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I'm a white male living in Spain, from the UK, my parents

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Thread replies: 331
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I'm a white male living in Spain, from the UK, my parents and family are white.

I'm not a racist, but there is no fucking way Spanish people are white, their skin is the first clue, then the features.

So they aren't white, then why do half of them openly support Franco and Hitler?

Hitler would have sent them to the gas chambers after the metizos and blacks and maybe even before the Chinese.

Hilter literally said that they were sub human and not white like the Germans and British.

Whats going on here? I also see very very dark brown spanish guys who are darker skinned than barrak obama doing the seig heil and mustache then laughing, and some others, also fucking brown, graffiting swastikas, and refugee(notably about their race/colour)
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>Reddit formatting...
italians and spainiards are not white, they are rapebabies of the horde. Pathetic subhuman shits
Whats wrong with reddit? And did you even read my post?
No I didn't read it
fuck you white devil

spanish are our black's friends
i will never forgive you if you touch my friends
Wow, then stop posting in my thread if you're not going to contribute anything meaningful. You're making the community worse and wasting everyones time
I'm talking about the Spanish from Spain, not the indigenous of mexico aztec decendents. I don't care about them.
they used to be white but were race mixed with the muslims who invaded and established the caliphate a thousand years ago
>why do half of them openly support Franco and Hitler?

Franco did a great many things for some, and there are old people who genuinely miss him.
About Hitler, well, looks like you already have noticed the average Spaniard is not very gifted intelectually. Be free to ridicule them at your leisure
>Skin is tan
>Can't be White

And your evidence for the so called race mixing is what Anon?
Fascism is a Jesuit creation. Spanish speakers are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. Hitler was Roman Catholic. Connect the dots.
I asked some about the 1000 muslim years, and they said that the muslims didnt rape anyone and were very peaceful, and that they mostly didnt mix.

But half the country is covered in castles built by them and most of it has arabic names, then when i compare how british people look to spanish...its like i'm looking at a muslim
Fucking Reddit spacing.... Jeeeeezus!
If only Nords are "White" then reject the rest of Europe and form your own Alliance.

Good luck

No, sorry, this is my thread now, not yours, get out of here
Yes but hitler also wanted to kill all spaniards by putting them on trains and sending them to saunas with poision gas.

He killed hundreds of thousands of spanish like this during his reign who were in germany.

One of the main fucking aryan things is the skin colour, there is no fucking way he would have allowed german ss officers mixed with muslim genes
Well, then if you don't think Iberians are White, then forget about then go it alone.

Like I said, good luck
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This board doesn't welcome hate speech. /POL/ is a board of love, peace and inclusivity, take your disgusting spanophobic hate speech where it belongs - Reddit.
Where do you live OP?
Alright so slavs are not white,Greeks are not white,Italians,Spanish and south French are not white,Irish are not white and of course romainians are not white....did i forget anyone...oh yeah Finns,Hungaryans and Portuguese.
So only nord and celtics are white.
Well at least we are all european....but not for long.
>I'm not a racist

fuck off newfag
Are you a ([(])] using the spanish flag?
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This is now a shibi UKIP thread
>>>130165550 (OP)
>>I'm not a racist
>fuck off newfag
Reddit normie fag. Go back to /the_donald. Muh, niggers are good as long as they support drumpf
>I'm a white male living in Spain, from the UK, my parents and family are white.

You already escaped from Londonistan?

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>Whats wrong with reddit?
Not that Danebro, but you do know the history of the Iberian peninsula, right?

I still think the Spaniards are our bros tho
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No shit they're not fully white, hitler would've wanted them... in Spain where they belong.
Great thread rabbi.

oh, lemme guess, every single Iberian was raped by an African or Arab and they're all RAPE babies.

Amirite derp Anon?
>Leaves his own shithole country
>Immediately shits on the people who are hosting him
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
Ok rabbi.
Of course not. You do realize that there is a space between "no rapes occurred at all" and "literally every single Iberian was raped" right?

Pic kinda related same shit happened in Greece
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This is me at 3 when people in sunny areas don't use sunscreen you end up having less melanine in your skin easy to say when you live in a country where t fucking suns only fucking hits you 2 day a year.

Fucking ghost nigger
>Brown people aren't white

No shit you fucking braindead retard
The holocaust didn't happend though.
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
OP your name is Jeremy Blackburn and you are a faggot who will be judged by the Templars of /pol/
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
Get the fuck out!

>And did you even read my post?
No! Now get the fuck back to plebbit and play with something poisoneous!
If you have brown eyes you are not pure white, it's that simple.
>>Skin is tan
>>Can't be White
This. You cannot be "white" under this UV levels.

> Yes but hitler also wanted to kill all spaniards by putting them on trains and sending them to saunas with poision gas.
> He killed hundreds of thousands of spanish like this during his reign who were in germany.
But not because they where Spanish or his skin, it was because they were communists.
Because he wouldn't have sent them to the imaginary gas chambers. He just wouldn't have welcomed them into the world empire.
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Nice try jew.

>What's wrong with reddit?
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>What's wrong with Reddit?
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
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>what's wrong with reddit?
U have to go back
Take them back to Africa with you, you LARPing porch monkey
germans ruined it, it is NOT just about a certain phenotype of white, but about that unique consolidation of culture, language, symbolic meaning found in your native soil, gestures, traditions that MAKE a race - it is a spiritual thing that can degrade over time.

Also, you seem to think we all have to be essentially ghosts in order to be white - white people can work the fields too you know.

You are literally warping the reality of entire european history in order for it to reflect your IDEAL which is based in nothing more that this group of whites is slightly PRETTIER than other group.

Essentially, you are a goddamn woman.

>umm, hey guys, are my eyes blue enough?
>oh my god i saw this blond germanic god sooo cute!
>ewww italians are so icky and stuff and they never achieved anything right my blond girls!

Any self respecting person will laugh at this. And it is not about being white but being truthful IN THE IMAGE OF YOUR ANCESTORS - our very existence IS NOT A FASHION TREND.

Nietchze understood that race is cultivization and a sterness, disciplining upwards to achieve a certain IDEAL - the british gentleman for instance, is a realisation of anglo saxon race, its manifestation, conqistador for spaniards, tsar for russians, pioneer for americans.

And yet all you see is prettiness, like a woman.

Life is much more than simple wealth - norway used to be a backwater before oil, so what? They still loved their homeland. This is literally fetishism.

Caucasians are still humans, so they adapt to climates. Blondness means NOTHING if no ideal, no cause is strived for i believe - Slavs are blonde as hell, yet somehow germanics are better - oh look this shade of blue eyes is more master race than this one. Nonsense.

All this discomfort with existance is quite sad - like a bunch of neurotic lunatics with an identity crisis going am i white enough, am i white enough, oh my god, we all must be blond beasts of war, raaarr hear me roar!
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We will rise up together, my brotha.
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Here, have another (you) now fuck off back to Marruecos moro de mierda
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Move back to a white anglophone country then, you filthy immigrant.

Moving to Spain and complaining about the locals is as bad as niggers moaning about 'evil whitey' in the US
>Whats wrong with reddit?
>the only foreigner who evern won a Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was a spaniard
Absolutely this.
It makes us look like the worst kinds of hypocrites when over a MILLION Englishmen live in Spain and another million elsewhere.
lurk for a few months before posting, you ignorant bitch
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Spanish nationalist make neat music


And they look nowhere near arabs. Some look like turks tho, but they are not.

Cut out the bullshit, genetically speaking, even dark spaniards are 85% european.
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> What is wrong with reddit?
You must be in Andalusia. Southern Europeans and Nords are clearly different, but we were both white and we created Europe
That bullshit mate. You know what Y-DNA is? arab Y-DNA is nowhere to be seen in Spain.

There is some admixture from the north of africa but that comes mainly from moor women, not men.

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>Whats wrong with reddit?
Modern Spaniards are mostly Arabic after 700 years of occupation

Same with the Greeks
Right mate firstly no such thing as 'white' thats just something yanks say because they abandoned Europe, they are European and some of the most successful ones at that. Now fuck off
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>mostly Arabic

You can't be serious. Even taking rough autosomal admixture the peak is 15% african admixture.

And the iberian peninsula was not occupied for 700 years what the fuck. Not even the lower middle was occupied for 700 years. The upper third was occupied for barely 70 years.

Open a book guys, really. You sound totally retarded.
It's not even 15%,it's 10%.

By the way, those who invaded the iberian peninsula (invaded, not colonized) were north african muslims NOT arabs.
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Go back to South America spic
Can any spaniards tell me what some good newspapers in spain?
Trying to relearn spanish and reading news is a good way to learn words.
Stop propagating Jewish lies OP, you should know better.
He killed atleast 6.000.000 of spaniards in the rollercoaster of death, everybody knows that. oh vey
I must start one. Still is better than the retarded "slavic" haircut
that`s fake, pistol does not recoil from shot..should have moved his hand away from his head

el mundo deportivo
What the fuck is your problem?

This is not the first thread you make about this subject. You made another piece of shit thread like this like two weeks ago.

Either you have inferiority complex or what. I dunno. You sound like a fucking ignorant.
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
kys londoner
>Wow, then stop posting in my thread
>his thread

Fuck off kike you want to own threads now?

Something non-sports related. I want more about current news and politics.
It's the same thing in Portugal.

PNR are a bunch of brownies not realizing Northern Europeans laugh at them behind their backs.
Spanish people are white, but you're not.
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Begone buffoon
I hate this shitty meme, i have never posted on reddit but this is how i type
Muslims didn't mix, it's the same as the Romans in the UK, very few people have Roman links, and when the Anglo Saxons and Normans came, they were the ruling class but there was very little mixing. Grow up. Stop this anal pained race mixing fucking crap.
>le nordcucks are the real white
please leave my country you retarded nigger

Nobody laughs at you behind your backs, no more than you laugh at us, which I presume you sometimes do.
This is like Greeks with 'we are the refugees of Europe' shit as their daughters get sodomised by Afghans on university campuses.
Keep telling yourselves that you are soooooo different and that 'we' will never accept you as the dirty mocro shit accumulates about your ears.
lived in cadiz for a few years
first trip over to morocco and the spanish were plenty white for me
Also check the genetic maps.
We have the same DNA that skeletons from fucking Mycenaean and Minoan tombs have.
We've been here for ever and we'll be here forever.

You can't change the DNA of a people with a small invasion force. Can't be done, you need to genocide them to the point where you are a majority, and that never happened in Europe.
Go back to London, i'm sure Major Muhdick Kang will welcome you with an open zipper.
>I'm a white male living in Spain, from the UK, my parents and family are white
>from the UK
t. Mahmood
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
>This is like Greeks with 'we are the refugees of Europe' shit as their daughters get sodomised by Afghans on university campuses.

What are you talking about retard.
We're not refugees and never will be.
You'll be begging to come to Greece when we send you a couple of million more Engineers though.

Also read this >>130178988
T.not a brit or spanish,probably panchito
spaniards are christianized arabs and berbers
This. Good post. Even niggers can be NatSoc. I wouldnt want them to live in my country, But they would have my respect at least.
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
Yes, he is from south america I guess
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All I'm saying is they laugh at Mediterraneans for thinking they're as "white" as Nordics, like there's some sort of European Family. There isn't. There was NEVER any unity between Europeans. You get rid of the non-whites and Jews, Southern Europeans suddenly lose their "white" status. I find it amazing that most white whites in Portugal are leftists and the far-right is almost always the light browns thinking they're white. Pathetic. Laughable... but pathetic.

No one here laughs at Nordics. Maybe Sweden, but only because they are emasculated due to political correctness.
>all this hate for reddit

You guys sure do seem to spend a lot of time talking about it. If it was irrelevant you wouldn't.
is he correct?
Not accurate, they were a mixture of Yemeni, Syrians and Berber, they settled in different regions. Some hispano Visigoth patricians converted also. There has been lots of white Muslims in Spain.
Hitler wouldn't have sent shit to the gas chambers, Hitler didn't want to kill all non 'whites' he wanted Germany for the Germans.
>Hitler would have sent them to the gas chambers
You are an absolute retard. Lurk more you dumb gullible piece of shit
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>HURR DURR muh spanish death trains
not true, they were a mix, you even had subsaharan tangerines

spaniards are not white, Manuel
We arent white, we are mostly celtiberians
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>whats wrong with reddit
>>>130165550 (OP)
>Hitler wouldn't have sent shit to the gas chambers, Hitler didn't want to kill all non 'whites'.

Maybe, but he didn't stop Himmler.
Probably shit news but those are some of the "big" news outlets here

k Jordi kill yourself
It's a great gift that we can make you laugh.
Your women sure don't because they choose us over you 100% percent of time.

Modern Nords have the limp wrist syndrome.
That's why you and East Asians make the best trannies, but that's for another time.
Ok, thanks.
South american desu

>t. Sephardi Jew

Jews always pull shit like this. Don't fall for it. Spaniards are tanned whites.
>Whats wrong with reddit?
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>there is no fucking way Spanish people are white
a fucking genius
I was born in Portugal from a 100% Portuguese family going back as far as can be traced, yet I have blue eyes and light brown hair (as do my grandparents and great uncles/aunts) and I've been told I can easily pass as a local frenchman. Only my name gives it away easily.
I never cared for this whiteness nonsense anyway, the term is completely meaningless on any level beyond the surface, literally.
>i'm a white man
No, you're a faggot.
White isn't a race. There's no white "race", what actually exists is white subraces in the plural. Just as spaniards are different from brits the scandinavians are also different from brits and germans are different from french and so on. White is a broad term that encompass all subraces of people native to the european continent. If you were to put them into a racial group that would be caucasian and caucasian people exist outside of europe as well like the berbers. All caucasians societies have accomplished something great at some point in time, be it in europe or outside of it, we owe modern civilization to them, to the many caucansian societies that developed through time.

The (((people))) who love to make these threads "are x white?" are kike shills and faggot redditors, this should be a bannable offense and these threads should be deleted on sight.

Europeans are a distinct selection of many caucasoid subraces and that includes iberians, anglos, germans, scandinavians and everything native from europe. Do not fall for this divide and conquer.
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anglo btfo
It's a good thing Reddit exists so that we don't have to actually talk to each other
Política Exterior
You seem to think higher would have gone over the entire earth killing people, falling for kike propaganda is easy I guess.
Hitler firmly believed in a place for every race. He wanted to reclaim rightful German soil, and he wanted Jews to stop fucking with the German economy in an attempt to crash it yet again.
>what is a sun tan in june
Look at this, this is what i'm talking about, these guys probably both have those osama beards, the brown skin, brown eyes, short as fuxking hell, literally 5'11" here is 6'6" in the uk.

They get super angry when you point out that they're not really white, and that Spain is basically a holiday resort for actual whites, just like those carribean islands or other brown country where whites regularly holiday. Tunisia too i guess.

Why are the Spanish racist toward north africans too, as if they don't look really really similar, and they are an EU welfare nation like greece and Poland. In the UK where i lived all the cleaners and barristas are spanish and polish too.
Are you sure it's my post you're replying to?
Important: that map is basically NWA (typically Berber) not SSA (Black), the name "African Admixture" is very unfortunate as it gives the idea that it is black admixture, which ranges to a max of 2% from Mesolithic Natufian admixture. The Eupedia intro gives more info on that. The biggest problem with those maps is that they mix the Canary Islands and Madeira with the global of Iberia and then they paint the map as they believe the gradient should be, so it's orientative more than anything.

Also, this thread is bullshit, most Spaniards have very white skin and we are definitely not more "swarthy" than the average southern Euro.
Hitler a good boy. He didn't do nuffin. He's just misunderstood. He was going back to school.
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>Hilter literally said that they were sub human and not white like the Germans and British.

Hitler on Spaniards:

>Hitler referred to the division as "equal to the best German ones". During his table talks, he also said:
>To troops, the Spaniards are a crew of ragamuffins. They regard a rifle as an instrument that should not be cleaned under any pretext. Their sentries exist only in principle. They don't take up their posts, or, if they do take them up, they do so in their sleep. When the Russians arrive, the natives have to wake them up. But the Spaniards have never yielded an inch of ground. One can't imagine more fearless fellows. They scarcely take cover. They flout death. I know, in any case, that our men are always glad to have Spaniards as neighbours in their sector.

>Later when Hitler considered an invasion of Spain to remove Franco and replace him with Agustín Muñoz Grandes, he decided against it, saying "The Spaniards are the only tough Latins. I would have a guerrilla war in my rear."

>They were awarded both Spanish and German military awards, and were the only division to be awarded a medal of their own, commissioned by Hitler.
White portuguese here. Couldn't agree more. It's funny that the rich white people here are always leftists or fiscal conservatives and the light browns, with clear Arab ancestors (pic related), are the "white" nationalists and the racists who hate EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING that doesn't look or think like them.
>The hitler hated all non blonde non blue eyes people

this meme has to die.

There is a big difference between loving aryans and hating non aryans.

The meme was a jewish fabrication to divide and conquer
Of course. Hitler was full of love for other cultures. This idea that he considered the Aryans superior to everyone else and that's why they shouldn't mix is bogus. He just respects all cultures so much he wanted to preserve them all. Hitler was a nice guy. Too bad the Jews brainwashed all of us in school into thinking he was an Aryan Supremacist. Thank God /pol/ opened my eyes to the TRUTH.



Benjamin Franklin also said Germans are not white.
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The intervention of the Blue Division saved Germany from being over-runned in the Leningrad front and gave them one more year (until early 1944). By then the Blue Division was disbanded by Franco due to Allied pressures and many of their fighters were scattered into other divisions.
The sun never sets...

I've never seen a jew in public or met one in the UK.

>everyday mad about jews controlling everything
>every other person on tv is jewish
>then why do half of them openly support Franco and Hitler?

No sensible person would do this in 2017. And nonsense knows no colour.
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>buh muh subhumuns
This is a quote from wikipedia on Hitler's opinion you dunce.
"Hitler referred to the division as "equal to the best German ones". During his table talks, he also said:

To troops, the Spaniards are a crew of ragamuffins. They regard a rifle as an instrument that should not be cleaned under any pretext. Their sentries exist only in principle. They don't take up their posts, or, if they do take them up, they do so in their sleep. When the Russians arrive, the natives have to wake them up. But the Spaniards have never yielded an inch of ground. One can't imagine more fearless fellows. They scarcely take cover. They flout death. I know, in any case, that our men are always glad to have Spaniards as neighbours in their sector."
OP actually posted a fairly interesting question about a group of people who openly support (frivolously or otherwise) an ideology that would never have accepted them, and why that would be, but because he doesn't give a shit about our arch nemesis (((((reddit))))) everyone's jumping on the dogpile with shit memes. Why do you do this to me /pol/?
>there is no fucking way Spanish people are white
Please kill yourself.
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>Whats wrong with reddit he says?
When you can't discredit the message, you resort to ad hominem attacks to try and discredit the messager.

It takes 5 or 6 years of coming to this place everyday to realize how shit this place is...
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
Centro region here - not PNR (right-pop.) voter not left-populist there - depicted in that image.

We don't care about these meme rallies, portugalidade, who's white or not.

Subhuman Lisbon scum (white, black,...) will be purged. Electing 1 MP from Animal's party to keep dogs healthier than the rest of country suppressed that to put in their lists people who never lived in distrital electoral circles that gather around the national HQ parties.

We hate you, we truly hate you. This includes Metropolitan Lisbon area.
Franco was spanish, are you a nigger? Hitler loved the spanish too

Subhuman confirmed
Hitler considered them worthy allies and had spanish divisions fighting for him, he had nothing but praise for spain and its people throughout his life, he used them as examples to follow in many occasions like when referring to their defence of europe from muslims and africans

Not true, a french man won it
>I'm a white
>t. Shlomo
>I'm not a racist, but there is no fucking way Spanish people are white, their skin is the first clue, then the features.



Can you please explain why Reddit is bad? The discussions are due to the active moderation more rational and they don't argue just with >hurrr durr 4chan like you.

Also, the upvoting system provides the supply with quality content only.
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yeah brown eyed shitskins fuck off. that includes you, sean connery.
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Hello r/The_Donald
>You're making the community worse and wasting everyones time
>This is my thread - give me an up-vote or get out
>ignore donkey posts
>hide donkey threads
>reply disdainfully to donkey posters
You're right, I'm Iberian. Iberians always had brown eyes due to the sunlight always present here.

Even the most clownish person praised in /pol/, Varg, admitted he was wrong about Iberians.
ryan reynolds white? not a chance.
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Nothing will happen. You won't purge no one. You won't purge blacks, drug dealers, trannies, etc. You'll stay quiet and dominated. There won't be any "awakening" or "spiritual revolution" and what not. Specially not a far-right race-based one, because the Portuguese HATE the fascists.

>b-but we're not fascist!! w-we just want to preserve our culture and heritage ;_____;

LOL. Maybe YOU buy into that shit but not those of us with years of experience in dealing with the far-right. You'll keep complaining on the internet and among your friends like a bitter impotent moron and the rest of us will keep on going.
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>What's wrong with Reddit?
Show some fucking respect to your hosts, you odious little sod.
>Centro region here - NOT PNR (right-pop.)

Look again idiot.
Lisbon needs another earthquake.

A capital constructed at the expense of the rest of entire country and colonies.

You subhuman ins Lisbon are more interested in LaRPing in fascists and commies while the rest of the country is poor. Trying to mimicking popularist movements - right or left.

Enough circus and attention deviation at the capital.

Estas macacadas servem para quê? Lisboetas de merda,

Go back to Britain you bloody cunt.
I hope you get deported once Brexit happens, globalist son of a bitch.

I personally do not care if I am considered white or not. I just hate fucking dividers like you.


Did you even read? He is an immigrant.
>White Portuguese here
Haaaaa... Yeah right
As opposed to libergtarianism or heebocracy, riddled with jews and freemasons
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I'm even more just angry that the MSM based in capital deviate attention to these meme and counter mem organisations, you Lisbon flower power . I don't even know what care about Nova Portugalidade or know. It's meme to distract us.

None cares about PNR here - it's memetic party, my region can't elect a communist party MP here. People study at university and live to your capital find jobs or abroad. We're underpopulated and getting less developed fast.

I hope Lisbon continues to get gentrified - you fags learn something.
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You treat better a dog than a fellow countryman.
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
He was a jew loving freemason. He and the other ff are trash
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nice bait and D&C at the same time.
done by an illegal alien, for sure

>A Quick Breakdown Of The Difference Between Hispanic, Latino And Spanish
By Taylor Pittman

>“Hispanic is basically based on whether you or your family speak the language of Spanish whereas Latino is focusing more on geographic location, that being Latin America,” Lazo said in the video.

Do you speak Espanish?

yes: Then you're a spic

no: then you're white, black or chinese
Checked. Archive clickbaiters.
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Well, at least they got a seat. How many does PNR have? Zero? Oh shit... I guess we must save the portuguese from themselves, then.

Ahah! Go ahead! Sacrifice your only life and your well-being for an abstraction. Pathetic submissive obedient cunts... if it weren't for enjoying your pathetic bitter impotence ("OS PRETOS!! OS PANELEIROS!! OS COMUNAS!! TODOS TÊM QUE MORRER!!" lololol) and the laughs you provide I'd wish you all death.

We pay them...they're our workers

We pay something like 30% of their GDP, they would be 3rd world confirmed without the British, and then there are the EU welfare money they take, and the billions we paid them when they joined the EU and adopted the euro
God! I love bots!
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That map is disonest, calling i "african" without making it clear that is caucasoid berber very ancient from pre-historic expansions, that's why it has no north south distribution and peaks in galicia or cantabria (areas that had almost none muslim ocupation). In Iberia it ranges from 2% to 7%. And that's also why iberians only genetically fall in a Euro area in pca maps.

The same way west-asian (via turkey), that goes for all central and north-west europe but no one cries about it.... i guess why
It's how we were all taught to type and write, new ideas are separated by a blank line.

Tab-indented paragraph formatting doesn't work online and hasn't been taught at school in decades, at least not in the UK, I've always suspected it was just a false flag meme to distract discussions.
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>anglo subhuman deciding who's white
this is exactly what i'm talking about

I admit shes on the lighter side, most spanish are many shades darker, and have the arab nose/eyes

but look at pic related, its a jewish girl who was refugeed in the netherlands being Hitler was going to murder her.

Jews are genetically arab, and just by looking you can tell she is too
My 59 year old mum wears those shoes so her feet don't get cold in the kitchen, do numales really wear them in public?
Photograph #:
A young Jewish girl, Truusje Schoenfeld, plays with an abacus while living in hiding in The Netherlands.
Geertruida (Truusje) Simone Schoenfeld (now Trudy Katzer) is the only child of Walther Isidor and Margareta (Katz) Schoenfeld. She was born July 14, 1939 in Amsterdam. Her parents, who were both born in Germany, moved to The Netherlands in 1936 or 1937 shortly after their marriage. Walther had been a law student in Germany until he was forced out as a Jew soon after the Nazi seizure of power. His two older brothers immigrated to the United States before the war. Margareta (Grete) came from a large traditional Jewish family. Her father was a cantor and teacher in a Jewish school. Grete had eight siblings, seven of whom immigrated to America and Palestine before the war. After moving to Holland, Walther earned a living selling handbags and working for the Jewish Council, while Grete worked as a milliner. Her parents, Levi and Bertha Katz, and brother, Werner, also settled in Holla...
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> like there's some sort of European Family

You have to explain why europeans cluster with each other and are more related to each other than with any other non-european group. Look at a basic Pca genetic distances map and see where are spaniards or portuguese and where are turks, arabs and all that bullcrap D&c myths and exagerations that you write like other aliens and antifa do.
This cant be real.
They are not africans but shitskins like middle eastern people.
Its a meme that stupid teenagers that left reddit for 4chan use.
Well barrak obama acts pretty white, and has many "white" features, if you hear him speaking without the video he sounds like a white guy,

but he is 50% African....

sure the spanish might have a genetic make up similar to other europeans, but so do the arabs themselves, but we socially and biologically distinguish the arabs as non white...

Like that non latino white shit too.

The southern european countries are heavily mixed with arabs, who are mixed with black africans.

Spanish people are "not white" the same way that Italians were considered a whole other separate swarthy race a century+ ago.

They're all fucking white. They may not be as pure as the driven snow as Laplanders or anemic English Roses, but they're all fucking white. The Irish were considered a subrace too, before "whiteness" was even a thing.

Hitler would not have gassed them ffs

What you're noticing is simply the minute ethnic differences that once seemed larger when everyone was mostly distinguishing between various shades of beige instead of (roughly) white and black so often.

Look at the map again, it's easy to understand.
arabs cluster far far away of europeans.
Iberians cluster within other europeans. why? because they are europeans. If they were heavily mixed they wouldn´t fall there.
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Here look again, one is a Spanish "white", the other is girl decended from the first men of the middle east, the arab/middle eastern jews.

They are pretty fucking similar you think?

Try to do that with a swedish or german girl...

you can't

Hitlers SS were hunting that girl, and they wern't accidentally gassing german girls because its fucking obvious shes non white...
Spanish people are the most chill and have the best looking girls in all of Europe
Live under the sun for long enough, eventually your people will be brown, that's genetics for you
If you're unhappy, just go back to pissland kingdom tea-drinking faggot
Lmao You sound like my ((((middle school teachers)))) who told us that anyone that didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes would've been killed by le evil germahns.
Gas yourself rabbi
No one in the west thinks portugese are white... they're one of the main reasons for Brexit,.

Its almost like the non whites in europe have a welfare stake in convincing the rest who are paying for it (Germany, uk france, sweden) that they are all one big happy family.
Kek, good good. Just compare skin textures, nose size and eye color. The invasion doesn't give two shits let alone one. Just make sure you debate about that trivial crap. ;)
I bet you live in tre south
You idiot - I even make fun of PNR.
You Lisbon folk the champagne left and right caviar - don't divert your sins.

you are all in same bucket. - PNR and Lisbon antifa are best buddies. While we are wortking ourselves to get less paid than you and get all public investment and shiet.

Agencia Europeia do Medicamento
Metro Mondego

And Lisbon folk are LARPing as TRump vs Macron and shiet?

You are the one bringing who's white threads to /pol/ except the Northerns trolls.

>Well, at least they got a seat.
You national HQ of the parties put unethically some figureheads in some regions didn't even visit, idiot.

We have more leftists in sociological centre in Coimbra - and they still exist a disparity of treatment between the rest of country and you, subhumans. We bring Tspiras and Dilma. They get less paid than the leftists in Lisbon.

>Subhuman Lisbon scum (white, black,...) will be purged.

Majority of Lisbon is scum. There are regions score higher in national exams.

read my original post again
These trivalities are just to distract us from what's really happening in this country and your MSM based in Lisbon use it.
>No one in the west thinks portugese are white... they're one of the main reasons for Brexit,.

ROTFL one of the best ones i've read
you even hadn´t a country alien, already Portugal was a whitenation.
Btw, we dont need to be considered anything, our heritage,culture, history speaks by itself.
look another antifa traitor. what a surprise.
> Finna get my meme on
> Ugly ass nigguh in my DM's
> Cuck sends me link to thread
> Know it's gonna be trash /pol/ shit

> "You like /pol/ right Brownrigg?"
> Once I told this nigguh, but it not enough
> "Unfortunately I ain't got time my dude"

> Jogging through the thread
> A white guy in Spain?
> Racist?
> Everybody know that shit reel
> Don't send me no more /pol/ threads nigguh

Read every first letter
>It's this same xDDD u r non white thread again

Stop projecting so much and kill yourself.
>Whats wrong with reddit?
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He posted a random spanish girl, in two seconds on google looking for arab girls I found a fucking identical looking kid.

Now lets put a white girl in it to see if the difference is obvious, and an asian so you know its not a meme that the spanish look north african/middle eastern
Fuck off wop
Spics hate niggers more than White people.
>Hitler would have sent them to the gas chambers after the metizos and blacks and maybe even before the Chinese.
Hitler wouldn't have sent ethnically pure races into the chambers. Just mongrels
wow a pnr fag calling someone who disagrees with him a traitor,what a surprise
Woppy Goldberg over here
I'm like idiot - spending 5 years i

Do you think it is normal your Lisbon scourge voting in this Animal Party rather than Tempo Livre / Avançar? You're fucked up in your minds completely. Too much national wealth it is in your hands?

Do you think PNR and you carrying that image of that manif 500 times leads us anywhere?

You two both have too much attention directed to you.
Didn't anybody tell you, anon? Hitler is dead. He won't be gassing.
>I'm a white male living in Spain, from the UK, my parents and family are white.
>I'm not a racist, but there is no fucking way Spanish people are white, their skin is the first clue, then the features.
I'm not a racist either, I'm a white Spaniard living in the UK, but I think anglos are stupid for inviting muslims into their countries and giving them free accommodation.

We do not do that (although the Catalonians do, but they claim not to be Spaniards)
>What's wrong with reddit?
>speaks by itself

Why yes it does, talking to yourself is a great sign of delusion.

And no one fucking cares about 3rd world portugal, i'd rather go to brazil.

Oh and notice no one knows your language except people who you colonized, and even they speak English now.
>ethnically pure



1000+ years of arab cock domination
literally 50% of the language are from arabic
Most of the places and buildings are named after arabs
arabs are famous for their harams of sex slaves and raping the fuck out of non muslim women
yes, cause calling your countrymen from Lisbon scum and that an earthquake should happen is great, and a really honourable and a "disagree" issue. lel
Go finish your homework kid, or just gto of europa
They actually didn't mix too much. Anyway, southern Spain, where as a Brit I'm assuming you're visiting, is much more moor ancestry than the rest of the country
>And no one fucking cares about 3rd world portugal, i'd rather go to brazil.

Sure, sure


what's your southamerican country btw?
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Ignore him Portuguesebro. It's clear he's bait, look at his posts. Spaniards and the Portuguese invented the concept of white, they're the original whites, and you're white to my eyes, as are the Spaniards.
Don't listen to these divide and conquer niggers
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>Whats wrong with reddit?

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>fake news site

Have a look at freedom index, and look at socialism index, and then finally look at GDP

Portugal is a 3rd world country. The people are happy in Cuba too.

>spain and portugal in 1100
>All posters are anonymous
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>racist attack

>racist attack

>white british man attacks spanish man

>racist attack

>whites are a different race from spanish
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The New Europe
it has nothing to do with hapiness dumb f, check all the indexs and re2bout it in ocde stats...
there were not even ocde stats already Portugal was first world.
so sorry
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Not even that. The reconquered areas were basically empty. "Broad is Castile" is an old saying about this; New Castile was so empty one could do as one pleased. It's for this reason that Spain's southern regions are full of people with Basque surnames. In truth, Muslims and Jews were kicked out.

In doing so, lots of ethnically Spanish people were kicked out. Moreover, you've got to know something about Muslims: Muslim men can marry non-Muslim women, but Muslim women can't marry Muslim men. Why? Because children take the customs and faith of their father. Thus, any Spanish women married to a Moor would have had Moorish children that were expelled/exiled.

I'll leave a pastebin, but this meme has to end. Spaniards are Southern Europeans, and that's where it ends. Besides, even Northern European countries have "swarthy" natives, although they aren't a majority of the population.

Pic related is Alicia Vikander, a Swedish actress.

STUDIES ON IBERIAN POPULATIONS: https://pastebin.com/drRy7zhQ
>He is extremely ashamed of his use of racist language.
'He can’t recall ever holding racist views.'
Judge Brian Forster called the behaviour of Way, who pleaded guilty to racially aggravated assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage, ‘totally unacceptable’.

EU welfare money
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Iberians received like heroes and liberators in the eastern front.
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Germania loves all of Europa
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Yup. Just ignore it. People with different opinions are paid shills. Just don't even acknowledge them. Keep believing what you believe. Never question it. You don't want to be a traitor, do you?

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>It's for this reason that Spain's southern regions are full of people with Basque surnames
That is to say, Spain's south was repopulated with northerners, for even the original southerners (Mozarabs, Iberian Christians under Islamic rule) fled north in overwhelming numbers.

I should add that Arabs were always a very small population limited to the ruling elite; there were never many Arabs. Indeed, when the Arabs invaded and won after Don Rodrigo was betrayed, most of their men were Berbers.

In fact, most Muslims in Spain were muladíes. These are a bit like Bosniaks: native converts to Islam. As with Jews, they were expelled. It might be one of the reasons for which Rifians down in Morocco are sometimes very light.

You cant be pink like a briton under that sunlight you stupid fuck. If you look closely at a map, you would realize they have almost the same latitude as Syria.
you have already lost it in acknowledge" and facts commie.
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As a student in Scotland, I did get pink, though; but yes, considering our location, we are amazingly light.

>t. Spaniard
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>these guys
>same ID

Yes you just proved you are retarded.


The studies about the subject used terrible methodology and overestimated the african admixture anyways.


Basically the authors reduce all human diversity between China and Africa on a one dimensional cline, and by wrongly assuming that central Europeans have 0% east Asian input, they conclude any shift towards africa must be due to african input, despite the fact that the assumption that CEU have 0% asian input holds no ground based on other statistics.

Seriously, it's all BULLSHIT

Iberians are among the closest populations to early neolithic farmers and one of the places with less genetic variations since 3000 years ago.


Most spaniards look white even by /pol/ standards. What the fuck are you talking about. Are you all cocky because you are surrounded by gypsies or what?
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>claims spanish are white
>posts a picture of an obvious muslim arab
Africanos de pura cepa.
Can you not read?

>Pic related is Alicia Vikander, a Swedish actress.
You have gone off the deep end if you think she looks like an arab. Go ahead and try to find an arab who looks like her.
>Whats wrong with reddit?
>Implying there was gas chambers
>Implying muh genocide
>Implying fascism or national socialism is only for NordiCucks
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Where have I lost, you pork-n-cheese faggot? Go ahead, google what pork-n-cheese means, you White Aryan man who's not laughed at by "superior" Nordic blondes. Ahahah... There is White unity in Europe, right? Portuguese were never considered niggers up until the 1980's by everyone else, right? No, no... The nationalists always respected us. The French, the German and the British nationalists never HATED portuguese people... No, no, never happened, just something I'm making up... Pretty sure you'd know what I'm even talking about because you're so so smart.

Pathetic browns like you thinking they're white always make me laugh.

>b-but the graphs ;____;
>we wuz white u guize!!! we wuz kangz and shit!!! please don't laugh at us, blue eyed blondes, we hate niggers too!! What?? WE'RE NOT NIGGERS!!! STOP!!! WE'RE WHITE!!! ;____;
lmao at this kid trying so hard

Do you realize you are talking with grown 30 years old men here?
Thats pretty hot. Where did u find it?
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>Hitler would have sent them to the gas chambers after the metizos and blacks and maybe even before the Chinese.
>Hilter literally said that they were sub human and not white like the Germans and British.

Citation needed. Hitler souldnt have killed anyone if they complied.
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she looks like a muslim arab though...and thats what spaniards look like...

heres the average swede....oh look they're tanned and they didn't automatically become muslim arabs
fucking LOVE IT when the bull wins

>a french man won it

Andalusia =/= Spain
As Ireland =/= Britain
>There is no difference besides the pigmentation of the hair

Are you on the spectrum?
lmao at not acknowledging what I said and resorting to arguments from authority xD

Sure, "white" man... suit yourself.

There is evidence of mass raping muslims after every battlefield muahammad. A general of muhammad killed in north africa a king with his sword and raped his wife in the sand blooded.

Nice try though.

Africa begins from the pyrenees
I'm 99% certain OP is a fag.
Of course. Hitler was FORCED to kill. He didn't want to kill anyone. He was a good boy. He was gonna go back to school.
m8 you are in the ridiculous patological level, i will not fall into you hole. LEL
but just some points to make your head a little more sane.
We don´t need anyones aprovall for anything, that's for no-identity and no structure or self presence, people like you.
second, no one need to be nordic to be europid, and that's what iberians are, europids, or what colonials call white.
You wrote 3 setences and you didn´t make a valid point for anything, how typicall
third, any native portuguese or spaniard is white, don't cry and tilt.

even your Adolf.h germany, that you wrote so much, like if that was important, had big ties with Portugal


optical ilusion?
Do you really think I am going to read your shit? lol

And for the record, do you think I would have listened to your arguments if this was real life? No, I would have smacked you already. I don't give scum like you the minimum value.
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>these absolutely butt-blasted commies ITT
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the arab girl is fucking idential to the jewish hollocaust survivor.

also, here is a woman who looks like the normal swede in a hijab,

your cherry picked example is explicitly a swede who looks like a muslim...a muslim who looks like the average spanish woman

also spanish women have big bums and no tits, which is similar to north africans,

white women tend to have large boobs and flat bottoms, the COMPLETE OPPOSITE

Black women from africa also have large bottoms and smaller breasts.
no i'm white
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I swear to god you are under 17. You need to lurk moar before posting bullshit.
All Germans love it when the bull wins. It's in their nature to be submissive.
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
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OP, go fuck yourself for being a subhuman faggot.

Pic related because you're a fag.
>didn't rape

Muhammed gives explicit examples of how to take sex slaves from the tribes you've just attacked.

They also didn't use condoms and had 0 pull out
>Whats wrong with reddit?
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Ahahah.... Sure you would, buddy.... sure you would.
Fuck off mulatto
Hitler didn't send anyone to gas chambers. They only had delousing chambers retard.
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>1000+ years
>50% of the language are from arabic
Your bait is shit
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Nice australian post.
Hitler wasn't going to gas everyone who wasn't german.
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>Whats wrong with reddit?
And they even had pool and tennis courts for their Jewish and Gypsy and Homosexual and Left-wing hosts! The nazis didn't do anything bad! In fact, they were too good and that's why they lost!

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None of them look like arabs.

The jewish holocaust survivor is probably up to 90% european as all ashkenazis, and still doesn't look the same. The pigmentation of the hair is different. The shape of the skull is different, she has a wider nose and the jaw is short. Though to make a valid comparasion we would need more pictures.

>your cherry picked example

Yeah, learn to use id's retard. You want to play to the picture game? Because I can post HUNDREDS of examples of spaniards, and it's you who will run out of cherry picking eventually. You dind't adress any of the genetic evidence I posted either.

>also spanish women have big bums and no tits

lmao ok you are just trolling now

I will leave here my address just in case you want to check

>What's wrong with reddit?
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>b-but you're not ""white"" h8tler would have killed you!!
Literally baby brains if this is how you genuinely assess Adolf Hitler.
yes sentences are new ideas therefore we should just change all punctuation almost like what I am doing right now
>I've never seen a jew in public or met one in the UK.

Just because you cant recognjse oen with your 15 years doesnt mean you havent met one.

>b-b-but i am 16!!!
Iberian anti-antifa when? Getting real tired of these uppity niggers
>50% of the language are from arabic

You must be joking right? X terms of gramar don't make a language.

Look everybody! He's super duper tough! Don't rustle his jimmies, he might smack you!
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Yup, I'm gonna grab a plane and fly over to the place where you and your friends and your family live to confront you.

You fucking retard. But please continue, you're making me laughing xD
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>huffington post is a source

Jesus how long have you been on this board? From this post on I assume you arent underage, but a kike or a kikeenabler who spreads their lies. Go fuck yourself.
A Jew (OP) just trolled pol (You)
When people stop caring that much about going to prison.
I already stabbed one of these motherfuckers some years ago, and I broke a brick in the head of another one.

Some of them are white. A lot of them are Muzzie rape babies.

Unless we start going Deus Vult thats what we'll all look like in 2117 bruh.

No, you are not laughing. You are actually VERY scared. Now shut the fuck up kid.
since the first day, the same we cant say about you illegal alien under spanish flag

>are jews white
I'm not agreeing with him. That's hie bait, which I'm criticising.
I look forward to the day I get to kill one of you fuckers

Yeah I'm also reaching the point where I have nothing to lose
don't come crying to me when you get lynched by swarthy manlets
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ouch a Frenchman. He may have been implying youre a faggot.
>I look forward to the day I get to kill one of you fuckers

Typical medfag confronted with his muslim ancestry.

Shouldn't you be praying muhammed?
Where do you live? Almeirim? Alcobaça? Almoster? Alpiarça? Albufeira? Alcabideche? Alcacér do Sal? Alfama? Algés? Almada? Alverca? FÁTIMA?

Yup.... no arabic influence AT ALL!

>all violence is bad
>euros were always pacifist cucks
>just accept your death you stupid goy
>there is no fucking way Spanish people are white
Can confirm. Recently a family from (((Salamanca))) moved into my small catalan town and they look like shitskins. They're also very stupid. Probably moor descendants.
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>B8 in the ID
>50% of the language are from arabic
Read again, man.

Castillian has 20 000 terms
of Arabic influence
Youknow what is a Romance language?
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white suprematard.jpg
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LOL. Pathetic submissive cuckold. Don't you have a country to die for or something? Do it already! Make Spain Great Again! Ahahaha!
>immediately resorting to violence the moment even slightly angered
The delusional believes all words that start by al, have an arabic origin. Specially when it's knowne that portuguese and spanish came 90% directly from latin. some WORDS, is this the ridiculous level of the antifas.
No, this has been a long time coming. Since 1974 at least.
exactly of 8% of the words in spanish vocabulary come from the arab, no syntaxis or morfology neither. Why are you making stuff up 56%?
>I look forward to the day I get to kill one of you fuckers
You won't do shit! If you try anything in Portugal, you'll get squashed so fast by the People you'll wish you were being raped by niggers.
>Castillian has just 20 000 terms for exemple
>Portuguese must be similar.

antifa are liars by nature.
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>always arguing in favor of violence
>cry when they get curbstomped
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>mfw commies are this delusional
>man facefucked for speaking spanish in England in a "racist" attack.

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>that fall
The upvote system tends to create echochambers without real discussion.
This just confirms my theory that fucking Lisbon fags are so delusional and have too much free time and money beat each other.

Can't even discuss the centralism in this country that gives him more the economical freedom to participate in meme conferences like this - Nova Portugalidade or counter movements to Nova Portugalidade and shiet.
I'm a Lisbonfag and I can confirm we need another earthquake
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