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Brit/pol/ - "We really mean it this time" edition

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 89

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>News streams

>New secret home office report reveals an extra 250,000 illegal immigrants a year

>Protesters charge into Kensington town hall at rally in support of London tower fire victims
https://twitter.com/BBCBreaking/status/875736709840814080 (embed)

>PM orders public inquiry into tower fire

>Two soldiers die after tank incident in Pembrokeshire

>Police are "open-minded" over terror being a potential motive

>Brexit negotiations start on Monday

>Sinn Fein accuses May of breaching Good Friday Agreement as she seeks deal with DUP for Ian Paisley's party to prop her up in power

>The empty homes of rich people in Kensington should be SEIZED to house Grenfell Tower residents made homeless by fire, says Jeremy Corbyn

>Boris Johnson under fire for telling Labour rival who complained about fire service cuts to "get stuffed" when he was London Mayor

periscope lads, not very interesting
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George Galloway on talkRADIO

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He's right you know...
So how long until riots??
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Yea, you know what it is

Brit/pol/ FAQ for burgers
LIVE: Protest

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>racism caused this fire
Can you refute this?
Need nightfall soon before all these fucks stop caring.
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How do you burn neoliberalism? Set fire to the EU parliament?
>Burn my own party

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No Nige tonight on LBC, but he is still with us in our hearts.
Thanks bro
the dittons are a nice enough place
Always lots of traffic in Esher, thank god i dont live near the centre, but i suppose nearly everyone here lives in a close.

you live here too?
If you squint and sort of shake your head a bit, you can almost see a white person.
nope. it was a fridge fire, you put milk in fridges and milk is a symbol of white supremacy.

Burning fridges is what the KKK do now instead of crosses.
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I wish this building nonsense would blow over already so Britpol could become comfy again
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So I heard brits were exceptionally witty

Make a witty joke or remark about the kebab fire
No we support the EU because it is a socialist and anti-nationalist organisation. If you don't understand this it's because you are an uneducated right winger.
>all those remainers who voted labour against 'hard brexit'
t. poorfag
He's trying to incite a riot. Corbynite LARPing knows no limits.
>implying all of london wont look like that in 10 years
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No. It was OXYGEN and their radical allies FUEL and HEAT.

it is high time we banned all three of these. They are causing untold deaths.

cheers big ears
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Pay me and my wifes medical bills.
Brevity is the soul of wit.

Asking someone to be witty is retarded.
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Official London 2017 Theme
An identical building full of Americans burned to the ground in similar circumstances at the same time.

Both Americans were killed instantly.
We need to look into the background causes that is causing they're Radicalisation.

What's the hardest part about a Muslim killing his own daughter?
A. Suppressing the erection.
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My MP is on channel4 news now
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The fire triangle is a social construct. The real fuel for fires is bigotry.
>Set fire to the EU parliament?

It'd be a good start. Obviously the final step is piloting a homemade nuke into Davos.
Happenings can be fun though.
There's white people everywhere
Was there really fucking any reason for this fire fiasco to turn political thanks to Corbyn wankers and Lilly Allen opening her mouth? Seemed incredibly unnecessary.
This march/protest was not impromptu. They're all carrying Socialist Worker pickets.

Quote from one of the protestors:

>There has been no minute’s silence for the victims of Grenfell. We want to remind politicians that people killed by politicians are equally as valuable as those killed by terrrorists,” There is obviously a feeling amongst locals that politicians are directly responsible for these deaths. It could get very, very ugly in the next few days
do they fuck them first or is that haram?
This would be the most perfect ultimate get out card for Theresa if this truly was a terrorist attack, even though it obviously was not
I've got Corrie on
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>the dittons are a nice enough place

Yeah lived here my whole life. Elmbridge is the last bastion of old English anywhere within 20 miles of Charings Cross.

>Always lots of traffic in Esher

Yeah i'm part of that mob. I'm often driving down towards Guildford so I have to get on the A3 with all the other plebs and that means driving through Esher and beautiful Cobham. It's usually rammed since all the roads were built for horse and cart.
david gauke
i really wish theresa may didn't burn down that tower block, what was she thinking
No, they're hypocrites politicisng it on the day of the fire.If this were a terror attack they'd be calling for calm and condemning any mob of white britons gathering
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Give me the rundown on this protest. I would watch it but I am pretty comfy atm and I don't want to ruin it.
You strike me as being quite young. Poor Swede boy
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>I-ignore the terrorism goy! focus on the fire heh heh
>London-based teacher calls in to Galloway
>"I'm far-left, socialist in my outlook"

Teachers always push their shit onto their pupils.
The absolute madman.
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>It could get very, very ugly in the next few days

brb going to Tesco for cans of McEwans and some Bombay mix

He blamed the terror attacks on the government as well.
There needs to be a right-wing equivalent, the Tories should politicise any terror attack within minutes and get their grassroots to round up mobs of angry people demanding solutions
> Buying beer in cans

>that blonde female police officer who's 5'5 tops

Hope they pull her off the streets before nightfall.
Pupils fucking hate their teachers, and listen to no one but Dave, skepta and AJ tracey.
I told my sister to say her geography teacher flirted with her when I found out he was a 30 something Marxist. Complaint put in at the school and he lost his job.
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>That fuckin hipster
It is your duty to do teacher training and engage with kids to counter the plague
That was my motivation at least
Wew lads. Starting to look pretty chimpy. Needs five gallons of diesel to spice it up.
I saw a picture of a group of school children in my old high school and there were Refugees Welcome posters plastered all over the wall. It's ridiculous how much influence left wing teachers are allowed to exert on their students
>Things that never happened
Just heard TM is going to be doling out £5M of gibs because of the chimpout. So the takehome message here is, if you're a shitskin, chimpout regularly and white taxpayers will give you money in order to stop you chimping out more.
what the fuck
>even the white man speaks like a nigger
>not drinking the /finer/ things
Better answer would just be "His dick"
you're a cunt
No you didn't.
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gotta get me a piece of that
Our Jo, Saint Jo Cox would have saved the Grenfell 30 with her heavenly judgement, but the far right put her in the grave. Fight for JUSTICE for the Grenfell 30 by killing white children. #CorbynForPM
Is this knightmarez on the BBC?
welcome to london famalam
None of it goes in their heads tho.

Trust me, it's all a staff room circle jerk, the kids are literal apes
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>tfw you just checked the sprinklers in your building and they work just fine.
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>tfw Dale Winton is actually based asf

>even on portabello road peopl can't afford to buy anything

No shit.
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They won't stop taking about this fire till there more blood and guts.
true, it is an island of green pleasantry in a sea of concrete sprawl,cobham is pleasant too and so is weston green which is up the road from esher, also claygate which is slightly further on. Go to the pub there as the Wheatsheaf is always full,i have never seen a hint of brown yellow or black in either pub.

Guildford not so much, the access to the A3 is both a curse and a blessing, but its also the proximity to the scilly isles and kingston that does it.
Could be worse, you could be taking the train into london in the morning which is an ungodly experience.
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These ethnics better retreat back to their tower blocks or else Her Majesty will burn down another one.

She personally set it on fire as payback to the Muslims for Manchester. It was a very VERY haram act.
> So the takehome message here is, if you're a shitskin, chimpout regularly and white taxpayers will give you money in order to stop you chimping out more.
That's only because everybody fucked up massively
Which stream we watching?
Ruptly, Sky, or BBC
She sounds like a fine young girl with a strong will. I'll buy your sister in exchange for 3 camels inshallah. Deal or no deal?
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What's the betting that they express their fury by setting fire to something... say a tower block?

Teachers are funded by the state so if they want more money they need to be leftists by default, which skews the entire profession leftwards, which has a drastic cumulative effect on the children.
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>Your reward for living in (horrendously expensive) 'vibrant', multi-culti London is having it burned down every five years by its mentally handicapped residents because it got a bit hot.
Kicking off

Hope Rob Delaney gets interviewed soon.
I did. Went to the parents evening with her as our parents were on holiday and he seemed nice enough. A few weeks later he was on my Normiebook side bar of people you may know, as we had a mutual friend. Went on his profile and it was full of smash the fash idiocy and other crap.

My sister is thick as mince but there'll be some impressionable book worm saved from his lies by that so my conscience is very, very clear.
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These demands are getting out of hand


I hate niggers so much.
Start buying guns.
Always knew that poof was a good bloke
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Communist agitator detected

Four armed gunmen infiltrated number 10!!!
Has there been any real victims of this fire yet or just ISIS supporters
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>knightmarez fuck off
Reading this made me sad desu
>Thinking that degenerate teens listen to their teachers
Teachers are in a position of authority as being truth tellers. There is definitely an effect when they try and push an agenda.

I remember reading about an American school teacher who easily indoctrinated his class with communist propaganda. It was in one of my old psychology books
As opposed to unarmed gunmen?
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>political debates with bluepilled parents
>gee you know alot don't you
>yeah, yeah, too much.
>its good though that you do
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going to go for the look of the lad on the left, already got the gorget and swordbelt+plate
Shariah May is taking YOUR taxes and distributing it to niggers and muslims because they're willing to chimp out and burn things down and she's scared of standing up to them.

Shariah May is not long for this world.
Does anyone else agree that the fire safety was atrocious and the people in the tower block were fucked over, but at the same time not really care that much because the vast majority of it's residents aren't British?
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>implying the overly hopped-up, packed to the gills with aromatics, Brewdog impersonating (they started this shit) dishwater fluid that masquerades as small-batch bottled beer these days is even enjoyable

I'll take my 12 cans of McEwans (an actual quality drinkable ale) for 11 pounds please, Mr Tesco (or a tenner in Asda).
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I know, a written commitment??
I'd like to know where and how the £10 million was spent.
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Is this a white guy with blackface on the right?
wew lad shit kicking off on the ruptly stream
a nog trying to calm down a paki
About 6 white people

Other than that, nothing
Some Italians died
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>tfw no craft
Two whites and a couple of doggos I think
Can't we just make Larry the Cat standing PM?
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>muh close knit community

Yeah I'm sure it isn't a haven for gangs and crime.
Or just go outside of kingston, get into elmbridge and it all gets better :)
I like how the yardie convinced the white guy to tone down the protest.
Britain is rapidly falling left wing lad. It clearly fucking works.

BNP members are banned from teaching, but Green members are allowed. Really makes me think desu.
No it's Aunt Jemima
>lots of protesters turn up
>more cops show up
>protesters get angry

a vicious circle
>Does anyone else agree that the fire safety was atrocious and the people in the tower block were fucked over

no, because if you live in a shit hole tower block, you can't expect it to have everything

if anything, it's the residents faults for living there. it's their own risk they're taking on.
I've never paid taxes in 23 years of being alive

Why work?
if you wanna watch the current chimpening and shitpost with likeminded people then i'm streaming it at nausea.club/youtube.html
anyone got good periscope streams?
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>mfw the higher the concentration of kebabs get the more often things like this will happen
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hes going deep cover
it was a ight skinned paki
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Part and parcel of living in a low trust society tbqh.
Right fuck this, I'm heading out onto the streets. No more dead doggos!
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Haha I saw that as well

Do I watch streams or finish The Sopranos S5?
Maybe in smarter schools like the Grammars it could happen but definitely not at the level of school I've taught in.

Your lucky if you get 50% of the GCSE Curriculum into they're head's so they can scrape a C. Kids are more concerned with fighting and hanging out at the the local supermarket, also Snapchat, that seems to play a big part in they're lives.

If a Kid turns out lefty, its more due to Indoctrination from they're loony Liberal parents in my experience.

Although History is the one class that is pure Cancer, but that depends on the teacher.
I agree with Zach.
I don't think the building was intentionally burned.
but It's willful neglect.
They clearly didn't give a shit if this entire building burnt down.
fucking grotty lad. tastes like soil

Nah, the fat fuck has been shamelessly hanging around the tv cameras ever since coverage started though.

ruptly, but its fucking low volume
Think about the 3 white people in London who have to suffer as a result of constant chimpouts.

because you can pay off your student loans and buy a shitty house which you then have to sell to finance your old age care
Based white guy stayed with the puppers till the end.
>Could be worse, you could be taking the train into london in the morning which is an ungodly experience.

Did that for a year, but London is too alien for me now. No point subjecting yourself to that shit for a tidier pay packet. I'd rather stay out in God's country.

To be fair i've even seen a headscarf in the village recently. It's mad.


Is that the new place near Sandown? I've been meaning to go there.

>Scilly Isles

I have to subject myself to that shit every morning, avoiding all the nutty bints in their 4X4s driving young Tarquin to Cobham International School.

I honestly can't believe there are two /pol/acks within 2 miles of each other in one of the nicest parts of the country. This board is absurd.
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i must be loyle to my capo
Someone get down there and set off some fire crackers or something
>ima be fameos
Reposting who I think should be brought to justice

A. The architects responsible for designing only one fire escape
B. The person or persons who authorised using the cheaper, flammable materials
C. The person or persons who authorised cuts to the fire services

As a young privileged white male I say riot. Absolutely.

But let me get comfy first.
thanks for the recommendation, i'll try it
This, whenever there's an attack it's always a "close-knit community" who are "coming together in the aftermath". As if a council house commieblock would be full of anything but scum of the earth.

>pakis are now white

I realise things have gotten desperate in London but that's taking it a bit far.
Student loans are a meme. You never have to pay them if you never get a job

Great for booze money though
>knightmarez would ye mute yer microphone

YOU must consider this.

Hold on....

There are people IN THIS THREAD who unironically voted for SHARIAH May

Let that sink in

You are literally talking to people who voted for SHARIAH May

>Daddy, why did you vote for Shariah May? Now I have to go to prison for refusing to accept Mohammed as my prophet
>Sorry sweety, I'm just a little faggot

All of the people who voted for Shariah May will have to look their girls in the eyes and tell them "I AM A KEKSERVATIVE" AND notghing else.
Local Philosopher desu
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I wanna see more tower fires, I want so many the media is blaming russia

No way they reveal the death toll on a Friday night for a baying mob.
Illiterate he may be, but he's still the only fucking guy who can smoke a cigarette in the rain with both hands tied behind his back...
>Brits allow Polystyrene Cladding on skyscrapers

Good god man.
It's the social science and English teachers that are worst for pushing an agenda imo. I'm not saying you have to explicitly give the children an agenda; just restrict certain information and promote other favourable information and their little brains can come to the conclusions you want them to. It didn't take a lot to get the young people obsessed with Corbyn. Stupid left wing platitudes will do
just got a tower tattoo lads
the fuck is that shoop
may have been a small amount

but yeah health and saftey has been BTFO hard this week
reminder that anyone who has their hood up in this stream is anti-fa and/or agent provocateurs

most people are in tshirts because its 30c and summer, but there are some totally not suspicious people wearing black jackets with their hoods up and sunglasses
This changes everything.

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What do you expect of a tank like this?
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>[chimp noises and body odour/curry cloud in the distance]


>when you forget to take your Super Male Vitality®
As soon as they start chanting "No justice, no peace" riots are confirmed right?
Only for brown people tbqh
>Americans allow planes in skyscrapers

Fucking hell m8
yeah it is, its pretty good. I prefer the swan in claygate as my m8s work there also the wheatsheaf has London prices.

Haha i actually went to school in claygate, but most others who did not go to private school went to grammar school , its usually hinchely wood

Bints in 4x4s are a major problem/hazard, chinese ones are the worse

don't copy us, that's cultural appropriation
My bad, some of them have surprisingly white skin
>Sun journalist 'impregnated Grenfell Tower victim's relative at hospital'

Fucking hell lads, Murdoch's gone too far this time.
There is no such thing as an impromptu march/protest.
>Patisserie Valerie

Mah nigga.
Yeah my English teacher was a loony liberal, too bad she had to teach Based Shakespeare and her class once got ransacked by the Niggers of the School haha
>The person or persons who authorised cuts to the fire services

When will this meme end? The fire service cuts played no part in this. They were on the scene within 6 minutes. It was the cladding that allowed the fire to spread.
student loans are basically free at the rate you have to pay them back. even if you have a job where repayments are significant amounts, the proportion of your wage they make up is perfectly reasonable

even with having to pay student loans, more people here get university degrees than free university countries
I like the idea that the police don't know how many died because the rooms are just full of all kinds of twisted crispy smoking black mass that may or may not be human
Could someone photoshop this father Ted screenshot so it says "I shot Jo Cox"

thanks lads
That's a lot of cake Dale lad
You goys know the real reason for the chimpout right? These residents are concerned they won't be rehoused in the same nice, plush, expensive London borough and they'll be forced to move to a shithole in Zone 4/5. That's what this is really about. They don't give a fuck about other dead residents.
>Could be worse, you could be taking the train into london in the morning which is an ungodly experience.
you're doing it wrong

Motorcycle is the optimum transport method in london. Substantially faster than car and public transport, and cheaper than both. Plus it's fun as fuck once you learn to stop worrying about being crushed to death by HGVs.
whats up with the no audio on ruptly
Mr Popo?
Nah, riots are only confirmed when they start chanting "All power to the Soviets"
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Any riots yet?
>[soft murmurings of allah ackbar in the crowd]
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Will Boris get to use the fire hoses this time?
>A. The architects responsible for designing only one fire escape
are we going to hold people for designing to 1970s code in the 1970s based on standards 40-50 years later?

>B. The person or persons who authorised using the cheaper, flammable materials

How about the code standard body that allows Polystyrene Cladding in fucking skyscrapers.

In addition, we do not know if the Polystyrene Cladding caused the fire to spread.

>C. The person or persons who authorised cuts to the fire services

Fire service response was timely and in force.
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thats why the jews are so rich

>its basically free goyim, only five pounds a week for the rest of your life, dont even think about it; you do have to pay me though and dont dare miss one
nvm it is just INCREDIBLY QUIET
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>Possibly dozens of children burnt to a crisp
>A huge towering inferno.
>First MOLOCH, horrid King besmear'd with blood
>Of human sacrifice, and parents tears,
>Though, for the noyse of Drums and Timbrels loud,
>Their children's cries unheard that passed through fire

Did MOLOCH do this?
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>pray for London
>a tower full of muslims burns down
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>no, because if you live in a shit hole tower block, you can't expect it to have everything
>if anything, it's the residents faults for living there. it's their own risk they're taking on.

You're a mong, lad.

It's not asking too much for your building's sprinklers to be working, the fire alarms to be working and the place not to be a deathtrap. That's why we have laws and standards for this sort of thing. It's readily fucking apparent to anyone who's ever had their own flat that this shit is supposed to come as read or do you expect anyone who moves to a high rise to personally check the building's electrics and water head pressure etc.? You fucking nipple.
My English teacher was a dainty soft spoken feminist woman who couldn't control the class. She was a complete pushover
only the muslimas with chalk foundation get close to white
Please stop using Americanisms
They're talking about Indentification through Dental records and strands of DNA, that's how fucked it is.

Will take weeks before full list is confirmed
My English teacher was a literal hippie. Couldn't take her seriously, so I just read 1984 several times and ignored her. How someone with such obvious political biases is allowed to teach is beyond me.
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DUP will deal with the BBC £4 Billion a year gorilla, god i hope it happens.
Everyone feels like motorcyclists are the vehicular equivalent of queue jumpers, weaving in and out of traffic not only annoys people but puts you at risk of being hit by a car.
Although i see how it can be fun and faster
On it lad

I've got it turned up to 11
when they correct the volume, ears RIP
theres some protests but no real riots
Labour accounts on twitter have said EDL have turned up so shit could start
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>tfw live on an entirely white street

Kek can't wait for the riots to kick off. Once they start in London they'll spread to Manchester and Birmingham, and I can watch it all unfold live from the telly.

The 2011 riots were /comfy/ to watch.
Lol wtf based supermarket sweep faggot.
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Careful now
>People in the UK can't be Liberals

Hmmmm.. really made me think
We allow that type, but it can't be used in buildings taller then 35-40 feet (depending on the state)

Sure people might want to throw the council under the bus for this, but seriously, why is your national code allowing it is my question.
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Will there be riots tonight or not?

Don't let me down
there was some muzzie bird on the telly before going apeshit because she she phoned the hospital to find out if her relatives were dead and they asked her if she'd called them on the phone to see if they're ok lol
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>Make a Facebook post
>Get sent to jail
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Keep the comments nice please.
No accusing the left of hijacking the cause as a political platform and acting like vultures of the gullible poor brown people to promote their white communist plans.
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>building clad in brazen panels
>seperate comparments for sacrifices
>false god of diversity
It checks out.
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as opposed to 5 pounds a week being taxed from everyone in the country, not just university students, in order to pay for the costs?

the university jews will win either way, with student loans the government itself is loaning you the money
>tfw live on an entirely white gated close on an entirely white road in an an entirely white town.
Why are the niggers and shit skins rioting again can we just send them back to their heritage countries I'm fed up of paying their bennies and for labours source of votes

They're free to not live there if the building is not up their personal fire safety standards, but it will be more expensive if they live somewhere which does have those things.

Everyone takes on risk at every point in their lives. This is just another form of risk.

Additionally, these shitskins would've have burned without the lack of safety, so I'm glad it was never put in.
I'm sure Graham Linehan will appreciate the results too

>you will never be in the disaster relief call center dropping sick bants on riled mussies

fuck the one job i actually want to do
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Neoliberalism is why all of those wogs were here.
I looked up my old modern studies teacher on Facebook and she has Owen Jones, Communist and Socialist groups in her likes. Complete propagandist of a teacher
Liberal is a perfectly reasonable designation for retards.
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I went to the grammar school in Kingston.

>Hinchley Wood

That place used to be absolutely cancerous and awful when I was young but apparently it's improved since half of the locals here send their children to it now. It's either that or the average person here is unable to afford private anymore since they've gone up so much since I was in school.

>tfw live on an entirely white street

Feels good man.
God I hope so. What a comfy Friday night that would be.

Having a curry watching the kebabs chimp out.

It's the British way.
Does sound a bit stressful desu
>People in the UK can't be Liberals
>If a Kid turns out lefty, its more due to Indoctrination from they're loony Liberal parents in my experience
Anything that pisses him off is well worth the effort. Make sure he is spammed with the picture.
Is this a WHITE "muslim" woman on Sky?
Just ate 4 burgers lads. Feeling pretty comfy now
>Asian girl joined my workplace this week

So happy.
The mere presence of an Asian girl is enough to brighten my day. They are so feminine, so attractive to the alpha male.
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>tfw live in London
Broke my heart to see how much of a cuck he was. Still like his stuff, it's just like having a monster in my peripheral vision whenever I watch.
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Old white muslim on Sky News. ALLAHU AKKBAR

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>Lefty twitter is saying EDL have turned up
Is shit gonna start?
Yeah, if it was built to fire code and the alarms go off, and some people die. It a sad thing but there only X that you can do.

The fact that code allowed danger and no fire alarms and no sprinklers means that someone fucked up.
Because they want you to pay for them to live in a better area fellow faggot

Good job, that fucker deserved every bit of it! Fuck Marxists!
Doubt there will be tonight desu

Joke: linking articles with your original thoughts
Woke: posting headlines from articles
Bespoke: facebook screenshot of article headline
Ah yes, what a lovely diverse array of charred corpses.
sorry I mean no harm gchq I am not condemning anything
Yanks are OK but I couldn't eat a whole one.
How the fuck did you manage 4?
Calm down she's just a Sith Lord
Some Nig just said £5million wasn't good enough
Would shag
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Tod für Verräter! Freiheit für Großbritannien!
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Whats everyone listening to atm?

>this Muslim convert on sky
interesting interesting
Plz tell me someone saved those images
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>Being a tripfag
>Posting twitter memes
>We are all British
Fuckin ell
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A Sith /Lord/?
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I went to Milbourne, though milbourne junior got taken over and it has had EVEN MORE modern shit tacked on since.
After that i was in yorkshire for a while, then st george's, then charterhouse which was alright

Hinchely wood are middle class knobs
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>implying british is a race
So you'd rather we sit in the queue like a car, thus making the queue longer?
We aren't slowing you down at all.
We are literally making your journey quicker by reducing congestion.
And it's statistically safer for motorcycles to filter. Most common type of accident is fender benders. Such an accident will result in whiplash for someone in a car, for someone on a motorcycle they can be crushed to death between two vehicles.
There are several studies showing filtering reduces motorcycle fatalities and reduces congestion.
so stop being a cunt to bikers.
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Morte a traditori! Libertà per la Gran Bretagna
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Here is £5million.

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>We are all British

my condolences, whereabouts?
Why are far-left ideologies tolerated in education, and not far-right? Surely gassing people to death is more humane than starving them. The English teacher I had wore a floral dress and flowers in her hair, a complete kook.
Whats 5 million?

300 people - 16,667 pounds per person.
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Our new brown slave race. We will rfid chip them soon
Fuck sorry I'll delete the link to mine
>implying you count as a british citizen if you aren't a native
They are jealous
me in the back
Far right is Science, Maths, PE

Basically anything that teaches kids that to survive in life, they have to be strong
yeah comletely ignore all traffic rules mainly speeding horifficly,overtaking the leading vehicle at pedestrian crossings on zigzags because that's where acidents are most liekly, ignoring solid white lines, and ride around with full beam on because "cagers don't see me otherwise"

Happily there is a very good chance compared to a car driver he will die in a single vehcile accident and a huge chance he will suffer debilitating or life changing injuries if he doesn't die.

Here is how you should make progress, you overtake the queue of stationary trafic while sitting in the middle of the other lane, the right hand lane. Then you pull back in like a merge and stop, then you do it again and again.
That dumb bitch on Sky News. $5 million is an insult? What the fuck are these people owed besides maybe compensation for personal property.
>They're free to not live there if the building is not up their personal fire safety standards, but it will be more expensive if they live somewhere which does have those things.

Did you miss the part where I said you were a mong?

Most people - including you - are not qualified enough to make a judgement on whether or not a building is fire safe and so we delegate the task for something like that to other people (who are qualified) and the law, the idea being that if we enforce strict standards across the board (as decided my these people), it means that everyone doesn't have to go and sit fire safety courses or whatever just so they can be sure they're not moving into a deathtrap.

Using your retardation, it would be legal to sell a unroadworthy car to someone because "well, people should check" even though hardly anyone is a fucking qualified mechanic.

Assuming you're not still living at home, when you moved out did you go check the building for subsidence? Did you check the pressure head for the sprinklers? Did you check the building's busbar to ensure all the connections were up to standard? Or did you just move in assuming those things were taken care of? Use your head, for fuck's sake.
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not that good but it works
I was at the work site the other day with my coworkers/mates we were ontop of some scaffolding overlooking the street (we live in a quiet like 98%+ white area).

We saw a sikh walking below (they just recognised the turban not knowing it was a sikh) one of them spat at him and all of a sudden to conversation tuned into laughing at all those shitskins dying in the London fire.

These guys were pretty bluepilled up until recently, now all of a sudden the thought of shitskins burning to death was hilarious to them.

I think the sheep are slowly being woken up lads.
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Tom Evans - Shut Down

It's dramatic orchestra mix music with no lyrics. It's always best to listen to when you want to build up a little dramatic hype for a happening!
>spitting at bro tier sikhs is redpilled

fuck off, they are the original kebab removers
>Most people - including you - are not qualified enough to make a judgement on whether or not a building is fire safe

Given that the building existed and was not fire safe, the people currently qualified to determine that are also not qualified.

>everyone doesn't have to go and sit fire safety courses or whatever just so they can be sure they're not moving into a deathtrap.

You don't need to do this, you just need to look at the piece of shit building you're moving into to know that it is an obvious death trap. No courses needed. You wouldn't catch me living in a shithole like that.
it is legal to sell someone an unroadworthy car you mongoloid, we have MOTs to asses their roadworthiness and certify them to be on the road

i can sell people an unroadworthy car even if it has a currently active MOT before it entered an unroadworthy state, if someone drives it I have done nothing wrong.

the tower itself was built according to safety standards, and (presumably) within the rules of safety standards that applied to it. obviously the government should in retrospect have made more up to date legislation retroactive, but that would cause lots of problems for legacy buildings and owners so its understandable why it wasnt
>A sit down protest in Oxford circus

Childish desu. Glad I'm not on one of those stuck buses.
>Stuck on a busy central London bus in this heat

I'd rather die
Why would you spit on a Sikh? Muslims sure, but Sikhs?
they still milling around?
would be banter if the fire was caused by racists
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