fuck.
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isnt nato only for defensive shit
you're thrown out if you're the attacker, and this looks like an attack no defence

The turkish army isn't really all that good though. They have high numbers that is true but they are not very well trained. I doubt they will be able to take on Syria or even ISIS.
The same Turkish army that tried to depose Erdogan last year?
Have we changed dimensions again? Turkey has been in Syria since last fall...
when will syria stop being such a huge clusterfuck anons?
>nato only for defensive shit

03 Iraq...
America just got fucked in the arse. This is payment for siding with Russia after the failed CIA coup. Turkey gets to fuck over the Kurds, but they will not aid ISIS or the rebels. Assad has been ensured victory at the price of a temporary Turkish controlled northern province. Once the PKK are wiped out then Turkey will cede control back to Assad.
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i hope your right anon
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>Saudi Arabia
>Al Qaeda

Stop shilling for ww3, theres clearly not enought countries involved in this conflict
#Turkish sources said its a retailation against #YPG not a ground operation in #Syria's #Afrin #US


its not happening

china dindu nuffin
All Nations who participated voluntarily joined the coalition.

They don't have the military resources to take the whole of Aleppo province, let alone hold it.
Underated Comment
Yeah. Temporary, Like the Temporary occupation of East Cyprus. No Big Deal. They'll just quit the land and go Cold Turkey on the profits of occupation
ottoman revival when??
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There was no political will to counter the occupation of Cyprus. There aren't enough ethnic Turkmen in Aleppo province to even make it worth it. They'd be fighting against the entire population.
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3 real ones
guys, thats FUCKING it.

give it to me straight:
is shit going down tonight?
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It's a LARP thread, nothing is happening get some sleep.
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It's nothing.
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trips of truth

"And today on BBC News, our main story. Russian neo-crusaders have taken the city of Constantinople in a grand campaign involving all branches of the Russian armed forces. The Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill, celebrated the victory with a grand ceremony held in Constantinople's Hagia Sophia, flanked by a Spetznaz honour guard. Originally constructed as a Christian cathedral in the 500s, the ancient building was converted into a mosque after the fall of Constantinople to Turkish forces in 1453. Designated a museum by the Turkish state in 1931, the Patriarch today announced plans for the conversion of the building into a cathedral. Renovation work has reportedly already begun, with the removal of minarets added during the Ottoman period."
Syria has been abandoned already, the USA went and started picking on Qatar instead. They need that pipeline.

Russia is winning this game of pipelines.
They weren't forced to join back then
when (((they))) stop trying to destabilize the Assad govt and accept that he's the rightful leader of Syria
Rensburg ends up being right about everything
seems really interesting. Also check out the Greek Orthodox Monk Prophecies. They align exactly with that scenario
let them kill eachother so everyone else wins

It has to be soon, because Elder Paisios spoke to an engineering student at the time (1994), telling him that he should continue with his studies, because he will help rebuild Constantinople after it has been ruined in World War III.
What would be even more incredible is if Turkey invokes Article 5. They've thought about it in the past. If the US chooses to ignore the request, in order to defend the SDF, I think NATO would be rendered meaningless. We live in interesting times

>In April 2012, Turkish PM Erdogan considered invoking Article 5 of the NATO treaty to protect Turkish national security in a dispute over the Syrian Civil War.[15][16] The alliance responded quickly and a spokesperson said the alliance was "monitoring the situation very closely and will continue to do so" and "takes it very seriously protecting its members.”[17] On April 17, Turkey said it would raise the issue quietly in the next NATO ministerial meeting
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me gusta
somebody cap this shit

It's also worth noting that Paisios was declared a saint in 2015, the fastest canonization in church history.
u also forgot when WW3 happens and when Russia and Turkey go to war South Africa will go to civil war and the Boers will rule South Africa again
time to move to Russia
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople

Putin is REALLY pissed at the turks already... He just needs a reason.
what makes you think we won't give the pkk anti tank and anti air missles?
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Come on God, give us a happening.

End this fucking stagnation and degeneracy.
mfw orthodoxy is literally THE PATRIARCHY
>america starting a war

america is the ultimate dindu nuffin
thanks nigga
>Video shows Turkey deploying armed military vehicles at Syrian border as they reportedly will enter Syria tonight.
Video shows Turkey deploying armed military vehicles at Syrian border as they reportedly will enter Syria tonight.
The vid got removed, anyone got it?
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Fuck Syria and fuck Assad
fuck everything that isnt mine.
This. Zerg Rush is their only strategy.
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I think this is gonna happen in 5 or so years.Specifically driving the muslims out of Europe. According to Strauss Howe generational theory theres supposed to be a huge war in 2024
>2 artillery pieces

Wew not happening
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as long as Syria has few a marines in a bunker this zerg rush won't go anywhere and will leave the Turkish without enough minerals and gas to fight effectively in the rest of the conflict
Kurds Duck and Cover!
Turkey was always the sceptic cancer on Europe's arse. Glad it's finally released it's not European and looking east instead.

And Istanbul means "to the city" in Greek, so the name change means nothing. First it was Byzantium, then it was New Rome, and now it is Constantinople.
>no source

even if its true anything related to Turkey is bad news
foreign affairs brainlet here

what does this (potentially) mean
This is not a joke, the Turkish military has now crossed into Syria.
means its not happening faggot
America is the ultimate 'push your stupid shit in' country. Don't get uppity with me you little asshole.
The Europeans are disarmed though. And the mosques are storing lots of kalashnikovs

>BREAKING: Hearing from Pentagon sources that USS George H.W. Bush Battle Group has been issued "Extraordinary Orders" relating to #Afrin.
Thats not true. They are very well trained soldiers, but the military stragetic leadership is run by allahu akbars with no clue about warfare.
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It's Happening Caesar!.jpg
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Are you guys ready?
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Constantinople is to be reclaimed

Stop one group of Salafis only to try to replace them with another more easily controlled. They're all equally üntermensch.
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That would be so beautiful.
been ready for so damn long it's just silly. volunteers for the polls for every special, local and primary election just to get access to voter rolls and party affiliation.
that feeling when you have names and addresses and are just waiting for the day to come, but until that day, you are totally the greatest normie neighbor ever.
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Never said it'll be easy lol.

This is how I see it going down:
>more and more frequent terror attacks (already happening)
>more and more people get redpilled and pissed at the government
> Regular people start fighting back ala finsbury park
> Terror attacks get worse in retaliation.
>general consensus becomes kick the muslims out
>finally government has to put stronger restrictions on muslim
>more muslims join the terrorists
>large scale riots and guerrilla fighting, muslims vs Europeans.
>cucked gov tries to play both sides.
>three way civil war between government, Europeans and muslims
>government effectively falls
> Trump and Putin say we're here to save you Europe just like WWII.
>US and Russia drive the muslims out until Turkey. Maybe they will go farther.

Course this scenario neglects China, Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Some of our own will have to be killed as they will side with the muslims.
or maybe the muslims will conquer europe
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>Trump and Putin say we're here to save you Europe just like WWII.
this is an interesting point
Muslims, despite all their bullshit, are a very small minority of most European nations. They would be obliterated in direct warfare.

Even in nations like France, niggers/sandniggers live in highly dense regions like Paris. Could get sieged easily
>non verified
>seems legit
thats unironically more likely when you arent (((verified)))
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they are disorganised and in dense areas,
they'd be easy to swiftly kill. bomb said areas.

Putin would basically turn Turkey into another Afghanistan if it happened, though. The roaches are too Islamic'd to not go into jihadi mode if it came to getting their asses kicked by Russia.
>RUMINT: #Turkey has officially launched her invasion into #Syria near #Afrin.
Why isn't this thread getting more attention?
what % of young people, newborns and, most especially, the armed forces are they?

And how willing are they to fight vs the average eurocuck?
I think that may be the reason for Trump being friendly with Putin. That and China will probably enter the war by expanding in the South China sea or have NK attack SK. Also Turkey will probably show its true muslim colors. My friend is from Turkey and he HATES Erdowan. Says he's hardcore muslim and is trying to turn it into an Islamic State.
True. I think the redpilled masses will also start attacking the government.
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>Why isn't this thread getting more attention?
because you touch yourself at night.
Can leafs get banned? What the fuck is in the water in your shitty country that makes you guys such retards?
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nobody really cares about roaches raid

they're mostly all talk,
they come at 10-15 to fight one person, but when they're met by an equal amount of force they run away, that's basically why they are here and not in their shitholes to begin with, they're cowards with big mouthes
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dumb frogposter
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>nobody really cares about roaches raid
This is a huge moment in the war though. America and Turkey are going to have the face each other if this is true. The proxy war is blowing up
>failed coup
what do you mean
It worked out exactly as erdogan planned
>> Trump and Putin say we're here to save you Europe just like WWII.

>He doesn't know that there are a massive amount of muslims in Russia.
except in Russia, Muslims like in shitholes like Dagestan, and are bombed the fuck out of if they try anything. Very different than Western Europe
Yes, the coup attempt still failed though
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i know, but most ppl dont, plus the media carefully selecct what they're allowed to see and ear about it.
Oh..damn. Astute
Just a show to gather some support for the throne.
Nothing major
Fuck em, we can go back to Constantinople!
People will like it better that way
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>posting from an old-nu-flag
you're the worst kind of person

oh no, i've been found out by a muslim who's learned to use the internet and speak english! what ever shall i do
>there will be wars and rumours of wars

Just rumours, Svenny.
>Muslims like in shitholes like Dagestan


Yes, authorities put them up against the wall and don'tcha know Bobby that's just what gets the mud-slimes to start blowing shit up.
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Lul, cool
>be nice to the muslims or else they'll blow you up
Fuck off. Russia doesn't give a fuck. They treat muslim filth like it should be treated, and guess what? They have less terrorist attacks than Western Europe

>security forces
>Turkish roaches march into Syria
>try to kill Assad
>Trump decides to be smug and bomb Syria with Turks inside

We can only dream
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Come out and spill the beanies!!
Wtf is going on?
>>be nice to the muslims or else they'll blow you up

Yeah, that's no what I said at all you sod. Even if the article agitates for better treatment.

The poster I replied to said that Putin would rise up and save Europe from a wide-scale mud-slime jihad against the West. I informed him that Russia would essentially be wrapped up in a wide-scale civil-faith war even in the heart of Moscow, let alone "help" Europe.
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wait n see
Doesn't the roaches have to go through the Kurds to get to Assad? Not that the Kurds are trying to protect Assad.
main point is to kill the kurds assad is just the excuse to do so
If they're smart, their objective would be to relieve Raqqa by engaging the Kurds surrounding the city.
>amerifats don't know fake news when they see it

>I informed him that Russia would essentially be wrapped up in a wide-scale civil-faith war even in the heart of Moscow, let alone "help" Europe.
except that's not going to happen, because Muslims in Russia are completely cucked. That's my point. Russia has completely pacified it's muslim populous (see the Putin cronies in Dagestan) through force. Most of the Muslims in Russia are not even permanent citizens, but essentially slave labor

>According to the 2010 Russian census, Moscow has less than 300,000 permanent residents of Muslim background, while some estimates suggest that Moscow has around 1 million Muslim residents and up to 1.5 million more Muslim migrant workers.[82] The city has permitted the existence of four mosques
Thread theme
Let's start fun boys, soon we will meet in trenches
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see you there desu senpai, bring anime girls along ;)
this just confirms how ignorant /pol/ users are.
turkey has already had it's army inside syria for almost a whole year.
you guys talk like you are some geopolitical experts but actually, 99% of you don't know shit about anything save for domestic american politics, and even the simplified and theatrical world of US politics is too much for most of you.
Stop playing video games and start reading books, you fucking clowns.

go eat some pork muhamad
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>Spotted the newfag
>some Turkmen controlling regions in Rojava is the same as a full blown Turkish invasion
You sound retarded
what are you implying?
it's a meme to LARP as an ignoramus and thats whats happening in this thread?
Where we are going, we don't need trenches---enjoy the pink mist of your exploded body.

Look at the flag motherfucker.
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<>spotted the doublenewfag

what were you saying, kiddo?
just get into politics since the election did you?
maybe go back to whatever you were doing before, mmo's or whatever.
u from the_donald 2?
>not being IP banned from Twitter unless you provide them your phone #

top pleb, you don't get news from twitter. you get news from people who use twitter.
Byzantines sucked dick tho
Turkish army was the most dependable fighting force in NATO up until Erdogan's purge, your own reports say that retarded g*rm
syria general actually you mouth breathing plebite fuck
Why are you not on the front lines exterminating the kurds?
>the coup attempt failed
not if you consider it was an inside job designed to fail
>isnt nato only for defensive shit
Were you born 5 years ago dude?
Sometimes they go and gangbang some durkas
I already served in the military at the Syrian border back in '15. I'll go again if there's a general mobilization
Coalition of the WILLING
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>mfw roaches BTFO'd by based Kurdish freedom fighters

Kurdistan soon

>Supporting communists

Some people never learn.
Turkroach uprising? Get the spray.
>supporting islamist pigs

Some people really never do learn.

The Kurds being commies is roach propaganda you cuck.
Love this piece of music. A classic.
post proofs
>up until Erdogan's purge
Yeah when it was full of CIA dogs it was very stronk indeed
Shoo shoo, don't talk about stuff you clearly don't understand

what kind of proof do you want?
pic of you killing isis, military dogtag or some other thing showing you served, uniform, I dunno something
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Read you idiot

Retaliation for what? Existing?
>The operation, called Euphrates Shield, has a dual purpose: to dislodge Isis from Jarablus, its last major redoubt on the 500-mile border, and to contain the expansion of Kurdish militias in northern Syria.

>Turkey has officially ended the "Euphrates Shield" military operation it launched in Syria last August, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Wednesday (late March)

Dude, just fucking stop. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. I've been following this war since the beginning. Next time Google harder before you look even more retarded
newest fag
Fake News
A world war will never start in buttfuckhole mid-east, people were saying exactly this in the 60's about Israel-Arab Wars.

>Doesn't understand what will happen when wide-scale jihad will be called as muslims across the globe are declared enemies

>Using 2010 numbers
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>harbiyeyi kapat
>binlerce subay ve astsubayı şutla
>yönetim kadrosunu düzelmeyecek şekilde sakatla
>fetö diye ağla

siktir lan amk mal akplisi

sure i guess


>reddit and morty
Get the fuck out
duplicates and drumpf is killed but assad creates greater syria (4 syriouz)
off by 1
dat ron paul at the end tho
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I just got here.

What's the current situation?

What's Russia's stand on this?

Is this going to be CIA's final push to break full all out war there?

I don't think Putin can let this slide as he was doing with USA's provocations.
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so if I got everything right with google translate, you served in the 102th artillery regiment command, and used pic related?

either that or you were the comander of the artillery depot regiment, but first translation makes more sense to me, especially since I can't see a colonel shitposting on pol
We can only hope so hue freind. This world needs a fucking restart.
the former is correct, served for a month in hq in greek border then got redeployed to Kilis, syrian border for the rest of my time in the army
did you actually shoot someone ?
Yönetim kadrosu da harbiye de fetönün avcundaydı 15 senedir hangi dünyada yaşıyosun amk insan iki tartışma izler. Akpli falan değilim dibine kadar kemalistim cahil herif.
nah, got to shell the other side of the border tho

yönetim kadrosu fetönün avcunda olsa darbe diye ağlaşılan şey başarıya ulaşmıştı, erdoğan şimdi mezardaydı. harbiyeye hele hiç yorum yapmıyorum, askeri liseyle veya harbiyeyle ilgisi olmamış hatta muhtemelen sikindirik bi üni.de işletme okuyan tam bir mal olduğun belli oldu bi de kemalistim diyor ya. sigigit mk
who do you think the 7 headed beast is from Apocalypse? the last head which died (WWI) by the sword and came back. Given authority by the harlot (Israel).
Harp okulu fetö mağdurları diye arat milyon tane sonuç çıkar bari ısrar etme allahın malı internet var elinin altında 15 temmuzdan sonra yapılan açık oturumları izle fetönün askeri yapılanmasını generallerden dinle.
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It is nothing to worry about

These Reddit idiots on here have no idea who turkey is actually fighting

> they are fighting the PKK which is a Kurdish communist revolutionary group who commit terrorist attack all the time in turkey
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Too smartt.jpg
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>reading this
>muh dik muhfugga
Mattis is a warmonger. Not the necon type but still a conceited guy. FUck that asshole messing with Trump's agenda
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call the neighbors.png
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Glorious digits confirm!
If kek is fucking real please let us team up with Russia and obliterate turkey.
kek just a bunch of mall cops.
imagine what would happen if someone said the same about the holohoax
roach spray is a wmd now
finally something interesting happens
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blessed is the prophecy
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>things that will never happen
lol that is exactly what I say about the holocaust
hating niggers and watching rick and morty aren't mutually exclusive you fucking mong
What would happen if we just let them do it and the entire region becomes glass? Islam would become a dead religion over night. Or at least the wahabist sects.

Yeah, it is.

Rick and Morty is turbo-numale-autism.
No matter which side prevails, the whole world wins.
He's talking about the Holocaust but he can't say it outright.
>But Turkey will rise again.

Lol no. We got secret nukes, don't try shit.
Found the nufag
digits and Reserve Bank of Syria by year end
so this happening just defused?
Syria getting raped
Could you have asked for better digits?
never in doubt

Dead roaches and a Rothschild bank, this is all very predictable
>new fags
newfag detected
>i-it's Habbening!
Shut the fuck up and stay in your containment board you pinko fuck
Goddamn /sg/ can't end soon enough

calm the fuck down!
Never, for the jew is the most pathetic thing on the planet.

>large scale riots and guerrilla fighting, muslims vs Europeans.
>cucked gov tries to play both sides
Wrong. At that point, the EU takes advantage of the situation to impose islamic gommunism on all member states, as they originally intended when they began to import these shitskins. Europe is already dead.

I hope he is paranoid as fuck and pulls himself into a full blown war and ends up having to draft all the Turks in Europe
you say that like ISIS is any better trained. I could buy Syria, not ISIS.
This is apart of the ceasefire the Astana talks contributed to you dumb burger

I hope Syria is Turkroach 'nam.
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