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Are we about to go to war with an alien species? What aren&#

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Are we about to go to war with an alien species? What aren't (((they))) telling us?
ayy lmao
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That would be related to BBP's(Black Budget Projects):

Did a thread on it recently: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/
What goes on in that space plane anyway?
It's classified.
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More useless junk in orbit, great
Billion$ & billion$

>Trump is not the God Emperor of Mankind
wrong link
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space marines when?
It's a breeding space for human-alien hybrids.

They send up a human who then rendevous with the mother ship. A female extra terrestrial then boards the ship and the human male and alien female proceed to procreate.

The male is then cocooned in a thick, mucousy saliva and preserved for when the hybrid is birthed. The human male then acts as sustenance for the hybrid child until it reaches adolescence.

At this point, the hybrid is given a choice: Live amongst earthlings and attempt to push a globalist, feminist, multicultural, multiethnic agenda. Or he can be jettisoned in to space in the direction of his choosing, his ship packed with supplies, in hopes of finding a habitable region of space to claim for himself.

I really wish I was lying.
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it's just like my 80's sci fi!
the fuck drugs are you on and how do i get some?

Man that story of that BR who fucked a cat girl space ayylmao sounded better.
If that had come out before I had served my time, I coulda probably been a lifer.
This is just one of the things that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren will take to their graves.
You have no idea how bad it really is
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Hopefully that Trump is going to cause global asshurt by militarizing space with the last 40 years of black project tech and leave the chinks, ruskies, pajeets, and krauts so far in the dust so quickly that american hegemony is more secure than any point in history, even exceeding when the US was the sole controller of nukes.

Mars nigga
>United States of Space
Mate, i'm all for conspiracies that have at least the slightest amount of evidence, but that statement above is lacking in y'know ......proof

like any kind of it

Wait is that how jews are created?
wtf I want to transfer to the cool new space branch.
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I've played more than 300 hours of XCOM
Put me on the team coach.
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Just how mentally ill are you actually, Frank?
Do you have proof of what goes on at Area 51? Do you even know what Project Aurora is? Do you know who Bob Lazar is?

No. Jews are created by genetic manipulation of fecal matter.
>he didn't play xenonauts
You're not cut out for it, kid
That's a coping mechanism because you are unable to process that there really are humans who are such control freaks that they would genocide your entire race.
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>They send up a human who then rendevous with the mother ship. A female extra terrestrial then boards the ship and the human male and alien female proceed to procreate.
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Everything must have a beginning

I-i've played a little Xenonauts. I actually haven't touched it in a long time. Thanks for reminding me that I actually have that in my steam library. Guess it's time to shit stomp some Xenomorph scum

>Except Snek ladies. We better capture a few when the invasion begins for some "experimentation"
You guys remember that Reagan alien speech?
No, I'm well aware of power hungry maniacs. The only thing I'm coping with is the truth, which people do not want to hear. People prefer to be lied to.
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>trump restarts project oriion
>starts up space mining
>crashes the global economy with no survivors

Just think about how much liberal asshurt pic related would create.
What did Brazil mean by this?

>transporting living humans
>not transporting cryogenically frozen fertilized zygotes to be grown in artificial wombs on site

>Boas took this to mean that she was going to raise their child in space.The female seemed relieved that their "task" was over, and Boas himself said that he felt angered by the situation, because he felt as though he had been little more than "a good stallion" for the humanoids.
military test flights
i read about project aurora and Bob Lazar was discredited multiple times.

don't be dense.
it would be absolutely retarded for the government to still operate area 51 even if presumably something did happen 60 years ago.
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>globalist, feminist, multicultural, multiethnic agenda

I thought aliens existed before all of those agendas and buzzwords..
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I hope they create this new wing, looks awesome and I hope they pour money into it while using it effectively.

I want my god Damn future already
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>Bob Lazar was discredited multiple times
By government shills. You clearly didn't look in to his debunkers.

>mfw I have a signed copy of Travis Walton's Fire in the Sky
>mfw I've spoken to him in person and seen the sincerity in his eyes
>mfw it's all true, but people prefer to be blue-pilled

>I read about project aurora
Right. I'm sure you did.

>it would be absolutely retarded for the government to still operate area 51 even if presumably something did happen 60 years ago
Explain why the perimeter is still guarded 24/7/365 and trespassers will be shot without question if they cross the fence. Explain why, even if you just park your car outside the perimeter, you will be escorted away by an armed guard within minutes. Let me guess, someone with a (((badge))) told you nothing of interest is going on at Area 51.
you are right, we should spend that money on all of the fine valuable people of color who just need mo money for dem programs
Like, Back to the Future 2 future? Or Idiocracy future?
>go to war with an alien species
You're literally retarded. I have no words.
Even sites of shuttered military black ops are probably still guarded, this isn't the Soviet Union
My body is ready.

Just like Antarctica.


Space has to be unofficially owned by somebody.
>By government shills. You clearly didn't look in to his debunkers.
it's all presumptuous; depends on who you want to believe tbqh famalam
>Right. I'm sure you did.
i'm pretty sure it wasn't put into practical use..call it a hunch
>Explain why the perimeter is still guarded 24/7/365 and trespassers will be shot without question if they cross the fence. Explain why, even if you just park your car outside the perimeter, you will be escorted away by an armed guard within minutes. Let me guess, someone with a (((badge))) told you nothing of interest is going on at Area 51.
allow me to:
- it's standard procedure on new tech military sites, kek - we got that in Europe too and ex-soviet countries enforce those rules even for regular military bases

there's no secret if everybody knows about it....

I have no clue why out of all Alien theories, you pick Lazar to be genuine ...entertain my curiosity and tell me why do you think he's any more credible than any other?
Soft disclosure if the MIC SSP already in operation.
What's even worse
Fuck those niggers
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We Macross now
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Fund the launch loop already.
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Fuck yes, go let's blast off into space and worship teenage idols. Ideal future.
Except for those who stay on Earth though.
This. Why are we still bothering with rockets? Launch loop would be ezpz

You ought to look in to urbex bro. You are wrong, is what I'm trying to say.


Look at Lazar's history. What motivation did he have for lying? All his peers say he was trustworthy.

You must not know who Travis Walton is if you think I deem Lazar the "most credible."
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back to deviantart
Why add the need for stronger materials to support centrifugal acceleration?
It would be such a large megastructure anyhow, the space savings by wrapping it in a loop are negligible. Just make a 'linear' structure
Good stuff
>Space has to be unofficially owned by somebody.
There is a treaty in place mentioning that space and it's resources doesn't belong to any country and no person.
That is until China will start mining the moon.
Or until USA makes a military base on Mars. Then all developed countries will go full empire expansion phase again.
Same thing is true for the Antarctica Treaty. But try to go down there yourself and see if you aren't met by a military escort.
>he doesn't believe intelligent extraterrestrial life exists
you're fucking retarded my man
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>Or until USA makes a military base on Mars. Then all developed countries will go full empire expansion phase again.
>born just in time to experience interstellar empire expansion
big if true no coincidence they released the ayy lmao in peru
I want to believe, but you can't just go fucking around near any other military installation either. If they didn't protect their boundary then people would've gotten in there a long time ago. I've heard myself that nobody just drives up there. They get brought in on offical transportation by air only.
>the only country that enforces international law is the US
>we don't even abide by it

Treaties don't matter for shit if people ignore them, kiddo.
Or maybe he believes that going to war with them is retarded, because they'd wipe us out?
Who joining up? I'M HYPE. I get my degree in 2019 I'll become a SPACE OFFICER
People literally site see around the bases in Killeen, Texas. Fuck, there's a highway running parallel to the base.
That's stupid they should be serving under the navy like they do in every scifi movie ever. Unless this space corps are just a glorified high altitude fighter pilots and bombers which I'm sure it is.
>make a 'linear' structure
You'd actually need much stronger material for that. With the material circulated you're pushing up against the structure, making it easier to stay aloft. Not sure if it's even possible to rely solely on a material's tensile strength to hold such a rigid structure in the air. And that's not even factoring in the sabotage aspect, winds, storms,...
I can finally live my dream of becoming an ODST?!
It's such bullshit that I don't get to know about things my tax dollars pay for.
On the checklist of things Trump won't do, we are now at

>Trump will never form the Space Marines and lead mankind to conquer the stars.
I thought 'launch loop' meant some circular mass driver there, googling it shows me that it is instead a giant structure that uses momentum change to stay up.
I meant to say a linear mass driver would be simpler than a circular one
Psyop to deter Russia from blasting dumbfuckistani planes out of the sky above Syria.
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Will they abduct genetically superior children to turn them into super soldiers? Is that morally right if we have an advanced alien species to combat?
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While a number of Air Force generals said in May that the creation of a Space Corps would ultimately be necessary, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein maintains that the Air Force should manage military space operations for the time being. "I don't support it at this time," Goldfein said of the Space Corps proposal.


Every goddamn time

4 hybrids produced in 7 years.

Must be an alien government program.
It would be cheaper and safer to just build a moon base and a space elevator from that.
Well, on Tuesdays we open the mustard to rub our gentlemens saussages.
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Too efficient for human government, eh?
Well shit, I guess we'll live to see the interplanetary Wild West.
Where did you even read about this shit?
Or are you just a regular schizo?
Bob Lazar claimed nothing of breeding with aliens.
Basically Putin and Russia are winning the Arctic with it's navigable waters(soon to be more and more open) and valuable resources. Americans know this and can't really do much about it at this point asince they're tied down in so many places already and arctic isn't going to get any press bc nobody lives there
So they're going the same old route on winning the space,weaponized space

Can the hybrids apply for food stamps and in-state tuition if they choose the earth option?
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>implying I haven't experienced it myself
They are assigned an identity that already has access to those programs.
Im going to sign up if this is legit idc if working for the ZOG
>98 on asvab
>154 IQ
It would be morally right if we had muslims to deal with.
That figures - so they're basically four spics with slightly better genetics.
Oh. A schizo then. Get on meds mate, mental illnesses are a bitch. My cousin regularly halucinates something about greek gods, it's fucked him up good.
Tbh a war with aliens is probably the only war id join willingly. Fuck Aliens man.
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Where do I sign?

captch: kennedy banff

That's a sign!?
To further my point, Russia already has a fleet of icebreakers, nuclear powered, and is manning it's artic areas with military and miners to enforce it's claims in that area https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear-powered_icebreaker
They're putting a lot of shekels into this to be just a dickwaiving contest since Russia is short on dick nowadays and even before that so their investment in the arctic is for a somewwhat future. Arctic nations like Canada and Denmark are pushing Nato to strech it's muscles in that area,but again, with little success since oil is still hard to get from there(and at current prices noneconomical )+muh enviroment and other tripe.
tl:dr Putin is going full steam on the Arctic and nobody will probably stop him
If you're interested.

It's an option but it doesn't really do anything for Earth afaik. It'd mostly be for space exploration as gas station. Can't build advanced stuff on the Moon.
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>yfw the aliens are refugees displaced by the alien civil war
>yfw blipblorssad did nothing wrong
>yfw the alien refugees all relocate in sweden
>yfw alien terror attacks tear sweden apart
>yfw when the media says they are aliens of peace
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>t. blue-pilled ignoramus

This is my implant removal scar. I donated my implant to researcher Derrel Sims.

Believe what you want.
USSC - United States Space Corps
jeeze it's been really peaceful around here lately, frank. why are you back to larping?
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murican spess mehrens

godspeed you magnificant bastards
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>Derrek Sims
>alien "hunter"
>literally this fucking guy

fair enough, the Covenant are basically space muslims anyways
i wonder what you actually dug out of yourself
poor schizo stick to the pizzagate threads
Nice time stam.... Oh wait....
>can't build advanced stuff on the moon

Why not? Its a giant metal rock filled with the same shit earth is filled with.

Hell most of what we "drill" for on the the surface of the earth was distributed there when the moon collided with it.

Would obviously take a long while to get started since there is nothing there, but after the infrastructure is set up it would literally be a hundredfold simpler and cheaper process to harvest resources on the moon, build on the moon, launch farther reaching missions from the moon, etc., than it ever was from Earth.

we couldn't have done it without you creating us!
Hell, it's about time.
Reverse image search if you want. You won't find anything.

Yes, that's Darrel. He's been investigating abduction phenomena for over 3 decades.

The information of a mass spectograph scan of the object is available on Darrel's site.
You have no idea m8, even inside the inner solar system (one end of the earth's orbit to the opposite side) you are looking at around 15 minutes of light lag. This quickly grows the further out you get and it's pretty easy to notice things coming long before they ever arrive. Good luck trying to enforce any kind of law over spans that large with such limited communication.

Now add to that asteroids big enough to hold a small city's worth of people aren't exactly rare and smaller ones that could hold a town or a city block are immensely numerous and you have a lot of places where people could hide away and do all sorts of illicit things without anyone knowing or disturbing them.
Sounds like fucking paradise.
Where's the proof? Another LARPer I bet
Looks like hans from the thumbnail. I'd say very mental ill.
Sign me up.
He is. He's actually named Frank, he got doxxed a few weeks back, and kept saying it's all very "entertaining and amusing", hence the image.
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Leak from the breeding program
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Shit sounds so cash.

Brb autisticly researching life extension methods.
Will the American Space Corps do battle with the insidious Russian Rocket Army?
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Better than hoverboards.


>someone might pay me a shitload of money to get jettisoned into space

I really don't want to go to space, it's far too inhospitable to the human condition. Doesn't shit from the sun fuck you up way easier up there even with the space shuttle protection? Nah man, nah.
Space corps eh? Its going to suck until the groundwork is laid. Who wants to sacrifice themselves for the greater good?
Because most of /pol/ will help the aliens to dominate the earth. Finally someone will get the democrats under control.


Just space sex.
The real question is, do we call them Starship Troopers or Space Marines?
germany is at it too
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Read Lord of the Flies
If we go to war with russia and china there will be a war in space. They have well established space forces already.
Imagine how much you could change a conflict if you knocked out all the GPS satellites and guided rockets were all but useless.
Radiation generally isn't too difficult to shield against, it's a problem right now because shielding can be heavy and you have to launch out of a very strong gravity well and through a thick atmosphere. Short term exposure isn't too dangerous but again the problem is most stuff even within the solar system will be weeks to months of travel time at best.

If your building your ships on somewhere that has less or no gravity slapping on a ton of heavy shielding isn't nearly as much of an issue and could be as simple as just having a thick layer of ice around your hull.
Robot overlords for the first few gens
What if we had two magnetic mirrors on the front and back of a vessel, and saturated the resulting magnetic bottle with ions? It would function similarly to a Van Allen belt
We LoGH now?
Trump wasn't kidding when he said we were going to distant worlds.
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I have h3 hearing, I would gladly test some shit for a space ranger contract if I survive
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Classic XCOM is fine too
shut the fuck up frank
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are all males sent forced to go or why would you choose to be eaten by your son? does my mind transfer to the new body?
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whats that ? sci fi anime ? whats the name ? is it good kek
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They should organize it under the Department of the Army. It's the branch with the most experience.
t. Thaddeus SC Lowe
FUCK KING Excellent
Not fucking soon enough.
The inner solar system is everything within the first asteroid belt you mong, including the asteroids themselves and all the rocky planets
It's about a space war between some multiethnic republicans versus an empire of purebred Germans. It's bretty good if your into that.
Three meters of processed moon slag (just melted rock) or one meter of water ice is enough hull shielding to protect against nearly all regular cosmic radiation and micro-meteors. It's simply the space-borne construction which causes libshits to go "its too expensive and impossible, reeee" etc.
I think we need powered armor before space marines.
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ITT: WW3 fetishism and the promotion of The Cosmic False Flag. Any fucks who seriously believe ET's are hostile aren't smart enough to find their gaping asshole.
If ETs existed at all they would have certainly killed us by now.
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(((they))) are just laying the groundwork for their false flag alien invasion that they've been saving for when they're desperate enough
Sign me the FUCK up
>pay for my college please
God, please dont fill space with a bunch of retarded marines. Send the Rangers, please.

Fuck off space niggers, we're full.
Fucking radical man.
But these should be under navy jurisdiction, no?
Space marines when.
Under rated comment. Too true.
Everyone is just gonna betray Earth for Blue Space Elves.
this, it's their ace in the hole. Their trap card.

Correct. They've been planning this for a half century. The enormous web of lies will culminate with one world governance and religion.

It's pretty gay how we are expected to not own anything in space just because the small countries would get asshurt since they physically CANT own anything in space
Probably the most underrated Trek. It was ten years ahead of its time. Watch it again, it feels more "modern" than you remember.

I wonder if the Space Corps will use Naval ranks.

>inb4 hurrdurr no bc the Air Force uses Army ranks

So does the marine corps, hypothetical retard who I'm pre-empting, but they use army ranks despite being under the navy.
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mother fucking bump...

I can not bump this hard enough... get into fucking space already...
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Whatever the airforce goddamn well pleases. They can shove a satellite in there, they can spy on any orbital path they please, they can conduct research, and they can probably nuke someone from orbit with it if they really wanted to considering it was already designed to quickly launch and place military satellites in the case of someone starts shooting them down.
Make a Kodi box and start streaming for free. Best way to get what you want without funding (((them))).
Also liberals hate America and want us to fail.
Don't you think there's a possibility that it could also be priming us for disclosure and release of some advanced technology? Trump has alluded to releasing technology in his speeches.
They'll probably pick the best of Air Force Spec Ops
Imagine if that really was the reason for creating a US Space Force.

This could possible be the most epic timeline, more than anything dreamed of in science fiction.

Trump's speech just now was epic. This would be the ideal time to launch a human attack against our grey and reptilian overlods.
No, we stargate son. US military space operations are the domain of the airforce.
>space shuttle turret gunner is no longer just a meme

whoo boy, sign me up!
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>create super secret space fleet
>gib to chair force instead of navy
We need to fix that. I want space Marines damn it.
shouldnt the air force serve under the space force
They would probably just be glorified space mechanics that the government would want operating under the military for security reasons
Project Bluebeam
tfw the shop is just right...
If those technologies do exist they could easily be used to destroy the entire world
They're better off being kept secret
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actually... just spoke with someone with significant military experience...

This may be a power grab by the air force to control space. The air force, navy, and other agencies all have their own "strategic space interests" and have been fighting over space dominance for a while. The optics appear to be an attempt at the air force to consolidate american power in space...

In short, this may just mean that a government agency will be in total control of satellites and other military equipment in space, i.e. not an actual "space marine" division...

With that being said.. fuck! why can't we be in space yet...

not a
>the USS Dragon Dildo
I'd like to believe it won't be like that
Which Trek has the Xindi in it? They look almost just like the real thing.
star trek enterprise
Jesus Christ, man. You know it's going to be man against angel, whipped on by the reptilians, right? If they can get Brits and Germans to slaughter each other and believe Jews are the victims, they can get the world to fight against angels.
Thank you, will be sure to watch.
>They look almost just like the real thing.
They slightly overdid the facial protrusions, they don't have the spike hair, and their teeth are much sharper, but otherwise spot on.
and you know this because?
How do you think? I'm not under any contract with these people, I'll say what I want for those to listen.
>these people
what people?

Just don't bring out a danger noodle...
Damn son. I thought gays were supposed to be a bit smarter than the average.
I've lost interest in your lies.
I'm not lying. C ya.
KEK you are always there whenever he posts
Damn what's is up with all the alien invasion talk becoming mainstream recently.. I am starting to get nervous desu
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Planet X has returned! The Annunaki, builders of the Pyramids, reside on Planet X. Also known as The 12th Planet, 10th Planet, Nibiru, Wormwood, Markuk, The Great Destroyer, etc. Discovered and confirmed on Dec 30th, 1983.

We Galaxy Express 999 now
Alien disclosure soon from good guys, (((they))) want the normies to be afraid. Start dropping subtle redpills so when the time comes you become the person with the info and tell everyone not to be afraid.
no thats fucking retarded
Why do we need a whole new branch for space faggots? They are perfectly fine in the Chair Force.
looks like this guys has been watching too much ancient aliens and unsealed alien files.
There are a few species already on this planet we are indeed in conflict with atleast one but not in the sense of a war.
The only good thing the ancient aliens/nibiru bullshit has done is the comfy as fuck debunking vids.
technology developed by us, so we take the tech, and call them out on the ayys. innovative americans worked on the tech, so we inherit it.
This is nothing but good news. The next major war involves cyber warfare, anti satellite warfare, and kinetic orbital bombardment. Controlling space would be akin to our navy owning the seas.
Apparently air superiority isn't enough for the self-superior amerifats.
You really believe that? Man i highly encurage you to start reaserching that shit, or you will commit suicide due to severe hysteria when the time comes.
Lmfao I bet redditor space lovers are butthurt trump did this instead of onigger
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>you were born too early to be a space marine
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Are you gonna do your part /pol/?
good to see you here, looking forward to your next knwoldge bomb, so it seems they are going to make public what was not public
We Gundam now
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Time to be space cowboys
>jazz starts playing in the background
how old are you kiddo?
Its the best one, despite what the haters and losers will tell you
Lol where are they gonna launch from. Maybe if it was France I'd be more concerned.
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It's habbening
No, I'm taking a long vacation in Zegema Beach.
Navy will own space.
>what goes on that space plane anyway?

A small squad of 4 to 6 men and women from varying nationalities and ranks.

Their specialties from from reconnaissance, sniper, demolition and support although some appear to even exhibit psychic abilities.

Witnesses report seeing them carrying everything from conventional weapons to what appears to be plasma weaponry

The plane ferries them all around the globe to certain classified points of interest. It appears that sometimes they return with less personnel that they start off with.
But that's the Scnifaxi. You do realize that Yuktobania isn't a real country and no matter how cool they might be, Hrimfaxi and Scinfaxi can't go to space because they are submarines.
Can somebody please post the most possibly real alien photos you have?
irl halo now! warthogs and all
>and women from varying nationalities
Uh no honey. This is just gonna be white American MEN (the only ones smart and strong enough to go to space repeatedly). Space belongs to America.
Another set of projects we cant afford but will take loans to pay for.

Good job America. Good job.
>he doesn't want to expand into space and plunder all the resources
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Ancient alien is legit anon.
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prolly pic related...
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>war with the aliens
>tfw humans are fighting a war with alines using a million dollar tin can that will rip apart if you look at it crosseyed

what did captcha mean by this?
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>imblyign cia niggers can into culture
They can't even make a maymay anon
We already have one.

I can't believe kennedy said no to this
The earth is not that big when seen from the moon

fucking game developers can't do anything right
The Earth appears about 4x bigger on the moon than a full moon viewed from the Earth. Seems about right to me
China is not going to mine the moon for helium 3

Nor will anybody else

Because helium-3 exists in extremely sparse concentration in the lunar regolith - which is the dust covering the entire surface
In order to extract that helium you have to dig up about 150 million tons of regolith, per ton of helium
Then you need to heat the 150 tons of regolith to something like 400 - 700 celsius, and then extract the helium from this somehow
And then you need a working functional fusion reactor to put the helium 3 into, which we don't even have this either

It's completely retarded and most likely the energy spent extracting the helium from the regolith will be more than you get from fusing the helium.

A better option is just scooping the fucking helium 3 out of jupiter's atmosphere.

Or better yet just invent a different form of fusion power plant that doesn't rely on fucking helium 3 to work.
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Plasma weaponry? Can you elaborate?
After the age of decadence comes the age of pioneers and the cycle of empires begins anew.

If the deep state goes down and Trump staves off collapse and really does make america great again, we are going to be the space pioneers.

I can't
There's estimated between 1 - 2 million asteroids larger than 1km in diameter in the inner solar system. Nevermind going out to the kuiper belt (probably billions).

And there's millions more that are smaller than 1km. Even a 200m diameter asteroid is big enough to have a little habitat that a hundred people could live in.
They need to make a spaceship those little men can get in first.
im sure in Guyana, france has a launch platform for the ESA
>space corps

sounds cool, but it probobly isn't...
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>Build wall
>Build space elevator
>From the first few asteroids dropped into earth orbit we triple the world's mineral wealth
>America literally hits post scarcity overnight
>Turns out we've had ronald rayguns ballistic missile defense shield in place since the late '80s
>The Jew cries out as he strikes the west, having not expected the US fiat economy to as of by magic actually end up with real wealth backing it up
>Self replicating space ships/colony modules made through nuclear powered laser metal sintering of the near limitless iron, copper, nickel, etc. From the asteroid belt.
My aunt's sister passed away about 10 years ago in a bizarre single vehicle accident, she lived in las Vegas. When my Aunt told told me, I mused out loud, "If she worked at area 51, I wonder what she knew." Sur enough my Aunt says to me, "How did you know she worked there, she never told anybody until ladt week; she had to be flown in & out by plane, she was unhappy and said she had something to tell us." I answered, "are you sure it was an accident?" Blank stare and then you can see terror hit her face. Two days later her sister's widowed husband calls and says we shouldn't talk about or ask any questions about her accident." Never spoken about again.
XCOM pls.

All glory to the Commander and Bradford his prophet.
Vigilo Confido


>get the avenger
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>born just in time to see the left fall
>born just in time for VR waifus
>born just in time to see the rise of space marines
Life isn't all bad.
Get the second one and literally become a terrorist. It's good fun. Also you can embrace your inner weeb and use swords.
holy shit it must fucking suck to be a yuropoor
>I really wish I was lying.
You are.
goddamn it I would move there in a fucking heartbeat
Right here recruit! Now pick up that rifle and start training. Welcome to xcom faggot!
My dick can't possibly get this erect
>Weapons are not allowed in space

(((they))) will not waste the money trying to send weapons that will never make it off the ground

>last guy to attempt to send weapons to the space station was Facebook/space x rocket, it was destroyed before it could even lift off by an obvious alien probe

The Branches bitch and moan about each other all the time and constantly try to one up one another. That's 100% how it's going to be.
It must suck so much. Feel sorry for the poor lads, I truly do.
Big guys
Space Marines were an inevitability.
It clearly says no HOMOS.
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You guys should listen to Dr. Peter Beter's tapes, particularly the Battle of Harvest Moon. This Jew was clued in as fuck and was trying to warn people.

We had Space War I decades ago.

The Jews are the reptilians. And the European blue bloods too.

Nigger, we've been at war with them since 1947. Why do you think they built so many nukes?

They either want us or the planet, and we're holding a gun to our heads to keep them away.
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Shit, they described a utopia in that picture without even realizing it.

And I have a feeling what you said is going to be reflected in reality.
No they aren't. I can't speak with authority on so-called blue bloods, but as far as I can tell, Jews are human, and therefore OK in my book.
>Signing up to be an xcom rookie right off the bat

At least wait untl they have laser weapons and a few Colonel's running the show
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checked and spooked
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Looks like the Military Industrial Complex needs another excuse to waste trillions of taxpayer money now that Iraq/Afghanistan is pretty much over
We need to militarize space kangaroo. When we encounter aliens for the first time we must be prepared.
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So the ayyy lmao's are intergalactic door-to-door handbag salesmans?
Where do we sign up to join their side?
Frank gets so triggered when we call him by his name kek
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lol that character bio
So, is it time to start buying P-90s and stocking up on 5.7x28mm?
so mel brooks wasn't just joking
welp can't mine in space now since it all belongs to good old schlomo
Will not be long till they create one of dis
Its a shuttle to the offworld PLANTS colonies currently situated out past Jupiter.

Its actually low level stuff compared the GUNDAM armada located offworld. Of course, none of us Naturals yet know about the Coordinator menace.
Alien scum
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Crusader, the sands have gotten to you.

Stop mixing bog and red pills
>they don't mix
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Feet first, Helljumper.
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They are getting ready for the happening
Good luck, Commander.
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It's what you'll use to battle your alien snek waifus
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