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>>130546422 Slide dat muzzy

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Slide dat muzzy
Sure looks like it.

I think Trudeau might have forgotten what WW2 veterans went through to protect the freedom that he is trying to undermine.
WW1 vets > WW2 vets
hold my bull

t. plays bf1
>/pol/ is so stupid they will believe this tweet is real

Calling it now.
>outdated attitude towards women
Half of them were women
>outdated attitude towards progress
What does this even mean?
Fake news
>and towards progress

What the fuck, please define progress? God fucking dammit I hate this progressive bullshit... WHAT THE FUCK IS PROGRESS!?
Is that real?
why make things up?

sage goes in the options field.
I know this is fake but I believe it
maybe if we still had their (((outdated))) attitudes, our country wouldn't be going into the shitter

Anything that pulls down the achievers to the same level as the losers.
that cannot be real
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>Antifags LARP about killing nazis
>the only men in the west who actually killed nazis are considered nazis by the left
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Greatest generation my ass! Tom Brokaw is a punk!
Never insult the son of Castro again, pigs.
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Sadly the horrors that WW1 veterans lived what was pussified us for WW2.
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This can't be real, it would be an outrage and on the front page of every papge.
WW1 vets > WW2 vets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vietnam Vets
fake and gay
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This. While watching that Hacksaw Ridge movie i totally got Elrond

Lad the eastern front during WWII was as bad if not worse than the First World War.
>Is this peak cuck?

he wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for those veterans.
Nah he can cuck harder. I think peak cuck for trudeau would be to tweet something like "I'm giving my position to a muslim, canada belongs to poc, we were privileged and its time for the old nation to die"
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No dude.

It really wasnt. The Eastern front was maneuver warfare with aircover and massive coordinated assaults against entire armies.

The WW1 trenches were hell. Literally hell. Thousands died in a single day trying to capture the trench 20m further West/East in futility.

That went on for years.

I would rather be a German soldier on the Eastern front, than a English soldier in WW1.
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>The Eastern front was maneuver warfare with aircover and massive coordinated assaults against entire armies.

Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no.
>Western front was hell
Imagine the same form of warfare but in mountains, with regular avalanches and shrapnels of rock after each artillery hit.
The pacific theater was also pretty shit when it comes to the conditions they had to fight in.

>It really wasnt. The Eastern front was maneuver warfare with aircover and massive coordinated assaults against entire armies.

I recommend you read about the three years long Siege of Lenningrad, the Battle of Stalingrad, literally using frozen corpses as roads, and the mass rape/murder of civilians on both sides.

The amount of suffering for a soldier might be on par with WWI, but throw in the civilians' ordeal and WWII's Eastern Front has the Western Front in WWI utterly beat.

The Eastern Theatre in WWII was literally a war of annihilation. WWI did not have that overtone, and non combatants were very much left alone for the most part.
It was a massacre but WWI like anon >>130548870 says it was literally hell the weapons were shit, the gas, the nuisance, the lack of training for such a war.
Part of what made vietnam so shit was that it was an unpopular war to top it off. You were not welcomed back as a hero no matter how broken you were. Just screaming hippies blowing smoke in your face calling you a babykiller

>he lists exceptions as examples

Yeah no shit Leningrad was a siege and Stalingrad was a Tannenberg-esque pincer battle.

No shit. Im talking about prolonged trench warfare in WW1 lad, not urban house to house fighting or sieges.
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omg what a fag
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Alright, I'm done. Just pass me the popcorn and let's watch it all burn!
top wew. If a politician said that in America, his head would be on a stick within 24 hours.
fake tweet you morons
The sad part is that he could tweet it for real
Allied vets may have fought for the wrong side but they were still serving their country and deserve more respect than this shit
this must be fake or this faggot is the greatest of all time.
Well said my nigga

>the lack of training for such a war.

The USSR literally harvested every farm boy they could get, handed them a Mosin, and told them to go kill the Fascists.

Also Mustard Gas wasn't that deadly.
not to mention the ptsd that followed the war and lack of medical help for it
As cliche as it is; peak Marxist brain washing.
>hey thanks for saving us from the evil empowered whites in Germany and their dream of a stable united Europe
>by the way fuck you lol can't wait for you to die :^)
vietnam vets>>>>wwii vets
greatest generation is the worst meme of the 20th century
>>Go get blown up on a beach so that my wife and offspring will live in a better world
>>This is somehow outdated

This is 100% if you kill yourself, the enemy loses Mindcraft.
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>Look up Justin Trudeau on Twitter
>Tweet's not there
>/pol/ is inflicted with fake news
>Still trusting the internet
>Good reason to shut down pc and re-enter the real world



Keep in mind that under Stalingrad, two-thirds of the casualties were Soviet subhumans. WW1 on the other hand was about civilized Western Europeans crawling in the mud, dying from poison gas attacks with the flesh literally rotting from their foot due to trench conditions.
Trudeau needs to unironically die.
Hitler should have won.

>Soviet subhumans

Sorry I thought I was talking to somebody who had reasoned thought.
yeah the civilian aspect really makes it worse. The people fighting knew that if they didn't win their families could be raped/killed.
Mfw progress means faggots and mentally ill traps

Oh Canada...
Now unashamedly bashing the greatest, bravest, and most important membership inyour country's history.

>when being a fucking roach has become better than being a fucking cucked leaf
He's right. More like the "Jew-enabling Generation"
on the other hand WW1 came out of nowhere technologically and the shock basically destroyed traditional western culture in ways that continue today. By WW2 people were at least somewhat exposed, but WW1 seemed to cause mass cultural PTSD
that's a literal
> I spit on the graves of mysoginistic WW2 combatants
but in Newspeakâ„¢
/pol/ in a nutshell.
Of course we know it's fake. The fact that it is even slightly believable is what's funny about it. You have to remember that Tredeau has literally used the "Because, it's [the current year]" as an explanation for his decision making in the past.
WW1+2+Vietnam vets <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Falklands war vets
Old people didn't live during [CURRENT YEAR]
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This is fake as FUCK
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/pol/'s been tricked into believing fake Trudeau quotes plenty of time, like "If you kill your enemy, they win"
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Fake and gay
i got mad that the kikes encouraged faggotry and deliberate misinterpretation of theology
were you even here for that? because thats not what happened at all ackchyually. its just a funny rephrasing
/pol/ and the alt-right feeds on fake news that supports their racist agenda

ironic that their entire belief system is based on photoshopped tweets and edited news stories

meanwhile us lefties actually base our opinion on reality, reason and facts
honestly what is that chin jutting thing canadians do?
>outdated attitudes towards women

today we need to respect their desire to attach
a penis to themselves and pretend they are men
>Baiting this much

This was funny at some point.
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>"We have to fight Nazis!"
>Shits on the people who actually defeated the Nazis

Having a minority workforce of at least 51% for literally everything.
>Amerilard thinks he's intellectually capable to even discuss anything
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>claims to hates nazis
>thinks the only generation to actually fight the nazis is problematic
We must not forget that this douche taking advantage of the free speech the greatest generation fought and died for was too much of a pussy to ever fight for his country.
Oh for fuck's sake Justin.

Is he seriously shitting on fucking veterans of the armed forces that allow him to fucking exist and not be speaking German right now
Need a link friendo. Either He never said that or he deleted this tweet. Don't make shit up just because it would fit a narrative, we have enough trouble with that from the left.
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Is no the exception. 80% of the axis was there.
You are an utter retard.
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>no-one has checked if the tweet is actually true
>everyone is just screeching like baboons and throwing shit
>master race in action
"Out dated attitudes"
Faggot it was 1940, they were the main voting block and the people in parliament when women gained their "equal" rights, because they respected their hard working wartime women.

Trudeau is truely a faggot.
it would be if his picture in next to the word cuck in a lexicon...
This is fake, he literally never posted this lol.

I hate this guy more and more with each passing day.
not as much as the cucks who sit there and do nothing about it.
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The pic is fake kids. As someone who regularly sifts through resumes I have to say that social media has made it easier than ever to weed children like you out.
Sage goes in all fields faggot

Based Trudeaeau
London still is.
Its fake but I wish it wasn't
Fuck no. World War 1 was when the tanks and flamethrowers first entered the scene and these people were dying from trench foot at ridiculous rates. WWII eastern front was definitely more bloody than its European front, but I'd think the nature of Pandoras box being opened in WWI was way worse for a soldier in the field. The last war our people were involved in was the civil war and the kind of shit that happened in WWI did not even remotely compare.

I mean imagine spending most of your childhood knowing war as being something fought on horseback or by train, and next thing you know there's 10 ton machines crawling the landscape firing cannons, men shooting flames that arc for dozens of yards from a fuel tank, and planes dropping bombs and shooting rounds from the sky. At least by the time WWII rolled around, everyone knew what was on the table save for the Nuclear Bomb.
>implying it's even remotely beyond the realms of possibility for Trudeau to say that
>so cuck, that you need to shove ((progress)) to social group that is virtually irrelevant (few are still alive, and even fewer are not senile) but held in high regard
Yes, it's truly exceptional degree of cuckoldery
Good, they were subhuman trash who did murder babies and rape thousands of people
You know what? Fuck 'em. Fuck those vets, they deserve to get shit on for fighting on the wrong side.
>expecting anything other from 4chan
If you are so smart, why you are here?
Meme War vets > WW1 vets > WW2 vets
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>This is what the Allies fought for
Progress is lawfully established code agreeing that non-whites, women, queers, and non-Christians are as shit as we've been saying all along so they need protection and help because they can't do it themselves.
Liberals are the most racist motherfuckers I've ever seen because they pretend that they're not at all treating others as if they're inferior while doing exactly that. At least Bubba just hollers nigger from his front porch and nothing else. These people are the literal definition of systematic racism.

you got me, but at least I checked if the tweet was real

please offer a swift downwards marathon on this image
WW2 vets killed Adolph Hitler.

>this faggot actually believes leftcucks and commies use logic and reason for explaining their views instead of feelings, "muh racism and sexism" mixed with autistic screeching
Full disclosure they dont
Leftwing retards are a bunch of weak beta faggot basement dweller autists that love to see their "girlfriends" get fucked by aids filled niggers
Jesus Christ they can't live a fucking second without virtue signaling.
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>it isn't real
>50 replies and nobody else bothered to check

Never change retards
But I have learned from multiple video games and movies that WW2 was a racially inclusive conflict, with equal numbers of white and black soldiers on both sides! Not to mention the many valorous women's brigades fighting on both sides of the war. The WaffeNN (waffen negroes) acquitted themselves very well fighting for the white supremacist nazi regime.
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you should've seen him cuckle around with our prime minister several days ago they even shared a canadian gastronomy together , it seemed like badly deepfried fries with a poopy looking sause on it, looked like shit realy
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Fake tweets should be a bannable offense.
>The WaffeNN (waffen negroes) acquitted themselves very well fighting for the white supremacist nazi regime.

What you need to understand, is Hitler knew the first Israelites were black and had their identity stolen from them. The Holocaust was carried out with the intention of bringing justice to the fake jews and helping the black man reclaim their identity as Hebrew. Hitler was actually the greatest black nationalist in history.

Maybe we can turn Canada into some sort of tundra gulag for liberals.
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