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Syria General /sg/ - Slat Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 106

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Raqqa Jun15
>Dara'a Jun14
>Palmyra Jun14
>Mosul Jun14
>E Ghouta Jun14
>DeZ Jun10
>N Syria/Iraq Jun10
>S Syria/Iraq Jun10

Developments Jun15
>Palmyra:SAA liberates more teritory en route to DeZ
>Raqqa:last24h 400 artillery shells fell on Raqqa, SDF capture al-Sinaa district
>SAA liberates Tawhrah oil fields in Raqqa CS
>TFSA attack Kurdish forces in Afrin district, N syria
>IS foils FSA attack in southwest Daraa countryside
>90km separate SAA from encircling ISIS in Homs, Hama and Al-Raqqah triangle
>US air strike killed 200 people on March 22(displaced families hiding in school), total of 300 dead in March in Raqqa
>US in southern Syria to establish new base in al-Zakf area,70km from Tanf
>US military deploys long-range missiles to combat the SAA in border region
>Huge convoy of pro-government reinforcements arrives at Syria-Iraq border
>Germany, Austria hit out at US over new anti-Russian sanctions
>Qatar to sign agreement for 36 F15 jets
>Yemeni Navy strikes Saudi military vessel near Mocha Port
>Houthis ambush Saudi military vehicles in SW Saudi Arabia in new video

Prev >>130049110
>must watch

American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
>Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
UN Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://youtu.be/Yc-RmAVK8Pg
>Syria: Not a Revolution: https://youtu.be/8prwbWLa7f0

>THE TRUTH ABOUT White helmets: https://youtu.be/8aAaReVn2I4 | https://youtu.be/Es7oBV6b43Y
more on white helmets: https://youtu.be/tseqwNIXhDQ | https://youtu.be/792ODrhwKkk
White helmets killing a child for UN https://youtu.be/9nj6fc69qjM

"CM attacks" in Khan Shiekoun on April 4
>President Assad: Chemical Attack was 100% Fabrication https://youtu.be/_pGAcv-cvA4
>What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan): https://youtu.be/t6BRVQDEO7k
Syria ambassador in USA: https://youtu.be/U3LTTbOYVfU
>The Face of American Regime Change: https://youtu.be/T634A6AWR9c
Assad visits monastery for Christmas: https://youtu.be/aG_SutViEmQ
Soldier met family after 5 years: https://youtu.be/zHoeU9mZ1Xss
>The Lies of Syria: https://youtu.be/TjHniRRgOao
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://youtu.be/ro1byfe5vUM
WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
- wikileaks.org/berats-box/article
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
- wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225

>SJWs cuckmarch(riding in my Volkswagen van everyday) from Germany to Aleppo "over the course of three and a half months"
Progress: 20 left out of 3000+ at the start, after crying around at the Slovenia-Croatia fence and bitching about visas, on march 12th they entered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 21st they were in Macedonia
Update:5+ months have passed since the roadtrip started. From May 1st they are in Greece....

Thread reminder to watch Threads.

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>Iranian Laser Targets US Forces in Strait of Hormuz

>Ass*dists and Shitskin General /sg/ will defend this
When will based USA finally BTFO of these Shia dogs?
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based erdogan

2nd for assad will win
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Gulf Crisis Latest
>Turkey leaves Doha, heads to Kuwait. Ankara looking to resolve this before Ramadan.
>India defies Gulf blockade with direct Qatar shipping route; blockade a blessing in disguise for Qatar shipping.
>ex-Qatari PM says it was a mistake for Gulf-US to fund jihadist groups in Syria
>Global lenders support Qatari banks hit by Gulf rift
>Philippines lifts labour ban on Qatar-bound workers
>Tillerson: U.S. Will Work To Bring Peaceful Transition In Iran
>Iran sends 200 tons of fruits to Qatar.
>Iran security forces attack Ansar Al Furqan in Chabahar, souther Iran. 3 dead, 7 arrested (2 foreigners, 1 is tunisian)
>Egypt: Intensifying Repression of Basic Freedoms - HRW
>Qatar blockade causing ‘logistical headaches’ in Persian Gulf – IEA
>Bahrain accuses Qatar of ties with Islamists linked to Manchester bomb
>Two U.S. Navy vessels arrived in Doha to take part in a joint military exercise w Qatari Emiri Navy on Wednesday.
>BAE, UK biggest arms company, secretly sold mass surveillance tech to Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Morocco, Algeria
>Qatar signs $12 Billion Deal for U.S. F-15 Jets
>Iraq PM Abadi in Saudi.
>Egypt, Saudi, UAE & Bahrain working on joint list of demands from Qatar (Per US request).
>Media blocks against Qatar violate free speech: HRW
>4000 Austrailian cows airlifted to Qatar.
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Syrian actor laments for loss of art in war-torn Syria
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>Where migrants were rescued in last 3 years.
They ain't even hiding it anymore, fuckin jews.
>Yep, das juden
holy shit.... an autist wouldnt have been able to fuck it up that much
pls don't! This makes by blood boil! Those faggots go to the Libyan coast to get them! THEY DON"T WAIT FOR THEM TO COME...they got to fish them from there...All they need to do is to go on a raft and voila... you are in italy now. Didn't they said that some time ago idk how many died because they have seen a fishing boat and thought it was some NGO and they cut their boat in order to be rescued but they died or some shit

I BET soros is funding most of those NGO's
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Brazilbro, wtf is jp.it? (jp.it/17wn4)
Lads calm down, it really is about SAR
They just use it on their advantage, its not Italys fault
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jp = justpaste
4chin does not allow to paste entire link for that site
Thank you
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So given the Ba'ath Party is pretty much a zombie now what do you think will happen with the political system in post-war Syria? Re-launch as a generic civic nationalist, but pro dictatorship party like Putin's one to appear more modern and relevant again.

United Syria?
We are so used to western "HURR WE DONT LIKE YOU SO WE CUT ALL DIPLOMATIC TIES DURR" pants-on-head retarded "diplomacy", that we dont understand how nations can further their own interests while having relations with all other nations
Atleast let the drown further from the shore before you try to rescue them.
Gotta get those cows, anon
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>room literally made of gold
>literally first image I ever see with Nyetanahu happy
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So /sg/ when do we start our own buccaneer business to sink the shit out of them?
You can post them like this:

Me>shit>al-bolandi>al-Irani>weeboo mlpole

How easy would it be to set up a fake NGO to 'rescue' migrants only to actually drown them and hide the evidence?
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Does someone know what is he talking abput in the biggining of this video?

IRL trolling normies
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debts were payed using that method...
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Authentic belgian fry>(You)>shit>al-bolandi>al-Irani>weeboo mlpole
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>all those kh*mmies ITT
Turks are ahead of you in that one.
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You are late, fa.m.
To the depths with them,huh? Sure why not.
What if we archive that
thats because they want us to rescue them and flood us with illegals
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Based turks.
>Hurr Durr
Now bouteflika nigger is trying Jewish Jew tricks too.
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ISIS has been storing arms/weapons/ammo underground in certain places. Which is why they have lasted for so long even when they get cut off.

They've also been relocating into Europe, which is going to be there next big land grab area/plan.

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Like the last time I asked why do you let them come there, look at Bulgaria and Poland they dont allow migrants but why do you?
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>which is going to be there next big land grab area/plan.
From what I learned on /sg/ is that the only thing Israel has going for it, is having about 5 girls that are fuckable.
Nice collection you have there! Thanx for sharing!
As I said above, SAR
We dont let them in from the land border
And apparently doesnt want us to deport them after rescuing them so we send them over
Well you got it hard mate.
>Syrians back to Syria for holidays

A huge crowd, the one that you can only come across at political rallies, was at the border post, waiting.

These people were Syrians who wanted to cross into their country for the upcoming Eid el-Fitr holiday to visit relatives, friends and neighbors.

We do not know yet how many of them will be doing this trip but it seems like tens of thousands of Syrians will go to their hometowns to visit their relatives, to see their former neighbors, celebrate the holiday and come back to Turkey before the month is over.

We are U.S. protectorate, mate. Our politicians and all the political parties except, maybe, Golden Dawn are working for foreign interests. Our governments are also crypto-commies since 1974.
>Syrian refugee first victim to be named in London fire
Mohammed Alhajali spent the last two hours of his life watching the blaze come closer to his fourteenth floor flat in Grenfell Tower. His friend, Abdullah Hourani, says that Mohammed was on the phone asking for the firemen to keep training their hoses onto the building as they fought the fire.

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One down, couple million to go.
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Such a pity...
>France opens probe into company's Daesh links

A French judge plans to launch in investigation into allegations that a French industrial company committed war crimes and financed terrorism in Syria. Lafarge construction group is accused of working with Daesh Takfiri terrorists for 5 years in order to maintain production at their new concrete plant near the Turkish border.

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What is a direct translation of takbeer?
By the way, I read news: "The US police announced the search for Erdogan's guards..."
How much longer burgers will anger Sultan? Why are they doing that?
tak= branch/twig in dutch
beer= bear in dutch
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Tak = roof
Bir/beer = alcoholic brewage
I don't think this is accurate.
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Do you guys know of this?

>Marawi: Journalist Adam Harvey hit in neck by stray bullet
>An Australian journalist was hit in the neck by a stray bullet while covering fighting in the Philippines.
Adam Harvey, who works for ABC, posted an X-ray image on Twitter of a bullet lodged in his neck. His injury is not life-threatening, an ABC director said.
has anyone made a NEVA FORGET meme of that fire?

U.S. officials and Syrian activists say many commanders have fled the besieged cities of Mosul, Iraq, and Raqqa, Syria, in recent months for Mayadeen, a remote town in the heart of Syria's IS-controlled, Euphrates River valley near the Iraqi border. Although the U.S.-led coalition is aware of the migration and has launched airstrikes there, its military campaign remains focused on ousting IS from its two centers of operation, Mosul and Raqqa.

Based Dutch guy.If only more of us were like that.
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Golden OC

Can confirm
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Fucking scum i hate them for using that
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Grabbed it from someone else in last thread, props to whoever did it.
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War never changes
Who will control a liberated Raqqa?

As the liberation of Raqqa city moves into its second week and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) declares areas cleared of ISIS militants, Arab tribesmen known as the Syrian Elite Forces (SEF) are tasked with restoring civil order to the war-torn city.

“While they are not taking part in the SDF’s current seizure of Raqqah, they could in the future and their participation with the SDF after the city's liberation will be critical to restoring security and governance to Raqqah's citizens,” the spokesperson for the US-led global coalition to defeat ISIS, Col. Ryan Dillon, told Rudaw English.

There had been much concern by Turkey and others of a Kurdish force entering Raqqa, which is seen as an Arab city.

"The Syrian Elite Forces are a group of Arab citizens from Raqqah, displaced from their homes by ISIS," Dillon explained. "The SEF joined the SDF in 2016 in an effort to help liberate Raqqah."

Elements of the SEF help the SDF communicate with local tribes from areas in and around Raqqa, Dillon said.

“They consist of approximately 1,000 citizen soldiers,” he detailed, adding that they receive training similar to the SDF, but that their name is a bit of a misnomer in that they have not been trained in “counter terrorism tactics.”

Although, Dillon said, “The SEF fighters have demonstrated a willingness to risk their lives fighting ISIS, they show a determination to rid their areas of ISIS.”

The SEF are commanded by the former president of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, Ahmad al-Jarba.


>uses the term roach
>turkish flag
>hates Saddam

Really fires up the neurons
b-b-but muh Mugabe is based
and Qatar are /ourguys/

Order them a Hawaii pizza!
Top kek at random Lithuanian
reminder: death to khommeinism
death to assad
Him showing his true colors last thread.
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>random Lithuanian

History lesson new friend :-)
Comfy evening in Idleb
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>b-b-but muh Mugabe is based
>and Qatar are /ourguys/

Thanks for the laugh phåm!
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totally not a roach
totally a Lebanese Christian
no they aren't qatar are our useful tools against the saudis for now
returned ones or still in ziria?
asking for a friend
>all these assadist-khommunists with american flags in this thread
hope you traitors get rounded up

>Everyone who burns my ass is a K*rd.

Makes me ponder...
He was quoting the bongroach m8.
But the USA is the one supporting commies in Syria.
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Bongroach 3 evolutionary stages

1) Delete /sg/, this thread is not about politics, move it to /his/

2) But did I told you about the kurds.....

3) This is not syria related news stop posting
- europeans should not post anymore in this thread
-only good soutafricans are black
-change name of the general

4) 25 out of 100 eggs laid for next evolutionary stage
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When will (You) stop giving (You) to obvious baits? It's a part of the problem, (You) know...
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my collection of screencaps is growing bigger and bigger
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And add this too.
>if he does not shut up i will remove him
there are faggots trying to change the Syrian flag to the FSA one again
>Ich bin kein Roboter

I am laughing my ass off for some reason
No, one was shot and the two others arrested.
>4000 Australian cows airlifted to Qatar
Australia always figures out how to shitpost in the international meatspace.
let them fill it in, then we turn it into a libyan one and finish the big syrian flag below the hezbollah one

btw are there any new isis or HTS videos?
Deja vu.

From year ago:
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>25 out of 100 eggs laid for next evolutionary stage
Fun with the SDF yesterday:
that looks comfy asf
Lafarge us building the wall.
Be happy your wall is built with the blood of shitskins.
Nice catch lad!
Honda Honda szybsza niż wygląda
whats so funny about this
Do folks get beat up in these lines in Arab countries?
Where is this from? looks like a good late night image
What if we archived our dicks in your ass?
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>fake lifejackets
wtf why didnt we think of this? wtf i praise tengri now
It's better this way. They're closer within Libyan territorial waters so they get sent straight back ashore because they never crossed into schengen.
How could I know?
Idleb City, here's another one.
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Fuck me this is a shitstorm of epic proportions. Thank you Mr. President for your geopolitical acumen.
But that's where you are wrong, they still take them to Europe.
when you think about it... it's nothing... but at the same time is /comfy/
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super powers plant.jpg
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fuck, forgot the link

They take them to Italy from the shoes of Libya
It's funny how whites get beaten up for smoking during Ramadan in France & Sweden, while Alqaeda doesn't care about it in their Syrian territory.
>(((opens probe)))
(((codeword))) for coverup
fortunately lafarge has already been dug through and their coverup won't save them
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we need some artistic interpretation of bongroach
I gotta sleep
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You're right. I did my research after I posted again. It seems there was an idea from top EU leaders to send back ashore and in safe camps. Turns out all they ended up doing was to send the Libyan government 200 yuros.
Plenty of fine pictures of Spetsnaz manouvers:
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How progressive of them
smoking is fucking huge in the gulf
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Also any news on the ship they attacked yesterday?
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Good night /sg/

Friday SOON! well it already is friday over here but it only counts as friday when I wake up
based Houthis
looks like bloody mess perk
praise khommeini
death to faisal
Sleep well, thank you for the updates!
good night master baker
Saudi said it was an UAE ship and only one dead.
>being john mccain
we will drop you back off (from a helicopter) with the gooks
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Have an oldie OC
Feel free to rework it
>whites get beaten up for smoking during Ramadan in France & Sweden
What a shithole
Wael Al Hussaini @WaelHussaini 5m

Happening now: Joint exercises between #RuAF and #SyAAF along the #Syrian cost.
>no drinking
>no eating
>no sex
Never heard about smoking
Are they upping the stakes every now and then>
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Any predictions for gains tomorrow?
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bump this and vote

How far away do you shoot ATGMs?
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Why don`t they exercises in Idlib or DeZ?
>Lithuania with ketchup and banana.
Gets me everytime
>inb4 not that of old fag, but it is a hell of a story.
i think the max range of most of them is arround 4km
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turks haven't learn anything from Al-Bob
Lel, saved.
Just fucking watch this shit.
That is the range of TOW, AT-14 has range of 8 km
What happened to the Lithuania guy? Never see him anymore

Anyone knows what weapons are these women holding 1.20 and at 1.41? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHTSjDDx6TU
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Jokes aside, Russia is basically using Syria as a litteral live-fire drills and weapons testing ground
kike Spike ER has 8 km range too
Some of us are too long in here to be consistent
I for once leave and come back when there is a big happening/ feel like it and I keep up with southfront and looking up wordpress or checking one thread a day to see the later developments
So Iranians already developed laser weapons themselves?
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pootang dindu nuffin
he wuz a good boi just getting his allies back on track
The dutch flag on the pic refers to me, kek

The anon photoshopper Lithuaniabro posted a few weeks ago at least, I remember, so I guess he still lurks/posts sometimes

To all those confused its actually a different person than Gunshotta, also a regular photoshop-contributor with Lithuania flag
>while Alqaeda doesn't care about it in their Syrian territory.
because they justify eating and drinking while on jihad that's what terrorists do even here,
link to donate?
>The dutch flag on the pic refers to me, kek
Talking about this pic >>130072908 of course, not the other
Lasers are such a meme
I dont get why they keep pushing it, except from hustling money away from taxpayers
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Reminds me of something else eh.

Translation for all anglocuks:
All the people of the World are in the international brigades aside the Spanish people.
holy fuck, kek was with this person
I honestly think it was another roach
The way he reacted to me like an autistic roach nationalist was not the same as the previous times I called him a stupid bongroach.
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now im having to many ideas for new memes

dont know about the weapon

didnt know, thanks

MILAN is less than 4km

2 questions

1. Is TFSA different from FSA. Are they a new kid on thr block?

2. Idilb siege when?
Could you liknk it on you yube?
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fuck, Spanish Civil war really had good propaganda
im still wondering who wound up getting all the stinger missiles from libya
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lol that loading beam goes from right to the left
very strategic
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well, libya is still at civil war, so first i think they will use them against themselves
Oh anb btw , are we interested in PES /pol/'s league? I know my friends are. It will be nice to kick /ptg/'s ass.
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I think it's a manpad, just that she's holding it backwards :D
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>Germany, Austria hit out at US over new anti-Russian sanctions
what? why? sauce?
anyone got libya maps? havn't heard anything going on in a while.
Nah man, it was him.
I've been watching that fucker since he showed up, I have been shitposting on him since I first saw him and I know his style.
Occasionally he'll respond differently to you, especially if he's drinking.
In this case he might have just been (you) fishing for laughs, but it was him.
https://youtu.be/v2i30Ng_3tw here you go mate
starts at 4:50
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Fuggg, I was just about to say that
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>red caps
>no MYGA imprinted on them
RPG 29 & RPG 22
nvm found 1 https://libya.liveuamap.com/
TFSA are somewhat on erdomeme leash, FSA is free of turkish influence, but I guess they sometimes supply them.
After DeZ liberation I guess.
TFSA are made up from different rebel groups from north Aleppo and idlib. Some went back to idlib some are splitter groups from them. Only real difference is they got paid by turkey the others by saudi/quatar. Same scum also
C'mon comrade it is all over internet. Just copy-paste said shit into google.
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1:41 is a PK. Older model of PKM based on the muzzle brake and the image in this article.

do you have a transparent version of the SAA nico?
how do assad fan boys defend this?

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Just do it the Moroccan way
>Amnesty International and Médecins Sans Frontières accused the Moroccan government of dumping people of various sub-Saharan countries (some of them claiming to be validly registered as political refugees) in an uninhabited area of the Sahara Desert without food or water supplies.
>Morocco is to install a five-yard high wall topped with razor wire along the border of Spain's north African enclave Melilla in a an effort to stop the wave of immigrants crossing into Europe.
Literally every week, dozens of moroccans in informal militias in Tangier go with knives and bats and beat the shit out of them in their camps in the forest

Spain and Morocco have excellent relations now because of how close they are on the migrant issue, why can't Greece do the same?
>FSA is free of turkish influence
ahrar al sham isnt?
Iran is doing the same in Ymen.

Pakistan/Canada whatever, just get out of here, this is not your safe space
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Why does it need to be defended?
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>I-I-I-I-I-It's not evil if WE do it

fuck right off with that shit
>Idilb siege when?

We are not sieging this infested shithole
Idlib is getting Gronzi'd
Fine, should add "mainly free". Just this once I hope HTS will fuck them up. So erdomeme will be "meh no point dealing with these guys".
That is called a troll, my mentally challenged friend.
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According to Ebin the LNA has much more territory in the east that what that map shows

i think it's M79 Osa or LRAC F1 but I'm not sure which. .
>I-I wasn't being serious! LOL

I'd trust k*kistanis too be that retarded
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>crossposting to /ptg/

Two times werent enough
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only one option poland bro
crossposting? i just took a screencap
also pay denbtz
It's an incomplete M79 Osa without handles or a scope, for that matter. Sights seem to be missing as well, so it's pretty much just a tube by the looks of it. LRAC F1 isn't in use in the region, but the Osa is widespread, especially in Syria.
US does it in Iraq and Afghanistan
it's evil regardless of who does it. it's a bit disturbing reading about Assad's atrocities
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Yup, cheg'em. LNA is red.
Didnt see the result of the Eurogroup did you?
Spoiler :ease of debt, more euromonies than we need, Schauble btfo etc
How long before LNA wins?
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>Assad's atrocities
Unclear, i would say 3 months. Uncle dolan is too busy with other matters to give a fuck about Libya.
Time is in Haffer's favor tho.
I still want the Green Book to be the thing, yo.
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Assad's atrocities give you an epileptic seizure?
Tripolis government is recognised, no?
What happens when they kick the doors down?
did you read the link or are you just shitposting?
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What are the non ISIS rebels going to do? Just wait out to see what the Americans wind up pulling out of their ass after Raqqah falls?
Cleanup of remaining green blobs in Syria will be fun.
Aren't there four million Russians in Israel? Why are they even there.
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reading the same shit does
Dunno, but i guess(((they))) will have to live with this.
I mean will they suck it up, turn into an Iran in the Med or invade again?
that doesn't make it any less disturbing. how old are you?
Good question. It's safe to say they are now totally fucked in the long term and have 0 viability
I think they will pass. Libyans are tired of militias shit so any new group would have a little of support.
>being surprised about ruthless secret services in middle eastern countries
I think the real question is, how are you?
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I've made something really, really autistic
Lots of rich Russian Jews took their children, Jewish or not, there. They might as well be Jewish themselves, Israeli isn't going to turn away millions of fresh souls eventually Jewify while also serving as an under class in ways.
I didn't say I was surprised. I said they were disturbing. this shit is not going to help
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Hardly so. How sheltered are you, or are you just the Burger shitposter?
this isnt star trek, anon
wars are very bloody affairs, even moreso in the middle east.
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>Assad's atrocities
doesn't have to be.
yeah, nah, fuck off hippie
Nobody follows those, lul
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>doesn't have to be.
As if the fucking Geneva and Hague conventions stop people from brutally killing and mutilating eachother on the battlefield and off.
The world would be a better place if everyone complied with that,anon,but they dont
unfortunately states that feel like they can make their subjects adhere to their laws dont even comply with a limited list of laws they made for themselves
Yeahh you are right!
>Better dead than red.

Oh, now I get it.
>muh rule of law!!!
Also, reinstate death sentences.
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So later they can claim Israel is mostly Russians and annex it
GasbarovD chess!
>muh rule of law!!!
would be nice tbqh
>reinstate death sentences.
hold a referendum on reinstating death sentance for terrorism here and it wins 100%
New-Jew Autonomy returning home.
>But muh human rights
Leftards butthurt over it would be glorious.
the government of national accord is recognized because it's was installed by the UN we didn't vote for it and no one want them they are very incompetent and the use militias.
it will take more than that the LNA avoids fighting in cities if they didn't care about the civis like the militias they would have launched an offensive to capture tripoli la long time ago.
Sukhna when my brothers?
>The Weaponization of Information in the War of Terror
What are your views on this lads?
Can't wait for shitposting to become a crime, or a military action.
Heeey libyanon! So I guess it will be 2 to 3 times more, also, how is live going on LNA controlled regions? Getting somewhat back to normal?
Where do you reside lad?
Something /sg/ is a top notch at. Tsss, copycats, ;^)
hey, it will be probably take around 2 years or something the LNA isn't planning on launching offensive and they just launch a surprise attack when they find the opportunity.

>how is live going on LNA controlled regions? Getting somewhat back to normal?
as far as i know it's almost back to normal police and the internal security can work again the crime has dropped noticeably in bangazi people there can stay outside after mid night unlike here where you risk never returning home if you stay outside after 11pm.
Ok, take care and be careful!
Turkish MP sentenced to 25 years in jail for exposing MIT arms aid to terrorists in Syria

anyone have the picture of the russian kid crying about the SAA taking back the artillery school?

I would love it, thank you I love you
Why are we rooting for the houthis?
Because it's hilarious to see one of the best-funded militaries in the world getting fucked by a bunch of goat herders with rusty AKs.
mostly because they mean a lot of trouble for the saudis. Also because the alternatives are even worse and the way saleh was replaced with hadi by the saudis is disliked.
thanks not planning on dying just yet i can't wait for the day of the rope for the militias.
they kill saudies what not to like? and they are also allied with iran
Check'd. Also, for HouthiBro!!!

How would you explain the hate for Saudi to someone who doesn't follow the mideast?
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they are the greatest state sponsor of terrorism. This isn't a meme, it's the truth. After the grand mosque seizure their festering clerus got all the money and support to export wahabi islam around the world. They fund mosques and religious texts everywhere, not only in the arab world but even in europe.
>posting this in june.
Oh come on now...
Who here /rooting for ISIS/, these damn kurds need thinning of the ranks
they are a cancer that's killing the middle east, arab nations, and the islamic countries, they are responsible for every terrorists attack with their shitty clerics they keep branding everyone that doesn't want believe in their whabie shit as kafer. they are a bigger threat to arabs then isreal
i really can't explain it like very well but they the reason why actual moderate muslims are dying out.
>there are people ITT who don't support total destruction of Qatar
Daily reminder that Turkey-Qatar gang of thieves stole industrial equipment from Assad, equipment that was later taken to Qatar.

Qatar is an enemy of Syria, thus an enemy of mankind and it is acceptable to destroy their population until it hits zero people.
compared to the saudis they're the smaller evil. If they can be used to further weaken their position that's worth it.
Literally the source of so called "radical Islam" around the world. Almost every Islamic terrorist can be traced to Wahhabi Mosque/Preacher/Self taught Salafi literature, which is the state religion of SA, that it was spreading around the world for the last, 30 years.
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p-please ;_;
>#Syria #Damascus UNCONFIRMED Militants Say They destroyed 6 #SyAAF #SyAF Helicopters after targeting Marj Ruhayyil Airbase w/ 20+ Grad's
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dumping unrelated stuff i see?

I never understood why people watch stuff like this
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Working on this atm, taking ideas. Can be related to posters who use the flags or the ideology/organization/group.
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>Militants Say
this, Qatar has been mostly bad, but has done some good in the past. Saudi is just pure evil and never has done a good thing in their whole history
Saudi = eternal jew
so i think quatar has a chance to become good instead saudi who are just the evil that destroy mankind. But bashar himself said that the insurgency started with quatar! They are animals maybe they have lerned tehe lesson maybe not
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I'm gonna do it.
who /mischief/ here
obliterate these U.S fags already
US orchestrated most likely if true , probly hit from southeastern desert ,retalation for cutting them off ,many more to come probly
Fucking the enemies of Syria is good enough.
Because they aren't a meme, laser weapons would make most short range missiles obsolete as well as guns especially for aircraft.
Also you can easily and accurately intercept missiles coming at your ship and or vehicle









Gn /sg/.
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pls, I forgot to save it awhile ago

ukraine kid crying about the artillery school was hilarious
>lasers replace gun based anti missile systems
>now you can protect your missiles with cheap ablative coating instead of expensive and heavy armor against physical CIWS systems
Are you retarded?
Yeah sure lad
Unless of course there is high humidity
Or dust
Or smoke
Or cloudy
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i have no idea what you are talking about
A high power laser wont be stopped by those any more than a radar does, and a radar gets stopped by those so do infrared systems.
No. The P700 hull for example is armored with titanium to give some protection against shrapnel and CIWS, and to help it penetrate into the ship without completly disassembling itself.
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SAA advancing into military academy closing aleppo completely

crying ukrainian kid

picture of academy being completely taken over

kid crying intensifies
of course it will, refractive index is dependent on frequency. Why do you think current laser systems don't exceed ~5km maxiumum engagement distance, even in good weather?
And bullets don't exceed 2km maximum and a 1km effective range in perfect conditions.
Most IR ground based systems are 4kms max only today we are seeing something more than that.
But a laser can shoot a missile down, making it invaluable as a point defense system, way more than any gun, because unlike bullets it killing force travels at the speed of light.
The issue today is they are still quite large, but they will get smaller in time.
I doubt that, but even if true, titanium still wont do too much against direct hits

There are tests on youtube of a german laser system thats intercepting artillery shells in mid flight and disabling them, that's quite something
Never saw anything like it, and I'm a regular here
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