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Pagan/Christian Alliance

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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 93

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Can we not set aside our differences for the time being and defend Western Civilisation together?
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Most def. The people rooting for a division between us are merely purity spiraling shills trying to keep us apart.
Why make a thread like this?
The people who don't agree with this alliance are gonna type "Deus Vult" and "Christcuck" in caps, and the people who agree with you cannot convince them anyway.
Inb4, Look up Knights of Templar and Freemasonry. Christians and pagans are more than likely responsible for what's currently going on. The two brother organizations KoT(Christian ) FreeMa-Unitarian Church for bois only(pagan).
>Stop being anti d&c
Sure thing shill
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Yes we can it shouldnt even be a question
Christianity is communism, never forget that.
And you're a nigger.
Yeah whatever, you're right.
Fuck anyone who tries to divide EVROPA
You aren't going to change some peoples minds, they have their own convictions. Stop shilling and start pushing for co-operation, it's our only hope.
I will never ally with a willing servant of the jews.
Can't unite when our population consists mainly of cucks and sandniggers
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Funny how Pagans always say they're opressed and it's Christians who are unreasonable and intolerant yet it's only Pagans in this thread that won't work with Christians. I'd be willing to work with a Heathen.
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Count me in. No amount of shilling can change that we fight for a common cause.
That's not entirely true. Christians often make anti pagan threads and use lies to try to discredit paganism. If you going to try to win an argument, at least be truthful. That aside, I agree that bickering will only make matters worse.
I would be willing to let you take halve the burden too.
If you don't like what Varg has to say, don't listen to him, or the shills who try and represent him as the spokesperson for all right wing Pagans. It's simple.
You can't never be sure who makes those threads.

However it's clear that they are not made for a constructive purpose.
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Of course we can. Our movement is still in it's infancy, we shouldn't be dividing ourselves like this. We can carve out individual factions later on, but right now we need to focus on the common enemy; (((them)))
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I still listen to him, I don't mind opinions I'm opposed to, I just wanted to know what pagans thought of that image macro honestly, and I dislike him being used as a strawman for all Pagans much like people use literal cuck Ministers, Pastors, etc, as an example pf all Christianity.
Freemasons are absolutely not pagan. They have their own brand of mysticism and I've read that they worship lucifer and/or gold but don't quote me on that.

They are not pagan, however
No, pagan LARPers are nordcucks who think they are superior.
t. butthurt nigger
Gaia sees your treason. Your genes will be rooted out and cast from this turn of the wheel and all to come.
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pagan VIKING here. I'm not siding with christcuck jewlovers.
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No. Christians are multiculturalists who love non-whites. Christianity is ipso facto the enemy of the white race.
>lgbt flag
>implying now jewish
checks out
How can I be butthurt to some snowniggers who yell "we wuz vikingz n' shiet" while Ahmed if fucking your wives? The only thing I can feel is pity for you.

Keeping the peace.
Shut up idiot shills.
If we can all consider reincarnation as a possible truth then each of us should realize there is only one alliance to be made. There is evidence to show Jesus believed in this. So, assuming it is true... I was maybe a Roman, maybe a Jew, maybe an American, an African, a pagan, a christian, a mystic, etc.

The alliance of value is that of human to human.
christians think western civilization can be saved without killing all nonwhites in the world. christianity is globalist and anti white
>How can I be butthurt to some snowniggers who yell "we wuz vikingz n' shiet" while Ahmed if fucking your wives?
Because you are racially inferior to them?
Nice try shill but reincarnation doesn't work like that.
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I am racially inferior to some blonde cucks who sell their wives to Mohammed? That must be very frustrating...
Yes you are, you low iq cultureless nigger.
>Keeping the interests of the Jews at the forefront.

Oh do you hear that? Ahmed is calling for you on his bed, time to put your wig, vikingz!
It doesn't work like in your past/future you've led lives where you were were on the side of things that may not have been the most evolved form of thinking?

How does it work in your opinion? I wasn't intending it to say one crosses all of those lines of race/religion over lifetimes. I was pointing out that positions of polarity can change for a soul.
Just stop, your bullshit meming isn't witty or humerous
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>being butthurt about the posts
Ahmed has no place in my country. So do you.

This is fucking pathetic. You pagans cannot argue worth a fucking shit. This is why your stupid movement will fizzle out.

Among the myriad of shitty arguments, the quote about Julian the Apostate is the worst and speaks of the creator's cognitive dissonance. Surely they did not see the rest of the quote afterwards:

>the Galilean, who later was called the Christ, intended something quite different.

It's clear Hitler was "anti-Christian" in a sense that he disliked it in it's current form. Also, the book many of Hitler's supposed anti-Christian quotes come from Hitler's Table Talks. Nothing in the book is confirmed or unconfirmed. In fact, the man who first came in possession of it was notorious for forgeries.
I won't forget my history. Fucking Christians ruined everything for Latvians, Lithuanians and Old Prussians.

I should also elaborate that it's not Hitler's notes, but the notes of a secretary whom was instructed to record the conversations.
Why is UN not welcome? Are you a warmongering dictator?
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How can we form a alliance when its the Christians and proto-Christians (commies) voting and creating the policies for this invasion?
>is anti-nationalist

>you pagans cannot argue worth a fucking shit
Sound white af to me desu
Sweden, you're a role model for all european countries, keep it up.
>It's clear Hitler was "anti-Christian" in a sense that he disliked it in it's current form.
And the current form is the only thing that matters, you dumbass.
>Also, the book many of Hitler's supposed anti-Christian quotes come from Hitler's Table Talks. Nothing in the book is confirmed or unconfirmed.
Somehow it heavily correlates with what have Goebbels and Himmler said about Hitler. But I guess some amerifat dumbass is more right than them.
UN is a meme-organization, which should be dissolved indeed.
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Yes, lets do that.
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>And the current form is the only thing that matters, you dumbass.

No, it doesn't. He still did not reject Christ. Is it possible, by chance, that Htler's views were nuanced?

A common theme I've seen with many of you pagans is that you're petty and have issues seeing the bigger picture.
This dispute is very one-sided, in my view. It's very often some pagans blinded by personal vendetta against Christianity (á la Varg) causing the divide.
According to Goebbels, he did "reject jesus" indeed.

Fuck Western Civilization!
friendly reminder christianity is a middle eastern religion

hilarious meme and original. A+

>repeat the same shit for the 900000000th time
>get called out
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>table talk

lol.Like it or not Hitler was a Christian and there are countless sources about it
Varg doesn't represent all right wing pagans though, just as the pope doesn't represent all Catholics.

Isn't Trump a incarnation of Patton?
I'd be willing to work with a Christian too
>I-I'm not butthurt, just calling you out

Keep it up swedencuck.
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We live and fight for white europe.
He was officially supporting christkikenity to gain support. After he rose to power, he was criticizing it and therefore he created POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY, to later transform positive christians to pagans.

I'm not only using Table Talk, but I also rely on what have Goebbels and Himmler said. And I think they are more right than you in this case.
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I thought I was the role model
In these quotes he is criticising the tactless preachers of paganism, not paganism itself.
Yes but you need to improve your attitude. Take more immigrants and we'll take it as apology.

Get out riechaboo
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>He was officially supporting christkikenity to gain support
>t buttmad pagan cuck

Lol.You are just pathetic mad because he was a Christian and you choose to believe what the phsyco Goebbels and the traitor Himmler say.

I choose to believe the Big Man himself.He was a Christian no doubt it,not very religious but He was.

>Just as the Jew could once incite the mob of Jerusalem against Christ, so today he must succeed in inciting folk who have been duped into madness to attack those who, God's truth! seek to deal with this people in utter honesty and sincerity.

-Adolf Hitler, in Munich, 28 July 1922

>In the life of nations, what in the last resort decides questions is a kind of Judgment Court of God.... Always before god and the world the stronger has the right to carry through what he wills.

-Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich, 13 April 1923

>We had no prayer but this during our long years of struggle: Lord, give our people peace at home and abroad!

-Adolf Hitler, at the Oath Under the Cathedral of Light, 14 Sept. 1936

>The National Socialist Movement has wrought this miracle. If Almighty God granted success to this work, then the Party was His instrument.

-Adolf Hitler, in his proclamation to the German People on 01 Jan. 1939
Stop contradicting yourselves
All of your quotes above were just said in public for diplomatic reasons. Even the communists in germany had to describe themselves at christkikes at this time. Kys christkike faggot.
Pagans are a tiny minority of autists who spend most of their time disrupting conversations on /pol/.
See here's the thing I don't fucking get. Christians constantly talk about how they're still european, and they're right sometimes. So why can't you accept the natural european polytheistic views? Or even better, don't focus so damn much on religion to begin with. Do something with your life instead of trying to turn a middle eastern religion into something european. Ultimately, if you hold more loyalty to a religion like that instead of your ancestry then you have no place in european communities.
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>"mimimi i am mad"
>"das no rite"
>"He did dis to gain votes reeee"
>Hitler supposed to be WE WUZ KANGS

You sound triggered.Did i hit a nerve faggot?


kys jewish rat filth
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>kys jewish rat filth
You should stop speaking to yourself, crypto-jew.
We must!
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>cant argue with claims and sources
>start shitsposting

typicall 15year old (((pagan))) larper
top kek
I've already gave you arguments. But you can only shitpost and make up ad personam, so the only answers you deserve are shitposts.

Also go back to israel.
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>Hitler wuz kangz because he wanted votes
>no source

nice argument you have there kike

Also kys
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>you're the joo here!
>no you are!
this is fucking pathetic
Holy shit stop arguing, this is exactly why we're going to go extinct
>no source
I've already given you a source severa times, but you deny all of them because BUT-BUT HITLER MUST HAVE BEEN JEW-LOVER!!1111
Paganism is about removing all the Jewish content, while Christianity is a Jewish content. That's a simple deal.
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Who was it that slaughtered pagans in Europe again?
Oh right, Christcucks
fuck off
Soros paid shill detected. True christians and pagans will live and let live and work together as neighbors to defeat the jewish/islamic vermin. 14 words!
doesn't make it any less true
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stop worshipping architecture
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Ill stand with other people of the book before I stand with idolators and barbarians.
Is it any wonder, when paganism was hunted down like an animal across Europe by Christianity?

Heck, my country has a lot of written memories about that stuff.

Totally would. After all, it's not beliefs that make us strong, but our blood.
Who's actually pagan? There are atheists who like pagan aesthetics but actual pagan believers?
>purity spiraling
fuck off TRS cunt
go back to your trap boyfriends shitridden cock
Paganism is fine if you're illiterate, wouldn't you want to be educated if you had the opportunity?
So Romans were illiterate?
True paganism is dead, current (((paganism))) is a made up pseudo religion being worshipped by literal larpers. How could anyone take them seriously?
Catholics aren't Christian
Maybe you shouldn't have been acting like mudslimes and slaughtering white civilian innocents
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only if you believe the propaganda. albert speer testified in his autobiography that hitler privately confided in him that he preferred islam to christianity, and that the reasoning for this was that islam's inherently warlike nature could have allowed the germanic people to conquer the entire world as opposed to most sects of christianity with their generally peaceful message.

hitler was a german nationalist above all else. the only reason he advocated christianity as he did was because it was already an inherent part of german culture and there was no feasible way he could have sufficiently changed or twisted it to better fit his goals.
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>using isis logic
The problem is that Paganism is not better than Islam.

They whole culture before Christianism was based on rape and steal.
how can anyone take a literall jewlover seriously
considering that the Christians converted the pagans through threat (and applied) of death, probably not
no it was based on the natural order of things
There's a reason they embraced Christianity.
>amerukun educashun
What did the Christians do?
Well, the natural order of things say that the strongest won. Christianism.
Now """Paganism""" is nothing but a meme for Hollywood movies.

Please tell me how a viking was different from a regular Muslim
That's simply not true. The forced conversion of the Saxons was an exception. Most Europeans converted to christianism voluntarily.
>paganism was hunted down like an animal across Europe by Christianity?
But it wasn't.
No one went off to the reaches of nowhere to hunt down pagans. They hunted pagans who lived only to raid.
Even then, it's not as if it was a foreign army, it was people who were fed up with pagan warlords being full of shit.

70% of Nordics convert voluntarily to Christianism.
BIG. FAT. LIE. if I ever saw one.

My country has sources, where it tells that conversion to Christianity, was forced.
Remove kebab
Be careful, because it's preferable a honest enemy than a misleading ally.
Pagans who worship the old gods are real Pagans.

But Pagans who say they worship Nature are people who have not come to Gnosticism yet.

The Old gods were the Anunna or the Anunnaki some call them the Neteru of Egypt or the Olympians of Greece.

They are all the same.

For example: Enki is Poseidon or Neptune.

These old gods were called the Archons by the Gnostics.

Christians who think Jesus is the Son of the Lord of the Garden are following a veiled Pagan Tradition. But Gnostic leaning Christians think that the Father of Jesus is a God higher then the Lord.
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There was an old white nationalism adage from the skinhead crew era that read "My folk is my faith, My race is my religion>" Unfortunately I saw that on "Gangland" when I was an edgy 17 year old who liked watching shows about gangs and drugs. I still find that shit entertaining, but not out of some edgy infatuation.
Please, show me your anonymous sauces.
>My country has sources, where it tells that conversion to Christianity, was forced.
What are these sources that your country is larger than 85% of Europe?
please tell me how a christkike is any different from a muhammedkike
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shooo christkikes
You can start by comparing their lives.

Of course, if you believe that everything that comes from kikeland is despicable, then stop farming.

It's not gonna be much use if you can't speak my language.
No, there's too much hate between us. It's the hand of the jew, no doubt, but this is what it is.
Can someone make a picture like OP but with the lines from LotR?
>I never thought I'd die by the side of a Christian
>How about by the side of a friend?
A poem that goes back to 1835? By a romantic poet?

sounds legit
>Aye. I could do that
if you are pagen you're not a chritsian.
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plz but muh jewsus crust and his jewlleynus.

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Well it depend if you Kabbalah ..no thanks
Christian here.
I would literally rather die than shake hands with a filthy idolater. The Holy Church does not need help from pagan scum. All we need is to replace our incompetent leadership.

I told you you'd it'd be useless if you didn't read my language.

The non-English wiki goes more in-depth, since the poet drew inspiration from 8th century. During the time of Carantania when pagans were forcibly converted.
Honestly I say we just kill off the Christians and Pagans who fail to put race before religion.

They're more trouble alive than dead.
No one has ever said that only christcucks that come in here implying it. If anything Christians are the ones who say they are oppressed. Do you not see how you come out complain about how Christians are made by of by jewish tv execs among other oppression shit? OH NO BUT WE ARE BEING OPPRESSED BY THE SECULARISTS AND MUSLIMS.

Fuck off.
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>They whole culture before Christianism was based on rape and steal.
>this is what christkikes believe in
>this is what according to christkikes changed because jesus was born
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oups ..
All you need is to move to fucking Israel and be semitic there.
Look OP, now you've attracted all LARPagans and TempLARPers.

This is why we need to kill all the ones who dont put their race before their petty religion.
The cracks are Christianity.
>This is why we need to kill all the ones who dont put their race before their petty religion.
Do you mean Christkikes? Because paganism is by definition about caring about race and heritage.
Hitler was a Deist, not Christian, how can people on this board still not know this?
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>like pagans are in a position to negotiate

Listen neopagancucks, you need us. Not the other way around

>As of 2010, Christianity was by far the world's largest religion, with an estimated 2.2 billion adherents

>Pagan/Christian Alliance

Haha Okay go on A pagan wants to ally with a Christian
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Replace Christianity with Common Sense.
Also book like:

Janez Vajkard Valvasor: Slava vojvodine Kranjske
Anton Tomaž Linhart: Poskus zgodovine Kranjske in ostalih dežel južnih Slovanov Avstrije
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meant for>>130038157
yeah, that'll work. you won't get communism
fuck you faggot larping cunts there is no god and you harping pagan faggots don't even believe in what the fuckever pagan bullshit you think
Please shut up, retard
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>there is no god
> pagan faggots don't even believe in what the fuckever pagan bullshit you think
Christianity is the biggest religion because of the Niggers in Africa. Are they going to be fighters for "Europe", "White race", or "Western civilizaithun" or "culture", according to you?
You are out of arguments, aren't you?
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there are 2.2billion christians

and what >100k pagans? lmao. and most of them are african
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>Also, the book many of Hitler's supposed anti-Christian quotes come from Hitler's Table Talks
Not only, Goebbels, Rosenberg, Speer, Bormann all mentioned it. Hitler hid what his religion was, he just said that he was not Christians, I"m pretty sure he was a Deist.

The table talks are not forgeries, partly it may be and English translation is based on biased French translation.
None of you Neo-Pagans "honor" your ancestors or tradition, all you do is piss and moan about Christians and vice versa.

Go back to sucking off Varg
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oh, ok 2.2billion blacks. I didn't know there were 2.2billion blacks in the world. thanks pagancuck.

you neopagans are great with numbers
>there are 2.2billion christians
...and how many of them are White?
You seems to know fucking nothing about paganism, but yet you "moan" about it and say bullshit.
So your "stronk yahwe vult" army will be made out of Niggers? Haha lol, seems like you would make a great crusade for "the west".
but how does this speak for the rest of Europe?
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You wont.
>You seems to know fucking nothing about paganism, but yet you "moan" about it and say bullshit.
that's because everytime you pin a pagan down to something and ask them what it means they devolve into either mysticism or nu-religion and claim that Ancient Scandinavians were proto-Carl Jungs.
has anyone before Jung ever thought of anything as an archetype?
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>So your "stronk yahwe vult" army will be made out of Niggers
front lines. you got a problem with that?

better question how many of you pagans are black? because haiti is filled with blacks and they are pagan like you stupid fucks. they also throw spears too.

White christians are 500 million out of the 22 billion.

How many pagans are white :^)?
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Of course.

Race > all. Now lets unleash some white terror.
And christkikes tend to spit on their ancestors and treat them like every European before 1 AD was a monkey. Yet they aren't very diffrent from them, maybe a bit less inteligent and more blinded by the Jewish propaganda.
>front lines. you got a problem with that?
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... AN AVERAGE CHRISTKIKE. He hates White race, but loves Niggers who tend to be christian. He hates Europe, he hates the West, he is no better than the muslims.
>better question how many of you pagans are black? because haiti is filled with blacks and they are pagan like you stupid fucks. they also throw spears too.
Irrelevant. We do not ally with them.
>White christians are 500 million out of the 22 billion.
...and how many of them are devouted christkikes like you? (Many "christians" just recognize themselves as christian, but they don't even go to churches).
Also our movement is rising, and your movement is declining. It's certain that you will lose, the question is if you either lose to Europeans, or to the Muslims.
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Sure thing

They probably just bent over and accepted it.
My ancestors wouldn't go down without a fight, however, they were giving up their democratic freedom.

Paganism that DID survive in our country, the really old one, is being kept in secret by old people who finally reveal it to their descendants on their deathbeds. Although paganism started to revive in the 90s. Heck, it even has an official organization.
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Great image, saved

Deus Vult
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> Hutton estimated that there are 250,000 neopagan adherents in the United Kingdom

>2001 census, there were a recorded 21080 Pagans in Canada

>in USA A 2008 Pew Forum survey put "New Age" religious believers, including Neopagans, at about 1.2 million

ok so you're at 1.5million bro, not looking good
White 90.4%
Native American 9%
Asian 2%
Hispanic 0.8%
African American 0.5%
“Other” 2.2%
Didn't respond 5%


Christians are just Jews 2.0
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spear chunker, we went to the moon
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I will set aside muh faith to fight along side my people
>And christkikes tend to spit on their ancestors and treat them like every European before 1 AD was a monkey
They don't. but ok, nice strawman.
>jewish propaganda
>They probably just bent over and accepted it.
Yeah, probably, it's not like they had any sort of rational agency or anything.
>My ancestors wouldn't go down without a fight
You just lose the fight, right?
>pagan revival
do explain, does it survive as unironically believe gods control the weather or what?
>White 90.4%
>Native American 9%
>Asian 2%

Haha christkikes can't even count. I can smell your low IQ.

>UK, Canada, USA
>only countries with neopagans

And, as I said. Our movement is growing. Neo-paganism is at the rise, Islam is at the rise, and Chirstkikenity is losing.

That was an Indo-European pagan god. Or more likely Deus-Pithar, or Skyfather.

As a righteus christkike, you should not praise him.
I am unironically Odinist. I don't like christianity bc kike religion.

But the truth is:
Back when we were pagans the Romans called us barbarians (aka niggers). Then Odovacer (one of us) conquered Rome and became emperor - which wrecked civilization so hard that history fell into hibernation for 3 centuries(!). It took another ~7 centuries for us to rise from feudal servs to 'High C Epigenetics' after medieval.

As religion enforces a social and moral framework which increases High C Epigenetics on the population level it is safe to say that if it wasn't for christianity we'd still be barbarians.

>we were niggers
>christianity and natural selection elevated us from subhuman to European.

here's the video on High C epigenetics (kinda related to r/K selection theory)
>They don't. but ok, nice strawman.
What is your opinion on Europeans before 1 "AD" then?
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Why don't you use the real picture of your god?
>Haha christkikes can't even count.
check (((wiki))) yourself pagancuck

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>Islam is at the rise
and this makes you happy. you are the crack in the pic i posted>>130037660
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>What is your opinion on Europeans before 1 "AD" then?
Noble men uncorrupted by vice.
>kike religion
>explicitly anti-kike
>Why don't you use the real picture of your god?
You mean a 3D computer rendition created by a jewish artist?

oh fuckin vey
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>for someone who hates kikes he posts a picture of Jesus Christ drawn by.....literally a kike.
>greenish eyes
well, at least he was a bit neanderthal admixed, maybe that's why he was not that dumb
90,4% +9% +2% = 101,4%, dumbass

What is your IQ like, 6?
Christkikenity is a crack in the wall, as proven by the fall of Western Roman Empire.

Also, as a "village person", I actually will be less afraid of muslims, than the generally more urban christkikes. What's more, I'm a "village person" from a homogenous "shithole".
>Noble men uncorrupted by vice.
And according to you, they are burning in hell, because they were not Jews. Funny thing.

I'm an atheist and I'll side with an atheist shitskin over a white christian any day. I want to preserve our white countries, but not at any price.
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Well, I can't speak for Paganism in other European countries vs Christianity. I only know about my country's.

And yeah, they inevitably lost, but at least they went down fighting for what they believed was right.

As for the Pagan organization in my country... they're not LARPing if that's what you're asking.

Besides, would it be any different if somebody believed that God/Christ will make weather happen? That's kinnda hypocritical.
Slavic pagans are not larpers. The problem is that dumb anglo-suckson christkikes equate us with wiccan satanists.
There are pagans outside their basements? I hardly believe that.
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lmao, now that I can see your country this makes it all the funnier.

You will literally die with out christianity. The only thing preserving your culture is Christianity, go ahead deconvert. watch your women turn into whores and islam fill the vacuum of conservatism in europe
>And according to you, they are burning in hell, because they were not Jews. Funny thing.
But, that's not true either....
>by my ancestors
Who were of the same faith as the Crusaders... Even the Lithuanians....

It's retarded when you queers say "da natzees were bagan!!!" it's as equally as retarded when the others say "da natzees were good boi christians who loved jesus".

They combined both of them. The entire era was a revival of pagan occultism and traditionalism (christianity for the german people). Most of the Nazis namely Hitler and Goebbels were ardent Christians. Himmler was notorious for being steeped into the Occult and it's clear in writings that Himmler's occult beliefs while not uncommon, were still a minority compared to the largely christian population.
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I got news for you, most pagans are shitskin.

there are 500million white christians out of the total 2.2billion christians.

You don't have to associate with shitskins in christianity if you don't want to. I go to an all white church.
>t they went down fighting for what they believed was right.
which is??
>would it be any different
I don't care lol
I don't really have a horse in the race. I just don't like pagans who try and push paganism as something other than a in modern terms "backwards irrational explanations for natural phenomena"
>front lines. you got a problem with that?

Yes, we're racial nationalists. Don't forget that the current Islamic invasion is mostly genetic. Islam is an excuse.

>500 million out of the 22 billion.
>22 billion

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You realize the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was Catholic at that battle, right? It was literally a Catholic vs Catholic massacre.

Why are Crusadeposters so cringey?
>Goebbels were ardent Christians

He was one of the most anti-Christian, actually.
Why are you talking about pagans, I said I'm an atheist. My point was that between the extinction of the white race and abrahamic cults the former is the lesser evil.
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Free democratic society. Christianity robbed them of it.

Like Christianity has any better horse to stand on.


can you prove this beyond conflicting statements?
>Free democratic society. Christianity robbed them of it.
Then you should thank them.
>Christianity has any better
It does, they have more theology and philosophy than any other religion or institution in the entire world.
>You will literally die with out christianity.
We existed before christkikenity, we will exist after christkikenity. You are delusional.
>The only thing preserving your culture is Christianity, go ahead deconvert
No, it's nationalism. Christkikenity actually tries to promote multiculturalism here with your false pope. He even came here in 2016 and lectured us on how bad we are and must take in invaders.
>watch your women turn into whores
This already happened, not because of dechristianization, but because of cultural marxism pushed by the US of A (and the Soviet Union earlier).
>and islam fill the vacuum of conservatism in europe
Don't care. Village people are not endangered by muslims.
>Who were of the same faith as the Crusaders...
Yes, but still smashed the germanic crusaders, and helped generally more pagan Lithuanians
>Even the Lithuanians....
They have just freshly converted at the time. Pretty sure many of them were not christian.


maybe not all muslims are that evil, tho
They were heavily inspired by Germanic paganism and traditions. So this movement was pagan inspired.

What conflicting statements? It's never a good idea to use quotes from public speeches as history.

Anyhow, read his diary.
We got a muslim apologist.
>Islam isn't all that bad
>rejoice in the death of Germanics because we don't like them
I see your lies, my (((Polish))) friend.

>They were heavily inspired by Germanic paganism and traditions
Heavily? Which is why they made it an imperative to go to church and pray to god and hitler before every meal?
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>More theology and Philosophy
>What is Pagan Rome and Greece.

Let's define something first. When I say the Nazis were Christians, I'm not saying they are following the Bible or Jesus' teaching.

I'm saying they constantly professed their Christian faith and how important it was for the German people. I'm aware Goebbels would infiltrate namely Protestant churches. That doesn't changed the fact he proclaimed Christianity until he died.

Like I said, they had their own beliefs. They believed in racial hierarchies which is obviously "anti-christian", but to them that was their own Christianity.
>ignore what people say
>but don't ignore what they say
You're too naive. His diary doesn't give any indication of a specific vendetta against Christianity, if anything he was distant to it.
>>What is Pagan Rome and Greece.
Literally nothing compared to Christian Europe.
The fact that you mentioned Rome shows me you don't know what you're talking about. Rome didn't have any serious philosophers outside of Hellenic political philosophy.
John Calvin and Isaac Newton outdid Aristotle and Plato.
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>Don't care. Village people are not endangered by muslims.
you have no fuckin idea. ignorant idiot. you have what's coming to you when you get your muslim immigrants
Because they are bunch of LARPers, they are atheists that think that Christianity is cool, that's most of the /pol/ Christians.
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>maybe not all muslims are that evil, tho
also.... christianity and islam is both abrahamic so if you're going to call one a kike religion they both are.

get your shitstraight moohamed
Muslim Tatars have proven that they can be also Polish-Lithuanian patriots in this battle. I honestly see no reason why should I treat Islam as something worse than christkikenity. I actually respect devout muslims more than devout christkikes, because most of them are of Semitic origin, and they believe in Semitic religion, while Christkikes are mostly of Aryan (but they secretly wish they were Jewish) origin, and praise a Jew as their lord and saviour.
>rejoice in the death of Germanics because we don't like them
Teutonic knights betrayed us and stole our acces to the sea.

Funny thing: the germanization done by them in the region will cause WW2 later...

National Socialists created Positive Christianity for a reason - to limit the Jewish influence in religion, and after some time completely remove it.
We will not have muslim immigrants anyway, because of nationalism. But if we had... people from the village would still survive, just as they survived during the christkike occupation.
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>is literally okay with islam
I'll let merkle know poland wants their rapefugees

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Strawman. I'm not ok with invaders, because they are not white.

But I don't care if Poland is either Christkike or Muslim, because both of above are desert cults.

And many muslims can be on our side too, as proven by our Lipka Tatars, the ones whose ancestors fought together with Poles, Lithuanians and Moldovans at Grunwald with the Teutonic scum.
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>I don't care if Poland is either Christkike or Muslim
great news, merkle is sending 10 million muslims right NOW to poland
Western Civilization is Christianity. Go fuck yourself, my man.
>serious philosophers outside of Hellenic political philosophy.

What about stoicism?

>John Calvin and Isaac Newton outdid Aristotle and Plato.

Philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato.
lmao the bible is capitalist af
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Western civilization was effectively kick-started by Rome, a pagan Empire.
Didn't Tatars fight in Vienna too?
>great news, merkle is sending 10 million muslims right NOW to poland
Read the first sentence again.
>Strawman. I'm not ok with invaders, because they are not white.

Sooo... Semites and Niggers can fuck off.
But white muslims are not the problem, and many of them already exist here in Poland.
>Rome before Greece
what the fuck
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Ones Merkel is sending don't look like this
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>Sooo... Semites and Niggers can fuck off.

>many of them already exist here in Poland.
1,916 (2011 census)


Just wait until you get your first few million and they start raping
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yeah and they don't follow a religion about kik-



Very good. I only care about them being WHITE.

And being White and having 6 children is nothing wrong. I would respect such White muslim more than a White Christian without any children.

Not that many, but they were very relevant in Polish history. And they still exist in our country, and are not a problem at all.
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>kikeslam is okay for aryans to follow

>christianity is not

oy fuckin vey
>kikeslam is okay for aryans to follow
Didn't say that...

It's actually EQUAL TO CHRISTKIKENITY. Kikeslam and Christkikenity are both desert cults, but they are equally bad.

And a White muslim with 6 children is more contributing to the society than a Christkike without children.
He never said that. nice kike behavior, many Templars were ethnic kikes as well.
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bro. its not you don't have "that many"

it's you have the least amount out of all the european countries. even belarus has more.

You are so naive.

Christians are intolerant of pagans to the point of annihilation. We can and should not work with Christians. The history of Christianity is the history of extinguishing all other non-Christian faiths in service of the false universal ideal. Allowing it to exist is threat to our survival.
>it's you have the least amount out of all the european countries. even belarus has more.
Yes, but this minority is still not a problem here.
>even belarus has more.
That's because they were actually originally living in Lithuania, not in Poland.
But the Podlaskie voivodeship in Poland is historically Lithuanian, so that's why some Lipka (Lipka is Turkish name for Lithuania) tatars also live here.
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>but then those "aryan" poles just created 6 more followers of kikeslam

how about instead of you fucks trying to convert christians you convert mudshites to paganism. They'll probably cut your throat for even suggesting such a thing
kikeslam (((islam))) is worse with pagans. we killed you fucks in the PAST. they kill you faggots NOW
>how about instead of you fucks trying to convert christians you convert mudshites to paganism. They'll probably cut your throat for even suggesting such a thing
They would not be able to wipe out totally our traditions. Just as the christkikes couldn't.
>almost all of them were wrong about everything
>fags only remember the parts they got right so they seem perfect by comparison
>Diogenes was a literal barrel dweller making fun of other philosophers
>What about stoicism?
What about it? I don't think giving up on life because it's hard is a good philosophy. Western Buddhism is just kind of gay.
>philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato
>Physics is platonic
pls kys my friend
Are Animists the same as pagan?
I would consider myself more of an animist, not a pagan.
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yeah, my point is you have no idea how good you have it until you don't.

Poland is a great country right now, WHY CHANGE IT?

Are you really going to tell me its just a coincidence the most ethnically homogenized country in europe is also the most christian? please, get the fuck out
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because us christians don't discriminate against you faggot neopagancucks.

Mudslims do.

>but kikeslam is totally bro-tier
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>John Calvin and Isaac Newton outdid Aristotle and Plato.

You're incredibly naive to compare their works, or to believe that one 'outdid' the other in any significant sense.
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Greece was localized, it developed ideas, but Rome spread itself around.
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But if we are at the topic... This is probably how "European nationalists" will behave like in 3083.
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Paganism is just extreme LARP-ing for special snowlflakes


Literally r*ddit-tier.
Have you been to france? please go to paris.
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remember gothic/scene kids in highschool back in 90s?
That's these edgy fucks
Does that mean you want us to team up this faction war?
They value middle eastern cuck ABOVE Race. Fuck them. Anything non-White should be purged from Europe. That includes Christcucks and their Med thralls
Rome was open to every creed back in time. And a derisory religion of the Middle East won the soul of Europe. It served to forge the concept of Europe, and the concept of white race.

Christus vincit.
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>because us christians don't discriminate against you faggot neopagancucks.
you did discriminate us, now you don't because during the renaissance and enlightment, some parts of pagan art and culture returned to the mainstream, not all, but enough to change europe significantly.
Wrong. Roman emperors actually fought paganism after christkikenity became a state religion.
And, yes that includes
Non-White subhuman biobags on two legs
And much much more
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can you say that again? WE DID. We had/have every chance to do so.

Will muslims spare you? Will muslims say:
oh he's an aryan! we won't kill him.

wrong, convert to kikeslam or die
wow sounds like after you kill everyone there will be left with 1million (((white))) russians
>christian darkage meme
lmao, idiot
>White race
More like, turned Meds into niggers

The begging of subversion is the late period of Rome

Free movement and equal rights without anti-miscegenation laws = mud blood

The Edict of Caracalla was an edict issued in AD 212 by the Roman Emperor Caracalla, which declared that all free men in the Roman Empire were to be given full Roman citizenship and all free women in the Empire were given the same rights as Roman women. Before 212, for the most part only inhabitants of Italia held full Roman citizenship. Colonies of Romans established in other provinces, Romans (or their descendants) living in provinces, the inhabitants of various cities throughout the Empire, and a few local nobles (such as kings of client countries) also held full citizenship. Provincials, on the other hand, were usually non-citizens, although some held the Latin Right.

>Will muslims spare you?
They will not root us out, because our culture is stronger than their. This is also the reason why the christianity couldn't wipe out all of out traditions.
Christkikenity stopped Europe's scientific advance and pushed the "divine" meme.
More like 70 million? Russians don't believe much
I think exterminating/deporting anyone non-white fucking includes jews and anyone with a drop of Jewish blood
Until they were defeated by a stronger creed (the one of the KEKS). It's fine to discuss it on /pol/, but it's an argument that ended long ago.
This was caused by the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
And the fall of the Western Roman Empire was caused by...
Damn I wanted to write C U C K S
I would be willing to work with a Chirstian but with one codintion that he does not try and convert me
Many things, least of all Christianity.
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>They will not root us out, because our culture is stronger than their
yeah....your dead "culture" that the drudges of society believe in is stronger than kikeslam, which has existed for over 1,000 years.

>still believes in darkage meme
You forget where Christianity had its genesis. It's a european religion and it's different to Islam and Judaism. Prophetic warlords with an impersonable god who rules from the abyss is purely semitic. The incarnated god in flesh that reveals himself and sacrifices himself for a great purpose is in essence promothean and aryan. Look at christian churches and masses, the pomp and rituals, they're not comparable to Islam and Judaism.
It's a JEWISH shit. Jesus is a JEWNIGGER
you forget the part were you are literally talking to a muslim apologist in poland.

It's pointless, he thinks kikeslam is "bro-tier"
Christkikes destabilized Rome as well. Especially the West Rome, because the East Rome was more semitic and therefore christkikenity, as a semitic cult was not that harmful there.
Really? You don't see our culture as something worth conserving? That's sad, because I see my White Aryan culture, and my White Aryan race as the most important things to conserve.

And most of "christkike" events, like Yule/Saturnalia aka "Christmias" are Pagan. That's because Pagan culture can't be fully wiped out.
>You forget where Christianity had its genesis. It's a european religion and it's different to Islam and Judaism.
Are you on drugs?
>It's pointless, he thinks kikeslam is "bro-tier"
strawman, I'm saying it's not worse or better than christkikenity
your pagan culture is shit, kys you druggy.

I see a pole who has never met a muslim but considers them better than christians
>hurr durr let's strawman paganism without taking an objective look at what utility can be obtained from its belief system

For example, how can the spirituality our people embrace help revitalize masculinity? On one hand you have Christianity, a predominately slave morality which prosthelytizes 'virtues' such as meekness, 'turning the other cheek', tolerance, openness, while demonizing things such as pride and power. Then you have Greco-Roman virtues, as epitomized in tales such as The Odyssey, which I think provide a much more satisfactory collection of values to emphasize in a contemporary men who have essentially been stripped of these masculine features.
Christianity literally extended the life of the Empire after Constantine's reign. The Roman Empire had way too many internal problems to be saved unless radical reforms where taken, which they were not.

The last ruler who could have saved the empire was Majorian who was killed by the senate because his methods were unpopular with the upper class, thus descending the Western half into it's final civil war and end. It had nothing to do with Christianity.
>your pagan culture is shit, kys you druggy.
t. an Average christkike, a self-hating White man with no respect to his own culture and race
Of course we can. Christian/pagan shitflinging is D&C.
He's right. jewsus is karl marx
Somehow Rome began to fully collapse after it became christkike. Coincidence? I think not.
Both Rome before Alaric BTFO it and Byzintine were MULTIRACIAL EGALITARIAN shitholes. Extending that shit - is no achievement
I respect a white man who is functional in society,

not a boy who is going through the rebellion phase of adolescents and rejects his christian values their parents instilled in them
Dont call me a heathen you fucking sellout, but yeah I will work with you.
pagan- Rome lasted 800 years
Christian Rome lasted 100 years
also the barbarians that sacked rome were christians, The Visigoths were Arian and the Vandals were Nestorian
somehow Poland is the most white country in europe and the most christian. Coincidence? I think not.
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Do you niggers have nothing better to do? Arguing like a couple monkeys fighting over a banana. Unless you got something funny or witty to say, Dont fucking post. etards
>the only western values are christian ones
>all attempts at rehabilitating paganism are adolescent childishness

You're acting like a child m8, and denying a good 1000 or so years of culture and heritage.
We could if
>pagans weren't salty
>Evangelicals would stop worshipping Israel
>the Pope would stop sucking Muslim dick
>rest of Christians did something against the lgbt lobby
In other words: no.
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Pic very much related.

Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans and Atheists all invited.

an un-employed pagan?

wait no, ITS SUMMER

edgy kids are out of school
>christian values
Not a thing. Can you tell me some (((christian values))), which are good for Europe? As I know, all of them are incompatible with our way of live...

"Turn the other cheek", "More likely Camel will pass through a needle than a rich man will go to heaven", "There is no Jew and Greek for being a "christkike" is more important"...
The Western half fell 200 years after Christianity was adopted and Christianity. What coincidence? Christianity had nothing to do with its fall.

Alaric sacked Rome because Stilicho was killed (same reasons as Majorian was), the only capable commander the Romans had left and the guy that literally made the Vandals a vassal and an ally. After he was killed the doors to Rome were open.

The Roman Empire fell because of internal infighting, literally nothing to do with their religion.

Not counting the Eastern Roman Empire here, are we?
It's Belarus and Baltic(atheist all)

Christianity TODAY is practiced by non-white subhumans and their lovers like you.

Atheist Balts have STATE SPONSORED Nazi commemoration parades and holidays. Atheist Balts BEAT and KILL non-white tourists for fun. It's almost like smart RACIAL Whites reject Jaz-zeus.

Fuck jesus, Heil Hitler!
go get help.
Don't give a shit. Multiracial states deserve extermination
that thread gives me fucking cancer
my head hurts
>Atheist Balts have STATE SPONSORED Nazi commemoration parades and holidays
source ivan, because you're full of shit
>somehow Poland is the most white country in europe and the most christian
We are White because we are poor and have almost no immigrants (except Ukrainians), and we are poorer than the rest because of secular Communism.
>and the most christian
That's because Church used to be anti-communist and used to be attractive. Now even the Pope is a commie.
The Western half fell 200 years after Christianity was adopted
~140 after legalizing it, and ~80 after making it a state religion.
well if you get cancer...

pray to odin and it will go away11!!1!

to się zabij, albo wykurwiaj do palestyny
Actually Christians are far more likely to engage in that sort of practice.

This infighting is fucking stupid.
don't talk to this muslim apologist>>130050006
z robalami nie dyskutuje
I absolutely agree. Christianity has nothing to do with multiculturalism though. The Romans became multicultural due to the disastrous reigns of Caracalla and Commodus.

By Constantine reign it was the dominant religion and the most followed one, even if it wasn't official.
Check it out, subhuman amerishart brown filth. Again, why American subhuman cares about Europe?
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dobrze, że nie mówisz do siebie, polaku robaku wykopku
Christianity is multicultural and multiracial by itself because it has semito-negroid origins.
>Check it out
where? I am not seeing it? please source it.

lmao, you're full of shit
>way to confirm my point
Everyone in Europe knows that. Begone amerisubhuman

Where the proof jewnigger Jay-Zeus was real?
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>he cannot source it, just adhominens
nicely down slavnigger
Try searching this, amerisubhuman
Leģionāru Piemiņas Diena
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I'm a Christian that recognizes Christianity in its current format must be destroyed, no generation of my people will ever consider Jesus to be a whore loving communist faggot. They will hear tales of Jevovah challenging the Satanic organizations of Judaism, a cause for which he sacrificed himself, a tale that parallels Adolf Hitler.
>Richard 98% European Spencer
Couldn't even find a proper full WASP leader, eh?
I'll take the filthy pagans over the fucking muslims
It's a timely quote m8, the Southern Baptist Convention, massive Christcuck organization, denounced the Alt Right.
Isn't "eye for an eye" the real kikery? So Christians say give someone a second chance instead of going berserk. It could possibly be a misunderstanding, so try the other cheek for once. Like in game theory where a forgiving tit-for-tat strategy is the most effective long term.

Also about the rich man. He wanted to follow Jesus but had to much to lose, that's why his integrity as a follower suffers and he won't find peace and heaven. Jesus isn't against riches but against attachments that hinder your integrity. Basically common sense.
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