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>Roaches in charge of education.

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Thread replies: 360
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>Roaches in charge of education.
this is what all you Christians were complaining about so I guess it's solved now
Well they're not wrong, it's debatable and controversial.
the tides go in the tides go out, you can't explain that

It totally isn't, you fucking moron.
>this guy is complaining about indoctrination
>it's only okay when Republicans do it
They cant explain gravity
It really fucking isnt so much so that one of the greatest threats is virus cause they have such short lifespans and evolution/immunity to medicine spreads sooo fast. cmon dude get a grip. Why do you think in africa for example people have a much higher resistent to hiv for example evolution is real and its still going on in EVERYTHING that is alive including us.
absolute top moment for me

fuck that had me laughing for days
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shit, this word is getting more retarded by the minute
>nazis complaining about science not being tought, despite their pseudoscientific attempts to mix value statements with emperical facts

all of humes work down the drain

well, they are sliding down to one party islamic statehood for 10 years now

this is not singular occurrence
Trump should do the same.
Genetic variation is not a proof for evolution. Can you name a single recorded case of a species turning into another? There's no solid proof for evolution only tooth pieces with dubious origins that don't even cover every point that is needed to prove the theory.
I'm not taking sides whether it's true or not but the thesis itself is literally debatable and controversial. You should realise that the moment you accept a theory as a dogma then you've abandoned your criticism that a scientist should have and became a propaganda piece.
It's about as controversial as saying that there's two genders. One side quoting science and the other plugging their ears is not a controversy.
How will the current state of the political left discuss this story.

>Left: Stupid Christcucks do not believe in evolution
>Muslim nation: Stop teaching evolution
>Left: We can't criticize Islam or we will be racist so we will just not post this on "Red dit" or if we do we must lock down any negative comments

Poor thing, it's retarded
So it's about as controversial as saying that god exists, one side plugging their ears is not controversy.
Turks will stop with existing in our lifetime. With the current low fertility rate the 18% Kurds will have 2/3 of the next generation kids in 2038 under their name.
>implying erdogan is a leftist
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Well it's always funny to see how the so called "science lovers" abandon every base tenet of a scientist to mindlessly regurgitate the (((science)))) that they're indoctrinated with.

>Genetic variation is not a proof for evolution.

provided the genetic variation is caused by mutation and given enough time the accumulated mutations will make the once identical species, separated from eachother to stop being able to produce offspring

I.E. lions and tigers, horses and donkeys etc.

to claim you can't seem to grasp the process, while being aware of it's processes is either fucking with people or genuine retardation
Rip ataturks legacy
Interspecies breeding with sterile offsprings is not a proof for evolution either. What are you even saying. "oh boy the clouds are white so this soup is cold"
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If evolution isn't real then how did we evolve from insect to human? By Allah i think Erdogan might be wrong this time.
>implying erdogan is a leftist
No I did not.

I am talking about leftist politics in the West.

How are all the leftist Muslims sympathizers going to discuss this topic when they normally attack anyone who rebuffs evolution.

When Christians push back against evolution the left wants them removed from the Earth but now that Muslims are doing this the left who apparently loves to protect Muslims these days will not be able to attack Muslims for doing exactly what Christians do.

TL;DR: Leftist have double standards when it comes to these issues and since Muslims are now the lefts protected group they can not call them out.
This a thousand times this.

>evolution is just a theory
Translates to
>I am ignoring what can be objectively OBSERVED

Evolution = change in a gene pool over time. You retard deniers are gonna have to explain to me how that's just a theory or whatever you say to dismiss it. Ignorant twats
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don't fucking try and pretend like you care about scientific integrity christcuck.

> Can you name a single recorded case of a species turning into another?

shows you don't know wtf you are talking about.
>When Christians push back against evolution the left wants them removed from the Earth but now that Muslims are doing this the left who apparently loves to protect Muslims these days will not be able to attack Muslims for doing exactly what Christians do.

You have it all wrong. It's stupid either way. If you'd read the article you'd see the leftist opposition in Turkey opposes this as much as western leftists oppose creationism
It's still just a theory with no empirical proof.
So where's that recorded case of a species turning into another?
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We shouldn't forget our ancestors.
>So where's that recorded case of a species turning into another?

Fossils records or you can see videos of bacteria evolving, or are you asking to see a lion become an elephant?

If evolution isn't real then why is there literal dinosaur DNA within modern chickens?
>Change in a gene pool over time is "just a theory with no empirical proof"
But that's wrong you ignorant retard. It's been proven and measured countless times. Besides that it's a matter of common sense. Do you even know what a fucking gene is?
You are clearly not understanding.

The left discuss these topic like /pol/ does but /pol/ does not care if it criticizes Muslims.

The left on places like "red dit" will not be able to go on their normal Christcuck bashing adventures as now Muslims are the target of reticule.

The left do not allow themselves to criticize Islam because the left is full of liberal ideologues.

Slow morons like you who do not understand that /pol/ is a place for politics must not understand that when I say "How will the current state of the political left discuss this story." it goes right over your head.

Basically, you are a moron and I am wasting my time trying to point out the hypocritical state of leftist politics who will criticize Christians for not support evolution but the left will not criticize Muslims for the same thing.
>fossil records
Tooth pieces with dubious origins that barely proving any points needed for the theory.
>videos of bacteria evolving
Evolving into bears? If not then I'm afraid developing resistancy genes against chemicals is not evolution either.
Do you actually know how DNA even works? Human DNA is has 30% similarity with petunias. All the DNA is is just coding for proteins, most living organisms tend to have similar proteins.
Again, genetic diversity is not evolution.
show me the missing link

show me a fossil of the giraffe's ancestor with a smaller neck

show me proof
>no empirical proof
ancient arganism aemains
fossil layers
similarities among living organisms
similarities of embryos

>So where's that recorded case of a species turning into another?

species dont just magically transform it is a long process of tiny deviations that slowly add up

it usually requires some sort of divide between the 2 groups of the same species in order for a major deviation to take places (this can be diffrence in geographical location, food sources, ability to breed, presence of predators,etc.)
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>i'm too retarded for higher education so i'll just call them indoctrinated jews instead haha that'll show them

I feel bad for your parents, all those years wasted only to raise a burgerflipper
>I can't actually prove it because it's impossible but you should believe everything I say!
Okay, thanks, glad we reached a new age of critical thinking.

> US key ally
does anybody know why the US suck it very hard to the roaches? it just can't be all for a fucking military base
Fortunately there's whole skeletons from thousands of species which show an evolution from species to species and not just "tooth pieces." And you can see a bacteria become a bear, you can see the fossils from the first organism until the bear today almost all its variations in between. Also if organism evolving new traits isn't evolution, then what is?
macroevolution is just shitload of microevolutions, there is literally no prinripal difference at all

and yes, actually, scientists have seen new species (speciation) emerging multiple times, both in lab and nature
>show me a fossil of the giraffe's ancestor with a smaller neck


i don't think schools should be teaching unconfirmed theories
and 50% with bannanas
and roughly 98% with a chimpanze our closest cousin (meaning we have a common ancestor)

ah but i can!
it is how Darwin came up with the theory in the first place
I don't see the point of dick flapping on anime websites but I've studied genetics and biology for at least 5 years now at universities. I'm just pointing out how evolution is very far from being an inquestionable truth that holds up to every standard a scientist should have.
If someone asks I can talk about what the theory of evolution is but no I don't "believe" in anything like it's an absolute truth. If you do you're straying pretty far from science.
They'll start teaching about roaches now, they said.
>genetic diversity isn't evolution
Really? Is that why all genes are exactly the same and have never changed, ever? Oh wait
Religion is so stupid, is it literally just a tool to control people and keep them ignorant at this point? I can't imagine anyone in government actually believing any of that crap
>I'm just pointing out how evolution is very far from being an inquestionable truth that holds up to every standard a scientist should have.

Missed the part where I said it is "unquestionable truth". But "simply asking questions" isn't valid either and you seem more interested in ignoring the mountains of evidence in favor of the theory rather than presenting any valid alternatives.

It's just a theory.

Not a law, principle or rule. Just a theory perpetuated by the international jewry to further move people away from God.

The more I read about Erdogan the more I admire the fella. It's like he's taken a page out the Hitler schematic.

>imprison opposition
>promote nationalism
>control media
>massive rallies
>expand territory
>use religious institutions to your advantage

The west needs a leader like this.
>I'm just pointing out how evolution is very far from being an inquestionable truth that holds up to every standard a scientist should have.
In what way is it questionable? You must have examples of what renders it questionable.
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what about the infestation in Germany
Few things are "only" this or that. There're no doubt politicians, dictators, and religious leader who're honestly faithful, jstu as there are those who only use it for power.
Well except there isn't.
Well you know, that's just like, your theory bro.
>beak sizes can be slightly different in birds
Okay cool, still not a 100% proof for evolution though.
Two things that have nothing to do with each other.
>mountains of evidence
That's not true though.
Read the thread then. Just fyi though any scientific theory is questionable, that's pretty much the point of science. You have to be some omniscient immortal being to say something is a 100% true, like... a god or something.
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>imagine being so fucking dumb you can't even grasp the simple concept of evolution
Theories are unconfirmed by nature, in scientific language what you consider a theory is a hypothesis.
It becomes a theory when it had withstood attempts to disprove it over a long time.
Gravity is “just a theory“ as well, as us most of what we “know“.

Tldnr: you're fucking retarded and the American education system is a joke, read a book, nigger.
Those ones will die out once Germans themself get a higher fertility rate was well. But that will most likely take awhile... So far only ethnic belarussians and Russians are white people that actually have a high fertility rate in Europe
Well, it's sort of a good thing. Retards like Erdogan neuter themselves through their stupidity. He will never be presented accurate information, or judge it correctly. He will never govern over a competitive educational system. He will never elect the most capable ministers. It's a shame his people will suffer the msot consequences, but that's how it goes.
>imagine being so dumb you can't even grasp the concept of god
>Do you actually know how DNA even works? Human DNA is has 30% similarity with petunias.

gee i wonder why that could happen
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> I've studied genetics and biology for at least 5 years now at universities
>evolution is very far from being an inquestionable truth that holds up to every standard a scientist should have

In that case you shouldn't have issues linking me 5 peer reviewed articles from respected journals that question evolution.

I'll give you 15 minutes.
The jews, Karen, it's the jews.
>simple concept
>didnt exist until a jew said so 200 years ago
>Read the thread then
I have read the whole thread. Mostly it's you and others failing to discredit proof in favour of evolution, while failing to provide any proof yourselves beyond "h-have you SEEN with your own eyes when one species turns into another".
>Just fyi though any scientific theory is questionable
That is a good and strong fucking argument, you retarded fucking teenager. Of course theories are supposed to be questioned - IF THERE'S A LACK OF EVIDENCE FOR THEM, OR IF THERE'S EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM.
Well, the concept of the Christian God includes the concept of God being ungraspable.
>It's just a theory

Looks like somebody didn't make it past the 5th grade
This kinda reminds me of a show I saw on discovery the other day. It was about how women love big black gorillas because of how attractive muscles are and women should breed with sportsman. (thinly veiled breed with black guys white girls! evolution says you have to!)
I had a good giggle at least.
we wuz petunias and shit
>you're wrong unless you can dig up someone that agrees with you
That's not really how it works, you should know that by now if you care about science so much.
Replace evolution with god in that post and see what you sound like.
So does science though, it's called critical thinking.
>Replace evolution with god in that post and see what you sound like.
No anon, you see, then I'd be arguing for something completely different. But let's try it:
> Of course God is supposed to be questioned - IF THERE'S A LACK OF EVIDENCE FOR HIM, OR IF THERE'S EVIDENCE AGAINST HIM.
That shit don't make no sense no mo, because there's nothing about worshipping God that tells you to question God or ask for evidence.
Point is you're getting mad and shouting how the thing you believe in shouldn't be questioned and questions are retarded teenager things anyways.
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>>you're wrong unless you can dig up someone that agrees with you
>That's not really how it works, you should know that by now if you care about science so much.

Get fucked, you dumb piece shit. You've just proven that you have absolutely no idea about academic work despite claiming to have studied for 5 years.

Do you have any idea of how pathetic you look right now?
I think the person who has to post laughing pictures and cuss as an argument is more pathetic than anything. But I guess that's just how sheep behave, now or 2 thousand years ago, people don't really change.
beak sizes
different digestive systems
different feathers
and many more tiny anatomical difference over a (relatively) short period of time

these birds are a good demonstartions of how different species come to be

and is just one of many examples

evolution is a theory, but it is a theory with mountains of evidence to support it and no other theory has anything close against it
do you expect respectful discourse here?
especially with such a stupid contrarian opinion

if you cant stand the fire then gtfo

Devolution is real, not evolution. Fucking spiritlets ITT. Debate me faggots.
nah, Sunni conception of God is much more absolutely ungraspable than any of your sects
Which is why we know it's the closest to Truth.
Again genetic variation is not a proof for evolution, it's still not species turning into another.
Not really, the evidences get more dubious and questionable the closer you look at them.
Popularity is irrelevant in terms of being true.
Nice reddit spacing though guys.
>says the guy who just jumped over from r/atheism
They're slipping into a theocracy.
A theory in science is different than a theory in common language, its the highest form of a scientific statement, this is why gravity is a theory. https://www.livescience.com/21491-what-is-a-scientific-theory-definition-of-theory.html
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Dude, stop posting, you're making it worse and worse.

Really, the fact that you describe linking credible sources to support you argument as "digging up" shows that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Again, do you realize how pathetic it is to spew dumb shit while claiming to have studied in the field for 5 years when you OBVIOUSLY have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
>Turks can't explain why they're so low down the evolutionary chain
Roaches BTFO
Look here, potatonigger>>131053792
The Vatican accepted evolution long ago and so should you.
>more cussing, ad hominems and outdated shitty meme pictures
This really feels like being in uruk and saying maybe Ishtar isn't the reason your wife isn't getting pregnant.
Must be hard for you just to get by in life.

Here's the difficulty with modern science: it presents its finding as indisputable truth, despite at best showing possibilities. You might say "it's just a theory," but the vast majority of people treat this theory as incontrovertible. The mounds of evidence can be made to fit an inexhaustible number of paradigms and theories. The formation of the theory itself is suspect, because it often relies on extremely unscientific prior notions and ideas. Take evolution, for example. The theory would never have arisen were it not for specious enlightenment ideas about the origins of mankind and "Progress," which presents without good justification a linear model of history which advances despite everything toward some sort of Golden Age.

The fields of ancient history and archaeology commit the same errors over and over again. "Indisputable facts" are thrown out every five years in archaeology and ancient history, only to be replaced by new ones, which are then shortly replaced by others. During this process, scientists and pop scientists disseminate the most vogue theories as fact. A case in point is the Out of Africa theory or the theories relating to the supposed impossibility of an Aryan invasion in India during the second millennium BC. Both "incontestable theories" have finally been thrown out, but tens of millions still cling to them because of the work of pop scientists who preached the theories as fact.
Erdogan is what lefties though trump was going to be.....
evolution is just a theory
Anon, my dear mentally deficient friend, I said it should be questioned with actual questions, not just "hurr I'm not gonna believe this even though I have no good reason not to." You see, science is not a question of your opinion, but of proof, counter-proof, and lack of proof. Evolutionary theory has plenty of proof, very little lack of proof, and no counter-proof whatsoever. In the face of that it's irrational to say it's not believable.
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he is afraid that turkish scientist will discover the missing link between turks and roaches.
Just like any person who hold critical thinking more important than desperately looking stuff to believe in. So it's fine really, I'm used to hypocrites and idiots.
>more ad hominems
>more you can't do x if I don't allow you to
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Anyone remember 'Harun Yahya' and his 'Atlas of Creation'?

Turned out it was some TV presenter called Adnan Oktar, who presents shows that seem to exist only to show off women with big tits?

I both love and detest him

It has no proof, it makes use of evidence. That anon is drawing issue with the theory which is made to fit the evidence. That's a perfectly rational position and many great minds of the 20th century took the same line. The evidence can be made to fit other theories. A preponderance of evidence proves absolutely nothing, ergo it really is just a theory. Stop getting booty blasted that people question the theory.
You can literally watch bacteria evolve in the lab if you want dude. You can also evolve things yourself, it's called breeding. It's not a theory, it's a reality.
No no no, anon, you've got it all wrong: I'm not basing my argument on your mental defficiency. I'm calling out your mental defficiency, which makes it an observation, at worst an insult. An ad hominem is when it's the entirety of the argument: my argument rests on the reasoning that I outlined in the rest of the post.
>it's still not species turning into another
um yes it fucking is

and since youre only counter arguments this whole time have been "nuh uh" and ad hominem im not replying to your dumbass any more

heres some reddit spacing for ya



Genetic variation is not evolution, still. Or show me someone who bred a fish into a rat.

Well Turks never evolved from Roaches so it makes sense
>waa waaa you're dumb
>believe what I tell you or I'll call you an idiot!!!!
Aight mr head priest.
>um yes it fucking is
It's not tho.
You have to go back.
>many great minds of the 20th century took the same line
For example?
>The evidence can be made to fit other theories
Such as?

That doesn't prove evolution on the scale of microorganism to man. Nothing can prove that. Ergo, just a theory.
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>>more cussing, ad hominems and outdated shitty meme pictures

>more redherring

Seriously, if you want an actual debate link me some fucking papers to support what you are saying. You haven't made an actual argument yet, just claims.

Also I've got an interesting read for you:

Actually, we're able to get fairly accurate dates of fossils that we find so we can observe how fossilized species evolved over time. You should look into it. Might blow your worldview.

And on the right corner we have 200 million years worth of fossils, dated and tested, and sorted in chronological order... aaaand in the right corner we have preacher for god with 2,000 year old book by his side as evidence for all of his arguments.
>Or show me someone who bred a fish into a rat
You're not seriously this stupid, are you? Were you not taught how it works in school? You can't breed animals from one species into another at will, but genetic variation over thousands of years due to changes in environment will ultimately lead to new species being created.

Basically, extreme genetic variation = evolution. You've admitted that genetic variation exists, so by extension of that, evolution exists.
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I hope they stop teaching children that giant lizards used to roam the earth. They also are saying that the lizards actually had feathers now. Pluto used to be a planet too. Scientists are so full of shit.
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Whats sad is all these fucking retarded Christian's in this thread saying evolution is delusional have no idea how wrong they are about evolution.

>t. Christian

Evolution and the scientific method do not conflict with Christianity, or the word of God. The Bible is steeped in parable, Jesus Christ and Isaiah say so themselves.

You are the reason atheists and agnostics think we are fucking retards, because you ARE fucking retards about things like this. Do some research before spewing your autism everywhere.
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>posts picture proving the nigga's point
It's like you don't understand the concept of the burden of proof. You're saying evolution is true, I'm questioning that, so you're the one who has to provide the proof. And one that can't be questioned. Which is moot in itself because there's nothing in the world that can be called a 100% true. If you say that there is then you look no different from a nomad from 300 bc worshipping the sun.
>he thinks 200 million years old anything can be not dubious
>You can also evolve things yourself, it's called breeding
>You can't breed animals from one species into another
Yer a cheeky lil' cunt mate.
Took a while but I finally found a sane Christian in this thread (other than myself, of course). Thanks for existing.

Mathematician David Berlinski, mathematician and philosopher Rene Guenon, Roger Penrose, Kurt Gödel. There are hundreds of others. Is Gödel famous enough for you, cuckboi?

>other theories

Like I said, there are many. The most ancient involve circularity as opposed to linear models of human development and time. Devolution as opposed to evolution is another and equally ancient. Scientific consensus breaks down to little more than finding new pieces of evidence which fit the paradigm. Mounds and mounds of evidence pile up, but the fact remains that logical and metaphysical objections cannot be dispelled by physical evidence - precisely because physical evidence can be made to conform to more than one theory. The case against evolution is more a case against modern scientific methods, it can be rephrased as a clash between basically materialistic worldviews and non-materialistic worldviews such as idealism or any of the pre-enlightenment paradigms in the western philosophical tradition. Even certain branches of phenomology and modern Metaphysics seem to move against evolution. The work of Martin Heidegger for example doesn't fit a Darwinian worldview, which cannot account for even the most basic aspects of ontology.
no worries man, i get you
>be critical thinker
>eat shit off the platter
Anon, you can't say "provide 100% certain proof" and then in the next sentence say "there's no such thing as 100% proven anything," and use that as basis for your completely unsupported opinion.
Christians and evolution fanatics look the same to me desu. They both despise critical thinking and lash out if you question their ideas.
Creationists should not be allowed to breed. They are an intellectually dishonest abomination and a burden to humanity.
I give literally zero fucks about what mathematicians think about evolution, same way I don't care what an electrician thinks about hydroponics.
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>no fossils in transition
>believe on faith that what some smart science guy says is true
>never look at fossils, proof, or anything for yourself
>just believe on faith alone because you read it in a book
>be condescending and pretend you are different from the people you are trying to prove wrong

HeLa cells, human cells turning into a new type of organism. Get rekt.
>A M E R I C A
lol whats your degree, buddy?
>claim to love science
>be a fanatic
I just did though. The basis of science is that everything is debatable, being controversial or not just depends on the social climate. It's debatable if biological or chemical protection is better for greenhouses but it's not really controversial because noone cares.
>breeding is evolution
>breeding is not evolution
U wot mate.
>human cells turning into different human cells
Ok, still not evolution though.
Transitional fossils include Lucy and Tiktaalik.

All life is evolving and therefore in transition, but it is particularly clear with those examples.
Yeah well if you think about it, marxists are creationists too: they believe that there is no biological variation between human beings or races AKA the blank slate. Thus any difference is 'culture', privilege' etc.
Those cunts should be sterilized first imho
Asking an anon what degree they have is a pointless endeavour. They can simply lie and won't need to prove it. Quit waistin' yer time m8.
You need electricians to build a hydroponics facility though.
Here we go again.
HeLa are not human cells. The genetics and behaviour have changed massively, they overwhelm all other cell lines because they are so invasive as well as being "immortal". HeLa is human cells evolved into something more like bacteria.

18% kurds with 2.5 birthrate
82% turks with 1.9 birthrate

if current demographic trend continues, kurds will be 51% 70 years later. however, kurdish birthrate highly decreased in the last 15 years due to urbanization and feminism. so, it's unlikely kurds will make majority.

not even mention that more kurds naturally assimilates into turkishness than number of newborn kurds.
Uhh no, they're cancer cells that are being artificially maintained. If they left them out on a table it would die in 5 seconds.
Any source?
Here they wrote the opposite https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependencies_by_total_fertility_rate
When the fuck did I say that? Do you know how to read?

Tip: Whoever said "You can also evolve things yourself, it's called breeding", it wasn't me.
eh. maybe so but if he told me he was a PhD in evolution and hes sitting on /pol/ thats a little ridiculous. just looking for a reasonable lie
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pic related is a classroom from 80 years ago. now we're going back to allahu ackbar education. ataturk would hang us all for letting this happen if he somehow was resurrected
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>You're saying evolution is true, I'm questioning that, so you're the one who has to provide the proof. And one that can't be questioned.

That's not how this works, and if you actually had studied you'd know that.

Evolution is the accepted model, you're the one who's challenging it and because you have no sources to back you up your claims are null and void.

Also, can you explain to me why there is a direct correlation between being uneducated and not believing in evolution?

Source: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Benjamin_Heddy/publication/257767799_A_Global_Perspective_of_the_Variables_Associated_with_Acceptance_of_Evolution/links/00b495267056e373df000000.pdf
>Well you know, that's just like, your theory bro.
what does that mean? its scientifically proven and very much so

its not a matter of opinion
>that flag
>that post
underrated as fuck
That's not true, they are very resilient cells, they often infect other sites where they are not wanted. Secondly, your 'argument' applies to many species of bacteria, they die off in open spaces. Thirdly, HeLa is a good example of evolution precisely because it is life finding a new ecological niche in "artificial" (aka new) environments.
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>Lucy and Tiktaalik
static fossils like Lucy and tiktaalik reflect the original diversity of life, not an evolving tree of increasing complexity
There should be a seemingly infinite number of fossils showing the minutia of evolution over billions of years.
You need electricians to build a science lab as well.

>According to Turkish government statistics, the average Kurdish woman in Turkey gives birth to about four children, more than double the rate for other Turkish mothers.

>Thus, Turkey is facing a demographic time-bomb – Kurds, who tend to be concentrated in the country's impoverished southeast and are generally poorer and less educated, could conceivably outnumber Turks within about 30 years should present patterns persist.
>There should be a seemingly infinite number of fossils
Do you even know how fossils work? They don't just form whenever something dies, the exact conditions for fossilisation of any form are incredibly rare.
I only saw the brit flag but then your comment was just outlandishly weird.
>you can do evolution yourself it's called breeding!
>*ironic argumentum ad absurdum pointing how wrong that is*
>hurrdurrr ur an idiot breeding is not evolution
That's pretty much how it works though. All you're doing is an appeal to authority fallacy.
Nice reddit spacing tho.
>it's scientifically proven
Oh boy here we go again, the absolute GOD authority that is SCIENCE. One solid proof against evolution is that people are still as stupid as they were 5000 years ago.
>in laboratory settings
Aka they still die if they left out in the open.
>Secondly, your 'argument' applies to many species of bacteria, they die off in open spaces.
Ummm not really. They might die without any water or food after a while, but that applies to any living organism. Being a cell that can literally only exist in a laboratory is not particularly a proof to anything.
And? I'm not saying science is wrong, I'm saying your perception of science is wrong.
>you can do evolution yourself it's called breeding
For the last time, I didn't say that. Why are you so desperate to preserve your straw man?

>Still hasn't linked anything that backs up anything he says.
>One solid proof against evolution is that people are still as stupid as they were 5000 years ago.
but they arent

also, if are dedicating your entire day into baiting in one thread, its kinda crine
>There should be a seemingly infinite number of fossils showing the minutia of evolution over billions of years.

That is literally what there is. We have fossils showing dozens of pre-human hominids, which we put into species fairly arbitrarily, but many show transition between one type and another.

How do you know Lucy is 'static', and what do you mean by that? Did you observe her ancestors and descendants closely?
Turkey is the proof evolution can go reverse
>implying we won't pull another trick to make them "disappear"

silly burger

I use official statistics of each maternity hospital in turkey.

you reply a newspaper article from 2012. also we know that every news coming from western media regarding kurds are focused on favoring kurds against turks.

anyway, you will see if kurdish majority within one generation happens or not.

news was from 2012 so about year 2030 turkey must be kurdish majority country kek
I didn't imply that though. I thought about adding person 1, 2, 3 to the post but I thought you'd have enough reading comprehension to get the point across but then.
>person 1: you can do evolution yourself it's called breeding!
>person 2:*ironic argumentum ad absurdum pointing how wrong that is*
>person 3 to person 2:hurrdurrr ur an idiot breeding is not evolution
>still tries to argue with an appeal to authority in an improper setting
This is why you should just stay on r/atheism with all the other pseudointellectuals.
>but they arent
You're the solid evidence that they are. You are as stupid as a farmer from mesopotamia.
They have 2nd largest army in NATO, tuhey better power projection against Russia and Middle East, they control Hellespont and Bosphorus straits cucking the passage from Black Sea to the Aegean/Med sea
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so /pol/ is a Christian board that believes in evolution.
Have you got any evidence HeLa can only exist in laboratory environments or have you just made that up?

Why can't something be a species or new form of life, just because it is adapted to a particular type of habitat?

>with all the other pseudointellectuals

Oh, the irony.
>Can you name a single recorded case of a species turning into another?
>I don't know how evolution works
Typically every offspring will be able to produce fertile offspring with its parents. However they may not be able to have fertile offspring with their great great great parents.

Here is some observed speciation.
>Turkey Total fertility rate by province (2013). Kurdish majority provinces have a higher fertility rate than Turkish majority provinces.[61]
> "TurkStat". TurkStat. 2013. Retrieved 2015-03-22.

Kurds are reproducing like animals, Turks aren't. That's the truth. Start having kids famalam.
made me kek
dictatorships don't care much for education that isn't glowing praise of the dictator
>christian board
If every time a /pol/lack faps, god drops a lightning bolt...
We can power the whole world
I wasn't speaking for anyone but myself. Why you used another's statement to address mine is beyond stupid.
>the peppered moth is an evolutionary instance of directional colour change in the moth population as a consequence of air pollution during the Industrial Revolution.

>too complicated for students

What is this? The U.S.?
>too complicated for students
Turkey truly is a developed, European nation
>/pol/ thinks evolution isn't debatable and controversial

You guys are really this blue pilled? I guess the jews really got to you.

Watch this if you want to know the TRUTH that the elites don't want you to know!

Have you ever been to a dog breeder or a large kennel?
oh, so your muslim or jewish?
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>Dr. Stephen Meyer
>Philosopher of Science
It's called a cell culture. Do you know what a cell culture is?
>n-no u
Great argument.
Skimmed through the article but I don't see anything that proves your point. At least do as much as doing a quotation.
You responded to an ironic statement and called it stupid. Are you high?
Still didn't become a different species, just the same moths with a different color.
Dogs are dogs, dogs can breed with wolves. How is that evolution and not variety.
Nah I'm just an actually critically thinking scientist, unlike all the pseudointellectual peasants.
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>How do you know Lucy is 'static', and what do you mean by that? Did you observe her ancestors and descendants closely?
In the entire fossil record, there is not a single unequivocal transition form proving a causal relationship between any two species. Out of the billions of fossils we have discovered, there should be thousands of clear examples if they existed, right?
That's what I mean by static. Lucy is an example of the diversity of life but not the evolution of it... Again, There should be countless Lucy's that show the minutia of evolution throughout the ages.

So you're saying that out of the all the individual creatures to live and die on this planet, a number probably so big we couldn't meaningfully comprehend it, no creatures in transition ever became fossils because it's just that rare to become a fossil?
What a catch you are.
HeLa does only exist in culture mediums, just read that.
meh is w/e just muslims only thing they need is a qruan and a truck
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sirnak is 99% kurdish majority city from turkey.

according to official birth statistics, average birthrate of sirnak in year 2000 was 6.9. average birthrate in year 2013 is 3.5.

sirnak is one of the most rural, underdeveloped regions in turkey. kurdish birthrate falls down like a failed rocket.

this example is also true for other kurdish cities. thanks to kurdish movement in turkey is pro-feminist and domestic immigration to west and urbanization....
>Can you name a single recorded case of a species turning into another?
We have firmly established through selective breeding and changes in chromosome numbers that it is more than possible to create new species through manipulation of genetic frequencies.

Here's an example of 2 organisms that originate from the same species but cannot breed.

Here's an example of domestication of a species through selective breeding.

Both of these events happened in the span of a single human generation. Observable and well documented in both cases.

If not evolution then HOW?
where are you from? can you post a timestamped pic of your diplomas?
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Then breed a cat into a snail buddy.
I know what a cell culture is. HeLa has genetically changed from human cells and is now adapted specifically to cell culture environments (so much so that it outcompetes any other types of cells). So why isn't that huge genetic change and associated change in behaviour an example of evolution?
You fucking monkey kisser
Can you?
Dawkins and his cultists on suicide watch

>Nah I'm just an actually critically thinking scientist

That argues like a 12 years old.


Of course not.
A cell culture is something that's artificially maintained in a petri dish. If you leave it out in the open it dies. Have you ever worked in a laboratory?
>has done nothing but spew the same ad hominems and appeal to authority fallacies the whole time
>b-but I'm smarter
Classic pseudo.
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Was transforming a dog into a colonial microorganism not impressive enough for you?
>Nah I'm just
You're kinda slow for a smart guy.
Sure, I guess.
It's not.
I'm not saying I'm the smartest person on Earth but the folks in this thread are pretty damn stupid.
>In the entire fossil record, there is not a single unequivocal transition form proving a causal relationship between any two species. Out of the billions of fossils we have discovered, there should be thousands of clear examples if they existed, right?
That's what I mean by static.

1) That doesn't explain at all what you mean by static. Look up how to define a word if you don't know.
2) My whole point was to give you some examples of transitional fossils and we haven't discovered 'billions' of fossils.
why would you be interested in a highschool diploma?
>A cell culture is something that's artificially maintained in a petri dish. If you leave it out in the open it dies. Have you ever worked in a laboratory?
Please refer to:

This is not a lab environment. It is an endemic species that warranted classification as a parasite. HeLa, but for dogs and deadly.
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>I use big words while being condescending so that proves my point right
stay gay, friendo
>It's not.
Is it a change in allelic frequency in a population over time?

Then yes. It is evolution.
>most living organisms tend to have similar proteins
I wonder why...
Yes I agree that is a cell culture. I have worked in molecular biology labs but not with cell cultures because I have a chemistry background. Please answer this question from my last post.
>HeLa has genetically changed from human cells and is now adapted specifically to cell culture environments (so much so that it outcompetes any other types of cells). So why isn't that huge genetic change and associated change in behaviour an example of evolution?
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Ah, the wonders of ((((((state education))))))
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Sorry. Let me dumb it down for you.

It already existed before Darwin and Russel
Nah, the islamists and the Leftists have way more in common.

Islamists reject evolution.
Leftists rejects races.
Leftists reject the two sexes.

Both of them are heavily anti-biology.
Why not, we're talking about recent events in turkey on an anime website. What does anything matter.
>starts talking about a different thing again
Okay, there's infections in dogs that neither you neither I know the exact specifics of. So what.
Not really. If it's not a species evolving into another then it's not sufficient proof for evolution.
Wonder as much as you want, it's still not a proof.
Because it's not a new species that can reproduce on it's own? Not to mention that it's just a cell culture, still, call me when it turned into a walking human and not just defective cells in a petri dish.
this so much upvotes gives gold
I can turn you into something else if you really want to.
(((Evolution))) is a Jewish globalist lie anyway and I can't believe /pol/ of all places still believe that crap. They teach that shit at Marxist schools, alongside all the other Marxist commie, globalist bullshit. Idiots.

Dude, the jig is up, everybody knows that you've never seen a university from the inside. it's painfully obvious. Stop.

You're a fucking joke, you throw around "adhominem" and "appeal to authority" but you don't even know what they mean. Ad hominem would apply IF YOU HAD ACTUALLY MADE AN ARGUEMENT and mentioning an "appeal to authority" in response to a citation in an actual debate would get you laughed out of the building.

You are such a sad faggot.
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I mean that Lucy isn't evidence of evolution in motion. It is evidence of the static diversity of life.
It isn't a subtle transition between Lucy and homo habilis. There should be fossils showing clear evidence of the evolution that took almost 1mil years to happen, but there isn't.
Instead some science guy says, "hey look at these incredibly distinct specimens... Yeah that one turned into the other one... cool, right?" And you believe him on faith, because you've never looked at any of these fossils yourself, that he's right.
>more ad hominems
Classic. Well you know you can believe whatever braindead stuff you want, it doesn't really make a change for me.
You can't teach sheep to fly anyways.
>Okay, there's infections in dogs that neither you neither I know the exact specifics of. So what
It's not just "an infection".

It's a parasite that evolved from dogs. It is very literally an infectious dog.

>If it's not a species evolving into another
You cannot cross-breed CTC with its host despite having common origin.
How are they not separate species?

Define "evolution" for me so I can actually know what you're qualifier is.
You are pretty fucking retarded if you believe this.

Biology in its truest form and teachings is some of the most redpilled concepts there is.
Also just fyi if you made an argument about the genetic variety of the human race or wore that flag in a unversity you'd get arrested. So that's that for your appeal to authority claims.
>Because it's not a new species that can reproduce on it's own? Not to mention that it's just a cell culture, still, call me when it turned into a walking human and not just defective cells in a petri dish.
It does reproduce on its own, sure it needs a particular environment, just like humans need oxygen environments. Why is that not evolution? The whole point is that it has evolved away from being human and into something like bacteria. If it was a human it wouldn't have evolved at all would it?
>very likely
>maybe stuff ... but I don't really know
Is this autism?
>Define "evolution" for me
>Repeated formation of new species (speciation)
That's pretty much it.
>There should be fossils showing clear evidence of the evolution that took almost 1mil years to happen, but there isn't.
We're lucky enough to find what fossils we have fossilization is not a common event. And even if we did find a specimen 500,000 years between the two of them, your argument would just turn into:

>See? Now that you found the intermediate, 2 more gaps have shown up when there was previously only 1! Checkmate, athiests.
You're comparing a defective cell with no apoptosis to the creation of a new species. Take a step back and think about that.
/pol/ is also pretty retarded if they believe in white genocide and evolution, seeing as (according to idiots here) white people are the pinnacle of evolution. Evolution is a lie, created by Jewish globalists to justify the mongrelisation of the human race. Simple as that.
>very likely
>maybe stuff ... but I don't really know
Who are you quoting?

>>Repeated formation of new species (speciation)
Define "species" for me.
Define "speciation".

Once you do, then explain to me why CTC is not a clear instance of speciation.
>I mean that Lucy isn't evidence of evolution in motion. It is evidence of the static diversity of life.
So how do you know which fossils are static? How can you look at a fossil and tell whether it is static? Please don't just restate your beliefs again.

Also, why "should" there be fossils showing anything, fossilisation is an incredibly rare process.
Define being an obnoxious faggot for me. My definition is "You".
Define defining to me. Define me to me.
In what sense is it a "defective" cell?

As a viable lineage, it seems to have been quite successful. Enough that it has spread globally. If it was just a cancer that simply killed its host, I'd agree it's faulty, but otherwise it's just as successful as any other parasite.
Spot the retard.
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Why won't she leave bros?
Nah, it doesn't have anything to do with that.
I just find it very funny that evolutionists are condescending because their opposition ultimately takes what they read in a book as fact, when they do the exact same thing.

I haven't mentioned God in any of my posts but thanks for kind of proving my point by assuming I'm religious.
>Can't even define "species" or "speciation"
Thank you for affirming that you don't know what either of these terms actually mean.

Meanwhile, feel free to continue telling everyone else that they're "wrong" despite having no clue yourself.
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>Nah, it doesn't have anything to do with that
"Checkmate Athiests" is a meme, you dip.

How fucking new are you?
It's not though, it "lives" in petri cells and is completely incapable of the base requirements of being a succesful organism. Stop grasping at straws and bringing up cancer cells in a laboratory as "evolution".
You're just a hairsplitting faggot being wilfully obnoxious. What kind of response do you even expect.
A "defective" cell is how all changes in evolution happen.

In this case HeLa's 'defective' features make it proliferate more, that's evolution in action. It's not a comparison, it is actual evolution.
*petri dishes
Why don't humans show up before 200k ya, but human-like species do? Did God visit 200k ya? Did he keep visiting before that to make pre-humans?
>A "defective" cell is how all changes in evolution happen.
>In this case HeLa's 'defective' features make it proliferate more, that's evolution in action. It's not a comparison, it is actual evolution.

Try again next time.
Human evolution I should have said. I find it oddly contradictory that this place can believe that white Europeans are being systematically eradicated, while at the same time believe in human evolution and that we all came from Africa and all that bullshit.
>A "defective" cell is how all changes in evolution happen.

No. It's the difference in siblings that is the basis of evolution.
Siblings are different, and perform differently. Small baby steps towards being better at certain niches.
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Evolution is such a meme issue. It has no bearing on your ability to get on in life, unlike a lot of things that schools also do not teach.
And the bigger issue is, is that schools shouldn't be run by the government anyway. We need a home school revolution.
What are the 'base requirements of being a successful organism'.

A good definition I found is
>"the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death."

Looks like HeLa meets that to me.
Nuclear genderist
>You're just a hairsplitting faggot being wilfully obnoxious
The only one "splitting hairs" is you. You haven't actually established the basis of your argument at all and completely dodge the topic when confronted by it.

>It's not though, it "lives" in petri cells and is completely incapable of the base requirements of being a succesful organism

>we're actually discussing evolution with scientifically illiterate retards ITT and not just making fun of how stupid roaches are
This thread is the proof why we need eugenics policy
ya but kurds > turks
> We need a home school revolution.
That sure worked out in the United States haven't it.
>Looks like HeLa meets that to me.
>define basic word for me that you can google in a second
Define "argument" to me. I don't understaaaand. Define "parasite to meeee".
No shit it's a meme you collosal mong, but you said that's what my argument would turn into.
Haha, good to see you are reduced to just "nope" denials.
And how do you think completely new features evolve and appear in a species?
You're missing anon's/anona's point that the left are going to be hypocrites about this. They use evolution solely to attack Christians but when Islam does it, they'll ignore it.

For instance, Jon Oliver spends hours bullying Christians on television while gleefully ignoring that the same can be applied to Islam; often it is more severe in Islam.
Whites came from Europe.

Niggers are the best at running.
Asians are the best at iq.

There is no "pinnacle", retard.
>It has no proof, it makes use of evidence
>the theory which is made to fit the evidence
>A preponderance of evidence proves absolutely nothing, ergo it really is just a theory.

Yes. That's called "science". "Theory" doesn't mean what you think it means.
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Dude, it's not an ad hominen, I'm not attacking you instead of your argument, because you didn't make a single argument. I'm directly insulting and ridiculing you, because you are an obnoxious piece of uneducated shit.


>Also just fyi if you made an argument about the genetic variety of the human race [...] you'd get arrested

Explain these articles then (pic related, can't post them because spam filter). Also see how I'm able to instantly find relevant papers? Why can't you?

>or wore that flag

And if you worse yours on high sea you'd get shot, your point?
This is a scientific discussion.

Establish what definition you are using for the basis to say that "In ability to produce offspring between separate populations" is not a valid definition.
I've never seen any evolutionist refute what Berlinski says in here:

How come mutations are the engines of genetic variance if THE VAST MAJORITY OF MUTATIONS are deleterious? That makes no sense to me.

How about the impossibility of generating something with life-tier complexity on a computer with a darwinian algorithm? He asked for a phone call if you can create a genetic algorithm that will generate enough variety as life as we know it.

I always see people criticizing his credentials and never his arguments.
>And how do you think completely new features evolve
Through millions of generations of sibling differences you moron.
I think you're missing the point entirely.

Your complaint is that "the fossil record is incomplete", and the answer is that of course its incomplete. It will always be incomplete no matter what, because it is outright impossible to identify and preserve every single reproductive event.

In essence, that is what your argument WILL turn into and that's the line of thought that you're pursuing. Every time an intermediate shows up, you're just going to ask where the intermediate between the intermediate is.
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>hue hue le God sky daddy XDDD I'm so much smarter than you XDDDDD
you've never studied fossils, poured yourself over the evidence to support your claims, discovered anything to prove evolution.
All you've done is read a book written by people you've never met and taken what you've read as fact.

But you're different from religious people, right?
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evolution is just a theory(a geuss)
If you say the same inane shit over and over then what do you expect. It's not, you're saying the same inane shit again, grasping at the most far fetched straws because you have nothing else.
The pinnacle of science everyone.
>And if you worse yours on high sea you'd get shot, your point?
I don't make an appeal to the opinion of the navy though. You're making an appeal to the scientific community which would arrest you for saying "hitler wasn't that bad".
> "In ability to produce offspring between separate populations" is not a valid definition.
It looks good enough to me. Good job you managed to find the definition of a word without being a massive obnoxious faggot.
Differences between siblings arise from mutation and from sexual reproduction in genetically diverse populations.
What do you expect?
Perhaps we don't understand the full picture, but that doesn't mean that the whole theory is bunk. We have an incomplete understanding of so much shit. I ask again, why is it that you cannot find humans existing before 200k years ago? Where did humans come from? Where did human like apes come from? Where did the various species that didn't exist during the age of dinosaurs come from?
>Good job you managed to find the definition of a word without being a massive obnoxious faggot
Okay. Now humor me:

Can CTC cross-breed with a dog?
If yes, they are the same species.
If no, they are separate species.
>American education
Did your mother and father not teach you what Meiosis is during your homeschooling?
I get the feeling all 3 of you are confused.

Good. Evolution is a retarded concept. It actually amazes me that people actually get indoctrinated by it. Its almost worse as the more than 2 genders indoctrination
>from sexual reproduction in genetically diverse populations.
>Did your mother and father not teach you what Meiosis is during your homeschooling?

Apparently yours didn't.
>Mutations are essential to evolution; they are the raw material of genetic variation.
Scientists thrive on debunking theories and getting better theories out there. Have you heard of the scientific method? Peer review? If there was a better theory, it would make the career of that scientist. The overwhelming evidence supports evolution. Did you learn physics by reinventing the whole field? Did you learn it out of a book? Did you learn history out of a book? Get the fuck out.
Yeah, looking at it on the level of individual offspring is goofy, because evolution affects entire populations, it's not an individual lineage.

I was using the same terminology as him because he's already lost enough as it is.
What are you refuting?
Evolution is a waste of time to everyone involved. Don't even no why they bothered adding it in the first place.
B-b-ut being against evolution is one of my core beliefs what do i do now when the muslims do as i?
Im 100% serious. Its actually sortof worse because the evolution indoctrination is taught in schools.
shut up jamal
This makes me happy
You refused to answer basic questions and even explain what terms you used, like "defective" even meant. I'm finished.
Muh holy book
In schools? They said we couldn't learn it.
>in genetically diverse populations
That's only if the mother/father is a whore and cheats on the spouse.
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Obviously, you convert to Islam.
>admits his evidence is incomplete
>admits his evidence will never be complete
>dismisses saliently argument against just blindly believing his incomplete evidence
>still thinks you should believe because he and a lot of other people believe it too

And your point is? You can call me retard all day, you still ain't making any sense.
I agree. Many understand the principle only superficially.
Yes and no. You can't debate that the phenomenon exists, since it can be observed in nature (also experimentally in real time if you play with bacteria). But one can debate that it is the only cause of differentiation in living creatures on Earth. I'm not claiming that alternative or complementary explanations need to be religious.
Well, I'm sure it wouldn't sit well with Muhammad, therefore he is right on that.
Yes, god forbid these children apply their knowledge to animal husbandry. Or worse; genetic manipulation!
Danish anon saying mutations are not important.
Are you a cuck?
At least in mine. Maybe it changed since then. But I've asked my cousins and they've never learned it from school.
People teach evolution because their is emperic evidence of evolution, there isn't of creationism.

The western intellectual system is based on proof
How about the lines of the cambrian explosion not being explained?

Some evolutionists use really weak arguments for the ghost lineages, or how some fossils may not have been preserved, especially fragile ones like cells, but this is disproved by fossils of very frail organisms like jellifishes and shit.

The Darwinian Evolution theory is a great tool for secularists (read: communists) because it is their own creation mythos without a creator. People give Berlinski shit for "just being a mathematician" yet they don't confront his points. He said Newton PROVED his theory with mathematical equations, the orbits of the planets and shit, you can calculate the inverse square law, and you'll get an eliptical orbit of the planets around the sun. You have NOTHING like that in Darwinisn, a canonical demomstration of the theory.
Its fucking downright oppressive. They are also teaching shit like gravity, trying to indoctrinate us so we don't rediscover that we have the innate ability to fly. Suppression of the truth can only last so long.
Swedistan new islam scientific center of the world

700AD here we go again

Gravity is a LAW. Evolution is theory.

It is flawed, it cannot be reproduced and you're a fucking faggot

You absolute Mongoloid

Vatican also said we should find it within ourselves to forgive whores who've had abortions

The current pope is a false pope answer should crawl back to his jungle
some scientists in the 1900s and onwards destroyed evidence of giant skeletons (mostly in the US)

Which proves that the bible and old testment and true, giants did roam the earth

That and the fact that humans walked the earth with some dinosaurs (not spielberg dinos) shatter the teory of evolution
Humor me. Is your entire family tree complete?

How do you know you don't have jews and niggers mixed in there somewhere? Otherwise, how do you expect me to believe that your ancestors didn't congeal in a gutter somewhere?
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Good goyim
Well, some of it. There are a lot of false claims and studies all the time. Some slip through the cracks.
Give me an example among multiple celled organisms where mutation is more important than sibling variation.
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Evolution is real
>can an infectious cell breed with cells it's infecting
Again you're talking about the most far fetched random stuff without knowing anything about it. This is grasping at straws at it's best.
>why are cancer cells defective
Oh boy I wonder.
I don't understand, is this graphic implying that we've only found a single instance of each of these?
OR they didn't.
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That's the wonderful thing about our society, the door is never closed on anything and nothing is too sacred to question.

If something fell through the cracks just prove it wrong.
Whew, we are really getting desperate to prove a point are we?
Fossils are preserved not because they are fragile/hard, they are preserved by context of preservation. Human remains degrade to a black smear in many cases. Fossilization is the replacement of organic material with minerals. You are using the claim of someone else just as much as I am. But you are going off the logic of one man and I am going off the logic of the vast majority. Do you understand Newtonian physics (an incomplete model as is) to verify his claim?
>Again you're talking about the most far fetched random stuff without knowing anything about it.
Okay, we're making progress. Next question:

Does cancer originate from its host?
If yes, then both CTC and Dogs came from the same species.
If no, then CTC and Dogs have separate origin.
Debatable doesn't mean anything.

I can debate that we should all worship cuthlul, that doesn't mean you have to take me seriously without proof
I admire your patience.
nice argument
i can tell is summer
Slight variations in cell tissue between reproduction are so small on a scale that they are fixed/outproduced by similar cells. Actual changes are the mutation of the earliest cells that happen with mutations/variations of sperm and egg.
Vij Sodera has also denounced many of the so called Hominid fossils are identical to living apes like chimps and gorillas.

Sometimes they're the skulls of people suffering of some sort of malformation.

He also discusses how the idea that brain size = more intelligence is not truth at all.
Convert to Islam
Join the future of Sweden
Idiot, gravity is not the law, its just the theory.
Yep. Totally agree. Western free speech is best speech.
>Oh boy I wonder.
It's a perfectly valid question.

Validity of a parasite lineage is often based on whether or not it eliminates the host or its population before it successfully reproduces. Nearly all cancer is incapable of successful altogether.

CTC (and HeLa to some extent) is a fascinating case because it was successful at reproduction. Which begs the question of whether or not it can be called defective.

In forming a dog, it completely fails. But in being a parasite, it does a great job.
Lol. The reaching though.
>Vij Sodera
Literally who.
So a majority is always right?

The point is that Newtonian physics can be PROVED with mathematical tests, while Darwinian Evolution cannot be put in numbers, becase if you try to do such you'll get nothing. You can't generate something as complex as biological structures with an equation of sorts. If the process is so easy to deduct, random variations and natural selections, doesn't even need any agency, we should be able to reproduce it in a computer, don't you agree?
Someone seems scientifically illiterate! Laws describe a very specific set of circumstances in which the same things will always happen. A theory explains why something happens.

Theories are more broad than laws and do not naturally progress into laws.
Wait wtf? You don't learn it in America. So why are you guys making fun of Turkey? Lol
Watch the video :^)

pretty sure you won't because I doubt you can refute any of it though
No, He's saying when the majority of evidence is on one side its a lot more likely that it's true.
You're trying to force this far fetched argument way too hard. Call me when those cancer cells evolve into flying fish and then I'll say that evolution has some proof.
Sure, all I've said was that it's debatable though. And these fanatic pseudointellectual spergs instantly lashed out on me.
So you admire pseudointellectual condescending obnoxious faggots. Makes sense.
Great blurring of lines there I like that. You should go try to be a politician instead of a scientist though. But I guess modern "science" is just politics anyways so whatever.
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First of all, you're comparing open systems to closed systems, which is already sketchy.
Second of all, we have plenty of equations to identify genetic trends and predict direction.

It's a 36 minute video in a thread that is on the verge of 404, of fucking course I didn't watch it.
Because our schools completely ban religion. You can still express it but they don't teach or mention anything about it other than history class. The still suggest that evolution is right but there required by policy not to teach it.
Not necessarily. I said earlier we may have an incomplete theory, but that doesn't mean the knowledge we have is inherently wrong. Newtonian physics doesn't accurately represent gravity in computer models. Einstein's relativity improved that, although it is still an incomplete understanding of gravity. Does that mean that gravity doesn't exist? I am fully willing to say we don't have the full picture, but I won't say what we have is bunk because of it, otherwise I could easily do the same for gravity.
>Call me when those cancer cells evolve into flying fish
So evolution by your definition is "cancer turning into flying fish".

Got it. See, this is why I asked you in the first place.

>Great blurring of lines there I like that.
You should. It raises interesting questions regarding classification and where definition fits into identification.
Call David Berlinski then, he wants to make a genetic algorithm but he can't generate any genetic diversity with darwinian mechanisms. Perhaps you got that figured out for him.
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I don't believe you.

Evolution is pushed far harder by sibling differences.
Example, pic related, moths like these are known to change their colour of their wings relatively fast. This shit doesn't happen through some trigger happy mutation, it happens through many steps of sibling variation, the siblings with better camouflage pattern for this environment survives better and is eaten less by prey.
So a particular area/city can have moths change their colours relatively fast.





>David Berlinski
Again, literally who.

Why is this guy's incapacity to do something considered relevant?
Evolution is by definition the forming of higher class organisms from simpler organisms. So yeah, it is.
>if I jump between arguments that I don't know more than half a wikipedia article about and blur the lines so I can apply my own definitions to anything then I'm a good scientist
Are you of hebrew descent mayhaps?
You don't have to prove you're from reddit mr saul alisnky tactics expert, we already know.
Its because the white ones were disadvantaged after the Industrial Revolution in Britain. Pollution from smoke stacks dispersed through the countryside and turned the trees black. White didn't blend in nearly as well and the birds ate the white moths. Hence evolution (for everyone else), one was better adapted to the changing environment and survived long enough to reproduce. You can see the soot rings in the dendachronological record.
He's asking you to prove darwinian mechanisms cannot generate genetic variety, you can't do it.

He was written books about Darwinism, debated people and shit, I'd say he's far ahead of you in the discussion, mr 4chan poster.
>Evolution is by definition the forming of higher class organisms from simpler organisms. So yeah, it is.
But you said it's the difference between species and speciation. And you agreed that speciation is the inability for populations to cross-breed. We agreed on both of these premise.

Why are you making up new definitions on the fly? Doesn't that disqualify you from the argument?


This is what I took from it. I think what you're describing is the opposite of what I'm thinking.
Evolution is by definition the adaptation of a species to its environment through natural selection. Why don't humans exist prior to 200k years ago, and where the fuck did all of the animals not living with the dinosaurs come from?
T. Kurd
You misunderstand evolution friend.

It has nothing to do with higher or lower life forms, it just states that organisms with traits better suited for certain environments will breed more
This is pure appeal to authority.

And everything I'm reading about this guy strikes me as a jew with a grudge against hitler, blaming the theory of evolution for eugenics.

I'm not going to take this guy seriously.
But you can through microevoultion and plants
Laws + principles >theory + hypothesis

Theory : ur a bell end
Evidence : ur gay ass post
Conclusion : ur a fuken bell end m8
See you're being a kike again. You know exactly what I'm talking about but you pretend ignorance just to push your agenda.
Not really that's just adaptation. Growing white fur in snow is not the same thing as turning into a bipedal monkey from a rat.
Then why aren't we all bacteria? They breed quicker, survive better, they're more fit to the environment.
Erdogan:"Islam created life, evolution is wrong think by the infidel and must be destroy!!!!"
The Turk civilization just gain -3 to science, and +3 to Faith.
Random chance, and the fact that we occupy diffent niches.
>You know exactly what I'm talking about but you pretend ignorance just to push your agenda.
But I don't.

Your definitions are inconsistent and vague.
I've provided you definitions and I've abided by them strictly, meanwhile you can't even do something as simple as elaborating what "defective" means.

You're inconsistent and incoherent. This is why you're not winning anyone over.
you're not even willing to listen to any of his points, lmao

My point is that he has made a fair share of critiques to darwinism, and your only rebuttal is MUH WHO. it's you who are appealing to autorithy, he needs some kind of talisman from the liberal academic establishment to get your attention.

So called rational evolutionist thinkers, everyone.
Evolution is also very very gradual, so it makes sense that the rat will become a monkey in hundreds of thousands of years
Show us bacteria becoming something else then.

Berlinski argues that there's some inherent species limitation to variation, and darwinists never explain that for some reason.

"no matter how much we change them, dogs are still dogs, and bacteria remain bugs". Shouldn't we have way more plasticity with manipulating species if Darwinian theory was true?
>Then why aren't we all bacteria? They breed quicker, survive better, they're more fit to the environment.
We're different because becoming different meant we didn't have to compete for the same resources. It's not a question of breeding the fastest, it's a question of whether you compete in a way that sees one of you go extinct.
Those niches only exist because there are other higher form organisms that create that niche. If environment was all that mattered then we wouldn't need to go past being bacteria.
>more blurring lines
>more hairsplitting
Yeah sure goldstein.
So something that's impossible to prove. Nice theory.
>My point is that he has made a fair share of critiques to darwinism, and your only rebuttal is MUH WHO
You're not elaborating why these arguments are relevant or how he reached them in the first place.
It's your job to present a coherent understanding of the argument, not just say "LITERALLY WHO said it, so it must be true".

If you can establish why evolution requires a formula on par with newtonian mechanics, maybe we'll actually be getting somewhere. Otherwise, I don't know how you expect me to be familiar with this guys works or capable of discussing his conclusions in any serious fashion.
5k years makes up most of our history. The scale we are talking about with genetics and evolution is in the hundreds of thousands to millions. The shift between a white moth and black moth is seemingly insignificant, but thats in 100 years. Whatever useful traits a species has are more likely to be passed down to offspring because that unit is more likely to survive long enough to reproduce or outproduce their competitors. I ask again, where did life come from? Why do human remains not exist prior to 200k years ago? Why are there progressively more human-like species leading up to the first evidence for modern humans? Why are there species existing now that didnt exist during the dinosaurs?
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