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AUSPOL no more blackpills edition

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Thread replies: 333
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>Policy leaks slammed by senior WA Libs

>WA Liberal Party denies tense meeting amid China defence order change

>Police to get new stop and search powers to stamp out drugs at dance festivals

>National murder rate falls to record low

>Dumped Abbott-era changes resurface in Turnbull government's citizenship bill

>Memorial honouring Australian soldiers removed by Turkish Government to make way for Islamist inscription

>Curfews, GPS tracking considered for potential terrorists by Victorian Government

>Prisoner to receive $400,000 compensation after radical Muslim cellmate carved ISIS slogan into his forehead before torturing him

>Cars damaged by gunshots in Beechboro near Potters House Church

>’Sacrificial ritual’ art performance gets mixed reviews as punters are doused in blood and milk

>Coal to stay in energy mix for foreseeable future, says Barnaby Joyce

>ACT sex-offenders register nearly doubles in size over past five years

>Top level ‘strike force’ to carry out fire safety checks on New South Wales high rise buildings

>NBN users five times more likely to complain about service: survey

POLL: What is the number one issue facing this country that should be hit with weaponised autism right now? (Responses from yesterday – you can vote for more than one)
First for White Australia
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Daily reminder OP is a gook.
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Give me ONE good reason not to kill myself.
daily reminder chinks own 65% of habitable land in new manchuria, formerly known as australia
roo humpers, kiwis fuck all your sheilas
Chinks such as yourself are the number one problem in Australia.
Power bills are a big issue atm. Im looking into solar, but im not sure if its worth the initial cost.
Australians are like druggies selling the place at cash converters.

they literally are druggies selling their land so that they can buy ice
Your family would have their lives disrupted permanently.
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I like OP's picture
Dirty Chink bastard.
That's the only thing keeping me going. My parents would be devastated if I offed myself and I can't do that to them. But once they're gone, so am I.
I like you
Any of you'se cunts had any luck with inline dating?


Just hire a prostitute
Which one?

Im only noticing a lot of self absorbed single mums, that shouldnt feel as though they have a choice in prospective partners.
You've literally described all dating after the age of 25 in the entire country, online and offline.
Seriously you're wasting your time. Hire a hooker or just go without, it'll be cheaper and easier.
Get the fuck off POF, OKC, etc.

Tinder is the only place you'll find young, relatively attractive women who aren't desperate

Sure, many (most) of them are degenerate roasties but if you're just looking to get laid it's easy as shit

If you're looking for a girlfriend, you'll even have better luck on Tinder than the other online dating sites. I've met at least 2 girls off Tinder who I would consider long-term gf material, out of the around 6-7 who I met.
Its all stretch marks, c section scars and busted buttholes. The only interest Ive been getting from apart from the single mums is the chinks, but Im not keen. Sorry op wont fuck your sister.
>busted buttholes
Please describe what one looks like so I will know when I see one.
Just saw this description on a news.com.au story:

>AUSSIE Andreja Peji is killing it as a model and doing it while living in a female body, having undergone gender-affirming surgery in 2013.

>gender-affirming surgery
Is this what they are calling it now? Jesus Christ it never ends.
Like a butthole but with elephantitis and the same colour as an eggplant.

I dont need a waifu when ive got you guys.
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I will always be here for you anon.
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>The call that saved Australia
He isn't even a patriot so how could he save Australia? He only believes in individuals and thinks any Chink is entitled to be here so long as they don't go on the Centrelink.
>together we form a tremendous faggot.
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Guess where I live
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Solar panels will be ubiquitous once the technology for storage (batteries) makes them economically viable.
>technology for storage (batteries)
Yes this is the big challenge. Batteries are big, heavy, and expensive as fuck. When I move off the grid I am probably going to start off with a petrol generator rather than solar because the initial investment in batteries for solar will be too much money.
Holy crap Darwin

I wonder how many Muslims live in Australia now?
Not that many, our biggest problem here is chinks.
The results of our (((Census))) last year still haven't come out

I'm sure they're just doing a bit of adjusting
>Not that many
Yeah only a lazy half a million or so who all have six kids each. No worries at all.
It's a mortal sin.
The time of blood-letting is coming, so you can die as a martyr in glorious combat.
China: Asia's Mexico

Except when they move into your neighborhoods all of the dogs and cats disappear.
More worried about the millions of chinks we have that are actively subverting our government.
>Solar panels will be ubiquitous if the technology for storage (batteries) makes them economically viable.
We can worry about two things at once m8. The two things are wrapped up together anyway. The root of the problem is the same, the end of the White Australia Policy and the takeover of our education and cultural institutions by neo-Marxists.
think how far we've come technologically within our lifetimes. surely it's only a matter of when. however, i'm no expert, i just lay bricks for a living.
I honestly think we are beyond the point of no return, it all needs to crash so we can start a fresh, rebuild and learn from our mistakes, however I think this is what the chinese here are betting on too, and they will swoop in and try and take complete control.
There are other technologies that can BTFO batteries, fuel cells for instance. It may happen but it may always be just out of reach
Maybe that could happen in 30 years or so. It is not realistic any time soon.
Either way, I don't want chinks being in charge of my future.
In the meantime keep doggo indoors
Me and Doggo are going to move to where we will never see another Chink for the rest of our lives.

Well, where we won't see one for a couple of decades at least.
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ATTENTION aus/pol:




fucking oath wondered what happened to them.
This is probably part of the problem, and why people who don't have to mingle with brown people on a daily basis don't see it as a big problem

How do you redpill people on race when they don't live in big cities?
convict report when
Do you have any proof/quickrundowns of/on this? Genuinely interested.
Even the ones who do live in the cities often live in a part of it where there are many fewer shitskins. Or the ones they see are much less feral than average.
>>gender-affirming surgery
well that's good and orwellian

There are plenty of other articles on the abc linking to the same story.

I'm originally from the jungle (Coonville) full of sudos, islanders and other unwanted trash.

I saw a once mostly white city turn to completely black in the span of less than two years

Ask me anything.
I ran it through archive https://archive.is/rYkAr
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Boys does anyone have a proper quality copy of Pepe related?
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Honestly wouldn't care one way or the other, so many people didn't do it don't expect the results to be in any way accurate
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>Former Australian ambassador to China Geoff Raby stresses that influence operations are conducted by many countries. He singles out Israel as an example.
what a shock
They don't even ask the right questions on race anyway. It is designed to under-report the number of shitskins among us.
If he wasn't already a former ambassador he would be now after mentioning the unmentionable.
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Anyone in Army Reserve? What's that like?
>2nd post
you're loosing your touch
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I keep seeing this fucking fruit on TV spruiking some new show where he reviews funny Youtube videos in a "LEL science is awesum XD" way

The guy pussied out of a one on one interview with Malcolm Roberts

Typical liberal pop science shill
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that's pretty funny
>Watching the electric jew

Stop doing this.
I only watch sport and it came on in the ad break
nice OP, OP but cant be fucked interacting with you cunts.
>I only watch sport

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>New Primitive Technology video is up
>grab a beer and watch it
>envying a guy playing around in the dirt
I was asking the Australians.

could someone see if they have it please?
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Yeah I love his videos. Always feel a bit sorry for him for being a manlet though.
Thanks m8 you are a lifesaver. I don't know where I could have got it otherwise.
NP mate, happy to help a fellow Aussie.
Same goes for your land leaf. Only when the housing bubble inevitably bursts they'll sell en masse and we'll finally be free of them.

Our greedy cunt politicians with their real estate portfolios are gonna stretch it as long as they can though .
>no more blackpills
>OP remains
I hope those fucking Turks enjoy their sons being slaughtered and daughters raped after the fall of the second Ottoman empire
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>The stated purpose of SBS is "to provide multilingual and multicultural radio and television services that inform, educate and entertain all Australians and, in doing so, reflect Australia's multicultural society".
>On 8 May 2012, SBS received $158 million in government funding, of which $15 million would be used yearly, to fund the formation of a new free-to-air channel devoted to the indigenous peoples of Australia
>SBS is a supporter of Marriage Equality and pulled an anti-marriage equality ad ahead of its telecast of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
>Managing Director, Michael Ebeid is a gay Egyptian

Why is SBS allowed? And why the fuck are we paying for it?
the first pollie to defund the ABC and SBS will win my vote for eternity
I don't know why it doesn't receive more hate

It's the most pozzed media outlet I can think of

A guy I know works for them, and he is as nu-male as you can imagine
One Nation has already vowed to, and I think Australian Conservatives
>SBS is a supporter of Marriage Equality
How can a government owned and funded entity set itself in opposition to the law and take sides in controversial political issues?

This is why the Liberals are useless. They should have axed SBS years ago.
Top 2 news stories in Melbourne are Africans robbing a milkbar and punching a 50 year old to a pulp, stay classy
channel 7 melbourne fagbook page
I think lib dems too
lol browsing melbourne news pages is funny. so many niggers doing nigger shit
>tfw cant find any new music
what are you cunts listening to?
the new pond album

thats about it really. i usually use rate your music to find new shit

depends what genre(s) you like of course

Aussie all-girl hard rock band.

Black Marble new album
I need work pretty badly in sydney
Willing to do $5 an hour.

Alternatively if you can get me a job ill give you half my wages for a month.
Lads, I need to buy a slab of beer for an event, any recommendations? Needs to be somewhat easy to drink and not over the top expensive.
yous cunts are fair dinkum, don't go to the bunnings sausage sizzle tomorrow
Post your rym cunt

>what are you cunts listening to?
Smashing Pumpkins

crownies cunt

Which one? I heard they're closing the sausage sizzle down to not offend minorities.
Don't say you'll do $5 an hour, people will think the work is of poor quality. It will repulse more than it attracts.

Hollander lager
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That and $5 an hour won't pay for shit anyway. You would get more off of centrelink benefits.
Going about finding a job normally isnt doing me any good.
Can't get centrelink, parents make too much.
but they're boomers and don't understand why I don't have my own house yet.
le led zeppelin face :^)

i dont actually have an account, i just look at albums that have come out in the current year that are rated highly

>all of those meme albums rated 5/5

nice work
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>blacks are stup-
if you move out you can get CL

>Can't get centrelink, parents make too much.

How old are you? If you're 21 I think their income is irrelevant. Also where do you live? Just fucking go to a job staffing agency and work at some shit warehouse.
apply at a servo, if you're white you're probably a shoe in
>if you're white you're probably a shoe in
You literally have that backwards.
remember that /pol/ campaign that was attempting to create a white enthostate in Namibia? i miss the daily threads for it
I see exactly one meme album
No idea what you are going to, TED is always good choice. No-one will call you out for being a cheap cunt like if you bought VB or 4X rotgut yet still light on the wallet. By the same standard you aren't going to surprise people either.
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fuck off

See>>130384098 cobba
That's not true, at least not at 19
Marisfield, near north ryde
I tried at a staffing agency they told me to come back when I'm on centrelink. I'm guessing they primarly service people looking to prove they're looking for work?
Can you recommend one?
Employers around where I am will actually prefer non-white.
>peter sotos
>both VAs

the gook one is probably meme worthy too
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oh, it's a joke.
still their prices are getting pretty hefty fr a snag
dickhead servos are full of immigrants because white people think they're better than the job. I'm a turbo autist, but they have me a job for being white and not a meth head. also your coworkers will worship you for being white
I hope you're not suggesting that Big Red Car isn't the greatest song of the 20th cenutry

>your coworkers will worship you for being white
You mean resent you.

>I'm guessing they primarly service people looking to prove they're looking for work?
Can you recommend one?

The centrelink appointed ones don't help you find a job, just treat you like shit. I believe there are non centrelink affiliated ones around however.

Can't recommended any, sorry. I'm on youth allowance studying at the moment so maybe do that to get free money.
did I fucking stutter cunt
No you have more of a lisp than a stutter.
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Can we stop migration soon. All i see in Sydney I see gooks who can't speak English. Wtf
We need to stop immigration and then start the deportations too.
>Hire a hooker
Backpage or a Brothel, Brothels cheaper though just do some research first to make sure you arent getting one filled with Chinks
>tfw local whore house went full Asian
Been drinking great northern tinnies lately
Pretty standard beer but gives me nostalgia
Don't do it anon. Imagine what your mum would think if she knew.
super dry shit from aldi is easy to drink and cheap

their lager is ok too if you just want to sink piss and don't mind the lack of flavour (and for $32 or so a slab i'll drink it all summer)
multicult is a state policy - it must be enforced
...*(by the gov)
Coopers mate, all Australian made and owned. Anything else is heresy.
Go get a trade matey
Plenty of work in big cities if you make the move
Tooheys Dry cunt. Everyone likes them. Crownies are for faggots. Great Northern is pretty good.
I've been thinking of making a trip into Sydney cbd. Just for something to do. Haven't been for ages. Should I or will i get traumatised from all the shitskins?
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only reason to do that is to attend Dingocon™®©, cunt
I get you like their website and podcasts but it comes off as shilling when you post their shit this much
>Coopers mate, all Australian made and owned
this is a good answer
Is there a melbourne option for this?
You'll need to host that in the shire or something or else you'll get nailed by the leftist hordes.
I'd go to this but I'm leaving for a holiday on the 1st.

>tfw have to travel through melbourne to get to my destination.
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Because you don't have the willpower to go through with it.
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lol fair enough. was excited to see their site back up after this whole (((media))) shitstorm

nah they have info/opsec, aye
People are allowed to shill when it is relevant to our interests.
>they have info/opsec
In what way? what are they doing to screen people?
>I'd go
good lad.

top bludger.

>through melbourne
may The Lord preserve you
that's pretty gay
Do you know coopers is now halal certified?
>not having an ice cold Sparkling Ale longneck after work
Truly the good stuff
don't ruin everything I like
You sound dumb as fuck cunt
phwoar! noice double durries
i think they make you show you do the barrinducka 9 step on camera

no u
>drinking everyday
yeah nah fuck that noise
dunno but aye
go give 'em an ask

Have you ever tried renting a property as a young single male? Especially one with no job? I struggled when I was working casual. Even though I was still making high wages it was so competitive for every reasonably priced property that I simply wasn't given a chance and presumably people opted for older people working full time with rental histories. I remember one place I really liked that I wanted that was like $240 a week and I drove past it one day and saw this boomer tradie walking up to the door from his car.

I've been at my place for 5 years now and am dreading the time when I have to move. Renting or buying, the property market in this country is so fucked up.
I thought Muzzies didnt drink
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Eat shit cunt
yeah but those semites DO socially engineer

at least they haven't gone full heinekuck...
>In a statement. Coopers’ director of corporate affairs Melanie Cooper said: “Our company supports marriage equality.

>“Offence has been taken by our recent involvement, for which we are deeply sorry. We have listened to a range of community views, we acknowledge this feedback and respect everyone’s individual opinions and beliefs.

>“We have consequently cancelled the release of our Bible Society commemorative cans and will be taking steps to show further support for our community, including joining Australian Marriage Equality.”
Nothing is safe.
I brew my own
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oooooh the irony
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>tfw my favourite beer is now sjw approved
>tfw timeline goes from being the best to the worst

who /sparkling ale/ here
Coopers is a business, they have to tow the sodomite line or risk significant backlash and lost profits. This is how bad things have become, this is how far the poz has infected society.

It all has to be washed away.
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I feel your pain
Yes because beer drinking Australians are so liable to stop buying their shit for supporting a bible group but would be totally fine drinking from rainbow fucking cans.

The only backlash and lost profits they're going to suffer is from their fag fellating.
>/sparkling ale/
That is babbys first beer these days m8. Best to move onto something with a bit more dignity.
Solar is a meme.
You will never make back the initial investment.
Batteries will burn one in every 2 houses down.
Battery farms will make the Tsar Bomb look like a throw down.
>police fuck up
"oh we need more power"

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Aren't these guys basically our local TRSodomites? I know they broke away from TRS a while ago but I need a quick rundown/redpill on the dingoes.

If someone actually goes to the thing, post pics here.
Doesn't matter. HALAL is a tax placed on non-muslims. Now you fund the islamification of your own country.

You'll need about 7k for the panels and about 12k for the batteries atm
My NBN with tpg was great when it first rolled out, was getting 97mbit down, but since they added more goons to the block it's come all the way down to about 70mbit.
also sauce?
i barely drink anymore m8. i went through a craft beer phase, but since ive been getting fuck all work lately i cant afford it anymore

what do you drink mr condescension?
At least they are doing something. What have you ever done?
I wanted to join the dingo twitter so I signed up to TRS but i have to post 600 times before i can join their dingo group. I have nothing to say which is why i have lurk on 4chan. Is there a beginners forum to learn how to communicate? FUCK i just wanna talk with like minded fucking people.
they seem like it, their podcasts (the ones I've listened to) seem like just general /pol/ tier shit and memes
This doesn't only upset sodomites and stops them from buying their beer, but also sodomite enablers and other assorted traitors, it's enough to put a significant dent in their profits.
>what do you drink
Only water these days. I used to drink coopers pale ale and then moved onto sparkling ale. But I was too young and naive then to realise I had followed the normie memes.

>mr condescension
I was just looking out for you m8.
Solar is a joke. The government stopped the rebate because they aren't worth it.
It's 5.8% ffs
we dont own the culture anymore. it's been taken by the insane.
northerns or coopers
>have to post 600 times
Strewth the only place I would be able to do that is 4chan, and that is because all my posts would not be recorded against a username so I don't have to think about it much and can just shitpost away.
Those people are a tiny, tiny minority in Australia. Labor had every opportunity to push through a Plebiscite on fag hitching when they ere in government, but not only did they not do it, they went out of their way to prevent it happening, because they knew it had a snowballs chance in hell of passing.
Australia is now an asian country, just deal with it and move on, cuck anglos fucked it up for you.
If I remember correctly, one of the blokes from the dingoes actually exposed the TRSodomites.
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oh its just a shitpost

fair enough anon, as you were
beer is implictly european
craft beer is explictedly racist


microbrews == microagressions

Mates is it possible to sleep in a recliner chair instead of a bed? It won't have any bad effect on your health or something like that?

I am sleeping so badly in my bed these days. Turned my mattress around and bought new pillows but I am still waking up several times a night and accumulating all sorts of aches and pains every morning.
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By 2050 Australia will have it's first PM of Chinese descent. I don't like it, but it's unstoppable at this point.
Try sleeping on the floor instead.
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hate to dump another blackpill ontop...

but can we talk about chinks buying up our grog?
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And sexist
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Goddamn what a meme! I know it sucks but I think having to struggle for every KB of data brings out the best in y'all.

Love from Oklahoma.
What does it really matter when so much of the food and drink now being sold by Coles/Woolworths is made in China?
>sleeping on the floor
Really? Isn't it hideously uncomfortable?

Would I sleep on my back, stomach or side?
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sam JUST.png
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thats a little optimistic anon, id say 2030 at the latest

does labor have any east asian MPs?

>tfw a chinese puppet gets elected instead of someone of asian descent

just fuck my country up f am
there is probably an online escort directory. Avoid backpage, newspapers, and street whores. the escort site over here is nzgirls
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on your back, it straightens your spine
I find it hard getting to sleep like it though
It is surprising the shit they feel it is worth it to buy in from China. You would think the cost of bringing it here would make it uncompetitive.
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Sorry anon, it's another reaction image that I have no sauce for.

Not marrying degenerate jewesses for a start.

I think they're alright, better than the main TRS panel of lolbergs pretending to be nazis but as someone who still has an idle TRS account, I'd want to distance myself from that cesspool of cancer as much as I can.

Sounds good if true.
>marrying degenerate jewesses
We all had a life before we realised the truth about things.
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>need 85% in the exam to pass a unit
Don't skip coursework m8s.
Vegetables, meat and water are made in China?
Stop eating packaged food you sperg
fuck i thought a holding company from hong kong owned lion, not the japanese
>hard getting to sleep
This is another problem I have. It takes me hours a lot of the time.
If you've hurt your back, which is what I thought you were implying, then sleeping flat on your back on a hard floor is best for it.

There are heaps of asians flowing through young libs and young labor, yes, 2050 might be optimistic, it will fall between 2030-2050, because the boomer voting block (25%) is going to be replaced by an asian voting block when the boomers die, our politicians know that and so they will begin to appeal to asian voters by running asian candidates.
Any good sites for that shit mate?
A lot of fresh and frozen veg is from China.
Pretty sure Mike Enoch is a kike anyway, one just has to look at his fat bloated jewish head and body and it's easy to put two and two together...
>what is chinese owned cattle farms

Just because they're located in Australia is not gonna mean shit in time, chinks will fuck up the environment here just as they did in their own country and the term 'made in Australia' will come to signify utter shit.
fucking hell m8, your stress levels must be through the roof

what subject / unit is it?

i did a few subjects at uni that required 60% in the exam regardless of how well you've done with the rest of the coursework
I'll gladly leave Australia then, because it won't be Australia anymore.
Yeah sign up to the website punterplanet. You can get info on brothels and secret hints on which massage places will suck you off or more.
My back hurts sometimes but right now it is my neck and arms. It was my knee a few weeks ago.

I do not understand what is happening to me but I know something is happening while I sleep.
do you get out of the house much? I used to spend weeks at home without leaving and couldn't sleep. diet has a lot to do with it too
It is just because he sounds like Seth Rogen.
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Boohoo, if you're a racemixer or a faggot who realized your mistakes you probably shouldn't pretend to be a 1488 nat soc for the sake of amassing donations.
wear boxing gloves to bed
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>tfw become a refugee
The Convict Report/Dingoes are TRS in origin, but their content on the podcasts is good quality as opposed to Shoah and shit.
Listen to these guys and pic related for decent quality shit.
>do you get out of the house much?
I am a NEET but I walk the dog every morning at least. My diet has been really good lately, but it doesn't help. In fact for some reason I sleep a lot better when I have eaten a huge amount of unhealthy food that day.
Some maths bullshit.
I reckon I've got a 50/50 chance. It's not like humanities where marks are subjective bullshit.
Extra Stoat man here
>for the sake of amassing donations
Oh please any amount of money they get would not even come close to compensating them for the time, cost and effort they put in.
Could be sciatica m8...
Why is Turnbull such a cuck? He's already forcing these Iranian mutants on us. Send them to Norfolk Island or some shit. You have that don't you? Other than that I love my Aussie bros.
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I don't care how much they're making, the whole deception of their audience and the recent subscription shit they've dabbled in to boost their shekels really rubs me the wrong way.

fuck man thats really pushing it. the hardest maths i did was 2nd year engineering and a dedicated pde's unit. that was fucking horrible, never again

whens the exam?
Fuck Coopers.

At the start of all this shit about faggot marriage and the brewer, retards were saying to buy Coopers to piss off the fags because they called for a boycott due to that video with the bible society discussing sodomite marriage in Church.
Fuck no, do not support anyone who even engages in that topic of debate or says anything other than no. Any corporation will bend over and let themselves be fucked in the ass by screeching gay apes and paraded around for good boy points.
It's disgusting and nothing will ever remain untainted if everyone bends the slightest
look up some stretching routines on youtube - i use to have back and hip issues and i just started off slowly doing stretch routines from youtube and like a year on im quite flexible now, have good posture, none of the pain i use to have - which really is from sitting and curving your back and leaning your neck forward looking at the pc monitor for years on end
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He's a jew and both of our major parties are completely sold out to the chinese communist party. We're being fucked by both the jews of the west and the jews of the east at the same time.
People like this would be the first to die under communism, that's the best part.
got a link that sounds useful
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Oh but didn't you hear the chink ambassador say that it was insane to insinuate that their disgusting yellow hands were working their way around our country!
You've gotta take his lying mouth's word for it!
Jewtube yoga for backpain, neck and shoulders.
Had really bad backpain from playing footy and soccer for years and not stretching, cooling down properly.
No longer get backpain.
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>hardest maths i did was 2nd year engineering
I know this feel, feels fucking amazing to blissfully forget how to do surface integrals of complex, irregular surfaces.
Never again.
Casual walking the dog isn't enough to help your sleeping pattern my dude, I am also a NEET and used to struggle with sleeping, here are a few tips:

>sleep with blinds open so your circadian rhythm syncs up with the sun
>start weightlifting or sprint training (preferably both as they burn a lot of energy and are good for strength/size)
>install f.lux on your pc/phone/devices you use to eliminate blue light
>drink lots of water and take a cool-cold shower before bed
Makes me wonder if there's a chink word for their taqiyya. Then again it's fucking chinks, they probably don't need a word for a core part of their rotten nature.
>windows xp.

just youtube "stretch for x" where x is what is bothering you, and go easy and dont force anything

stretching feels so hard and like a huge effort when you first start, but if you get into it it's just as good a release as fapping is desu

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, ugly kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #nsfw-introductions to get un-kiked!

https://discordapp.com/ - invite/ - JfW5mn6 (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 We declare a race war!
Join us and hang a nigger today!

Sieg Heil
Cool honey pot I prefer syrup though.
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Well I can tell you that chink culture and business practices avoids being upfront about everything as much as possible. You could transfer the attitudes expressed in that series of posts of 'Do not learn mandarin' of the bloke working in the steel industry to how their political attitudes manifest.
sounds like a bunch of autists LARPing to me, accurate?
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I've ordered my ancestry test a few nights ago when they had a free shipping discount so I'll get back to you on that 100% European descent.
>take a cool-cold shower before bed
In winter? Strewth that is a tough one.

I had been doing some lifting but I kept getting all these fucking aches and pains and couldn't even lift anything with my right arm for 6 weeks because some muscle got fucked somehow. It has been really disheartening.
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This. Phillipines has barely any and they are pretty much civil-war. Lebanon used to be the "Paris of the middle east" when it was a Christian country not to mention actual Paris now..
23&me or ancestry?
I've been looking in to getting one but am yet to decide which.
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Yeah me too it wasn't as good as the videos where he builds a tiled roof or hut
something about the one where he grows sweet potatoes then eats them is really satisfying to watch
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Fucking chinks keep trying to jew me out of my change whenever I buy their shit at the market. Fuck those slant eyed cunts.
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Don't do it you will only find out what you already know and any surprises will be bad surprises. See pic related for my bad surprise.
He would have done better eating the bush turkey that was trying to get his sweet potatoes. They were pretty puny.
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I've seen some anons here complain about 23&me in the past saying they "accidentally" mix in some nigger or jew DNA in the results. I just hope they'll actually delete my sample and DNA data once I have a look.
You'll be gassed in the upcoming cleanse.
>buying from Chink-owned businesses
Mate I stopped ordering pizza when I found out the local was owned by a Chink
James Squire 150 Lashes
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It's not my fault I'm not rich enough to afford buying from non chink farmers m8. I do when the price is right but that's just not always the case.
>I just hope they'll actually delete my sample and DNA data
They will not delete their data. They will hold that even after you ask them to destroy it.
Well I expect something similar. As far back as about 7 generations we have a full family tree. Guess it's pretty pointless, but there was a kike in there two gens back and I want to know if it was ashkenazi or some convert.
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No I know, I mean actually destroy it all upon request instead of "keeping some for the internal records" or some bullshit like that.
Its a scheme to detect whether or not you have a blood link with alexander the great from one of his lays or other great figures of history.
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> If craft beer doesn’t prioritize racial diversity in its ranks the way it does product diversity, we’ll eventually wind up with homogenized craft beer. That’s already happening, to a certain extent. Any good craft beer aisle will feature at least a dozen IPAs from a dozen different breweries -- but I don’t think I’ve ever seen an African-style sorghum beer. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, or that all black brewers should or would brew African-style beers, but just imagine all the culinary and brewing traditions we’re missing out on.
>The second big downside to allowing craft beer to remain homogeneous is less about beer and more about what Garrett Oliver alluded to: social justice. “If you shut out parts of the population -- particularly groups who have been historically excluded -- from the opportunity of this expanding industry, then craft beer works to perpetuate racial inequality that exists well beyond itself,” noted McKim, the sociologist.
>“When we said ‘hip-hop beer fest’ to a guest at a traditional beer fest, nine times out of 10 they lit up with enthusiasm,” he recalled of their early promotional efforts. Mercedes pointed to beer-musician collaborations like Goose Island x Run the Jewels, as well as cultural appreciation like Twisted Pine's Ghost Face Killah ghost pepper beer
>cultural appreciation
those fuckin cunts
> Encouraged, I head back to Bed-Vyne Brew. Inside, I find what I’m looking for. The small, low-slung space is dark, loud, and full of black people drinking craft beer. I’m one of only a handful of white people in the place. I order an $8 lager and post up in a corner. Across the room, the white woman who was on the phone earlier is seated across the table from a black guy about her age; they are clearly on a date. INTERRACIAL CRAFT BEER UTOPIA, YOU GUYS.
>I allow myself a smile.
this cunt isnt even white lel
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Even Hitler didn't go that far m8.
>I'm not rich enough to afford
You need to get your priorities right m8. Sort yourself out and work out how much of the shit you buy you really need.
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yeah i was thinking the exact same thing also he should also do more with that creek at least build a damn and farm some eels or yabbies

Yeah i don't like dealing with the chinks i'm also getting mail in my letterbox from the cunts offering to buy my apartment " the Wu family ( totally not a chinese invstor) are looking for a 2 bedroom apartment their budget is from 1 mil to 1.4 "
Yes that is what I just said.
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What's the point of that anyway?

Hitler didn't go far enough to be perfectly honest.
>bought a stock meat pie image
I'm not Hitler.
dont do what i did and try keep upping how much you're lifting to the point of fucking something up. it's better to lift less, but often than always be chasing gainz.
Rich weirdos in charge of the world want to know if some guy has important blood links in case they need candidates to survive some acopalypse or the other.
>I just hope they'll actually delete my sample and DNA data once I have a look.
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I already try to grow as much as I can like tomatoes, cucumbers and capsicums but some fresh produce I need to actually buy and I'm not going to get the plastic tasting, overpriced garbage from Coles.

I'm sorry ching chong ding dong engrish isn't my first ranguage and my reading comprehension is shit because I caught the flu.

Do any of the chink investors even live in straya?
New thread:
But without SBS, how am I to watch Inspector Rex and WW2 docos?
Doesn't have to be cold, just lukewarm-cool. Taking cold showers around bed time will knock you the fuck out, trust me. It's hard to get into but once you're in the habit they're easy. They have other benefits too like (we're going into broscience here, bare with me) raising test, fighting depression, clearing skin and other stuff. As for the weightlifting, just do low weight but high intensity (like 5 sets of 8 reps) definitely give sprinting a go, it will wear you out like nothing else.
>whinges about degenerecy
>whinges about sodomy
>spams sexual gooktoons
posting anime is not only degenerate; but reveals yourself as a poofaggot
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you're on the fucking internet you dope
you're a filthy hypocrite
Pussies, tafe is 100%
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I had these yesterday
fucking amazing

I'm 25 and my life is going nowhere, I have $30 to my name and I am pretty much unemployable.
What should I do?
it's also easy enough to pass with an IQ of 71
Really? they look like a meme. I might give them a try though.
Embrace the NEET life and focus on self-improvement, it's actually a good life. Working and paying taxes is overrated, you're working to support brown immigrants and their 32 kids. Collect your NEETbux and search for fulfilment elsewhere in your life, working isn't the be all and end all, neither is money.
How do you deal with feelings of inferiority and shame when encountering people who work for a living?
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i just want waleed dead mate
By not having an answer of "nothing" when they ask you what you do. You impart a feeling of inferiority on them instead when you tell them all the cool shit you do with your time and force them to compare it to what they do: wageslavery.
I'm already a NEET though.
It's a horrible feeling though because I will eventually get kicked out and I dread living in a tent in the forest.
>I dread living in a tent in the forest
Why? You could hardly be more miserable than you are now.
>tent in the forest

I can't tell from your flag whether or not you're ausfag like us, but you won't ever be forced to live in a tent here, there are plenty of govt/charity orgs that will pay for your whole life pretty much if you let them, migrant scum abuses these systems, why shouldn't we?
>>ACT sex-offenders register nearly doubles in size over past five years

hardly surprising, had my car stolen a few weeks ago on my birthday

>had my car stolen
How did they get around the anti-theft technology?
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>migrant scum abuses these systems, why shouldn't we?
because we arent scum
For real though I feel like I'm the only honest person whenever I walk inside centrelink, you can always tell who's bullshitting the system in there because they constantly fucking fumble their words and 'forget' to bring shit.

As a result though I'm getting very little help, newstart is suffering please just let me get euthanised.
was an old car
Youre not going off grid if you cant afford batteries. Just assume your position as wage slave amd ahut your mouth, faggot.
don't tell me my business cunt.
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