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idiot holocaust deniers

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Thread replies: 363
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>OMG holhoax is a lie! there is no real evidense

but the nazis themselves admitted it to be true. every single nazi, under trial or not, adimtted they exterminated jews.

>they were tortured! they were forced to lie about it!

ok, where is the evidense any nazi P.O.W was ever tortured? a single shred of evidense?


cab you guys be any more pathetic?
But your picture is so fucking retarded you lying rat. If it was real there would be no hands raising up because they would have been gassed.

>American logic
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Is that a Jew denying the Holocaust?
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>be kike
>tattoo some numbers
>attentionwhore for the rest of your life.

holohoax was a fucking propaganda piece that got too far

You can believe the Holocaust was real while also being skeptical of the six gormillion and the skin lampshades
>tattoos mean there was a shoah
Wow there are several Shoah parlors in my very town.
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>Tattooing people = Genocide

They tattooed their soldiers too. It's just a German organization thing.
>get tatto of numbers on arm

>I survived the hollyhoax guys!
Funny that this thread just popped up shortly after
this one did.
>national socialist
>hides his flag
Did all the victims of the Holodomor get prison tattooes? Did they survive too?
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>isreali flag
>cartoon by (((cohen)))

your little guilt trip doesn't work here kike.
They were treating the Jews equal.
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>prisoners of war get marked for maximum efficiency
Nuremberg were show trials. If you didn't go along with it you were suicided.
still not a single shred of eviense of nazis torture-confessing the holocaust

all i get is some lame ass logic loopholes.

you guys are pathetic
>admitted they exterminated jews.
Admitted to killing jews. They did not admit to gassing them en mass. Get your facts straight or fuck off.
I forgot about the tattoos! The Holocaust was real. I'm sorry.
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>get tattoo on arm as part of internment process
>put in work camp
>many die due to lack of food and unofficial executions during the later years of the war
>this somehow means hitler had a plan to exterminate all jews
You're right. The Nazis were never tortured. I'm sorry.
search the archives stupid. it's easy to say nobody has any compelling arguments when all the people who do are all argued out and dont want to keep posting in slide threads
Everyone knows they were tortured you scumbag piece of shit. Can't wait until you're shoved in an oven head first

i have never seen a tattoo numbered past 200,000
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How do Tattoos proof that mass exterminations happened?

If anything it would proof the opposite.
Why would they go through all the hassle?

Just like those masturbation machines only absolute deranged minds (Jews) could come up with stuff like that.

Shitty Meme is shit.

And that you guys blackmailed governments all over Europe so they make questioning the "Shoa" illegal speaks for itself. Truth could withstand any question
Funny how for decades is propagated that National Socialist Germany wanted to exterminate the jew, but nobody asks why. Hmm really makes me think
oy vey! My mother went for 6 months without food and water before she managed to run away from the nazis! I was in her womb when it happened and believe me it's true!
Holocaust BTFO.
why tattoo someone before you gas then cremate them? where is the efficiency in that?
>there were no liberated death camps
sadly, only 200 000 jews made it out alive.
>some lame ass logic loopholes
You mean like that little thing you pretend did happen? Like it was real in your mind?
"At my first interrogation, evidence was obtained by beating me. I do not know what is in the record, although I signed it. Alcohol and the whip were too much for me. The whip was my own, which by chance had got into my wife's luggage. It had hardly ever touched my horse, far less the prisoners. Nevertheless, one of my interrogators was convinced that I had perpetually used it for flogging the prisoners." -Rudolf Höss
The Jews are pathological bullshitters.
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>muh 6 gorillian ;_;
>death camp
>keeping anyone alive
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What if

The Holocaust happened

But the numbers are greatly inaccurate?
Guys, it's good that we're spreading the word and all that, but look at OP's post.
This isn't even good bait
It would make more sense that they just kept the bastards for slave labor, and they tattooed to keep track of their shit. Maybe some executions happened cause Goldsteinburg took an extra slice, but it makes no sense to be tattooed and immediately killed soon thereafter.
Mr. Jew? Is that you?
jews and saudis did 911
>living people raising their hands are proof that they were murdered
really makes me think
LOL. Nice damage control, Kike!
even if 6 million were killed, communism killed way more than that. still begging for gibs me for this shit is why, in case you wonder later
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at last I truly see.
>way more
>than that
>even if it wasn't a genocide it was still a holocaust

That high verbal IQ strikes again
wut? theyre cousins and brothers vs whites
Notice how the Jew left right after this post.
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wait what if the holohoax was a ruse made by the kikes and they force jews to get a tatoo in 1945?
That's holocaust denial in Europe.
Good point. Nice parentheses.

Pregnant jewish Woman is not killed off and has a child in the last month of Auschwitz.

>Auschwitz was an extermination camp
>the victims were allowed to give birth

Really makes you think
>serial numbers on people you are gassing and forcing to swim to death and hooking up to masturbation machines
Are you saying the kike flinging roller coaster death machine is exactly as the kikes report?
Are you saying the masturbation machines that killed kikes by masturbating them to death by the hundreds is as the kikes report it?
Are you saying the spikes/blades coming out of the floor to cut kikes to pieces, then the floor opens up to a mine cart that shuffled kike pieces by the hundreds is as the kikes report it?

Any variance from truth makes it untruth, which begs the question: what else is a lie?
Imagine if you're in detained by isis you aren't to say fuck allah and that isis is inhumane you will just follow the flow and that's it well that's what happened to nazi's in their trials
Lol i would use the i was tortured defence too if i thought that was gonna save me from hanging.
thats fucking right. they were NOT.

as unfortunate as it is, german PoW's were treared fairly and nicely by the allies

ha, nice try, the document is 100% fake, a single click on the site's logo exposes the neo-nazi hate-filled garbage that is full of.
>Treating jews as equals instead of superiors

It was worse than 1,000,000 crusades, goy
why in the fuck would you do anything other than shoot on sight? why complicate things?
Bait thread but should at least try to red pill the dumb fucks https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_c9oIVwDM6Q
I'm not sorry. Heil Hitler!
Does anyone know the story of the one survivor who said he saw the color of the gas escaping the chambers change when jews of different nationalities died? not sure if it was fake witness story but either way it's hilariously bad.
Don't forget the eagle and bear cage match that the Nazis would watch for entertainment.
Holocaust denying was a meem started by storm front. No one in the real world believes this
So how do you know it was 6,000,000? There are several estimates that it was much less, even as recent as the 1991
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You are a pathological believer. You will believe anything. Now go!
Their hatred is a result of the inferiority complex because they can't be as smart as Jews.
Are jews secretly /ourguys/? How nice of them to fabricate such a detailed manuscript to deal with them when enough people wise up. The holohoax is like a how-to manual

because it wasn't effecient enough, and caused the soldiers psychological damage
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>Too scurred, Didn't Read
I'm beginning to think this might be a slide thread
the fact you ignore >>131198554 and >>131198581 is telling
Everyone knows the Jewish Gulags were most efficient!
Oh yea cause a kike would never lie right ? Especially not for money or to hang guilt over their host nation
Are you on about the nazis? They tried to shoot them on site, with 'einsatzgruppen' death squads that followed the front line. They proved to be too slow (had to dig graves), cost inefficient (driving and bullets) and traumatising for the soldiers (mass murduring families).
But I thought the Nazis were cold blooded heartless killers and the jew dindu nuffin? Doesn't add up shlomo
People deny the Holocaust because it makes neo-nazis look bad. Not because it didn't happen, its like deep down they know being a Nazi is wrong. Its like they did that shit surely if you hate Kikes you should celebrate that shit?
You take that back, Goyim! The Jews are a people of truth.
Never thought about this
the only shred of evidense i got
is just ONE LINK that leads to a fake document.

just ONE. LINK.

you guys fucking suck.

original nazis adimtted the holocaust was real, fucking Eichmann admitted it was real instead of trying to deny it.

you truly are pathetic hateful mongrels
I unironically wonder how long it will be before people are actually allowed to talk about this farce, another 50 years? a 100?

Obviously Israel and the Jews would like it to remain verboten forever, judging by the amount of money they've spent to make it illegal to challenge it and towards anti-defamation groups who have been writing "history" for decades now.

The problem is they obviously made it up under "Good Intentions" so I understand why this bullshit story was started, the war was terrible yadda yadda you shouldn't put people in camps blah blah, but I think the gas chambers and weird nazi tortured us stories are just too far no matter how good your intentions were.
You killed Eichmann! Murderers!
Neo-nazism is kike shit. Notice how they shave their heads like Prisoners of War?
It didn't happen, but it probably should have
Hahahahaha kike op btfo
>reddit spacing

To the chambers Chaim
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Hitler is smiling down from Heaven. Innocent as a newborn child.
whether it was real or not doesn't matter, it's the message that matters
yeah, go on a get 200k tatoos in less than a year.
perfectly possible and conceivable
>a tattoo that could have come from anywhere
>with numbers that never reach near the alleged kill counts
Chekq but no sorry I don't have that one my favorite is the jews getting wanked off to death.
>hey lets go study the documents and "confessions" that prove the gas chambers were true

>oh wait, they're all under lock and key by our Greatest Allies, and in countries where you're put in jail for asking to study ((("History")))
>as unfortunate as it is, german PoW's were treared fairly and nicely by the allies
Literally being starved to death in the Rhine Meadows Camps and worked to Death in Siberia.

And now please wonder why there is Antisemitism when People like you represent the average Jew
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>every single nazi, under trial or not, adimtted they exterminated jews.

Even now you are lying. Especially Goering denied any such thing happening.
Slave labor, the efficiency of organization, and practice. Remember, the Nazis were gettng ready to exterminate more people, and do it an efficient fashion. Consequently, the lives of those herded into camps to make extermination easier were already forfeit. So why waste? And Why not make it a learning experience?

So they herded them into camps, but worked some to death, and experimented on others. It was "better" that way.
Holohoax holojokes
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Oy vey goyim, don't you know that all holocaust deniers have been disproven, and there's no counter-arguments to the counter arguments?

Also ignore my picture.
Keep readin dem (((books))) nigga.
>raises hand of number tattoos
>no registry to back up that they're anything than fucking tattoos
Kikery is afoot
>Death camps
>Tens of thousands of survivors

Here or the Germans were lazy or Jews were liars.

What is the most believable? Hmm ...
So what? Do you expect me to feel bad about it? Fuck off
Exactly this
i repeat, again.


> bu... but... muh rsrch! muh logic loopholes


your fucking games don't work here
>implying tattoos are proof
Yes, and my friend is a Night Elf IRL, look at *his* wrist.
Eh, its one of those disaster myths told by survivors. Its like the sorts of people who say some mass shooters asked about the victims religion before shooting.
>go on a get 200k tatoos in less than a year.
That would further debunk the Holocaust as all the earliest People entering the DEATH Camp got tattoos. And survived to show us their tattoos
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Exactly. There's a reason nobody gets jailed for claiming we didn't land on the moon
Go away, kike. Nobody here feels sorry for kikes.
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>still alive
Even assuming the unfalsifiable claim of "oops no physical evidence left just trust postwar anecdotes" is true at 80% disposed corpses for the death toll, that still leaves millions of unearthed corpses left. Until the testimony is corroborated with the location of these mass graves, the claim can be dismissed.
>taken from a concentration camp and sent to a gulag
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>idiot holocaust deniers

Only unironical holocaust deniers are the jews here who are trying to get pol banned
Sauce or still btfo
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Indeed fellow jew.

These goyim are horrible

holocaust deniers.

What horrible fake news they have like in this

totally fake infographic I have.

Also, nice spacing, very kosher.
Except practicing Jews dont do tattoos
>gonna kill ya
>gonna give you a tattoo first though
>also gonna feed you for 4 years before i kill you
I bet I could get you to admit that jews are cancerous parasites under prolonged physical and psychological torture
Exactly. Nobody else gives a damn about the holocaust or pogroms.
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So, um, yeah you know how WWII Nazi paraphanelia fetches lots of money on eBay and such, and how you can find all sorts of shit like dinner plates, badges, etc? Where can I find a SINGLE example of all those jew-skin lampshades the taught us about in school?
Yeah Guys ignore that picture. He is a Kike
Fuck off Jew,if the Holocaust did happen them good fucking riddance
When? In what documents? which Nazis? Where did they admit this?
Do something other than autistic screeching so we can have a discussion
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>Take the time to tattoo someone's arm.
>Send them to die a few days later.
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fixed that for you
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Of course, the dirty kike cock sucker leaves out that they were tortured brutally during their interrogations... Hitler did nothing wrong but should have. Now fuck off before we holocaust you sandniggers for real this time.
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I-I thought the Holocaust was real.
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Indeed, those evil evil nazis had such advanced technology FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF KILLING JEWS.

Such technology includes crematoria so evil, that they break the laws of physics!!!
>Rhine Meadows
a yes, the deah of 1000 PoWs beccause it was diffuclt for the US to feed 2 million german PoWs was obiously intetional torture.

siberia doesn't count, the nazis confessed to the west, not USSR
no i expect idiots to stop using the "holohoax" meme in an attept to prove all jews are liars that are capable of fabricating global fake news
I thought you were supposed to be a Jew, not a Nigger!
So did I, for so long. So does everyone, until you realize how brainwashed we all are
I'm warning you now anon, don't research into this. The truth doesn't make you happy, and I'm being serious
Remember, goyim, the holocaust HAS NEVER BEEN DEBUNKED AND NEVER WILL! (unless you want prison time.)
Keep this up kike, watch what happens.
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The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:



Irregardless of the use of Zyklon-B or not, i think the mass graves speak for themselves. Either that be due to a typhus infection or not, some foul play was ensured there, and the Nazi's were not entirely innocent
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No. The Allies bombed the supply lines.
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>this entire thread
But the number annual decreased, no number is official recorded, but it just keeps getting smaller you fucking faggot.
Because a fucking tatto is something that can only be done in a German concentration camp
For #3 it's allegedly because just gunning down hundreds of Jews a day was taking a psychological toll on the Nazi soldiers.

there was no torture, dumbass. unlesss you have proof (spoliler: you dont)
21 million non-jews died in the ww2 as well.

are there lives less important?
i doubt that allegedly caring Germans would just watch them die in a prolonged fashion. There was so much resentment for the jews and their communistic agenda , that i cannot simply believe that the Germans didn't manufacture a way to end them
lots of russians, eastern europeans etc, they were also forced into labor camps and shot en masse
Why are some of you able bodied men not taking one for the team and bedding some of these 'older' Jewesses
What kind of moron takes 4chan memes and infographics seriously for fuck's sake?
You deserve to be unhappy for being such a mongoloid cretin
It's like how the Russians killed more than the estimated 6 million in the holocaust. It doesn't matter because they weren't killed for being who they are so it makes it ok and we should emulate the communism of back then.
>OMG holhoax is a lie! there is no real evidense
stopped reading right there
thanks for admitting it tho, kike

>The Soviets never tortured anybody.
Sure thing Shylock.
you have no proof of this torture
you have not a single shred of credible evidense

stop using a fucking meme to back your arguements
Why do you care about what other people believe?
I have a problem with that because I know that you want to use it in order to be able to shame other people into implementing policies that will hurt them.
I do not deny the holocaust, neither do I condone the killing of any civilians, but I have a problem with what your people are doing in our lands
Also, shit bait. +saged. faggot.

ye literally, LITERALLY kicked them in the balls until there was permanent damage.

but ofc, the was no torture.
Thing is that we don't give a shit, if the Jews died. They are not native to Europe anyway and we have our OWN losses to care about
no one is denying their death. no one is going "all russians are lying blyats that faked the death of 20 million russians"

the nazis didn't confess to the soviets, the confessed TO THE WEST
You've got it the other way around. The Jews tried to exterminate the Nazis. No POWs ever returned from the Soviet Union.

Evidence of torture + evidence of the torture of rudolph hoss for a testimony on the holocaust, the guy who did it admitted it in his memoirs
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I mean, this isn't a good sign, but I'll keep going
Gee if you link a couple million more interviews I might believe you.
>This Jew cant handle that his people have done atrocious things

Accept like the rest of us, you've been taught lies.
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The Nuremberg trial was all Soviet and Jewish.
I'm not denying Jewish and communistic aggression towards Germans. That is exactly my point, given that knowledge it its almost illogical for one to believe nothing was done to the Jews as a result of terrorizing Germans in Poland
we are not using the holocause to shame anyone. germany and israel have very friendly relations.

im pissed over the people who use the holocaust as a method to demonize out whole people
if you don't care why are you in this thread?
i dunno what was the suposed message here,
its ambiguous as fuck.
this faggot is right
Something so fucking simple, how did we miss this..
> paid actors
Just nuke yourself already
The Germans followed the law, and their were no orders to exterminate.
holy fugg
how could no one have seen this before,
this is the ultimate redpill.
The Shame-ocaust!
Have you ever been to Germany? I have
The people there are raised from birth to believe that their culture and heritage is evil, and anyone dares to say otherwise is literally jailed. Do you see that happening anywhere else? No. Because it's a farce, used to control
Excuse me, you seem to be ignoring my post

"We sat in the cell with him, night and day, armed with axe handles. Our job was to prod him every time he fell asleep to help break down his resistance," said Mr. Jones. When Höss was taken out for exercise, he was made to wear only jeans and a thin cotton shire in the bitter cold. After three days and nights without sleep, Höss finally broke down and made a full confession to the authorities."

t. memoir of the kike who tortured him. He was then given this statement to read to the nuremberg trials:

"I, RUDOLF FRANZ FERDINAND HOESS, being first duly sworn, depose and say as follows: 2. I commanded Auschwitz until 1 December 1943, and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning, and at least another half million succumbed to starvation and disease making a total dead of about 3,000,000. This figure represents about 70% or 80% of all persons sent to Auschwitz as prisoners, the remainder having been selected and used for slave labor in the concentration camp industries. Included among the executed and burnt were approximately 20,000 Russian prisoners of war (previously screened out of Prisoner of War cages by the Gestapo) who were delivered at Auschwitz in Wehrmacht transports operated by regular Wehrmacht officers and men. The remainder of the total number of victims included about 100,000 German Jews, and great numbers of citizens, mostly Jewish from Holland, France, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece, or other countries. We executed about 400,000 Hungarian Jews alone in the summer of 1944."

If you really want to see something curious, look at how many jews they now say died at auschwitz, it's under 1 million.
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>getting out alive of the camp is proof all the jews in the camps were subject to murder
oh, would ya look at that. someone who thinks the holocaust actually happened. well now, let me just check that flag aaaaaaand it's a kike. sage.
ok well ask yourself this, What was the Germans end game strategy. As in what were they planning on accomplishing by rounding up ethnic Jews and depriving them of their humanity? Forced labor? then what would they do with them afterwords?

One can argue the camps were purely transitional holding for the Jewish question, but that has some logical fallacies.

Problem is that it's pretty easy to forge now that the loophole is public
Holocaust deniers do not deny that jews were persecuted. Only a fool would think that.
What they deny is they way that this was done and the numbers of deaths.
Enough of this crap, please
If we could get the world to acknowledge the truth then everything would change.
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>if you don't care why are you in this thread?
Because it's a pro-White board and semitic woes are irrelevant
Liberate Russia.
>mfw the jew vanished

Pack it up boys
I don't know the details on orders but obviously millions perished as a result of having been put into these camps.
It's likely though that the Soviets and the surviving Jews exaggerated the numbers because it was in their self interest.
But it's hard to say to what degree in today's climate with certain groups immediately attacking you if you try to investigate.
It's pointless anyway, we didn't do it, neither did my father or grandfather.
And I believe most of us agree that we don't want to genocide people. At worst we'll send them away if it becomes unbearable.
He went back in his Rabbi hole.
lol i'd use the 'i was holocausted' defense too if i thought it would give me a billion dollar industry that allowed me to make excuses whenever i was caught violating human rights while illegally occupying another country.
No. It was billions! 6 million billion Jews!
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>Look up David Irving on Wikipedia
>Page is fucking huge, much longer than it needs or USED to be
On the Jews and Their Lies...
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>no sources
>using analogies as arguments

literally the worst possible attempt at supporting denial imaginable
You have to take into account the Russian POWs and many other nationalities the Germans captured.
I believe it was 3 million Russian soldiers alone who died in these camps
In what way are you proposing?
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300,000 max my man
Serious Schlomo why do you keep harping on about this? Regardless if it happened or not you are still nothing but a subhuman, so take a chill pill and stfu
>wow a religious text is wrong, no fucking way!
See , this .

I believe some foul play happened , but not to the extent of 6 million jews. 6 million Jews didn't even exist in all of Europe in that time period
I meant all combined with Russian POWs and other ethnicities.
I believe the term you're looking for is "600 bergillion"

~some kike, probably
the first and foremost reason was blatant racism .
It was six jewzillion jews!
citations desperately needed for lines 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 (the holocaust bit, not the enigma cracking, everyone knows that), 8, 9, 10, 12 (the evidence at nuremberg and that it was key evidence), 15 (and this one isn't hard to justify even if it's true), 16

The rest are mostly just trying to get the reader to feel uncomfortable with how holocaust denial is treated and have little to do with whether or not it occurred.

I'm curious about the numbers I've mentioned.
my german is pretty rusty but I'm fairly certain Jews are not mentioned anywhere on this document
T-Trotsky? I-is that you?
Then why is it so hard to believe that the Germans did utilize some from of mass killing methods. For they thought themselves superior to the Jews who influence communism.
Why did the US intern the Japanese?
Not at all, but their deaths aren't being denied in this thread.
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>Try to imagine how someone might refute this, like that the camps would each individually have their own numbering system, rather than some national total
>Still doesn't even check out as several camps had more than 200,00 victims
If there was a holocaust why did millions survive to prove it
The tattoos only came from Auschwitz.
Nazis are literally boyscouts.
The most offensive thing to a Jew is the truth

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Good, then they should number up to 4 million.
why would the nazis keep them alive for 6 years if the entire point of the camp was to exterminate them all?

How could they be "liberated" ?
Jews are like a banana slug with each grain if salt being a fact.
Yeah sure, Jews are the only people who have been expulsed over 300 times from various nations and all because of racism.
Tell me, why does this always happen to them exclusively?
They don't look that much different from us, so if they behaved in a socially acceptable manner I'd expect that they would have never been thrown out of any country.
How can you be suicided you fucking dumb retard!
>hurdur they hated jews, isn't that enough proof that they systematically exterminated all of them

Literally every nation on earth hated the jews both at the time and in history
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For the same reason, for terrorist actions. Which equally resulted in blatant racism towards japan, but that was due to our actual war conflict with japan. I do not condone either.

But there is an obvious varying degree of severity with a death camp versus an interment camp. The death camp was a product of preexisting hatred. The internment camps were a product of a national scare of an impending war.
Not really, when they started with a letter, and reset after every 20000. That's about 500K. However, the claim is that 1.3 million died there. So ok yes, holohoax btfo.
Should've killed more
The Americans killed 2 million German POWs in Buchenwald.
the trials were AMERICAN and BRITISH dipshi


finally, something.
and still nothing to prove the nazis were tortured for holocaust confessions.

rudolf hoss was tortured by polish captors, and only later was delivered to the british for the nuremberg trials. where chuchill himself said he needs to be treated well.

also 4 days before the execution, he admits his crimes AGAIN, even though there was absolutly no reason to, as he was going to die anyway

the london cage tortured germans of intelligense and war crimes against british forces. not the holocaust
"The first series of prisoner numbers was introduced in May 1940, well before the practice of tattooing began. This first series was given to male prisoners and remained in use until January 1945, ending with the number 202,499. Until mid-May 1944, male Jewish prisoners were given numbers from this series."

"In order to avoid the assignment of excessively high numbers from the general series to the large number of Hungarian Jews arriving in 1944, the SS authorities introduced new sequences of numbers in mid-May 1944. This series, prefaced by the letter A, began with “1” and ended at “20,000.” Once the number 20,000 was reached, a new series beginning with “B” series was introduced. Some 15,000 men received “B” series tattoos. For an unknown reason, the “A” series for women did not stop at 20,000 and continued to 30,000."
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end yourself, holy shit you are dumb

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G-Germans used duplicate numbers. Maybe they didn't know how to count over 200k BECAUSE NAZIS ARE STUPID, HA. S-SHUT UP. MOOOODS.
Yeah, I'm the dumb retard to think one can be suicided.
No i agree, with you. Just think about the level of hatred ensured on the Jews by the Nazis. They blamed the Bolshevik Jews to be responsible for the enonomic war imposed on Germany , the vile sexuality of the weimar republic in the 20s and also the rise of communism in Berlin etc.

They say the German way of life being diminished from a actual tangible enemy. Where as everywhere else in the world didn't have that at such a degree.

Im just saying its all together feasible
So that gives us a maximum of 245k Jews to keep track of, very much in line with the red Cross death tolls.
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Why did he confess to killing 3 million when that is blatantly false? Keep in mind that was the number they were going with at the time for auschwitz, and was blown out of proportion for propaganda purposes. He just happened to "admit" to the inflated number after being tortured? Also, they were threatening his wife and daughter my man.

pic related

Lots of things are feasible
I know they did ,They considered the POW as unarmed enemies , and therefore did not have to provide bare necessities as told in the Geneva convention. Eisenhower and Churchill , in my opinion, both committed multiple war crimes.

But unfortunately my friend, history is written by the victor
It was a showtrial. Loaded with Jews and Soviets.
Death camps with a pool a soccer field and a hospital where lots of kikes were born.
but do you at least see how this thing is considerably more feasible than others

just maybe
Did either of you read the article?



And you blindly took it on faith that the bullshit he spewed was true. You fucking worm. You imbecile.
That is why it does not make sense, why would the Germans round them up in such a systemic and degrading way.

the german end game would also make little to no sense , by rounding up the Bolsheviks and their supporters. what could they possibly plan to do with them after the war?
No. History is written by 4chan.
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At this point, it isnt far from the truth

the trials are held in luxemburg not london or kensigton. so these links are invalid

nice try moron.
2 million was the total amount of POWs that actually were INTERNED

1000 germans died in buchenwald
>the allies said they didn't torture, this is PROOF
>well, ok, he was tortured but not by the british so that doesn't matter!
>yeah sure the numbers were completely false but who cares? he admitted it
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It happened, but I guess it was really only about 243,000 not 6 gorillion. Why do you jews like whining for sympathy so much?
>ok ok, german prisoners were tortured on a regular basis but it was actually literally miles away from where the trials took place so that doesn't matter
gotta get those goyim gibs
Okay. But why should I care about the Holocaust in 2017?

The problem I have with you deniers, is that you dont actually have evidence. You raise alot of interesting points, but there isnt evidence. Simply alot of circumstancial facts and inference.

Wheres the evidence?

If so many people were lying for some obscure century long aim to subjugate German culture, how come not a single person ever spilled the beans?

And before you say "zionist conspiracy", keep in mind that the more people involved in a conspiracy, the higher the chances of it being found out.
You got me, Kike. The Jews did nothing wrong.
Ussr was definitely a party in the Nuremburg trials, so actually yes they were there too :)
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>you don't have evidence, just facts
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Here's your proof Nazis were tortured.
>Of 3,573 prisoners who passed through Kensington Palace Gardens, more than 1,000 were persuaded to sign a confession or give a witness statement for use in war crimes prosecutions.
>Of the 21 accused, 14 were hanged after a war-crimes trial in Hamburg. Many confessed only after being interrogated by Scotland and his men. In court, they protested that they had been starved, whipped and systematically beaten. Some said they had been menaced with red-hot pokers and ‘threatened with electrical devices’.
You are full of shit Schlomo.
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>you don't have evidence, just facts

Where are the facts? Ive read all the images Ive seen here over the years and nothing is conclusive EVIDENCE, theyre circumstancial facts.

>random Shlomo lied about conveyor belt gassing
>therefore its all fake

Thats not logical m8.

Provide evidence.
That's not my fucking point in the slightest. I'm not arguing the nazis weren't tortured. I'm not arguing about the numbers. I'm not saying the article is proof on anything.

What I'm saying is that the double-digit IQ fellow who posted the article made a claim that the nazis were tortured. The article said the opposite. Thus it was a symphony of stupidity, with a crashing crescendo of sliminess when the next moron commented "well looky here no one replied to this EXQUISITE COMMENT" when in fact the comment was shit.

I'm pissed off by the fact that not just one person, but two, would demonstrate their complete lack of reading comprehension so willingly.

And now you try to drag in other arguments. I have said nothing about the holocaust. I have said everything about shitty arguments and fuckers who post links that contradict them. Don't make it out like I'm talking about something I'm not.
Funny that you attack syria and now every three threads is a holocaust denial thread...fuck off...your subversion has no power here
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In the future, history teachers will have to explain Pepe with a straight face
I second this, I also personally believe you can deny it as long as you're not a fucking dickhead about it, like you shouldn't be with any other opinion
he condessed that he carried out the ORDERS

the orders was to kill 3 million jews in auchwitz, he onlt managed to get 1 million

its really basic reading skill
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Where are actual proofs and evidence? "muh narrative" doesn't cut it Jew boy. Every mass grave that has been investigated has proven to not have a single body. Where did they all go? Why did the world's Jewish population INCREASE after WW2? Why are there NO traces of gas used in any of the "death camps"? You will never win the battle of truth, face it.
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>the holocaust didn't happen
>but it totally should've happened
>On 8 June 1948 after she had served two years of her sentence, Gen. Lucius D. Clay, the interim military governor of the American Zone in Germany, reduced the judgment to four years' imprisonment on the grounds "there was no convincing evidence that she had selected inmates for extermination in order to secure tattooed skins, or that she possessed any articles made of human skin".
>At least four separate witnesses for the prosecution testified that they had seen Koch choose tattooed prisoners, who were then killed, or had seen or been involved in the process of making human-skin lampshades from tattooed skin.
How is grandpa lampshade doing?
>She was convicted of charges of incitement to murder, incitement to attempted murder and incitement to the crime of committing grievous bodily harm, and on 15 January 1951 was sentenced to life imprisonment and permanent forfeiture of civil rights.
So they basically judged her guilty with fabricated proof.
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Oy Vey the Nazi's gassed my great grand mother 66 times. She survived by hiding under overweight Jews in the furnaces for protection. Those overweight Jews were only fat because the Nazi's forced them to overeat to mock them. They also comfort ate to due to constant stress and fear of the random impending gassings. Never Again ;_;

Those fuckin fakestines are Nazis because they forced us to put them in concentration camps and kill them. We tried terrorism them but they were too many to kill so we just put them in camps. Fucking Nazi-stine amiright ?

Now support us goy because we were chosen by god. Remember Jesus was a Jew even though we hate him and mock him. Also don't look at what's in the Talmud. The Protocols of the Elders Of Zion is fake even though most of the things in it are coming true now.
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ima ask you one question kike

why dont the tattoos go above 1 million they barely hit 100k you never see a tattoo in the 100k range start with anything higher then a 1 no 2s no 3s no 4s

Prove me wrong with photo evidence of a holohoax tattoo 200k or higher.

>wikipedia is kike propaganda

Nu-pol really is pathetic.
All these holocaust denial threads are distraction from Israel trying to start ww3...this is the 5th one in an hour. Shill something else this is too obvious
To play the devils advocate here, do you have any evidence it did happen?
Where is a picture of a gas chamber?
Where is a written order to exterminate jews?
Where the fuck are any of the bodies?

I'm not saying i wouldn't like some hard evidence, it's just that theres not a lot going around, on either side
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Powerful Jews orchestrated WW2 and are responsible for the Jews that died in German labor camps. Typhus and starvation killed about 271,000 people (not 6 million) as supply lines were cut off toward the end of the war. Adolf Hitler was keeping these Jews alive and planned to move them out of the country. Jews have been kicked out of many countries throughout history.

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red cross 1948 investigation into the camps came out with the figure of ~270k

They revoked it only because they were pressured into it by jewish orgs decades later

No serious person believes in the 6mil figure, the fact that the Auschwitz figure was adjusted from 4mil to 1.5mil to 1mil should already give you an idea that they move these numbers around any which way they like because there's nobody who wants to enter the shitstorm of publically transgressing against all the organizations that consider the public believing it a positive for them
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The reason people mention the lies of "survivors" is because the #1 thing you claim as evidence of the holocaust are "survivor" testimonies.


The fact that SIX MILLION JEWS WERE NOT PRESENT IN ANY AREA CONTROLLED BY THE AXIS POWERS AT ANY POINT IN TIME directly refutes the central fucking thesis of your argument that six million jews died. And six million isn't even including the millions of survivors of so called death camps.

Next is the fact that people who are supposed to be experts on the holocaust are REGULARLY caught lying, fudging numbers and changing the story retroactively when part of it is 100% disproven.

Since you are the one making the claim that the holocaust happened, you have to provide evidence for it. Our job is to counter that evidence, if you cannot prove that it happened beyond reasonable doubt then we do not have to prove a negative.
So your point is that even kike propaganda has to admit the truth?
T-thanks. I suppose.
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Im a failure in life because of Jews. I never even had a chance in this jewish world to make anything of myself or do anything. The jews have been sucking my blood and controlling my mind ever since I was born. I am a pathetic slave.
Delet Dis
So what?
The numbers mean they were in camps and no one denied it. How does it prove the gassing and burning?
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Torturing Nazi's/Ayyrabs to death is totally fine.
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Refer to

This list is only of the deaths of German Jews.
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>Do you have any evidence that cancer is real?
>Have you seen it?
>Have you studied medicine?
>How do you know its cancer and not some curse?

If you accept the scientific method for anything at all, then you also have to accept that history has been written by people who have read, studied, interviewed, witnessed...

Do you have any idea how many historians have studied the holocaust?

From small-time students' history thesis to camp survivor turned historian.

Denying the holocaust is like denying the Roman empire ever existed.
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I forgive you. Kill me now, I dare you. See you in Hell!
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Once again 5th thread by Shillstien t. Sheckelburg...israel attacked syria
No amount of holohoax threads will hide you starting ww3

Shill something less obvious
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So youre saying that 270k dead kikes means the holocaust didnt happen?

Thanks for proving my point.


>individual liars are proof that the holocaust didnt happen

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>Do you have any evidence that cancer is real?
>Have you seen it?
>Have you studied medicine?
>How do you know its cancer and not some curse?
Because I can literally look at the cells and see what they do

>If you accept the scientific method for anything at all, then you also have to accept that history has been written by people who have read, studied, interviewed, witnessed...
>history has been written
You realize that for millenia they thought diseases were magical and came from satan, and that even the most brain dead illiterate special needs child knows that history is written by the victors to make themselves look good

>Do you have any idea how many historians have studied the holocaust?
Do you know how many people have been imprisoned for denying the holocaust, and how many lies the people who studied the holocaust have been caught telling

>Denying the holocaust is like denying the Roman empire ever existed
>Denying one thing is exactly like denying something that is completely and totally unrelated in every way
No it isn't
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good work anon, i never thought of that.
>The problem I have with you deniers, is that you dont actually have evidence. You raise alot of interesting points, but there isnt evidence. Simply alot of circumstancial facts and inference.

Your problem is the lack of evidence that nothing happened?

Anywho, population numbers did it for me
>individual liars prove the holocaust happened
Literally your argument, provide evidence that isn't "my granny got a tattoo"
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>>Do you have any evidence that cancer is real?
There's a picture of it right there (obviously it's cg, but you get what i mean)

I don't think anybody in here is a holocaust "Denier". I think the narrative we've been fed is an exaggeration so large that it can be considered a lie.
Since so many historians have studied the holocaust, shouldn't there be something definitive you can point to and prove that it happened?
Looks like the guy from iran, ammendajad or whatever

So yeah kind of.
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How the fuck are you finding so many of these?
I just wanna point out that the jew is gone, and he never even touched one of these
admitting that the officially touted figure is that much off will already label you a "holocaust denier" famalam..

And yes I don't think anyone in here doubts that jews were rounded up and put in labour camps, just that there wasn't any plan for mass extermination (the official story is that they just whispered it secretly and that's why there is not one record of it written down anywhere in nazi war plans or any other document from the time)
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The red cross claims 270k dead Jews. Were they lying too?

If youre older than 18, youre in trouble son.
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If the Jew World Order succeeds and the Goyim are either killed or enslaved, Jews will eventually start killing themselves off. It's in their nature to destroy and they can't switch that urge off apparently.
Can't remember where I found them, probably VHO or IHR
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>And yes I don't think anyone in here doubts that jews were rounded up and put in labour camps, just that there wasn't any plan for mass extermination

Except people here doubt exactly that and sorry to disappoint you, but the Wannensee-konferenz is well documented.
>I don't think anybody in here is a holocaust "Denier". I think the narrative we've been fed is an exaggeration so large that it can be considered a lie.
Pretty much this. Is fishy and full of lies and manipulation.
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Can you share your holohoax folder in a .zip?

Starvation and plague, some camps also did kill the prisoners when the starvation kicked in and everyone was dying. Allies would bomb the supply trains to the camps not knowing they were out there, and everyone inside would starve. The trains also carried medical supplies, which made treating the literal plague pretty difficult.

What narrative?

Millions of non-jews died in the concetration camps too m8. You people really to start reading actual books and not just stormfront images.
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So there were camps?

Thanks. You just accepted that the holocaust happened.
umm yeah, because he was imprisoned for a whole year in luxemburg long after he was beaten up by the polish

>>131207675 link to the article please. i want to see how credible it is.

also hoss wrote this in his own memoir before being executed

"My conscience compels me to make the following declaration. In the solitude of my prison cell I have come to the bitter recognition that I have sinned
gravely against humanity. As Commandant of Auschwitz I was responsible for carrying out part of the cruel plans of the "Third Reich" for human
destruction. In so doing I have inflicted terrible wounds on humanity. I caused unspeakable suffering for the Polish people in particular. I am to pay for this
with my life. May the Lord God forgive one day what I have done. I ask the Polish people for forgiveness. In Polish prisons I experienced for the first time
what human kindness is. Despite all that has happened I have experienced humane treatment which I could never have expected, and which has deeply
shamed me. May the facts which are now coming out about the horrible crimes against humanity make the repetition of such cruel acts impossible for all


even if he was tortured, he admitted the truth either way in his momiors

again, that had nothing to do with the nuremberg trials
Not sure how to do it. Would be a big file.
Woah wait, I just remembered that the US had camps in WWII too! Holy shit, how come I never learned about the Horrocaust in school???
>link the article so I can shut them down
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Jew eternally BTFO
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...is that a threat?
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The memoir is what happens when the poles are threatening to send your wife and child to siberia to be worked to death in a gulag
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Because you most likely attended a shitty public school, judging by your level of historical education.

For all the people here in doubt about the pathetic attempts at denial, the Wannensee conference (including the documents and testimonies) are proof alone that it was an organized and planned act of destruction.

Next thing youll deny the Einsatzgruppen.
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>We are dealing here with the chief war criminals who have already been convicted and whose conviction has been already announced by both the Moscow and Crimea declarations by the heads of the [Allied] governments... The whole idea is to secure quick and just punishment for the crime... The fact that the Nazi leaders are criminals has already been established. The task of the Tribunal is only to determine the measure of guilt of each particular person and mete out the necessary punishment -- the sentences.
>—Iola T. Nikitchenko, Soviet judge at an infamous 1936 Moscow show trial and at the Nuremberg Tribunal
>Implying I haven't
The numbers have been revised down multiple times, all the sources were communists that didn't released any actual documents, there are lot of pure fabrications like the human skin collecting and lampshades, images of supposed extermination camps has been admitted to never have been so...
"was tortured by two black GI's"

hahaha black GI's in world war 2? what else? german female soldiers?

give me a fucking break, that little piece just invalidated the entire document
>As a military tribunal, this Tribunal is a continuation of the war effort of the Allied nations. As an International Tribunal, it is not bound by the procedural and substantive refinements of our respective judicial or constitutional systems
>—U.S. Chief prosecutor, R. Jackson
What do you think you are doing son?
>I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled. Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time.
>—US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
Holy shit, it crossed my mind that you might now pick up on sarcasm but I assumed it was physically impossible for someone to be that dumb and know how to operate a keyboard.

>People died in the prison camps as a result of starvation and disease brought about by the total war in the region and relentless allied bombing of supply lines
>you: Woah did you say camps? Somehow that means the holocaust happened, checkmate.
>also you: hold on while I google "evidence of the holocuast" so I can pretend I didn't post what I just posted
>About this whole judgment there is the spirit of vengeance, and vengeance is seldom justice. The hanging of the eleven men convicted will be a blot on the American record which we will long regret. In these trials we have accepted the Russian idea of the purpose of trials -- government policy and not justice -- with little relation to Anglo-Saxon heritage. By clothing policy in the forms of legal procedure, we may discredit the whole idea of justice in Europe for years to come.
>—US Senator Robert A. Taft
I dont know man, i remember being a young student and being a bit flummoxed by the things i was taught long before the internet even existed.
>"All Jews world wide -- declared war on the Third Reich." (The London Daily Express, Front Page Story, 3/24/1933).

>"Judea declares War on Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, 1934)

>"The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)
File: Holocaust_Denial_Crime_2016.gif (19KB, 1425x625px) Image search: [Google]
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Right, that's why it's illegal and you can get 20 years in prison for doing it
>The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany. Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people. - Daily Express, March 24, 1933

>he unironically brings up lampshades again

>The numbers have been revised down multiple times

Yeah, its only 2 million instead of 6.


In case youre confused and why I brought it up. Its 2 million kikes, without the faggots, the pikeys, the communists and the Poles/Soviets POWs.

Aprende a leer libros chiquito. No engañas a nadie aqui.
a yes 4 days before a man's execution: "right a fake memoir or we send your wife'n'kids to the gulags

eeyup makes perfect sense
>"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child." (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)

>"Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German -- wipe them out!" (Llya Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111).
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