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How many seconds would the USA last in a nuclear war against Russia?

Realistically speaking, how could the Pentagon operate after the Kremlin sends 1000 cobalt enriched warheads toward them from mobile platforms?
a couple of hours would be my guess
About as many seconds as Russia would. We both loose. The whole world dies
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Both sides would be obliterated, alongside probably the rest of humanity. So it doesn't really matter.

>tfw happening thread on /pol/ before humanity's nuclear destruction
Gonna be comfy lads
Hillary told us we only have four minutes, which is classified, but she's a criminal white and doesn't care about national security
neither side would be able to stop ballistic submarines, both countries would be entirely annihilated
Mobile platforms can't reach the US, retard.
about a minute
>How would the US respond?
I'm going to go ahead and guess with Patriot anti-missile systems, scrambled jets with SEAD and other systems enabled and probably a whole bunch of other really cool anti-nuke tech that's sitting beneath tarps right now. The US is quite possibly the only nation on earth capable of disarming and dismembering a massive incoming nuclear salvo. Israel could stop one or two given their 7 step system, but would eventually be overwhelmed. Basically any other country is fucked.

Then comes the retaliatory strike.
this will never happen because the people in power want to keep that power.
Russia's got bigger nukes so a few seconds less.
Yes they can retard. Swedish subs reach your shores frequently as part of excercise.
Bring it on Russia no one attacks the motherfucking Burger Land
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You grossly overestimate the effective of anti-balistic missile technology.
keep thinking technology is stuck int he 60s.

The USA was completely left behind. Russia is the only country with a working anti missile systems.
The only reason they haven't stroke yet is because they're waiting for the US to collapse on it's own. In a symphony of celebrity president, race mixing and obesity.
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nuclear is only a secondary option to Russian would rather cut the power in the US... give it a week, and the country would be emersed in anarchy. Give it another week and UN forces would be marching through the streets of US to restore order.

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You can not even defend youtselfs against a horde of sub human scum with average IQ of 60, and expect to do something against the US?!?!
Omg you swedes are truly pathetic
I heard Russia was working on a bipedal tank capable of launching a nuclear warhead anywhere in the world somewhere in the Groznygrad mountains
sub-Saharan Africa (except maybe South Africa) will become the new dominant region of the world because it's so irrelevant that nobody will bother nuking it.
"Do something" isnt the same as "Reaching"
God damn you guys cant read worth shit.
The chicken and the AK47 will be the new world currency and the Black NWO will begin hoarding shiny 20 inch rims
Yeah but that shit-hole will collapse with no foreign aid.
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Remember the US has enough atomic weapons in their subs ALONE to destroy the planet.
Both Soviet openly and Americans secretly included a preemptive strike on all non aligned nations as well in their nuclear doctrines.

They're taking the whole world with them. These are psychopathic pedos, sadists, homosexuals and jews we're dealing with. The hardcore satanic kind.
Dunno, I have a feeling both sides have weaponized space already so there would probably be a massive upper atmosphere web of EMP oriented detonations and everything would go dark with much less actual impacts than people would have predicted but a lot of mess.

It makes sense to just spray the boundary of the country with thousands of warheads and burst them on the coast like a shield and hope it works.

Maybe the reason the US have been focusing on EMP hardening their defences in particular the past 15 years.
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Not one part of that is vaguely truthful
[Citation needed]
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Why do you want to reach it if you will not do nuffin?!?
See the lack of logic there?!
Just reinforcing the meme of swedes being stupid....
>You grossly overestimate the effective of anti-balistic missile technology.
That's the thing though, the US mainland is absolutely blanketed in every kind of defense possible. From missiles, ballistic, electronic, etc, you name it and the US military has it ready to go. You see patriot systems failing in SK where they're poorly maintained, old Vietnam war models. These are what the US sells to it's allies.

Take a look at what the US and Israel have been working on basically since the creation of the country. Israel's main focus is on deterring a nuclear threat, and guess who designed, built and mass produces that technology for them?

Nuking an American ally without it's own nuclear deterrent would be fairly simple. Nuking mainland USA however, would be a completely different story.
Do I need to post that training operation where a 2 US ships, 1 US heli and 1 US sub failed to properly track and find a bloody Australian sub despite cheating?
Russia only maintains ONE single operational Typhoon.

If USA launched a first strike Russia would be fucked.

On the other hand, USA has over a dozen boomers at sea, each with enough firepower to cause nuclear winter.
Did you even read the comment that I quoted? You're a fucking dumbass, Portuguese people truly are the bottom tier latins.
USA doesn't have a magical space laser that shoots down nukes.
They have at best ABMs with maybe a 50% hit rate.
But as has been shown in the past, brute force easily overwhelms the systems the US has for shooting down ballistic missiles, if the Russians wanted to nuke the USA it wouldn't just be a few nukes, it would be hundreds of actual nukes then thousands of duds to eat up the ABMs.

Anti-nuke tech is nowhere near close enough to actually stop a nuclear threat, just reduce it.
ICBM travel about 6 km/s in average.
US bases are in average around 5000Km away from Russian population centers and vice versa.
Russia is 1500 Km away from the UK.
The war would be over in about 30 minutes, 20 if the US army response in a nuclear strike is quick enough. The UK would be annihilated in 5 minutes, the rest of Europe in less. If China and Russia attack each other during the exchange they would fall in about 3 minutes after the launch of their nuclear warheads. If that is the case, Russia would die first due to Chinese attack, the US being blown up minutes later. If they don't attack each other then it will be 15 minutes.

South America wonders why the internet went off but doesn't give a fuck.
Australians keep fighting emus since their slow internet is the same thing as being shut down.
Aussies are now Mustard race and South America becomes the Second Best place in the world.
Mecca is now glass so nothing of value was lost.
Only the Swiss survive in Europe and maybe some communities in Nordic europe.
Argentina is now the Third whitest region on Earth.
Same goes for the nords, you guys are the scum.
Btw I read it and does not make sense, maybe if you can explain would be nice.
You want to reach US with missiles but you wont do nothing....
So I ask, where is the logic in that?!?
Fucking pathetic.

>Portuguese people truly are the bottom tier latins.

Same goes for the nords, you guys are definitely the most cringe worth, pathetic people.
That's my point though. That's why these systems failed / were not fully effective in the past. We're seeing them on limited deployment on countries who can afford to purchase them.
In the US however, every military base is armed with both ballistic and missile based countermeasures for ICBMs.
Ballistic based CMs are good enough to track and shoot down incoming mortar shells in the pitch black with nearly 100% effeciency, and that's just 1 unit firing. When an ICBM flys over / into the US, it has to pass over a nearly infinite series of these countermeasures.

You're right though, that no nuke-screening will stop every single bomb from dropping, but enough major command and control points should be safe from blasts while the US organizes and implements it's counter attack.
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>Russia's got bigger nukes so a few seconds less
New Zealand can finally stop having it's economy fucked over by China.

No they're not.
The US doesn't have anti-Nuke launchers just sitting around, they have some which are still of limited effectiveness.
Interceptor missiles were at 50% hit ratio.
And systems designed for other types of missile strike won't be effective on ICBMs, they might hit a few but the positioning has to be perfect.

Thousands upon thousands of missiles will be fired, how many are you actually going to hit in the maybe 30 minutes you get of warning?
It will be a small fraction of the total launched, sure not every missile launched will actually be a nuke but you're not going to get lucky and perfectly hit all the nukes with your interceptor missiles.

MAD is still in effect. Stopping a full scale nuclear attack from another major power isn't currently possible, especially since the USA isn't focusing on it, they have small systems so if say North Korea nuked the USA, the USA could shoot most of the down.
But Russia?
Not happening.
Of course stopping it wholesale isn't going to happen. The question is how would the US respond to that threat? The answer is by deploying every single countermeasure in it's arsenal, which by the way extends much beyond simple interceptor missiles. Even aircraft can be used to intercept ICBMs, given a long enough time on target to predict and intercept.

The US can scramble more interceptor missiles, pilots, AA systems, AAM systems, electronic countermeasures, actual lazers (check out boeings decked out 747 for this very purpose), etc than any nation has of ICBMs, dummy or otherwise. Some of these systems would fail, of course. Priorities would be misplaced, mistakes would be made and luck would not be on everyone's side. However, to imply that there's very little we could do in the event of a nuclear Armageddon is naive, especially since it's where most of the US military funding has been going towards since the cold war.
Just an addendum, a very similar thing would happen to the nukes the USA fired in return, but afaik Russian missile interception game is pretty weak, they rely on stuff like the S-400, a dedicated anti-plane system, to also intercept missiles. You can read about them at work if you do a bit of research on Trump's tomahawk strike in Syria and the role Russian made AA played in mitigating that threat.
You people have a massively overinflated idea of the effectiveness of nuclear weapons. Even in the depths of the Cold War, when worldwide stockpiles were massively higher, the government estimated a 30% casualty rate MAX from a full exchange. Today we're probably looking at a 10-15% maximum casualty rate in the US, (which by the way would mostly affect liberal big-city coastal areas). The US Govt estimates a return to pre-war GDP within 15 years. An entire generation of economic growth lost, yes, but hardly the end of our American way of life, let alone our country or the human race. But 100% of our truest foreign enemies would be dead, and never again would this country deal with enemies with one hand tied behind its back. Also, scientists now know that nuclear winter is a complete myth. Basically, if you survive the war, you'll survive for a normal lifespan, and be pretty much back to normal life within 20 years max.
>ICBM travel about 6 km/s in average.
That's the old speed.

It's been a while since they can send some capable of flying at 50 times the speed of sound 20 meters above the ground.
And that's only the technology we're aware of.
From the moment the first nuclear explosion occurs on American soil, less than 1 hour for total destruction.
Given time the US could scramble it's systems, but in a full scale nuclear conflict it has a matter of minutes to identify where the missiles are, scramble countermeasures, and then actually shoot down the missiles.
The vast majority of the USA's interception systems aren't built for ICBMs, they might hit a few but will be ludicrously ineffective. And as the first few missiles reach their target's it'll get harder and harder to intercept the next set as bases are vaporised.
1 second less than Russia would last.
>USA: 7k nukes
>Russia: 8k nukes

It would be the end of times.
flight time is about 30 minutes.

so ... yeah about 30 minutes.

just enough time to take everyone else with us.

Protip: it only takes about 30 nominal-yield detonations within 30 days to irreparably fuck the environment so bad that everyone dies with two years of cancer.
you severly understimate the yield of dirty bombs. It's not about the blast, it's the radiation fallout that follows. The russians can cover the entire states with a nuclear cloud if they so desire.

And we all know what their doctrine has been for the past decades. Complete hegelian anihilation of the enemy's people.
USA has more missiles and more warhead capacity in its missiles.
But USA doesn't actually use most of that capacity while Russia does.
>You grossly overestimate the effective of anti-balistic missile technology.
we have a "surprise"
Well, but not all ICBMs are updated. And those with the cutting edge tech would be used to strike military targets, not cities.
I think you'd be surprised at how detailed and in-advance this stuff is planned out. Nobody is making decisions in the event of a nuclear dawn, everyone just follows pre-set plans. I mean, back during the cold war they built the radar lines up in Canada just to give them a few more minutes to detect incoming missiles. There was a plan then to deal with this event and there's an even more detailed plan now I'm sure. Also you underestimate the technology that has been built specifically for this purpose. There is a very small possibility of a land invasion in America, so of course military bases are placed and planned in such a way as to deter that threat. The real reason for homeland military bases is specifically to house these massive anti ICBM countermeasures, since a long range strike over the north pole was and still is the most likely possible situation.

Not to mention fun stuff like this:
how long can the planet survive. it would be all over.

>truest foreign enemies

Our enemies are domestic: liberals, shitskins, and the jews orchestrating them.
that's the best of the best though
it's unlikely they've updated even half of the missiles to that level
Umm.. wut? Hiroshima and Nagasaki are real cities that were wiped out in mere seconds. The weapons today are much better than they were then. Keep in mind, the Tsar Bomb is not a theoretical weapon, but an actual tested and legitimate device. The United States and even many of its offshore military bases (like the one in Iraq) can be targeted and wiped out one morning.
nigger detected
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Negatron. I wish I could boast about having the most nukes but Russia has more. But when you're talking about thousands of nukes, a difference of a couple hundred is a moot point. A full nuclear exchange would be Armageddon.
it's all smoke in mirrors and a way to suck up tax dollars
we have no plan and it won't ever happen anyways
They'd do the same
War would be fought with whatever is left, head quarters would be in hidden bunkers
gotta say nordbro, the spic has a point. you welcome the horde yourselves
Have you read it?

"The ABL was designed for use against tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs). These have a shorter range and fly more slowly than ICBMs. The MDA has recently suggested the ABL might be used against ICBMs during their boost phase. This could require much longer flights to get in position, and might not be possible without flying over hostile territory. Liquid-fueled ICBMs, which have thinner skins, and remain in boost phase longer than TBMs, might be easier to destroy.[citation needed]

If the ABL had achieved its design goals, it could have destroyed liquid-fueled ICBMs up to 600 km away. Tougher solid-fueled ICBM destruction range would likely have been limited to 300 km, too short to be useful in many scenarios, according to a 2003 report by the American Physical Society on National Missile Defense.[27]"

Not designed for ICBMs.
How many can the USA field in 15-30 minutes?
How many can they actually get into range and use before they've missed their window?

Yes, the USA has known this could happen for a long time, so has Russia, this does not mean that either country is capable of effectively countering it.
Just because everyone has a preset plan of action does not mean that they can effectively counter the threat within such a limited time window.
At best they can make a dent, but it will be miniscule, if the USA wanted to stop full scale nuclear war they would construct at field more systems designed for countering ICBMs, but they don't, they have very few that actually can.
if Russia attacks the US then so will Europe
You have been reading a bit too much alternative journalism
shit, you know how long they have been preparing for this.
That's why they're Fallout style wastelands today where no one lives, right? Most of the radiation dissipated in Hiroshima within hours, and was almost entirely gone within a month. Yes, our bombs today are more powerful, but the laws of physics haven't changed. Hiroshima's population recovered to pre-war levels within 10 years. I'm not saying a nuclear war wouldn't be horrible, with millions dead, but 30-40 million dead is a very different number than the 350+ million population of the US. The "End Of the World" nuclear war scenario mostly comes from movies, propaganda, and peacenik bullshit.
>if the USA wanted to stop full scale nuclear war they would construct at field more systems designed for countering ICBMs, but they don't, they have very few that actually can.
But see, that's where you're wrong. That is the area to which the most US Military funding has been allotted.

Also, I know that YAL-1 isn't a functional working lazerplane, but this is also a fairly old project and declassified. I just wanted to include it because it's so damn cool. Imagine the tech they have behind closed curtains now adays?

Like I've been saying all along, it's impossible to stop a full fledged nuclear attack, but the hardpoints would survive as that's where all the defensive equipment is located, and also where retaliatory strikes are controlled from.

America's ability to project power in other countries looks badass, but it's nothing compared to all that gear sitting at home currently without congressional approval.
Considering how difficult it is to send any kind of rocket up. I highly doubt the missile arsenal of either side could get a single missile onto enemy soil.

It's going to be bombers shot down by planes and more conventional aircraft.

ie: Not gonna happen.

It's far more likely each country ends up bombing themselves and blaming it on the other side.
0 seconds , just 10 nukes crash markets 4evr
>You can not even defend youtselfs against a horde of sub human scum with average IQ of 60, and expect to do something against the US?!?!
US has this same problem. You just don't hear about it because it's nothing new. The shit your seeing today from Europe with white women being attacked and molested by darkies is shit America has been going through for over 2 centuries. America has just wisened up about it (somewhat), European women are still in their "it's ok they are just people, no need to be so racist" phase, walking by muzzies in their designer slut outfits.
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Everyone of earth would die, there would be no winners, only losers; the question is if the people in the bunkers would ever have a reason to get out.
nah, only russia can intercept a few of its incoming, sead btw is not what you think
There is no winner, everyone will be fucked - apart from New Zealand
anyone else thinks fattie is going shit allover the midget ?
We have SAM sites in place all over the country to intercept nuclear warheads.
penguins on the south pole would survive, be about it.
Suppression of enemy air defense, I know what it's for. You would never send up a big ICBM hunting jumbo jet without buttloads of SEAD on escort
The guy said: "Mobile platforms can't reach the US, retard."

Why wouldnt a mobile platform be able to reach the US if sandnigger Swedish subs can?

Your English is 10/10.
sweetie confirmed
are you sure ? sead is against enemy radar and sam
You're looking at this in a very tunnel visioned way.

We didn't completely level Japan into radiated ash. We bombed 2 cities and then threatened them with bombing more cities if they didn't surrender. Needless to say, they surrendered. It's easy to rebuild a city in 10 years when you have neighboring cities contributing and not to mention a homogenous people that see each other as a family.

If US is surprised attacked, it's going to be full scale death and destruction. There isn't going to be a peace negotiation. There will be no neighboring cities to help rebuild what is lost. It will be total wipeout.

Not to mention... we are not a homogenous people. We have rural white areas, and we have apes living in the cities. Our classism and race differences are going to be relevant in a survivalist setting. Don't expect surviving towns to help the nigger infested cities.

Once we got to the point of nuclear bombardment, we're all fucked.

US nuclear doctrine is "overkill Russia" and vice versa. The resulting fallout and such will proceed to destroy the world for humanity save by blind luck.

They didn't call it MAD for nothing.
The truth you fail to realize is that nukes aren't even real, they're not simply weaker than they say. The reason Hiroshima isn't fucked up today is because it was fire-bombed, not nuked. If nukes were real and as weak as you say they actually would have beeb used in combat at some point after WW2 because MAD wouldn't be true. Nukes are just a hollyjew lie to scare the goy into submission and trick them into believing in the Sampson option/MAD.

I've crunched the numbers in threads before. The Russians no longer have enough ICBM warheads to effectively decapitate the US and maintain a deterrent force. The US has more active warheads and more serviceable delivery systems. A nuclear war between the IS and Russia would devastate both countries but the US would probably lose less, especially if NATO (or even just the UK) gets involved.
enough of this flat earth shit
Except the USA, as I said, doesn't field a large number of ICBM ABMs.
Most of their ABMs that are actually fielded and ready to be used are designed for slower shorter range missiles, because that is what they face the majority of the time.
Work has been put into devloping ways of intercepting ICBMs(Intercept test this year for example)but the systems they do have are in a very small quantity and couldn't be deployed rapidly.
Every military base doesn't have a launch pad a few interception missiles just lying around.

The USA's low quantity of anti-ICBM systems and high quantity of ABMs focused on lower velocity missiles highly suggests a focus on using them to counter small strikes and threats from minor countries like North Korea.

If nuclear war breaks out between the USA and Russia, the USA will not launch hundreds of laser planes, thousands of specially designed fighter interceptors, millions of interception missiles that were all prepped and ready to go. It will launch a few interception missiles and focus on it's counter attack by firing all of it's on missiles and launching cruise missile/bomber attacks in retaliation.
Yes. Any kind of long range first strike would probably be composed of not only ICBMs but also aircraft of every size. With them come AA assets, probably naval based. For that, SEAD.
When I first typed that out I didn't mean to imply that SEAD was anti-nuke, but rather that it's a cool high-tech technology would that would certainly be involved in the exchange. I re-read my post though and it is worded quite poorly.
>russias got bigger nukes so they're faster
wat nigger

USA and Russia are top 2 nuke carrying countries, also it's probably not public information what either countries maximum payload is, either way both countries firing off both of their nukes would be a doomsday for the entire world
losing less in a full scale nuclear war means you don't get incinerated but die of cancer a few years later. or months if you're lucky.
Russia tested the largest nuke ever, that doesn't mean that's the largest either side has. Don't you have someone to get raped by somewhere?
its ok chill out brother , if nukes fall were fukt anyway
>I crunched the numbers and figured out that 1400 is a bigger number than 1700, USA USA USA USA USA

Russia has more deployed warheads in every estimation.
Russia has more than enough warheads to severely damage the USA
Just as the USA will do the same to Russia

What do you mean? Russians use warheads between 550-750kt and the US uses the W78 warhead on missiles which have a yield of 335-350kt.
Not only that, but there are systems in place to protect the U.S. mainland from space.
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and then we take over the east coast.
Um, why can't we be friends?
Please bomb us.
Don't forget about the space laser the USA has to shoot down missiles.
it's not public information what their strongest warheads are, they definitely have nukes that strong, but neither would ever release what they actually have
Burgers need so much self-assurance. They can't accept how vulnerable they truly are.
so who wants a tuna sandwich?
Well you've given me some additional material to read into but I stand by my point. In response to the threat of a nuclear arsenal unleashed by the Russians, the US would deploy it's entire countermeasure arsenal, such as it is, and do it's very best to protect key command and control areas. Given what I've read and my knowledge on the subject, I've been lead to believe that these strongpoints should remain relatively intact.

I think you don't give the US enough credit for the stuff behind the curtain, of course they don't have a fleet of lazer planes or anything of that nature, but anything that is ready to go up will go up. That's also only including conventional warfare methods like ballistic and radar based systems. There's also the concept of a massive EMP blast or similar taking hundreds or thousands of missiles out of action at a time.
I'm going to do some more reading into ABMs that the US currently has active though, so thank you for having a reasonable conversation with me.
You're forgetting the "War" part of Nuclear War. What, you think a country just fires its entire arsenal in an insane attempt to exterminate every living thing in another country? If that were the case, we'd have no need of doctrine or strategy. An enemy would first target our nuclear assets, followed by other military assets, and then finally strategic civilian assets. It's a WAR between professional militaries, not some nutcase detonating a suicide vest in a gay disco. No one is going to use their entire stockpile or anything close to it. Why would they, so North Korea is suddenly the world's preeminent nuclear power in the aftermath, because the major powers decided they had to kill every last person in a bunker in Moscow or NY and wasted assets on overkill? The world is a big place, and the US, China and Russia are very large pieces of it. A nuclear weapon is just a bomb. If it doesn't blow you up or incinerate you at once, and you're not in the rapidly diminishing deadly radiation zone, you'll be fine. It's not going to sneak into your home at night and rape your sister.
>Don't forget about the space laser the USA has to shoot down missiles.
>space laser
fucking lol

They have less operational SLBMs and ICBMs which is what matters. Most gravity bombs won't reach their destinations.


Nah, that's a meme. Most bombs would land in the middle if nowhere and the 7/10 rule says that within weeks radiation would be only slightly elevated.
This. The U.S. and Russia are far more advanced in military technology than is known to the public. Especially the U.S.
Did I mention flat earth? If it wasn't for the nuke lie nobody would have believed that the USSR and US weren't just two different ZOGs carving up the earth in the name of Jewry. They were fucking open allies in WW2 when the last non-ZOG with global reach existed. Every "war" since has been nothing but theater to herd the goy. Just look at how Vietnam was conducted, how can you possibly believe that wasn't theater?
What are you blathering leaf?
Russia have more nukes and russian nukes are more powerful.

But they have. It's not about strength of nukes it's about numbers. You don't need a 10MT bomb when you can sling 20 500kt bombs.
Chernobyl's radiation is still elevated. the US is much more densely populated than Russia.
I've been playing first strike. If my success rate is anything to go by..
not very long. It's Europe America needs to keep an eye on...sneaky bastards.

Countermeasures are a joke. Even American ABM assets are jokes meant to swat a few shitty Nork-tier nukes.

That's not how nuclear war works. Nuclear wars are not fought to kill everything in the other country, they are fought to destroy your enemy's capacity to wage a war and force them to the table. Nuclear war is not as bad as people say and it can be "won" to a degree.
Realistically about 15 to 30 mins, the only window you have for travel time when the first missile launches. After that, you will be dead in a fraction of a second after first burst if you are anywhere near the epicenter. Everyone else will have minutes before fallout begins to sweep the area, depending on the yield and if it was ground or airburst, it will determine if the fall out is local or global.

If it was all out nuclear war, chances are many will cause global fallout irradiating the entire world over. The fire storms which will be created afterward would sweep each nation almost in a pyroclastic manner. Everyone above ground will be charred if caught in the firestorms.

Everyone below ground will have some chance depending on location and depth, they will last as long as their supplies hold out, after that time they must venture out in search for new supplies. Everything on the surface would be dead, either by the blast, the firestorms or radiation.

Nuclear winter will set in even after months after there still will be heavy debre in the atmosphere effectively reducing sunlight. This will make it hard for anything to survive as it will be a struggle under new conditions.
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>The world would end if global thermonuclear war occurred.
This meme needs to die. Mount Vesuvius eruption had more combined power than all our nukes.

>But muh fallout
Airbursts produce very little fallout

>But muh radiation
Instant detonation of all nukes would raise the worldwide background radiation to that of what is common in India.

>But I played Fallout 4, they had super mutants n'shit
KYS and/or learn something about the subject you're discussing.
I never expected people to be so naive.
Do people actually think this in the USA?
Do you actually believe that if Russia nukes you it'll just be shot down by ABMs you don't have?

I don't deal in "behind the curtains" because that is all guess work. But yes, this was a surprisingly good conversation.
Also, I'm pretty sure the ICBM interception system they were testing this year only has 50% hit rate in their tests, however, it is a step in the right direction.

Yeah, dude. The US space laser, it shoots down nukes, just like all those super amazing missile interception systems the US has all over the country but nobody knows about.
Things are real man, nukes just got BTFOed.

Russia has more warheads deployed and ready to be launched at the press of a button than the USA in every estimation the US has done.
But please, show me how you know exactly how many nukes Russia has.

Chernobyl was totally and completely different than a nuclear explosion. Modern nukes are magnitudes more clean than the original A-bombs and look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
russias plans are quite malevolent in a nuclear war , which is expected

>hit us with 10 nukes , announce they willing to take equal toll
crash the us financial system

>hit the us with a single exoatmospheric ~25 megaton EMP (they have 10 of those left) , no damage , fry every electronics device including cars/trucks phones fridges , total collapse

>nuke the western half of the us with groundbursts (cover the rest with tons of fallout)

>directly nuke everything (they can but probably not because no one wants to spend his arsenal in a single salvo)
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The real problem is the half life of the radioactive material. I read once about a particularly nasty variant radioactive bomb material that made pretty much everything poison for 65 years+.

Think about the water and food being bad to consume for 65 years. It'd be a slow, mad max waste land death for everyone.
Believe what you want to believe, but there's a lot stuff that's not known to the public and even most of the military.

That's wrong.
spoken like a true cuck you fucking national embarrassment
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Great counter argument bro.
Go back to chanting USA USA USA and shooting your guns in the air.
Everybody's in here talking about how the world's gonna end
there are only ~10k active warheads on the entire planet. That's not nearly enough to fully demolish either the US or Russia, let alone the whole fucking planet.
I remember reading a classified report in the military from early 2000's about how the russians would attack Norway in case of a full blown nuclear war. I probably shouldn't post what i remember here, but who cares any more.

I remember 4 nuclear weapons in the initial opening round, would hit the two major cities, our largest military airfield and then the city where our military headquarters are. There would then be a 'pause' for nearly 120 minutes where new weapons from the silos would be deployed (if left unchecked), and they would hit primarly cities only. This would be the "damage" norway would take.

The american respons would be "overwhelming", but i have no idea how badly the US would get hit.
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Listen, I don't think you understand just how hard it is to shoot down nukes.
what if you hit MUH YELLOWSTONE
or what about MUH SECRET WEAPONS

What's the surprise, if you don't mind broadcasting it to thousands of readers, and to be archived forever at 4plebs?
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>claims US & Russian "cold war" was made by two sides of the same coin

>checks out because fedgov was actually (still?) infested with commies since McCarthy

holy fucking shit he's right
i'm getting a dog sidekick and playing madmax.

oh well money talks, the same people (cunts-jews basically) are pushing for a US-Russia confrontation foolishly assuming everyone is wise enough to not nuke , well since my flag is Orthodox and we have our prophets they have told us that a single sub will break ranks and start it all if the 2 nuclear forces duke it out , you can't find it online because it doesnt exit the greek speaking bubble
It is enough to cause the collapse of society.
The environmental effects are enough to severely damage food production.
The USA isn't going to be literally flattened, it's going to be severely damaged, large cities, industry, military bases and centres of government will be obliterated.
The initial death toll won't be that bad, compared to the disease starvation and anarchy that will follow.
a submarine attack off the coasts with missiles flying on a depressed trajectory can hit the center of the us in less than 7 minutes
Wtf do you know? 99% of our defense technology is classified. Fuck off with your cuck country
With the intercept system that was a "first of it's kind" test not too long ago, yes it is extremely difficult. That was just a show to North Korea. There's more than you think there is, anon. Trust me.

0. The second nukes fly every country on earth ceases to exist.

30 minuets after nukes fly most of us die

31 minuets after the rest of us go underground

24-72 hours later depending on how well prepared we where we emerge as animals

After that who knows what we do. I personally will be heading north if I make it, but you would almost be better off dying in the exchange.
UN Forces marching thru burger land. The most heavily armed civilian populace that will treat them like invaders... riiigghhtt
it may be hard, but having a countermeasure that works would be a godsend, thus they're fully willing to throw money at it so they can have their safety

According to the most detailed account we have (the latest START) Russia has 1032 nuclear warheads on ICBMs and SLBMs.

According to the same treaty the United States has 1600 warheads on ICBMs and SLBMs, not including the 120 deployed SLBM warheads with the UK. Gravity bombs matter much less and even if you do want to count those the US has more nuclear capable heavy bombers ready than Russia does.

Tell me more about how I'm stupid.

>inb4 b-but it's classified

Listen, I literally work at an NGO dedicated to non-proliferation, and we think these numbers are at least relatively accurate.
nah us + russia have non deployed weapons in storage another 20K, 10 k is enough destroy fucking everything
unlikely. Environmental damage assuming that most of the shots are goundbursts, but most strategic assets in the US are too far away from US farmland to matter. Very unlikely that the Russians will target government centers, they're not strategically valuable enough to attack with nukes. There's hardly going to be anarchy, if the Russians do decide to attack cities, it's going to be all the big blue cities where all the criminal element lives. Rural Americans are patriotic enough to not pull that shit.

No, there's not, unless you provide proof that the US has a superweapon capable of swatting down swarms of either warheads or missiles this is totally unfound in reality. There is a reason we are still updating and maintaining the GMD program.
Bolivia has a lot of lithium so they would become a huge power within a few years if any governments still function.
>tfw I live 20 minutes from Cape Canaveral/NASA
RIP me

You'd be surprised, especially considering that the failure rate for non-maintained (see: "reserve") nuclear weapons are expected to be above 50%
try russian weapons multiplied with a factor of 2

It would be, but it would also be very dangerous. Deterrence has kept the world safe for over half a century now.
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We have more nukes dismantled. Russia has sold large portions of their fission materials and their spare parts.

Worst case scenario though would be Russia's dead man system that was built in the 60s into the 80s goes off from a lack of maintenance
The world would have about 37 minutes to mourn.

After that, the world is destroyed.

Thinking any paltry amount of survival matters after a global nuclear incident is stupid.
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quit beeing overconfident, read this >>131344334
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Why? Do you have proof or evidence? Also, it is important to note that each side knows where the silos are, so it literally is as easy as counting the silos, and considering the Russian Typhoons are rusting away SLBMs are almost a non-issue.
>provide proof
So I can end up in Leavenworth? Sorry, bud.
There is no realistic way of stopping a nuclear barrage, save for alien tech.

You are delusional. This is not how nuclear war is waged.
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>illuminatti belly button


Kek. Okay. Nuclear programs are pretty transparent for what they are.

Sorry, but THAAD and GMD are pretty much the best we've got. It's spooky but it's true.
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one hour

fake knockers don't do it 4 me
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i bet cocks do it for you though
Russia building a gundam confirmed.
Like I said, believe what you want. I'm not going to Leavenworth for the rest of my life because some anon on /pol/ wants me to show them some classified material.
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Shut the fuck up with your end days up optimism... Weirdo..

Most people would survive the initial exchange and virtually all of the southern hemisphere would be untouched.

Okay. Keep pretending you aren't full of shit.
6 km/s is practically orbital velocity, why go faster and actually put the thing into LEO and require retro burners to bring it back down? If the retro burners failed you'd have no control over where it deorbits.

Mach 50 at basically sea level? That would be impressive, the drag forces and heating would be astronomical.
Russia wouldn't do that, Achmed, because we are white Christian brothers saving that shit for Muzzieland!
Read OP's post again. We're talking salted cobalt bombs in this thread faggot.
If you like fake tits, you're probably 13.

Or like a fat adult or something.

Yeah that's bullshit. The Americans still mainly use the Minuteman III and the Russians mainly use the R-36.
Go ahead and disregard the fact that fallout is heavy and is removed from the atmosphere very quickly. Remember Castle Bravo? Only had a plume 100 miles long, but the Rockies are quite a bit farther from the Midwest than that. Of course they will spend their entire active arsenal in the initial engagement, anything you don't fire you lose to the enemy salvo. You don't seem to understand nuclear warfare very well.
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I started this. that's from like 08
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Depends on the engagement. It's evolved a little more since the "use it or lose it" days.
>Realistically speaking, how could the Pentagon operate after the Kremlin sends 1000 cobalt enriched warheads toward them from mobile platforms?
Decentralized control, a retaliation strike, and the fact that cobalt salt bombs don't actually exist, they are just a theoretical technology. A strategic nuclear exchange between two countries would destroy both countries for centuries to come. Sure humans would survive, even within the nuked countries, but the government would collapse, massive numbers of people would die from starvation or exposure, and order would take decades to restore. Even after that the massive death toll would keep either country from being relevant for centuries.
Which don't exist. You might as well discuss what if the US used project Orion to send a nuclear missile firing battleship into orbit, both are theoretically possible yet something nobody ever bothered to do because it is redundant and stupid.
Y'all are fucked up wanting race war and end days, and Armageddon.. You got your shit prepared that's great. Now why you want it to happen though? I don't think you will see it happen.

Let me put it this way. Evil wants to exist. It will always want to exist. It's all it knows. It will bind to the material of earth forever and never want to destroy it. Only control it, live forever and other sick stupid bullshit..not.going to happen... Bub :)
I'm not so confident. They couldn't even stop planes flying in to the WTC & Pentagon
comfy nuclear thread

He's wrong but for different reasons that you imply.

The issue with 9/11 is that NORAD is damn near an impenetrable wall. The issue is that at the time NORAD had no eyes facing inwards. They've fixed that since.
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Wrong twice in one post, I'm impressed. I'm guessing you're 13 & fat?
How do you know that none of the warheads in either arsenal has been salted with cobalt? Because there's been no public announcement?

It's not like there's any technical, logistic or financial hurdles in making one. Only ethics stand in the way, really.
>The whole world dies

I guess French/Brits will send their nukes also to Russia
so probably US will win
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you need two weeks underground minimum, come on folks

its not the warhead that's the problem, you mean provided the ICBM don't fly, what if they do ? bombs ? why have you missed topol>topol M > Yars modernization path, that's an overhaul every ~10 years , minuteman are 40 years old , you need look into it

>tfw you warn people and they call you delusional

you havn't done your homework right, I think Russia has just 1 typhoon left used for tests , however it still has all its delta-IV's, some delta-III and is building up Borei, remember a single loaded typhoon has 200 warheads

theres no such weapon fielded with the exception of the planned status-6 USV

nah, topol m + yars , R-36 is a hell of a system but it's not #1 in the attack list though probably all will fly if shit happens

find charts and look at them , the plume from a
multi-megaton grounburst is several hundrend miles long . It is you who does not understand is an attack happens it will be by subs hitting your facilities that target their silos and Russian roadmobile ICBM saved for a second strike capability
I question whether or not the US can even launch their nukes given the age of the systems surrounding the nuclear launch procedures.

I bet if their ever was a full scale near future nuclear war, the us would fail to launch.

You misunderstand the point of nuclear war. Not to mention that making a cobalt warhead wouldn't do near what you think it would. This isn't fucking Dr. Stsnglelove.
>replying to this many people
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A nuclear war would last forever. Nukes don't cover as much ground as you think. Russia could salvo the coasts and kill at best 20 million people in a surprise attack. The U.S. would instantly destroy the good parts of Russia but Russia is fuckhuge and they would last forever without giving in.

And that's why we only need to worry about radical Muslim countries and NK. Normal countries are rational enough to know that nukes = senseless.
bullshit, people need get their answers, are you an 80 iq brainlet or what
>muh Russia is stronger than the US meme
>nukes don't exist
The ultimate redpill, it's returned!
Interesting fact:

In the event of an invasion on Russian soil, they will nuke their own land. It's in their doctrine, its pretty funny. It's why you don't see a lot of military bases being built around the sea/boarders of Russia. I believe it's 50 KM's that they have to be from it.
It would be possible for the USA to survive nukes from Russia, however the biggest cities would be levelled. The Pentagon has some detection and warning systems in place. So an attack that massive would leave some time to try and intercept the attack. Saving some targets and damage. At the very least they can retaliate. However Russia has a bigger problem in a nuclear war. The population of Russia is far more concentrated in major urban centres than the US. As a result it would take a lot less nukes to decimate Russia. To put it simply 2 nukes aimed at Russia's biggest cities would devastate over 10% of the population. 2 nukes hit the biggest US cities, less than 4% of the total population would be hit.
of course. Because with their severely degraded early warning system and knowledge of our surveillance capacity they will gamble their existence on a second strike capacity that will not fully withstand the initial response. Hundreds of miles is not long enough. Not only is the continental US is two and a half thousand miles wide, but the concentration of fallout at that distance will have reduced to maybe 10x background radiation if you're unlucky.
seattle manhattan florida california chicago la tops it and its easily just the beginning
Russia would be completely destroyed while the US has more spread out population.
Putin, go back to bed
Nukes are real. I know for a fact. And we have nukes that make Russian nukes look small.
They would likely target densely populated coastal areas in the US, not just cities. They also have plans to strike critical infrastructure like highways, damns, bridges, factories, etc.
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The USA would last forever in memory after the rain of fire destroys every known living thing.
I also know for a fact that not one of those Russians nukes would touch us and we wouldn't even need to retaliate. The world would be in shock of our power
The closest city to me is New Orleans. It's a fucking shit hole of shit holes

If the Russians/chunks/poos decide to nuke it, I would survive and thank them for doing it
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You're nothing more than a larping faggot who knows far less than he thinks he knows
Lets do vodka trading, bro.
yes but if im lucky you die so better think again, no crops , no transportation, no communication , no refrigeration its not a confidence game to be nuked , its not psychology, it's a radiological disaster

> you do seem unprepared

11 timezones, ok

ffs you had the b-53 dismantled 6 years ago as tops they have 20~25 megatons still left
yeah right because you have any fucking clue what you talking about , talk again when you burn alive , son of a whore fuctkard
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dawwww are you upset for being called out?
I don't really care about your hurt feelers
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JewSA is hell bent on destroying the last sovereign white Christian nation, they are surrounding all of Russia with "missile defense" systems and so forth. We have already seen the United States destroy Europe with its race mixing propaganda and love for "refugees" and "diversity".

I hope Russia nukes JYC and saves the West from the cancer that is the United States.
Such a drunk/stoner statement. Do you use illicit substances?
called out ?you dismiss info, youre a terminal idiot and it cant be changed , enjoy your BBQ
>USA shoots down every missile and reveals to the world we have been colonizing multiple planets/moons in our solar system for decades
>Unleash our genetic weapony that kills specific individuals in Russia instead of the general populace
>Replace them with friendly elements while we organize real elections
>Declare ourselves actual world police
>Each individual country is allowed to do anything they want within their borders
>Any attempt to attack another country leads to the USA killing everyone involved with genetic weaponry
The real question is:

Satan-2 or Trident-II
probably the one with satan on it cuz thats when the devil is cast down
Doesn't matter what kind of secret or advanced abm weapons are out there. Subs can't be stopped before they launch in all likelihood. Subs are the only way to go if you want a nuclear arsenal and they are enough nuclear destruction on subs alone to create a nuclear winter. In the event of nuclear war , we all lose friends
lol nah. I get that fat dudes like fake tits though. Those girls are probably just as insecure about their bodies as the fat guy, so they kinda go together.
The US literally has mothballed caches of tanks, weapons, and supplies burried deep under mountains all over the world that are ready to open up and conquer what's left after a total nuclear war scenario

Source my cousin was in charge of maintaining the one in Korea while he was stationed there.
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>Thinks he knows anything.
>Can't spell lose.


>Implying every major power doesn't know exactly where every enemy sub is at all times
>Implying the subs aren't all sabotaged

They might not be, but with the existential threat they pose I doubt any major power would let them have free reign like that. They're all almost certainly bugged or rigged to blow while at port by enemy nation states
It won't matter if there's nothing to fight for.
>the rest of humanity.
There is no rest of humanity.
I just think it's cool that they actually bothered to implement a plan for it
there's no such thing as nuclear winter

we do nuclear tests all the time, nothing happens
I don't believe that. If enough shit is blown up into the atmosphere then nuclear winter will happen. It just depends on the amount and scale of it.

ftp. cap stone-cre ative.com
u: m ain@ca psto ne-cre ativ e.com
p: 1Capst0n3
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read a book from time to time my man
I know playing pretend can be fun, but knowledge is power & right now you're powerless
No such thing. Literally every single city on earth would have to be nuked. Unrealistic.

We nuked two cities in Japan and nothing happened.
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Nope , you just cant deal wit the truth and it shows, just trying to tell me I'm powerless shows to me how you are weak .
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What is this?
you realize those two bombs are jokes compared to what we can yield today.

We don't detonate super bombs anymore.
The biggest was 50 years ago over the ocean.
This would be the ideal future tbqh


>be me
>don't want to click the link
>google "capstone creative" instead
>google freezes
>computer freezes instantly

I just had to restart my computer. I'm officially spooked. What the fuck I'm probably on some list now
Why do people want the USA to win? It's a Jew controlled state that is promoting multiculturalism all across the globe. If you are serious about saving the white race, then you should root for Russia.
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Don't believe in the Hollyjew nuke lie.
'king kong was fake' so are nukes
>get a grip
How did they take the video of nuclear blasts leveling houses yards away without the cameras being destroyed?
idk but there's probably a reasonable explanation for it.
used a booth

I almost envy you anon. I live in rural Indiana. There is nothing in the way of military/industrial/population targets close enough to me that I would die in the initial exchange, but there is nothing here except dirt which won't keep me warm in the winter or particularly well fed during the spring. We also don't have any surface water that is safe to drink.

I have a spot in Wisconsin that I used to work at that is a survivalists dream. More trees than you could ever burn down, right between a lake and a river just chock full of fish and clean water. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting wildlife And the most important aspect is that there are 15-20 cabins that are almost always empty. The problem is that it's a 14 hour drive through several big cities under normal circumstances in order to get out there avoiding Chicago and other potentially dangerous areas based on population or target likelihood it would take me at least three days travel. And that's three days after I gather any surviving family and load up whatever I can fit in my livestock trailer. Realistically I am looking at at least a week to move after I come back above ground, and by that point moving that far will be a dangerous gamble.

It would all be super exciting if it wasn't for the life or death nature of it all.
>made of high durability metal and glass manufactured in a lab specifically for experiment, not like the shitty plywood they built the fake houses out of.
>smaller objects take less drag force while retaining their structure integrity.
>two weeks underground minimum

Like the vast majority of the population has that time. You sit until you are out of water which for most people is 2-3 days. After that you are forced to go above ground or die.
Noone would last. it would be mutual destruction. Haven't you seen Dr. Strangelove?
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lel nukes aren'r real bro just disable the atoms lel XXXXxDDDdddD
And are mostly anti lgbt and Christian. So I agree with you anon
Even if they could have filmed it, there's still many logical holes in the official story on nukes. It's awfully fucking convenient that they ended up being invented as soon as the entire world ended up under the boot of the kikes. It's an awfully fucking convenient excuse for why two so-called enemies could never fight an actual war against each other. It's awfully convenient for the Jews to have the Sampson option threat hanging over the head of the goy. I'm supposed to believe that these weapons exist when the only real proof is ancient footage that looks like a crappy 50s sci-fi movie? I'm supposed to believe that two proven ZOGs owned from top to bottom by kikes were really enemies for fifty years?
They put the camera in a see-through refrigerator. Everyone knows refrigerators are immune to nuclear blasts.
If you're talking about a Rod of God first strike, I'm not sure but I'd imagine less than 3 minutes. Hillary actually messed up and disclosed something along those lines. But if we talk about a more realistic first strike decapitation scenario (e.g., taking out NYC, DC, San Fran, San Diego, and a few coastal air/sub bases), I personally think that reaction time would be almost non-existent. Perhaps 30-45 seconds at best. Russia would just fire SLBMs at low angles and that would be that.

The question is what are the values they place on us being rational actors and their probability of neutralizing the US with a so called decapitation strike. Putin indicated that Russian military leaders may no longer regard the US as a rational actor (but I do wonder to what degree and how prevalent this opinion is.) Also, we of course have 'Rods of God' and probably an evilly autistic SOP. Some punk in a trailer might end up pressing buttons to rain down chunks of metal for all we know.

Please tell me that you were joking.
You really don't have a clue about nuclear warfare strategy, do you?
However, I have to compliment you on the pic related. That is a quality, quality meme. Very good tastes!
oy vey!
Isn't the Tzar Bomba sill technically a bomb rather than a missile. So it can be easily intercepted by a squadron of F22s if need be.
>UN forces would be marching through the streets of US

And a month later the milsurp market is glutted with everything from Thai uniforms to Swedish IFVs. And everybody is showing off their collection of blue hats.
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see this https://archive.is/XEkNS
and go here >>131357179
>If you're talking about a Rod of God first strike

This guy gets it. Too bad too many retards on /k/ are so blue pilled thinking that going by the narrative makes them look smarter.
threads/screenshots are getting nuked
Yup. UN is correct on this, senpai. There is something called Nuclear Blackmail, which would factor strongly into Waves 2 and 3.
Those Nike missile bases were all decommissioned. Come on now, Goy, the Pentagon had important """investments""" to make with Rabbi Dov Zakheim (the comptroller who 'lost' $2.3 trillion.) So no, there really isn't much in the way of AA systems.
>So it can be easily intercepted by a squadron of F22s if need be.
>American airforce

yeah. Russian planes outperform the jokes that are American toys in every tests.

America is the only country in the world that wasted 2 trillions on a model that can't fly.
Not how it works.
Bullshit! The SAM site are long since shuttered. The NJ Star Ledger even did a spread on how every one of our Nike missile batteries was shut down. We don't have actual defenses, just a wrecking ball to punish small countries if they dare step out of Rothschild line.
MAD is not still in effect. Completely wrong.
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>All Russian Silo's are currently operational
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it was nothing. but now the website doesn't work right. The main site redirects to the file directory.
bretty gud /pol/
Has anybody ever asked what happens after the nuclear exchange? What happens if Russia somehow survives or the US? Do these countries use their normal non-nuclear missiles at each other or what?
watch this

Both countries destroy themselves. No one is winner, the world will experience nuclear holocaust.
yes please i would like to read about it
Probably not going to be Russia though if a nuclear war happens. It will most likely be NK
Burgers cant even walk to the supermarket without shitting themselves so nothing of value will remain. An entire continent wasted, final world record for sure
>How many seconds would the USA last in a nuclear war against Russia?

Enough of them to end the world kiddo.
northshore fag
don't take this the wrong way or anything, but you are really fucking dumb
>he doesnt know


enjoy your short time left as a cuntry
Probs referring to this. Soz for the shit quality.

The US has an enormous advantage right now on the nuclear field and could effectively first strike Russia without leaving it any means to retaliate.

Cobalt bombs don't exist and if they did they would be too large to use on missiles
Hot damn that corrupt kike is has some rockin tits!
CIA nigger detected
>leaked by hillary clinton
And to think that she was almost elected
I tittyfucked a hooker with fake tits once. It was okay.
yes, please
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>his country still needs silos
what does it matter? everyone on earth dies, better to go in the blasts
>Not wanting to explore ruined cities in a radiation suit for the short while your alive until you either die from starvation or huge doses of radiation somehow making it through your suit.
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>How many seconds would the USA last in a nuclear war against Russia?

1500-1800 seconds.
Also, is there any sources about US weapons of last resort? Like Dead Hand or Status-6. Burger's doomsday device.
Not if they nuke most Nuke silos while they're on the ground. The US doesn't have a deadman switch like Russia. Also the USA is more dependent on large density cities that are the back bone of the economy while Russia has a bunch of dead space where they can reroute their people. I think we're inching towards a nuke war everyday . Trump is the kind of guy that might nuke the shit out of Russia for no reason even if it's a mistake.
There is a book a book that records a Japanese man's death from radiation poisoning. It reads worse than any horror story ever thought up. If I was dying from radiation, I'd just shot myself honestly. If anyone remembers the book I'm talking about feel free to share the name because I can't remember.
TL;DW submarines are very quiet and submariners are good at staying quiet.
"They announce their presence with an Australian victory sign" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfR9iY5y94s

lol even the Aussie Navy has bantz
hiroshi ouchi?
You do not "Last" longer in a war with nukes. You are already dead.
>massive EMP blast or similar taking hundreds or thousands of missiles out of action at a time
>Intercontinental BALLISTIC missile

That's like saying a emp could knock a bullet out of the air
global economy tanks, refugees, hunger, riots.

best case,

Chinese, indians, south americans, australians, and africans maintain order and the northern hemisphere gets set back another hundred years.
>mount vesuvius has more power than all our nukes combined
Source ?
Why the fuck do you cunts minimize the danger of nukes ? Why do people think that airbursts have "very little fallout" ?
It's like saying 9mm is a weak caliber. Of course it's not the most powerful, but it will still kill you.
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