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Ask a Pole anything

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Thread replies: 142
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Ask a Pole anything
Why did the Winged Hussars really had these things on their backs?
why choose to be polish?
Yen or Triss?

when will you kiss and make up with Russia to oppose western degeneracy?
I was told that the main reason was to scare off enemies' horses

why not, being 99.5% white (or even more) is pretty comfy

always Yen, every time. She is way more slavic than Triss

Not anytime soon, the butthurt of our currently ruling party towards Russia is pretty giantic.
How poland citizens think of Brazil?
The first two things that people here will tell you are football and coffee, maybe then will be carnival and samba. I doubt that anyone is well-aware of the true situation in your country. Some of you are pretty all right, vid rel

*see Brazil
Well there some polish descendants here they are pretty cool
Why are Poles on /pol/ such self important fag-lords? And why do others such as Australia and the USA stimulate this?
Do many people in Poland smoke ((weed))
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Because we have very few non-white immigrants and that somehow makes us feel relevant
I've got a slow leak around the flapper in my cistern.
How do I fix it?
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Ikr it is getting annoying. Czechoslovakia and Hungary are similar to us and yet they don't spam threads
Why is Poland shit? Why are polacks dumb?
oh wait I know, because they are fucking retarded cockroaches.
yeah, there was a huge migration wave back in the 19th century, because of the oppressions from russia and prussia after failed uprisings

>Why are Poles on /pol/ such self important fag-lords?
because for the past century we used to be dumb Pollacks-toilet cleaners-car stealers, Paweł, and right now we are the ones that can laugh at Westerns

>Do many people in Poland smoke ((weed))
No, I don't think so. I used to smoke once every 2 weeks, but not anymore. At the parties people usually drink vodka, smoking weed is not very common (because of extremely restrictive laws in this matter)

just give us a few years and these fag-parades will be banned

I dunno, smoke a cigaret and think it over
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what were polish/bohemian relations like in the high middle ages
Poland is the Ireland of Germany and Russia (and Sweden (and Austria))
I even made the op's pepe kek
When do we annex Slovakia?
What's your opinion on Serbs and the hypothesis that the first Hussars were originally Serbian?
So... sanctions. Do they actually do anything? I mean, it seems like a trivial effort. A blatant bluff. It doesn't look like Poland will change its mind, so what now, war?
Why do you retards help entrench this meme about this place being a fucking paradise on earth. Even if it was, we wouldn't want to attract all these retards to migrate here and ruin it for us, now would we?
Not bad, we even had an union in the early 14th century

Good job, anon

Right after we annex Romania

> What's your opinion on Serbs
I like them, they are based. But somehow their government is not, weird.

> hypothesis that the first Hussars were originally Serbian?
Never heard of it, doubt that
There won't be any sanctions until 2020, at least. They gave us a month and then we go to court

And how am I doing this exactly? Where is muh based Poland in this thread? I am just answering question, anon.
>Germany thinks it will still be a country in 2020
no worries then
I have a short layover in Warsaw tomorrow, about 4 hours. what should I do?
>Where is muh based Poland in this thread?
I've seen 4 Poland threads in the past 1 hour, 2 of which slid fast. Do you really think there's a need for a Poland AMA? Why are there never Hungary or Chechia AMAs?
You wanted us to ask you, a Pole, questions. Presumably this is to help others understand our nation's behaviour. And that was my question, why do Poles (usually) help with this meme?
opinion on america. And on Nato?
I know, I remember that img from ahoj thread. Or v4 thread, can't quite remember.
Jak wsadzę koledze chuja w dupę, to kto ma chuja w dupie?
>I like them, they are based. But somehow their government is not, weird.

They're occupied... that's why the pupet govt. is cuck'd.

>> hypothesis that the first Hussars were originally Serbian?
>Never heard of it, doubt that

>The hussars reportedly originated in bands of mostly Serbian warriors, crossing into southern Hungary after the Ottoman conquest of Serbia at the end of the 14th century. Regent-Governor John Hunyadi created mounted units inspired by the Ottomans. His son, Matthias Corvinus, later king of Hungary, is unanimously accepted as the creator of these troops, commonly called Rac ('rác', old Hungarian exonym for Serbs). Initially, they fought in small bands, but were reorganised into larger, trained formations during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus.

Copied from (((Wikipedia))).
>Why are there never Hungary or Chechia AMAs?

We aren't a superpower, like you
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>average slav porn set
Some ZOG faggots tried putting up a gay pride rainbow in /pol/and. People kept burning it down every time they rebuilt it, to the point where they stopped trying anymore.
If you like history then Museum of Warsaw Uprising, other than that just go to Old City and eat and drink there


I dunno, but I would gladly see one

I am bored as fuck and I want some (you)s

> opinion on america
mixed feelings, half of your population needs to be exterminated and you need to stop being israel's puppet

> And on Nato?
rather positive, but we should not provoke Russians too hard

good to know, thanks
How much do you make ?
Is that Natalie Portman Herschlag?
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kek there wouldn't happen to be a link to a vid of this burning rainbow taking place i'd get much keks from this.
In Turkey they had pride parade - 100k fags showed up in 2014. In Poland we have less than 5k + there is always counter-demonstration

$2k netto. Very comfy
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ok have a pole instead
Are your women as hot as they are in porn?
i guess my last question would be how'd you guys manage to be one of the last few european countries that have counter protest against the lgbtqptisg shit? In america we were only able to hold out until the 90s late 90s at most then it just died off and people rolled over and accepted it.
Why are Polish women such shrill bitches? Or is that just the ones who come here? Always talking in a concerned manner at a hundred words per min with resting hagface. And the younger ones... If I had a penny for every good mannerism they have, I'd be in debt.
Talking about the majority here, obvs met some nice ones.
nice actually
what percentile is that approx ?
whats the median salary ?
Will I be accepted into your culture if I invest in eastern poland
Polish women don't do porn. I bet you can't even name 5 Polish porn stars, or even 1.
Amphetamine is the most popular drug here.
>Ask a Pole anything
Why are you still here?

teen kasia
Are there German graves in your area?
when do you guys reopen Auswitch?
My father was scammed twice in UK... by two Polish bitches. Thankfully one of them is deported and most likely in prison ( there was more to it than just a scam. Of course)

And our best girls mostly stay in Poland. Thank god, although my cousine is married to a Brit, but he is a good lad.
we are very religious and socially conservative + EE countries usually tend to hate fags. If you are a fag then you will get bullied, if you are fat - you will get bullied, etc.

name a few

I think most of our women are very, hmm, expressive, but not to that level like you describe

> mannerism
such as?

>whats the median salary ?
>what percentile is that approx ?
sorry, I don't understand this part

This is a Jewish behavior, to think that you can get everything you want with money, so no
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thxs annon have my rarest awwo :)
Bonus clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFXiK7f0jVo

Guy tries to light his cig with the burning rainbow
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>teen kasia
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past.
Rocco Invades Poland
Fun fact: it was during Independance Day.

only jewish ones

We will need something much bigger this time, they say that Auschwitz was designed for 6 millions and this is Germany's muslim population alone
>light a fag with some fags
I like this pottery
i fucking hate you poles
stay out of my country and my god damn construction sites
sorry, I don't understand this part
are you in the top 10%, the top 5% approximately. What do you do by the way ?
da fuck, how many workers did migrate from Poland? Anglos, Irish, Norwegians, Dutch and now you as well. kek

top 5% I think

> What do you do by the way ?
Java programmer, salaries are crazy high at the moment, we have such lack of skilled programmers
You go away first, eternal Dane, a group of you migrated to my town.
Fun fact: where I live the commies dug out an old German cementary and threw away the bodies to make room for a park and a Polish one.
>Misha Cross
>Natalia Starr
>Teresa Orlowski

That's just from top of my head. There was also busty one that only did softcore, but I can't remember her name. Also there's shit ton of amateur and semi-proffesional polish porn (most well known is probably podrywacze.pl)
Ill have you know I am well versed in the art of pretending to be polish as I am diaspora """polish""", my kolaczki have been folded over 1000 times and can cut through slabs of solid cholesterol (my arteries)
so why did they keep setting it up in the same area?
The city mayor was a major leftist whore and kept doing this to show that progress and diversity cannot be stopped :^)
Natasha Starr and I literally can't think of anything more, and you can call me a connoisseur in this matter

if you are diaspora and you know culture and a language, then I guess you have a shot

first of all it should be ((they))
secondly, because the ((president)) of Warsaw said so. She will be in prison soon, I hope. Things are going this direction
Because it was some "art" installation set up by some chick that knew the right people.
Supposedly it was only a meaningless rainbow because rainbows are nice and shit, but everyone obviously connected it with lgtbwtfbbq.
The fact that it was set up on the "Saviuor's/Redeemer's Roundabout" didn't help.
Because "muh art"
Also the roundabout it was built in is know as center place for all hipsters, liberals, etc.
Why do you get so butthurt at Britain even though we literally went to war to back you up in 1939?
Would you have declared war on Germany if they attacked Britain first? I think not.
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yea we'd never get away with this over here do that in commiefornia and you'd have so many hate speech charges it wouldn't be funny.
>Why do you get so butthurt at Britain even though we literally went to war to back you up in 1939?

>he actually believes this
You declared war on Germany because they became too powerful and it had nothing to do with Poland

>Would you have declared war on Germany if they attacked Britain first? I think not.
Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if our dumb politicians would do such thing. They still believe that ((Anglos)) are our allies

It was completely burned once, but there was another 7 attempts (after 11.11.13 they did install anti-fire installation)
Actually German army was weak until 1937 or 1936. Polish generals actually wanted to attack Germany in 1934 or 1936 , they knew that the war was coming and that we should attack Germans while they are still weak.

And sadly we did not
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Personally I think we should have joined the Axis. But I'm obviously not going to blame ourselves for the outcome so I have to find a scapegoat ie. you.

Also prove that Beck wasn't a British spy (protip: you can't)
When will you give back Zakerzonia?
What is a Swede?
If all the people from one other country had to live in Poland with you then which country would you choose?
So Hohols are hiding now under commie flag? Good to know. We need to get Lwów back, it is our rightful clay. 20 more years of your country being a literal Africa and we will get it just like Russians got Krym, with referendum

it is a cuck

Simple one, Hungary
ím a black person(irish heritage) living in prague, its ok and people are nice to me. but when i visit poland I almost get beat up, why is this, poles?
Really hard choice between Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians.
>Natasha Starr and I literally can't think of anything more
>and you can call me a connoisseur in this matter

Then you're not good at being connoisseur I guess. If you search there are probably more pornstars, especially if you include "selfmade pornstars" on pornhub and such.
There's one Polish chick on pornhub that do JOI kind of videos in various languages, she's the only one so far tht I found that made JOI in Polish (actually 3 different ones).
> almost
we need to change this into "always"
btw, weak bait Pepik
Vatican, duh.
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but i really am a nigger
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>ím a black person(irish heritage)
This is 1000% bait.
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Why are the democrats the ones on food stamps
What is the best Polish dish?

And jesus fuck don't say kielbasa or Pirogies.
What's the best region in Poland?
what is your opinion on New Zealand?
>Little Australia

I don't think there's any definitive attitude towards New Zealand. Too far.
pic rel

Depends on what you mean, economically it is Mazowsze (the voivodeship in which is Warsaw)
For tourists - south-west near mountains
For me - Mazury (I love lakes and yachts)

No opinion, the only thing that we are taught about New Zealand is that your country was the part of the British Empire and that you have kiwis, and maybe that LOTR was recorded there
Bigos and Schabowy kurwa
I think you forgot the pic.

Wiki says this is a czech dish.
Goddamn I love some Hunters Stew. Not enough good Rabbit around here though.
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Yup, I did indeed
How many places does it take to screw in a light bulb?
I think this might win it. I'll have to look up a recipe and get to work!
Polacks damn autocorrect
Just one, we like to fix our own shit

The other name for this soup is Żurek
How much do you hate romanians aka gypsies?

How many Jews are there in Poland?
Everything translates it as "Polish White Borscht"

I love some borscht, so this should be a fun little endeavor. Thank you for the recommendation!
are your women traditional and not shallow or are they compromised like the west. be honest.
What's it like being a metal beam stuck in the ground?
Winged Hussars had the 'holy' aspect about them, it was psychological because they were sent by God.

What's the key to perfect Bigos?
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Is the University of Warsaw a good school? If so, are the apartments around the school expensive.

I've looked around but haven't found much. Pls halp.
Good luck, anon, have a nice dinner

Abroad they are more degenerate than western ones, in Poland are way more femine and traditional, but there are some liberal whores too. But everyone laughs at them

>What's the key to perfect Bigos?
To heat up and cool down it a few times. The more times you do it, the better it tastes. Seriously. If you ask me about seasoning or recipe, then I have no idea, I can't do shit in the kitchen

According to polls, this is the best uni in Poland. But employers prefer Warsaw University of Technology.

> apartments around the school expensive.
depends on what you mean by saying "expensive"
Brit dating a southern polish girl for 6 years. It's hit and miss, you still have basic bitches but there is way more chance of striking Gold than in the UK, I can assure you of that.
>How much do you hate romanians aka gypsies?

Very. It's literally an insult to call someone a Romanian ("Rumun").

>How many Jews are there in Poland?

I belive last time I checked it was something like 5-10k. Personally the only ones I saw were the tourists from Israel, yet to see polish one IRL.

Can't spleep at night because of nightmares about jet fuel. Fucking 9/11 changed a lot.
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Too late. I'm already looking for books to learn the language.
>If so, are the apartments around the school expensive.

Main campus is literally on the most expensive street in the entire country.
sry, missed this one

>How much do you hate romanians aka gypsies?
gypsies are the lowest specie, even lower than mudslims and niggers. Everyone hates them

>How many Jews are there in Poland?
less than 10k

>Thinks he can learn Polish from books
good luck with that, our language is way too, hmm, flexible, to learn it from books

you mean (((main kampfus))) chuju
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Are Poles still generally pissed about the partitions?
>generally pissed about the partitions
we are extremely butthurt about the partitions and this butthurt is not going to be over anytime soon
Fucking pierogis faggot, nothing else
I've read somewhere that it was the Polish Parliament that went corrupt and literally started the Commonwealth away, is that true?
selling the Commonwealth*
We had this retarded "Liberum Veto" law, and for half a century we couldn't push any bill because prussia and russia always bribed one of deputies. And since there were jews in the parliament...
Partitions were caused by the jews and they are the ones to blame
ok folks, I am going to bed now, thanks for all (you)s

Yes, because liberum veto enabled outside influences, such as the Russian Empire, to muck about in our government. Liberum veto gave the power for anyone in the Sejm to completely veto a bill or notion so imagine trying to get anything done where something must be pushed through with the condition being that EVERYONE agrees on a given bill.
>Very. It's literally an insult to call someone a Romanian ("Rumun").

Good, fuck romanians. They're all gypsies.
Clean my toilet, Bartek
Why not just abolish the sjem and push absolute monarchy?
Monarchs bought Noblles support with loads of privileges.
At some point they got too strong and had too many privileges.

Some sold out to russia and prussia and we got royaly (ba dum thiss) fucked.
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