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Brit/pol/ - Put Aside The Rhetoric edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 92

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>The future is Orange, declares Ian Paisley Jr of DUP as Tory deal edges closer

>Theresa May confirms start date for Brexit talks

>Hard or soft: How will the UK take its Brexit?

>Towering inferno, Screaming residents build ropes from sheets and lean out windows as fire at West London tower block spreads to "at least five" floors with firemen struggling to control the blaze

>Diane Abbott reveals she has type 2 diabetes

>DUP hopeful of Conservative deal soon

>Ed Miliband could return to front bench
1st for Queen's speech.
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Brit/pol/ is Christian
Christianity = Weakness

Impeachment when?
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200 fried kebabs
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Fuck modern "art".
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Who /misses are edd/ here
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Nice tits
protestantism is false


her thoughs and prayers x are with them
>fold clothes and hold people

alrighty then
Turn the other cheek
Being rich is bad
Poor is virtuous
I mean WOW.
How can this RACIST not want to get killed by a bunch of angry pakis. Just WOW.
Roman Catholic*

He's coming back to the front benches lad.
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>fold clothes and hold people
I'm a Christian but Judaism was the first, Christianity and Islam are forked from master branch.
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'Jack' Monroe is a fucking vile creature. Opportunistic, crass and devoid of any honour.
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>Europe reaches its zenith under christianity
>people lose religion
>Europe turns to degenerate muslim shit
Makes you think.
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>politicians trying to dress like normal people

I hate this
just wear a full suit you FAGGOTS
Protestantism is false
>Rev. Ian Paisley.jpeg
U wot m8?
>select all images with apartment buildings
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>This balderdash again
Have they revealed the reason for the tower fire yet, Britbros? Was it a terrorist bombmaking operation that went off early? Is a government coverup in the works? And how does a giant concrete building burn so easily?
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It started with this
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>I'm the one in the middle
And the Christians of today are undeniably weak and pacifistic. Perhaps the issue is the decline of organisation based on real values in favour of democratic tug of wars
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>karenposter gets banned
>catholic spammer doesn't

Turning the other cheek is actually a big misunderstanding.

Romans would only backhand people they deemed inferior. "turning the other cheek" is an act of resistance as they would have to hit with the front of their hand.

And it doesn't say being rich is "bad" per say, it says being greedy is bad. Read Matthew 25:14-30.
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Explaim this
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>the fire industry

what is this
Maybe it's because protestantism is false
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g-good afternoon senpais...
A fridge had a leak and exploded.
Christianity found success on the back of the "pagan" will to power.




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>tfw modern art despises beauty
Well someone's got to make haven't they? My old fella spent 30 years working down the fire mines.
>Australia reaches its zenith as a monoethnic nation of exiled thugs and nutters
>starts importing ethnics
>Australia turns boring and loses all sense of culture and fun
Makes you think.
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And protestantism desteoyed it

from 2009
>ANON burned to death
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Honestly that would be the best case scenario right now.
Remind me again why are we supporting May after she called an election when she didn't have to and lost our majority by running a god-awful campaign?
it was just a balloon
Find an artist that does better qts than Bouguereau.

Pro-tip: you can't.
Doesn't matter. You'll never reform Christianity again
Mikhail Vrubel
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Remember this

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So how come pakis and ethnics are allowed to screech and rant about 'revenge' and conspiracy theories on live telly when their ilk die, but whenever whites voice concern or suspicion online when natives die, they literally get arrested?
Because of protestantism
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So was this election rigged as fuck? Labour didn't actually do this well, (((they))) just made it so the tories would be in minority government so (((they))) can call for a soft non-brexit as they're doing right now.
We've seen it start already, media screeching how people rejected hard brexit (despite the tories getting more votes than the Blair landslide in 97). Rigged as fucked against the goyim.
>unironically celebrating jewish art

Nice projection lad.
Cute not pedo. I don't want to fuck cute kittens. Same principle.
No. Labor did well because people are tired of stupid tories
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>people are tired of stupid tories
>highest voteshare since 1983
I'm a big fan of Jews, /pol/'s envy of Jews makes them even more interesting.
Really burns my buildings
>really torches my tower
>really napalms my nakatomi
Keeping things brit/pol/, Constable desu.
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What are you lads having for lunch?

Pic related is me mushroom soup
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>Corbyn wins vote over May by just the length of a single blade of grass from the lawn of buckingham palace
>addresses parliament the next day
>"*clears throat* Right. Okay, I'm goon' to get to the bones of what's important: as far as I'm concerned, and as far as the men and women of Britannia should be concerned, we, and by "we" I am speaking, of course, of the working man of Britain; are, as of my ascension, are now engaged in two *raises two fingers, smiles at the camera* struggles for the future of our country."
>MPs shift uneasily, anxious glares are being cast around the room
>"Right, the first war is against international Zionism and imperialism. The Yewk Kay needs to help make way for the caliphate that is sure to emerge within the Middle East in the next decade, and the biggest road block for the region, besides having a clear leader, is Israeli military hegemony. Needless to say, all ties are now broken with the states, as well as other nations infected with the seed of liberal democracy."
>MPs begin openly voicing dissent, there are shouts from both sides, there are a few loyal labour socialists attempting to defend Corbyn, however nearly all, even within his own party, are now verbally protesting
>Corbyn Ronndkkdnsbevebw
Not this time
At least it's not a Nuke.

>looks like a pile of dogshit
Islam forked from Christianity not Judaism
Boris would be fucking awful. Call in David Davis.
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>jewish art
Yeah lad so jealous.
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boris is literally male may except with bantz
he wanted turkey in the eu and panders like mad, he literally just wants to be PM
They used shitty flammable cladding.
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Get out m8
It's correct. As far as I know, Christianity is forked from Judaism and Islam is forked from Christianity.
Can we just all report him, in the hope the janny deals with him. So we can get some peace from this taig.
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>tfw I invented Hitchens posting
Racist whitey BOMB children
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Not even once.
Hitchens is stupid

Like you
One of the worst things outside of tripfags to happen to Brit/pol/
So if someone was on the top floor of those flats, would there be any way for them to escape alive? Like if they used wet blankets/towels could they have gotten all the way down the staircase even with the smoke?
>assmad proddie
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>tfw I invented conservatism
Islam is just a personality cult developed by Arabs, with some appropriated shit from Christianity.

Islam only exists because of violence and conquest. Christianity (though sometimes imperialistic) spread largely by consent.
I gotta admit this is a fucking kino shot
well I made this famous meme
I was outside Westminster yesterday and Prescott was getting up in Jacob Rees-Mogg's face. Anyone know what was going on?
Don't like this new (old) flags meme
Taiwan isn't China.
Mods at least warn him. He's not even contributing to the discussion, just spamming 3 word posts about protestants when it's not even relevant
If left too late, the temperature would be high enough to melt their skin including eyelids and eyes.
No chance.
Not to mention climbing down 20 odd floors whilst holding your breath.
At least Jews don't bomb Manchester and don't attack Londoners unlike you.
Islam is like protestantism

Use fear and shariah
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>The first victim of the tower fire has been named as Mohammed, the second victim was named as Mohammed, quickly followed by Mohummed, Muhammud and Muhammad. Currently 220 people are missing, including Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammad and local celebrity Muhammed.
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>not keeping a hang glider in your room

It's almost like they wanted to die
>If you don't support this group of sandniggers you must be of this other group of sandniggers
Look Schlomo just stop
>someone say /britpol/ is christian
>critique proddies
Eat shit
Well it sort of is. It's just a bit that avoided the mentalist takeover post-WWII.

>except with bantz

that's why we need him.
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>>not keeping a hang glider in your room
Yes they could of but the idiots listened to the 999 call handlers who told the
To stay put.
Don't violate the NAP now lad
Opium of the people.
He's literally worse than the Randposter. At least he couldn't hide behind a shit flag.
It's just taken straight from Reddit.
Next we're going to have upvoting.
>don't install sprinklers in my building, resulting in numerous deaths
>not my fault cause the gov didn't force me to put them in, the gov caused those deaths.
You respond to every fucking post with something about proddies even when it isn't relevant. You were also spamming people with WMAF stuff which isn't relevant
Gotta maintain the 1-child-rule somehow.
we need a shit weak pm who has no real convictions because he's funny?
your voting rights should be removed
Sargent desu.
This. It's time we had mandatory CCTV inside all private housing.
How new? Pre national flags /pol/ had exactly this.
>someone says britpol is christian

Think if I ever move into a high rise flat I'll buy some scuba diving gear or something so I can at least breathe while trying to escape
The existence of the Kekistani flag proves you wrong.
Report and filter, don't reward with (you)s

way to completely miss the point
The Lord.
image explains nothing, more detail required.
>assmad protestant
It's very probable. Muslims hate Jews, the expected value of the hatred of a white European toward Jews is pretty small.
There's a difference between trying to spark discussion and sperging like an autist about muh proddies although to be fair you were worse in the last thread. Maybe your ritalin is working
That one is new, but the rest aren't.

Why is it up to the government to legislate for absolutely everything - why not take the initiative yourself if you personally believe the conditions to be unsafe, or move elsewhere if no solution is forthcoming?

Are people really this devoid of discretionary agency?
Proresranrs kill each other because they cannot agree on basic shit
That advice would have been solid if not for the fact the contractors renovated the building with highly flammable materials, something no-one was aware of at first.
you didn't make one
>build a park out of water
>it burns down

fucking taiwanese made shit
>you have no brain
I was trying to spark a discussion

Go to reddit if you want that shit
hello fellow europeans what are we discussing today
t. most people
Yes but on /pol/ the probability of any one person, irrespective of race/class/religion, disliking Jews is very high
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>A Fire!
>At Seaparks!

Why racist against jews? Asshole
Hot air rises, all you're going to do is float up and up as your hanglider melts.

the reason i said that is because youngfags don't give a shit about policy, they only care about personality, hence comrade corbyn's tremendous poll numbers with youngfags.
Daguerre desu.

By the way proddies destroyed this abbey in Holyrood.

Art and the reformation.
>post hidtory
>to spark siscussion
>no response
>isobutane and propane as refrigerants
So do you need a licence to buy a refrigerator in the UK?
Do we get details of the DUP deal today or is it delayed indefinitely?
Maybe tories should promise more free shit and start being less about WHIte privilege
once again
the man has no convictions and the tories are shit
you do not want boris as pm, trust me

also stop spaceposting lad, at least lurk here for a day or two before you start posting, christ
This is irrelevant
Queen's speech is next wednesday so I presume details soon
Fair enough. But there's another variable comes into the joint distribution, there're Muslims are under the Union Jack on /pol/, they are not too rare here.
Yeah thats right. I heard rumours the guys fridge self destructed because he hadn't renewed his fridge license
>congratulating people on being in a burning building vs congratulating people who rescued people in a burning building
Here is DUP deal,
>no evolurion
>Internet crnsorship
>be Calvinis
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Use your aushit to dig deeper
Name a better song:


PROTIP: You can't
>Oxygen tank explodes

You'd be better off with some decent abseiling gear or a parachute and a planned route to the roof.
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Tonight's Question Time panel.

The tentacle entanglement marches on.
>tfw gloria de piero just held her seat from a tory surge
Fuck sake.
I'm Anglican. I don't hate Jews, just mistrust them as citizens
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how do we get a mogg in australia?

please lend him to us, we've had a british born PM before and we need another
Who wants to bet the random comedian is a complete lefty mong
I'm not a Pagan. I was raised Anglican although I'm now an atheist
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God has yet again shown his enmity towards islam and their towers of Babel by smiting hundreds of them with one fel blow of his mighty hellfire. DEUS VULT.

Why do you trust the tories then

More faux-outrage from Thornberry à la the below, are we wagering?

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John Martin desu.

I hope some of you enjoyed my artposting.
I'm done for now.
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What is the next happening going to be?
>smug hipster with raised eyebrow
>1/6 of posts ITT are by this mong
Is the London fire Peak BBC?

>Syrian refugees among casualties
>NHS heroes
>Mosques helping people
>Evil capitalist Tories
Muslims cooking in the middle of the night because Ramadan and falling asleep at the stove.
Just offer the carpet bagging cunt a seat, he's willing to travel for one.
>I am a bisexual pan sexual male female fairy black feminist women male q&a rework warewold

That is how you sound like right now
and you call yourself british,,,,
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cool beard and haircut though desu

Thicccc hair
This is common by the way, people in Russia are also incredulous toward Jews.
underrated, have a (You)
>believing the official story that it was an exploding fridge when it was bomb assembly gone wrong
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Daily reminder.

>In 1995, a new blind trust, known as the Labour Leader Office Fund, was set up by Mr Blair's friend (((Michael (now Lord) Levy))).

>Immigration Minister (((Barbara Roche))) is alleged in the book to have taken extraordinary steps to increase net migration, going above and beyond even that requested by Mr. Blair. Another civil servant remarked of Ms. Roche’s personal mission at the ministry: “It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a "holistic way" she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society”.

>Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', (((Lord Mandelson))) admits

>The programme's producer (((Martin Rosenbaum))) said: "What we show is there is an English backlash but also self-doubt about England's identity. Home Secretary (((Jack Straw))) is worried that nationalism will manifest itself in violence and wants a positive English identity created which will beat off the unpleasant side."

>British MP Charges ‘Jewish Cabal’ Is Guiding Tony Blair

>Labour Friends of Israel in the House
No, peak BBC will come when police discover the source of the fire was a DIY bomb factory and they only mention it in a footnote in an article about how evil landlords are
I am. I'm not pro-LGBT or whatever else you want to smear me as
What's the problem then? They're a supranational people, not bound to any one nation
Why is there an old tim farron on the left
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Labour were only gonna get 1 million new jobs
Glad we went tories
>works 6 hours a week
>classed as employed
>supported Labour in the election
Not much of a bet lad

Britain is a christain country.
Dumb frogposters.
These are comfy
Not really. I'm not threatening Christian institutions not am I threatening Christians
if britain is not christain then the country is no longer britain
I bet that May herself started the fire in order to create this great PR opportunity with those brave firemen.
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>Lowest unemployment rate since 1975
>Redefine unemployment, take advantage of the gig-economy and raise the school leaving age
>Pretend you've made things better
It hasn't been Britain since WWI.
She started it because Labour won by 20 votes and she wanted to make sure to get the seat back
Atheism is a cognitive defect imho.
Bring back Christainity to Britian
bong https://youtu.be/69xB7t2QWBs
>implying this isn't what the Blair government did
You're welcome to shit on the tories but don't omit the fact that Labour uses exactly the same tricks
*Tips bible*
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>Europe's zenith was under Christianity
>Not under Athens or Rome
These are official figures, I've just received it in email as a member of Conservatives.

>Official figures released this week show that since Conservatives entered government in 2010, 2.9 million more people are in work.
> SHARE this graphic to let your friends know.
>Our record in Government is about more than creating well paid jobs. It's about ensuring that every person can get on in life and provide for themselves and their family.

This picture links to some post on Fagbook, but I've deleted my account there because I don't share their homosexual values.
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I'll shit on the Blair government when we're talking about the Blair government, but right now we're talking about the Tories.
Besides, the Blair government's biggest employment crime was forcing mass immigration to fuck the ratio of vacancies:unemployed people.
>Literal scouting parties

So McDonnell is trying to subvert democracy with the help of the unions.
>tfw live 10 minutes from that Cathedral

Feels good man
Nice, those one million new jobs he's going to summon from the aether will almost perfectly counteract the one million jobs he's threatening by ending zero hour contracts
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It's treason then
His father was in the navy

>feckless civil servant
>one step above benefits
>forgot that the roman empire became christian under constantine 1800 years ago
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Hurd statement?
This song is appropriate.


(two days ago an anon posted an estimate of about 420)
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>Blank stares from the audience whenever Hitchens speaks
>Nah m8s, we just need more redistribution
>Thornberry talking about how her upbringing wasn't shit, while in the same breath saying they had to struggle
Nick Hurd, Policing and Fire Services Minister, is giving a statement about Grenfell Tower in Parliament.
And promptly collapsed
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Fucking T U N E
it looks kinda aesthetic
t. Jew
It was being invaded by goths/vandals and losing terrority long before constantine.
>/pol/ now hates fire safety
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Gee I wonder why the empire fell then..
>pack infinite chimps into a shit block of flats
>"oh no how did so many die"
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You have good taste and digits.
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just paid the local pakis to smash my legs with hammers

after that I am putting my claim in for disability, will never have to work again
Hundreds seems a little excessive, but can easily imagine 60-70
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Is using the urban search and rescue dogs just more affirmative action?
They'll just take the money and spend it on fuel for their vans to ship around young white girls.
Research it and get back to me.
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Reminder that this is the autistic Catholic spammer.
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So why don't we have any estimates for the amount of people missing/presumed dead? Does that just mean that the flats were shady as shit and were housing far too many people, and they're reluctant to let that get out just yet?

Trying to suppress the anger which could start the worst rioting seen in a generation.
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200+ dead muslims which would result in a race war in London
Fixed the unrachived clickbaiters
>implying corbyn is on (((their))) side
Catholics spam several threads and Rightly So says fuck all, but you dare post one thing remotely Protestant or anti-Catholic and he'll be all over you for being a "divide and conquer shill".
He never posts christchan.
Who? Take your trip-celeb garbage elsewhere.
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>native whites get targeted and killed by terrorists
>"we just have to live with it and carry on as normal (and if you even say anything negative about the ideology that caused it, you're getting locked up)"

>pakis die in an accident
>"we must avert the chimpout, we can't let them get angry"
You can guarantee a lot of illegal subletting so yes most likely.
Nobody really knows how many people live in blocks like that, especially in London. The letting agency/building supervisor will have an official figure but illegal subletting is absolutely rife, actual occupants could be anything from a few dozen to a couple of hundred over the official number.

There's really no way to tell until the fire calms down enough for crews to get in and count the charred corpses, and even that's contingent on the ruin being stable enough for people to move around at all levels. It may just have to be torn down.
Why do they always use that exact phrasing? That's, maybe, the 12th time I've seen the exact wording of, "the DUP are awful."
Part and parcel m8.
Brits are terrified of anyone with brown skin. The muslim at my office does no work because all the white women protect him because muh racism.
you're beyond saying
treating a feces flesh like it matters
there's no coming back from that
Thanks lad
somehow I've never seen Alan partridge mid morning matters

Pretty good

Because we've actually tried it the other way - let residents, employees, landlords and "the market" decide - and it turns out that people tend to die on the reg when that happens.
I wish the Tories were like the hyped up Nazis the lefties think them to be
What quality do you store your music in lads?

>M4A 256kbps
>Metal/Hard Rock
She's just looking for a shag
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I don't see how this directly connects to the fire.
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What does conservative even mean anymore if it isn't anti LGBT?
Christianity= middle eastern bullshit

>arranged a photo op
>no cameras in sight
>journo used a very long lens to get this shot

320 MP3, no reason for any better or worse
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>Heaton police incident LIVE: Bomb disposal squad called after chemicals found in property

>A bomb disposal unit was called to a home in Newcastle after chemicals have reportedly been found.

>Police have been searching a property in Heaton after they said they received reports of suspicious behaviour.

>I'm angry and do bs charity work
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>mfw another election is called this Autumn
>Tories win Kensington by a swing of the exact number of people that died in the tower
>After a Muslim terrorist attack
>OMG don't politicise this tragedy you bigot!
>After pakis get shoah'd
>This is the Tories' fault
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Lovely Stuff.
Odin = Scandinavian bullshit.
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>He said: “I know yesterday Emmanuel Macron spoke about an open door, he said if Britain is changing its mind it will find an open door.
>“I can say I don’t disagree with him, like Alice in Wonderland not all doors are the same.
>“It will be a brand new door. A brand new door with a new Europe, a Europe without rebates, without complexity, with real power and with unity. That is the door towards Europe.”

>a Europe without rebates, without complexity, with real power and with unity.
>That post
>That flag
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>mfw english folk have the balls to say their church is actually reformed

The left as they did with the terrorist attacks have made this political, you compare to Corbyn having hugs with the victims families to May leaving them alone and just speaking the authorities. If she try and speak to them you can guarantee someone would chimp out about muh cuts and muh tory scum.

He's playing to peoples emotions and the BBC and other left wing outlets are lapping it up.
FLAC on desktop, AAC 256 VBR on mobile with a few Spotify offline downloads.
I respect our Pagan ancestry but by his own logic Odin is a foreign God. He should be embracing the Celtic gods rather than Scandinavian (I know they all have the same progenitor though).

Will the Paki who refused to fix his fault fridge get blamed?
>All the non-anglos and tory cucks in this thread right now
120 flats, lets say 3 each, only 100 accounted for

easily 200+ dead

I'm happy you looked up some Bougueraeu lad.
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They're good to mock
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brighton chain pier.jpg
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his paintings of brighton are currently on display at the pavillion. well worth a visit, as long as you can get airlifted in and out of the city tbph.
i had a can of coconut milk and a bag of sushi rice, so i made rice pudding. turned out pretty good.

Paki needs to stick to football
Technically accomplished but that boring, twee shit belongs on a chocolate box.
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3MB, 223x167px
>People honestly believe that we don't actually have standards in place to make buildings 'fit for human habitation'
>People are more willing to blindly accept that this is the fault of the Tories being literal nazis, rather than contractors being contractors
>The contractors are likely to avoid any blame for their corner-cutting because no-one is focusing on them

The absolute fucking state of this country
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