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Political Crisis in Finland

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Happening: Finnish coalition government juts kicked The Finns out of cabinet.

These retarded fucks elected non-smoking manchild to their leader and it only took 1.5 days to find their way to opposition.

Thank you persut for opening our borders with your stupidity!
EU is the worst open borders were bad enough now we might need to deal with terror attacks :D Spurdo Spärdö
And the Finnish coalition government protects its cucked status.
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This all started because of our new chairman of true finns:

> has read mein kampf, david duke, etc
> woke as fuck
> rejects all immigration from third world countries
> Ph. d in church slavic
> hates also russian shillls
> 4 children + 1 secret love child

rate our new settings
Gtfo shill. /pol/ has endorsed this weird looking alien Finn

No. Those guys are just retards. They fucked up bigly.
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Bosting in epics:D

I think I'm now a former voter of PS.

They went full retard last weekend by electing a creationist as first deputy chairman and a drunkard as second deputy chairman.

It was a fucking retarded miscalculation since the super right wing is a minority of the partys voter base. The party is going to tear apart and leave EU federalists in power (all other 3 big parties are EU cuckolds).

Nice job retards.
If they are a minority how did they manage to gain power?
Deebly Goncerned

Anybody can join the party. Every member can vote at the party conference. The attendance is generally low (1-2k people max). Halla-aho has lots of fervent supporters so it was easy to get extra 500 people to join the party and show up in the conference to vote.

They basically took a huge crap on the majority of the voter base of the party and the partys MPs. IIRC less than 20% of the partys 37 MPs elected in general elections were from the right wing. Now that 20% staged a coup in the party.
The Basic Finns have to go, they were dumb fuckers to begin with, and now they are actually pure fascists.
No idea what's happening here but I lived in Tampere for a year and you guys are alright by me.
not to mention this halla-aho fuck thinks he can manage the party and lead it to victory by leaving finland and working in brussels.

It means literally stupid woman and drunk idiot will manage the party after they have fucked it up.
The problem with The Finns is that they pulled the same shit as every party before them when they entered cabinet. They turned every coat available essentially pissing away the massive surge they received in elections.

Fuck they were about to become one of the big four instead of the decades old big three but now the bloody Greens are going to be the fourth biggest party while the Finns are barely above Left Alliance.
>If they are a minority how did they manage to gain power?

everyone who attended had a vote, so these fucks spent few months to invite every nazi boi they knew to attend. Rest is history.

The greatest fuckup in Finnish political history. They won't ever be in the cabinet. Ever.

I think people had unrealistic expectations of what they could do in the government.

Personally I thought putting all the EU integration bullshit on hold was a great achievement considering they are the only openly EU critical party in the parliament with just 37 seats out of 200.
Jussi halla aho is too racist to be leading our glorius cuck paradise nation
>"he will never win, never!"
sounds oddly familiar
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Finally EKRE has a brother party.

Hopefully you'll have snap elections soon and Pärissoomlased gain more seats.
>Pärissoomlased gain more seats.
>pick yellow supremacist as your party leader
>be suprised when the goverment falls
so new elections or the SFP and Christian Democrats take True Finns place?
I find it interesting that despite all of the warmongering from the Baltics/NATO, we and Finns seem to be tight all the time. Nice.

And the fact that Halla-aho is what most PS voters would consider "elite".

Only thing connecting Halla-aho and the majority of the PS voter base is anti-EU sentiment.

Halla-aho and his supporters really think immigration is such a big issue a party can ride on it alone. They are going to be served with cold truth in next elections.

I live in an area with maybe the most immigrant heavy population in the country and it really doesn't have any effect on everyday life at all. We don't have gangs, street violence or other issues Sweden for example has because the fact is that living in Finland as an immigrant is pretty miserable because of our language and climate and most of them would rather move to Sweden or Germany.
>so new elections or the SFP and Christian Democrats take True Finns place?
probably later one, but it does not last more than few months.

>They are going to be served with cold truth in next elections.

I'm pretty sure about it too.
>so new elections or the SFP and Christian Democrats take True Finns place?
I think it will be new elections. New government with SFP and CD would be so tiny majority government that it wouldn't be functionable.
Most finns love immigrants and immigration and dont consider immigration a big problem this is true. I feel like all the cuck memes made of sweden should be made of Finland desu senpai
But Halla-Aho was voted in by the people who were not the party elite. The party elite didn't want Halla-Aho. I know Halla-Aho is an ivory tower wizard with the charisma of a potato but then again when have Finnish politicians been charismatic?
its not like the True Finns were doing good in the polls already

they would have like 1 mandate over the majority so if 1 or 2 guys jump ships its bascially over
What the Dog is up with this anti-Halla-Aho shillings? He's /ourguy/ as a politician can get. It's absolutely great he he and Laura Huhtasaari got hold of the party.

>I live in an area with maybe the most immigrant heavy population in the country and it really doesn't have any effect on everyday life at all.
>so if 1 or 2 guys jump ships its bascially over

and there is a problem if no one jumps they don't have majority in next February when national coalition will take parliament speaker position (speaker does not vote).
>they would have like 1 mandate over the majority so if 1 or 2 guys jump ships its bascially over

Yep and Paavo Väyrynen is in European parliament. If they try to create SFP CD government he will came back and bring the government down.

>its not like the True Finns were doing good in the polls already

The polls right now really didn't matter since we were just 2 years in of the 4 years in government and the economy was just starting to show signs of growth. We were also really close to getting rid off some bureaucracy which had been carried over from the 1930's.

The government was just on verge of actually achieving something which the last two governments had miserably failed in and now the fucking retards had to throw it all away because lel immigration.
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>he will came back and bring the government down
he seems like he would

Is there gonna be a pressconfrence in like 40 minutes?
To bad i dont understand Finnish, but i guess the Swedish media will be there and report on it
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>Basic Finns
>True Finns
What other autistic party names does Finland have?
True finns just went from cuckservatives to full right wing death squads. They got my vote!
Can someone break this shit down for those of us with zero knowledge of the Finnish political environment?

Are you about to get culturally enriched?


I have had far more trouble with drunk Finns than with niggers or sandniggers. Though the sample size is pretty small since during the 10 years I have lived here I have had to run twice from violent drunkards and both times they were Finns. During summer I usually excercise at night since it's cooler outside and negrids and other immigrants have given me zero trouble even if I almost always move alone.
If there's a new election True Finns might do quite badly due to the vacuum left by Timo Soini and his leadership.
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>lel immigration
Isn't True Finns third most largest party and such have a big backing of the electorate?

Why kick them out if this is what they want, voted for?
Same party, different translation.
>non-smoking manchild
Was he bullied in school?
from what I got it´s the same thing that is happening here
the center right party elected a new chairman that is against immigration wich is breaking the coalition appart and provoking new elections
Big Finns
Social Finns
Center Finns
Really big boys
>Is there gonna be a pressconfrence in like 40 minutes?
>To bad i dont understand Finnish, but i guess the Swedish media will be there and report on it
Don't know. Three biggest opposition parties (SDP, Greens and Left) have declared that they want new elections. SFP and CD demand new government program if they form new government. (tiny majority government anyway)

I would say new elections are more than likely.
True Finns who are anti-EU nationalist party elected really anti-immigration head. They're second largest party in parliament and in the cabinet. This has caused endless salt works and government looks to be collapsing. More info in 40 mins.
If there's new elections, True Finns will win spectacularly. Soini was utterly cucked, and they managed to do absolutely nothing. Halla-aho will become the prime minister.

whats wrong with his face
>Social Finns
OK now I know you're trying to troll me again

You are one of the last hopes of Europe Finland, please don't become Sweden.

While Swedens #1 problem might be immigration it's not one of Finlands large problems.

Our biggest problems by far are unemployment and growing number of poor people, especially those who actually work but the wages are too small to support decent standard of living.
They lost popularity because the previous leadership didn't listen to their voters, and decided to pander to the liberal mainstream. I'm glad it backfired and we have a true anti-immigrant and anti-eu leader now. This has resulted in centrists (lol) refusing cooperation with True Finns.
>Why kick them out if this is what they want, voted for?
because of islamaphobia and ray-cism
Timo Soini did absolutely nothing in the government. Halla-aho demanded that government program should be followed including immigration issues. Orpo and Sibils didin't accept this.

>Halla-aho will become the prime minister.

Not going to happen even if they become the largest party. Nobody is going to co-operate with them. We will have another shitty 6-pack government which will run the country to the ground.

Yeah choosing a christian woman who is anti-eu and anti-refugees and anti-multiculturalism is "going full retard"... Kill yourself shill.
Finland has a population the size of London
and they're pretty leftist and progressive, just don't have as many immigrants because the climate is terrible
Sorry *Socialist Finns
>While Swedens #1 problem might be immigration it's not one of Finlands large problems.
Thats how it starts
>they arent even that many
>they just live in their small areas
>its racist to say no to this few people

>but the wages are too small to support decent standard of living
goverment set the wages in Finland?
i thought the unions and employers and buisness did?
Didnt the centerparty tried getting some kind of deal done?
Smoking is good for you.
Quick rundown
>Nobody will co-operate with them.
Just like libshits and democrats in the USA w/r/t to Trump admin.
>just don't have as many immigrants because the climate is terrible

More than climate it's because we're rich like nordics but half-way there in violence to Eastern Europe. Immigrants more or less know to keep their heads down or get out.

That pic is photoshopped.

She is also anti-evolution...
thats gonna be a great line if you call new elections
>"we just wanted to enforce the goverment programs"
>n-no you said something racist about Somalians
Thats gonna be a great election campaign
vituiks meni taas
How is that relevant to policies?
Yeah no remotely sane politician would let that influence their decision making.

>That pic is photoshopped.

...not photoshopped enough.
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Funny thing is, if there is snap elections then I'm going to vote PS for the first time, never voted them before.
Halla-Aho just needs to adopt Trump's campaign and he will rise in popularity.
this circus is entertaining to watch

persus deserve all the shit thrown at them, fucking turncoats

>goverment set the wages in Finland?

Government and laws dictate taxes and things like zoning which have huge impact on cost of living.

For example price of housing is going up much faster than wages. Energy and transportation is heavily taxed so if you are not living right next to your workplace and don't make a lot of money you are fucked. This further drives up the price of housing since it's uneconomical to travel long distances to low paying jobs. The situation of low wage workers is completely unsustainable and currently there are a lot of people who work full hours and still have to apply for welfare because living is so fucking expensive.
>goverment set the wages in Finland?
Government and unions set them in communion.
Trump's tactic got him this far to begin with, media smeared him like no other

I actually think PS could get more votes than ever before now

Look at this. Halla-Aho has this shit in the fucking bag if there are snap elections. Exactly same media campaign started against him than started against Trump.
>literally breaking coalition because one partner demanded you adhere to cabinet papers

Why the fuck bother with anything with politicians? Their word is word absolutely nothing even when it's written up on paper everyone agreed on.
>Literally throwing pacta sunt servanda in to the trashbin

I thought Finland was one of the least corrupted countries?
And I was thinking not voting them again after the cabinet blunders but now they seem viable again.
>Was he bullied in school?
Poor Mestari, I was also bullied in school :(
i'm voting ps now.
implying liberals have enough spine in maintaining agreements if they don't like you
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Halla-Aho is like the reverse of Trump. Calm, overly rational. Uses too big words that regular folk don't get. Shows holes in other's logic that goes beyond your average voters comprehension. He's smart, but not persuasive.

He really needs to step up his persuasion-game or it won't go well in 2019 elections.
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>accuse true finns of being uncooperative
>also refuse to cooperate with anything true finn related because RAYCISSSSSM

Finnish politics, go figure.
>Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me
waiting for the next party to be betrayed with
to hell with PS
I think voters don't really care about that. They know Mestari wants less immigration and less EU and that is why they are going to vote for him.

Trump isn't persuasive, there are just unprecedented numbers of american inbred dumb fucks.
is this a lie

t. live far north
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So this is the power of the western Mongol?
So you're saying he's persuasive.
miring his brain capacity?
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>waiting for the next party to be betrayed with
yes but its a fake picture
Our government should have fallen before last Christmas. Hell, they even talked about it back then.
It has been a total mess this whole time.

Also fuck Soini's PS.
First they get elected, they stay out of the government and do nothing.
Then they get elected again and they're basically forced to go in and yet again do absolutely nothing.
So basically controlled opposition this whole time with Jabba at the helm. So many years wasted.
Now that he's gone and there's a tiny chance that they're going to start doing what they should have been doing the whole time, our government throws a tantrum and commits sudoku.

I think I'm going to vore Väyrynen's itsenäisyyspuolue the next time.
At least they want to get out of Euro and focus on work based immigration.
Might be the first time I vote if there's new elections.
Halla-Aho is a top-notch guy. Rational, against refugees, understands his position.
For example he knows quitting EU isn't possible as is, he'd rather change our way of interacting with eu.
How are there anti-mestari shills here? He's the most /our guy/ we've ever had in Finland.
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Tapa ittes kansanpetturi.
Yksikin matu on liikaa suomessa, ja EU on rakennettu Kalergin pan-Eurooppalaisuuden päälle joka on ideologia joka haluaa tuhota kaikki Euroopan kansakunnat ja riistä meidän itsemääräämis oikeutemme pois.
Meidän on erottava EUsta mahdollisimman nopeasti ja poistettava kaikki mamut Suomesta.
Someone smiled at you in a funny way? :^)
>finnposting from malta
You've gotta be sopsy. Be afraid, I already reported you to YLE
>+1 secret love child
what is this?
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>Jussi Halla-aholla on 1,5-vuotias avioton lapsi: ”Pitää paikkansa”
>Julkaistu: 24.5. 17:32

People said mean things to me :(

I doubt it's a lie since the asylum seeker crisis was a complete shit show. Capitalists promoted taking asylum seekers because they got fuckload of money by renting previously derelict buildings for asylum seeker housing. Put 200 young man with nothing to do in moldy apartments and this is what you get. DESU we shouldn't have let them in in the first place.
It was on the news a while ago. Some woman followed Halla-Aho's blog, met up etc. They got a kid together. She came forward a week ago or so,
Wouldn't call them shills, they clearly state their position and it's understood. Halla-aho is not perfect choice for everyone.
Does this mean that Finnland will get its fair share of suici, I mean refugees?
So fucking what?
She ain't a fucking scientist, I don't care what she believes in regards to that shit.
>Tapa ittes kansanpetturi.
Tapa itsesi kansanpetturi.

>Yksikin matu on liikaa suomessa, ja EU on
ei pilkkua ja Suomessa isolla

>rakennettu Kalergin pan-Eurooppalaisuuden päälle
Eurooppalaisuuden kirjoitetaan pienellä tässä yhteydessä.

>joka on ideologia joka haluaa tuhota kaikki
pilkku puuttuu sivulauseesta kahteen otteeseen.

>Euroopan kansakunnat ja riistä meidän itsemääräämis oikeutemme pois.
Tässä oli niin monta kirjoitusvirhettä, että vaikuttaa enemmän huonolta käännökseltä venäjän kielestä.

>Meidän on erottava EUsta mahdollisimman
Kaksoispiste puuttuu

nopeasti ja poistettava kaikki mamut Suomesta.
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>Oletko koskaan kuullut Darth Soiniuksen tragediasta?
>Niin luulinkin. Se ei ole tarina, jonka vihervassarit sinulle kertoisivat. Se on populistilegenda. Darth Soinius oli Perussuomalaisten puheenjohtaja ja niin tukeva ja vahvasanainen, että hän pystyi käyttämään populismiaan luodakseen jytkyn. Hänen tietämyksensä kansan tahdosta oli niin suuri, että hän pystyi pelastamaan puolueensa.
-Hän pystyi pelastamaan puolueita kuolemalta?
>Oikeistokonservatismi on polku moniin asioihin joita jotkut pitävät luonnottomina.
-Mitä hänelle tapahtui?
>Soiniuksesta tuli niin vahva, että ainoa asia mitä hän pelkäsi oli valtansa menettäminen, mikä loppujen lopuksi tapahtuikin. Valitettavasti hän opetti oppipojalleen kaiken mitä tiesi ja tämä oppipoika vei häneltä lopulta puheenjohtajuuden. Ironista, että hän pystyi pelastamaan puolueensa poliittiselta kuolemalta, mutta ei itseään.
How can a balding humanist with an iq of 1488 be so alpha?
hieno ad hominem
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>tfw too intelligent to close borders
how the hell are there so many braindead EU-cuck finns at /pol/ out of all places.
the PS led by Soini was nothing but a gathering of retards that literally accomplished nothing in their time in the gov, only dancing like puppets with the strings held by other parties, betraying all their promises time and time again.

at least now the party has an actual leader that doesn't eat his words at every turn he gets.
I agree. So do you think we should focus mostly on internal matters and not worry with immigration? I don't want more sandnogs and they will affect you southerners mostly.

Words are like bullets, let them go right through you!

Live broadcast of Sipilä talking about the situation.
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>analyysia Kalergin kirjasta

Perehdy aiheeseen.
Ei ole mitään foliohattuilua.

>ei vasta-argumentteja niin kitistään kirjoitusvirheistä.
Uli uli vitun kansanpetturi.
>Halla-aho and his supporters really think immigration is such a big issue a party can ride on it alone.
Sweden spends nearly 20% of its natinal budget on refugees this year
please tell us how unlawful open-borders sentiment isn't destroying europe.
What does that have to do with anything tho

And yeah politicians are autists

Onko perheessänne terveitäkin lapsia?
What the fuck is he talking about even? Fucking commit to the cabinet papers and all is well.
Okay we have to wait until tomorrow for Finns to bicker among themselves and then Sipilä marches to president and asks for the dissolution of cabinet.
did his mom drink booze when she was pregnant with him
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>the economy was just starting to show signs of growth

>muh 2% "growth" by pumping insane amount of debt money into building homes for "new finns" and funding their every need.
yeah right
Their position seems to be >But the people working under Halla-Aho are a drunk and religious woman

The old PS didn't accomplish anything in the government. Just let their 'negotiation' be ignored.
Now that they want to upkeep the promises they are shit and worthless? I call that a shill.
Jopa Väyrynen on kirjoittanut kirjan von Coudenhove-Kalergian suunnitelmista. Valoja päälle.

>Talking about principles of Western democracy.
>While they couldn't uphold pacta sunt servanda.

fucking kekekekekekeekk
Väyrynen is pretty based tbqhywyhf
OwO what's this?
Thanks, no wonder I feel dead inside.

Orpo is a fucking suvakki idiot, he needs to go back.
>Thank you persut for opening our borders with your stupidity!
Borders were already as open as they could be. It's good they'll go to opposition if they can't enforce any other laws than language trials and easier alcohol for the citizens as rubber stamp of other parties.

I can vote Halla-aho's fascist, racist, sadist party in 2019 with good conscience.
Dafuq is wrong with its eyes and head?
>The old PS didn't accomplish anything in the government.
Of course but that doesn't mean it will happen again. Lightning strike 2 times and stuff.

Many say Halla-Aho is the one chance we got for something really different.
He even voted negative on the anti-semetic bill they had in european parliament.

>It's good they'll go to opposition if they can't enforce any other laws
They didn't even try to enforce any laws, because even they were rolling in the refugee dosh.


There was no attempt to even lift a finger against immigration on their part, because they too were suckling that sweet government money tit.
They could have been openly against this shit and very vocal, but they sold themselves out just like everyone else.
Sorry. I misunderstood your comment :DDD
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Say it with me

Prime minister Papunen
Onko ittelläs mitään argumentointikykyä?
No se on sitten se
nah. We just bribe the researchers.
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Yes, I know. I commented on my own post because my ID looks like "Wow 3cm", implying that I have a 3cm penis, and that it produces a suprisingly positive reaction.
The "OwO what's this" comment were meant to bring this to light, as a light-hearted response to the uncovered 3cm penis.

Here's a dog with autism, just for for you. You can save the image if you want.
Its commonly known as a bastard child.
I saw today in Berlin a finish hippy. He was talking to women and was skateboarding.



ayy lmao
The cuckservative party stopped hiding it's powerlevel and the globalist and the rural retard parties got buttblasted and stopped co-operation despite /ourguy/ Halla-aho agreeing to all the terms the set for him. So now we are due for new elections.
Refugees welcome :3
Keep quiet man! Don't tell anyone what you saw!!
ID never lie you tiny wiener!

3 Cm fully erect you loose.

IDK about anyone over there but we have a tendency to root for the underdog and love a good "guy overcomes all odds" story.

Is this good or bad for Finn's? I have no idea how anything works over there.
No empä olis arvannut, että persutkin on olleet mokutusbisneksessä mukana, luulin että ne lähinnä antaa Kepun ja Kokoomuksen touhuta mitä lystää, kunhan pääsevät keinolla millä hyvänsä hallitukseen vaalivoittonsa jälkeen ja jotain täysin mitättömiä pikkujuttuja vietyä eteenpäin.

Olin kyllä kuullut juttuja vuosien aikana siitä miten Soini ja eliitti siirtää puolueen varoja omalle säätiölleen jonka rahoihin ei koskaan tule kenelläkään persulla olemaan mitään oikeutta. http://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000005126440.html
It was better last week, but it will be ok when those fucks are replaced in gov.
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>crying sailor
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rise up my white bretheren and save your people.

Kill all muslims

This is good basic gestalt for me too, kiitoksia :DDD
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The lack of spurdos in this thread is deebly goncerning.
"O skjenk meg en grav i det iskolde hav. La bolgene kvele min gråt!"
>>129576035 (OP)

Clearly he cheats the elections, he got elected because of his mind controlling abilities.
How is Finland even a functioning country? It just seems like one giant meme factory to me.
What is his power level? Did he talk about Jews, or did he just threaten to deport illegal immigrants and everyone freaked out?
"Suo mulle hauta pohjassa meren, kun vanhuuden peikko hyytävi veren"
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read again...
I would actually vote this time
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His power level is even higher than that of Alex Jones, and that is A LOT to say
Nice, finnbro!
Old Donald Duck comics are the fucking best.
Here is some of the stuff he's said.

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>Yle: Halla-aho doesen't regret his texts. - "African human scum" not particularly offensive term according to Hall-aho
>The Finns' party's chairman elect Jussi Halla-aho tells Yle that he doesen't regret his old blog texts.

His power level used to be quite high back in the day.

Kaikki isommat herrat on mukana näissä bisneksissä enemmän tai vähemmän näkyvästi, puolueesta riippumatta.
Liikaa helppoa rahaa että voisivat pitää näppinsä erossa ja tottakai kaikki pyörivät samoissa hyväveli piireissä kulissien takana.
Koko systeemi täysin läpimätä kun katsoo vähän tarkemmin.
i personally like don rosa comics the best
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Yeah. The Scrooge stories are awesome.
That's how we function, by producing memes. What do you think the main export of Finland is after warhorses and spears?
So he gets elected chairman of the party, and then other parties are now forcing the best party out of government because of the asspain? How do they do that, legally?
Holy shit it's mega mind
Lisame Eesti Suur-Soomeen.
Tallinna muudub lõuna Helsingiks
dude pick your battles, anti-immigration and anti-eu is top fucking priority.
Same as sweden, you must remember that if all the other parties gang up, it is still democracy. 80% vs 20% for example. However fucked up that is. Always like that until someone gets 51%.
So, finland just declared an all or nothing, to the death election against eu/ muslims/ kikes/ etc?
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Vote DUP
>How do they do that, legally?

Multiparty system. Extreme fuckups are not possible, but not quick turns either
Pretty much. I don't know if this was the right time to go for all in, but hopefully people are starting to get fed up with terrorism etc. I doubt it though. I think changing strategy was a mistake right now.
I might know the guy but I bet all the finnish hippies there are skateboarding.

They're collapsing the government by refusing to cooperate, they can do this.
If the majority of the government decides that it can't function, the parties can dissolve it.
So they're now trying to reform the government again with the existing setup without new elections at first. This is what they're trying to negotiate about at the moment from what I gather.
If that doesn't work, there's going to be new early elections.
The Green party and the Left party are already demanding new early elections, because Halla-Aho rising to the lead of the party, has now in their opinion turned parts of the government anti-immigration leaning.
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Soini was controlled opposition. Traitor who turned his coat after he got into government. He got there because people voted true finns for anti-immigration policies but nothing really happened.

Halla-Aho will make true finns as it should be. He has kept his anti-immigration stance throughout the years. That's why finnish MSM is so hard against him.

Ylistys Mestarille!
But isn't his party already in the minority? They can't just outvote them as it is, they need a new election?
Prime Minister asks President to dissolve the government and then PM starts new government negotiations with the parties. If they don't bring any results it's new elections. But it looks like it will be quite easy to form new government, he will just give RKP (Swedish People's Party) and KD (Christian Democrats) something (promise of laws, minister jobs) and they'll replace Halla-aho's party. It's also speculated that some cucks will switch sides to join our PM's party instead.

New elections would be even worse for our PM than Halla-aho because with current polls it looks like he would lose that mandate by losing the status of largest party. Finns Party is going straight into opposition no matter how the negotiations go and if we have new elections now.
Same, i think it's a little premature
But, good luck anyway

>be bong
>never tell us about the existance of DUP until after the election
wtf man
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siitos mestari
They might try to form a new govt with the existing parties, but the leftist parties don't fit the centre-right's economical plans and the leftovers might not be big enough to form a new one.
Miten voikaan mies olla noin täydellinen?
Where are our nuclear codes? Save!
Keskusta, Kokoomus, RKP and KD together would be 101/200 seats.

FUCKING 101/200

Lets see what happens
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Is that excluding the Kok speaker of parliament starting next year (who doesn't get to vote)?
It doesn't fall because Based Finns voted the man who wants to preserve Fingolian culture as the chairman, but because the EU puppet cuck Sipilä doesn't like him.
It won't work.

And Väyrynen will take one seat.
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I am going to need a quick rundown.
Rare flag
Can someone identify it for me and for the guy posting - we are both clueless
Jerks fucked up bigly

(.. jesus are finns even white?)
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Give me past happenings that led to this with names and who got expelled.
Some Based Finns were autistic enough to reveal their power levels too early so the Jews had to shut it down.
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>the cuckservative party stopped hiding it's powerlevel and selected /ourguy/ Halla-aho as chairman
>the globalist party and the rural retard party, who form the govt along cuckservative party, got buttblasted by this
>they stop co-operation despite /ourguy/ Halla-aho agreeing to all the terms they set for him
>we are now due for snap elections
>anti-immigration head elected for government party
>coalition partners demand adherence to government program or coalition goes bust
>new party head agrees and says they need to enforce the immigration part of the government program instead of just pretending
>suddenly government program isn't so tempting and coalition falls
>coalition will now try to get majority without anti-immigration party but would only get minimal majority that would collapse on literally anything as leftists want new elections and won't join
OH! OK thanks for translating burger, wtf is wrong with finns fuck sakes guys learn to post english.
He has to be a first generation hybrid. >that head and eye
Jesus save us
So re-election?
>basic finns went coalition gov
>their support went under 8%
>they panicked and organized nazi bois to attent yearly party summit
>everyone attends have one vote
>nazi bois vote nazi leader
>other parties in coalition gov said no thanks
>crisis happens

This is where we are now.
Or. You know. A photoshop.
Neets don't want free welfare money to end and they're willing to bend over for Sipilä just to get handouts.
sorry dude im too old for details, does this means finns are going pro brown or anti-brown?
It is hilarious how Orpo and Sipila blogged about Halla-Aho's "values being too different, cant predict future" when he agreed to everything in the cabinet papers and then Sipila just said fuck cabinet papers
Could not care less -brown, I guess
Yes it's gamble, but it's all he got. Opposition members are absent from votes too so there's that.

Everyone else has said they're reluctant to join without new elections first, and if that happens Orpo will likely cuck Sipilä off from his Prime Minister's job. That's what he's had in mind all the time since he started screeching in the media the same instant as Halla-aho was declared winner. If I was Sipilä I would try to act little more diplomatically.
SFP and CD already announced that they want new elections. Altho they could probably be persuaded into joining if Sipilä wouldnt be so stubborn.
Im probably gonna vote kokoomus as usual.
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H-A is a CIA shill, supporting TTIP, NATO and all that other trash that like 80% of Finns don't support AT ALL. It's good that he was thrown out of the coalition. Now if only the Swedes and the so-called Christian Democrats weren't even worse CIA shills we could have some good things in this country, but no...

Being anti-immigration is nowhere near enough if you are either bluepilled or a Shillary on everything else. I despise The Finns party, there was a chance for a truly revolutionary political force in this country with an anti-immigration, anti-NATO, anti-EU (and thus against austerity as well) message but the cuntface Soini managed to fool people with his CIA populism, and now H-A will try to continue the long con.
Thank you guys for the insight. May Bog help you.
They had already decided they can't work with Mestari but didn't actually think he'd agree to their terms what with him being ebul racist extremist.
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Cabinet papers only good when it suits Sipilä and Orpo, everything else is meme print.
What's especially interesting about this to me is the timing. Even if it's a nothingburger in the end, it really says something that all these countries are so close to being bad goyim that the governments keep hitting unusual crises.

We've entered a new phase of the Jews losing their grip.
Finland about to become Sweden, what do you say Pekka? Time to act mature your big brother Sweden and take in more helpless children.
I always think the structure and function of our US government makes no sense til I stumble into a thread like this again

At least we have set days and terms
>Sweden spends nearly 20% of its natinal budget on refugees this year
No fucking way. I need a source for this. Not even Sweden is this cucked.
Government was disbanded because of this. It's not a nothingburger.

indeed. only goes to show you how cucked our gov is by the old boy network.


Kiitos, Mestari
I wish we had more set terms. There's no good reason for any congressperson to be there for 20 years straight.

There's something to be said for the volatility of these other governmental structures. It makes me want to see the Queen dissolve parliament or something -- neat check and balance.
Prime minister has the authority to disband the goverment. When that happens the winner of last election (the party with the prime minister) starts to form a new goverment that has over half of the seats in the parlament. This happening seems very unlikely and will result most likely a snap election
Well it depends on what happens afterward. Obviously this is a significant turn of events even if Finland isn't exactly the biggest player on the stage (outside of /pol/).

But it is a bellwether for sure even if the subsequent government just goes back to business as usual.
>1 seat majority

It's hilarious because they can't pick the lefties as they're opposing mostly all the shit the government's been doing and the ones left to join are tiny. Literally anything will kill the new coalition.
fucking Talvivaara
I didn't understand a fuck!
So you voted for president for an (((alt right))) jewish and now he is betraying the real nationalist party?
>I wish we had more set terms

Some states have limits on their state legislature
Like Maine has a 4 term limit

I wish that'd expand out to the national level
16 years congress, 18 years Senate would be perfect
KD and RKP said they wont be joining unless the whole goverment program is rewritten
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It's not even a one seat majority, it's an evenly divided parliament. Remember Väyrynen is no longer really with the Centre Party.

But it doesn't matter, they're gonna do this coalition anyway and co-operate with the internal opposition in PS to pass the bills they most want.
If there is going to be another election because of this I'm going to vote for True Finns. Never voted for them before but I'm fucking sick and tired of the faggots of the other parties and media going full on pro EU rapefugees welcome
It wouldn't even have to be like the presidency where you get 2 terms max forever. Just make it so you can't have too many consecutive terms so that other people have a reason to even bother running.

Last time around for my rep there was one person running. I don't know if there was anybody else in the primary even.
Same. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. If the election was helding 2019 as it was originally supposed to, growing tensions and terror attacks in Europe would bolster PS. If we have new elections now, I doubt they will gain much more support compared to the current 9%.
WTF is that? A genetic experiment gone wrong?
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Väyrynen will extort to the max for his vote,
There won't be an EU for us to leave. It only takes a single government to bring down the house of cards. The globalists must win every election, every referendum, everything, from now on.
>Remember Väyrynen is no longer really with the Centre Party.
Citizens' Party (Finnish: Kansalaispuolue r.p., Swedish: Medborgarpartiet r.p.) is a Finnish political party, founded in 2016.[1] The party's chairman is a long-time politician and a Member of the European Parliament Paavo Väyrynen, who left Centre Party in early 2016 in order to found a new party.[2]

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This is what I think even though I wasn't going to vote for them again, but I can't abandon Mestari when half the country, media and government attacked him and he didn't backpeddle about anything.

Raising the party support back to 15% is not out of realism and seems like a good win for him.
Now they have the underdog pity momentum going on.
Enjoy the enrichening. :^)
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It's a photoshop of this guy
Maybe he'll switch party again and bargain Sipilä to finally give him that minister job he's entitled to if he gives him his vote. Never give up.
Väyrynen for PM, make Finland [spoiler]ebin[/spoiler] again
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> finn
> malta

Tornari spotted.
I'm not that guy, just a tourist here.
Fuck yeah Halla-Aho is a fucking cuck

what you just said:

> I want more terror attacks so a party that wants to stop terror attacks gets more votes.

WTF is that logic lmao
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It's when you become so entrenched in your political beliefs that winning means more than what is good for your nation.
No I didn't, I was just describing a scenario. If I could choose zero violent conflicts in Europe again I would choose it but that's just wishful thinking.
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It's okay if they get votes on French people's expense
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One eye on the rapefuges and one eye on the jailbait.
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Herrasmiehet, älkäämme nyt menkö henkilökohtaisuuksiin kiinalaisella anime-sivustolla. Halla-aho itsessään olisi suhteellisen ok valinta, ongelmallisena Koen Teuvo Hakkaraisen, oletan valinnan varapuheenjohtajaksi johtuneen tarpeesta tasapainottaa PS:n hallituksen keskimääräistä älykkyysosamäärää. Jokatapauksessa toivon, että Perussuomalaisest saa seuravissa Eduskuntavaaleissa ison jytkyn ja Cuckoomus joutuu paitsioon. Oikeastaan koko hallituksen kaatuminen on Kokoomuksen syytä ja Keskusta uskoakseni olisi ollut valmis jatkamaan, mutta Kokoomus on tyytymätön, koska Keskusta on niin dominoivassa asemassa joten taktisesti saattaa olla parempi hakea vahvistusta vaaleista, hyvin menneiden kuntavaalien jälkeen. Ongelma on sinänsä siinä, että hyvä kuntavaalien tulos ei takaa hyvää eduskuntavaalien tulosta. Milloinkohan luulette, että vaalit järjestettäisiin?
>you must remember that if all the other parties gang up, it is still democracy. 80% vs 20% for example. However fucked up that is. Always like that until someone gets 51%.

Shit like this makes me appreciate our government in the US.

People pretend we only get two choices for most government positions, when really there's a whole slew that get voted on during primaries. We weed out the bullshit, for the most part, during those primaries so we end up with more competent and representative people that end up in Washington.

The way it's done in Europe where you can have several parties all selling themselves to specific demographics to divide their countries and then do some backroom deals to install whatever government they feel like just seems beyond fucked up.
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The fire rises.
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>I'm alright with the current agreements about immigration and refugees, as long as they're actually followed t. Halal-aho
>No man we can't do that t. Sipilä and the rest

That's literally it. Halla-aho wants to strictly follow the rules that exist currently. Current government feels that they must be interpreted more freely in a time of such turmoil or some gay shit like that, so naturally the solution is to shut everything down. In reality they just don't like Halla-aho
>While Swedens #1 problem might be immigration it's not one of Finlands large problems.
>Our biggest problems by far are unemployment and growing number of poor people

Yes, bringing in unskilled third world immigrants will surely alleviate this problem
Halla-aho voi olla montaa asiaa, mutta hän ei ole johtaja.

Vallanhimo ja nyhertäminen ovat tappava yhdistelmä persuille. Tulet sen vielä näkemään.
You mean Cuckoomus. I used to be Cuckoomus voter as well, then I realized they were full of shit. Old Kokoomus was based, but ever since Katainen they have become totally corrupt shitheads, incapable to even make economy work. Honestly Sipilä made things much better, compared to 3 years of Katainen, that little piece of shit. One of the most incapable and damaging goverments in office for a long time. If I get my voting ticket will probably vote for Keskusta or PS. Perussuomalaiset... well..., because I love leftist pissing in their pants and the fact that they do have strict immigration policy ideas, what they propose might be too strict, but middleground should be ok.
>Current government feels that they must be interpreted more freely in a time of such turmoil
read: we won't enforce shit let's open the gates
>death by 1000 cuts is better than getting stabbed & having the wound treated

Bullshit big time. Corrupt as fuck in government level. 0% corruption in slow scale eg. police etc.
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Yeah that's essentially what they said

>the prime minister said that following the current immigration policy more closely (((is not possible)))

So they wouldn't even need to agree about any new policies. They would just need to actually follow the rules that already exist, but """"""""""""""it can't be done""""""""""""""
Thats how 9/11 happened
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mitä vittua, reddit? etkö lainkaan kykene pitkän tähtäimen ajatteluun? mikäli valtavirtapuolueiden linja ei muutu, he tulevat tekemään persujen työn heidän puolestaan. jytky ei ollut yksinomaan soinin ansiota, vaan epäonnistuneen ja todellisuudesta irtautuneen liberaalieliitin työn hedelmä.
laskenut kannatus on yksinomaan uskottavuuskysymys, äänestäjät tunsivat itsensä petetyksi, kun maahanmuutto vain kasvoi soinin hallituskaudella, ja soinin siunaama poliittinen korrektius vaimensi maahanmuuton vastaisen väen täysin. aito mamuvastainen politiikka on juuri se, mitä ps tarvitsee.
Safe Distance Finns
Mute Finns
Shouter Finns
Africa for Africans Finns aka AFAF
Finland Also for Alcoholic Finns FAFAF
:DDD Finns
I would join the Safe Distance Finns. It's good for public health benefits.
>(((is not possible)))
it's like this all over western Europe, people really should start lynch killing these people, just to show them what kind of stuff actually is possible.
So his wife is a cuck. Sad.
>people really should start lynch killing these people
Finland is hardly at that point yet. Germany is starting to be about ripe for good old lynch mobs though.
Vitun anti-intellektuelli hyväveli lessu.
She is very likely against the notion of evolution of life from a single cell life form, as this is quite patently nonsense, and there is absolutely no basis upon which to believe this conspiracy theory.
Politiikka on politiikkaa, mutta johtaminen on johtamista. Halla-aho ei ole johtaja. Halla-Aho on näpertelijä.

Jokainen, joka oikeasti johtaa tietää mitä johtaminen on ja millainen ihminen ei ole johtaja.
>go to parlament
>say we should follow the rules we promised together
>get kicked out

You can't make this shit up :DDDD
>conspiracy theory
More like; just a theory. It is called the "Theory of Evolution" after all.
What she does believe in, though, is "intelligent design", and for that you made a good quote
>this is quite patently nonsense, and there is absolutely no basis upon which to believe this
And what is your explanation, with evidence or proof, of another method by which life came to be?
How the fuck am I supposed to know? Noone fucking knows, mate.
However, there is some actual evidence supporting the theory of evolution, instead of the 0 evidence supporting intelligent design.
So, for the time being, I'll support the theory of evolution until a more credible alternative comes along.
Provide one single shred of evidence that points to live evolving from a single cell.
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Jesus fucking christ the sperg eyes that man has hahahahaha. He really is swimming a pool of his own mind.
Ah, I see the opinion control squads have found this board as well. Good for you, but I think your work will be wasted here...
>Provide one single shred of evidence that points to live evolving from a single cell.
There's really no way to get evidence on that familam, atleast not with our current level of technology. And let me re-state, it's a fucking theory. I don't expect it to be 100% correct, but I wasn't making the argument that the theory is 100% correct, was I? I was making the argument its 1,000,000% more credible than intelligent design.
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It is almost like the picture is photoshopped. I know since I have seen many photoshops in my days.
>Openly admit to belief in something for which not a single shred of evidence exists
>Argues against theories for which evidence does exist

Please return to this website when you are 18.
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That's a fucking good photo shop then.
>>Openly admit to belief in something for which not a single shred of evidence exists
The theory of evolution is more than just about the first steps of life. There is plenty of evidence that supports other stages of evolution.

Yet, there is still none that supports any bit of intelligent design.

Are all Brits this retarded or just you Muslims?
>The theory of evolution is more than just about the first steps of life

The theory of evolution says nothing about the first steps of life. It does not even attempt to explain how life was created, and yet you somehow believe that it does, while mocking the beliefs of others.

Like I said, feel free to return when you're 18.
>That's a fucking good photo shop then.
Are we being raided by reddit or why the fuck is everyone so retarded today?
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Wad will Fins do if shidskins flood into Binland ?

Blease tell me Fins will actually take action and do something and not just end up like Sweden.
Sweden shipped their migrants to Finland's border and Finland took them in without questions
Intelligent design says everything about everything while not providing a shred of evidence for anything. Yet you are shilling this over a theory that has decent evidence over atleast part of the story.

I don't care how old you get, do not return.
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So Binland is gucked.
They are flooding in full power already and the guy who said we should control it like we promised got kicked out from goverment.

Think about it.
So are the general public just going to sit by and watch this all happen ?
Oh no, my thread is reaching bump limit.

One last thing: fuck you persut!
You are correct, Intelligent Design is the only current theory that explains both creation and evolution in one combined unified theory which is in any way supportable by empirical evidence.

You are conflating evolution within species with evolution of one species into another. There is plenty evidence for the former, absolutely none for the latter.

Of course, I'm sure such a noteworthy academic as yourself would be familiar with this...
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