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>Keynsian economics doesn't wor-

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Thread replies: 342
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>Keynsian economics doesn't wor-
I hope this is a joke.
Miltonian is a better, more comprehensive system.

Keynesian was a step forward, however
Can someone give me the basic gestalt on Keynesian economics??
TL;DR: spend a lot of money, runnning a deficit, in things like infrastructure with the cause of stimulating the market and get people to spend money. The problem is that governments usually go overboard in spending and keep it long term instead of short term.
NOOOOO goy, ze invisible hand must allocate ze resources!
>Trickle down doesn't wor-
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>Fascist economics doesn't wor-
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really makes ya think....png
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>Reagan didn't make the economy worse by every measu-
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I can just as easily post simple pictorals as well you fucking doofus.
>every measure
>posts one measure
Let's see jobs created
Anyone who isnt a Misesian is a fucking retard
>Extended the recession by years.
>Started the ever increasing outstanding debt, devaluing the dollar and lowering standard of living for citizens.

how is that graph misleading in any way?

have you told your parents you like to sleep with men?
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>From inag to end of Q1

Fuck off shitlib. This is clearly because of the defense budget hike.

>But muh graph

Notice that we have had to be on war footing to prop it up since 1941, just like we have to have an ever increasing population to prop up social programs. Hence the real reasons for 9/11 and refugees, the 70 year old Ponzi scheme is about to burst.
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Literally worse than Obama, who was dealing with far tougher economic conditions from the 2008 crash. LMAO.
Hello, obamaleaf
>Niggers don't work.
Debt = money
Won the cold war
>Reagan dindu nuffin its okay when a (((neoliberal))) creates by far the biggest deficit % of GDP in US history!

Keep the cognitive dissonance coming, I'm having a good laugh.
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Imagine being so cucked that you believe in trickle down economics. In thinking that giving more money to billionaires will trickle down on you. Only right wingers are truly this cucked for the billionaire globalist elites.
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That's not me. I'm Obama Leaf. There is someone out there larping as me.
They call it trickle down because they get turned on by being urinated on by rich jewish elites
I'm not larping as you buddy, never claimed to be. Just another Dem armed with facts and reason.
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Except trickle down meme has been strawmanned to hell and back by progressives. And you're retarded if you do not understand the basic principle of it. You would not have a job and be getting whatever salary you are getting without someone with significantly more capital deciding to start a business.
The people on this board have gotten so stupid over the last six months

> FDR was not able to pull us out of a depression
> go ahead and look at the numbers and you will see that America was still under a technical depression until World War II started

> he was a clause I can't meanest and very sympathetic to the Russian Soviet cause. Most Jews who control and controlled liberal academia as well as the media put FDR on a pedestal so that's why you believe falsely that he did anything that got us out of the depression

>Recession of 1938
>Military Industrial Complex
>Tried to circumvent scotus by adding more judges for muh Jew deal

Bbbut Reagan brought up a defecit from this shitty graph from his first 100 days

Keeping whining, demokraut. Reagan was a far better president than (((FDR)))
That's not jobs created
And a recession would maks it easier since there's nowhere to go but up
>Jebonomics doesn't wo-


We had to destroy the Soviet Union somehow, canadacuck

(Ignore British flag, on vacation)
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Wahhh progressives make fun of my billionaire globalist cuck ideology

Right wingers are such little bitches.
Why not archive?

>https://forbes com/sites/jonhartley/2015/09/30/how-jeb-bushs-tax-plan-would-help-small-businesses/#3b7380035426
>https://forbes com/sites/jonhartley/2015/05/12/jeb-bushs-strong-economic-record-of-tax-cuts-speaks-for-itself/#33942e96179e
>he was a clause I can't meanest and very sympathetic to the Russian Soviet cause.
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FDR ended the Great Republican Depression and won WWII. He was the greatest of all time
Communism is a failed system. Gorbachev was a reformist. Had nothing to do with Reagan. This is literally a right wing retard meme.
>not accounting for labor force participation rate, which declined dramatically under Obama
Cant tell if you're paid money, or just autistic, or maybe just bored.
No, he didn't. He oversaw it because WWII gave jobs to more people, as people who had jobs went off to war.

FDR didnt end the recession and many historians argue that it still continued after his death.

Source: took APUSH several years ago
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FDR ended the Great Republican Depression. How about yo right wing retards stop electing Republicans that crash the economy so hard, then u can stop complaining it takes Democrats too long to clean up your mess.
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>what are boomers retiring

Why the fuck did you retards think the CLFPR was falling?
so after a republican the economy does great
and after democrats it does poorly
>what's that, you're BTFOing my worldview with facts? WOW YOU PAID SHILL AUTISTIC TROLL REEEEEEEEEEE

Remove yourself from this discourse, petulent child.
FDR was elected in 1932
He ended it kiddo. Republicans crash the economy. Democrats save the economy. That's how it works. >>131416313
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>Quantitative easing destroys economy

>FDR's interventionist policies make recovery take over a decade
Inaugurated in 33. Came into power then.
Jesus christ imagine how fucked up you'd have to be to think that Bush left behind a good economy. You right wing retards literally worship failure.
It's Obama leaf. He's been doing this and posting the same infographs for years now. You can see him a mile away. Think he does it for ironic fun or he's actually handicapped.
the caps says elected in 1933 >>131416332
read the article dumbass
I know you moron, that's why I said "Came into power then" to suggest a change
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Lol right wing retard Republicans crash the economy so hard that they leave REAL (actual) unemployment of 25%. Not Trump's imaginary figure. The actual unemployment rate was 25%. You fucktards crash the economy so hard every time and then u complain it takes Democrats too long to clean up your mess. Jesus christ that's American history for the last 100 years
>Clinton hands Bush a perfect economy on a silver platter
>Has internet boom working in his favour also
>Somehow manages to hand Obama the most trashed economy since the 1930s
>Republiturds will defend this

Really makes ya think!
Slight correction in that the governments always by requirement go overboard and keep it long term. By spending, the government shifts its support base to the beneficiaries of that spending, but if it stops, it will have already lost its original supporters, and will lose its new, beneficiary supporters.

Keynes didn't foresee the "don't feed the bears" problem.
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fuck off obama leaf
pic related: Obozo's legacy
You're calling me a moron for correcting your fake news?
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Okay obamaleaf, since youre being so smug answer me this - if republicans are retards, then how come JEBonomics has PROVEN to be a success?

i did
>15 posts by this ID
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he was a shit president faggot

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That's the power of Republican economics
Because Carter didn't cause an upcoming economic turmoil that had to be fixed by Reagan, right?
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I know this triggers you but you do know that the American people voted for a continuation of the Obama economy right?
Text to speech phoneposter detected
I hope you're a troll
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Fuck off, obamaleaf
The difference from Keynesian economics and the Austrian school is that Keynesians create the bubble in the first place and then it bursts. Then they need to print a bunch of money to reflate the bubble. Austrian's prevent the bubble from happening in the first place.


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please clap

Trump is Bush 2.0 anyways

Same trickle down tax policies
>Lol right wing retard Republicans crash the economy

Leaf retard thinks quantitative easing is under the control of the President.
hey right wing retard, naming a fucking DEPARTMENT is NOT A SOURCE
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Carter created 10 million jobs. The best 4 year job creation record.
>over a decade of global depression and 30%+ unemployment
Facism is Keynesianism

Misesians and confederates are retards

He got us out of the depression despite having to also fight the Nazis
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She got millions of illegal votes and still lost.
It's a digits battle!!

In a way you are both right. The problem is the .1% of the population who also benefits from the cut I upper income taxes not the other 4.9% who actually follows the theory as designed. These are the people who have an income of about 200k and above.
At this level the money that is returned to them will be used for capital investment in the car of business owners or in the form of luxury goods purchased in the case of an nba player. Both are pushing the goal of money circulation. As long as money is circulated and needs/wants are being met then the economy is doing well.
The .1% fuck this up because they don't follow the standard get money spend money model. They have so much they can use it in low risk money lock downs instead of more volital investments like direct business investments or IPOs.
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If Obama leaf is such a dumb troll as you like to make out, you wouldn't be so triggered by him. Problem is, he actually has good arguments that you cannot refute, so your peanut brain initializes full cog-dis mode and starts attacking him in the lowest ways possible. Sad!

>no counter arguments to any of the 15 posts

>California voted for the continuation
Made a slight adjustment there for you leaf
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I have a serious question. Why do right wing retards always skip over the last 2 Republican presidents and go to Reagan? Why not compare Obama to Bush?

Most of those are wrong btw.

Reagan tripled the budget deficit. Obama cut it by 2/3

Seriously why do u retards auto-skip over the last 2 GOP Presidents? It cracks me up every time
I'm a Keynesian but this is very racist.

>good thing
Enjoy being a wagecuck

The defense budget is what stimulated the economy idiot,.
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>no one here has refuted my JEBonomics post

Fucking economically illiterate retards all of you
wew thx nice compliment
Is that you Obamaleaf? I'm the guy from the last thread who larped as you. I'm a big fan of you and am learning about keynesian arguments and everything. I was just wondering how i argue when conservatives bring up the fact that FDR made the debt 120% of GDP?
so what youre saying is middle class cant start businesses?
>I'm a Keynesian but this is very racist.

How is it racist? It's just showing the ethnic backgrounds of the economists! Its a way of showing diversity fellow pede!
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The 6th largest economy in the world. Rural retard flyover red states are jealous
>Occupy Democrats

fly away troll, heil hitler
With Republinut trickle down no they can't. The rich need to spend a lot less as a percentage of their income so it's a lot easier for them to invest, buying up and startnig busniesses like crazy while the middle class are wageslaves.
Are you his fucking hype man? You haven't posted a fucking thing other than "wow btfo!" Jesus Christ man.
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>all the right wing retards itt
The point is that Jews create economic ruin and Aryans create the "golden age". That was racist. There are lots of based Jews like Barry Goldwater, you got Bernie Sanders, you got all these guys.
That's the unemployment rate you fucking leaf
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shut up lolbertard
Please leave troll
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it appears to work while creating massive debt, this is what people ask for until the debt becomes a problem or the market crashes, afterward it's austrian economics to bail them out.

Get while the getting is good, so to speak.
And apparently tighten your belt and work to fix it, when it isn't.
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I can't even keep track with how many people are larping as me. I don't like it. Why don't you guys come up with your own nicknames and larp as yourselves.

America was fighting WWII literally for survival. Right wing America haters love to deny that Japan attacked America at Pearl Harbor. Then Germany declared war on the US. That's how you explain it. Imagine if a Republican was President during that time? America would be flying the Empire of Japan flag right now.
First of all anglos arent aryan, and second of all Paul Krugman is a famous keynesian and a Jew so get btfo racist pede
You're only crying like a bitch about the source because you can't challenge the facts
>That was racist.
Watch how the anglo recoils when you call him an anglo
Hayek was right all along.
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You are literally paying 15% of your income to feed other people's grandmas because of this asshole.

Stop being so fucking retarded. FDR sucked. He basically went full commie so that his class could remain the ruling class for another century.

Unfortunately, he was right. The 20th century was indeed the century of Communism. Which, unironically, also solidified it as the Jewish century.
I'm sorry. I larp as you becuase I really want to be you im sorry if that sounds pathetic. You use facts, arguments, and logic to trigger the living shit out of right-wing retards. You are the best at it and are known across the whole board. We don't mean it as an insult it's because you are so great at what you do

>America was fighting WWII literally for survival. Right wing America haters love to deny that Japan attacked America at Pearl Harbor. Then Germany declared war on the US. That's how you explain it. Imagine if a Republican was President during that time? America would be flying the Empire of Japan flag right now.
Oh so it was needed just for the war. What about the new deal though? Didn't that raise the debt and still affect us?
it depends on what you mean by "work". if you mean working is to destroy a free market economy that decides what is valuable by allowing people to create and purchase goods and services without state intervention hampering the flow of goods and services and money to pay for them, then yes, it works.
It also puts our government in debt.

Can you even into economics bro? You think the money the government is pumping into the market is coming from their asses? Nah, its tax dollars and money borrowed from the federal reserve.
>Krugman was a Jew and Keynesian
Yeah no shit, because the meme that retard posted was anti-Jewish. Jews are based Krugman is based Krugman is Keynesian Keyiesnans are based. What is your point.

And Anglos are Aryan they literally are what Aryans are.

>"The fact that the Depression dragged on for years convinced generations of economists and policy-makers that capitalism could not be trusted to recover from depressions and that significant government intervention was required to achieve good outcomes," Cole said. "Ironically, our work shows that the recovery would have been very rapid had the government not intervened."

>Economists differ, though, in their estimates of how badly the NRA's bad policies damaged the economy. On the more dire end of the scale, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian, economics professors at the University of Pennsylvania and UCLA respectively, estimate the New Deal's labor and industrial policies caused the Depression to last seven years longer than otherwise.

FDR's economic policies had been debated on for decades, and most economists say they had mixed results at best. It wasn't untill WWII that unemployment and wages showed any improvement. To top this all off, FDR managed ceed half the continent of Europe to the communists.

>America was fighting WWII literally for survival
You mean the Soviet Union right?
Terrible bait, and obvious larping. Get a life
Except the meme was pro-Anglo. I'm against anti-semitism i never once critised anti-angloism. I am an Anglo-Scot but thats not the point
He didn't. Democrats went into overdrive on spending while he was president, to make his lower taxes look bad. They literally put the nation in more debt just to prove a point.
Free markets hinder growth. You need some regulation.
Bush was handed a failing economy in 2000. If it was not an outright recession at the time the job market was fucked. I remember it. Being a liberal at the time (young and dumb) I was upset that gore was not elected to fix it and get back to 8 more years of Clinton.
>democratic symbol
You're a terrible troll, very obvious. You'll enjoy a ban.
So, we can be clear you:

1. Don't know shit about Keynsian Economics

2. Don't know shit about the Great Depression and the absolute shitstorm that fag brought down on the US.

3. Prob think "by my WWII Saved us"

4. Haven't watched what's happened ever since ppl bought into that dipshit Keynes ideas

5. And last but not least... Keynes himself wrote a letter bitching at FDR that he was a faggot not even doing his shitty ideas right.
Maybe that's why the economy did so well.
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New Deal was to get America working again after Republicans crashed the economy and left behind 25% unemployment. It was one of the most popular programs in American history. A lot of it actually benefited rural and suburban retards. There are still many of its legacies today.


Most of the spike in the debt was due to WWII. But the key point is you can see how fast it was falling after. >>131417874

Thx for the compliment.

FDR was so beloved that he won 4 straight elections. Republicans had to cry like bitches for the 22nd amendment because they thought they'd never win again. They had to beg Eisenhower to run.
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Daily reminder that Reagan was better than both FDR and Obama


Yeah in terms of being #1 for Debt to GDP ratio (120%)
>Keynesian was a shot in the dark that was complete shit by all objective measures.
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Clinton removed the steagal act.
If you believe in free markets you don't understand economics.

TL:DR: Spend money to spur economic growth;During bubbles (excessive growth) reign in spending. It's about righting the ship.

What he fucked up on was:

1. Government spending grows and addiction to power which keeps them from reigning in spending

2. Governments don't know what optimal growth is... what too little, what too much is... to effectively follow the gist of Keynes's untested and shitty theory.
LOL if that's the case than the Republican party has been very very pathetic. Even more pathetic that in order to get elected Eisenhower had to go full Democrat since Republinut policies are shit

Reagan trippled the debt FYI

Congress did, he just approved it since he's not an uncooperative shit like Trump.
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Lol that's so retarded. Right wing retards don't know what revenues are. Reagan slashed taxes on the rich and exploded the budget deficit. He even fucking admitted it that his legacy was massive budget deficits.

You retards slash taxes, gut revenues then wonder why you exploded the budget deficit Every fucking time. This is what happens when retards think tax cuts pay for themselves.
Yes because FDR was so beloved when he had a close election in 1944!

Oh and don't forget his SCOTUS incident
The best time to live in the USA was in the 50s because of Keynsianism.

The worst time to live in the USA is now, thanks to monetarism.
Problem is in free markets there can be no growth since the money supply doesn't increase.
>t. ancap falseflagging to taint his ideological opponents

I can see right through your retardation.
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Time to log off Paul.
>>Congress did, he just approved it since he's not an uncooperative shit like Trump.
But the entire thread is about assigning blame of an entire politics system on a single person
Dumbass, the 50s was all about Eisenhower.

Eisenhower didn't use Keynesianism and was more about his Foreign policy with Dulles, which involved the interstate system (a cause of conformity)

The 50s has nothing to do with Keynesianism
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Exactly this. America was a Democratic country because everyone knew that Republicans caused the Great Depression. It's why they barely ever controlled Congress all the way until 1994 when by that time, people had forgotten. And it didn't take very long for a Bush and a GOP Congress to cause the worst Republican Recession since the Great Republican Depression.
pic: Obama added a trillion dollars to the deficit each year in office.
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>inb4 retards don't know how marginal tax rates work
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I didn't realize Obama invaded Iraq, passed the Bush tax cuts, and crashed the economy in 2008.

Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3>>131417412

Can any of you retards tell me the last time a Republican did that?
>close election
>still won for the third time

You're a shit-troll. I'm the only one reading your posts.
A new party line for big brother: Debt is Wealth
Eisenhower simply stabilized the economy by reducing military spending and retaining Truman's tax policy. Basically he rode on the success of Keynsianism and made zero radical changes.

He wasn't a half bad president to be honest. Thanks for proving my point though.
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>the post

It's about leadership. There is a difference between leadership and tyranny

>retards don't know Eisenhower was a Keynesian.
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Explain yourself right now british retard.>>131419720
That's the mantra of monetarism, given the unprecedented debt increase under Reagan
He increased the debt by a trillion dollars each year in office. That is not a reduction in deficit. Obama increased the debt by more then every other president combined even after adjusting for inflation.
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>a close election in 1944! >>131419720
At this point i wouldn't mind if the U.S became a single party state under Democrats, better than everyone going full amnesia and electing another tax cut for the rich republinut
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> a close election in 1944!
Got 'eem
3. Interest rates play an important role in the economy, dictating what consumers want based on how much of their capital they are saving (lending). Messing with this will only make the recession come back, and be much worse, in a few years.
>He increased the debt by a trillion dollars each year in office. That is not a reduction in deficit.

Right wingers are so economically illiterate they don't know the difference between a debt and a deficit, literally below highschool-level economics. SAD!
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> a close election in 1944!

you right wing retards are always good for a laugh ill give u that
So why isn't Zimbabwe the richest country in the world? They have a huge money supply.
And fucking with interest rates is what caused 2008. Keynes was right again.
Because their is a difference between printing money out of your ying yang and printing just 1% more than the real GDP
Hey, I know there is a difference, All im saying is that if the debt went up by such a large amount under Obama, then the amount of spending had to have gone way up as compared to the amount of revenue.
Friendly reminder this man sold us all to the Saudis.
4th time actually and it wasn't even close!
DUDE! That was Nixon.
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>mfw british retard with 13 posts disappears because he got eternally btfo
He cut the deficit Bush left him in half. That doesn't mean the deficit wasn't still huge. And interest makes up a huge proportion of the debt, which has a compound effect.

All you can do to reduce national debt is
-Reduce the deficit (Which Obama did)
-Make the economy grow (Which Obama did)

Bush did the complete opposite and is the reason we are in such a mess in the first place.

I guarantee the national debt will be higher in 4 years time. Then we dems will come down on you hypocrite republishits like a ton of bricks
>Not accounting for that I'm just going to start making shit up if you say anything good about Obama

>The Roosevelt administration, before and during World War II, had been doing everything it could - usually in secret and sometimes close to illegally - to help advance American interests in the Saudi Arabian oil development.

>Saudi Arabia was not central to America's war effort, but in 1943, Roosevelt was persuaded that paying Ibn Saud was essential, even if a lot of the money was going to pay for his wives, slaves and concubines. So he ordered Lend-Lease money diverted to Saudi Arabia, asserting that, "I find the defense of Saudi Arabia is vital to the defense of the United States."

>Oil - or its potential - was the only thing Saudi Arabia had to offer, and it was not in danger of being occupied by the Axis powers. Had Roosevelt been interested, he might have learned that the regime in Saudi Arabia - "vital to the defense of the United States" - was not much different than the Taliban regime knocked off recently by the United States in Afghanistan.
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It was FDR's fault that Saudi Arabia had oil and America needed it for the war? Are you retarded?

You preferred Nazi Germany or the Empire of Japan to get their hands on it?
What is the most important aspect of keynsian economics+
Did you forget we have IDs, obamaleaf?
Then why did bush not spend so much money as compared to obama? Bush had a few years with his own deficit where the debt did not go up a trillion dollars a year. The debt as a percentage of GDP went up about 3% a year under bush, and over 10% a year under Obama. Face it, Obama spent the USA into the ground. But thats what democrats do, they spend and spend and spend until the you see Illinois going bankrupt. Another 4 years of dems would send the whole nation bankrupt, which might be a good thing, because the hard times that would cause would straighten people out.
No I didn't. You got btfo.
Percentage wise

Also I'm American you fuck, see posts before
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I don't think you know what spending is
% wise he won by 7.5 points

Just stop you're only hurting yourself here
in his 4th election btw
So your saying with your fake charts that Obama spent less, but increased the debt by more than every other president combined? That makes TOTAL sense.
Monetarism is keynesianism lite. The US has been run by Democrats and RINOs (closet democrats) since Calvin Coolidge.
Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3>>131417412

was the slowest spender in 80 years >>131421878

the reason the national debt still went up was because Bush left Obama a $1.4 TRILLION deficit, a crashed economy and the costs of Bush's tax cuts, wars, and fuckups don't magically stop as soon as he leaves office >>131419536
Shit troll
>You're hurting yourself

The fact you forgot about IDs was bloody hilarious, obamaleaf. Now go back to earning your NEETbux, welfarecuck.
>hit ctrl+f
>3 results
Well, better than nothing.
>anything I don't like is Keysianism

Like arguing with a child
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>It was FDR's fault that Saudi Arabia had oil and America needed it for the war?
During the war the US was one of the top producers of oil. There was no reason to start funneling the Saudis money to develop their oil industry. Which if you could read what I posted, started in 1933. Years before WWII started. If the money had not been funneled to Saudi Arabia it would have remained the backwards shithole it was.

>The US was a powerhouse with no exaggeration, as it supplied six billion of the total 7 billion of oil consumed by the Allies in World War II. The other key was that American oil supplies were in a safe zone. US oil was a California, Texas and Midwest affair, protected by two oceans and miles of land from invasion. It could be transported along the coasts or through pipelines. This was far more reliable than the British sources that were flung around the Empire’s colonies.

You preferred Nazi Germany or the Empire of Japan to get their hands on it?
Both nations would have struggled to use it due to the location of Saudi Arabia. Japanese shipping was already strained and the empire was stretched thin. Germany had the much more daunting task of taking on the allies on a two front war than ship oil from the middle east. Which would have to have had dedicated manpower and resources to get. The situation of the Axis made Saudi Arabia practically immune from German occupation, let alone Japanese.

You're a fucking moron for thinking that two powers that had issues with logistics throughout the entire war would be able to take, let alone hold the Arab peninsula. Oil or not it would have been a stupid move for either one.
How the fuck did I forget about IDs? Are you retarded? You got btfo so badly that now you're not even make sense. You're all weak and wobbly bro. Just like Theresa May.
GDP as the main indicator of a nations economic well being.
>I can't counter your point so I'll call you a troll

Yup, artificially low interest rates had nothing to do with all the sub prime mortage crisis that caused 2008!

Seriously this is like arguing with a 9th grader who's never studied basic econ and is just regurgitating talking points he overheard on Fox news.
And that difference is what?
Do you have any idea how desperate Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan was for oil? Do you have any fucking clue? Have you read any major books on WWII? It was just as much about depriving the Axis power of oil as it was to power American military machine
Your arguing like a child.
One creates hyperinflation, one allows the national income to increase.
>Literally BTFO

Uh sorry sweetie, but at least I don't try to BTFO the "right retards" during the 9-5 business day.

You are literally a NEET. No wonder why you want to FDR.
You do know Keynesians are the advocates of the low interest rates.
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Lol you reek of desperation. I annihilated you. You stopped posting for a while then u came back and your only retort was muh user ids lol.

I'm laughing my ass off at you.

>Yes because FDR was so beloved when he had a close election in 1944!


Your attack on FDR was that he only won 4x in a row?
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>it only works when you kill millions of people in a senseless war
How is it policy wise?
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But how are they different?

Inflation is still inflation. Neither creates new real capital (stuff), and both lead to unequal and unfair wealth distribution based on how the new money is added into the economy.
Sorry we aren't wagecucks working our asses off for capitalist masters LOL
I don't get this meme. So a few Ashkenazi Jews, who naturally have the highest IQ of any race, were a lot smarter than the others of their race and stood apart from the statist agenda. Oh noes.
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what kind of liberal shill made this shitty graphic?'

No actually. It worked DESPITE that
You do realize we have elections every 2 years right. Right-wingers are fucking retards who worship objective failure
GDP does not mean shit bro. Republinuts increase the GDP by lowering taxes. Then you find out all this extra spending is them buying luxury palaces with their tax cuts while average Americans are working their asses off.
Much better
Shut up right-wing nutjob.
>Breitbart on the same level as the Hill and Reuters and just under the Economist

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>Do you have any idea how desperate Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan was for oil?
Yes, which is why we cut off Japan's supply when they started the Second Sino-Japanese War. Which led to them bombing Pearl Harbor. The Germans attempted to create artificial fuel and were somewhat successful at it.

>Have you read any major books on WWII?
Have you? Because if you did you'd understand that Japan was in no position to attempt shipping oil from halfway across the planet when supplies could have been found closer. Germany was more interested in the oil fields in the Soviet Union which would be much easier to ship it across the Mediterranean and barter with the Arabs. It was of strategic importance for the Germans to capture the Soviet oil fields.

>It was just as much about depriving the Axis power of oil as it was to power American military machine
Again, 1933. That's when FDR started investing in the oil infrastructure of Saudi Arabia. That is a full 6 years before Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. The axis powers were deprived of oil from the start. The power to the American military machine point is irrelevant. 6 of the seven billion barrels of oil used by the Allies during WWII, with plenty more in reserve with the infrastructure in place to drill and refine it. Why divert Lend Lease money to a nation that had barely any impact on the war and was of strategic unimportance? It would only go to the development of Saudi Arabia and not any strategic American interests.

You're a fucking moron. FDR helped create the Wahhabist regime that is only relevant because they have oil. One that likes when it's neighbors are in a state of chaos and they can corner the oil market. If it wasn't for that the Saudis would still be herding camels and chopping their hands off in poverty.
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>Which led to them bombing Pearl Harbor.

They bombed Pearl Harbor because they were warmongering savages who thought they could bring America down. Stop making excuses for America's enemies. They awakened a giant led by the GOAT, FDR.

> FDR helped create the Wahhabist regime

Ok now I know you're mentally ill.

1. Wahhabism was invented in the 1700s.

2. Ibn Saud was already in control of Saudi Arabia. Ibn Saud founded the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932

FDR had nothing to do with Wahhabism you fake news lunatic.
Both want more government activity when things are bad, and less when they are "good".
It doesn't even work and Keynes himself would say as much. His "general theory" was not intended as a general theory. It was only titled as such. It was actually a specific theory that was never adopted for the situation it was meant. Its unfortunate that Keynes gets such a shit rap because of retarded democrats, he was a smart guy.
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Economic freedom works period.
>They bombed Pearl Harbor because they were warmongering savages who thought they could bring America down.
You would be an awful historian. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor for many reasons, including the increased US presence in the Phillipines and a complete breakdown of diplomatic relation after we cut oil shipments to them.

>They awakened a giant led by the GOAT, FDR.
You mean George C. Marshall. You know, the guy called the "Organizer of victory" by Churchill. I didn't read anything about FDR being in the planning room when they organized the D-Day invasion.

>FDR had nothing to do with Wahhabism you fake news lunatic.
You're missing the point fuck face. Saudi Arabia wouldn't be the powerhouse it is today if it wasn't for the money provided to develop their oil industry. When King Ibn Saud first declared the kingdom he filled most of his coffers with fees on the pilgrimage to Mecca. Oil under the arabian peninsula was a rumor. If it wasn't for oil boom, Saudi Arabia would still be irrelevant you stupid ass. Now they have some of the most pull when it comes to relations and geopolitical spacing in the middle east because of the oil industry.

My point still stands, you're a fucking moron.

That supports the exact opposite.
False, 2nd term would be needed with only 2 candidates, I don't think Libertarians would vote Clinton.
Did you look at the data retard?
>They bombed Pearl Harbor because they were warmongering savages who thought they could bring America down. Stop making excuses for America's enemies.

It's genuinely bizarre how Americans always seem to think that attacks on them somehow come out of nowhere, always the result of some mustache-twirling villain who does evil for the sake of evil.
>It's genuinely bizarre how Americans
Well, first of all, he's Canadian. Second, the education system in the US is absolute garbage and we are bombarded by propaganda all day long.
Wasn't speaking of him specifically, it's representative of a general attitude that seems widespread in the US. People who believe nonsense like "They hate us for our freedom."
Yeah, it had GDP rise in economic freedom countries.
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Typical Confederate traitors always making excuses for America's enemies.

Hey Confederate retard, America had no obligation to ship Japan oil u fucking lunatic. America stops shipping Japan oil and you think they're justified to bomb Pearl Harbor? You Confederate America haters are completely out of your minds
Who cares if it's "justified"? What else would you expect to happen?
>Typical Confederate traitors always making excuses for America's enemies.

proves my point
>Government funding creating jobs only spurs economic growth if the job is making weapons and bombs instead of roads and buildings.
How is it an excuse? It's simple cause and effect. When you do A, the result is going to be B.
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>Typical Confederate traitors always making excuses for America's enemies.
I wasn't, you're the one implying I was. You made a simplistic claim and I gave the reasons Japan did what they did.

>Hey Confederate retard, America had no obligation to ship Japan oil u fucking lunatic.
Never stated we did. Your implication.

>America stops shipping Japan oil and you think they're justified to bomb Pearl Harbor?
Never stated they were. Your implication.

Oh, and nice job arguing the point on Saudi Arabia. You totally don't look like a complete retard now trying to put words in my mouth.
Okay here's two examples of what two different countries did during the depression.

Hit hard in 1929-1930, unemployment jumps to 25%. Spends heaps of money until 1941, when they get involved in the war. Unemployment doesn't drop until 1941.

Unemployment goes to over 30%. Government chooses a conservative approach. by 1936 unemployment is below 10%.
lol ahahah now you're dinduing that you were making excuses for Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?

>Yes, which is why we cut off Japan's supply when they started the Second Sino-Japanese War. Which led to them bombing Pearl Harbor. >>131424571

Your argument on Saudi Arabia is so fucking hilariously retarded, I didn't want to dignify it.

>Oil under the arabian peninsula was a rumor >>131427176


You think they didn't know they had oil before FDR?

You're the most retarded person on the planet.

Where do u get these retarded opinions from? I honestly want to know. I don't even think InfoTards fake newsman Alex Jones goes this full retard

You're that guy who called himself a sad retard. I can tell it's you. It's been a while hasn't it.
This works:


America wasn't a superpower at the time you fuckwad. Republicans had NOTHING to do with it. It was a GLOBAL recession ended by WWII.
Everyone already knows Keynesianism works.
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>lol ahahah now you're dinduing that you were making excuses for Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?
Your implication faggot. Cutting off the oil was a reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

>Your argument on Saudi Arabia is so fucking hilariously retarded, I didn't want to dignify it.
>I'm a retard and can't argue the point without replying to your own posts or ad-hom.

>You think they didn't know they had oil before FDR?
Seeing that oil wasn't struck until 1938, it was a rumor. They didn't know for sure, or in the quantity it was in.

>You're that guy who called himself a sad retard. I can tell it's you. It's been a while hasn't it.
This is hilarious coming from the guy that called me mentally ill, yet thinks I'm some retard he took a screenshot of. You may need to take a break from shitpositng for awhile. You're becoming unhinged.
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every fucking time

It was a worldwide depression that originated in the United States after 12 years of total Republican rule. That's how shit Republicans are.
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Bait Thread.

>Waiting for the democrat troll to post something along the lines of "Superior argument and your rebuttal is to sage the thread"

>Democrats claim to be better
>Elect Black man
>Singlehandedly destroys the countries progress on race relation, economics and peace stability.

FDR was openly racist, you fucking contradicting cunt. pick a fucking narrative, you're either a nigger hatting dixiecrat or an internalized white hate neoliberal cuck.

The reason why these faggots always make shit arguments about things that happened 40+ years ago is because there is no current argument for their current state of their party. Hence Red Herring.
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>Its Americas fault for the reaction of the world
>America shouldn't police other countries
>Demand to bomb Assad and Saddam back to the stone age when they use chem weapons (Supposedly)

You are retarded.
>Seeing that oil wasn't struck until 1938

so before FDR took interest in SA during WWII

u just btfo your own retard theory

i love it when u dumbasses do my work for me

They knew that had oil before that btw. It was literally seeping out of the ground. But Ibn Saud was a little busy taking over the entire region and forming a kingdom.
has nothing to do with what i replied to >>131430478
>there is no current argument for their current state of their party.


>Posts King Nigger

Oh it definitely does because I can guarantee you from your reply that the only reason why you took this stance is because you're a neoliberal.

There's no such thing as centrism. So don't try to pussyfoot around in the center once I start calling you out on your terrible social policies.
Enjoy your ban please.
You fuckwad, that's a Canadian. We ALL know why Pearl Harbor happened.

>That's not even a relevant premis or counterargument

>Obama Leaf Champion Beel cleentun, Obama.

Episode : 213 Post Election Apocalypse Edition

Federal jobs don't fucking count, neither does cutting the percent of people who have given up looking for a job from the current standing unemployment rate, Stop shilling with your terrible threads/posts.

>Wasted Trips
>Kek Flag

Nice, didn't realize that shills larp as cancer now.
this thread is shit.

No actual arguments only pictures and namecalling.
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>Federal jobs don't fucking count

That's a chart of private sector job creation. Are you fucking retarded?

the American people voted for a continuation of the Obama economy
>so before FDR took interest in SA during WWII
That started in 1933 dumbass. I've stated that multiple times, please learn how to read.

>They knew that had oil before that btw. It was literally seeping out of the ground. But Ibn Saud was a little busy taking over the entire region and forming a kingdom.
>u just btfo your own retard theory
You mean stated historical facts?

>In 1923, the king signed a concession with Holmes allowing him to search for oil in eastern Saudi Arabia. Eastern and General Syndicate brought in a Swiss geologist to evaluate the land but he claimed that searching for oil in Arabia would be “a pure gamble”.[1] This discouraged the major banks and oil companies from investing in Arabian oil ventures.
Was he too busy to be in negotiations with westerners to find it? Or is your retarded fantasy that you're always right still look like reality too you?
How would Republicans cause a Depression in fucking England? How would their policies affect all of Earth when EVERY historian on Earth agrees that that WWII is what made America a superpower?
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Stop Replying to them. They're not here for a legitimate debate. They're just here to post graphs and dodge questions with Red Herrings and Tu-quoque. Ad Hominem is to be expected.
while paul is an idiot in his zeal for endless spending, he brings up one valuable point - currently the economy is set up for perpetual growth, so when there are organic market dips and economic downturns the only way to fix it is by returning to growth, or IE fixing shit that isn't broken.

the problem with paul is that he doesn't realize that the fact that his solution "works" is exactly the problem with our economy - having our economy only work in a cycle of endless growth is precisely the problem, and his "solutions" should point out how absurd it is that it operates this way rather than advocating breaking doors down to repair broken windows.
You've never argued or made a good thread.

Stop larping
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Lol I knew you got all your information from that wikipedia article lol. ahahahahaha

>The discovery of oil by the Anglo-Persian Oil Company at Masjid-i-Sulaiman in the mountains of north-western Persia in 1908


>seeing that oil wasn't struck until 1938 >>131430792


So once again you're admitting that they knew they had oil before FDR took an interest during WWII and that FDR had absolutely nothing to do with Wahhabism.

Is your retarded argument actually that without FDR, Saudi Arabia never would have developed oil? Holy shit that's your fucking argument. That's how fucking retarded you are. Holy shit that is fucking disturbing
Look up 2008 kiddo
I am debating with him. He thinks Japan was justified to bomb Pearl Harbor because the US stopped shipping oil and he thinks that without FDR, Saudi Arabia would have never developed oil. Even though they were already developing oil.

The guy is a Confederate, America hating right wing retard of the highest autism level.
>flags are serious
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>>In 1923,

No historian thinks ww2 made america a superpower.
just like your flag, you should not be taken seriously

admit it you're the retard who called yourself a sad retard

I can tell it was you. It's the exact same retarded WWII lunatic theories
This and /thread
Why would you even bother discussing Keynesian economics when only very few countries actually do them?

Most just do deficit spending and excuse it by calling it "keynesian", but they're not actually keynesian in anything but usage of buzzwords.

Keynesian economics in fact demand low time preference politicians capable of making unpopular decisions and stick to them over longer periods of time. This makes it a bad economic policy, not in general, but in case of a democracy.
Trickle down is a spook made up by commies
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Trickle down triggers you GOP establishment shills because it's an accurate mockery of your cuck ideology
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I'm going to be nice here,

Just think about this for a second. If all of Europe has been bombed including Britain and the extent of the Baltics and the middle east, with no country with a untouched industrial output except for neutral countries, don't you think the GDP and Trading capacity of America would dwarf Europe and China and then Boom simply because you're the only country that can mass produce and ship it anywhere?

Just think about it


There's no such thing.
>Good thing

>being the only one to produce shit
>having all your trading partners dead

You're trolling, no one is this stupid.
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There is and u retards fall for it every time
>oil discovered in Northwest Persia
>lol ur btfo
I didn't know modern Iran is now the Arabian Peninsula, retard.

>Is your retarded argument actually that without FDR, Saudi Arabia never would have developed oil?
>sending money to the Saudis and American oil companies would have nothing to do with it
>the same oil companies that were nationalized in the 80s
Obama Leaf, please learn how to read. I never said Japan was justified for what it did or that FDR helped create Wahhabism. I said he helped build up the Wahhabist regime buy sending Lend Lease money for no reason. You can refer to my previous posts to figure that out.

>Never implied that the trading partners were dead, nor did I imply that was good.

You are really trying today shill. What ever I'm done.
Sorry, "trickle-down" is some made up term from a comedian. It doesn't exist.
after the jews crashed the economy with the federal reserve
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>I didn't know modern Iran is now the Arabian Peninsula, retard.

oil deposits follow national borders?


Oil was being discovered all over the region. Oil was literally seeping out of the ground.

And you already admitted that Ibn Saud was already trying to develop oil in 1923

When are you going to admit this was you? >>131429887
You're done since you realize you can't trigger anyone because your trolling

>rigggght wing nut jobs.
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It does exist. It's been GOP ideology for nearly 40 fucking years. You GOP shills are just trying to dindu it now because it's a complete cuck ideology that you don't want to stand behind anymore

>keynsian economics doesnt work

>entire developed world has used keynsian economics for decades

>socialism doesnt work

>most of the developed world is socialist democracies
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An oil industry that was Ibn Saud was already developing? You would rather Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany get that oil?
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>You GOP shills are just trying to dindu it now because it's a complete cuck ideology that you don't want to stand behind anymore
Except they are still standing behind it!
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it's just that their go to move is always to dindu
no economic theory is 100% right also unemployment and poverty rate in America didn't hit the double digits until the second new deal World War II technically got us out of the Great Depression also the Nazis used the multiplier effect so Keynesian economics isn't completely shit.
according to the Laffer Curve a system of measurement used by Economist to calculate how much a government games through taxing its public the Ronald Reagan administration actually received more money in the form of taxes than the Carter Administration it sounds weird because everyone knows where you can has attacks cutter but he actually got more money through tax revenue then is predecessor

trickle down economics is good for making the economy grow but when it comes to wealth redistribution it usually leads to sagflation.


from what I have read fascist economics is just keynesianism with yellow socialism and corporatism.

another interesting fact John Maynard Keynes was a eugenicist

when I was younger I used to think Bill Clinton was a master of the economy then I found out what the net boom was and I found out he had more to do with the 2008 recession than George Bush by rewriting housing regulation and how monetary policy is handled in America.

considering all the infrastructure was in the United States and we owned one fourth of the world's GDP we could basically get away with anything during the fifties that's why JFK had to cut the tax rate during the sixties.

President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity and financial deregulation, which in many ways set the stage for the excesses of recent years.

the top 1% richest Americans pay 70% of the taxes and according to the IRS 12% of Americans join the top 1% for two consecutive years and 73% join the top 10% for two consecutive years and surprisingly 0.63% join the 0.1%
I mainly learned this from you but the way I see it is

>Economy doing fine
>Republinut gives YUUUGE tax cut to billionaires
>economy crashes, debt explodes
>people get fed up
>vote a democrat in
>economy slowly gets better since it's hard to clean up a recession
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>oil deposits follow national borders?
So you're saying that because oil was discovered in Texas that it should also be some under Maryland. It's the same continent.

>And you already admitted that Ibn Saud was already trying to develop oil in 1923
It wasn't pulled out of the ground for over a decade by an American Oil company. Keep ignoring my other points on Pearl Harbor, FDR's investment into Saudi Arabia, and how that helped build what Saudi Arabia is today. A geopolitical and strategic pain in the ass. Do you really believe the Saudis were doing it on their own?

See >>131424571 and >>131422304
It would be impossible for them to get it and wasn't even a blip on their radar.
>Confederate flag
Cletus, im sorry but FDR is the reason your ass isn't owned by a feudal landlord.
>Increments of $200,000
>No one outside of the 1% even makes that much
>This being a fair chart
Why are leafs such misleading faggots.
This chart isn't enough to explain anything other than the richer you are, the more money you make.
Thanks for the observation, leaf.
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this exactly

you've basically summed up the 100 years of American politics

Trump's tax cuts will do unprecedented damage
Nice argument.
Fucking leaf
So that's how much money the Federal Government loses thanks to Drumpfs retardonomic policy. You think it's better sitting in a bank?
>So that's how much money the Federal Government loses thanks to Drumpfs retardonomic policy.
Leaf, here's how stupid you sound:
>America is always spending money on war, what fascist
>America is giving tax breaks to the rich, what fascist
You're an idiot. Your entire country is filled with mentally disabled idiots.
A political term invented by humorist Will Rogers, not an economic theory. You're pretty bad at this, lol.
Oil helped build Saudi Arabia into what it is today. With or without FDR, they would have become the oil powerhouse they are. Except the difference is that u would have preferred Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to get the oil so they could defeat the Allies.

And even if they struck oil in 1938, that is already before the US entered WWII and FDR took an interest

They struck oil in Bahrain in 1932. That's right next door.

Why won't you admit this was you? It's so fucking obvious
If you worship people who wanted to leave the US, why don't you just gtfo out now? You lost.
At least you've finally come to terms that Trump is the potus and he will cut taxes. This is progress.
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Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires at a time of deficits, debt and rising interest rates?

>inb4 because it trickles down
I'd rather not spend 6 trillion dollars on a war but cutting spending so billionaires can buy more yachts isn't the solution dumbass. Look up what happened under Reagan ,starve the beast, a FAILED economic policy that ballooned the debt.


I honestly used to be like you but Obamaleaf educated me and now im not stupid.
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It's been the economic theory of the GOP for the last 40 years kiddo

Because taxing them more isn't possible.
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Why don't you Confederates care about the budget deficit? Why is your entire cuck ideology slashing taxes for the rich and blowing up the budget deficit?
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yes it is

Obama did it and cut the budget deficit by 2/3 and boomed the economy >>131417412

You're just a cuck for your wealthy elite overlords
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I'm glad you see the light now.
ook 76 that's enough i have things to do
>Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires at a time of deficits, debt and rising interest rates?
The better question is why the rich are taxed more than anyone else and why are they already paying more than 50% of the taxes despite being 1% of the population?
Sounds like an unsustainable racket to me.
Didn't the constitution originally call for a apportioned tax? I believe it did.
The real question is why a leaf thinks he knows anything about American economy and politics?
Are you all busy snorting angel dust and blowing each other at some Islamic gay pride Ramadan bombathon parade?
his policies led to the great depression

and also they will be the end of america, in about 20-30 years, once the ponzi scheme called government programs collapse

so yeah, thanks FDR, we'll be argentina in 30 years thanks to you, and young people's prospects today are fucked.
>This article is about the political term
>Political opponents of the Reagan administration soon seized on this language in an effort to brand the administration as caring only about the wealthy

You should really stop BTFO yourself.
It's a shame that so many Americans, some being pretty intelligent get brainwashed into this retardation. Well I guess they got to get something for their money's worth spending billions on brainwashing channels like Fox.
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You gotta love GOP establishment shills and billionaire globalist supercucks. Always fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.
Because taxes never end with leftists. Thats why theres always such a push back on libshit policies from the electorate. Your answer is always tax more spend more. Eventually you cant tax people anymore. Then again you like top pretend the democrats are some FDR hate the rich types that want to tax the ebil 1 % at 90%. That shit died with Reagan. Todays democucks might raise the taxes one or two percent on the 10 richest people in the country, no assets tax of course, but thats it. Your girl Hillary was no commie revolutionary looking to gas the billionaires.
Funny how a burger thinks he knows anything about American politics or economics. Bro, the rich should be taxed more since they spend less proportunial to their income. So if we didn't tax them they would absorb more money than anyone else.
Lol like his Vice president >>131433547


I'm btfo you
>With or without FDR, they would have become the oil powerhouse they are.
It wouldn't have happened without American investment at all.

>Except the difference is that u would have preferred Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to get the oil so they could defeat the Allies.
There you go implying things again.

>And even if they struck oil in 1938, that is already before the US entered WWII and FDR took an interest
That doesn't change the fact that 6 billion of the 7 billion barrels of oil used by the allies were produced in the US with oil drilled from US soil and was considered the top producer of oil. I posted that FDRs interest happened in 1933 here >>131420941 We didn't need the oil and there was no way in hell the Germans or the Japs would get it.

Why won't you admit this was you? It's so fucking obvious
Because I'm not you unhinged faggot.
Obama grew the debt more that all other presidents combined. Fuck off
He was elected AFTER the great depression



>a political term
You're boring me.
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Actually we Democrats reduce the budget deficit you morons blow up every time with insane tax cuts for your billionaire globalist heroes >>131436714

Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3 >>131417412

Please tell me the last time a Republican did that.

Oh shit you can't.
That's what happens when the guy before you left you in the worst economic recession since the great depression. Also

>what are deficits?
>what are debts?
>what are differences

>this kills the Obongo leaf: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-23/top-white-house-economist-admits-94-all-new-jobs-under-obama-were-part-time
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Wrong you're thinking of Reagan. >>131415127

Also I love it when you fucking retards are so dumb you don't know the difference between debt and deficit.

It's fucking hilarious to me.

Watch the rebuttal be a link to an unrelated post.
Afgain obama increased the debt more than all other presidents combined. Just because he ran out of money when the gop congress started pulling back on his extravagant spending doesn't make him any less of a disaster for the debt.
Nope thats obongo.
>It wouldn't have happened without American investment at all.

Yes it would have.

There's no way in hell the Nazis could have made a deal for Saudi oil?
Yes the debt increases the growth of the deficit decreased but we never stopped deficit spending.
you do realize when all u can do is post ZeroBrain fake news articles then I already won

Show me 1 source that a WH economist said Obama part time jobs were 94%. You can't. It's a made up headline that you fell for because you're a retard.

Obama job creation was 95% FULL TIME. You morons should try actually pulling up the jobs data rather than falling for fake news headlines from ZeroBrain, Infotards and investors.com
>Afgain obama increased the debt more than all other presidents combined.

No he didn't. Reagan did >>131415127
Whats your excuse about the fall in the labor participation rate. Haven't heard you spin that one in a while.
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Name the last time a Republican President stopped the deficit spending? Go ahead I'll wait.
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Lol it's falling because boomers are retiring. WTF did you think it was, dumbass? >>131416416

There are 95 gorillion RETIREES, full time high school students, full time university students, stay at home moms, sick, disabled, etc. NOT IN THE LABOR FORCE.

What is the right wing retard conspiracy here?
Nope it was Obama. Nice deflection tho. Really makes the libshits look good when the one up their hated boogeyman Reagan.
>genetic fallacy
Your conspiracy theories have already been debunked.
I always know u retards are backed into a corner when all u have left is the boomers are retiring muh labor force meme

gg retards u got eternally btfo in this thread
Bill Clinton
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He was a Democrat. When all u right wing retards can do is try to take credit for OBAMA AND CLINTON GREATNESS, then I already won.

Try again.

Name the last time a Republican President stopped the deficit spending? Go ahead I'll wait.
Burden of proof is on you.
I think his point was that Bill Clinton was more right-wing since he repealed Glass-Steagle and did NAFTA and other right-wing things.
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