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Australia. Sudanese gang gets BTFO

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Thread replies: 325
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Last Sunday morning at around 1am, a fight broke out in front of the ‘Hotel Kent’ in Beaumont Street, Hamilton between two Aussies and four Sudanese. The Sudanese picked a fight with the wrong guys and lost.
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b-but what about BBC
not bad, no more footage?
There is better quality footage of this. The Golden One owns.
Damn that strike he got in was savage! Yeah!
Hell yeah boys let's get started
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>fucking with Aussies
Aussies are some hard cunts
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Is each one of them 95 lbs?
I'd like to see it m8
short video and shit quality, but still enough to feel the adrenaline of kicking some niggers ass
Nigger gangs without guns are nothing. They have been getting btfo ever since they came to Australia.
wow those niggers got knocked the fuck out.
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Golden One going at it.
Us Brits need to take notes watching videos like this.
Fuck yes
Is that seriously him?
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Fucking up the boys
That's great!
Great shit.

>fighting aids ridden sudanese weighing in at 50kilo and 50iq

cool beans now you saved the white race /pol/
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God save the land down under.

Damn that left jab
Fucking good. When you see Blacks fight they either fight like they're crippled or just use mass numbers even when fighting their own kind.
the fighting against those monkeys or sandnigger is not the problem. They are mostly the weaker ones or only strong in groups. Problem starts when they got weapons or taking revenge in an unfair mode. Those niggers have nothing to lose but we the normal white people almost everything...
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You know I get the feeling that most people on /pol/ dont ever interact with black people.

Fighting a black dude is like fighting anyone else, they don't have an advantage.

The reason why you guys in Europe especially have formed a fear of blacks is because you are to polite, Africans take that as a weakness and will be aggressive with you if you are overly friendly.
wtf i love aussies now
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Look at the beta cucks going to help them and making sure they are ok.
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Props to the bouncers for letting Thor and friend give the Apex skinnies a touch up. Hopefully it was the same Apex guys that belted the autistic kid on the bus a few weeks back getting their comeuppance.
yeah u faggots. stop letting little white girls from getting gang raped by paki's you fucking QUEERS.
>picking a fight with someone whos work is lifting

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Not this time.
in from the the HOTEL CUNT
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Is ya boy Bangz ok?! ANSWER ME!
Better yet he was an ex MMA fighter.
is that a police officer standing over the nigger? or is he just a bouncer?
I fucking lol'd when the whole pub gave a cheer as each darkie was knocked out.
That heavy set fella was actually just giving him a standing eight count.
Good work boys.
Good lads
is that the golden one?
>All the cucks running to see if the niggers are ok.
It looks like The Golden One kicked their asses all by himself while the other Aussie played cheerleader.
>wanna take you to the movies shorty
>so I know that you will be my baby
a poet, a scholar, a true gentleman.
What a cuck-bitch you are. Taking the side of niggers just because you hate Aryans so much. 4 against two, and the White men still won.
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holy shit is that him kek
Non-Valiant knights of mother Europe on suicide watch
Africans are manlets. It's American Africans that are a problem due to breeding for machinery.
U mad faggot commie? Do you hate white people more than anyone else? Yes you doooo! :)
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>"DO NOT fuck with someone unloading a UHaul. I don’t care if it’s for work or if they’re moving, the task they’re partaking in is one of the worst imaginable. They’re so angry they could fight a bull. The only thought in someone unloading a UHaul’s head is ‘I hate my fucking life. I must kill.’ That’s literally it. So don’t fuck with them or you’re gonna get knocked out then left in missionary to be fucked by a van.”
Not much food in africa, senpai
Pretty good, but I would have pulled the nigger's spinal column out of his back and hung it up on the marquis of the BBQ in the background.
LMAO get fucked you ugly 65 IQ lankey chimps. This is what you all deserve and have coming.

Why weren't they hung from a eucalyptus?

Y'all been soft since you lost to the emus
Kek, UK btfo by a leaf
how long 'till they spin it as vicious white gang beats up poor refugees

Does anyone have a JewTube version of this for phone losers?
>beating up drunk/drugged niggers

wow. straya land superpower in 2025
>Be Golden One
>Visit Australia simply to pick a fight with darkies for the lulz

He is truly the hero we need but don't deserve.
Spot the difference
>You can't
It's the same fight OP posted just from a different angle.
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Truer words have never been spoken

>being a commie cunt in a first world country

#notallswedes are cucks.
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Get fucked.
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>French government set to destroy 2800 churches
>some of them hundreds of years old, because they 'cannot afford upkeep' ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BihkDzasgWw )
>Christians kneeling in front of one that was to be destroyed to pray as a form of protest
>black guy repeatedly walks up and down making noise to mess with the group
>the final time he was blaring some obnoxious music on his phone to mess with them a little more
>one guy decided he'd had enough
what problem with nigros
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Good, filthy niggers shouldn't even be in our country.
>when the manlet has had enough of the "6'0/5'11" jokes.
lol local here too
Says the guy whos country killed off most of the black abos.
The Kent is always good for a fight
>ripping apart historic buildings like that

a left hook dropped the first guy. Lel
If minorities threaten your community, hurt them. They'll never go to the police to protect themselves, they hate the police. Hurt them.
wtf happened there?
Those dindus have to be absolutely retarded to pick a fight with someone as large as The Golden One (assuming that it is actually him). The guy is a monster.
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Just shows the merits of taking the iron pill.
Newys my hometown, they started dumping these sudo fucks here back in the 90s under "based Howard". In the early 2000s they were having gang wars with Abos.

The sudos unfortunately were the victors, (((dibursity))) in action.
what a fucking punch! turbo manlet power!
nigger was nigging, playing loud music and disrupting them while they prayed. this was after a french priest was killed by Islamic terrorists
Read the greentext

He's not exactly being hypocritical, though, is he?
They should bring knifes next time.
can't see anything other than some blurs then 1.5 seconds later the video ends, fucking garbage m8, not worth a fucking thread.


and of course France is building over 2000 mosques....
Lovely thread m8s.
holy fuck is that latsbrah?
>implying two 95 lb nigglet twinks would survive an encounter with the Golden One

i love it when the nigger shakes his fists like a toddler
fucking amazing 10/10 would deus vult with
A leaf is behind this post. You cannot hide.
Download VLC
Why oh why is he so fat now???? Not glorious. I refuse to believe this is Marcus without further proofs
It's not him, look at his channel. He has been uploading videos shot in Sweden all week.

why the fuck are there sudanese in australia?
jesus he looks like Achilles
How did aussies even get libtarded?

Aussies are the spawn of savage white males not do gooder pussies.
Unironic (((capitalists))) and most likely a few secret (((commies)))
Oy vey you need more migrants communist china will out produce you

Populate or Perish, look you see how a few thousand eastern European workers were willing to work their arses off to come here after their homes were fucked in ww2. Well that means we can bring in as many eastern Europeans and Vietnamese (((refugees))) ignoring the original western European Anglo population.

Just saying I got no problem with eastern Europeans, but please Australia is for Anglos and Celtics + some Germanic's not all European people like America wants

hip hip hooray

hip hip hooray

hip hip hooray
My old watering hole 25 years ago. Did not know that Newcastle had become so "enriched".

Proud of the local boys.
virtue signaling you bend over it and take it in the ass is not a good thing, faggot. passive cucks are designed to be replaced.
it feels so good to watch that video, i wish it was longer
he has a point though, when you get into fist fights you get cuts and your opponents blood all over you

which is a terrible idea when fighting niggers

unless you have a spare hazmat suit on standby, you best bet is to kick them unconscious
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Not the one I wanted. Anyhow.


why are those cucks helping the niggers?
>I hate my fucking life. I must kill.
Fake news
This vastly improved my day, thank you OP
Is that that Chrissy Hemsworth on the goon again, cunts?
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Fookin glassed them cunts aye
>black cunts picking a fight up in qld
big fucking mistake
People forget that Melbourne harbors the most savage and violent bogans in the country and they are starting to get angry.
Worst spinebuster I've ever seen
Sudanese are weak little monkeys. They must be purged.
It seems like most of them are weaker for some reason though.
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Aussies might triumph against apes but they will never defeat the birds.
The way he just ran back and forth and kicked/punched them down on the ground... based!
I see only three niggers.
Well it is night time.
KEK that youtube account is one of our political parties.
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>Australians are now going to boast about how based their people are fighting against 120 lbs Ethiopians
>rent a truck to move house
>be furiously angry for 10 hours straight
i have no will to live and i must kill
dude took it easy on him desu
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Mother of god this is pure truth.
Those Africans thought they were in western Europe.
Can confirm, moving boxes is one of the most dull jobs possible.
bit slow but not bad at all. ****golf clap***
>Shariahblue posts in /pol/ thread
Yaaaaawn. So sleepy, time to stop that lifting and take a nap guys.
Holy fuck, that's some Aussie rules football. Those niggers got fucked.

Was going to go to the gym tonight. After watching this, I'm going.
What the fuck immigration standards do you Ausfags even have? Most Sudanese people I meet here have been hardworking, christfags.

Man I miss living in Oz. Literally no better place on earth to get in a scrap after a few beers.
lel, what was the fight about? at least some of you guys arent cucked over there
Who let these filthy nigger animals in Australia?
Lol, I love how bouncer just waves the white guys. >"Alright mates, that about enough"
lelbourne is still cucked
why did he stop after one punch? where was the foot stomp at the end?

Problem with Brits and by that I mean English is that you are all skinny and soft cunts. Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish all have a good brawling spirit, even the scrawny ones.

No joke, I saw a fight between a Pole and an English guy where he tried to negotiate no punches to the mouth because he was worried about his teeth.
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god wills it
such big
much scared
> negotiate no punches to the mouth because he was worried about his teeth.

thats what school children do with each other, when friends play fight
These ones are south Sudanese, they're the nigger type, I'm assuming you got the Arabs
is that really the GOLDEN ONE!??!?!?
Blacks are weaker. Does anyone else lift here? They're all show and no go

Yeah true. And needless to say literally all the Pole did then was aim for his mouth. A few light slaps and the English guy backed down and skulked away.
Not these days though, someone will stab you. There is no honour any more.
Nope, I worked with the southern ones too. There were generally alot taller and just really huge in general. They were pretty nice too so i'm guessing your immigration system is fucked.
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>the fucking Golden One is dropping bombs on niggers in the street

I pity those of other timelines that cannot see such glories.
This is why you need to get off your ass, work out, learn to fight even if you own a gun.
It is not a matter of IF, it is a matter of WHEN nogs come knocking.
>tfw see glorious leader in action
We are arriving at times of greatness brothers. It is time to reclaim the glory of times past. Remember! NO PORN AND NO FAPPING. Follow his teachings and ways. XXO.
Bullshit. Take your flag off so we can see how you are lying

It was only a few years ago when I left but I spent most of my time in mining towns. Closest city to me was Adelaide but that was still 600km away.

There were loads of a fights because we had nothing but money and the only thing to spend it on was drinking in our spare time. Only heard of one stabbing in my time but then I think the vast majority of fights was people just letting off steam.
everytime i see this i watch it around 10 times kek
The immigration systems alright. Asians, Indians, Europeans are fine, lebs, Polys, sudos are awful

Basically if they come from a war torn country they'll be shit
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yeah you do - what I am experiencing right now in the US with the left emasculating males shiieeett - red blooded American guys need to get cool real fast but learn to fight and defend - but stay cool- don't go all Dylan Roof - that was just plain dumb-did a lot of harm to bolster anti right sentiment because the left will lump all conservatives with that crap - and it ain't the same, -with the Brits fellas regain your pride - growing up the Brits were some of the craziest mothers around no joke getting fucked up in fight or rugby and jokeing about it - here do you think the Aussies got it from besides living in a crazy place with some of the scariest fucking critters on earth
Notice how the Respectable White Man stops when he's noticed he's won, whereas your common nigger would still be going until someone physically took him off.
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>brits worrying about their teeth
didnt want to get shit on his shoes
John Howard, piss be upon him
these aren't immigrants. they're refugees.
>white guys running to check on the niggers
It shows the fundamental difference between our two races
>Only heard of one stabbing in my time but then I think the vast majority of fights was people just letting off steam.

my daddy always said there is nothing wrong with boys letting off steam - let em wrassel - not bullying but plain ole wrasseling - pussifying serveral generataions it has to stop now
the adult ones are more tame
im guessing these ones are a fair bit younger
most of the nigs ive worked with have been 30+
they're "refugees" not immigrants you silly cunt and they're not nice, they're niggers.
Bouncer. No cops at that point. Saw it from the balcony it was filmed on.

Sudos are a joke. They're all that size but run in packs. Everyone was thinking the blonde was a chick too.
>Australia. Sudanese gang gets BTFO
Beautiful! I want to see that happening everywhere! End the nigger crime wave! Unconscious niggers are law-abiding niggers. (They still smell like shit, but what can you do?)
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The golden one not only talks but takes action

Yep. It one of the reasons why men are ending up like women.

In the vast majority of scraps I ended up in I became friends with the person afterwards. You'd laugh about it, have a few more beers and call it a night.

Men these days don't resolve their problems with each other and end up bitching behind each others backs, which is sly and messes with our social cohesion.
his european sensibilities
Australia is a good example of
>Bad times create strong men
>Strong men create good times
>Good times create weak men
>Weak men create bad times

Hahaha yeah that wasn't lost on me at the time.

The Pole would have been doing him a favour if he smashed them out.
Sudanese are the lankiest motherfuckers on the planet
Y-yeah us Australians am I right haha, we're so strong and this video is PROOF of how we are strong white men fighting back!
What is your point here? We thought that would be enough of a warning.
lel its not the golden one

There are always a few runts in the litter but by and large Aussies are tough cunts who spend a lot of their spare time enjoying sports and other physical past times. Your average Australian is multiple times stronger and fitter than your average Euro or Burger.

Sorry that's meant for the lad above you. Fat fingers and a shitty mobile screen.

For an untrained fight The Golden One can throw a mean punch.
Post more niggers getting rekt

Finland once again proving they are the greatest nation on Earth. So helpful, love you guys.
He isn't a nigger
>Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish all have a good brawling spirit, even the scrawny ones.


Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!
this is all well and good, but all it takes is one of thoes stupid nogs to hit the back of his head on the cement and die and then you end up throwing away the next 10 years in jail
if your going to smash some cunt, you gotta make sure u have his collar held to lower the fuck down to the ground so u dont end up killing him just injuiring... thats why cunts are running to see if hes ok, make sure the fuck isnt dead
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Jesus, Vince McMahon has really let the WWE go to shit. Worst Backstage Brawl I have ever seen.
angocucks 1: 100 mudslimes
Aussies are the most patriot whites in the west, fuck what the media tells you
>Dead nigger
Who gives a fuck
There are more abos now than at any time in history. They would have died out completely if whites hadn't arrived to take care of them
God bless him
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You can thank Victorian Melbourne Ports jewish MP Michael Danby for that. Danny Danon of izrail asked Danby to take the Africans that izrael didn't want because izrail 'had to protect its homogeneity'. Jerusalem Post reports that MP Danby was 'delighted' to help izrail. It's still online.
As many have said in print, clearly jew MP Danby and izrail obviously of the opinion that Australia either didn't have 'homogeneity' to protect or, in jews Danon and Danby's opinion, Australia just doesn't matter
Ever since the Africans arrived, the news has been full of African crimes in Oz
Victorian ex police chief Nixon kept claiming African crime was much lower than that of Aussies - until her lies were exposed at which point it was revealed African crime in Oz was five to nine times higher than that of Aussies.
Now Oz police are going public about the extent of African crime and judges and magistrates have been dealing with violent Africans very leniently
Thanks izrael and jew MP Danby
Self defence
Merely responding to African gang attack
I think he's in Sweden now. So no, I don't think so.
> Impressive

Fighting makes me erect.
i love how he looks to the sky as if to say lord, guide my hand, show me the way and the lord said punch that ignorant fuck right in the head.
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Thats how you deal with those pigs. No fear. Just smash their faces. Check out this beauty:


happens at 1:12.
fucking glorious
I'm so dissapointed people actually helped after they got knocked out. Let those monkeys rot. Disgusting vile things.
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wtf i like straya now
Should have smashed the cunts trying to help. Infact you should go after them even harder.
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then check this vid out mate. A few years ago aussies in cronulla got tired of immigrant criminality and tens of thousands took it to the streets... beating every single one they saw. Twas glorious.

IDK why but every time I see this I chuckle

Probably the sad truth behind it
Shut up, you immigration apologist, shut up.
Its cause niggers fight in gangs and sucker punch people.
but they won't knife you though like spics
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Aussie master race?
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this is a clever aussie post.
They probably would. Asians are the ones that carry weapons though because they are pathetic
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Yeah should just let them carry on doing what they usually do.
try this on some buck american niggers
that guy was probably ex-militiary. pretty cool head on him and was aware of being surrounded but still could have handled himself.
the jibbering arab was pretty annoying to listen to.
Butt hurt nigger detected.
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Are Aussies the master race?
They don't have stamina. they have more "type two muscles" good for speed but not strength or stamina. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25739558
Dead niggers
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this is the best thing I've seen in a long time on /pol

mind you, these are slayers, not polaks
How the fuck do you know? They look like typical white nationalists here

They'll get knocked out exactly the same.

There was no wrestling here, just 2 solid hits.
because the blond guy is buffed, he's lifting
You are looking pretty stupid right now. Did you wonder why people are calling him golden one? Dumb faggot

Haha! Fucking oath m80!
It's about fucking time the filthy sudos got btfo. They ruined what was left of the newey night life.
Probably used to fighting with spears. If you give them a spear you would have some dead aussies I'll bet

Yeah, but now those same 4 niggers will go and find a random 12 year old white girl to bash or slice up with a box cutter as "revenge". Plus they'll get a suspended sentence for it while those white guys defending themselves will get 5 years and denied parole for aggravated hate crimes.
>forgets to switch his flag

This. They are clearly fucking jaywalking in the video (one of them appears to be racistly imitating a First Australian by sleeping in the road).
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Great vid, plus a bonus reaction pic at the end. God bless Australia, and God bless the golden one.
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Damn how can nigger even compete?
no why
There's a few Sudanese in my white rural community and they are treated like outsiders. People stare daggers a them, they are given subpar service at restaurants and are generally given a hard time.

Australians are xenophobic as all fuck. It was a bad idea letting them in. They'll never integrate. Unless you're white then you will always be the enemy. Even Asians are treated better as long as they are polite and know their place.
Early elections. Police admitting publicly that Africans are out of control and a menace, useless eaters, contribute nothing
Aussies and especially Victoria have had a gutful. LNP will have to double down on Africans or lose to Labor. Latham looks to be coming back in. Bernardi and Hanson will win votes hand over fist if both fake major parties don't get serious about garbage migrants. Deportation needs to happen and Aussies will force the fake major parties into obscurity if they don't cut out the bullshit and start tossing Africans and idiot muslim wannabe terrorists out on their ear. We're sick of paying for them, they're trash level
Kikes behind tall hedges will read the whirlwind if Aussies start giving Africans a lift to Danby's electorate. See how they like it
ok daequan, i've seen a fair few whites take american niggers down before they all jump in as a group

Africans here are basically bottom of the pecking order, as the video shows.

They're African Africans - Not American Africans. They're big gangly malnourished retards. They only have an advantage in that they have no ethical standards and are a protected species by the police and courts, so get away with atrocious overkill.

This fight would be a whole lot different if, rather than blacks, it was Lebs or Maoris/Islanders.

That said, Lebs and Maoris/Islanders hate blacks too, so it's not really an issue.
this guy knows

We're actually NOT in the U.N. population replacement manifesto.


Well, that might have something to do with China infiltrating every nook and cranny of our country and shipping their wealthy children here.

Seems like we're destined to be a glorified holiday resort for the Chinese overflow.
Lebs and islanders would get beaten too. Put it this way there is a reason all the ethnics mostly stay away from aussie areas. They prefer to attack lone individuals in their own ghettos.

Not sure on the situation.

Sudanese here were brought over by Christcucks.

For whatever reason the ones in Sydney and Brisbane are utterly benign. Just walk around looking like giant E.T.s and playing basketball.

All of the ones in Melbourne are degenerate savage criminals.
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Also this.

People have to remember that Australian is Anglo-CELTIC.

It's like a nation of Mark Wahlbergs.

>At 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man named Thanh Lam on the street, and using a large wooden stick, bashed him over the head until he was knocked unconscious while calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit".[17][18] That same day, Wahlberg also attacked a second Vietnamese man named Hoa "Johnny" Trinh, sucker punching him in the eye. According to court documents regarding these crimes, when Wahlberg was arrested later that night and returned to the scene of the first assault, he stated to police officers: "You don't have to let him identify me, I'll tell you now that's the mother-fucker who's [sic] head I split open."[18] Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'gooks' and 'slant-eyed gooks'."

Not """"""immigrants"""""


Total toilet scum that were imported solely to appease Christcucks in the senate.
>Quality U-Haul Leverage
You guys heard the news a muslim woman who was charged with disrespectful behaviour in a court because "she only stands for allah, not judges" is planning to apply for constitutional change?
I'm so use to watching niggers fight on worldstar

I first thought those guys were robbing them when they were knocked out then I realized they were concerned white people
In my view it was a good thing, they didn't integrate at all and only caused problems. A good lesson learned.
I havent watched wrestling in 15 years but that looks like one of the Sting's moves
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I've been friends with quite a lot of Sudanese and Kenyan cunts. Lots of them are total fuckwits, but there are some alright ones. The government is terrible and wrong to be bringing them in, especially the young men, most of them will just be in an out of jail for the rest of their lives, collecting welfare and buying sneakers when they're out. It's a complete waste of time from our perspective.

We need a really strict immigration policy, the women in charge of it now will destroy this country.
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>Aussies might triumph against apes but they will never defeat the birds.
what a bunch of fucking precious flowers
what do you fuckers do for work all day?
either nothing (vidya in mom's basement) or cubicle work, I'm guessing. I just hope you take a little time once in a while to reflect on how fucking good you have it.
"moving is hard"
"lifting shit is tough"
"parking a box truck is hard"

holy shit, millenials
Nice, do you run the video through loading the VLC app and then watching the webm or inside the internet browser directly?
Australia does what american't.

Yeah, what people forget to mention is that the Lebs ended up giving as good as they got during Cronulla, and everyone (leb or aussie) ended up getting fucked by the cops in the end.

Although - No more gang rapes or any of the stupid shit that we saw in the 90's that's STILL going on in Europe/Britain.
This. If the situation were switched they would have smashed his face into a pulp.

I like this post

Nah, Aboriginals/Aussies usually get left alone, but Lebs/Islanders COULD go toe to toe with them easily (and do).

But Africans are just fucking shit tier - Even the Vietnamese (although they cheat) are higher up the chain than them.
What's the backstory on this nice gem?
Australian whites are mostly decendants of Criminals who were on death row.cant expect them to be as cucked as certain *cough* swedes *cough*

Especially the Sudanese. They would have ganged on and then stabbed him and then robbed him and then gone and carjacked a young woman and maybe ran over a kid just for good measure.

There's a reason people are cheering/literally no cop is going to investigate - Sudes are literally the bottom feeders of current Australian society. It's like asking a prison guard to work overtime to for free to protect a child killer behind bars.

God damn. Stories anon?
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Great job!
islanders go toe to toe with anyone, those fuckers are huge
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This is not true. We literally dindu. We were unjustly transported to Van Diemens Land because the rich faggots back home wanted spare space.
Except the one that cried brock lesnar was too big.
Fact is ethic "badasses" are only tough around numales
>We need a really strict immigration policy, the women in charge of it now will destroy this country.
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Nah m8 all the lebos did was go down to Maroubra and smash a bunch of car windows then drove off like pussies. Bunch of soft cocks.
I know I'm a bit late on this one but I live near Hamilton in Newcastle

There have been a bunch of Sudanese blokes starting fights regularly on Friday/Saturday nights at various clubs, and a friend of mine was king hit a few months ago by one and ended up in hospital

Glad they got what they desverved finally
Did they pick a fight or were they just the victims of racist meth addicted bogans?
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Man, too fucking many. Melbourne is fucking rekt at the moment because of them and having literal commies in charge of the state who refuse to do anything about it.


Video related to give you an idea of there everyday, general behavior. Just random group attacks on children for their amusement.

What distinguishes the Africans from the regular degenerate is that they openly attack the most vulnerable - Usually women, children and the elderly, and that they do it for amusement and fun, rather than profit.

There level of crime isn't as serious, as say the Lebanese, but nine times out of ten if you're being shot and killed by a Leb, it's because you're involved in something shady.

The Africans really like For Fun (not profit) violent home invasions and car jackings.

To compound matters, they are literally doted on and protected by the police and courts, who refuse to charge them or jail them unless they absolute have to.

Here's a typical example;

>TWO Apex gang members have escaped criminal convictions after bashing an elderly couple in their beds during a brutal home invasion.

>The victims, aged in their 70s, have been left deeply traumatised after waking to find the young, armed intruders in their house.

>They were assaulted with weapons during the onslaught.

>The Sunday Herald Sun has been told the Apex pair received six-month probation orders with no convictions recorded.

>Another officer confirmed there seemed a more senseless nature to the offending which he had not seen before.

>“Drugs or money aren’t the driver. It’s purely for the fun. They’re getting off on humiliating their victims,” the officer said.

Honestly don't know where you're from.

But down in the Southern Equator the Islanders will happily put up against anyone and they'll usually do well.

Their cultures are still literally built around beating the shit out of each other.

Your only advantage is that by a certain age they're so racked by drug and alcohol abuse that they become unsteady and uncoordinated.

They also stabbed up a few people, remember.

Probably started a fight. They didn't look like Adlays, and if they were on the ice pipe they would have gone a lot harder on the unconscious bloke and emptied his pockets.
John Wayne is my idol
i played rugby with a bunch of them and they're not people to be fucked with. though i'd like to see you try big fella.
Shut up you cuck. You ethnic dick suckers are the shit among us.

>she immediately starts running so they can't jump her in a pack

>ous ous ous ous
I hate people who make noises when punching
True mate
fascist my arse faggot
Im from Aus. Islanders are like nigs in that they sucker punch. They are just a bunch of fat over the hill footballers. Only literal cucks freak out about them.
lol the Cunt
damn I almost flew in for this one when I heard about it
i want them gone too you faggot, doesn't change that you were wrong.
were one of the regional areas chosen by goverment to receive enrichment
You're a pussy. I once walked up to a group of islanders and told them to pull their heads in because they were mouthing off white people.
They all apologised.
please anon, that's nothing. i once sailed over onto one of their islands and subjugated an entire tribe with nothing but my dick and a sixpack.
So funny the difference is your being a cunt and im serious.
Lift weights and stop watching porn and stop being a fairy.
Agreed, the legendary "toughness" of whatever natives is a typical cuck myth. People pander to their phony image because there's nothing else you can compliment them about since they're drunk, disorganized clowns but we wuz warriors n sheeeit so based n bro tier

>I took her with my authority and by violence
>larping this hard
we're all suitably impressed by what an alpha you are big fella
T. Numale cuck sipping his soy latte in the melbourne big cuck cafe
This happened around the corner from me. I live on like a border zone to a stronghold of them.

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t. faggot who tries to get big boy points by posting made up stories on 4chan
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