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So how much longer till a Civil War? What kind of warfare will

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So how much longer till a Civil War? What kind of warfare will be taking place, and how long will it last? Should I buy guns?
>Should I buy guns?

You're not really American until you own guns, Anon
>considering not owning a gun when civil war is about to break out
I've seen stupidity man, but damn that's just dumb
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this broken man knows whats up
They are expensive anon, I want a military grade sniper rifle with laser guide siding and grenade launcher attachment but I guess I can settle for a single shot revolver

Isn't that Sweden???
I actually have a katana, so ill be fine in close military combat
Look at the architecture, cars and number plates.
That's as US as you can get.
It will never happen because no one cares enough to do anything. As long as there's internet, people will be able to vent enough to prevent all out civil war
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why do yankee hamburger boys think they know how to even start a civil war. They probably still think you need muskets and horses.

...It's Australia
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Civil War: Electric Boogaloo is a delusional pipe dream
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>Isn't that Sweden???
Did you see anyone sucking those niggers dicks? No.
I have a horse since I live on a farm. And a katana and swords and machette. I think ill be fine
You better be trolling, nigger

Tyrone and his esteemed gang of gentlemen has GUNS
They'll steal your wife and rape your horse while you're bleeding out with your glorious broken NIPPON STEEL
Bodyguards and other S&W guns like the Shield have rebate offers atm. You can nab a Bodyguard with laser for 300ish new. $180 is the lowest I've seen it without laser new with rebate. You can buy them used for 150-200 dollars all day every day. Pocket 380's like that are plenty. Just use quality ammo like Federal HST Hornady Custom XTP Federal Hydrashok or Sig Sauer V Crown etc. Ruger also has new 380's on the cheap new and used. Infographic is a good guide but gets outdated fast imo.
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>You're not really American until you own guns
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>that subtle nose and merchant hands
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I believe in you.

Damn, that right hook.

Dude is a striker
The left would have to start it and i don't think they're organized enough. Buttmad college kids and feminists aren't going to manage anything more than small protests.
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Im not kidding anon
>Sweden choosing not to hide his flag
His friend in the black shirt threw some good ones too.
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>posts pic with faux wood paneling on the interior walls
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this is in Australia, Melbourne has a Sudanese problem

car jackings and house robberies are the highest they have ever been, but its a small price to pay for diversity :^)
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Looks like the Golden one beating up some pakis

Civil war will not happen while the Right is in power as the Left lacks the spine, mind and equipment for real war

A civil war may happen when the Left retakes political power and goes full retard to make up for there loses with trump.
i think its coming to Sydney soon, seen more and more Sudanese around the city
9/10 post
yeah I figured 2k15 was a bit old, so wanted to link A Magical Place too

me neither

my countrymen are weak. If I was like them, I would be ashamed too
Whats wrong with this paneling?
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show us your card anon
"Civil War" is a bunch of fat LARPer fags bringing their airsoft gear to take over a government building in Oregon, then going home when America laughed at them.
We're divided across the urban-rural lines more than anything else. I think it would take an event like Calexit to really spark anything off.
>I want a military grade sniper rifle with laser guide siding and grenade launcher attachment but I guess I can settle for a single shot revolver

Are you fucking 12? This isn't COD you fucking retard.

30-06 with a good scope will run you $600-$1k.

5.56/2.23 Semi-Auto will run you again, $500-$1200 depending on what you want.

LEARN HOW TO SHOOT WITH THE IRON SITES YOU PATHETIC FUCK. What are you going to do when you run out of batteries for your laser?

but all in all, a great post. great post.
>Should I buy guns?
You're already late to the game
Also, The Game
9mm +p gold dots and nothing else
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This card?>>130046297
ADS is too slow. He prefers to no scope with his laser sniper rifle because the laser gives +2 accuracy when firing from the hip and he can follow it up with the grenade round for the combo kill and then call in an air supply crate.
stop chewing your nails, beta

>nvidia shield

>9mm +p gold dots and nothing else
9mm is fine too but for everyday carry 380 is just as good but less hassle. The ammo choices are fine and are solid choices for putting someone down.
Okay mom
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>getting this trigged over a troll/shitpost
>So how much longer till a Civil War?
Who knows. It could be 30 minutes from now, or it could be something your children will fight in 30 years from now.
>What kind of warfare will be taking place
Antifa (or the future equivalent) will attack non-leftists at first, be it with fists, clubs or knives.
Gun owners will form militias to combat this, and the antifa roaches will (((coincidentally))) find themselves in possession of firearms a few weeks after the civil war breaks out.
The military will be called in and establish curfews at that point, arresting or shooting anyone in violation of said curfew.
>and how long will it last?
It'd probably take a year (at the very least) to bring the conflicts and political tensions down to what they're at now.
>Should I buy guns?
Obviously. Get a basic bitch $500 AR-15 and a handgun you're comfortable with, for starters.
While "muh .45 stopping power" is just a meme, I wouldn't go for a caliber any smaller than a 9mm. You're just asking to get ravaged by a pack of niggers if you think a .22 or .380 will be enough to stop them.
They are not that expensive. There are tons of different ones out there. Buy used with cash and get a great weapon for $200-$400, and have them throw in some ammo as part of the deal.
straya cunt
>.380 acp just as good as 9mm +p
they literally don't make a SAAMI certified +p round for .380 acp. 9mm +p gold dot is the most used service round for american police, they trust it, I trust it
Are you so hungry you need to eat your thumb?
hungry skeleton chews thumb all day, many such cases
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Pick your team fuckers.

Teams are gonna be traitorous whites, degenerates, and shitskins vs. Patriots.
just bought a cz p-09.

feels good man
>painting all of ny blue just because the city is
Holy shit, is that Triple H?
Why is it that no one can clear out their messy dwelling for few minutes to take a clean pic? Did you take your shoe off specifically for the sake of the photo?
I'm sad to see all those white fagggots go up to help to negros. Always treating them like they are fucking delicate. All non whites continually use our empathy against use and each other. Sickening.

That's said, glad the white lads laid em out.
these are the actual team territories
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You're using the wrong map
Patriots are the only ones with real passion. Everyone else is just stringing along.
I doubt it'll happen. We've segregated ourselves pretty well. I'm mostly worried about our reps, they're pretty much in hostile territory.
I hate seeing the rest of the world learn what it's been like in American cities. Ghettos in other western nations weren't nog filled shitholes, just regular shitholes.
Who said women can't fight.
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>doesn't already own a gun

this occurred in newcastle, in hamilton outside the kent hotel, we have a sudo problem here


> gets shot
I just bought a S&W shield a few days ago. just in case there is a civil war, but i don't really expect it to actually happen. better safe than sorry though. and really, it's just a good life skill to have.
Glad you like your 9mm as I do mine. No clue what you're on about. Assuming an EDC conceal gun perhaps house gun until you can buy an extra the 380 is the best choice. You should shoot and carry more 380 and 9mm and perhaps look at the results. If I'm open carrying it really doesn't matter that much.
The moment you fags start a civil war is the moment when U.S. ends, power vacuum is formed, world economy collapses, Russia-China-NATO+EU try to abuse it to their own benefit.
Those have the $75 rebate if I'm not mistaken. Good fucking deal.
Can we expect reinforcements from 90%+ White countries who won't face as much resistance?
racewar begins



racewar is officially over
Wholly SHIT.

Do you see the shirtless person with the blonde hair?

That's Chloe Grace Moretz!
Just got the 75$ rebate on the shield. good gun, great for the price.
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>So how much longer till a Civil War?

It's already starting. The racial clashes of the past few years and the increasing violence of the left are part of it.

>What kind of warfare will be taking place

Don't expect organized armies clashing with each other ala the War Between the States. Instead it will be widespread ethnic violence, with individuals and small cells lashing out against their ethnic rivals. More events along the lines of the Charleston massacre by Dylan Storm Roof, the anti-police shooting in Dallas, and the recent congressional shooting.

>how long will it last?

A decade or so.

>Should I buy guns?

Yes, and you should practice with them, but you probably won't need them. It's a "just in case" sort of thing. The odds of any particular person being involved are small, unless they are:

1. carrying out an attack
2. law enforcement
3. involved in politics

Note: this is a prediction, I'm not advocating violence.
clean your room anon
Exactly. Factor in how many blue will just flee back to latin America or newly flee there if a legitimate civil war were to break out. Then how many on the fence blues who get insanely red-pilled. It would just end up nogs + la raza + muhammad + the most stubborn antifa + whoever else (((they))) can win over. This is why there is no chance of a civil war at the moment.
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Beware the blonde tank guardian of Europe.
Wait, since when can we change our flags?

Sounds great. When do we get started?
>They are expensive
christ, anon, just get a combat pistol
your overpriced wallhanger waste of space is just going to be a trophy to the first nigger you encounter.
Nothing personnel kid
Riots in select places are way more likely than any civil war. The shield isn't a bad idea.
Since m00t bought back 4ch from g00k
Don't buy a gun.

Guns kill.

Good guy with a gun was PROVEN to be counterproductive and actually endanger both yourself and others.

Unless you have years of daily training against insurgents you WILL only get in the way of the professionals.

They will have to baby you and deal with the bad guys at the same time.

You may even get mistaken for a bad guy and get yourself killed.

I repeat: DO NOT buy a gun.
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You sir are allowed to come into America
The only people pushing for civil war on this board are either globalist shills, kikes or indoctrinated retards who are unaware they are pushing a globalist kike agenda. Civil war and unrest in America is the wet dream of groups like ADL, AIPAC, The Hasbara, JIDF, Israel, Soros’ Open Society or some other filthy and dirty zionist organization that pays dumb niggers to shill here.

They are pushing for step 3 Crisis.

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

"redpilled" people screaming for RACE WAR NOW are just as dumb as socialistic liberal retards. Without Law & Order we would be crumbling into a war torn shit hole and vulnerable to regime shifts. If we actually had a civil war we could be attacked by foreign countries, we could lose many of our rights, and many people could die pointless deaths.

Nobody wants a civil war but people who seek to destroy America. Deescalation and diplomacy are what you should be supporting. The far left is pushing to shut down diplomacy, escalate the situation and create a conflict. A conflict without discussion and diplomacy will only lead to violence.

BLM, Antifa, BAMN, etc... are attempts at inciting a crisis. So far tension is building and people are becoming more and more radical and unreasonable. These are funded organized movements with the goal of growing into something that takes on a life of it's own.

Also to the people thinking leftists are scared of firearms, Antifa is training with guns and protesting with slung AR's and AK's. These people have been brainwashed into soros soldiers.
5 minutes from my house
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>Mosin-Nagant is in Russian

Checks out
Australia is American as fuck. They're criminals like us, too.
Fucking leaves, man. Every fucking time.
One time I took a wrong turn off I-44 in St Louis and almost had a panic attack.
civil war only happens if a new secession happens, but i doubt things would ever get as hostile as in the 1800s..
Rampant mob crime/riots are the biggest threats
i think it is a long shot to go from larping event at collage campus with trash throwing and dumpster pushing, to actual civil war
Lol what I paid like $600 for a bodyguard 38 with laser. Same for my shield 9
Is that guy /our Chad/?
Our god abandoned us ages ago. He's not coming back.
Your version will always be better Fin bro
>Don't buy a gun.
>Guns kill.
>Good guy with a gun was PROVEN to be counterproductive and actually endanger both yourself and others.
>Unless you have years of daily training against insurgents you WILL only get in the way of the professionals.
>They will have to baby you and deal with the bad guys at the same time.
>You may even get mistaken for a bad guy and get yourself killed.
>I repeat: DO NOT buy a gun.
yeah bud just move to canada eh, they're accepting all refugees from opressive 'murica
>the golden one finally snapped
* teleports behind you *
>So how much longer till a Civil War?
Before the end of summer
>What kind of warfare will be taking place?
95% guerilla
>how long will it last?
about 16 months
>Should I buy guns?
only if you're on the right

Listen up folks, the left is determined to get rid of Trump. they will do anything they can, and yes they will eventually try or succeed in killing him. when it gets to this point, we on the right will respond with full force and we have been given the go ahead by those in power.

We will not stop until every person on the political left is dead. Choose your sides wisely, one side loses, and it will be the weak beta faggot lovers.

This is not a joke. This is not a troll. This is a warning, the clock is ticking and cannot be stopped.
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God I hope so, can't wait to kill some yanks.
Wouldn't the cities just fall apart instantly as soon as food stops being shipped in?
>If we actually had a civil war we could be attacked by foreign countries
No one is going to risk getting nuked for that, most likely russia and china would give separatists weapons and supplies covertly.
2050 something probably, america isn't anywhere near civil war yet, wait until pax americana is over and whites are a minority
the problem isn't islam it's non-whites in general

fucking cuckservatives
You are fundamentally retarded

There won't be a war this summer. If you don't think the left always acts like absolute fucking babies when they don't win the presidency then you're literally 18 years old.

You should have seen the shitstorm when Bush was elected. Granted it's worse now, but that's because Obama was more of a commie than Clinton.
yes, unless they're being assisted by foreign powers bringing food to port, etc.
He is right, guns aren't the answer, sending all of our niggers to Canada is the answer.
>You should have seen the shitstorm when Bush was elected

I'm in my 40s you worthless niggerloving faggot. yes, betas like you will die as well. we will not tolerate mediocrity.
you're a dumbass if you think civil war will happen this year. what are the leftists gonna do?
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>So how much longer till a Civil War?
A generation.
>tfw I live in enemy territory

Good thing I can run innamounins and innawoods.

Also truthfully, most of those blue states are blue cities with the rest of the state red. We've already got them surrounded.

Then I shoot you as an insurgent because you aren't armed?????????????
You have to be 18 to use 4chan
>garbage laying around
>video game controller box
>owns a cheap katana
>what are the leftists gonna do?

It's a shame he didn't have Mjölnir handy to splatter their watermelons and save us all some tax dollars
if you bring a knife to a gunfight your fucking stupid and you get what you deserve. doesnt matter how big your knife is
who's going to start the war? come on tell me how it's gonna go down
guys please colorado is cool we just have mini commiefornia cities like Boulder PLEASE ILL SIDE WITH TEXAS
Not long. Once the leftists, millennials, kikes, blm's trans-fags dumocrats antifa's and the rest lose their internet/cell connections they will have no clue as to how do anything. The end will be quick but not painless.
>Should I buy guns?
If you're only asking yourself now it's already too late for you.
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This person has no clue what they're talking about in terms of prepping/disaster preparedness. Buy a gun. Owning a firearm doesn't mean you have to run out of your house like an action movie if something pops off. Its for defending yourself, ideally in your home.
I picked up a bodyguard w/ laser used two clips from a shop here for 159 w/ tax. Xmas present for my father in law. Nabbed a speedloader for it and two 10 round extended mags for 30 bucks. I need to hit the gun show later this month to score a sack of reloads for plinking. Search around online or offline mate. Without laster they're as low as $180 new on palmettoarmory and w/ laser they're under $300 with rebate brand new. Seems like you overpaid. What state/country you in?
to many murders are going to start happening and tied to each sides rhetoric, making it impossible to back down and at some point everything will just fall apart. everything is fine until it isnt. one too many people are going to get killed over this shit and then the collective groups break and start killing each other on a wide scale
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What the fuck is a single shot revolver? Is that something that is used to kill 93 million people a day in the United States?
You will last an entire 7.3 seconds.
Is that the remains of your tinfoil hat on the sill?
I still know a few babies who're just born now, are they too late with thinking about getting a gun?
I have a couple small double shot 38 pistols. They might mean something like that perhaps. You can hang them around your neck. No safety though hehe.
oh right and this is all going to happen within the course of a summer, and the US army is too weak to do anything
all i know is my buddy and i have been learning to make bullets and getting pretty good at it, if your not waving a pink flag when you come upon my land you will be shot family and friends have already been notified and given said flag those are the rules in case you get kidnapped use the rear entrance to make it not look like funny business we will know and be prepared, im just gonna sit back and wait let me know anons
Why pink?
>being an american
>doesnt have a gun already

fucking faggot gtfo
I feel like everytime you watch Whites in America fight Blacks, the White people generally look scared as fuck and almost always lose. Why are you guys so afraid? be based like Aussies and Rosskies.

You selling reloads on the side?
you can see it from far away and who do you know thats gonna have a pink flag on them
lol stupid triggered nigger
not really selling i should, but in case shit ever does go down that would be a good trade to know
Okay yeah I thinking who tf carries around pink flags. I was imagining baby pink. Neon pink would be easy to spot.
I buy mostly 9mm reloads these days. You can't go wrong with selling 380/9 on the side imo.Do those in larger quantities than the other calibers at least in my state (Florida). THey'll sell pretty good. I have gallon ziplocs full of 9mm I need to use.
You have a very feminine finger, show us the full hand or kys.
is that the golden one
i have those same pair of vans senpai
yeah my family and friends we have 7 adults 3 of wich have military training, helping the others more and more everyday have to protect the children you know we are pretty close so we have thought a more few things through been prepping for years, seems like a good plan just shoot on site if nobody complies
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That guy is Aryan as fuck. I would pay to see him crush more nigger skulls.
Get enough ammunition to kill as many blacks and muslims as humany possible. The only thing that is going to save white people is all out war.
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>the UK sheep's teeth
smells like summer
The worse part about this is, if it was the other way around and the crowd was black not white, instead of helping them, they would of went through their pockets
Dedicate a whole day(a sunny day) from very early in the morning until the sun goes down to rubbing your entire body in olive oil and absorb as much sun as you can. Your body needs it.
Grow up yank. You have the tame as fuck descendants of slaves to deal with. Those Australians are dealing with bona fide Africans.
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This Swed anon is already more American
most of us have good jobs, kids, and family.
only losers that live around niggers think a civil war will break out.
the only place this stuff happens is nigger filled states / cities.
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Die for me goy im jizzing in my tachtonim.
>tame as fuck
No they're animals here, too. Entitled ones who aren't African skinnies. You clearly haven't been to nig ghettos here.
21 ft rule dumbass
i hear you on that just look up ways to store though i personally wouldnt keep em in ziploc bags anymore , i love reloading though shells good way to manage your time.

>Room messy as fuck
>Nvidia shield

Holy fucking shit are you retarded
no. it's latsbrah
lul Come here to visit the african ghettos with your family so they can shoot all of you and loot your dead corpses
Be careful what you wish for
They can't shoot straight and they can't fight without numbers. They rely on a media-induced reputation and white-fear as shown in >>130057060

When the black dregs from your country were sent to Liberia they were literally eaten.
Come to chicago and lets see how civilized the people in the south are lol. GL
I'm sure they'll stink up my twitter something fierce.
Yea with death threats

The commie support map in the Russian empire looked very similar and the cities AKA commies won the Civil War. And then they starved the countryside as punishment for not being commie.

Don't underestimate them.
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You ever watch last samurai with Tom Cruise? The chinks got mowed down on their horses
That's why they always travel in packs desu. They are animals who smell weak betas from a mile away. It's not like white people live in those ghettos here. The nigs move into once great cities, turn everything to shit, and all the non-retards move out.
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>tfw I'll never be a blonde Adonis who can beat up blacks

I'll will forever be a beedy eyed black haired anglo.
Yea the ghettos in all parts of america are the worst , but hey at least they shoot you and dont behead you like in lots of south american and central american countries.
No, I have nvidia shield because I am rich and have many shekels goy
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After the food supply runs out, and most communications are dead across the USA, you could see a scenario similar to a lot of T.V. shows like The Walking Dead. Small groups of militas raping and pillaging towns for resources. It will be brutal. The borders for a Civil War today would be very mixed and jumbled up. Instead of it being North vs. South, with fronts and supply lines and orders, it would be Right Wing Death Squads vs Left wing Commie Squads fighting all around the country in cities.

>Fights would break out in the cities
>Some cities would be taken over by the Right Wing Death Squads
>Some cities taken over by the Commie Death Squads
>Once clear borders are established (ex: right wing squads own majority of the cities in a state, that state is theirs after they clear out the minority of left controlled cities)

inb4 "left wang peple dont hav guns retard"

>Most will when war breaks out, imagine how much soros funding will go into the war effort
Gubament would definitely supply the commie/left side. Unrest is brewing right now, but for now it's just the occasional riot. I wouldn't worry much more than owning some firearms, ammo, some survival supplies, and having some basic survival skills. People should be doing that regardless.
>food runs out and communications are dead

And what exactly happened in your exact scenarios that caused this
Annnd you're retarded
My brain autocorrected Gubament as military Mein bad
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Make me a promise, lads.

Once you're done kicking the living shit out of the lefties and riding the US of commie faggotry, can you come up here and take Make Canada America Again?

>food runs out

meaning that no food is being put into the market anymore, all of it is taken by different groups/armies


youre probably right
I do wonder how things would go down across military and law enforcement. Of course they are mostly on the American freedom side, but how many would be fed incomplete and misleading information and think they're doing the right thing? Especially if communication is highly limited. In my post I was talking about deep state and soros orgs funding/supplying citizen groups though.
Dems will lose 2/2 civil wars
Why is there an orange sticker on your gun?
Get a railgun or plasma rifle.
that viking KO'd those niggers
Regardless of the situation whenever financially permitted you should buy guns.
The guys fly off of his punches. Dude can throw them for sure
>they are mostly on the American freedom side

Uh-huh... tell me another one.
that dude has beautiful hair
Yeah, cars parked/driving on the left.

This isn't in 'Murica.

Sad to hear that other parts of Aus than just Melbourne are getting "enriched".
and you think anitfa will burn down the bread basket unopposed?
I imagine they'll have to play "just followin muh orders" crackdown on both sides until it they can't hide their bias anymore. Either from leftist aggression or lack of manpower.
It all depends on Trump maintaining power through the whole ordeal.
You realize they're just people. Gun loving red wing patriotic constitution protecting people. The vast majority of the police and military side with he constitution every time. And it's funny because now our govt is right wing. So all these lefty terrorists bitching about their revolution won't have the same backup we had during the Obama years. They'll legally and rightfully have their shit pushed in by the military and police. And us legal gun owners who train borderline daily will be glad to help. Much more comfy watching live streams of them getting their shit pushed in by the professionals tho.
Found the daily daily stormer radicalization attempt
I think it wI'll be much more complicated than Muh states
T. Pic related
>I want to lose an extremely fractured war even more because of my autism.
you replied to a joke, holy autism.

If you think you need +p, then just get a bigger bullet.

Yes, 40 is better
I think the poor nogunz was alluding to a single-action revolver.
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*teleports behind you*

No. The solution is to arrest, try, and convict those on the left advocating or inciting violence.

Or just kill them.

Diplomacy won't work with an unreasonable adversary.
Ironic considering a few decades ago lots of people moved from Sydney to Melbourne due to certain neighborhoods becoming very "enriched" with gooks and wogs
>9mm +p gold dot is the most used service round for american police

stop lying.

Most PD use 40. A few liberal cities are miving back to 9mm because of all the forced women hires, so they need an easier bullet for unqualified folks to shoot.

Dixie confirmed as nigger central, lol
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I think the anon meant "single action"
You'd be better off with a knife and a gun, just saying.

Is there anyone in the south who isn't a complete fucking retard living in 1860?
They were right, you know.
Think about the person/people filming and their cultural values
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can i participate burger-san?
just remember the scene from raiders of the lost ark when indy pulled out his gun and shot the guy with the sword.
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1.idk 2.idk probably 4-5 yrs max 3.yes
Fucking idiot you can litteraly get a hi point pistol for $100.
Flea market samurai
I know you're probably just being retarded on purpose, but in case you are just underage: Buy either a .380/9mm pistol (glock/smithandwesson/etc.) or a 30-06.
Get the Remington 870. No joke - I make so many different shells for it (wax shells, blanks for shooting arrows, rock salt, dragon's breath, etc); it's my go to weapon of choice.
whenevr a white person takes his shirt off he's about to rape someone
we will have to concur the south first if we are to do anything about the others. even though all of the south is red that dosen't mean there is a lot of blue and we need to turn that blue into red no matter the costs

It's combination of things. The whites that are targeted by niggers are typically beta cucks who have been indoctrinated to treat niggers with kid gloves and are terrified as being perceived as racist. Further, they generally understand the violent nature of nigs even if they don't want to admit it.

The whites who aren't that way are rarely targeted by niggers because we're not soft targets, and the nigs can read that in our body language / appearance.
10mm better yet
I doubt there will be civil wars unless the non-whites riot and start taking land. I imagine there will be a right wing government that pours shitloads of money into the military with the intention that the military will launch a coup and the right wing government will hand over power peacefully.
Nigger. Stop typing.
Give back the card to its rightful owner Jake
N...what? Howd you know my name
i'd disagree.

10mm might be hard to procure when shtf
This is absolutely correct. You either have beta scent or you don't. Nigs have no pride. They don't square up with people they think are good opponents. They go for the ones they know they can crush and like to do it in numbers.
>This .jpg
>Hillary won the election
People honestly believe this?

Pro-Tip: read about Martin Armstrong and his predictions.
>Charleston massacre by Dylan Storm Roof

the black police chick that arrested him and was standing behind him was 200% cute
I'm looking to buy a handgun once I get my CCW. Below is a list of some of my favorites I've tried; which one do you recommend? (Other suggestions also welcome)

>G19 Gen 4
>Springfield XDS
>Springfield XD Mod 2
>Ruger LC9s
You heart is in the right place but the people who need this advice should start with an easier to control caliber.

.38 special, 9mm, .45 acp. Those three are great choices for a first pistol. The ammo is common which means you can practice on a budget. The power is decent if you actually practice hitting targets and the recoil in full sized versions is easy to manage. Once they get more confident they can move up to more powerful calibers.
They are a combination of sore losers and people with such reprehensible American history/government education that they don't understand the electoral college, how elections in our country work, and why they were set up the way they were.

I can't speak for all cops, but I know very few who lean left. Most are pretty right wing.

Despite the propaganda from the leftist media, most cops actually want to / try to do the objectively right thing. Part of their mission is to maintain order, so in the beginning, I suspect you'd see them cracking down on both sides in an attempt to maintain order.

In a legit civil war, I think you'd see the overwhelming majority of law enforcement and military side with the right.
>after I get my CCW

Haha cuck
You can suck my dick, too
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You are truly indoctrinated and/or borderline retarded if you think your solution would ever be implemented

This anon gets it. This >>130062117 mental midget just has a subjective view of "American freedom" and thinks it means that the big ole mean police officer man can't tell him what to do cuz 'Merica.
If you like the ruger I'd go ahead and pick up the pocket pistol. Sometimes carrying a full-mid-size can be cumbersome.

And id favor the XDS out of those choices but I'd say none of the above lol.
Really about having an active safety for a carry weapon. The chances of an ND is so much more likely than actually using it.
Stick to nato rounds they will be readily avalible
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Honorary burger
I definitely think if they were fully aware of what was happening they're side with the right. There would be a lot of confusion at first and attempting to reinstate law and order. For the good of the country military and law enforcement would be following orders without the hindsight to see which side is which. If communication is limited, everything is need to know, and they're isolated how could they know they aren't doing the right thing? They could be told X militia is the antagonist and Y militia is just trying to defend things and have no idea what's going on outside of their designated region.
how do you know it's not wood?

The reality of it's implementation isn't the discussion at hand. Stop moving the goalposts.

With that said, you're still wrong. Prosecutions for inciting violence already occur, the laws already exist. The solution is to enforce those laws, as I said.

Concerning killing them, I'm not talking about the implementation of government-sponsored assassinations. This discussion is occurring in the context of a hypothetical civil war between Left / Right. Your proposed solution was negotiating with terrorists, and that's simply foolish.
Don't let anyone poo-poo you about this being a civil war.

The ability of the left to get away with violence is one of the gravest threats to American society in its modern history.
Left-wing violence doesn’t only succeed where it takes place. It succeeds where nothing happens. The left can now shut down places and events just by threatening violence.

The Media is allowing it to do what the left has done since Lenin: blame others while it alone organizes violence.

It is time for our society to acknowledge a sad truth: America is currently fighting its second Civil War.
Americans are more divided morally, ideologically and politically today than they were during the Civil War.

Unity was possible between the right and liberals, but not between the right and the left.
Without any important value held in common, how can there be unity between left and non-left? Obviously, there cannot.

There will be unity only when the left vanquishes the right or the right vanquishes the left.

If college presidents, mayors and police chiefs won’t stop left-wing mobs, other Americans will.
See that's the thing. This is the Information Age. Everyone knows everything that's going on. But that's only one point. The other thing is that given the current political circumstances only the leftists will be on the receiving end of the military/police. 6mo ago and previously it's always been a question of rightists against a leftist govt. That's simply not the case anymore. We the president now. And everyone else. We're leaving people alone and expecting law and order. We want normalcy. Only the left want to burn the country down because it was her turn. If it happens it'll be over before it gets good and started.
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This guy gets it. There's a very interesting three page doc floating around on the internet from a guy describing what it was like when the Balkans fell apart. I don't have it any more and I can't find it either.
Short version: without govt, without medics, you die. Without friends, you die. Guns are not as important as skills, and food, and fire making. The most well stocked and barricaded go down first. Material attracts it's own destruction. The scum rises to the top.

If it ever got to that point in the US, the world would be finished, because the Federal Govt would be finished, and the US economy would be finished.
This is why I'm in a secluded little corner of the woods with a garden and hunting supplies. All I need is a decent suppressor and I can just ghost myself and kill anyone that comes across my seclusion.

I think a lot of cops are more awake than that, and recognize the current reality of what's occurring. Not too long ago, most cops had no clue what the fuck Antifa was, but that's recently changed.

Basically, if you're chimping out in the street, they're going to come down on you regardless of your affiliation, as they should (it is, after all, what we pay them to do).

During open hostilities, I don't think they'll be so isolated or confused to not be able to decipher the truth. I think that the "X militia is the antagonist and Y militia is just trying to defend things" wouldn't work, as it's antithetical to the restore / maintain order mindset of our police, who wouldn't take too kindly to roving bands of vigilantes.
I think it would end up more like the roof Koreans situation. Police left them to fend for themselves. An obvious mob came in to start shit and the ones defending their own were allowed to do so with impunity. There would be a lot of that going on. Antifa and the like that start these shitshows would just be an armed mob and the police would either step aside or engage and any onlooker with a gun that's also engaging the mob would be welcomed
I certainly hope so. I'm thinking about an incredibly messed up state in which people are reduced to SAT phones and walkie talkies as their only long distance communication. Regardless civil war/unrest would just play right into the globalist agenda. Once we are broken enough they can establish new governments, alliances, etc.
There's no way this is correct. Whites are not having children, but shitskins are breeding like rabbits.
Very good.
Your sentence makes no sense.
>Should I buy guns?
Hell Yes.
anyone know who that guy is? because i want to buy him a fucking drink
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Just buy this anon.
Nice map, what year's it from and what's the source? I see the mountains in Utah and that block of Nevada are nice and white. Cheap land there right now...
>Should I buy guns?
Nah, you must be sleepy though. You should go to bed.
just remember white people invented a virus that only tagets rabbits called mixamatosis which wiped out the rabbit population in Australia in only a few years
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Respect for not hiding your flag
aha get fucked stupid niggers
This X 3million
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>This discussion is occurring in the context of a hypothetical civil war between Left / Right. Your proposed solution was negotiating with terrorists, and that's simply foolish.
As I said before, civil war and unrest in America is the wet dream of groups like ADL, AIPAC, The Hasbara, JIDF, Israel, Soros’ Open Society or some other filthy and dirty zionist organization that pays dumb niggers to shill here. Are you being paid by one of those groups, or just shilling for free with your head up your ass? A war between left/right would be a civil war in America, one in which you are advocating for. Whether you know it or not, you are supporting a kike agenda like a good little goy and that's what's foolish.
The right just want to live. It's the leftists pushing for any aggression. It's obvious they're playing right into the hands of (((them))). That's why it's important to squash that shit before it can get a foothold as an actual conflict.
>the establishment wants civil conflict
If thst were true they'd just get to it. Liberals are already gas lit to 11 on propaganda and I've heard many of them cheer the Alexandria shooter already.

For all the hurf blurf about muh gun totin Republicans and red states, you just don't have that fervor on the right save for a few on the fringes like around here. Most of them would cuck hard and never dare attack minorities even if they rampaged across red turf.

The reality is the establishment wants to roll on their current trajectory for another decade or two. Once the boomers have mostly died off the revolution they have in mind can go off without any hitch. Whites will be fully scapegoated and lynched for all the sins of the state in the past. Jew oligarchs will be made public czars over all financial and industrial centers with token diversity filling all the mid ranks.

A combination of Brazil and South Africa will be the new normal and whites will never again have political power to save themselves. Some will subordinate, cuck harder then ever, and themselves become tokens in the new order. Others will flee to some nations that are smaller and under developed to avoid persecution. Most will just persist in the purgatory of mandated diversity until Paraguayan mandatory misegenation laws breed then out completely.

Somewhere in the process the new empire will have to invade or otherwise subdue Russia and China because the prospect of the world's largest military and nuclear arsenal being in the hands of insane Jews and nonwhites forever will be too much of a risk to ignore. The outcome will be either total destruction or unity under a Jewish global oligarchy with mystery meat beuracrats.

Literally the only time window to stop all this is this decade or the next. After that demographic determined outcomes from low agency nonwhites ensure things go as planned.

Top kek
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FUCKING SPOT ON. We would get destroyed by China, Soros puppets, and refugees if we start a civil war. They will pin it all on the right and start an entirely new regime with the constitution scrapped, 2nd amendment repealed, and the mass death of the American political system.

It's not a good thing
>paying for an overpriced gun in an underpowered caliber
good goy
>implying they won't scrap muh constitution as soon as nonwhites are a voting majority.
This is why the right will lose in the end. Whites just don't care about the future. They only care about their universal ideas and principles. I honestly welcome the authoritarian future with open arms. It's going to be horrrid, but at least I'll have the lullaby of cucksevative men being flayed for bad think while they moan about muh constitution to the pack of Jews and shitskins doing it.
Get big, you disgrace.
Teleports behind you , nothing personal shill
Wont the army just be used to put it down?
Being next to the window lets in the natural sunlight and really lends to the cinematics of the photo.
But there's still rabbits there, and now they aren't safe to eat. And I think they tried to control them again with a new virus or something else. Of course they introduced some freak frogs into the population to deal with a pest and ended up with an even worse frog pest.
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this nigger was $500
quit complaining
I a poorfag what should I do to survive? should I just flee to the mountains?
NYC should be its own state
With the prospect of half the elite's controlled opposition being wiped out, things could get a little hairy.
I'm a*
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>8 rounds of 9 mm
man they really didn't even try to make it that good
sure, you'll probably never need more than 2-3 but there's always the option for more

It's Australia.

Although it took place in Melbourne, which is the Sweden of Australia (notice the white bois running over to dote on the poor """""""refugees""""""" at the end)
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Civil war would cripple the USA for the next 50-100 years, if not forever. Our economy would go to the shitter, the rights that we fight for, even if WE win, would most likely be taken away after it in the name of security. We would create a giant power vacuum in the pacific ocean and middle east for our enemies to gobble up and take our place as the most powerful country in the world. America would go back to the pre spanish-american war isolationist state that it once was.

Meanwhile, if there is no civil war, the jews will take a tighter and tighter grip on America. In 50-100 years whites will be a minority, quality of life will have been destroyed. The constitution will probably be edited- or added on to by the non-white majority. We will slowly become weaker, probably even letting countries like China take more and more land in Asia without doing shit. Sooner or later borders would be abolished and millions of sub-saharan Africans will be let into the country. (as if our nigger problem is not already bad enough) and we will turn into a caliphate.

So two choices:

Civil War:

>Leftists purged
>Most likely a right wing win
>Right wing government
>Back to our white majority
>A chance of rising back up in the future, while still being white

>America is not great anymore
>Might get eaten up by foreign countries
>Millions of good white men dead

No Civil War

>Keep the peace
>Not millions dead
>America still a world power


>We will slowly burn out, until we are overcome and outbreeded by the non-whites
>NO chance of recovery demographics wise
>NO chance of recovery as the USA
>Most of us would have to live through this slow and painful death of our people

Civil War seems to be the way to go. I will not spend my ENTIRE life watching my culture and country burn out and die with no chance. I want it to die in a giant fucking ball of flame, with at least the small, but slim, chance of recovery in the future.
>So how much longer till a Civil War?
I'm guessing late 2017 early 2018
>What kind of warfare will be taking place, and how long will it last?
The commies will have molotovs and cheap shitty guns while the patriots will have assault rifles with support of the military and law enforcement.
>Should I buy guns?
is it bad that I want a glock 43 but in 10mm
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t. phonetic reader
>what the fug is con-queer?

There are already more Sudanese here in Sydney. The difference is that we have a Cuckservative government in charge of the state, so they actually have police kinda doing their jobs.
thanks for this anon

can get my gril a ring and me a cheap home defense
>buys a scar
>doesn't even get 762
lol why would you even bother
My uncle has an M4 w/ grenade launcher- come to Texas.
I have a 43. Great little gun. But this platform needs a real caliber.
fuck off nigger lover.
>G 29 G4
>L 175mm
>W 32.5mm
>H 113mm

>G 43 'baby glock'
>L 159mm
>W 26mm
>H 108mm

I guess it's similar but it's got a good inch more in length
>single shot revolver
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Blacks in America are different from blacks here. Africans are right at the bottom of the criminal pecking order alongside pedophiles. Noted for their cowardice and inability to fight. Criminal culture here still puts value on who can actually punch on in the prison yard. It's why even Aboriginals tend to be good at boxing and kinda follow rules (like not piling on when a guy is down).

Africans here are mostly weak/pathetic.

This fight would obviously be different if it was with Maoris or Lebs.

That said, it probably wouldn't happen in the first place since even Cannibal Savages and Muslim Terrorists are better behaved than the average African.
wow golden one going to the fucking town alright
how do you make your dragon's breath rounds?
Civil war is inevitable and here is why. Basically what’s going on, is that Americans are moving to communities that align more with their politics. Liberals are moving to liberal areas, and conservatives are moving to conservative communities. It’s been going on for decades. When Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976, 26.8% of Americans lived in landslide counties; that is counties where the president won or lost by 20% of the vote.

By 2004, 48.3% of the population lived in these counties, and this number has only continued to rise since then. It is nearly at 60% as of the last election. As Americans move to their preferred geographic bubbles, they face less exposure to opposing viewpoints, and their own opinions become more extreme. This trend is at the heart of why politics have become so polarizing in America. This trend is also visible in social media, where people are aligning themselves in small political bubbles on the internet despite many opposing opinions being open to them. As far as I can tell this entire process is not reversible. With how easy it is now to use the internet and ever expanding road system, it is easier than ever to move to a new place that fits your ideals, I believe it is irreversible.
The part of cc that keeps me from tucking my G22 is the slide thickness. If they made a micro 10mm I'd trade up in a heartbeat. The 29 kinda solves the problem but it's still so thick. Like just as thick as a full frame.

American blacks are way worse than our African ones.

They are all big gangly ET motherfuckers who buckle under a soft tap. That's why they usually move in packs targeting women and children.

That or they zerg you.
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>falling for the triggered bait
Yeah, and how sparsely populated is Trumpland?
Not much longer

You need C4 and detonators ,maybe hand grenades too....forget guns
this, az will be blue state due to maricopa county growing as fast as it is.


>15-20 years

>yes , yes you should
yes, that's why if shit ever goes down you want an escape plan.

as I stated earlier im from az, i know the indians up north, how they will never change and how predictable they can be. Safest place to go if you want to stay low and know how to deal with cultural natives lmao.
If it happens, it will happen by the end of the year. The US (and thus several other countries) and now in a political zero sum game. If we win, things will normalize or even become great again, if we lose, the US becomes a communist state or worse.
In the US, it's a war of attration. Can trump bring down the hammer before the DNC Kangaroo courts him?
And if the US falls, the UK, the US puppets, China and half the EU also fall.
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