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Brit/pol/ - Carlyle Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 51

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>Theresa May confirms start date for Brexit talks

>Hard or soft: How will the UK take its Brexit?

>Towering inferno, Screaming residents build ropes from sheets and lean out windows as fire at West London tower block spreads to "at least five" floors with firemen struggling to control the blaze

>Diane Abbott reveals she has type 2 diabetes

>DUP hopeful of Conservative deal soon

>Ed Miliband could return to front bench
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Start buying Hijabs
Something to look forward to lads

Thank you based anon it's Union Jack, not the rainbow.
Who do you want to see as the next Tory ruler lads? Bonus points for fresh faced outsiders.
The royal whatever it is sounds like something Brit/pol/ should be interested in but I really don't care about it for some reason
nope they are fucked
I mean come on just the fact that theresa may is their leader should highlight the dearth of quality in their ranks
Anna Soubry
I can hear bagpipes outside
Hows it going
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For all you lads whinging about the weather - where do you live? It's still fairly chilly and clouded over up North
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>jo cox street party
>nobody out on my street except me, cleaning my windows
What did she die for again?
Trooping of the Colour, celebrating the Queen's birthday. Lovely day to watch it.
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So diverse
I live in West NI and its too fucking hot, properly muggy outside
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only one man can save us

i'm a /crabbclaw/ now
For nothing
In Leeds, just the perfect temperature for me lad.

I have a dream that one day people of all races and creeds can stand side-by-side waiting to be executed by muslims
Bet your a hard lefty too, traitor.
Stop evading bans.
You're probably a fat neckbeard
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Have a nice day
I live on the south coast and the weather is fine, I think these cunts are just being pansies.
Dreams: JRM
Memes: Boris
Real: David Davies
Fuck off Owen
i live on the south coast and it's going to be 25 later, panicking pretty hard
wrong. but why are you being mean desu. so bitter...
No I'm not a faggot sorry.
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>be Muslim
>be fasting during muh holy month
>wake up during night to smoke and people screaming about a fire
>corridors thick with smoke, flee to neighbour's flat instructed by firemen
>everyone else is making plans to flee
>sit down and read Koran instead
>horribly burn alive
>neighbour survives

How can the religious be so retarded?

And, shouldn't something like this happening during Ramadan be the ultimate red pill to Muslims? How could God do this to practising believers during the holy month?

There's no god. That's why.
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I'm pretty neutral to LGBT, it's a private matter. But I don't understand why the fuck people instead of their national flag show people their sexual preferences, who the fuck gives a fuck what they prefer to do in bed. But no, they have some eternal desire to show the world the whole gamut of sexual perversion as it was some different culture or science.
I will desu, I love the sunshine. You have a good day too senpai
Fat neckbeard roleplaying as a cute boy/girl
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>Be english
>never seen the sun
I have to go into london tonight
fuck the tubes gonna be hot
Are you the guy from the last thread cus if so im the guy you asked, I only have it here jokingly, irl dont tell nigga
I know this is bait but I can't resist
>there is no God
There is, and he is striking down Muslims for being heretics
Faggot it's sunny as shit right now
>be Mexican
>always see the sun while raking leaves in the garden
You've already said that bit. You're not very clever...
It's going to be packed with stinking niggers too haha
I want the Tories to collapse and a new legitimately conservative party to take their place in politics.
>Be American
>Summer days don't even last 17 hours
Dont muslims believe Allah swoops in and intervenes when needed? Islam seems like a one-way kinda deal
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I wish you were a girl
i havent lived there for a few years, is the central line still a hellish furnace?
You're only neutral because you never is it on TV or on the streets in Russia. Come in live in the west and you'll soon change your mind once it's pushed into your face 24/7
>LGBT flag
>gay posting
Come on. There's a 99% chance you're a basement dwelling neckbeard

nah the tubes mostly rich whites from the city
the blacks will be in there containment ghettos
Burn in Hell.
and I want to motorboat alexandra daddario's titties
neither will happen
Stop by the Grenfell riots later

Forgot link:

He's a ban evader too, don't forget to report.
i normally only go on district and circle and the all the underground parts are hot
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Who else had a cheeky wake and bake?
>>130278271 #

So arbitrarily? By doing so you ate limiting individual growth of smaller companies and verily growth of the economy as a whole.

>To tax the larger incomes at a higher percentage than the smaller is to lay a tax on industry and economy; to impose a penalty on people for having worked harder and saved more than their neighbours. It is not the fortunes which are earned, but those which are unearned, that it is for the public good to place under limitation.
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C'mon guys can't we all get along
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This is a poem Tupac wrote to his girlfriend, which people are hailing as brilliant.

It begs the question: are hip-hop artists dumb? It's fucking dog shit.
metropolitan line is usually alright because the trains are big and spacious and much of the line is above ground
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Because they are mentally unwell anon, that's why. Being gay is not a sexuality, it's a mental illness. It was even defined as one until certain interest groups demanded it be removed. This science was settled decades ago, since then it has been hidden as much as possible.

Homos are mentally unwell, and oftentimes the mentally unwell love to define themselves by their illness.
Word on the street is that ANTIFA high command is floating the idea of torching unoccupied properties, used as money laundering devices, within londons rich areas (kensington etc.)
dumb frogposter
dumb frogposter
Gay is a mental disorder, it takes over the afflicted so that they must revolve their entire life around the disorder, throwing away everything they hold dear or close (family, friends, kinsmen) to become a parody of their disorder.
I only found out today that he used to bang Jada Smith
Me too
have a (You) for your trouble
I just like the cute girls desu. I don't watch that much anime. I can't even grow a beard desu
I think nothing demonstrates better the pure sexual nature of the "LGBTQ community" than your average Pride parade. These parades aren't about celebrating the fact that homosexuals are no longer persecuted, they are there to rub their sexuality in your face as evidenced by the clothing they chose to wear, small skimpy shorts exposing lots of skin, sometimes even bondage gear. This has nothing to do with homosexual "liberation" and everything to do with arrogance and narcissism.
i would unironically be ok with this
untrue and homesexual
jihadi time on the Mall today ?
Homosexuality is all about sex. Heterosexuality is about reproduction
makes ulysses look like the ramblings of a geriatric written in shit
Do you actually know any gay people? Plenty of them are totally normal lads who just like a bit of knob action.
>that fucked up rhyme scheme
Healthy young child goes to 4chan, starts watching massive amounts of anime, doesn't have a gf and changes - PAEDOPHILIA Many such cases!
why would they torch them, rendering them unusable ?

Would #occupykensington not be better?
ANTIFA don't have a high command, they operate in a half arsed cell structure because they like larping as the french resistance/IRA
I agree desu.
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Looking forward to the DAY OF RAGE
despite being a fairly high level shitlord I just can't get that bothered about gays
we have far bigger problems and I can't say I've personally ever had bad experiences with them
based bloke - everyone trying to convince him to stay & he legged it and survived
I said "oftentimes" which implies not all the time, which means I know very well that there are homos that don't go around flaunting their deviancy. Please learn to read.
I actually had a friend in school who was normal and cool the whole time I knew him

After school he came out as gay, and went full on camp
he started dressing differently and everything
started posting gay memes on facebook and all that

Literally couldn't relate to him anymore
>bring down the government
By taking a day off and skiving off school. Fucking savages.

He almost wrote in iambic pentameter... almost
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wish the government was as racist and anti-immigrant as these people think
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>those nails
>Being gay is not a sexuality, it's a mental illness.
>Homos are mentally unwell
I disagree with these statements

Shit's going down.

it could unite the left and right to smash the london elite.....jo cox would be proud
>Centralising all of your troops in a public place at a set time
>Do no preparation
If the government was as fascist as these people think they would all be dead by 2pm
Good for you, I don't really care. Either explain why you disagree or keep your unexplained opinion to yourself.
I'd been reading the Guardian for a long time as a good example of the very British English, I mean their articles written in English, despite the leftism, they have very qualified stuff. I saw the discussions of gays in Facebook under the articles, I've got the impression that they're not normal at the cognitive level, not just sexual, they have very loose norms on morality, decency and so. I try not to be prejudiced. I don't want to generalise, but these discussions were several times and always I've got the same impression.

In the same time, there're was a gay in Mr.Robot, TV series, a head of the information security firm, he was depicted as a decent man without these gay parade rainbow frills.

So I can't make conclusions and assumptions about what gays are in their essence, their values, their views on the world.
it's easy to make fun of these people but they're actually right to not take the government/law enforcement seriously, they are spineless jokes
I would rather side with the elite just to spite antifa. They are fucking scum.
Carlyle is godlike, just finished Chartism. Sadly shilled to oblivion.
sleeper pedophiles

stop watching anime
you'll burn with them, pal
>day of rage happening the day before I've got an important exam

Fuck me tbqh
What goes through their minds for them to think that this muslim-loving nigger-loving fag-loving government is even close to right wing?
I've been in online lbgt groups for curiosity sake and can now say with 110% certainty that they are 100% deviant sex obsessed degenerates who suffer with extreme narcissism.

The Guardian is staffed by Europhile kikes pretending to be British
>it could unite the left and right
No it won't. The right will be in work, so the left will have to do it alone. Many such cases!

>I've got the impression that they're not normal at the cognitive level, not just sexual, they have very loose norms on morality, decency and so
You're spot on.
Might go to it if I have nothing else to do.
didnt take in a million billion refugees, occasionally give lipservice to reducing immigration instead of ignoring the topic entirely
>By taking a day off and skiving off school. Fucking savages.

on a saturday
a rootless, international clique, if you will?
Top keks
>occasionally give lipservice to reducing immigration instead of ignoring the topic entirely
Yeah but they do fuck all to stop it.

And the retarded refugee thought muh God would save him, decided to sit down and read the Koran instead... and burned alive as a result.

Shows the power of religious delusion senpai.
The guardian is very left leaning, and they allow random people to submit pieces to their editorial section
There are many normal gay people, the problem is all the freaks move to big cities then turn out in force for these parades, making all of us look like degenerates
Those are things they mention explicitly on the leaflet.
i'm explaining why lefty types thing think the tories are right wing. i'm not making excuses for them
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Anime NONCES beware
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Non-whites protest violently
>It's fine, they are fighting the government to improve their way of life

Whites protest peacefully
>Disgusting white supremacist, islamophobic racist bigoted old-timers

lol fuck this
Antifa are for larpy uni students with daddy issues and unresolved adolescent anger.
Sure, but the question wasn't of likelihood, just preference.
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Britain is an oppressive shithole

Prove me wrong
fair enough, still retarded as it implies that the kind of people who will be in this protest are in gainful employment
Old nige memes
It is literally that simple. Anyone with half a brain can see it
No one will because you're right. Everyone with half a brain knows this already yank.
To be honest, I'm not sure that it's only a mental disorder, I suppose that the social influence and the way people grow up does matter.

I would understand if they were concerned about the rights and excessive oppression, but this behavior: look at us we're queers. That's garish.
Nobody can.

This is the left we're talking about, they're inherently retarded.
So where's this riots you mongs were raving about yesterday?
Next Wednesday.
I bet you believed tanks were actually coming in 30 minutes as well
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Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.

They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/.

You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option.

This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine.
>stop the social & ethnic cleansing of London
It's far too late for that.

Also, whatever happened to "Don't Look Back in Anger"?
>'You could get butchered for that': 1,000 Facebook moderators fear for their lives after security lapse sees their profiles leaked to suspected TERRORISTS who see their actions as a sin
it'll justify increases in police funding. we're dooing them a favour
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They did storm thr Council building and attack a BBC cameraman on live tv...

What they need is a spark, all the attitude and tension is there. I am not sure what sort of spark they need though.
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Looks like culpable manslaughter is back on the menu boys
But then they always complain that there's too much police that just pick on everyone, so why would they want more police funding?
Thread Theme:

jihadi attacks already do a pretty decent job
but babysitting unwashed student filth, that's where I really draw the line
I wonder how many will hang for this.
we're living in a "post-ideological" world
Yeah, I perfectly know what The Guardian is. Brenoaners, Trumoaners and I had several bans on Facebook for my intolerant comments there and some notion of their values and their mental picture of the world. I mean that I was learning English, and their articles are very good in the terms of grammar and so forth, regardless to the politics. I just don't like the American English because it's the simplified version of the true English because of the mixed historical nature of that country.
Good choice of edition, I watched Bowden's speech on Carlyle last night.
dumb frogposter
That's too complex an idea to describe what we're living in, I much prefer "retarded".
Its really apparent sometimes there is actual people paid to shit up this website
>post on another board about a video
>state there is a car in the video(there is)
>immediately some little shite replies there is no car and im a nazi
Really come on.
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Its happening lads - they're going to take down the tower to hide the number of dead and the number of illegals in there
is there a way to detach myself from politics altogether and just stop thinking about it? it does nothing but make my life miserable
>people still sleeping on the floor days after the fire

What happened to all those kind people in the community offering beds and sofas?
They weren't just saying it to look nice were they?
Is everyone still LARPing about the swingy arm LARP parade?
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>on /vp/
>post pic related
>first reply is "fuck /pol/ she is black and you racists can't do anything about it"

Read the FT or The Telegraph. The standard of English is much higher than The Guardian, the latter being tempered so that Facebook mongoloids can easily understand it.
Non-western Asmr
Yesterday there was a /b/ tier rekt thread on here. OP posted about 70 gifs, and that's that. Of course people are paid to shit this place up.
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>Assange called May autistic

assange is a cuck now
Want: Mogg
Settle for: Gove
Get: Coronation of Philip Hammond by the "Sensible" faction of Tory MPs
oh god phillip looks like hes gonna drop dead any moment
the few, not the many, huh?
>Wanting Mogg ever
>The man who voted for the snoopers charter.

Mogg is a walking fucking meme that routinely votes for more government controls and self interested NIMBYism.
Are you still butthurt about being too much of a autistic blubbery mess to get into the army?
I think they're expecting the building to collapse more than they are hordes of islamists doing anything.
>Want: Mogg
Is there any better way to instantly identify plebbit than this?
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>tfw red arrows just went over my house
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>Settle for: Gove

oh fuck son!

what are you doing?
Yeah they use the tripcode !!QzsVseG+8V9
>tfw in 100 years they will be the red ahmads
The Torygraph is very concise. I like it in the sense of their stance but they're not as artistic as The Guardian. Daily Mail is very funny, they're very right winged and domestic.
fuck i have to take the district to london tonight
Spitfires came over mine

That's the tripcode that imprisoned nonce cases have to use while inside, right?
>Diane Abbott reveals she has type 200,000 diabetes
He was always a lefty, just a lefty with some principles. Only idiots from /ptg/ thought he was jesus reborn cometh from the heavens to save Trump.
Harriers just flew over mine.
If you want a Tory MP who opposed the Snoopers Charter you're going to have a long search, even David Davis abstained.
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Tanks in 30, eh?

The Daily Mail takes Trump's tweeting style and expands it to prose.
kill yourself. guy is a blarite
>Two men are rushed to hospital after 16 Iraqis are found in back of lorry in East Grinstead

All 16 will be given right to remain.
>tfw can hear planes coming

>(CAPTCHA - Select all pictures of a goose. Forced me to choose a swan. Fucking triggered.)

...Harrier is no longer active service, I thought?

Maybe an airshow somewhere.
If I imagine an entity watching and judging my every action I behave much better, I'm tidier, better organised, try my best, don't wank etc.

Started noticing this when I've had some friends over a couple of times.

Now I just imagine there's someone watching and it's going swimmingly.
sort out your own country, sheep fucker.

>'We have to start talking about it': New Zealand suicide rates hit record high

He's a genuine reformer, and he appears to be taller than Rupert Murdoch

No Harriers any more bud, it was probably Tornado desu
he's murdoch's puppet and a snake in the grass.
>missing the British mandate of Palestine

Annoys me every time I see this pic
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>pale eyes and clearly-not-black skin
>must be black
I'm in Hounslow and there's a LOT of aerial activity. Planes flying very low, very loud.
Could something be going on that they're not telling us about?
>yet another anonymong suffering from insecurity around a Triplord
id smash and finish on her face
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>What is Trooping the colour?
This happens whenever I fancy someone desu. It's so autistic but it's kind of a good thing.
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Our Nige
>doesn't believe in man-made climate change
>opposes the minimum wage
>supported brexit
>not a gay rapist
dumb frogposter
thinking of starting a navy career in current year. thoughts?
They kind of exaggerate things and I in comparison to The Telegraph I have a slight feeling of the lack of nobility.

That's my general opinion on Tories that they're becoming too tolerant to the lefty looseness. They're noble and posh but attempts to take into account leftism kind of making them look clumsy.
Imperal LARP parade that has ruined the last several weeks of the participating troops free time to pretend that the Queen still has any authority?
It because it isn't enough to show tolerance now, we have to give them a round of applause and celebrate them for their courage. Although on here I think it's mainly trolling by straight people trying to trigger retards.
He also BTFO of May's manifesto on TV.
take lube
Mate the Tories have been left-wing everywhere it matters since Blair.
>noble and posh
You must be joking.
I know what it was I have watched it all morning
the only downside is the horrific dreams they have that stay with them for years
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Give me one (1) good reason why I shouldn't become transgender if I can pass as a girl
>pretend that the Queen still has any authority
but she doesnt pretend
We've known the monarchy has been ceremonial since the civil war
That's called a conscious you retard
post a picture
Do it but leave Britain first to spare us the embarrassment
Go ahead and do it.
Every second that passes you will get older. Look at Bailey Jay now. The state.
You cant reverse it when you regain your sanity.
you know you still would
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>Here to stay, here to fight, social housing is our right

Queens Birthday
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Most Tories come from middle class areas and were educated in state schools, the 'posh-Tory' is a dying breed.

Tories fall into two camps; Disraeli style one nation Labour-lite, or authoritarian die hard Christian conervatives.
Cant wait lads

join us in the cove lad
Wtf I love the Crips now

I reminds me of a letter we found that a Paki I know wrote to a girl, part of it said "My penus yerns for you".
Are Owen on Sky News right now.

You can't pass as a girl
>I don't understand where British national law derives authority
ffs wrong link

That is besides the point. But you can't be a trap forever. Time will catch up and you'll wish you never fucked yourself up with hormones desu.
That's Taylor Swift, nigger.
>American Navy scuttled by one Pinoy fishing boat


Britannia, rule the waves.
>no taylor swift look alike doin asmr


>building burns down
>for some reason this proves there should be no immigration control

people actually think like this
no shit
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You will never bear children and you will never be a real girl. You're living in a dreamworld.
I read they are already using the fire to justify bringing in people


>Every second that passes you will get older

The fire rises
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Sensible boy.
In my honest opinion, The UK must be more harsh toward foreigners, it's a small country it can't fit them all only because of compassion, I understand that those shitskins are still people, but they can find a lot of places around the world.

I would accelerate Brexit and I would break all ties with the Commonwealth it's the main source of Pakis, Indians and other low-qualified shit who abuse the system.

Britain is strong enough without the EU and all this shit. Americans are backing the UK and so forth.

London now is a mixture of gaussians and this city fucking influences politics. The whole south was for Torie but fucking London was for Labours. Fuck this average mediocre shit, if they can't be exceptional posh and genteel move to the USA or Canada or to any other mongrel shite.
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>Give me one (1) good reason why I shouldn't become transgender if I can pass as a girl
not my most profound moment desu. feels dumb man
Why can't trannies just be gay? Why should estrogen be given to people whose baseline estrogen levels are high anyway, therefore clouding their judgement
Also wtf lads I got a ban on my data for rule 1 from a year ago. I only got this phone in November. It was for rule 1 as well, I've never downloaded, uploaded or asked for any porn on here, let alone the pizza variety
>cardinal on sky right now
>it's ok to "channel anger" in these situations

Why is passivity supposedly the way to cope with terrorism?
I had thought about it in the past ngl. But thank god I didn't do it.
Do not respond to tripfags.
they get more attention
that's all it's about, it's not an internal thing at all but a need to change their facade to garner attention
>In my honest opinion, The UK must be more harsh toward foreigners,
wow what a fucking bomshell
These gay flags were a mistake. All the faggots are coming out of the woodwork now.
This is my merely external opinion. Cameron and May look very cool. Our Putin was a chav in his youth and all those rules of the street.
Use a VPN you tard.
Red arrows are in Weston though
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>In my honest opinion, The UK must be more harsh toward foreigners
That's it mate, you're barred.
>Western Governments should model themselves after the IoM
Yes or no?
It's too late now anyway. Demographics cannot be reversed.
Is it a range ban? Your ip changes depending on what tower your phone is communicated with, if you've walked into range of a tower where someone has has posted CP from their phone that is likely the cause. This has happened to me before.

It would be if a mainstream politician ever uttered those words, or anything resembling it.

And therein lies our problem.
It puzzles me why you find trannies in the military too. I assumed the army was something that appeals to high test manly men yet you have men who voluntarily consume estrogen in the ranks. Makes no sense to me.

That's not the point m8, I'm not a paedo. I want to know why it happened
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It's never too late

>Moroccan asylum seeker rapes another man while saying 'disgusting fag, nigger': sauce in sweden:
Excellent, welcome to Christianity.

this whole thing is making me paranoid as fuck

>big tory screw up at the elections
>le commie jesus suddenly becomes popular and confident, literally overnight after being shit on even by lefties the whole time
>cue massive disaster
>before the fire was even out there was an obvious concerted push to get stuff linking the tories to it/making it all about them out on social media etc

I keep getting this Fission Mailed feeling lately like the simulation's going janky or something. All this stuff would have been a pretty far-fetched coincidence if it had happened over weeks but literally in a couple of days? It's like it was rushed
>It's never too late
>posts a failure

Ah ok. I'm just really sketched out about stuff like this. For some reason I always worry that if I ever meet MI5/get 5 minutes of fame, they'll dig into my records and I'll be plastered across the Daily Star. Too much dude weed! as a teenager probably
I don't put anything past commies. Have your bags ready to go.
remind me
how many jews were in Europe before and after?

or are you one of those tripfag dumbasses who thinks you have to win every battle and every war?







It wasn't Hitler who reduced the number of Jews in Europe, it was us. We stuffed them into the middle east in a bit of land we owned at the time.
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How many globalists are in power?
How many western nationalist nations are there?
I think they're just looking for trouble to sue the government.

Perhaps there are more ftm trannies in the military than the other way round and since women expect to be catered to they expect the army to roll out a red carpet for them
>before the fire was even out there was an obvious concerted push to get stuff linking the tories to it/making it all about them out on social media etc
Ye no shit that's why labour were calling for people not to politicise it because they hadn't organised their strategy or got their pickets and protesters ready yet. The left are truly shameless
Wow, you're fucking retarded.
So I suppose since there are muslims in Britain that means we've never won any kind of confrontation with muslims.
The 'we evil europeans' narrative is part of what has gotten into this mess, Hitler's cock-ups only pushed us further in this direction.
I guarantee you if WW2 never happened we would not be in such a state today.
In fact i shouldn't even be talking to you, you're on my filter for a reason
Anything would contribute to their fucking narrative.
Hitler is not the cause of any of that, if he hadn't done what he did it wouldn't be better it would be much worse.
The same lies would be told, they'd just find other stories and targets.
is this just a codeword for ((((jews)))) or does it actually mean something
We have the different viewing points. You look at this from inside, I'm looking at the goingon outside. There're lot of people who just want to excise fuck out any external communicaion. I know fucking lot of talented people from the film industry who made the world better after they moved to the Anglo countries. They'd just drink off in Russia and bury their talents.
>unironically talking to Eddie '7-year-warranty' Tripnonce

You fucked up lad. It happens to the best of us in our moments of weakness.
I actually agree with most of this until you reach "muh racim ooga booga"
Your problem is that you still believe there is a concerted effort by some sort of supreme being or group of people actively trying to destroy our countries. The truth is far more sinister, we're in this mess because of our own failings as a people, our disregard for the past, our culture, our tradition, and the movement to neoliberal economics, which set the stage to nationalism.
There are elites out there (many of whom happen to be jews) who are taking advantage of the situation we as a people created, but generating a 'big bad boogeyman' is a child's way of understanding how we got here.
>Red arrows are in Weston though
What is the jet engine?
set the stage for globalism.*
LS9 here unfortunately and this weather is indeed perfect
You're too demonising Jews. I tried to read Talmud, it's complicated.
Whites aren't that big a problem (nor are east asians in the UK, though chinese demographics are too much), the worst white problem tends to be hooliganism, but to say we need to be "harsher" is the biggest understatement of all time

I'm not saying there's a group of people all sitting in a fucking room planning anything, it's still THEIR narrative. THEY are a group to us, regardless of the fact that most of them don't know each other.
are you opposed to the concept of groups entirely?
It also appeals to men who have doubts about their masculinity (a small minority, to be found in most masculine pursuits)
It's the new codeword for Jews, they cottoned onto "international bankers"
Like women, trannies know they'll be fast tracked up the ranks.
My problem is that no-one ever really defines what they mean by 'they', it's a buzzword, and any agenda 'they' might have is simply the natural end point of decisions made before they were born, I'm sure 'they' honestly believe they are doing the right thing.
Stop focusing on people and start focusing on policy.
I heard on Radio 4 about the Chinese, they have fishy reputation and the understanding of the fairness, the second economics though, the world have to deal with them anyway.

The more I'm getting older the more I'm understanding their strict rules of the aggressive "fight club". Man must be stronger and overcome compassion sometimes for the greater good. The other question is to be wise enough to make more weighed conclusions and take actions, not just on a whim.
it's an intuitive meaning and can't be purely expressed but is perfectly meaningful and useful to discussion
It's a catch-all term for anyone who supports, actively or implicitly, the reduction of national sovereignty in favour of supranational organisations. Today this largely manifests as Multinational corporations. Money power holds immense sway over public institutions and government, every relevant political party in the west is bought and payed for.
Only it isn't useful, it makes people who might otherwise have brought something to a discussion focus on memes like 'the Jews' instead of focusing on policy and the systems which have gotten us here.
It's perfectly useful and the only people who don't understand are moderates who would only get in the way. They have to be brought in through other means through which they will begin to understand these terms.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this, I don't think we'll get anywhere.
Nice to know you can still have conversations on here, after the election I thought brit/pol/ quality was going to stay tainted forever.
>ethnic cleansing

Do they think the evil white man is driving out the negro?
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