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Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 131

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WORKERS OF ALL COLORS AND CREEDS, UNITE! ITT: Provide discussion about communism and how we can make it mainstream, Marxists are welcome.

Attention to stormfags and "leftists": This is a political board, thus giving us the right to express our ideas and discuss important topics.
>hello fellow leftists
This is clearly an FBI honeypot.
Leftists are enemy of the state, and justifiably so.
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have you, guys?!
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You bet your rear end I did! Golly gee we're so blessed! Shadilay! Good thing those stupid COMMIES are under our boot.
When will nazis and white nationalists admit that they're no better than the people they hate because of their identity politics?

>its okay when I do it
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Last people we care about.
Fuck off, IDPol.

>giving us the right to express our ideas and discuss important topics

Commies don't respect others' rights. You don't get rights.
>Commies don't respect others' rights
Communism is literally all about workers rights though?
>thus giving us the right to express our ideas and discuss important topics
>discuss the limiting of the rights of others
the fucking irony
>claim to be for worker's rights
>starve the worker when they gain power
Really makes me think.
Kulaks aren't people my man
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Fuck this thread, we /nazbol/ now
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>every commie is litewrally stawin ;-; ;-; ;-;
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Fuck yeah communism
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Sadly while all examples of communism were able to get rid of rights of "evil bourgeoisie", they never get to a point where they gave any rights to proletariat.
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Go fuck yourselves.
You're opinions are invalid because you're all fucking stupid.
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>i really like communism but the zionist propaganda really wants me to stay totally ID

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>you are opinions are invalid
Nazis go home
Why would she be posing infront of obviously empty shelves?
Obvious fake
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shut up tankie
>happened when the soviet union was transitioning to capitalism

really makes you think, huh
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I am home.
This board isn't yours.
All forms of communism are shit and will never provide a life worth living to anyone.
>Take away worker's ability to choose his employer
>Take away worker's ability to choose goods
>"We're for worker's rights!"
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>stalin purges jews from government
>"hurr durr kikes"
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no commie society has ever brought prosperity to workers
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>votes for a Zionist
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This board will be ours soon
Gotta admit these NazBol memes are good
>choose his employer
Do you even know what communism is?
Yeah. You're fucking kikes.
>follows a kike ideology
All of his wives were Jewesses. He was their guy.
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>he thinks breadlines didn't exist until the 80's
this, fuck niggers, and the (((1%)))
It already is ours.

Removing the geographic flags was the greatest fucking thing to happen to this board. We can now reveal ourselves in mass.

Trump will be sweating zike gold learning his "my Little Capitalist" board is fucking over.
>Reeee I dont care about facts
Good one shlomo
his grandmother was a literal crypto-jew retard.
kill yourselves
State control of employment.
As apposed to who? Sanders? The literal kike?
>thread theme


It will be. Once you give up your childish ideology and join the nazis, which you will.
Prove me wrong, ya dingus
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Chile under allende, though he wasn't a commie
thanks my fellow nazbol gang member
>stalin purges jews from government
>"hurr durr kikes"
>he thinks people were starving in 60's USSR

>crypto jew
Yeah, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Facts show that communism is loved by all subversive kikes.
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Fuck it, everyone not nazbol is scum, fuck off tankies, nazis and cuckitalists
>having a meme-understanding of communism
Maybe you should read something by a communist. At the very least I've read Mein Kampf.
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This is the most pathetic thing I have seen in years. Why are you lefty/pol/ neckbeards so autistic?
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go back
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Marx hated jews and judaism though
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All this thread has taught me is how uneducated Americunts are.

Lol, go die for your Saudi-Zionist Gods, you welfare warriors.
Stalin was a fucking worthless nigger and the soviet union was always shit.
He inherited his government from kikes.
Communism is a kike ideology and it will always be controlled by them.
He was still a kike.
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Posting doxed lefty/pol/ cucks
Helo felo gobmunistds

Wuy u stll belieb in jebus cabidalisds???
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kropotkin jews.png
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Kill yourself retarded kike

>central bank
>shit wages
>"we dont exploit people because everyone is suffering equally!"
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>fuck off tankies

We have the biggest balls here.
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>kekistani flag
>goes to leftypol
shut the fuck up
>coming from a supporter of a system that gives isreal billions and makes money for the jew CEOs
You are quoting an anarcho-communist
u antifa now?
>Nazbol memes are gay porn edited

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When will commies realize that socialism is idpol?

You're still assigning people to collective groups, but instead of race/sex/age/culture you divide people up by economic status and pretend it's something totally different.

I'm not white, why would I want to be a nazi
>In 1929, the elimination of limited market economy that existed in the USSR between 1921 and 1929 resulted in food shortages and spontaneous introduction of food rationing in most Soviet industrial centres. In 1931, Politburo introduced a unified rationing system for foodstuffs and basic commodities and norms of rationing applied throughout the entire USSR.

Rationing was applied only to people employed in the state-owned industries and to their family members. Such social categories as people without political rights known as lishentsy were deprived of rations. The rationing system was divided into four rates that differed in the size of rations, with lower rates unable to get such basic products as meat and fish. The rationing existed up to 1935.[1] Foreign specialists employed in Russia were supplied through a separately established organization Insnab.
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Fuck off cringy commiecuck larper kill yourself sperg
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>I don't know what idpol is: the post
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>Ancaps actually believe this

Go rape a baby.
I eagerly await your damage control btw
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nigger spook.jpg
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This (((class warfare))) is a spook
Can I own guns and hate niggers under communism?
>Isreal flag in backround
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>oy vey goyim!!!
>we're all equal give your wealth to a lazy, welfare faggot like OP
Not an argument.

Please continue with your respective meltdowns.
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If I quoted any even remotely right wing historical figure you would reject it you mouthbreathing commiecuck sovietboo neckbeard
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I used to be an /old pol/ communist. I grew up.
pic related
Marxist "class" groupings are generalized and arbitrary.
It doesn't matter what race you are, honor your ancestors.
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>owning guns
>hating niggers
only under nazbol my friend
Your entire political stance is not an argument
>we're all equal
try reading a book?
>is too stupid to realize that international jewry and israel are at odds with each other
>thinks life is worth living in a system where you have no private property or freedom
>is retarded
Yep, sounds like (you).
Go back to the shithole you crawled out of faggot.
Your movement is weak because your people are weak.
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>pretends to hate "idpol"
>has trannies in his faggot board and dozens of neckbeards humiliating themselves trying to get their attention
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>i haven't read stirner: the post
What's with these kikes flooding this board all of a sudden? Is leftypol down or something?
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>free education
>free housing
>military roles
>grandscale patriotism
>destroyed fascism

Nah, they never did anything, m'lad.
>I don't know what personal property is: the post
Why the fuck do you think i'm here
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leftypol mod.png
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>try reading a book?

Is there a more stereotypical commiecuck catchphrase than that?
>we're all the same
You clearly aren't well equipped for this discussion.

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>hate niggers

No "racists" and anti semites were executed in the (((Soviet Union)))
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>Muslim Internment
I've read many, you try reading some that aren't shit?
>"communists aren't all the same"
>"...but everyone is equal"
Commies aren't people.
I can respond without making any sense too.
I hate idpol but I just love getting pumped by black dick.
It's amazing to have my ass filled by african semen
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>Why the fuck do you think i'm here

Go away nigger lovers are not welcome
I just realized pede is pepe but with an upside-down p!!!!!!
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>i have no arguement: the post
Look at my fucking flag you stupid cuckitalist
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If communism is supposed to be a worker's movement, how come most workers vote right wing?
In fact, the working class has historically been the primary obstacle to communism
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>moneyless,classless,Stateless society+no racism
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Commiecucks are unironically into cucking especially by other comrades
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>9gag /r/The_Donald browsing faggot exposed in one post
We are equal, but we all have different opinions you fucking moron
Aloha gomrades I heard this is a good place to find fellow MtF trans and share pictures of boipucci.
fuck off nazi moron. I'm a communist, not a cuck. I just love getting rammed in the ass by black men
Misinformation / poor education or the fact that communism today is associated with faggotry
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It's a meme ideology you giant turboautist started as a joke. If you are over 16 and call yourself nazbol tell your mom to increase your autism medication. Communism and nationalism are by defibtion opposites
shut the fuck up you retarded gobshite sissy
You're a /pol/ack.
Because the democrats are not real leftists, nor are republicans.
>/leftypol/ is a person
Learn from your mistakes, you fucking idiot. Oh wait, I forgot you dedicate yourself to an ideology that had proved itself to be a gargantuan failure. Oh well; it suits you.
>Because the democrats are not real leftists, nor are republicans.
In Germany, in Russia, even in places like Cambodia. The working class is consistently lined up against the communists. In fact, the primary voting base of the fascists is usually the working class
>i don't know what the fuck i am talking about: the post

Also, I'm not even a nazbol, i just use this flag to shitpost and it's the closest to my ideology
>I have no idea what's going on: the post
You fucking suck at memes AND you can't even keep up with a string of posts that involve you.
You're too fucking stupid for this. Are you that tranny faggot catastrophe chris by any chance?
Are you a strasserist?
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lol you eat shirts and shoes and children
to dedicate yourself to the cause and still lost
yet you call Nazi's the failure oh we is laffin at u
t. /pol/yp LARPing as /lefty/pol
We don't judge people based on their sexual preferences. If you are not familiar with our board culture don't LARP as a lefty. Fascist idiot
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leftypol teenager.jpg
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[autism intensifies]

Stop shitting up the board. It is already insufferable with all the niggers spics kikes sodomites and trannies. The last we need is edgy sovietboo 16 year old commie neckbeards
lol lefties lashing out and scream LARP
but burger looks down and says NAH NIGGA
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Based commie trannies amirite? xD
I wish we had the Juche flag instead of the NazBol flag. : (
oh god no now the spanish retard has his own flag
there is literally no difference between the two apart from the fact that nazbol was a russian and strasserism a german movement
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Communist Party meeting.gif
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>i still have no fucking arguements and i couldn't refute the wiki page you posted as "autism": the post
Nazbol memes are also way better than "PRAISE LE KEK XD"
A mix between strasserism and 60's era USSR
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Jason is that you?
I am not the Spaniard
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Communists unite!.jpg
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well you're still a faggot though
not attracted. I only take it from black men
>inb4 this counts as idpol
No. I'm a good communist, that is just my sexual preference
>scams dumbass kids out of money and gets rich off of it
Unfortunately no.
What's your opinion about dead trannies?
the dude from labyrinth was a jew?
fucking nurgle you nigger!
Trannies are mentally ill and should be placed in the gulag
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queer socialist 5.jpg
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Ahuwiya Harel is that you?
You are not even one of us. Stop false flagging you retarded fascist /pol/yp.
ARRGH! Git ye commie landlubber arses off me board! I be only sapportin' Piratism.
Any trans person found will be sent into a mental chamber for a decade
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wow!!! what a surprise...
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>are mentally ill

That's identity politics the gender binary is a spook comrade
Shut the fuck up
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ewwww polyp you know what those are
you vodka drinking chinks probably get them
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>wiki page
Nigger what?
Are you fucking retarded?
You don't have any fucking idea what's going on around you.
Now it's clear why you're a faggot communist.

>inb4 muh nazbol
No, you're a fucking retarded communist in denial.
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Gay Apache.jpg
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Free helicopter rides for commies.
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Communists....claiming rights?! What kind of bizarro world is this?
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For anyone who hasn't heard of Ashkenazi Jews and the like, check this out. It's a huge part that helps to explain WW2. Bolshevism / Communism killed millions of people pre-WW2 and was a huge reason why Hitler was popular.








It is important to realize Jews are a race of multiple ethnic groups and religion. You can be an atheist Jew like in the case of the bolshevik / communistic early class as Putin says here.


Not only were the communists anti-religion, which was quite detrimental to the then influential orthodox christian churches across Eastern Europe and Russia, they were also a different race and driven by twice the hatred to commit horrific acts. The Ukrainians suffered a famine known as the "holodomor"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH3SRyasstc at the hands of these Jewish commissars leading their soldiers to even more cruelty.
Yeah, I posted a wikipedia page explaining nazbol you fucking blind piece of shit
>communist in denial
what. It's in the fucking name
>national BOLSHEVISM
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lol fag

Holy shit look at how mongrelised that fat "white" boy is
>its a /pol/ amalgamates dozens of complex and controversial topics into a single 2 dimensional graph for conspiritards episode
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Nat. Bol. is just Jewish-Marxist-Communism in Germanic dress.
>childish ideology
>literal fascists

Bootlicker maximum.
More like pede-o's amirite?
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Probably FBI disinfo from Stormfront. Weimar Republic sucked.
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Are you commiecuck neckbeards trying to be "aggressive" and act cool because those jewish new york numales told you? Well it's not working
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funny since on leftypol they call us fashits in denial, not that you will move anywhere outside of your hug box to figure that out
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jewish women 2.jpg
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Why are jewish women so ugly and repulsive? They look like rats

it was a russian movement
>I don't know what nazbols believe: the post
They're dune coons and sand niggers, only paler.
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gregor strasser.jpg
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>they call us fashits in denial

You are just edgy underage sovietboo neckbeards.
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Communist Germany sucked and Jewish Ghettos were even worse but aye muh sputnik rite?
cry moar whiteboi
Occurred in Germany too.
Why does /pol/ claim to be anti-semitic, but constantly supporting Zionism, directly or indirectly?
Sure I do. You're a Marxist. You just don't have the balls to own up to it directly, so you LARP as something exotic.
Commies are ants to the government, ancoms are delusional, only NatSoc truly supports the people.
no. germany had strasserism
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>Nazi fleg
>calling someone else edgy
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ancom reporting for duty

As a proud representative of the United Nations, i'd like to announce that we're here to protect the world equally from fascism and communism.

No fear my friends, nato's here.
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implying we have a choice when infected with this disease, we ask for help and you give us flames
fuck communism

Nobody here is a zionist except jew shills and some cuckservatives. Why do you pretend to be anti semitic but literally worship dozens of racial jews?
So many shades of special-snowflake-commie.
Because they are SIONISTA stooges.

>literal anglo propaganda
Fuck you, you destroyed Germany and the USSR with your emotional appeals faggotry.
>Theresa May
>Le Pen
globalist, begone!!
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>i-it's nothing goyim!!!!
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>when your system is so shit it just gives up and goes to capitalism
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But I am not underage and went through a large process to end up here. What's edgy is becoming a sovietboo because you heard the national anthem on youtube
Reminder that the Muslim flags are where the Jews have gone to hide.
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I understand that we're at the crossroads right now, but if you fail to bring the peace to the table, you're leaving us no other choice but to act.
>large process
Does it involve believing that Germany was solo vs the entire World?
Very impressive, you've put a great deal of effort into being retarded. You must be (((American))).
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>nazi flag posting this
reminder you need to be 18 to post on this site; when you get older I promise you will grow less edgy, we all do
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Trump's message appealed to the White working class right wing populism is the first step

He is a kike loving faggot didn''t support him

>Theresa May
Who cares liberal "democracy" is a joke

>Le Pen
Plenty of cryptofascists in her party she was OK again right wing populism is a start

Also the jewish problem is racial zionism is just one aspect. There is no such thing as a good jew
ill think about it. ill also think about asymmetric warfare
in what world is being pro identity politics anti degeneracy hypocritical??
Is this the new leftycuck raid general?
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Not an argument. Also the photos I am posting is legit dox from the lefty/pol/ discord and various facebook and youtube groups. Not random stuff
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fuck you shabbos goy
Hello fellow communists. I love stealing the means of production as much as any jobless person, but don't guys think that communism is too idealistic?
>doesn't post an argument
>hurrr not an argument
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Yeah they always do those cringy raids every time something major happens but then they are bored and go back to their containment board talking about "feminine penis" and based jewish nu male commie podcasters
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Due to increased activity of radical movements, Finland has started to mobilize its troops to prepare for a major conflict.
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Commies already oppose Jews more than /pol/, this isn't going to work.
Show us your country, Moshe.
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>Commies already oppose Jews

All of my what. Are you legit retarded? Am I getting trolled right now?
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Guys fucking stop with the radical shit i'm hearing explosions already.
>white guard
>literally a load of poshos and spivvy aristocrats who bought their way in
>wtf y we lose?
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Damn why are lefty/pol/ memes so terrible and uninspiring?
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here you go scum
now tell me about your commie paradise you're going to build
Fuck white people! Kill them all!
who are they gonna own that money to when they were at war with everybody?
Oh, nevermind. Turns out the Jihad flag is perfectly accurate.
The banks aren't the government.
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Actually they lost because they were carrying out anti jewish pogroms throughout the Russian Empire and lost the support of foreign powers. Those men knew what was going on they understood the racial motivation behind those "revolutionaries".

Thank G-d Lenin took over and put an end to those racist attacks!!!

>Lenin speaks against Anti-Jewish Pogroms
Commies also robbed banks, your point?
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ok pal

How do you deal with the issue that money represents value, and therefore wealth distribution can't be achieved by moving money around?
why settle for expropriating the wealth of jewish bankers when you can expropriate the wealth of the entire financial and bourgeoise class?
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They didn't intervene in favour of the White Army except a few mercenaries like the Czech legion who fought and detroyed(((Trotsky))). The great powers just occupied ports to protect their economic interests
how can they be indept to when thay are at war with everybody? you mentioned their own banks, but they could just have erased their debt since they had the power to do so
>peddling an ideology that pushes for the abolition of private property and therefore robs them of their power
/pol/tards literally never think
Maybe if you guys would stop chimping out all the time you'd be successful for once.
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Because (((class warfare))) is a spook and a jewish distraction. Also a mixed economy serves the nation best
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this thread is a mess. Jeb is a waste
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>mfw I realize that commies will take money from rich BLACK NFL stars and give it to unemployed WHITE PEOPLE who are lazy.
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>this Shit is soo good and also true

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.

GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD
in capitalism, possibly through a full employment policy with a reinstatement of the working class' bargaining power over wages. i don't think UBI can work due to what you mentioned
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>"You know what would be speed this revolution along? If we could use more than classism. Think of it- we could tell the blacks they're unredeemed- and boom-more meatbags for the movement. Women? Two waves wasn't enough, we need a victimized entitled third wave. LGTQP, well step right up!"
>"They need a common enemy though"
>"I know-we'll use the fucking white male!"

-1 hour later-

>"All these white people are radicalizing to the right. Especially those damned white males. I wonder what pushed them that way?"

Fuck off.
do you guys have anything else than strawmen? classism is different from idpol because it DOESNT pitch mere identity groups against each other. the common enemy is the ruling class, not white or black people. christ

That's actually the best way to do it I think, give workers the right to negotiate their own salaries. Unions are power structures of the bourgeoisie, which is the political class, as Unions always end up taking bribes from politicians who get bribed by corporations.

There wouldn't be a ruling class without taxation. Are you against taxation?
Your jealous that you have to go aaaaal the way to the restroom to shit.
Batko is not funny.
Nothing leftypol does it funny.
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Oh yeah watch out for the NatSocs, they've got real thigh slappers.
They're against all forms of currency and think essentials need to be distributed based on need lol.
When ye commie fucks refute bowling alone and similar studies
this guy knows whats up
Commie fucks are not about workers rights because they wish to limit the way in which the worker can allocate his resources because they think he'll make the wrong choice.

How? Human needs are infinite and based on what's available.
>another marxist can't argue that he's fomenting classism, sexism, racism, and social degeneracy

>takes a shot at poster by alienating his entire American audience

You're just too good at this.

Maybe the people running your movement should have figured that out before they accelerated those things.

said no employed person ever.
>peed his pants
They're out of their fucking minds and they think their dumb ideology can be implemented to millions of people without hierarchy of any sorts.
>Maybe the people running your movement should have figured that out before they accelerated those things.

yes. seems like theres a reaction brewing against idpol in leftist factions though
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>/helicopter ride general/
And that's why it's stupid.

You take the ideology that requires literally the most social capital, and wish to implement it in diverse societies, which have the least social capital.
>complains about leftists using too many words to explain memes
>literally posts a meme with 4 paragraphs
fucking kill yourself
>hey think their dumb ideology can be implemented to millions of people without hierarchy of any sorts

Yup this is why communism always fucking fails

It fails to take into account human nature - just like breathing, sleeping and taking a shit, forming hierarchies is human nature

What always inevitably happens is that in order to enforce their ridiculous communist ideals, a tyrannical government takes power, creating a class divide far far worse than there ever was before
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No fucking wonder. Identity Europa is hitting home. The European identity is starting to mean something across the west, where it hasn't for decades beyond superficiality. Odd, considering every other group in the world and in America sticks to their interests.

I've seen commies come to the 14 words in a few months flat. I used to be a left leaning socialist up until I was 22.

Half my friends went full "RACIST SEXIST USA" and the other half is in stage 3 or stage 4 already.
What's it called if I support socialism, and probably even communism (somewhere in the future though, now it's clearly unrealistic) but don't agree with both idpol and most of classic Marxism (dogmatic materialism, stuff about leading role of proletariat, class warfare, etc)?
I'm not talking about Communism I'm talking about Anarchy. But yeah.
>forming hierarchies is human nature
except for nearly all of human history up until recently (hunter-gatherer society)
im not following you. are you using bourdieu's definition of social capital? i dont think he meant societies can have more or less social capital, but that your social capital depends on your class.

if you're meaning social solidarity, how much social solidarity there is in a society depends on the system in place. for example, scandinavian welfare states have larger social solidarity primarily because people trust the system. under a "communist" system, social solidarity would be far greater than under neoliberal capitalism
Are you implying those were unstructured?
>fucking with people that put you in power
Not a smart move.
>scandinavian welfare states have larger social solidarity primarily because people trust the system. under a "communist" system, social solidarity would be far greater than under neoliberal capitalism
No they have it because they're far more ethnocentric. Introduction of diversity kills social capital, study after study shows it.

And I don't know if you know this, but Scandinavians in the US as a group earn as much or as more as Scandinavians in their native lands so them having a superior structure is a total meme.
Why are nazis so autistic?
yeah. i mean if people divide politics on racial and gender conflicts, people are obviously going to side with their gender and race interests. capital loves this, as examplified by promoting arch-neoliberal idpoler hillary
Because autistic people like making things homogenous.
Identity politics are old and busted. Personality Politics is the new shit. INTJs are oppressed and marginalized and need to organize to claim their rightful place and power in societ.

How? We've seen what happens when there's different racial groups in a country with a welfare state. The lowest IQ race can't compete and drains massive amount of welfare, creating animosity between the two groups as the payers see the others as leeches and the leeches must demonize the payers in order to justify stealing their money.
>And I don't know if you know this, but Scandinavians in the US as a group earn as much or as more as Scandinavians in their native lands so them having a superior structure is a total meme.

eh, being a swede that knows a few swedish americans, this has more to do with the swedes who move to the US are often specialized high paid workers. they move to the US to work for Ericsson on projects etc.

but id like to see your studies on how immigration kills social solidarity
Ethnocentrism is selected for in evolution.

Stop talking about it like it's something that can be "straightened out" or that the elite have indoctrinated the lower classes into it, the ONLY way it's going away is if diversity does.
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Recent commie convert reporting in. Heil Marx.
Why has the Communist movement been taken over by all these race war people?

What happened to "no war but class war"?

Why are we fighting Race Wars?

Genes compete to survive. It's just biology. Few men mind dying to preserve their race.
What the fuck is happening?
Then why am I attracted to women of all races and not attracted to unattractive white women?
Hunter gatherer societies still engaged in social hierarchy especially the largest most well kept tribes. That's what led to the founding of Western civilization. (eventually)
Leftists want to destroy it because they want everyone to be like them; losers.
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You consider Hillary to be more of a mainstream player. Her supporters are far left. Rich or poor.

Can you argue European(white) identity is unnatural or a bad thing? Because any group that solidifies and looks out for itself is at an advantage against other groups. Is there a rational argument against that? - especially while every other group is doing it?
doesn't matter even if the conclusions suggested by the study is true. ethnocentrism can be overcome through communism (cooperation and mutual aid)
>Genes compete to survive.
Yeah, and what does race have to do with any of that? All races have genetic trash, just look at /pol/ meetups.

>It's just biology.
Once again, race doesn't play a major part in breedability.

> Few men mind dying to preserve their race.

You need to get out more, surround yourself with real people as opposed to whatever circlejerk you're in.
>hillbots are far left

read a book before posting in /cpol/ pls
>Far left
>i have no arguement: the post
>try reading a book
bruh that's not true. there has always been and still are (near) egalitarian tribes and societies
Son, you're a degenerate.

IDPOL came directly out of Marxist teaching.

Marx, in his magazine, literally wrote that peoples who did not achieve even capitalism were completely incapable of achieving any level of socialism. He called them "racial trash".

Skip to 3 minutes to get to the juicy part


Siberian tigers can breed with African lions, but they aren't the same race. Being able to breed just means speciation hasn't taken hold that far yet. Race mixing means the children won't be able to donate or receive organs from either race.

Race is also the best predictor for IQ, and low IQ people are generally dark skinned. Dark races are a drag on humanity and deserve nothing as they've achieved nothing. If they crawl up on their on strength, good. But they deserve nothing.

Fetishes are taught behavior. Race mixing is a fetish.
>Marx, in his magazine, literally wrote that peoples who did not achieve even capitalism were completely incapable of achieving any level of socialism. He called them "racial trash".

>IDPOL came directly out of Marxist teaching.

These are both wrong and they're contradictory

How does /pol/ manage to do it!
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so are you telling us racial prejudices can be overcome through socialization? really makes you think
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Like a said, I knew communists who came to the 14 words.

If you're an American active in the commie community, then you'd know that the CPUSA had a rival organization split from it. What they're not telling you is that they are bleeding dry. They're losing members because they wanted old school Stalinism, but all the Maoists ,Trotskyists, and Leninists went full degenerate. They don't care about socialism as much as defying the ebil white man. These people don't mind adding P to LBTQ. Communism has been hijacked in the west. Don't be a fool, it was never a good idea to begin with.

We can hash it out over the manifesto or kapital. Communism was designed to be a massive government that exercised it's rights over the rights of citizens. It's outdated, not to mention.
hierarchies are only sustained through accumulation, you can't own too much shit if you have to carry it around the desert

this is supported by anthropological research, your view is supported by a coprophagic methhead who blew his brains out

I made no such claim, you should actually read posts. It just means you can sexualize almost anything, even retarded things like feet or getting punched in the mouth or balls.

You aren't going to fuck the retardation out of brown people, especially not if you're the kind of person who falls for propaganda.
Do you spell it "civilization" or "civilisation" and are they blacks or negroes?
>tigers and lions are a different race

> Race mixing means the children won't be able to donate or receive organs from either race.
> It is concluded that race is not a criteria to be used in selection of donors for liver transplantation

The best hunters would lead the pack, that's how it still works with pack animals today. Humans farmed, so the best farmers became the richest and owned the most land.
>but id like to see your studies on how immigration kills social solidarity
Bowling alone is the most famous anyways.
I don't think you understand. Look at what's going on in Europe now. At best the refuge welcome crows could be likened to Humanitarian, but many of them simply hate western culture and could be likened to Traitor easily. Meanwhile you see this as a completely one sided arrangement, the Europeans as a people give, they get nothing, because the invaders are mostly ethnocentric. Many have become minorities in their own cities, and with higher birthrates from the invaders they're going to rot away until their country is lost. Shariah courts handle Muslim matters in Germany, etc. >>129757761
>the conclusions suggested by the study is true
Read the method, there's literally no way it cannot be. Helping your own race leads to a higher degree of prosperity than helping everyone, helping no-one, helping other races.
You have provided no evidence for how it can be overcome, and you don't seem to get that if it's evolutionary beneficial it's likely been selected for (their is obviously much more evidence to prove this) so it is INNATE and will never be stamped out. The nature of the benefits of ethnocentrism mean that as soon as a people start acting ethnocentric, they will destroy your system because they will take more than they give in monolithic terms, because they will take from everyone, yet give to each other. Overcome through communism? Communism gives it the ideal environment to THRIVE you fool.
>You aren't going to fuck the retardation out of brown people

no but a system that's not based on keeping the working populace just stupid enough to operate it's machines will be a good start
>Humans farmed, so the best farmers became the richest and owned the most land.

You've got the wrong flag mate
>CIA Party USA
hunting was a collective experience for the early humans, thats why they fucking survived

humans began farming for various reasons, many peoples didnt and still led fulfilling lives (moreso than yours)
>You have provided no evidence for how it can be overcome

well i dont have a shilling archive ready to "redpill" people about race. steve keen usually talks about how australia used to have high levels of immigration with the average level of racial prejudice lowering, due to their full employment policy. it is through this cooperation in labor that prejudices are overcome
i'm not a burger
you are right in that burgers are the main force behind the idpol infestation in the left, most "lefty" americans are just red liberals
> Many have become minorities in their own cities, and with higher birthrates from the invaders they're going to rot away until their country is lost
LA, San Francisco and New York. What's your issue with that?

>Shariah courts handle Muslim matters in Germany
Wait, what? That doesn't sound accurate.
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Yes here's a proud indigenous and self sufficient anarchosyndicalist commune. I'm sure they'd be glad if millions of people followed their direct ways without any hierarchy or form of leadership. There's a reason why primitivists like you guys so much y'know.
>coprophagic methhead who blew his brains out
>LA, San Francisco and New York. What's your issue with that?
And the immigrants there always vote subversive to the host peoples.Always against the interests of the host peoples and for the interests of their peoples. Every time. I doubt there's than 3% of elections in the last 30 odd years where the host ethnicity and the invading ethnicity voted in agreement.

And don't make me laugh, Jew York not ethnocentric? The Jews live and breathe cronyism, and rightly so.
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I don't think that is supported by anthropological research. I think it's supported by your assumptions and maybe that one web article you read one time.

The guy you're responding to is right. Gobleki Tepe was apparently built by hunter gatherers who reached pre civilized status. They were religious and had hierarchy.
Well, it explains a lot not being from America. Idpol is unique in the rapidity of it's development here in America, also due to black nationalism. A right wing belief that's found allies on the left.

It's always interesting that nowadays, whenever I try to argue using the manifesto or kapital, or whenever I bring up Marx calling people racial trash, nobody wants to debate anymore. It used to be commies wouldn't stop trying to debate.
you know so little about your own beliefs and leaders, SAD
Why has technology improved and level of development gone up as traditional hierarchies have been reduced?

You look at the level of social progress that has come-post French Revolution, you look at countries like the US and USSR in the 20th century.

Removing hierarchies doesn't destroy civilization or retard progress, it's a natural procession of government to return to a more egalitarian classless society
They'll believe anything about Hitler. He was on the drugs though.
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>Shariah courts handle Muslim matters in Germany
>Wait, what? That doesn't sound accurate.

And in Britain. It's always amazing whenever a neoliberal get's hit in the face with information the MSM doesn't bother to signal. Yes it's happening. Yes it's a problem. Yes their governments know about it and are discussing it.

You still haven't argued about why it should be overcome. If it's advantageous, and everyone is doing it, shouldn't the one group that's not doing it be doing it instead?
I assume you're talking about Hitler.
Last I checked the skull fragment they found in that bunker was linked to an SS officer, not Hitler.
Hitler most likely escaped to Argentina.
No he fucking wasn't. Next thing you know they're going to claim he was a pedophile and a rapist. It's just more demonization after the other.
>Why has technology improved and level of development gone up as traditional hierarchies have been reduced?
Because technology is generally a forward path unless you completely wipe, it also grows exponentially. You REALLY need to prove that correlation.

Hell for one thing you could say that during some of the times where great scientific advancements were made society was more hierarchical. Unlike in Feudal times where you would be maybe subservient to a lord of a small province, you could have 3 hierarchies above that all the way up to an Emperor or whatever.
>And in Britain. It's always amazing whenever a neoliberal get's hit in the face with information the MSM doesn't bother to signal. Yes it's happening. Yes it's a problem. Yes their governments know about it and are discussing it.

I have trouble believing in media conspiracy theories in a place where they press is ruled by people trying to make money by exploiting people's prejudices.

Maybe if we only had state-sponsored press, but you know, there's plenty of right wing news outlets that aren't reporting this

Also do you know what sharia law is? Do you think people are being stoned outside of Berlin?
>votes for a Zionist hack
>defends wars for freedom by killing random Snackbars inna desert

Fuck off you Classcucked faggot.

>I have no clue what I am talking about
Anarchists want to remove hierarchy all together though. Scientific progress was able to occur because of the amount of social education rising in addition to the amount of resources coming to countries from guess who? Industries. Making an argument that abolishing hierarchy will progress society does not make any sense in that it's hierarchy that allowed us to get here in the first place.
Well someone's cranky. I don't see why we can't debate and discuss things over with them given that we're not on the streets screaming in each other's faces.
>some of the times where great scientific advancements were made society was more hierarchical

But the ones that really changed society happened at a much faster rate in the US and ideologically more classless societies.

Traditional hierarchies have always gotten in the way of progress, the stronger and more set that hierarchy the harder it is for change to happen and technology to have an open forum for collective improvement
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