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>be proud white nationalist in the land of 52% >spend all

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Thread replies: 341
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>be proud white nationalist in the land of 52%
>spend all day on a polynesian model airplane painting forum
>find out there's a right wing rally nearby
>put a 4 of clubs in your back pocket to identify fellow memers in case of a happening
>spend hours drawing epic memes on posterboards
>"everyone's going to think I'm so witty and cool"
>attend rally spouting the same memes you do online anonymously
>crowd surrounds you telling you to go join the commie larpers
>"but I'm anticommunist *points at epic wojak* muh memes muh memes!"
>get BTFO by a 4ft spic
>go back to your internet world to complain about boomersteapartyoathkeepingantifreespeechbigots

kek have nazi larpers ever been this BTFO?
the larpers are SERIOUSLY fucking cringe. just stay the fuck at home
link the video
>be antifa
>Lose Everytime to cringy larpers
Thanks. That was hilarious.
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Why are you libcucks spamming this all over here
I love it when the rightwing eats themselves. Nothing of value was lost here.
Lol nys
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The alt right is a massive meme at this point filled with autists and retards. I don't know why anyone would be proud to associate themselves with those degenerates.
the left is doing the same. it's just funny to watch when commie/nazi larpers in America leave their bubble to get BTFO by Americans
boomers need to die
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>"Guys, I was just here to come make friends".

>Gets choked from behind.
>if 1 subhuman is willing to join our group that means all subhumans can assimilate to our precious constitution and it makes no difference how many we add even though they are fleeing fucking awful shithole countries made up of people just like them
its telling that the person to get violent was a nonwhite lol whats new
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protip: if you want to go to a protest, you better be surrounded by your RWDS.

or some civic cuck is going to choke you out while people that should be like your family cheers.

seriously, murder all boomers.
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Boomers are fucking pathetic and fuck these Antifa shills. Damn maybe we need to LARP with some guns too. What a bunch of faggots. Do they not know what free speech is?
WHAT ABOUT THE MEMES....fucking lost it
>They included wojak
I wish these faggots would stop using memes in public.
the real cringe is the spic and pals who thought they were tough shit for surrounding and attacking an autistic manchild from behind. everyone in this video needs to rethink their life

This is where it's important to "know the room". The right is a coalition of convergent interests, not methods. Sometimes this shit will fly and people will have a good time, and sometimes people will drive you out because you make them look retarded.

Know the difference.
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i wish they'd stop using memes at all.
i miss those days when you could post pepe without
>posting facebook frog
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You shouldn't be spouting gay fucking memes to begin with in public, but the Oath Keepers are just LARPing faggots who seem to always protect antifa at every event, so they can go fuck themselves too. Just cancer all around
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Dude we got the best fucking memes! Why wouldn't we use them in public? You people buy into the shilling too much.
I wish there was another place to start over. 4chan has become a mainstream site mentioned by the news and e-celebs nonstop. the other chans are too slow or full of faggot mods. this meming IRL just gets more embarrassing by the day and I'm afraid it's only going to get much worse
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Fuck Oathkeepers, we have new friends now!
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It's now a joke
lmao why are manlets such assholes?
Both parties are fucking retarded

The oathkeepers think this is a liberal trying to infiltrate and make them look like racists.

This tard thinks it's acceptable to go into a group of people that are cuckolds and promote white nationalist internet memes. A cringy fucking retard.
Keep on shilling
we BTFO'd larpers all across the country yesterday
>muh PR
the man is a hero

you clearly dont lmao
because they have an eternal chip on their shoulder for knowing they're inferior people, much like minorities.
oh God
hard cringe
Who are the "macho" morons in paintball outfits?

Learn from this video. Let it sink in.

Too many people here are soft and inexperienced with conflict. But they're making waves and gaining attention. This sort of intimidation will be the response. Harden yourselves or you WILL be silenced and pushed aside.
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>Oy Vey not memes in real life
Shill harder faggot.
I'm so sick of it all.

I'm sick of stupid people. I'm sick of having something I believe in made to look retarded because the people who advocate for it are obese, vaping boomers. I'm sick of both sides calling each other's larpers while they're both larping as whatever they find cool.

I'm sick of the newfags here. I'm sick of /pol/ being the easiest place to troll because of the massive population of fucking retarded newfags.
epic meme dude! Only people in our secret club with get the frog reference XD
I unironically think everyone except meme man were the larpers. Meme man is ready for war by antagonizing a bunch of faggots. He just didn't know the faggots were posing as the right that day.
As if anyone under 40 takes the oath cucks seriously. They will die and we will inherit the political arena. Their ideology is stale as their boomer breath
If you do this shit it has to be FUNNY. You have to come out looking like the cool guy, the Victor.

Otherwise you get manhandled like the autist you are and thrown out and everyone will make fun of you for being an autistic faggot.

It has to be done with nuance and a tongue in cheek attitude.

What the fuck is wrong with these boomer cucks? It's like they hate people to the right of them more than they hate the communists, socialists, etc. Sort your priorities out you dumb fat fucks. We are your allies against the left. Fucking morons
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it must suck for him then because he's both
that's how I've felt the last few months, it's just getting worse and worse. two years ago most people ignored bait, now the entire board is bait threads so I don't give a shit anymore. pol has always slowly become shittier by the day ever since it was created, but I think it officially died some time in 2016
Shameful. Memes won the election. Now they want to lose again by being boring military larpers.

Don't let the right be controlled by these tryhard faggots, /pol/.
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I think the helicopter reference is something you should be getting, personally.
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>larping about BTFOing larpers
pick only two
The other lot were larping too, they're dressed up like they're in the army & play acting like they have authority.
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i was just thinking about this. memes were fun because they were used in a lighthearted manner to shitpost. these guys made them the crux of their existence. it's literal fucking cancer. we need to amp up the amount of gore on /pol/ to scare off the newfags or make them grow a fucking pair
The Trump election and an influx of genuinely unintelligent people caused this mess. This place is going to have to have sarcasm tags so these faggot newfags don't get offended and upset by everything they read.

Because someone going to a rally to protect confederate monuments IS ONLY HURT by people attaching the protesters to racists/white surpemacists/alt right.

This guys existence did not benefit any political movement except the opponent's who could then point out the "evil white supremacists" then media can run with the idea that only racists want to protect confederate statues.

His presence only hurt "alt-right beliefs"
>Guys lets not do something we're good at! Who cares if signs are a normal part of politics.

Concern shills out in full force.
They're veterans you massive delusional faggots. All of you are fucking larps this is exactly what happens with thus dnc indoctrination you see now the right is exactly like the Sjes congragulations the kikes wi again god i hate you faggots
>>spend all day on a polynesian model airplane painting forum

Hahaha, awesome.
Australia is really on point today
Why was everyone mad at him just for some meme signs and one to even assault him, what am i missing here? God damn baby boomers need to be hanged.
Teleports behind you
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>Stop being a cuck!
>Go out and wave a swastika flag
>If you're not waving a swastika then you're a Jew and controlled opposition
Its a woman who started this shit

Not surprised
oath keepers are liberals and thus anti-nazi shit duh
so fuck off already. learn to search engine, it's not hard to find other chans, you autistic fucking whiny cunt monkey.
>memes in real life iz bad
u r retarded and when you die nobody will miss u. society uses memes in almost everything. do you have any goals abstract in nature? meme. what about principles? memes. traditions? meme. people that spout "muh memes in public r bad" tend to be more stupid than dirt.
fuck off concern shill
See pic related
kekked at the butter bar
I already explained about the other chans. an epic hardened mememaster such as yourself should know that. what's funny online can be gay as fuck in real life.
Nazi larpers usually don't get this btfo because they are lanklet cowards who have never been into a real fist fight so no.
>attacks anti-kike ideology
imagine my shawk
Why was everyone mad at him just for some meme signs and one to even assault him, what am i missing here? God damn baby boomers need to be hanged.
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>these people are being a public nusinece
>and those people over there are trying to protest
>not me tho,
>totally cool
>just staying home
>sitting on my butt plug
See pic related. Rope is for you to wrap around your neck firmly and tree branch.

I don't think you understand English as well as you think
oath cucks and their brown pets deserve to be shot
oh look, it's the christcuck that wants schlomo to pimp out his sister.

Bullshit, 'heritage not hate' has a track record of total failure and capitulation. All the Left has to do is scream racist loud enough and they cuck and run. The Confederacy WAS about race and White Supremacy. Trying to turn it into a multukulti state's rights crapfest is worse than tearing the monuments down.

no idea, those people are fat fucking useless pieces of shit, fuck i would be disappointed in my country if i was surrounded by all that trash

I actually got fucking banned for posting gore a couple weeks ago
>sitting on my butt plug
Stop projecting
I see the non whites are attacking this thread
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time to id this mestizo trash
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I hope he took a shower after being touched by a subhuman.
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>These are the people I interact with and share political allegiance with

Maybe...Maybe I should go back to being a bluepilled leftie.

Not even the most ardent tranny degenerate ANTIFA wannabe came even close to being as embarrassing as that faggot in the OP.

Just your average ex military spic with an IQ of 90 and a massive ego
What would even happen if shit like these and Berkley happened in European countries ?
I literally can't imagine.

Can't even fandom group of people protesting in France lets say and literally sperg out memes irl.
his name and phone number was in the last thread
>we should send him pizzas it'd be totally epic XD
Im sure what this disgusting shit skin did would of warranted shooting his ass

Does the U.S. military accept dwarfs? That's highly progressive, my burger friend.
So I don't get it? Are the oath keepers in favor of removing the monument?
Could you be anymore of a sodomite?
>The oathkeepers think this is a liberal trying to infiltrate and make them look like racists.

That would be the fbi and police doing that, but they love the fbi and police.
you also share it with quite a few people that have big, fat swastikas tattooed on their foreheads.

but one little autist is the one that makes you uncomfortable enough to drop it?

I don't care about the memes, but the black sun didn't belong there. If it's a permitted protest they can remove him.
I bet it was the 'No Blood For Israel' sign that triggered them. The military fosters a mindset that justifies an individuals involvement in it as something 'good', bringing democracy and freedom from tyrants while keeping America safe. Some ex-servicemen come to realize the truth themselves but others react aggressively when their worldview is challenged.

>You're telling me that my friend died for someone else's cause? REEEEEEE STOP YOU MUST BE WRONG
>people brought memes to other rallies before
>guy thinks he would do the same in this protest just like other people did in the past
>gets harassed, choked and kicked out of the protest

Why though
I was just trying to help you out. I think it'd be totally epic to start calling him and texting him edgy memes and sending him pizzas XD
he definitely deserves to be charged with assault but i doubt he'll get more than a slap on the wrist since he's Mexican in Texas and an oathkeeper who likely has connections
yeah, the politically incorrect board is politically correct about death apparently. pretty rich
Then link the thread
Love how the right is eating itself just as bad as the left.
What's wrong with the black sun?
>What about the memes?!
>this isn't Comic-Con


The only people defending this are r-ddit users.
>I bet it was the 'No Blood For Israel' sign that triggered them

That was what started it, then the nazi frogs just pushed the oath creepers to flip out. Bring up the USS Liberty incident around the oath creepers and they get pissed as fuck.

It really is just a bunch of larpers and fbi honeypit agents. All the actual military vets have been ran off or busted by the feds on bogus gun charges.
Dont despair, the 'boomer cuck' meme has legs.
It's all over /pol/ and seeping into every crack of the internet.
Young white guys get it now, they know who the 'cuckservative' problem really is.
>Swastika on your forehead.
>not a sign of mental retardation
Found the autist.

Am faggot who was mod at other chans. Imageboard culture has been leaking like a sieve for a decade now. It used to have a few layers of forums filtering it, but around when Facebook opened up to non-college people and the more chaotic MySpace days died down, the rainbow bridge between our oceans of piss and IRL was opened hard. In 2007 everyone was EPIC FAIL EPIC WIN all the time, and as Chanology took off the whole WE R LEGION thing got really out of hand. icanhazcheeseburger and 'meme generators' brought the 'meme' meme to the public, and now you can't go to any website or turn on the news without seeing some cringe-worthy fallout of all this, and more normies hear of "that 4chan website" every day. It is inescapable.

Chinese pedo cartoon autism forum's worst problems once were Gaia teenagers and furries among our own ranks, arguments about what is and isn't banworthy creating spinoff chans. What naive and simpler times. This happens to all subcultures; I'm sure a punk rocker in 1989 felt the same way.
Other rallies were full of visibly low-test Kekistani /r/The_Donald users
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found the guy who choked him out
>spic chimps out
Kill all non whites
the only mentally retarded one here is you.

point out where i said having a swastika tattooed on your forehead is a good thing, you sperg.

or maybe i'm just "proving your point" again?

Seek refuge in /nsg/
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>these are the american neonazis
>these are supposed to protect their neighborhoods from gays, blacks and muslims

He literally started sneering at the idea that americans shouldn't die for Israel
Everybody's siding with the nazi? That moron should have left when had an entire crowd telling him to do so, doesnt matter the reason. He could have waved his flag somewhere else. He should have seen that coming.
You might be a news if you honestly believe that we must hide our racist ways from the media. I'm sick and tired of these boomers and newfag civic nationalist . I'm starting to get black pilled more and more.
The right pretends to have a moral high ground too and claims these people aren't the real right (boomers).

They're just as human and equally fucking dumb, but like to pretend they're immune to what history has shown time and time again.

I love how anti-social retards use INTERNET MEMES in fucking real life because they're so antisocial they think it'll help them fit in.
Go back to le_donald
>be antifa
>lose to losers

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Can you imagine though what this mob could do to am opposing group of anti-fags. They would kill/maim everyone of them in minutes. What do you autistic manlets think is going to take the country back- memes or well armed citizens?

Fucking faggots.
i don't get this meme what does it mean?
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>talking tough on a forum
>are a pussy
Make his life a living hell
Sam Houston was not a confederate hero you dumb drongo, he even opposed an oath to the confederacy. He was presdient of our republic.
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Ok, as a Britfag this confuses me. The guy is obviously against antifa (the ones who want to get rid of whatever monument it is) and thus the guy is probably white nationalist.

But aren't the other fat people supposed to be the "muh constitution" guys who are also against antifa and on the right? If those guys are against taking down a monument, why are they against that guy? Even if he's an autist. Aren't they on the same side?

That was a brutal hit.
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lol,kid turns up with memes, gets called a "Nazi"....free speech in the USA.
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from the safety of your mom's basement. ypu'd roll over and piss on yourself if you had to dace him irl faggot.
The hilarious thing about the Nazi LARPers is that most would be rejected by actual Nazis in 1920s-1930s Germany. The LARPers seem to think they'd all be SS paras, but most would end up as cannon fodder for the Russians or loading boxes in an ammo warehouse.
What a fucking spic
What the fuck is an oath keeper and why are Mexicans allowed in that group?
The what ?
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No I wouldn't but I also wouldn't want too end up in jail. He needs to end up in jail for assault charges.

Go suck an aussie dick then why don't you faggot
That's what I'm confused about as well. They both seem to be against the idea of bringing down the monunent, but the military pricks just got triggered at the mememan's Israel sign.
Isn't that the same as a sucker punch?
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It would be autistic as hell to bring pol memes into a public protest, but I still think he should have the right to do it. Why do boomers get triggered by a bunch of frogs and pale dudes? Is it cause muh ((((((ADL)))))) deemed them hate speech that ebil Nazis use? Are oath-keepers even on the right?
This. I have no idea what I just saw
Good. I fucking hate these cringeworthy larping fags. They made this board so fucking shit since Trump.
If its not a good thing why even bring it up As an opposition to that one autist ?
Try to use all 3 of your braincells next time jörg.
Israel worship in the military is insane. I've tried to redpill people at my unit on Israel and they immediately get a dumb fucking look on their face and change the topic.
that is me. total black pill. I hope all whites get killed by Muslims and raped by niggers. Im done fighting for whites.


Because he's obviously autistic af and you would know this if you were normal yourself
the vast majority of Americans view nazis and commies as equally bad, although commies are the ones infiltrating our media and education for generations and nazis will never have a large movement because our population is half white and half of them are lefties.
that's what most euros don't understand about Americans and most Americans don't understand that white nationalism doesn't stand a chance in this country like it does in some parts of Europe. it's just a sad fact and nothing short of a major war would ever change that.
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the fire rises.gif
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so. . /pol/ gets mainstream / cool and retards that already have identity issues dont realize its fucking queer as shit to act internet IRL?
and this anon, is the probkem with yoir country.
i'm saying the autist is not the biggest failure in the movement, you goddamn retard. jesus christ, get some reading comprehension.
How did u find him
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Ready to lead bro
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Good old times
average /ptg/ poster found
I might be autistic, but I have the self awareness to realize how idiotic he's acting.
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You just realized that now? The entire purpose of being a fascist or natsoc is that people need to be controlled. If they aren't told we get what we have today . We live in a world where most people act like cattle and don't give a single shut about there own people or country just vote for LEFT/RIGHT just because they can.
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Oh okay my bad
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ok i just watched it and i dont get the problem. yeah hes autistic af and its cringy but what exactly was he doing wrong? furthermore. . why the fuck would anyone want to be associated with the (((((oathkeepers))))) anyway who are the biggest larpers of all
and that little shit spic needs arrested.
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>these are good memes
You can tell all the newfags by the words they use.
yeah ok, i am sorry, too. i have high blood sugar, and need to quit drinking the corn syrup-jew.
Are these the people I share a board with?
These larpers will be the first to back down because they're overly concerned with appeasing the left except to say hurtful words.
>acting as if you're not one of the LARPers while posting this online.
Haha noice



sorry I meant nazilarpfags. there are no nazis in America, there is no major history or culture of natsoc in America. any nazilarper with an American flag is as big of a joke as the IRL memer
Holy fuck. two GIFs of me in one thread. Im now a Good Night Left Side and Good night white pride
pepe's about to fuck the cat
>expecting autists to have soft skills
I understand its hard for you to take a joke so let me explain. He was ducking with the oathkeeper regards mocking them with memes and its fucking hilarious nu/pol/ doesn't get it.
well thats pretty stupid, who the fuck spouts memes irl and thinks thats cool?
Keep using Nazi your a newfag from lebbir or some boomer shithead. This is just more proof this place is getting worse and worse thanks for being a fucking retard.
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OP on the right.
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> Be me

> punch commie in one GIF

> get choked by spic in the other

I am an irl meme. Who knows this feel?
Why would you want to keep oaths that have resulted in the degenerate status quo?
Yes. That's what niggers and spics do, if you can avoid getting sucker punched then you're pretty much in the clear. Unless of course you're getting jumped which is pretty likely if you're fighting a shitskin.
prove it fagget
>triggered nazi larper in the land of the mutts
it had to be the jew sign burger army turn on him burger army are brainwashed with muh 6grillion and muh Israel fucking cuks
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Nazi larpers are as retarded as you are, thanks for clarifying something we already new. Fuck off back to r/politics.
Autistic as fuck. Trying to be funny with SS/Nazi shit IRL.
What did he expect to happen?
Outside of /pol/ this is not normal desu.
>b-but muh mamays muh mamays
alt right btfo once again
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One of my favorite knockouts.
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what was the atmosphere like there?
and why would you want to be around (((oathkeepers))) ?
you sure showed him xdddxd
I was with Vanguard
i live in Houston and troll irl
You people are missing the fucking point. They tossed him out for his racist shit. If they let him stay the media would be on television screeching how it's just racists here protesting.

We have to be extra careful to not be made fools of by the media. /pol/ can bitch about minorities all they want but in the real world, we have to accept them in public to further our own goals. At least in America.
The last Belgian alpha male.
Prove that I was being racist
>military larpers
>going to a rally wearing a plate carrier and open carry

why do people do this
I'm so glad you boomers are gonna die soon.
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See these people aren't doing it right, here's what you do at a protest
>Get lawn sprayer
>Get rotten milk, butter, churn and put into lawn sprayer
>Cover self in rotting meat over protective gear with
>Screaming blessings of the plague lord
>Spray rotten liquid all over commie scum
Why did you go there with memes?

I think this guy is right

Pepe is now a hate symbol so they just take that out to make sure that they aren't branded racists.
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open carrying rifles and handguns is the same as faggot gay priders covered in dildos
was infowhores there?
the divide is so real i dont know who to believe anymore
Oath keepers/III% are a fucking joke. Those who did actually serve most likely fired their M16 or M4 once a year for qualification and would get BTFO by any civilian 3 gun competitor.
>I was just pretending to be retarded. I'm an epic troll IRL XD
Excuse me for still hiding my powerlevel and functioning in normal society.
You are indeed. For a few weeks at least.

With luck you will get that guy deported though, so that's something.
It was a spic that violated this guys NAP and should have been shoot for it. Other than that what happened was the appropriate action to take against public displays of autism.
Guy is about to leave and he chokes him from behind. Trash.
Yeah I'm obviously a boomer. Cause you know, there's so many boomers who know about and post on 4chan. Stop thinking anyone who disagrees with you is a boomer, shill, Jew, etc.
"he said he wants his kids to look like me...fuck all that" what a fucking cunt plus he came here illegally NATIONALISM For every country
Wondering this too. He wasn't even talking shit, hardly seemed justified to choke him.

IRL censorship is still retarded. Let the media claim some BS and when video footage shows up showing that it was a blatant misrepresentation, more people will keep losing faith in the MSM.
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> be me
>I was Just there to find a 3d
>find grannies with ARs

Choked by spick
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poltards hating on pepekek so much now that pepekek is becoming Good way to troll /pol/

or you could focus on fighting the fucking ZOG.

Really makes ya think.
>LARPing faggot tries to cannibalize own group
>thinks choking out his own people is good idea
>doesn't realize he's as bad as antifa faggots
but how else would they avoid an argument without resorting to "jew/shill/civcuck"?
>spics and niggers rampaging around
>stealing, murdering, raping
>those evil white racists!

It's a crafty amalgam of several memes anon, lurk moar.
These boomer fucks are no different than antifa, they shall die first for being traitors.
It's a game to 4chan. A stupid kid's game.

No one likes people who dabble with revolution simply because they're bored.
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yeah, you summed it up pretty well and the frog boys are really pissed
Do you know how many people would see a video showing the "bs"? Not many. All anyone ever sees is the first report. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. That's why when media has to correct something they do it, but it's never seen because it's corrected once in the middle of a segment then never spoke about again.

Also it's not exactly censorship. They didn't want the autist hanging with them so they removed him. You'd be proud if this guy was antifa who tried to infiltrate and got removed.
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It's the black sun symbol on his flag that probably set them off. I don't know what he was expecting.
Yeah I figured Reddit just fuck off shithead you are no better thenbthose kekistan regards.

Off yourself fucking newfag.
>defending shitskins
Some faggots are gonna need to taste some "friendly" fire.
Never seen that picture. Wow.

Remember when lulzkiller Gaia spais were the worst we had to deal with on 4chan? I hate the future.
Aww the poor Nazi doesn't want to be called a Nazi
If you werent such an autistic regard you'd see how he was mocking these retards but you woulsnt understand because iver 60% of /pol/ us Reddit rifht now
t.we have to deny Alt-right platform to speak pro
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>I will get to watch severe clinical butthurt like the OP for the next 8 years
LARP this LARP that
I swear to god this word has lost its meaning
Do you see nazi uniform on him?
did someone call an emergency narrative meeting? fuck you shareblue nigger
ya it really worked well. epic trollz full of lulz XD
I know that guy that was asking for it, but why are beaners such chickenshits? the guy was totally surrounded, couldn't do shit, but the moment he was at his most defenseless... bam. they truly are only a marginally better than niggers.
You're completely right
This absolute faggot should kys
>not going to these things with your own guns
wtf kind of nazi's are you people?
if this is what we are , we've lost
the kikekeepers will run you off and make sure their jew master stay in power as the culture shifts
FFS /pol/
finally agree with a leaf
Fuck I hate veterans so much
I fought furr yurr freedumb
No, you fought for bankers
The flag he's holding has a swastika on it. Two, in fact.
Antifags are shilling pol.
Belgium is basically a non coun-
we don't need guns when we have funny memes and weaponized autism XD
it works online so it should work in real life, right?

In which 4chan learns that the Oath Keepers actually MEAN it when they talk about defending America.

The guy came to a serious rally with Nazi insignia

He deserved to get kicked out and shamed, he's a fucking moron
Good Lord, everything in this video was cringy beyond belief. Those military larpers actually succeeded in outcringing an autist who literally drew memes on cardboard signs. What a feat.

What's your favourite moment? Mine is that retarded woman knifehanding the autist whilst saying "we're going to escort you out" like she's real people.

this is antifa or boomer faggots
Spics are worse than niggers I swear to god
Does he fucking look like he is wearing a fucking nazi uniform you pleb?
Because jews want to co-opt our side
keep it from shifting too far right
Is this intensified shilling because Comey had nothing to say against Trump and you need some "victory" to feel like you are not constantly losing?
I don't get it? Why are they assaulting him and kicking him out of the park? Is free speech not allowed anymore?
It did work he got some epic pissed off enough he's going to get deported.
>I don't get it why would nazis be less popular than socialists

Pick up a fucking history book.
If that was the case then they could have explained the situation and asked him to cool the altright shtick. Instead they behaved no different than BLM niggers.
No free speech is only for talking about the weather and things that are considered acceptable by the left
When the sport idiot stop watching sport... they simply need to be educated.
I agree with this
you beta faggots want to call yourself Nazi's then start fucking acting like them .
Oath Keepers are faggots who didn't have a fulfilling 4 years in the military and want to feel empowered. You can tell by the way they mimic their DIs when talking to civilians.
>hurr durr the Nazis were worse than commies because jews amirite?
Get off this board, you fucking faggot.
Civic Nationalism looks like a utopia ;-> amirite
Kys shill
You mean defending their mulatto grandchildren from raysis
Do you have the clip of you punching a commie?
Hello Evangelicuck. What are your four adopted niglets going to do when we put you in a FEMA camp? Oh Boy those gillotines are going to work night and day.

You watching the game tonight? I'm expecting Nashville to win 3-1.
Protip: Nobody should want it to shift too far right, because if it does, the majority of the population will not support it

Do you want to actually win elections or just larp as a Nazi?
Are American soldiers redpilled or do they unironically believe America has a duty to defend Israel?
I know that guy and his family. Half of them are illegal immigrants. I'm compiling a list, will post names/addresses/occupations in a bit.

Oathkeeper boomer cucks

The larper is a joke too but seriously fuck these oathkeepers
Finally Allies!
half of them are too autistic to realize this fact and the other half are likely actual shills trying to stop any real movement.
What's the average age of an Oath Keeper, 55?
Most of them suck Israeli cock. I do what I can to redpill guys in my unit, but they always find a way to rationalize their beliefs.
>If we keep playing their game they might let us win eventually

Fuck you're dumb
>antifafags get BTFO every time they step outside
>one guy gets """""choked"""" by some failure of a manlet
>come to /pol/ to gloat

No, please keep doing it actually.
Go back to the donald you cuckold.
>as if these faggots aren't larpers

You don't seem to understand what leaping is faggot. You newfags need to cool it with that term. Larping is where you literally dress up in NS Germany uniforms and sieg heil while running around with nsdap flags you fucking retard. You know thr kind where you see fat overweight white trash. The people you are seeing are normal looking people that are nationalists just because you are a little skinny skeleton duck afraid to say something doesnt makw eveeyone not like you a NAZEEEEEEE
Disgusting, I don't know how people still shill for civic nationalism
Im willing to bet he has illegal family members, every spic does.
>He literally started sneering at the idea that americans shouldn't die for Israel

Oath Keepers ≠ Nazis. Anyone who's not Alex Jones viewer tier insane knows that Israel does not control US decisionmaking. Most people know what MUH ISRAELI CONSPIRACY is one of the warning flags of stormfaggotry. Now, what is the core meme of the Oath Keepers? The worry that the government will become a dictatorship, and they must be ready to fight AGAINST it. What is the core meme of stormfags? Hitler dindu nuffin wrong and we should do it again.

That's not to say that there aren't naziboos who identify as Oath Keepers, but serving in the military does an awful lot to help you learn to recognize when the tasty peanut butter sandwich your 'allies' offered you smells like shit because it IS shit.
>all those comments defending the nazilarpfag and his ebin maymays

I fucking hate nu-pol.
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I was at this thing. Was nothing but Reddit fags and based nigger lovers.

Was my first ever event to attend in person and I'll never attend another like it.
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This is the only victory they have had in awhile so of course they come here.

Too bad they are coming here to just get doxxed.
We already know the name and phone number of the man who did the choking. It would be smart not to antagonize this further.

And to the people calling this meme spouter a faggot. You are shit posting on a japanese anime image board.

Fucking ocean of piss, but HE is the faggot?

New declaration. Anyone who denounces the meme spouter is a shill. Trying to get us away from meme magic and it's true potential.

Apparently you retards don't know the impact of weaponized autism. As if HWNDU wasn't a test run to see how organized we are.


a fucking illegal?

kill this spic
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>The worry that the government will become a dictatorship, and they must be ready to fight AGAINST it.

Like I said: A few month of red terror is worth it, just to watch your anti-white heads get cut of.
Yes. This is the exact point.

Bunch of babies are mad they aren't given anything, so when it finally happens they throw everything up like they have been winning this whole time.

Lefty tendancies are dying. Free speech will reign.
Is that monkey faced "white man" you?
That cunt with the meme has the facial structure of a monkey to the extent that I really think he is more of a Nigger than that thing beside him looking on.
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions

Invite Link: https://discordapp.com/invite/rDSBTgq

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers
He is
Listen to all of it
This is your friends civic cucks
Was this the oath keeper faggots or the Vanguard?
download "Austin PD" police app on android. you can make anonymous reports. Give them his name, and his phone number as well as upload a picture of the video.
Maybe one or two in that crowd know what the black sun means.
That doesn't mean he is an illegal, just that he arrived as one.
>we have to fit a predesigned description

>just like niggers like trapping, being a gibz me, and having a false sense of entitlement

Oh wait that is portrayed by society. My bad.
The guy from OP video is probably from reddit too
>You just realized that now? The entire purpose of being a fascist or natsoc is that people need to be controlled.

Exactly. Fascists are natural slaves, and, worse, they want EVERYONE to be slaves. If you care about freedom you are anti-fascist.

Pick one
kek he's posting in this very thread, he was with the vanguard
>came here as illegal alien
>doesn't mean he is illegal
amnesty does not count
America is a gay nigger loving nation. Now the right wing has embraced these people as being part of their "muh freedoms".

Freedom = hedonism
That's what it means here in America
THIS, They just want to keep their pleasures especially the shitskins who have invaded the US.

Oath keepers mostly had on some sort of camo and opened carried rifles , not sure about these guys
That's for ICE to decide.

If he came here as an illegal, he certainly knows people who are still illegal so either way, someone is going to be sent back.
Which of us is drunker? I can't find the gif of you punching a commie.
As far as I'm concerned, we don't have a dog in this fight
It was a bunch of jew puppets vs some cuck wanna-be
Nazi don't not run around waving fucking frog memes.
Too many sub-humans in our side

I want our side to take over this country, overt or covertly,
And the majority wouldn't have supported communism 20 years ago but look at it now.
But I agree, anyone running around acting like that fag needs to be removed.
They have a place on the internet, not out there looking stupid as if this is a party.
If you are going to claim it then act it.
And after the left is done, all these co-opters, civic fags, kikekeepers need to be next.
who the fuck cares? Im not trying to be anonymous.
You shouldn't be seen at all friend.
Did they actually believe Antifa wanted to take down the monuments? Why are boomers so retarded?
>Surrounded by that trash in my country

Implying Denmark isn't filled with Pakis, especially considering the very small non paki native population.
But muh first ever flag with christcuck cross on it.
cite one instance richard spencer advocated for violence.

This is years of social brainwashing. It's wrong to hate on other people but there's nothing wrong if America would have stayed a homogeneous white country.
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Are E E prick. Unless you're from two years in the future, fuck off.
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what did he say that was "white supremacist"? he was just a socially awkward fag out of place and clearly out of practice of interacting with people irl
>this is not comicon

I fucking died

got to respect the oath keepers tho you american chaps are pretty commendable the way you defend your heritage

I just wish there had been some british patriots around when they tore down old cecil rhodes in oxford fucking disgraceful imo.
Why have you posted a photo of the average American?
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>no dog in this fight
This. Any /pol/ user who's been here longer than mid-2016 wouldn't dream of making a bunch of signs and irl meme-ing. And the other side are just useful idiots for our belief set. They're dumb boomers, they support Israel, etc, but they provide a good, solid base of normies with which to sway the public narrative. Not much else though
>Oath keeper to defend free speech
>Kick this kid out for his speech

Nah they're just civic nationalist cucks
>Implying gore will "scare" people off a site.

>can't tell the difference between socialis and gommunis, everyone on the left is the same

You know you're posting on a thread started by some shill whining that right wingers rallying to support a Confederate monument hurt nazi feels by throwing them out, right?
ALRIIIIGH, lisun up folks. This is leutenent spic. If he tells you to do something, DO IT.

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I think the oathkeepers are worse than that. I could be wrong and they are only following what I believe.
But it seems to me they are there to watch us, not the left.
We can use them, but they are not on our side.
The last thing (((they))) want is for us to tip the culture too far right.
*what they believe
Jesus fucking christ

I think they mistook him for a ((((((white supremacist))))))) because they've probably bought into that whole gig anywho
this fellow is in a fucking kilt. a fucking kilt jesus I can hear th cries of 'muh 1776' all the way from over here in englshire
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