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Coulter's Law:

Muslim terror attack = "Several dead in terror attack; Race Unknown"
White terror attack = That word salad of a headline
We need more radical white terrorism desu
False fag. It's a kike. Huge surprise.
>White van driver
Does that make it seem like the driver was white?
To me it sounds more like the person who drove a "white van"
lol now they are trying to include some bullshit about helping an elderly man? How shameless
I hope a race war breaks out.
>white van driver
What did they mean by this? Surely they arnt identifying the driver based on race!?
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when its an attack on muslims suddenly its no longer "part and parcel" of living in a big city
Its a play on words-plausible deniability thing the jews are doing with that.
The color is irrelevant and they have never before mentioned what color a van of peace was (that I can remember anyway)
They were beating the old man for eating during dayligtht.
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It's important to remember that not all islamophobes are like this. Islamaphobia is an ideology of peace. The people who commit crimes such as this pervert the teachings of Islamaphobia People need to stand in solidarity with white people to prevent further radicalization
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Dude why does it matter that the van is white?
Could he just have been drunk and trying not to hit or was distracted by the man on the ground?
When they're the perpetrators, they're called "Asians".
When they're the victims, they're "Muslims".

Fuck, I hate {{{Journalism}}}
We need to be thinking about the socio-economic reasons why this man did what he did. We need to invest more money in the white community. They feel alienated, so we need to import more white people to make them feel at home

Yeah I think bongs will see it like that too, but this lets them twist a global narrative through it whilst being completely innocuous to the population.

White van is actually the type of vehicle.

I agree it's posted everywhere saying he's a white man and whatnot but it doesn't say it in the headline.
White van drivers are the single biggest threat in this world today. #StopWhiteVans
>they were helping an elderly man who had collapsed under the weight of his bomb belt

why do they always leave out the important bits
I hope they ban all white vans, including the shoes to be safe
Bin that white van
Possibly not planned at all, must have been impulse, probably thought they were beating someone, acted on it.
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>Could he just have been drunk and trying not to hit or was distracted by the man on the ground?
maybe he was trying to help the man on the ground but was drunk and forgot he was driving a van
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Do they mean white van driver as in the driver of a white van or a white driver of a van?
>Radical Arab terror
What cunt? No one says that....
He a gud bat tryin to turn his life around gonna hit some homeruns
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One dead only? Absolutely disappointing.
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> a hijabi

Nobody gives a fuck, hence the lack of outrage.
England is finally fighting back
It really is, us Brits have always been pretty good at wrecking shitskins.

He has let the team down really.
>Why do no one care when the shoes on the other foot

Reap what you sow.
>Only 1 dead.
Why do whites fucking suck at everything?
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You think they didnt choose those words very carefully?
kill all muslims, man women children. ALL of them eradicate them from the earth
when they said new London terror attack did they mean it was a new terror attack that happened in London or a terror attack that happened in new London

also it seems to imply that the driver "ploughed" into everyone, when I have a suspicion that it was more than probably the van that hit them
muslim community should do more to prevent white terror attacks #notallwhites
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Very much agreed. Pure ethnic cleansing has to happen, just simple genetic extermination of them fucking sandniggers
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Oh great. Now were gonna be told " you have to tolerate Islamic terror because the majority of Muslims tolerated this white terror attack".

FF Just when a lot of blue pilled where questioning " why do all these attacks in London come from Muslims" This asshole has set us back go square one.
Yeah, Jews at work to twist the narrative.
At the very least he could've flattened a few more of them
They chose drew first blood and they dictated the weapons that it will be fought with. As far as I'm concerned, he was following the rules.
How do they know it was a terrorist attack. Fucking atheistophobes jumping to conclusions.
It's intentionally ambiguous.
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He couldn't see over the dashboard. Look at his pic on facebook.
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or maybe people will notice that whites are being condemned for this but Muslims weren't condemned for their massive slaughters and put two and two togeth- oh wait this is England, nobody can count that high
They waste no time listing ethnicity and religion, do they?

It's so transparent
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The blood rises
doesnt say race in headline at all read again

I wouldn't like to wait until all this bluepilled faggots finally see the real face of mudslimes. This could take ages, if they ever learn, as they're blinded by the media, the jewish propaganda and the political correctness.
The only thing we should do is carry on as normal. Fighting radical secularist atheist and humanist terrorism is exactly what the secularists atheists and humanists would want. We will stand united, not divided, at this time.
They carefully selected a commonly used phrase which is said in English?
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I will laugh if it turns out to me some 3rd generation muslim, but from different sect
Good, it's nice to see muslims getting toleranced and having a taste of their own medecine once in a while.
He was an angry gay. He's not one of us. This is a pretty good card for us to play too. Homos vs. Muslims. Who will the libtards side with?

We were starting to get a more honest debate about some of the more contraversial fundamental values of Islam. Wont happen now as this attack will bolster the " See, its not always in the name of Islam" crowd. All that gone for a kill count of 1 which due to high Muslim breeding will be replaced very quickly.
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isn't getting ran over like an everyday activity in China?
They could go with just van driver if they didnt want to imply he was white. Who cares what colour the van was
What's hes fuking name?

It was a 48 year old white guy, possibly from Wales because he rented the van there.

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"White van man" has some significance in the UK since a lot of working class men working as plumbers, builders, etc, have generic white vans, usually Fords. They have a reputation for being angry, nasty retards.
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It doesn't even make sense.
The muzzies are foreigners who come to the UK and try to change the way of life, even with violence, killing the natives.
This guy was DEFENDING Britain from the invaders/foreigners.
As long as there are no white people immigrating to Arab countries and starting to slaughter the local population and demand they change their religion/way of life, this isn't even comparable.
And even IF they did, by now it would be a reaction to what the muzzies started.

'Der Völkerstreit und Hass untereinander... er wird gepflegt von ganz bestimmten interessenten'

'The racial struggles and hatred towards one another... is fomented by very specific individuals'

Never forget the Fuehrers words /pol/, because 'they' will emerge as victor from this third and final global cataclysm in which the left and the right, black and white, christian and muslim, destroy eachother. It can't be more than 10 years away.
>Multiple muslim terror attacks, multiples casualties happening almost once a week not = #NotAllMuslims, #NotAtrueMuslim #PrayForX #IStandWithMuslims
>1 white "terror" attack, 1 casualty, barely ever happening: #WhiteRadicalism #YesAllWhites #MajorTerrorAttack #KillAllWhiteMen #FuckWhitePeople

Speak about double standards...
As the left would say, it's complex
>white van driver
I think they think they're being clever and playing us at our own game.
since when? last time i remember was in 19th century and you lost against bunch of zulu tribes men untill maxim showed up
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>We a good mosque been gettin our life on track goin to church gettin that college education being a model community and sheeeit
Fuck this. He killed 1 person but at the same time he made it harder to stop immigration from third world shitholes because
>w-whites are terrorists too
Fuck this.
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I have logical explanation for this one
Polish media tell it was like this
>shitskins leave the mosque
>old shitskin falls
>younger shitskins flock to him
>48 yo guy drives over them

he thought they are killing old guy and tried to defend him with a van
Whites need the civilising hand of Salafists to teach them not to be terrorists!
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sure, he was trying to perform a tai massage, using a tire
>they helped an elderly man who collapsed at a bus stop

Was that old man with the van guy? This sounds fishy
They think they are so fucking clever
> WHITE van driver
>double meaning
Putting that English literature BA to good use
Anarchy in the UK

A white man would never do such a thing. Any white man that does something nasty is automatically classified as a non-white man.

Isn't using cars and trucks to run over people as a form of attack cultural appropriation? I mean the muzzies did it first.
Might as well have heated up the situation and MORE muslims are now willing to be violent, increasing the arguments against immigration. Don't let (((them))) drive the narrative - if there would be less immigration, there would be less violence against immigrants, as they wouldn't be a threat. This whole mess is only because of mass immigration idiocy and rapefugee virtue signaling.

In the end, something needs to be done, as (((they))) clearly won't stop it themselves.

>Then shouts where are all the mulims I want to kill all the muslims and comes at them with a knife.

As you do when defending old muslim men in the street.
Could this be the beginning of British counter-terrorism? GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES!

The real victims of this horrible attack will the poor white Christians who will be brutalized for their beliefs. #NotAllWhites
idk how the 3rd ww will be fought but the 4th will be fought with trucks and cars -albert iensten
>Then shouts where are all the mulims I want to kill all the muslims and comes at them with a knife.
Polish media are not reporting this one
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Press S to salute

What if we archive that
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War is coming. Be prepared to do your part.
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footage from attack

could we loan Nascar drivers to Britain to help them fight the Muslim menace?
The white community fears a backlash from the muslim community. White people are the real victims.
>Muslims leave mosque
>old guy falls over and the others lean down to help
>48yo notices this and whips out his smart phone, starts making a #PrayForOldMuzzie tweet
>loses control of his van which starts careening towards the muslims
>Muslims momentarily stunned by this as they enter a state of vertigo, their bodies being unable to cope with not being the ones at the wheel of the van
>Catastrophe ensues
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well..., what happened there is basically the muzzies and leftists and blacks fault.

he probably could not deal with the oppression and all this whitephobia no more.

i'ts understandeable.

also it's part and parcel of living in a big city.

The only correct reaction is, for whites to stand together even stronger, to show, that whitephobia will not bring them down.

deus vult.
This. I can't repeat it enough. Get fit, learn to handle a weapon of your choice, learn some first aid. You can already find yourself in a happening any time you leave your basement, and things will most likely only heat up.
Start now, because if you only start when shit hits the fan, it will be too late.

They should, it's quite funny in light of what happens next:

>first mulim guy he comes up to punches him in the stomach
>floored with one punch
>single muslim restrains him until the police arrives
>All the while the dumb baby boomer is shouting "Kill me! Reeee." like a twat
its a uk thing. basically all our vans our white. Its the true sign of a real man. A handy man who can fix or install anything you need done. Then after a long days work gets shit faced down the pub.

basically the kind of people you yanks call red necks but actually do shit instead of shooting shit in the woods. although they do that occasionally too.
Now when muslims are doing terror attacks their appeasers will just say
>they do it because they feel threatened :^)
>we need to be MORE tolerant and get MORE immigration from third world countries so we can be MORE "diverse"
This is a tragedy for britain since it will ensure the status quo will be allowed to continue and the future of even a white majority britain will be at serious risk. Western europeans are looking at the fate of the native americans at this fate, the main differance being that they asked and demanded to be replaced by the invaders. Either the one who did this is retarded or this is a false flag, I am leaning on the guy being retarded though.
Want to know how I know this is a fake attack?

There can be no white terror in London. Because there are no white people in London. The city is part of Pakistan now.
So is the van white or the driver white?
You're a cuck, everyone doing the "by doing anything they set us back" talk. The media and the Left will find any excuse to blame whites and defend non-whites. They lose their minds over "hate speech", so why does it matter if people then do exactly what Muslims already do?
nah, I don't buy it
other version of the story tells that supposedly white guy was yuge and had tatoos all over his arms
What a time my friend

He hired the van in Wales. They have white people there.
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In that case they should have just said "... driver of white van, 48..."
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>A real man.
>A handy man.
No it's the sign of a cowboy builder or a tarmacer. It's the sign of someone who is too cheap to put a proper logo on their vehicle.
How's the Ottoman Empire going? Oh wait...
Woman here. I have actually thought of joining the army, but let's be honest, even though I am considerably fit, I would be a complete waste of resources compared to an average man. How can I get ready? First aid seems like the best option desu
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What side of the race war am I supposed to be on if I'm a biracial White / Caribbean nerd with entirely white family and white friends?
>Change France flag to Islamic colour scheme.
>Get Italy.
Why is there no info on the driver yet? I saw someone post that he's Mark Shekelstein or something, but is that really true? If he were truly white we'd have the info already. Some fuckery is afoot.
They say that anyway. Nothing changed with all those terror attacks in the past. They will not stop anyway. Someone said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - why would we fall for that trap? Doing nothing at all clearly has no effect at all, so there is an argument to just as well start hitting back and see what happens then.
Not enough of it desu
The status quo will continue no matter what, it really will not stop before western europe is at it's death bed. I just want to wish that it might change and europeans will stop killing europe in the name of diversity.
Go to whichever Caribbean island that part of you came from and enrich the local gene pool.
Was it the van or the driver that was white?

Media aren't releasing name because he's a relative of one of the victims
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He's just some wimpy 48 year old baby boomer with curly hair, see pic

journalists are ppl that couldnt pass to anything meaningfull, educationwise, due to low iq, so dont expect them to have any good verbal skills.
they're just journalists, aka one of the lowest tiers of all low tiers.
The side you mainly identify with. Personally, I would recommend the white side as they are morally right in their defense of their homelands, IMO.
Kek what is with all the truck attacks?
Do it, join military, make us proud. I know that I will be joining the army soon enough ( family tradition ) Some woman soldier from Poland 2-3 years ago was famous here because she managed to kill 10 muslims after her squad was ambushed in Syria
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'White van driver' is a regular term for tradesman in the UK. But there is no doubt it's ambiguous. Especially as tradesmen are typically Polish or the kind of white bloke everyone assumes votes UKIP
one dead, pathetic
a fucking fridge is more efficient
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could go with white van since it's fucking obvious it would have a driver

I'm more worried about van renting companies, they'll make them shut down because all the attacks are people who rented them.

Think of van renting companies guys, they could lose all.
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that's for you to decide brother but just know this we'll accept you over here at the correct choice
This HUGE. A race war nears my friends. Be ready.
>with entirely white family and white friends?
Shocking. Anyhow you are fine and in reality it will most likely not result in a race war, just vote for anti-immigration and try to talk about the negative effects of third world immigration to your bluepilled white cuck friends even just a little.
i wish. it might be possible if the bong killed more than one fucking person.
Honestly, if you have black characteristics and can move out to Caribbean, do it.

It is by far the safest option.
SkyNews have a video of the driver being arrested on Snapchat. He's "white". Whether he's white or (((white))) is another story.
>It's a spic.
Is this a "He's a native white to Americans" moment?
Part and parcel. Nothing to see here. Don't be a bigot. Make no changes. If you're angry you are a bigot and a racist and whitephobic.
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>one dead

When they'll release his name? I'm still waiting.
was it a spic? i was reading people screaming white supremacy on twitter.
Not for weeks because he's Jewish.
Seen the side profile pic that they repeatedly kept censoring? His nose is fucking huge.

No, they're literally called white van men. Considered terrible drivers.

This is really only triggering non brits.
>because he's Jewish.

oh man if only... But jews are behind the strings, not in the first line.
looks weird
Why do you think it would be unlikely? Muslims were hosting a huge anti-israel thing in London earlier the same day that the mayor allowed.
Crowdfund his legal defence?
>welfare center
The race of the man doesn't matter. Anyone who runs over muslims is ok in my book.
London police have denied the rumours of a knife involved
Whitu piggu are now terrorists too
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very normal white person nose
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just part and parcel
part and parcel
technically terrorism is just using violence for a political purpose. Although now it's just used to describe the severity of the attack.
Think Spanish and it all makes sense.
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>official records
>nazi attack count is lower than the jewush
Fuck yeah.
This. Bring on civil war.
They real tragedy here is the whitephobia whch will follow. #NotAllWhites
People should just get over it, this is just part and parcel of living in a big city.
>us Brits have always been pretty good at wrecking shitskins.
That's why you're getting overrun and raped everyday by muslims, right?
Confirmed reports say that the victim who died has been identified.

Pic related is the released photo.
Really? Fewer than the sect-unidentified Islamic terror, and that's what it takes for you to make that graphic? That's less than 1/3 of a percent of the secular/political/anarchist category.

I know hating the Jews is trendy, but this is stupid.
>48 year old
>baby boomer
Pick one.
The ultra-orthodox variety is known to be... how should I put it...
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> years and years of consuming junk food
> finally get a heart attack
> hit by van before can die of heart attack
Fellas, there is a solution to all this
Restrict women from politics and all these problems would go away.
>ploughts into muslims as they helped an elderly man who collapsed at a bus stop.
So fucking SUBTLE.
Our side lad. Its the muzz vs everyone else at this point
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well..., what happened there is basically the muzzies and leftists and blacks fault.

he probably could not deal with the oppression and all this whitephobia no more.

i'ts understandeable.

also it's part and parcel of living in a big city.

The only correct reaction is, for whites to stand together even stronger, to show, that whitephobia will not bring them down.

deus vult.

P.S.: If the muslims weren't in this country, this attack wouldn't have happened either.

|Vehicle of Peace ||l “”|””\__,_
Beep beep!
Truck is the new black.
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Don't forget those who brought them into Europe
Hey if they can do it, so can we
Is that the leaf prime minister?
we dont know, but he cant getting away with it
>As long as there are no white people immigrating to Arab countries and starting to slaughter the local population and demand they change their religion/way of life, this isn't even comparable.

Already happened. What's imperialism?
His name is Arthur Arkman
>Already happened. What's imperialism?

leftist fiction to rationalize their criminal thuggery.
>as they helped an elderly man who collapsed at a bus stop
What saints these muslims are, and how evil these whites are for attacking them

very late. job's done. england has fallen
>also it seems to imply that the driver "ploughed" into everyone, when I have a suspicion that it was more than probably the van that hit them
hmm, good point
>What's imperialism?
The Ottoman Empire
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the fire rises
>white van driver
>A second witness, who gave his name as Ali and did not want his surname published, said he came out of his house after hearing a loud noise and saw two men, including one in a wheelchair, on the ground

excellent asci work :p
not a true white
Why the fuck are Brits incapable of writing a coherent headline?
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wait a minute,
so, are you saying
we were terrorists and stuff ?

>Part and parcel
>Not an attack on Muslims
>Real victims - white people

These are fucking gold. Has anyone gotten responses on comments like these?

I'm so very keen to see where liberals can move on it. It's all so insincere and hollow when said about white people isn't it? Almost like the arguments were shit to begin with.
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>bus stop outside mosque

The dailymail sure does good comedy
That part wasn't even there during the break of the story. It feels like they just added it for extra brownie points.
Looks Spanish or Turkish to me

wow that's ridiculous.
Nope. Whites are going to just slip further and further into the cuck hole and keep screeching about muh day of the rope. Pretty pathetic desu
it was inevitable there was going to be retaliation. People aren't going to just sit there and let themselves keep getting attacked. I don't condone it, but when the authorities aren't stopping it, people will take matters into their own hands.

Authorities and government need to step up and do more to prevent terrorism or more of this is going to happen.
Don't worry anon, Mrs. May is already banning the internet and sending more armed police to protect Mosques.
I've already read it described as "muslim welfare center" today, but you know how it goes nowadays: first they push their inflammatory bullshit, then they quietly "retract" when nobody's looking.
To be fair, it said white van, not man. Tho I misread it the first time too
fkn ace

Can we get this trending on twatter?

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It's very very important that THIS particular terrorist is white because as we all know it's much much worse than when muslim terrorists kill people.
>implying a redneck isn't exactly the guy you want on your side
>muz helping old man who collapsed
this doesn't sound right. somethings off about this whole thing.
You are fucking stupid. Let me help-its poking fun at the implication that Jewish extremism hasn't killed many people since it was jews who did 911 and got us into all these wars for israel.
What gen is he then?

Thread Theme Song.
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Holy shit kek. I really didn't notice it just said white van. I have been conditioned by /pol/ too well. Hopefully it'll be lebasedblackman
These are terrible and completely unsubtle. Stop.
If he's a non-native, deport him and sterilize all his relatives in the country. If he's a native, put him in prison.

of course it will, we're fucking monkeys... just most of you faggots are cucked as fuck, germans, english, swedes, the fucking french, you're all pussies
No you haven't thats was us and the spanish... idiot
What are the odds that this is a psy op by the government to misdirect attention from muslims as the aggressors due to the recent attacks they did?
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It says "white van driver" it is purposefully misleading.
It is not inside the mosque, therefore it is outside the mosque.
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Right winger that are sarcastically tweeting in the style of left wingers "We should all love each other. Don't let the terrorists win" are at the top of their game.
But in all seriousness, this attack was the most predictable thing. Muslims are killing people all over the place, governments are not doing anything to prevent it and are even criticizing people who are criticizing Muslims, so a random citizen decides to do something about it in his retarded way. Predictable as fuck.
I've said a million times before and I'm gonna say it again: All these moderate right wingers and centrists that the left is calling Nazis, in a generation or two are gonna turn into actual Nazis if something doesn't change. Extremism goes both ways. The longer they ignore the Muslim problem the more extreme the solution to it so gonna be.
The next few decades are gonna be INSANE.
I guess we just need someone who will lead the way
Hate to do this, but i agree with the leaf, its framed to imply a white race driver, the fact that they have to convolute their headlines tells me it was most likely some flavor of shitskin
"white van" driver, its about the color of the car

for real, no official info, no nothing, now I am pretty sure drivers WAS NOT "white", its just gossip
That confirms the tattoos. Is someone trying to give him a high five?
>in a generation or two
Nah man, we will see it in our lifetime, not sure of the euro sentiment, but the yanks are ready to purge kebab after seeing whats happening in eurostan.

I dare to say we've reached our tolerance limit.
Im always unsubtle
If they are terrible is an opinion
Trying to block visibility for the journalists. Thats why this seems the only picture.
>Trying to block visibility for the journalists.
Purpose of this?
I miss J-List.
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>white van driver
>white van, driver

Seems like self defense to me
is the van white, or the driver white
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So they can go on about him being white.
As >>130527991 pointed out the local means nothing especially with so many mosques and welfare centres in London and the fact that muslims were injured or even died is statistically probable if you drive through a crowd in a city that is 1/8 muslim.
Lastly >>130529048 utters what we all know for true. If it turns out this guy is just a pale paki the store will be quietly retracted long after the bleeding hearts were whipped into a frenzy and more orwellian laws pushed through.
>Your religion is waging jihad against secular countries that you are mass immigrating to
>terrorist attack every other day
>act surprised when people get fed up and start killing your worthless religions followers in the same manner

I am enjoying watching Europe burn.
The only wrecking going on is your mum's cunt being filled with Sadiq's potent seed
yeah, on impulse, right,
so a guy rents a van in Pontyclun in South Wales and then drives for several hours to North London on impulse?
all the KKK/Nazi types on pol are just as deranged as the ISIS types,
I'd gladly ship all the violent extemists from either end of the spectrum to somewhere uninhabited and let them kill each other off,
I'd film it with drones and sell the rights to tv,
all the normal people can watch, eat popcorn and laugh,
any white people who don't want to get violent but can't bear being around people of a different skin colour or religion should be offered re-settlement in the Falklands Islands,
First aid is a really under appreciated skill that not enough people know much about, at least in burgerland. It would definitely be valuable.
I expected more from a white man, seems brevik was a one of a kind
He saw the muzzies trying to mug the man on the ground and tried to help him
Its too soon for a name, usually takes 2 or 3 days, should be easier to identify him than some ISIS member though.

I wonder why he chose london rather than manchester ?
Nobody will top Breivik. Not alone at least.
back to reddi t
why couldn't they just fucking say
> By; Paddy Dinham, Alexander Robertson, Katie French, Luke Barnes, For Mailonline & Josh White at The Daily Mail.

they dont need all those fucking ands
yeah he was/is quite a genius in that regards. Founding a company to get fertilizer so it doesn't shines on radar, all for a diversion attack to mask his real target.
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Fucking n00bs should learn to get the KDR right like Breivik.
>as a white van driver
When a non-white does something similar, they don't explicitly tell you about that.
White Van is a stereotype of working class builders, plumbers, electricians, delivery drivers etc who all drive white vans and act in a certain way.
He was also first in Scandinavia, nobody was looking for that behavior so he could operate in peace.
Does wrecking shit skins mean letting our girls get raped by the thousands and getting murdered in the streets?
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>They have a reputation for being angry, nasty retards.

I am sure if they could read, they'd be very upset by that characterisation
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Can we meme that the truck driver was Jewish and trick the media?
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*sips tea*
literally the only place on earth the curved nose phenotype shows up is in the Middle East

If you see someone with a nose that curves down, there is a 100% likelihood they have at least some % of Semitic, Turkish, or Arab DNA
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>What gen is he then?
48 is genX, born in 69, boomers were born after men returned from WW2, in the 1940s & 50s.
Kurt Cobain would have been older than this guy if he was still alive.
>white van driver

Syntactically the property of "white" is applied to the nouns behind it. The van driver, is white. That's what the sentence says.

They may have meant to say, "as driver of a white van", but I think we know exactly what the intent was. The colour of the van is absolutely irrelevant to the story, but they included "white" for a reason, because the colour of the driver was 100% relevant to the story but they didn't want to come out and say it.
>white van driver
It's a van driver that is white you retard
phobia implies that our fear of Islam is irrational. I suggest we use a new ending to imply our rational hatred of Islam.
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And that's how I know it was a false flag
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>white van driver

OK, but was he Muslim?
About fucking time.
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>48 year old baby boomer
Oh man, could you imagine that headline after an Islamic attack?

Brown van driver.

So why add the "Muslims" epithet?
i fully support this
>white man driver
Because he was targeting them.
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You mean like in all those "plows into non-Muslims" headlines we've been seeing?
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