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brit/pol - Smash Der Kultur Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 64

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>Queens Speech Bill-by-bill Quick Rundown

>David Davis 'pretty sure' of Free trade deal

>Parliament hit by cyber-attack

>Corbyn: Teen workers should get £10 an hour

>Tommy Robinson in trouble (again) after being filmed punching a man at Ascot

>Those remaining in fire risk Camden tower blocks told they 'must leave'

>Norman Lamb not standing for Lib Dem leader because he's a Brexiteer

>Police confirm Grenfell Tower fire started by a fridge

>Survivors of London's Grenfell Tower fire are to be rehomed in a luxury development in the heart of Kensington, the government has said.

>Show us where you are at all times goy

>Tories accused of breaching electoral law (Again)

>Required reading for stupid Americans
Mum called me a Nazi today, lads
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Defend the white race.
The rich make their money off the poor, so the poor literally sponsor the rich.
hope you laid her out lad
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Has there ever been any underage b& that have shown up at /pol/ get-togethers?
You aiming to be the first?
well done.
It's going to rain all next week.
I hope you spent the last 2 weeks outdoors.
Haha lads.
I hate politics but love /pol/.
I hope you affirmed what she said.
'build bridges, not walls'
t. my wall
holy shit man, trying to give love island a try and ive cringed my arse off so many time 20 minutes in
My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world African countries?

Even 1000 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades.
>build bridges not walls
>*drives into my gated community*
Why do you ask? Are you?
I hope you didn't deny it.
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I said that those people who are demanding to stay in their council houses are being quite entitled considering the property doesn't belong to them. Not sure how that makes me a Nazi tbqh
welp. cats out of the bag, might as well but hitler posters up and nazi flags on your wall... or bridge
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*blocks your path*
Are you a nazi lad?
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>tfw more flags in this street than the whole of the uk
I hope you meet a Grenfellian end
who is this lad
your mum sounds like a dirty commie
>who is this lad
The greatest Prime Minister we never had
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He's le beady man
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>blocks your queen speech
Alright lads, come Tuesday I'm leaving this place for good.

Yes, it's been good to speak to you lads for the past few years, but I increasingly feel it's not good for me.

This place informs my behaviour to too significant a degree, and has given me a crutch I can use to avoid frightening real life contact.

I'm going to lose weight, get some friends, and hopefully get a gf by this time next year.

It starts Tuesday.

Wish me luck, lads.
I'm not German, or 90, so I cant be, can I? Besides, there are no large German communities in Europe now that live outside the German state, so it's irrelevant anyway.
I hope a Muslim shakes your hand.
>who is this
You have to go back, son
See you on Wednesday fella
>he forgot he's here forever
Which tripfag is the best?
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>sends you to the tower
No, just the fact that every single one of our meetups have been fucked. Remember when everyone couldn't even find each other?
Me by default because everyone's been banned
>Terrible petrol fire in Pakistan, 150+ killed
>Germany sending medical supplies
>Sweden sending food aid
>Britain sending replacements
Nice meme
getting fit and a gf doesnt change anything lad.

if anything it's made me more red/black pilled.
See you on Wednesday, Anon.

Mate, I...
Steerpike is better than you.
But doesn't getting fit make you stronger in your beliefs? I'm considering it just for that.
>I'm leaving this place for good
See you tomorrow.
Well to be honest I've never actually been to one, but
>everyone couldn't even find each other
this doesn't surprise me.
how long before the rozzers start looking for us?
Nevar forget, you're here forever
>He's checking out for three weeks, at most
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it starts tuesday
So what are the real chances of an eu deal with free trade but not free movement if people?
They already got us. We're in a matrix style simulation
The primary purpose of this whole endeavour is to gain a social and sexual life. This place is one of the factors that precludes me from doing so, I believe.

My weight and anxiety being the other, though I believe as my weight decreases my social anxiety will do so in tandem with it.
in the future possibly, in the next 10 years zero.
I am so sick of these threads. NOTHING is going on in Sweden. We are the beacon of hope in a bigoted world and your drumpfkins just can't accept someone who isn't your own skin color. Most of our women prefer migrants to whites in this country because they are sick of the same stale rhetoric pushed by white men. My family took in a migrant and he is the best father figure I could possibly have, even though he is younger than me, he has actual life experience. Maybe one day you will all wake up. I get to live in a country where I can be openly homosexual without feeling oppressed like I would if I lived in the west. Hell, even visiting family here in London, I still see the bigotry that the USA propogates. It leaks through the borders. I am truly free in my home country, and it makes me sad seeing all of your drumpfkins clamor over REAL fake news.
if you think this place is the cause of your problems, im afraid you're past it lad
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They're probably already keeping records of our activity, at least.
3/10 b8

No, the rich make their money by leveraging wealth and to do this they invest in their own or other businesses. To be successful is to be rich in capital, poor in cash.

In doing this they create jobs. I know that you faggot socialists struggle to understand a world without government intervention, but having rich people in the first place necessitates that everyone else has disposable income to spend; i.e. jobs that pay them enough.
Every brit/pol/ thread is watched
Girl, you'll be a woman soon
>claims to be from a certain country but uses a custom flag
hmm really activates those almonds tbqh
1. Everyone here knows that killing innocent civilians is the worst possible thing you could do to further your beliefs, and as such, nobody here is calling for people to drive vans into mosques.

2. He was calling for people to kill Muslims

3. He made those comments on Facebook under his real name, so the police had to do very little leg work (went for the low hanging fruit. 4chan is a whole different situation.

4. They could have been looking to make an example of him after the recent attacks.
black people can't be racist lads, just accept it and bow down
Yes and it definitely has done that, and I'm glad I got fit and will never stop training until my body cannot any more.

But even objectively improving my life has set me on a journey of discovery about the modern world that just fucks me up every day.

If you think it's right for you, go for it. I tend to the belief that if not for this place, people like us would just seek some other desperate refuge.
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That liberating feeling knowing you will be dead soon

All my worries are finally gone. I'm finally gonna do it lads
Not the cause, but it certainly exacerbates them.
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If only it had rained on June 14th, then we wouldn't have had to endure that stupid song.
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shut the fuck up wigga, shouldn't you be dropping your wife's son off somewhere?
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Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.

They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/.
The Tripcunt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a narcissist, egomaniac, arsehole, attention seeker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell people to filter his tripcode and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.

This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.
Done better on my driving lesson today lads.

Getting that C L U T C H control under control.
Wrong, trickle down is bullshit, tax the rich and take their shit if they don't pay/try to leave!
Yeah by the labour party passing law in 2002 where the fire brigade aren't consultated on building materials and fire regulations
>They're probably already keeping records of our activity, at least.

>Every brit/pol/ thread is watched

Of course they are. People always say, with incredible ignorance and stupidity, "if you're not doing anything wrong then you've got nothing to worry about." But it depends what they decide to change the definition of "wrong" to, doesn't it?

Not only that, they assume "oh wow, so they'll know I fap to skat porn and post on a Laotian swing set assembly manual forum" and think the only serious consequence of online surveillance and data collection is individual prosecution. Wrong. On a mass scale, it enables them to monitor entire groups so as to better predict their behaviour and control them. Collectively is where the real danger is.
1 is shown by the fact that both recent times a right winger has killed (Thomas Mair and Darren Osborne) everyone here called it a false flag.
What's Brit/pol/'s general opinion of Glastonbury? Is it degenerate/immoral?
yeah round her boyfriends house
not having passed your test yet you fucking degenerate

That's where the real opportunity is, come the rise of a fascist government.
Why would I want to understand a world without government intervention? I would rather understand the world we actually live in. The world where a a large proportion of the jobs are in the public sector.
That was NuLabour anon, this is why Corbyn got in because NuLabour were cunts
As I said in previous thread:
Hypocritical middle class leftie virtue-signalling circle-jerk about how pro-poor and pro-minority they are, while charging an exorbitant amount for entry and building a huge fence to keep said poor and minorities out.
>is it degenerate
probably. i just hate glastonbury because it's invariably got a shite lineup to cater for all of the Giles and Olivias from Shoreditch.

Continuing the discussion about tax and public services from previous thread because I was enjoying it.

NICE tends to be extremely evidence lead.

Their justification for things like fat trimming surgery is that it is far, far, far cheaper than waiting until fat people start suffering from the many life threatening conditions being fat causes and treating them then.

Regardless of all this though, your position seems to be pretty anti-society/national. The whole point of tax is that we all pay for things we might disagree with, claiming it's just for you to refuse to pay tax because the NHS carries out operations you don't like is about as valid as left wingers refusing to pay tax or recognize the government because they fund foreign wars. Society's all about compromise on these issues.
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>Tfw local armed forces day
>Tfw they flew the St davids flag
>Triggered Libs.jpg

Fuck I love Wales, It was Glorious lads
Just a bunch of overgrown middle class kids getting high for the weekend.
>society is about being forced to pay for things you morally object to
fucking bootlicker

It is though. It doesn't work at all if everyone decides to try and be a special snowflake.
Heh yeah, they show the middle of the road stuff front and centre, you need to go out of your way to find the cool stuff.
It's pasta, you nonce
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>Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world African countries?
The world is diverse and trading with eachother is fine, doesn't mean that you want it all mushed together in a multiethnic multicultural garbage of a society in your own backyard being a tourist that can never go home.. a situation that erodes your own ethnicity and values.. And if it fails these tards can go back to their monoethnic country with 90% majority..

In other words go fuck yourself. Your narrative is based upon lies or things you haven't thought through well enough. If you want to visit other cultures and peoples, just go on a fucking vacation.

>muh crusades
You lost all credibility.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo&spfreload=10
Nothing but misunderstandings or lies and deceptions from a multiculturalist as per usual.
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>tfw not sure if serious or just winding up C O P E for the keks
Should fly that flag more often, I think it is the best of all British flags. I really like the Union Jack they have where the black background and a yellow cross is incorporated into it.
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Just saw a cute, blonde, farmhouse looking girl run up to a large Arab guy and hug him.

We're just going to be brown 100 years from now aren't we. Even if the Arabs don't take over their genes will still intertwine with our own.

Kind of the opposite thing happened last week in my in-laws. Fiancée's sister brings her new boyfriend down to the country to meet the parents and family. Guy is literally a pinko "progressive".

Within five minutes of meeting her father, he has appraised the house as being too big for an older couple to occupy, they should be letting out the four spare rooms at cost basis to artists and inner city families that need countryside reinvigoration.

Her dad disagrees and says it his house to do with as he pleases, boyfriend declares that property is theft and calls him a fascist pig.

He ended up being thrown out of the house within an hour of meeting everyone. Was upsetting for most but highly entertaining for me. I have a bet on with their cousin that she'll bring home a black lad next, he's thinking Muslim.
now a political rally
watch this lads, this gave me a fucking huge kek

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Just tried to find out more about this flag, google is fucking retarded
4chan is a constant source of interest and creativity, but fuck me if it's a time killer.
i would argue it isn't a society at all if it's member's are so divided on basics such as morality and economics that they literally have to force the majority of it's members to go along with it.
nobody in their right mind would either form such a society nor voluntary join one.
the state =/= society
Is there just one of you that is extremely committed to this shitpost or do a couple of you work on a rota?
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ive never seen a filipino over 120lbs
can anyone tell me whats happened in newcastle? ive heard someones drove a car into people.
Why on earth would that flag trigger libs?

I fucked a Filipino in Uni, really nice tight arse, 9/10 would fuck again

Every national society forces people to go along with already established moral and economic cultural beliefs. A country can't exist in any other way. If you hate the idea of being part of a system which does things you disagree with then you hate everything about national identity and nation states.
>opens embeded YT clip
>sees that face
>clicks remove
i just can't do it lad
Yeah I'm sure that this is exactly as it seems.
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>live next to one of the tower blocks being evacuated
Ask me anything lads

Pic related is what the outside of my local gym looked like yesterday
what uni? not seen a filipino at my uni or on nights out, around uni theres loads of chink/jap birds.
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What was his name?
How many times have I seen this post now? You really care, let some of the Grenfell residents stay with you.

Globalism doesn't benefit everyone.

Just google "St Davids flag" lad
no lad, i make a distinction between the state and the country i live in. i can hate one and still love the other.


>Libs are smart

It was hilarious to watch m80, The lads of RA even said "why is that offensive" - Literally no response
You remember your first blow job?
Essex uni, there were loads of Chinese there as well but we had a big nursing school so a few Filipinos as well. Get to know nursing students man, it's a stereotype but loads of them do get into nursing
Kek it was a guy as well, thought I could keep that one ambiguous. Not telling his name though.

Cheers lad, It is abit saucy
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Watch it
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Lads how do I meet red-pilled singles near me

Isn't this list like a fifteen-year-old Liberal meme?

My dog is German - the White man domesticated the dog
My coffee is Colombian - the white man created the coffee industry
My IT is Indian - the White man invented the computer
My car is English - the White man invented the automobile
My food is Italian - cool
My TV is Japanese - the white man invented the television
My diamonds are South African - the white man created the gemstone industry
My licorice is Australian - the White man created the licorice industry
My computer is Chinese - the white man invented the computer
My wine is French - the white man invented French wine
And I am an American. - so?
How long did it take for the guy to come?

>Heh heh heh
>what is security of tenure
>it's a stereotype
Its a fact
Yeah I've done that now, still can't find anything controversial about the flag, other than this:
>In 2007 George Hargreaves, leader of the Welsh Christian Party, campaigned to replace the Flag of Wales with the St David's Cross, claiming that the red dragon on the Welsh flag was "nothing less than the sign of Satan".

I went in 2009 to see Blur. It was a great performance by them but hardly worth the effort and expense of experiencing the entire festival.

Think Castlepalooza demographic mixed with the utter scum and degeneracy of Oxegen and it sums up Glastonbury nicely.
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>Kek it was a guy as well
Doesn't mean you're a Nazi though, just that you don't know much about housing law. No reason why you should.
you actually have to leave the house lad
Not Bomber Rimmer has a massive cock
Not a faggot man I prefer fucking girls if there's any available, just wont say no to a guy with a nice arse if I can't pull any bitches
I genuinely cannot stand British women any longer. I refuse to even speak to them. Disgusting pigs. Fake tanned, ugly, fat, roastie cunts. Marxists have ruined our women. I'll stick to European women, fuck, even American women over these dogs
tell us what county you live in and we'll tell you your chances


It is for degenerates in the truest sense of the word.

There is nothing too controversial about it, Libs just love fucking complaining and the Welsh Regiments know that, I even got Confirmation from the Welsh Sect of the Royal Artillary. Liberals are just that retarded.
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>The first video in the OP

I understand that, but still struggle to see how you can hold the belief that it's ok to just opt out of having to support the country because you disagree with certain aspects of how the state runs it. The two are heavily intertwined.
Hey man, there are some sexy British girls who don't overdo the fake tan and are surprisingly red-pilled. They're in the minority, but you do need to speak to some women to find them.

oh shit swiss cottage nigga

do you live on fellows road
I remember that on telly. They finished with the universal, must have been something special to be there.
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>there is only one planet not even donald trump believes there's another planet somewhere else

What did he mean by this?
I tell him:
You know muslims is mayor of London right?
oh no
>night out
>don't pull any women because I'm too drunk and they have standards
>gay guy flirting with me all night, has nice arse for a man

You're saying I'm a faggot for pumping a load into him rather than my hand? Whatever man, if that's wrong I don't wanna be right.
Is the greek guy dead yet?
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>I want to own your bumhole and charge you per shit.
Second from the reicht, can't be that bad if she's doing that...
If there is one thing that makes you gay, it's fucking a guy
The ones that don't and are good looking, know that they are, and are arrogant as fuck about it. Usually have mental issues too. They'll play you for a fool then get with some chad retard. Or they'll already have kids and are on benefits.

If you look at other countries, you'll see not every girl byh the time they're 25 are washed up hogs. And they're in plenty supply

I'm not banned m8, just not been on much.
morally, i absolutely think it's right to not support the state. it's actually the only tangible way you can disagree with the state, unless you think voting has any value, which i don't.
the trouble is that the state tries to do so much, it invariably leads to these situations.
if we must have a state, it's better that we had one with very limited functions.
the way it is now, the state is just a means for people to 'legally' vote other people's rights and property away from them
Is this another good boy who was getting his life back on track?

thats actually a good gym, i met my ex thai gf there, honest to god the tastiest pussy ever

my mouth is salivating just thinking about it
What are some policies you think would Make Britain Great Again?

> Britain to leave the EU. Will not stay in the single market, will not stay in the customs union, will not have free movement of people. EU nationals would require a visa to remain in the country or face deportation.
> Cut foreign aid pledge (currently 0.7% of GDP, £12.1bn).
> Foreign aid to only be spent in humanitarian crises affecting our allies and non-hostile-affiliated developing countries, and a maximum of 0.1% of GDP in any given year.
> Renationalise railways in order to make them more efficient and cheaper for consumers. (Fuck off it's one of the only good Labour policies)
> Provide new grammar schools for students
> Cut maximum corporation tax from 19% to 15% in an effort to attract new business
> Free trade deals with USA, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Bangladesh, Pakistan - Commonwealth Trade Zone.
yes lad that makes you incredibly gay
Archive that shit. Don't give them clicks.

Incentivised deportations.
This double standard fucking annoys me man. I fuck two dudes my whole life, and considerably more women, and I'm automatic faggot. Some girl can eat hundreds of pussies, as long as she's taken one dick or says "I'm straight" the world believes it? Fuck you all, I only fuck dudes when it's the only option.

this is just nigger propaganda, dont click it click the norweigan archive if u must

i hate niggers so much
not sure, but at least he had a job, so might be a bit more kicking off... we will see
>arrogant as fuck about it. Usually have mental issues too. They'll play you for a fool then get with some chad retard. Or they'll already have kids and are on benefits.
Again, there are some down to earth ones without kids who wont play you.

The mental issues, yeah you're right about that one, but I've dated one or two Euro chicks in my time and they were fucking mental as well.

found another source
it's really not ok for girls to have sex with other girls, as it makes them sluts and degenerate

you shouldn't really be having sex outside of a proper relationship m8
sack the pencil pushers and call centre workers in the police and hire more beat officers
>> Provide new grammar schools for students
Technical schools too. We need as many people to leave school with technical skills, and go into work instead of uni, as possible
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National service
Optional heavy vetting of all foreign preachers entering the UK to work, and monitoring their sermons at regular intervals.
If they opt out of this scheme then they face severe fines.
You may think that, I mean wider culture. Wider culture thinks a guy having one homo experience makes them a faggot, but girls can dyke out all they want and still be seen as straight.

>you shouldn't really be having sex outside of a proper relationship m8
kek fuck that shit, I love fucking slutty girls after a night out.

Do you know what is far cheaper than treating morbidly obese fat people? Stop letting them buy fast food and such for one, but also just don't treat them.

I mean for gods sake they don't even pay an additional tax to cover their health care like smokers do.

Benefits need to stop being paid out in cash and put onto a credit card that can be monitored by the welfare officers. The vast majority of obese people in the UK rely on benefits payments and I don't see why I or anyone else should be subsidising their fast food, alcohol, drug or tobacco habits.

Once fatties realise they need to work in order to pay for the treats they like, they'll not only become less dependent on the state, they will also learn that being fat isn't socially acceptable and they may do something about it on their own steam.

As I said, I don't mind paying for surgeries people need as a result of misfortune or misadventure. I draw the line at surgeries for things people choose like having a sex change or are slowly aware of happening like gaining weight.

>is about as valid as left wingers refusing to pay tax or recognize the government because they fund foreign wars.

I'm not arguing about paying for it based upon moral reasoning. I am arguing against paying for services based upon financial reasoning. I don't like to see taxes I contribute to being wasted. I'll continue to legally seek ways to reduce my tax payment for as long as thing continue in this direction.
so you dont consider yourself bisexual?
>the utter scum and degeneracy of Oxegen
shit my Irish cousins have been to Oxegen loads of times, redpill me on why they're degenerates?
>don't even pay an additional tax to cover their health care
Is there no junk food tax? Even if there isn't, aren't they paying more VAT anyway because of eating more food?
Nation service is a meme policy that would destroy the scraps of professionalism our armed forces still retains.
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Are Brits bulletproof?
There's no VAT on food unless it's hot
>so you dont consider yourself bisexual?
Main reason is if I say I'm bi to a girl most of them stop seeing me as a potential romantic partner/fuck.

The other reason is I don't think I'm attracted to men, I'll just fuck them. I don't watch gay porn, and I'd never have sex with a guy if I had the option of pussy. I've turned down objectively very handsome men for some ugly girls, because I really love pussy. Also I'd never bottom, and would only suck dick to get mine sucked.
Would support this for sure. Love the idea of a year of national service.
Definitely would support this as well. Need more people doing apprenticeships and doing trades
I don't know man. I've lived in a number of different countries around the world, and it's only in the UK where it feels like the women are washed up pigs by the time they're 22/23. It's like an oversupply of men and undersupply of women. I lived in Norway for years and the landscape is very different. The girls retain at least a small token of respectability and restraint. Not here though. When was the last time you met a smart, intelligent, level headed, cute British girl?
Not if was done properly. You're just a tubby bitter bastard who couldn't get in.
Never knew that. Still, fat people eat more takeaway though so likely pay more VAT
yes we are
youll just fuck them but youre not attracted to them? mate i think youre deep in the closet there lad.
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I really want a sticc gf lads
Am I the only one that finds blowjobs really overrated? I don't feel much at all from it, is it because I'm a cutfag?
Woudn't even need to be a year, really.
I will be honest here and say I've never lived in other countries, so I dont know how different it is comparatively.

A few weeks ago I met a girl matching all those specs at a night out, she was a lezza though. The last straight girl I met like that was like a year ago, we fucked for a bit but wanted different things in the end.

I agree with you that they are in the minority on this blighted island, but they do exist if you look hard enough man.
I don't like men but id fuck a smooth ass
I have done in fact

Sue me
christ this board hates fags so much but are gay as fuck
they feel better than normal sex if she is good.

sit on the edge of a bed and have her go on her knees on the floor and you will see.. you shouldnt be such a noob and tell her what to do because she is a girl, she doesnt know what feels good on a man... unless she is a proper slag
A hole is a hole man. When you're fucking a guy doggy style and he has a nice perky arse it's very easy to pretend it's a girl with a deep voice. See here (>>131302284) for proof I'm not the only one.
Do not respond to Tripfags please.
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Right, but if you'd fuck one which is attached to a man you're gay
Do not respond to tripfags please. Your co-operation is instrumental in removing these attention whores from our board.
Holy shit look at her neck.
It's not gay to prefer fucking a tight hole attached to a guy to wanking. It's especially not gay if you're thinking about Shakira while you're fucking the guy
I will only reply to RightlySo from now on Officer.
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>It's less gay to have gay sex than to tug yourself off
I don't come here that often, what is people's problem with tripfags? Especially on /pol/ where we can all be identified by IDs anyway.

I think you're coming at it from quite an absolute position.

Is your argument that the state should not be able to infringe upon people's rights at all? If so don't we get anarcho capitalism?

If not then how do you reconcile giving yourself the opportunity to opt out of things you don't like with not allowing others to do the same if they disagree with the functions you think are necessary?
who is she?
Looks like gigantism.
you can close your eyes and pretend its a guy

you cant pretend you are wanking off a girl
unwarranted self-importance, arrogance, think their opinion represents the whole board/general, just attention whores who want to be noticed.
HAHAHAH the degeneracy from you both. its not gay to fuck a guy as long as you think about a girl or anthing else.

get out the closet faggots
You can pretend your hand is a girl when you're wanking, but ultimately it's just a hand
No matter how hard you pretend, the man's arse is still a man's arse
Riots I said could happen.
Hot isn't it? Imagine blowing a load down her throat.
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Stop being racist.
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>you cant pretend you are wanking off a girl

You can.
>that big hole in the pavement
You should trip over it and get some compo lad
roastie/pol/ is half of /brit/pol lad we keep telling you this
t. ultimate in taqiyya
I didn't say it's less gay, I said neither are gay. But see here (>>131302819) for a pretty valid point about that.

It's not gay because fucking a tight hole feels nice. Some men are willing to pay for the privilege, most are willing to put up with some annoying as shit behaviour. I've decided I am willing to fuck a guy to feel that nice tight friction around my cock. Nothing gay about fucking tight holes lads
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You're a faggot lad.

Provided you're not LARPing, that is.
>Takes 3 weeks to swallow
You realise the Muslims hate maajid more than any Anti-Islam campaigner ever could.
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Do not respond to tripfags citizen.

They have come here with the rather naive belief that they are going to adopt reddit/vbulletin style forum usernames and that they were going to insult and belittle everyone else and that nobody was going to criticise or filter them. On the boards of /g/ /a/ and /k/ as well as /pol/'s very own Brit/pol/ threads they put their rather foolish attention whoring into action.
They sowed the wind by being incessantly annoying, vapid mouth breathing carping dolts and now - they are going to reap the whirlwind.

clearly a paki with a british passport

quintessential tb.h
Gay sex is gay, why are you having trouble with this concept?
Anyone been to Miami? I heard nothing but bad shit about it. Was going to go on holiday there but reconsidering sicne I've looked further into it
He's are useful idiot.
Or as the Native Americans found out:
>Settler Treaty.
How so?
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What is the best British food and why is it Scotch Eggs?
>this board is gay
The worst thing about the board is all the faggots and traps.

Who the fuck gets off on trap pics, or posting said pics to a board?

There's just so escaping the fact that faggots ruin everything. God isn't stupid.
Top or bottom?
It it's a man's arse that's an objectively homosexual act.
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Why haven't you taken the Slavic pill? It's the last place on earth with white women who haven't been corrupted by (((feminism))). Get in before the diversity hits them.
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Nothing can stop the end.
Both. Any involvement in gay sex is inherently gay.
philosophically, i am indeed an ancap. you could say it is a kind of moral autism, and not feasible, and you may be right,
but i would settle for a state with it's functions limited to defense of life, property and the nation as a whole.
but i will never be convinced that welfare and other forms of wealth redistribution and property theft are in the slightest bit moral or desirable.
I have

the nice bits are really nice, there are a lot of sketchy bits though. like you can walk for ten minutes from a nice part and end up surrounded by homeless dindus
Either her English is good enough that she leaves you or you can never have a fulfilling relationship.
Nice try Maajid, I'm not telling you anything.
Source my good man
I really don't give a fuck if you guys think I'm gay, this is the reason most people in my real life don't know I've fucked dudes in the past, because it affects my chances with women.

>Gay sex is gay
Okay, I'd be willing to concede this; During the fucking itself, when I'm balls deep in some nice gentleman's arse, I am gay. The rest of the time, when I'm fucking pussy or thinking about pussy, I'm straight again.
In the 18th and 19th Centuries there was a considerable trade in exporting eggs from Scotland, by coastal ships, to the London markets. These were preserved and toughened for the journey by dipping the whole shell-on egg in boiling water, leaving the eggs semi-hardened, and then packing them dusted with a lime-powder disinfectant, a process known as 'scotching'. This left them perfectly edible for months, but slightly discoloured. It is possible that the forcemeat covering was developed as an ideal method of serving these sound, but not-so-pretty, 'scotch eggs'.

>The term 'scotch eggs' for both the preserved plain eggs and for the sausagemeat savoury was used throughout the 19th Century, which may have led to certain confusions about where and when what was first developed, but meat-enrobed 'scotch eggs' are definitively known to us, and to the OED, only since 'A New System Of Domestic Cookery' by Maria Rundell in 1807.

I never knew stretch armstrong had kids
Go on, tell me about me brother gone good.
There's fuck all there. No culture except beta tier compensating muscly tattooed harley riders and elderly jewish women. Go further west if you want to see america or go to cuba, if you want caribean seas without it being ruined by fat burgers in hawaiian shirts
Scotland BTFO
so, a tropical london then?
Fair enough lads. I'll try not to reply from now on (although if one of them makes a great point, I probably still will).
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>I'm only gay when I'm fucking other men
Never change, brit/pol/
Nope, you're a faggot. Nothing will change this.

You have unironically fucked a man and sucked cock. You are the equivalent of John Barrowman, Stephen Fry, Paul O'Grady, etc.
I've noticed that in a lot of US cities actually. The disparity between rich and poor is pretty extreme. Walk down a nice, plush financial district with skyscrapers and water fountains, turn down one road and suddenly hobos with needles in their arms passed out on the street and graffiti suddenly exists
It's only gay if you're the one receiving. If you're the one doing the fucking then you're an alpha male fucking the beta's
>t. Person who gives enough of a fuck to respond.

(Probably gives guys more of a fuck though desu)
>No pure Anglo babies
hhahahah this board is honestly full of degeneracy
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erm... mate
Which UK politician do you hate the most?

ATM its David Lammy for me
It's the ultimate way of showing your dominance over other men
spoken like a true athenian.
i forget what film it was, Acid House maybe, but it had this massive butch skinhead gay guy in it who would say 'fakkin wimmin is fer poofs'.
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I wish I had a big brood of Beady-Babies.
you know what you must do
Diane Abbott
I care. I wish he didn't do it, and I am willing to vote in favour of criminalising it again
it's only your county lad, nobody can fucking track you down.
>unironically fucked a man
So if I tell you I was doing it ironically, or for the kek, it'd be okay again? Also Stephen Fry is awesome despite being a lefty.
I'm enjoying the debate, even if I ultimately don't care if you change your mind.
Well I'm glad you don't care, but obviously some fags on here seem to care about me being a straight man who's fucked other guys.
Dress it up however you like lad it's still fucking gay.
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Jeremy Corbyn
>Also Stephen Fry is awesome
Stephen Fry is a smug prick who bought into his own meme
>Stephen fry is awesome

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only over twinky bottoms.
>Stephen Fry is awesome

Stephen Fry is a disgusting faggot just like you.

>I've fucked a guy and sucked his dick but I'm totally not gay
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haha shit sorry I thought you said country. derbyshire
does she charge extras?
>tfw when brexit means bye-bye to BASED hotties.
Lets settle this lads



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mcdonnel, like abbo but more competent so more dangerous
Your chances could be good then lad.
If you'd have said Sussex I would have said 'not good lad'.
Eh I think he's a funny and intelligent guy even if I disagree with him politically.
>I've fucked a guy and sucked his dick but I'm totally not gay
Why is this so hard for y'all to grasp; I'll fuck a guy as a last resort, because it feels nicer than wanking. Doesn't make me gay, I much prefer fucking girls.
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m8 youre clearly bisexual, though i think theres truth in the kinsey scale in that regard. you dont need to say that to normies wholl mark you as a cheating slut, but i would come to terms with it internally
Clearly most the people voting on this are too beta to understand
Imagine being sent to prison under May;s internet policy and facing that situation?
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yes lad you are alpha because you're fucking a man in the batty instead of some nice pussy
Seeing as I have a great respect for Fleece Johnson I believe I'd have to deliberately drop the soap.
Agreed man, just coz we've fucked guys in the arse doesn't make us fags, people just don't get it.
Yeah I'd probably rate myself as 1 on the scale, perhaps 2. But you're right I'd never be open about it to grills because they think you're either a fag in denial or a cheater.
Do Chinese girls have a sense of family honour?

Is that why they won't date outside their race?
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So being a Top, means you're not beta?
So you're an
>Alpha Gay?
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Are you actually a bender?
When did you know?
I say we go out, find a couple of twinks and bring them back to my place and high five each other while pounding them
problem is I'm trapped in a go to work go home pub with the lads on friday routine and I don't meet girls
Is that May vs Gove last year?
It's still incredibly gay to fuck a guy.

Straight men are repulsed by another man's shitpipe.
>Brit/pol meetup
The state of.
When I experienced numerous sleepless nights being unable to wack off to women and had to come to terms with it. Aged 12.
im sure there are no girls on britpol, and no tripfag trap cunts are included


what do you mean unable to wack off to women...
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It is whatever you want it to be ,for me it is just and eagle fucking up a duck.
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I'd say the results are pretty conclusive!
Maybe you two can meet up and and fuck to show us how alpha you are.
I'm down man
>Straight men are repulsed by another man's shitpipe.
BULLSHIT. Straight guys do it in prison all the time, or during threesomes to please their woman. I'm just a little less selective than that.

I've done anal with girls as well, it's exactly the same, except guys have prostates so fags are normally more into it than girls. You just pound his arse, picture a nice pretty girl and cum. Nothin gay about it.
You just need to put some effort into it.

Look at a woman's eyes, her body, the way she plays with her hair or smiles.

Lad, you just need to think like a straight guy. Fake it till you make it.
>he thinks good looking people turn up to meet ups
see >>131304454
>Straight men

>Sticking their dick in another man's anus


Haha lad, you're just a fag in denial.
The ten of you are just repressed as fuck
>you're just a fag in denial.
Whatever man. Just because I prefer to fuck a guys arse to wanking, doesn't mean I don't love pussy.
look mate i get that your gay but why is the gay community so obnoxious, look at me im gaaaaaaaaaay i like the penis woohooooooooooo. Seriously just get on with your lives we dont need a flag or pride to show off your sexuality.
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>Nothing gay about having gay sex
They shouldn't be gay at all.

It's degenerate.
I'm not gay, cos I like girls
They're not all like that, it's just unfortunately those are the ones who are noticed. The ones who act like normal, rational, human beings, you don't tend to notice because on the outside they just appear to be straight people.
Wasn't the one to bring it up you retard, try reading the fucking thread.
Fucking a man's arse is a homosexual act, that makes you either gay or bi. You like girls too, so you're a bi fag.
Is it gay to take it up the shite pipe as long as you like girls?
see >>131303716
Keep telling yourself that, paki faggot.

The act may be gay, I may be gay while I'm doing it, but I'm hetero the rest of the time.
Receiving is totally different man, when you're fucking a guys arse doggy it's easy to pretend it's a girl. Bit harder when he's fucking you. Taking it is totally gay.
move to new thread you fucking denial queers
No mate. It's pretty gay either way. Your a poofter who will settle for a bit of muff.
You have a gay flag m8 thanks for proving my point
Why does Guinness taste like you are licking an old oven tray?
>Your a poofter who will settle for a bit of muff.
Why can you accept that that's a thing, but you can't accept that the other way round is true? That we're straight guys who'll settle for a bit of man arse?
I'm just arguing for the sake of arguing desu
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