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Racists, you deep down inside agree, be honest.

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Thread replies: 393
Thread images: 156

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I am sure deep down inside all you nigger haters are madly attracted to black women. I am white as fuck. I think black women are superior to the females of all other ethnicities in womanly beauty. Sure there are a few uglies. But how can you explain all the mad curves and huge breasts black females have. Nigger chicks are the hottest. Few white women can compete with the massive curves black women have. There faces are so beautiful too. How can you deny? Robert deniro had a black wife. I think he actually had a couple of them... Hes white as fuck as well, he knows their beautiful as fuck. The only reason more white guys dont date hot nigger chicks is because they are intimidated by their black beautifulness. They are intimidated by what there black family members and their own white side of the family will think of the relationship. They are worried the big buff black brothers, uncles, and father will kick their ass if they piss her off...
Anyways... How do you racists explain the black woman's amazingly pronounced feminine features, ive heard some racists say black women are higher in testosterone, but i dont think thats true, they must have higher estrogen because they have such pronounced feminine features. Its undeniable.

Not into people dumber than monkeys
>I don't want my kids to look like niglets
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I've fucked a few. Jewesses are still my fetish tho
Would I fuck a black chick? Yes.
Would I have children with her? Not a chance.
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>amazingly pronounced feminine features
Jewesses?? None can compare to black women. Best is sarah silverman of the jewesses but even she is only half the beauty of a beautiful niggress
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Nigger hate thread? Nigger hate thread
Appearance isn't all that big a deal in the long run. It's whats in your head that counts the most.
Back in the day my great great grand daddy had lots of black women. Never once had buyers remorse. Back then they where bred to suck white dick, just like today. I have some distant cousins that are octoroons, they think they're white.
Middle eastern women are better. Traditional, know their place, thicc as fuck and prettier. Also they don't look or act like retarded apes
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>only half the beauty of a beautiful niggress
99% of black girls are ugly as hell, at least in my experience also >>129994799
Oh pshaw.... you found one super ugly deformed fucked up black chick.
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Those are what most nigger females look like mixerfag
I've fucked plenty of black women. I've plowed at least 20 asians. Several Indians, hispanics, Persians, and white women. Not all that affected by pussy anymore anon
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>argument over
Look at the data
im not a permavirgin larper bbc masturbator so no, I don't find nonwhites attractive because I have a supply of rl white pussy (except asians sometimes but would never breed one)
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No. I find them repulsive in every way.

It is an assault on my senses when I see blacks (especially women).
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>Why aren't you fucking sheboons anon, they're better then white women in every way

Now leave nigger lover.
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I don't mind dark colors, but the fact that black women produce more testoterone makes them more manly thus less wanted by men, if i want a dark skinned woman i would take an Indian woman
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>i love black chicks
>nigger chicks
>black women
this bait is so bad you troll yourself
Bullshit, you cant post a pic of a hot nigress pissing in public and say most nigresses look like the fucked up deformed freak above.
pick one faggot, pic related average "black woman"
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A recent bumble match I didn't even make time to fuck. Yeah, I'm real torn up over black chicks

Ivy League = money pussy on the coasts gentlemen
>I am white as fuck
Liar. You are a shitskin, and it kills you inside that nogs are now and always will be the least desirable of all humans.
>Would I fuck a black chick? Yes.
Of course you would spaghetti nigger retard. Go jump off the highest building.
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Im not attracted to black women and i never was.Probably never will be.

And no im not racist.

I just can't get a boner from black women, be it in porn or otherwise.

...Like i am "supposed" to be attracted to them ?

And im not attracted to brown females either. (maybe if i meet some of them, probably on an emotional level).

I like Japanese women though.
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Despite having no eyebrows would fuck anyways.


Pick one and only one
Indian?? WTF? cant compete with black. ANd no the black women dont have more test.
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OP is a lying fuck

No one really likes black women. Studies prove it. Look at the results that show who is messaged the most on online dating websites. Look at who is messaged the least. Look at who messaged people the most. You'll find black women message more people than anyone else while being messaged the least out of everyone.

You should look up Tommy Sotomayor on YouTube if you want proof for how the black woman really acts. She's a gross uppity ape that her own race doesn't want. They expect to be treated like queens as they treat you like shit. And if you date one then be prepared to spend your money on her fake hair.
I've seen one hot black model in my whole life and she was ruined by being completely ghetto.
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>Can't compete with black
You are like one of them feet-folk, fail to understand that you having a weird fetish doesn't make it "truth deep down".

If you're claiming that in your country female niggers are more sought after (which is about as good for objectivity as you can get with attraction), then it's simply untrue, check out dating sites stats, nigger female is probably only tailed by nigger male in attractiveness.

Also, serious question, how did you find orcs in LotR? We're they life-like enough to activate your fetish? I was always unsure on how that works.
You dont like real women. Japanese women have no boobs, no curves, no nothing. Just little stick figure with a triangle for the lower half to indicate "female" which is how bathroom symbols work.
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Every time someone makes a post like this, they show Black chicks with 80% European DNA.

Same goes for the posts about Mexican chicks.

That attractive features people are seeing, are European.
gay thread, shit bait, dumb burger
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>real women

Permanent virginosis confirmed
Deep down inside white guys love the nigresses. If you didnt respond to the hot nigress that mesaged you on a dating site its because you are too intimidated.
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LOL this bait
>free smells
Anyone from Africa would consider that girl white; no joke.
some people engage in sex with animals, like isis, same shit. I bet baboons look noice to you too ey?
>I like this thing so everyone that doesn't like it must just be lying to themselves because if I like it then everyone must like it because I'm an idiotic child who cannot comprehend opinions other than my own
Ftfy, you fucking cunt.
Just imagine that smell. Just think about it dude. And suckle it.
Baboons are ugly as fuck. Nigresses are hot as fuck. So nigresses are animals huh? Well they are the sexiest animals on this planet earth then.
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Fck you too ya stuk up lil englishman. What attracts 99.9 percent of men to women. Curves, breasts, child bearing traits. Same shit works for all other creatures.

Deep down all man like eating shit, if you wouldn't lavish yourself on a turd you find it's because you are too intimidated.

Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound? Most of them look like apes and no, unless i was blind drunk i wouldn't a nigger. Luckily i don't have to, i quite enjoy the human version of a woman.
Rofl yeah you show a fucking mixed chick. Look at real black women such as Leslie Jones. You wanna suck her ass?
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Baboons and Nigresses are the same thing
African Americans are fucking disgusting. African women are alright though. Some are really sexy, and they don't speak in Ebonics.
There's something wrong with you if you're only attracted to a particular race outside your own sexually. It's called jungle fever. It isn't something to be proud of.
You honestly cant be really black. What sort of cuck are you to shill your women.
Truth is all the good looking black women get white boyfriends asap. So who are you kidding?
Doesn't mean you should have niglets with them. Unless you want to have a little Nigger child.
Babboons have fucked up rainbow colored hairy asses. Nigresses have smooth, nice, curvy, sexy hairless black asses.
>What attracts 99.9 percent of men to women
I dunno lad, do you? And if you do know, how do you know? Have you surveyed all the men alive? Have you even surveyed all the men you know? Or are you literally transposing your own opinion onto billions of people to make yourself feel less alone and more socially accepted?

End yourself or grow up.
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There's a shit ton of air brush on that black ass.
Do Not Want.
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You're not doing this right you silly nigger. You're supposed to continuously post images when you're doing nigress bait threads. You get more (you)s.
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Yes they do, the reason why they are so muscular and look like transgenders
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A swing and a miss.
Its simple biology. Men are programmed like computers to be sexually attracted to the feminine child rearing traits which black chicks possess the highest quality of. Once the human brain is reversed engineered it will be an objective truth.
No shareblue I dont find black chicks attractive. There're exceptions of course in terms of children and pagaent contenders for "conventional beauty" or moreso for kids cuteness. But finding any black female sexually attractive is a no.

Since I have an xboxhueg fingernail fetish, I find the left Negress attractive.

However, my blonde blue-eyed Aryan wife is still better.
Source on Octoroon?
I don't see color. Tell me, are those people Irish?
they have saggy ass tits m8
That chick injected testosterone, along with other crazy ass androgens that dont naturally exist in the human body, she does not count because shes all fucked up with drugs.
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nice try, nigger.
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no you got it wrong, deep down inside I fucking hate them.
Even the fucking KKK is fapping to these hot as fuck black chicks being posted in this thread. Win for all nigresses
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That bitch looks like Mike Tyson in drag.
You're fucking retarded
If that's your best true darkie to post then you failed. That's disgusting and her ass looks like it's recently taken a shit.
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I don't speak Ebonics. Should I be offended Tyvonius?
racism is normal

every creature is racist, only deluded people think there is such thing as non racist. its like you are in a cult or a religion to believe things are out of the ordinary or unjust when it comes to nature of creatures

rabbits hate wolfs and because that is racist a left would be more than happy to kill the rabbit for being racist toward the wolf. and the wolf would just like to get his fangs on dat sweet rabbit ass
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Niggers are still freaks, And I'm from Pennsylvania and even most of the people living here think they're ugly.
Ya know its the truth, and it hurts. =P
Yep they're fapping to the pic I posted for sure. No one can resist the thiccness.
What about williems sisters or any black women athlete? Accept it black women are more manly than any other race on average, cause black men are more manly on average sure there a couple of good women but most of them look like shaq wore a wig
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>Ya know it's the truth

The only truth is that most sheboons are ugly as dogshit.
>I am sure deep down inside all you nigger haters are madly attracted to black women.
Im gay though
Fuck yea racism is normal. But it dont mean white men arent madly secually attracted to black chicks.
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So you fuck regular niggers instead? Also don't adopt children because you faggots will most likely abuse them.
I rarely see 3/10 black females, most are even more ugly. Don't like em at all
Ah shit well theres a huge complication there....
>Its undeniable
I fucking deny it. 100%
Only white and asian cock for me.
And no way im adopting a kid. They are gross and horrible.
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I want a white wife and a black side woman.
Grammar nazi
I will try to explain this evolutionary concept.
Animals adapt and their bodies evolve for function, right?
Now when you measure the average black men, they are bigger than the white, but also their women, have a deep vaginal depth, to match.
Now Asian girls, they are so tiny, so their guys. Obviously we are talking the most pure breeds.
When a white guy tries an tiny Asian girl, that its heaven.
Still when you try a black girl, even if she is virgin, nothing, that cavity was designed for a foot long.
It's a lie, that nature wants us to mix up, it's all social science.
Your missing out on the most amazing curves ever for that one.
>And no way im adopting a kid. They are gross and horrible.

Found the liberal
Oh fuck off. I'd rather gays raise kids than nigras any day.

In order of best raised kids:
Married Man/Woman
Long Term Dating Man/Woman
Divorced Couple Sharing
Single Dad
Single Mom
Gay Couple
The State/Government
there are beautiful black women,but i honestly wouldnt like dating one.its just my preference
Nature has no fucking brains or intentions. If a white guy gets a sexy nigress hes hit the jack pot. theres no fucking rules. Only rules are win or lose.
>Sexy nigress

That's an oxymoron.
No, Negresses are disgusting sheboons
Read a book nigger

How does the camera-person never get attacked in all this wild melee?
Oh fuck yea, T H I C C. That nigress is sexy as fuck, not lying not trolling. Men of all races want to get behind that huge kaboose. Even white middle class men like myself.
You know it my man. Just picture slamming your face in that thiccness. Kim K ain't got nothing on this.
Kim K is T H I C C as fuck but I would dump kim K in the waste basket for that sexy buzz cutted niggress. She makes Kim K look like a skinny emaciated japanese woman.
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How did he hit the jackpot? He just lowered the IQ of his offspring.
I really dont give a shit about Looks that much, she should be thin, since and a Little athletic since i am too. And getting a foreign bitch in Germany when you are a Aryan German really isnt that hard, but if you think White women are bad, you just should date Black or muslim women for a Change, they are even worse sluts, coal burners and bitches than our native german skanks, so thank you but no thank you
Would it surprise you if I said that I'm not attracted to human women at all at this point?
Two men can't have offspring, dude.
IQ doesnt mean shit. Only thing that matters in life is wins.
couldnt even tell if thats a man or woman

Not in the fucking least. Can't tell if I'm old or they're all just fucking awful now.
Women were nice in the 90's I got a lot of pussy and it was fun in the 90's.
Fuckin women, now. Who wants to bother?
Yes it would. You must have some kind of deformity in the circuits of your brain that control sex. Nothing against you as a person. If your happy with your life then carry on.
Not advocating racemixing but DeNiro is an autistic cuck. Nothing was lost.
i need more webm's of black qts. it's for a project.
>edgy basement dwelling perma virgins wouldnt fugg this because 'lol nigger'
top kek

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>IQ doesnt mean shit. Only thing that matters in life is wins.
I'm super repulsed by black skin, especial black genitals. Everyone has a their types, preferences, and dislikes.
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if only their brains were as big as their heads
Keosha if std free for me pls
Oh cute its a bar graph to try to prove a point when anyone can pull this shit out of their ass that supports their point with google.
Literally objectively untrue.

Anons, it's time for a game of:
>Trolling or retarded?

Winner gets a (you).
De niros supposed to be obsessed with black women.
To the point its creepy.
Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women
But ain't that a man next to him there? Maybe he doesn't discriminate based on sex?
It's probably something to do with getting older and getting more detached from society. At least that's how it seems to be for me.

I dunno, I just don't care anymore.

Would I like to find a nice girl and settle down at some point to raise some kids? Sure, that sounds nice. Would the sex be nice? Probably.

As for any individual woman, am I attracted to them? At this point, no. I might find find a conventionally attractive woman ascetic in the same regard that I can find a conventionally attractive man ascetic, and I would much rather spend time with attractive people if all else is being held equal.

Past that, I could care less.

There probably is something wrong with me at this point desu. As time passes I find it harder and harder to relate to the people around me, even when it comes to stuff that's usually given like this.
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NO, just look how ugly they are. They're too different from Europeans
Those niggers so black they're crunchy
I didn't have this problem until after I became racist.






their boyfriends getting an aussie welcome

sneaky government been settling Sudanese refugees in our towns without telling anyone, they just suddenly appear lol
You can see the shame in the kids eyes.
He knows he is never going to look like his dad.
Why the kid reminds me maxmoefoe?
Nice digits.

You realize literally everything about your post is raw autism, yeah?
Cute! Crapping links out like diarrea. If you can post links you know exactly how the whole entire world works.
>Knowledge makes you know how the world works.
Really makes you think.
You think racism and sexual attraction are one and the same. Being attracted to the female form is biology, we are predisposed to seek out woman who can give us the best chance of carrying out children to term. Carnal thoughts be as they may. You can totally fuck a black woman, dominate that pussy make her call you daddy and still hate black people. You asserted your dominance over them. As long as you don't actively try and engage in a relationship, or pay for play then I think a white supremacist could do as he pleases and not feel an ounce of betray towards his own race. This is just speculation. I'm not racist, not white (Greek / Spaniard) and I've fucked all shades. But what do I know....
Black women can be very attractive.. on the other hand you are cuck-obsessed weakling it seems like.

>treat women like your pet
>get treated back like its master
Anyways... Black nigresses are hot! That what this thread is all about, not debating IQ statistics and shit, almost got me to start debating shit, not gonna work. This is all about how amazingly sexy black chicks are, not IQ points.
Become instagram famous.
Exactly correct. You got it right.
Great digits

>mfw larping nigger doesn't equate attractiveness/sexiness with iq level
>yes you're clearly a dindu
Im white.
I met one attractive black woman who did work for a soldiers charity. Two weeks later when she stopped pretending to be normal, realised she was the craziest person i had ever met. Full on conspiracy theorist, only drank imported bottled water, ate charcoal regularly to absorb toxins apparently, believed in vaccination conspiracy and chem trails, believes her dreams are predictions, makes threats of dreaming about people to threaten them. Full holistic douche before and after sex.
She was fit though and otherwise quite intelligent, but 100% crazy. Im sticking to white women from now on.
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Try it once. :)
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This is gonna be the summer of laying pipe of top tier black girls. Thank you Serena for making it cool to fuck a normal guy.

race traitor
I'm all for building up your own race. I'm also for blasting juicy black pussy. With that being said. I'm about to marry my Italian girlfriend. I'm Greek/Spaniard. We're gonna make some gorgeous Med babies.
Sorry. But I do what i want. Only have one life. Pleasure is the only goal.

That's his son.
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IQ literally means shit. As in you will live in shit, if you have a Black average IQ.


Stupid fatlander.

I actually do have a thing for black women. Although I wouldnt breed with them for obvious reasons.

I see the women of other races very differently to the men. Women are subservient creatures for a start. You bring a million none white women to a country and they arent going around blowing themselves up, committing masses of crime and threatening the very existence of the society.

Men are the leaders of society, so if theres no nigger men around to influence black women they would just submit to white men and be good bedwenches. It would actually be a much better existence for them too. White men are a vastly superior influence than niggers.

Plus beyond all that, its nice to annoy niggers by taking their women. Its precisely why they get such a kick out of doing it to us. Taking another cultures women is a sign of dominance. Its a very primal/tribal thing thats still inbuilt into our subconscious.

I am a white racist (believing in major differences between races in behaviour and fitness to adapt to modern civilization). I wouldn`t call myself a "nigger hater". I think of all the races, black women on average are the least attractive, with the notable exception of aboriginal women. That doesn`t mean individual black woman can`t be highly attractive. As for white men fetishizing black women, it is the draw of the exotic. Genetic diversity is a good thing, biologically speaking, and we understand that on an instinctual level.
I have to admit, your cultural dominance kink appeals to me as well. I really wish I could have been sailing out to sea before we even knew black chix existed and ended up in africa and fuck all the black chix I want... I wonder if they were T H I C C as fuck though, or if selective breeding after bringing the blacks to america made the T H I C C black chicks, because there all starving and skinny in africa.
>Implying that you wouldn't fuck that ass
This is what I'm talking about. I've fucked multiple black and Hispanic woman, always used protection no stds or babies. I get tested every year. Now I'm ready to settle down with a QT Italian French girl who I plan on having kids with.

yes I think black women are very sexy
I would definitely fuck that ass.
I like the dominance of another culture and all, but I wouldnt just make a black women my bed wench Id feel like id be dominating her culture harder if I made her my queen.
With birth control it's the age of having our cake and eating it too. If you don't like condoms, pony up for vasectomy. Usually can be reversed within 3 years. After you've had your fill. settle down and marry a pure as Snow White girl and make an army of Arian babies.
That's some reverse phycology cuckery going on right there.
Of course, though I would argue that in many cases autism is justified.
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I am not black but I agress black women are superior in every way. 10/10 black woman will beat everything else everytime unless youre some obsolete old fashion white guy or just a hate filled reject. The concept of whiteness is a lie. Whites come from indian albinos. Indians are a lost tribe of Africa. Tamils are basically black ppl. Everything is conneceted. Albinism. A disease that causes deficiency. Happens in nature. You live in the matrix. Everything youre told is lie, use your own eyes and brain.

>those square jaws

how can europeans ever compete
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No, I'm not attracted to animals.
Good one anon.
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Life started in Africa, its why some blacks negroid features are apelike. Caucasion features come from adaption to the cold. Natural selection took place and only thin noses to heat up the air, and thin lips as well as other extremities as to not get frost bite on them.
They look like they belong in the sequel for The Hills Have Eyes.
bull shit. Making an alpha female nigress my queen is the total opposite of being a cuck. Cucks are too afraid of the alpha female to try and queen her.
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Black woman Monifa Janson
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>smell like shit
>loud and obnoxious
>lower IQ than coco the gorilla or a border collie

>nigger women are all of this x2
literally nobody wants black females
Is that an albino baby? Or a white baby being nursed by that nigress. She would definitely make a great queen for me.
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*survived some ancient ice age created by G-d and his mysterious ways.
Dont be so hard on your ancestors. Pic related. Bhatti tribe of pakistan.
obviously straight men are attracted to feminity. That 5% of cute black girls will look attractive to anyone. That doesn't change the fact that given the choice, most would rather chose something familiar to them, meaning a white woman. Or for even more valid reason - similar culture and goals.
It's very clearly albino
Someone's been reading old history books.

>Best is sarah silverman
you haven't seen her naked pics. She's fridge mode.
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I prefer Jews tbhq
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No idiot, Aryans went to India. Your retarded Juvenile Hall history got it backwards.
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Albino baby. Its how we all got here. Black woman made all "races" Hair becomes straight from missing hair proteins. From albinism. A deficiency disease.
Take it from someone who's been in the swinger community for 10 plus years and have fucked tons of guys wives. The most powerful woman I've ever fucked have the most weakest husbands. I've had dudes shake my hand after blasting a load into their wives becuase it made them happy. Don't fool yourself. You can't have two dominant types in a relationship one always has to be the submissive. 99% of the time it's the woman who remains the dominant one wearing down the man till he's a shell of himself.
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Nonsense created by white supremacists.
Their facial features are extremely unattractive for me. Women, men - whatever. And not a fan of dark skin.
So, no.
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How can niggers even compete?
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kill yourself
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The schools teach you a false doctrine. You are not so different. Not really. Not in the ways you have been indoctrinated to feel.
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literally so out of touch with society he would put his dick inside a fucking rat trap
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Nice try Negro.
I dominate black nigress queen. She does not dominate me.
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White women look like men without eyeshadow. It is their secret weapon.
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Non-Whites can't compare. Especially when they have kinky pubic hair for a hairstyle.

There's nothing wrong with fucking black women, you're taking the black man's greatest resource, holding up her womb with white seed so she cant be pregnant with a black child instead.

You just need to not get on child support or ever see the kid, which she'll be used to anyway so isn't even that bad.
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Nah, its okay. You clearly cant handle the truth. ITs why you live in the matrix. Its artificial. Its fake. But Im free. Unplugged off all the bullshit. I see it for what it is. The truth isnt your enemy. It just is.

pic related khoisan tribe, start of the mongoloid "race"
I was looking for this exact article. Thank you for proving my point. Greek Master Race Reporting.
Used Portection on Shitskins always to prevent mongrel children.
>im White as fuck

Sure thing tyrone
>They are worried the big buff black brothers, uncles, and father will kick their ass if they piss her off...

kek, no thats actually the last thing you need to worry about
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You are a complete and utter imbecile
I love black chicks. On a side note name something black people haven't negatively effected?
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Man, you wanna get shot on some random baseball game, don't go that far with the truth
Black dudes don't even want their own women, how do you expect us to want them.
It would be interesting to see statistics on WM/BW relationships vs BM/WW. What percentage of WM/BW end with the black chick getting knocked up and left to raise the kid alone? how often does the black chick get murdered, beaten or have acid thrown in her face?

I would guess that by pretty much any metric WM/BW relationships are far happier and healthier. White women straying to niggers is totally ass backwards and shows how potent the propaganda is. The logical way would be black women coming for white men. As they are more mature, smarter, better providers, better fathers and offer the woman much better prospects in life than some deadbeat 70-80 IQ nigger who spends half his time in jail and perpetually behaves like an insolent 12 year old.

Come on black girls, take the white pill.
Says the one who puts all his faith in arbitra.... ooops nope this thread is about how sexy black chicks are. Dodged your bait, not gonna get into this.
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Yeah they can. The world is upside down and fake. You live in the matrix. Youre deficient. Dont worry. I am too. Just accept it. Dont live a lie and force other ppl to live it. Thats lame.

Basically, Midna>Princess Zelda
>top tier black girls
No such thing.
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>ywn hold hands with your jewish gf
Why live?
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The white on black rape statistic is 0%. Like....LITERALLY 0%. It just about literally doesn't happen. At all.
Anyways you're just a dumb ass with no taste. You jerk off at the zoo I'm sure.
Black bitches vagina lips look like bacon thats been burnt to shit. Keep that shit out my bed and off my sheets.
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>germ and bacteria den

Fuck off with that shit
Fine specimen, but I prefer darker chocolate. 100% dark to be exact

Why do you people always show mixed women when trying to make point. Pretty retarded and completely destroys your argument.
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The plot thickens.
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Why would I believe that jewry. Im sure you believe the 9/11 official story too. Typical right wing. No facts. Just emotion. Muh pride said satan. Before the almighty banished him to the deepest pit of hell. Sorry I am making too much sense.
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blue eyes dont believe to white ppl. The term white ppl is fiction. The reality is you descendents of albinos. Who were deficient. Your world is full of lies. Completely upside down. Satans playground.

He's right, /pol/. Black women are the final read pill.

Usually religious, aren't interested in careers, wants to have lots of children, huge tits/asses, age well and look young until they're 60.

Keep jerking off to your traps and Asians, /pol/, and leave the African goddesses to the real men.

Bitch's features and skin are straight mixed. Gtfo

Sorry you can not handle the truth.
Couldnt agree more.
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Me too. The darker the better.
Um sweetie, those features dont belong to white men. Sorry to burst your bubble honey bum chum, black women in africa gave your ancestors those features. You come from albinos.
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Anime girls is best.
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>good goyim, keep dreaming about your nubian princess. Jungle fever is totally normal thing.
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If you think race-mixing is the final redpill then you are both retarded as fuck. Please just move to Brazil. America is already suffering enough.
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Don't trust your lying eyes Kangz.

It's all White man's science n sheet.
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>black women
Why do you post barely black mulatto shit then?
I might be attracted to black women if i seen one, but providing me with that crap that ain't white nor black, no thx. How's that's even interracial if she ain't black? That's just getting half. I rather prefer ugly white than some average mulatto women who are probably entitles and whores. Those women don't even possess any African culture, neither they know how to cook. They are as worthy vagina as garbage can.

Amerifat logic. Fix you education system.
Oh dont you get me started... Theres NO fucking way those toothpick fucking boobless, hipless, curvless japanese fantasy chicks can compete with a nigress
holy fucking milky jew!
>never settled
Nice global warming reference

You can't use "never settled science" as an argument for your causes when it suits you and then do a 180 when it says things you don't like.
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"Im gonna ignore all the scientific evidence you have laid out for me. BEcause I am scared. I am afraid of losing my fake world. Heres, a title in response. A deflection. Because I cant handle the truth"

This is seriously retarded. Only a fatlander can post something stupid.
Ffs fix your education system.
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>big tits
>large ass
>aren't interested in careers
>niggnog printing machines
I dont give a fuck about race mixing bullshit. Theres only one thing that matters, PLEASURE!! Fuck racial, cultural purity. Cultural norms and all that bullshit does nothing but deprive me of adventure and pleasure. I want to fuck women of all colors, shapes and sizes. Blacks are the hottest in the end though. I only live once, so i want to fuck what makes me happy.
Keep hittin the melanin pipe, groid
A few uglies? Perhaps in the US where their nigger blood has been thinned out by the white masters from the past.

I'm in africa and I can tell you without a doubt that the only thing uglier than a nigger woman is an aboriginal nigger woman. Remove the weaves and makeup and they litterlly look like fucking apes. Also those huge tits of theirs... 100% saggers, every single one of them. Not only do their tits sag and look sad as fuck but their nipples are also fucking long and droopy. Fucking monkeys.
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it's true, I swallowed the nig pill a while back
>submissive because of their slavery past, it's inbuilt in them
>can be boisterous when need be which is nice when you don't feel like getting shit done
>cook dope fried chicken
>curves like angels
>crave proper males and a proper family unit as the male of their species constantly leave them to single parenthood
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Fug off, she's my gf
Albino is a disease. White is a skin color, albinos don't have skin color, they are without pigment.
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Stop, curvy time!
Look pal we are conservative here we don't do bestiality
kayesha is OK, if she scrubbed up a bit. narkarsha has potential if she had taken better care of herself.
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White man doesnt exist. You cant tell europeans apart. Barelylyyy. legally blind. The concept of race is there to bolster yourselves up because your genetics are recessive. Theyre deficient. You come from albinos. Its science. Youre afraid. Brother. But you dont have to be. Its just nature.

Its just karma coming to humble you.
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Nooppe. Not even in the slightest. Niggers don't get muhdik hard at all. I'm attracted to (white-passing) Latinas, & some East Asians but that's because they can sometimes appear human.
It's natural to want to rape and pillage other races.

>posts exquisite nubian woman specimen
>regular nigger female is >picrelared
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My eyes! Help me unsee it!
>look at this handpicked selection of still ugly negress models as a proof that negress are the best
i am a changed man op
trying bestiality porn for the first time tonight
wish me luck
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Coward, man up. Just accept it for what it is. Black and brown ppl were your ancestors lol. Your freckles and birthmarks still contain them.
moron. if the BBC meme is in fact true, its because blacks come from a culture of gangrape. the longer dicks scoop out the older jizz from the guys who already finished inside the "woman". look it up, thats why the dickhead is shaped that way. the longer dicked males will survive and reproduce in a rape-culture.
7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains found in the Balkans

So much fat in one jew.
Black women are the least desired women on earth.

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Nah thats you. Your world is fake and you know it. Everything. Your whole life. So much of lived on lies.
his smile and optimism: gone
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Can you see the difference, or nah?
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it is pure cowardice, they cannot accept that redpill for now, perhaps one day
Not into fat hips.
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She's not fat, it's just her tiddies :^)
Not into niggery nigs
Alien lookin ho
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Thats a lie perpetrated by white supremacy, aka the caste system. albinos can have pigment. Even so that they are identical to modern whites. Whites are the descendents of albino brown ppl who mated with brown ppl, thus giving whites the ability to tan in the sun.

Notice how the child is halwalf inbetween the complexion of the mom and dad. Thats how white ppl came into being. Only not with asians, with brown ppl. Thats they europe is above the middle east.

that means you starve yourself and live in the dirt on purpose, its a buddhism thing. ironically, you yourself are sexually ascetic.
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nothing on this earth is as beautiful as based japanese waifu
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gross, jews
oh wow, any sauce on a non censured tiddies one?
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Yeah its albinism, a disease. Nice try tho cherry picker.
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gross, niggers
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You are a nignog and fatlander. That make you twice as stupid as the average european.
I wouldn't touch a black chick with a 10 foot pole. Some of them look hot, but the prevalence of STDs is not worth it. Enjoy your herpes or something worse, nigger lovers.
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Idk Shlomo, tiddies aren't for free

I'm going in, wish me luck guys
No curves, hips or boobs on japanese. Sorry, you japanese are cool but your women arent T H I C C.
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ive got a bit of a jew-thing going on, the pale ones specifically. like me them crypto-jews
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chocolate skin and thiccness are priority
best benefit of a negress

weak b8
Oh my god!! Beautiful Nigress!
What a magnificent goddess, would serve gladly.
kek. the screen in the background does say dance hall, was that the dance?

You're lucky Whites are around to teach you about keyboards, internet, and electricity.

Without Whites you're back to this.
>a "disease" that makes you smarter, more attractive, more civilized and prone to achieve greater development

such is life
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Like they talk a big game. "Science! facts!" but when they get confronted by the cold hard truth they cant handle it.

Like 2017. To be an ass fan. You have to be a black woman fan. No one does it better.

For all of their hate and malevolence, it is easily outweighed by their true radiant beauty.
You gross. I love nigresses but that is a roided up ugly chick
I don't believe any man that refuses this to still have testicles
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>take it from me, let me, a literal cuckold tell you how you should approach your relationships. they will wear down the weaker one (me, who allowed myself to be talked into getting cucked)

m9 you arent fooling anybody, you cant get into a swingers party unless you bring your partner. they dont just have single dudes swinging their dicks around in there. youre an actual cuck.
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Your lucky black men taught your ancestors how to speak, without that your just this.
Yes that is true radiant beuaty no one can deny. she has such a nice black alpha nigress bod.
>Every time someone makes a post like this, they show Black chicks with 80% European DNA.
Or Ethiopians / East Africans.
Hah. that hippo shitting is not comparable to that beautiful nigress. As said above. Any man who refuses the beautiful thicc negress getting out of the pool does not have testicles.
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Go to google and type is albinism a disease?

Albinism is a disease in which a person has partial or complete loss of pigmentation (coloring) of the skin, eyes and hair. Genetic mutations that affect the production of a pigment called melanin.Feb 18, 2009
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Poor Negros. You want to believe the lie Jews have sold you so badly.
Strong, dominant black women are absolutely my thing, if that isn't yours then that's fine, all the more for me to sub to.
First off, you're retarded.
Second, I'm white and i think there are many attractive black women. However, black women are more of a fetish to me and beyond their own bodies i would NEVER marry one. I genuinely only have ever wanted to marry and have children with a white woman. Not Asian, black, hispanic, or anything in between.
White women in my eyes are far superior and those who i can actually fall in love with.
I would marry a black woman and make her my queen.
you are weak you cannot handle the black nigress queen. So you stick with the white woman.
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>oh no phat asses are exclusive to shitskins
>being this retarded
>probably black
checks out
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well put my brotha, perhaps the truth will gradually make its way into their mind, to be ignorant about these facts in the age of the internet truly is a waste of human potential
Oy Vey Negros, don't believe that evil Goy!!!

Race is only skin deep!!
Ill admit, very nice. but it would be more beautiful if that T H I C C ass were black. On top of that, she is very rare, not many white chicks have asses that T H I C C
shes cute. shame shes probably half blind and will be dead by 30
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Nigger lovers are disgusting and should be put in concentration camps.
Hah good luck putting a white germanic man like me in a concentration camp.
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Some are qt
Must be a terrible disability. Go in the sun, get skin cancer.
jewed by the goy, how the tables have turned
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Mfw i come to this threads with a sole purpose of filling my lewd gals folder
Haha love these threads racists always getting btfo to hell, can just come with their usual screaming "uuh disgusting race mixing, niggers!"
You're fucking pathetic nerds

And I love when the same kind aperson says
"Oh noes the white race will be gone because race mixing bro" when the vast majority of you fags won't even have kids LOL
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I prefer that skull shape. Let me see what she can do with that mouf doe.

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t. 54%
you would gladly go into by choice if it is full of blacks
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>she is rare

Nigger fuck off outta here.

PAWG is like a serious porn niche, probably outclassed "ebony" by a country mile
good lord almighty. did not expect her boobs to be nice ski jumps like that. once had an ex with boobs like that.
>I want to have beta cumskin children instead of a mixed child with assertiveness and a backbone

good luck with your childs prospects, he's just gonna stay home and waste potential till he becomes a school shooter
I enjoy strong, assertive women and more submissive women alike but like i said, Black women are just a fetish to me. I like them sexually but nothing past that. I don't like their community or their "modern black culture" shit. They just don't do it for me. Go enjoy your nigress queen all you want you fucking joke. I'll take the better women instead while you deal with Lamisha and her nigger family baggage she brings with her.
Im no nig. Im white. I just think nigresses are the hottest.
bullshit m8. asian birds have bubble butts and nice dolphin-tight boobs. many, certainly not all, asian birds have very feminine fat distribution
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No brown ppl on there cuz they dont want you knowing you came from brown ppl. Brown ppl came from black ppl lel. All that shit is fake. Made by charles darwin. Huge racist and white supremacists.

These are caucasoids btw. facts. Your ancestors looked like this.

All of the attractive black women on tv shows are the same, you can tell they're so mixed race that they've been lucky enough to get the good aspects.
I went to a School with a load of actual black girls, nobody wants to fuck them, they're hyper aggressive and built like chimps.
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Its the men we have, and will always have, a problem with.
One word....

She did not look nice at all

Plus you prove yourself to be degenerate knowing how porn industry works, porn is for maggots.
Aight. OP out, yall can sage this if you want. Im going to bed. It was fun debating.
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Good lord, Irving, when i asked these chaps to lend us a hand this is not at all what I had in mind!
I don't hate niggers, but I find them very unattractive.

And dude, blacks have higher testosterone on average.

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I hypothesize Its why the cow is revered in india. In ancient times, it gave albinos the vitamin D they couldnt synthesize from the sun.
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There's nothing wrong with having sex with your slaves. Blacks are inferior. They are actually disgusting creatures left like residue in their slums. Niggers in cities should be killed, at least to alleviate the issues of crime in most American cities. Of course niggers would be replaced by other degenerates, but those will be dealt with in a similar fashion. Black women have nothing white women do not. Blacks in general are innately disgusting creatures. They produce nothing, only consume. They live off welfare and cheat, murder, and steal. They're the vestigial remnants of a form of humanity that should've died out thousands of years ago.
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I wish I had qt gf like her :(
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Theyre your brothers mutie.
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You cant tell those legs apart from this. Free your mind neo.
This. I like white women, brown women and Japanese hotties. Niggers are chimps
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>jewish women
janusz please
Lol muh aryan master race

Also white girls on average are the ones that look the most different without makeup compared to when they wear it too (just my observations not scientific opinion)
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Wut? Poles are mini Jews.
They can hold dick better than other bitches, apparently their pelvic muscles are strongest of them all

>So I've read anyway
That's not an argument
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it is
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Why she's so perfect?
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>posts regular finish girls, still more pretty and natural than his neggro supermodels .

Try again, post the ol' natural ghetto nignogg. not the chimp aspiring to be a white girl.
>tries to post "ugly white girls"

theyre still more attractive than 99% of black chicks
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netto, jews
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the tide is slowly turning, white men are realising most of their own women are coalburners and mixers and they are following their path, if you an't beat em' join em'
Actually, no. Negro women are the only race I have no attraction to.
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>left - mariage tier - top cute
>mid - 3 month tier - drain your blue balls tier
>right - 1 night stand - mad blowjobs tier

Every nigger in the hood wished he had these options lol.

They eithey hit up a Lacreshauna, or another kind Crisco-Sentient-Alien.

Ball players and other black celebrities hit up the black bigg ass instagram models.

And the regular noggs post here ha

I would rather fuck East Asian and Indian/Persian women.
>They are intimidated by what there black
Say, what's that I see over there in the woodpile?
>literally every one of them except the lightest skinned one is attractive.

Bro you still don't understand, its not the hips, the ass or the boobs.

If a gorilla with ass and breast implants would appear in front of you would you fuck it ?
>being this homeosexual
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pool Nigress'.webm
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looks like a perfectly attractive woman to me, you must be gay lmao, fair enough I ain't judging
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>loving niggers this much
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Were fucked.jpg
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>Being male must mean fucking everything with a hole.


No you don't because you keep posting mixed Black chicks.
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she has a mans build and looks like the joker with that make up, euch
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Lol you serious?
This bitch lookin like lady gaga
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I'm attracted to this, and this only. Not people that look like her, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfect skin. I am attracted to this singular entity. No black woman could ever compete against this half-russian goddess, nor could any woman that looks like her
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Cheap nigger bait

Plough off
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They just look bit worse on white girls past certain size. It looks kinda temporary an uunnatural on them. I can dig the meat on females but hell my brain simply tells me that white girls are not supposed to store this much fat there.
Same with asian girls. They are supposed to be fit lean and gentle - not a massive mommas.

Personally i believe that humans do have to racemix, but selectively and eugenically to max certain qualities and create "builds" for certain kinds of labour and ecology.
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