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Christian Zionism

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Why do Evangelical Christians have such a boner for Israel?

How do you support a country full of people who reject your lord and savior, calling him a "heretic", "bastard", "son of a whore", etc?
Kosher christianity.
This is why a church needs dogma, and a hierarchy to prevent heresy.

Without dogma then the text can be interpreted at will for any political means.
>A semitic religion worships g-d and his chosen people
colour me surprised
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Revelations. Also because Zionists believe that it is their duty to defend The Chosen no matter what.

Read Romans 11. Basically that.

It seems to be an Anglo thing, outside of the anglosphere no one really gives a fuck about the kikes.
Jewish infiltration into Christianity.
Galatians 1:20-24New International Version (NIV)

20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie.

21 Then I went to Syria and Cilicia. 22 I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23 They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they praised God because of me.

Matthew 10:34-39New International Version (NIV)

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn

“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[a]

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

>a godly nigger is preferable to your own kin, in christianity
no thanks
pardon me

Galatians 3:28-29New International Version (NIV)

28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

>tracing your lineage to a kike

They forget the hate of the jew for Jesus Christ.

They donate to israhell.

They undermine the Christian Faith.

It's a jewo-ruse.

Avoid as cancer.
Useful puppets, they need the Temple to be in the hands of the Jews as one of the conditions for Armageddon.
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Take christian faith away from the white man and you get this.

It's literally as simple as:

"Israel? Jews? THEY TALK ABOUT THEM IN THE BIBLE AND JESUS SAID HE'S KING OF JEWS! So hell yeah I support them people!"
The Scofield Reference Bible was a translation of the Bible with commentary that was literally funded and published by Zionist Jews to convince Christians to become Zionists. Look up Marching Toward Zion on YouTube.
the communists are the ones who want to boycott israel
the religious right are the ones who stand with based national globalists like drumpf and year MAGA yarmulkes
They're brainwashed neocons. All protestants are an abomination.
they literally believe that Israeli and Arabs are about to trigger Armageddon - so that kinda have an interest in Israeli being there.
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> Implying that south american communists aremt christian

Everything in the US is kosher, hell an anti-semite would probably be better even in israel than in the US, thats how kiked out the jewnited states is
so if christians can be communists, why bother preaching about a semitic religion?
I'd rather preach about devotion to kin
Because when your religion becomes your race, you are one step towards becoming a neokike....

Self sacrifice and the pursuit of perfection are the defining principles of real civilzation
>when your religion becomes your race, you are one step towards becoming a neokike
dumbest fucking thing I've heard
how is ethnonationalism resembling any form of neocon judaist thought? fuck off, go worship your kike on a stick
Wonder what they'd say if they knew what Judaism says about Jesus...
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Well, go ahead, worship yourself and your race and dee how far you get.

Jews will beat you with experience in any and everyway.
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>Christian Zionism
>Why do Evangelical Christians have such a boner for Israel?
because jesus is a kike and christians are dirty christkikes
>How do you support a country full of people who reject your lord and savior, calling him a "heretic", "bastard", "son of a whore", etc?
every christkike is a retarded fool who deserves no sympathy from anyone, least of all nazis
>worship yourself and your race and dee how far you get.
>a christian defending ambivalence towards your race, kin and family
who would have guessed
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>Why do Evangelical Christians have such a boner for Israel?
Genesis 12:3
3And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
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>Genesis 12:3
>3And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
FILTHY hebrew garbage

You must be really triggered to respond twice to one single post.

Maybe you should offer a cheeseburger to marvel comics character to calm your nerves
there was one reply you dominigger
why don't you pray at the jerusalem wall sporting a maga yarmulke
nobody will bother reading your fucking 4chan screenshots, as if they mean anything
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Have you necked yourself like Odin?

Fucking larper, you people are pathetic, when will you gypsys learn...
never did I imply I am a pagan, you g-d damned spic
fucking lel, you are projecting hard
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Oh boy, the anti-white Dominican is here again.
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Hey look, it's that cuck that spergs out in all the religious threads spamming fake church father quotes, talking about killing all white men and what not.
Are you the ones that eat cookies made of sand or is that Haitians; and, follow up question: is there a difference between you, relative insignificance notwithstanding? Thank you in advance for answering, Caribbean nigger.
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Yes, because pagans are a meme.

Youre all kikes and atheists, who are object cowards that obsess over banging faggot ass and CP.

Everyome knows this here, you can larp all you want, but youre not fooling anybody...
what a shit thread
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Well, we definitely arent a mexican colony, that is for sure.
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what are you talking about, you filthy lying christian? >>129381601 point to my comments that you are supposedly referring to NOW

you're just a FILTHY lying CHRISTKIKE

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American is the embodiment of anti-whiteness.

You people literally funded the soviets, rape and pillaged germany and attacked the british empire with your bullshit revolution.

You guys are responsable for the death of the white race just as much as youe jewish owners
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Scofield Hoax dude


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Pagans drink jizz, atheists love it too.
Pride is one of the seven deadly sins

So, swallow your pride and accept that someone else is God's chosen. By doing so, you may have a chance at salvation.
Because shit skin Israelite subhumans wrote cuckianity and designed it to be the number one good goy ''religion''
>trusting a jewish book just because they claim not to be religiously jewish
By that logic you should trust (((Levi's))) Satanic Bible

Do you have anything better to do with your life than being a psycho zealot on 4chan?

The bible is fiction my best advice is to get over it, you sound pathetic. How old are you?
Good goy, don't be proud of the demon worshipping religion created by your ancestors, be a humble and follow a religion created by shitskins
Shitskins are so great, they taught white people to not be savages
Agree this time but you're always making us look bad, Poogan
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Such a great conversationalist, many wows.

Is this what jews do everytime they get triggered?
>forgetting the part that Jesus preached exclusively to Jews and was himself a Jew
Christcucks, when will they learn?
You will be going to hell. This is a final warning for you, specifically.
finally, a knowledgeable tripfag
Yeah because those shit skin kikes who wrote the bible were good people all along
The white race shouldn't have been proud, we must all adopt shit skin culture to save ourselves from god's shit skin wrath
Cuz the kikes are killing Muslims.
>You will be going to hell.
Why should we believe you?
What culture do you propose that whites should adopt aside from christianity?
You shills are retarded pushing your shit skin meme so hard on a proud white board
We can see through the unnatural amount of shit skin loving shit posts on here in threads like these
Culture that has white origins, think about the culture you are practicing and what origins it has. In general just act like a white person and think like a white person
You don't have to be a full on Pagan, but you can at least look at history and mythology and find inspiration from the proud and brave warriors of old and at least practice Yule instead of ''kikemass'' if you are going to practice some kinds of traditions

That is a really empty answer anon, what gods do you propose?

Which ancient culture do you think should be appropriated?

Are you pushing med shit, or nordic?

Who should do what?

Whites is a very vague term in general.

Complaining about chrisitanity, then technically you should have alternate options that you reccomend and endorse to put on the table

Acting like a white person, that at this point cam have lots of negative connotations, because white people are not acting very appropriately these days now are they?
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>Agree this time
THERE IS NO OTHER TIME for you to disagree you dirty christkike
you're always wrong no matter the time
>but you're always making us look bad, Poogan
you do it all yourself you damn racist
FUCK OFF you filthy christkike
STOP saying that racist shit and you won't get it back in return
you filthy christkike
>calling me a jew
guess again nigger

jews are kikes
christians are kikes

there's no two ways about, you filthy lying christkikes
fucking paganism isn't white you dirty moron >>129391731
stupid kikes think white means jesus or white means aryan
you're all wrong
^ this

Oriental Orthodox Christianity is the purest.. which is why Anglo-Zionist proxy 'isis' has worked so hard to kill them.


you fags need to learn

shitty jewish influence in media
> guess again nigger


When you poo do you avoid the loo?
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>When you poo do you avoid the loo?
adopting the racism of others is not good
if you're not aryan you're either a nigger or a kike or something inbetween
i've said it so many times but christians are incapable of learning the definition of the word aryan >>129133718
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> Mfw this paki cant pooinloo

Paki sikhs cant decide who is and isnt aryan m8
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Such a salty sikh, when will you pakis leave europe in peace?

Dont tell me your pooing in the streets of london, that is downright shameful, and doing so while claiming to be aryan?

Thats really low man
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do you not know a white master when you see one, cottonpicker?
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dirty christkikes are NOT aryan
dirty niggers are NOT aryan
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>How do you support a country full of people who reject your lord and savior, calling him a "heretic", "bastard", "son of a whore", etc?

Well, they're false Christians in the first place and are pretty stupid and ignorant on top of it...not really surprising...

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Well gee Mr.Shekelstein, I am not seeing you now am I?

Why dont you put up a pick so we can critique your pakistani turban ?

I bet it looks like shit!
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>nigger ramblings
Fuck Abrahamic religions
Fuck Semites
What a cuck you are
Hell is not for man though. Everybody end up in heaven. The last shall be the first = meaning I, an atheist, will come to heaven before you.
Well funded psyop. Hagee and gang got lots of money and help from Mossad.
This. Scofeild ruined Southern Protestantism.
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Dude, that Hagee asshole really rustles my fucking jimmies....
"Even three words of quarrelling, you shouldn't have with an inferior."

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You're the larper here man, if you havent hanged yourself in a leap of germanic faith like Odin then you're really nothing more than a we wuz kangs tier phag, you literally bring shame upon the norse gods...

Fucking disgusting
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Because the sooner the kikes rebuild the temple the sooner the world will end in an orgy of fire and blood the likes of which has never been seen before. The literally speak of surviving humanity numbering in the thousands. Oh and all the kikes that dont accept Jesus will be killed.
>You're the larper here man
>Posts a Deus Vult Crusader

Loser christcuck

More pathetic excuses for not taking might Odin's path.

Absolutely degenerate, you might as well throw your hammer of thor out the window, better that it be trodden under foot than worn by a coward that shames the gods!
This is a very real facet of the situation.

Some selfish "Christians" think they can bring about the second coming of the Christ.... God doesn't need their "help".
The Evangelical Christians believe that the creation of Israel is a requirement for the end of the world and the return of Jesus.

No Israel no second coming.
I left (((organized religion))) decades a go, and I see I did the right thing...
Idk how we got to the topic but I said that Judaism is a dead religion and Christianity is the new Israel. My dad and brother-in-law (who has a bachelor's in theology) disagreed, and told me that the Bible says all Jews will go to Heaven even if they don't accept Jesus.
Israel has nothing to do with the 2nd advent of Christ.
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one of the more amazing things is christians' concept of heaven
>the 2nd advent of Christ
he's not coming back you moron
stop talking about it
it's not happening
How about Marcionism? It's Christianity without all the Jewish crap.
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>evangelical Christians
no, no, no, op. the word you are looking for is AMERICAN PROTESTANTS

American Protestants are the biggest cancer in all of Christendom. There is a reason that Puritans and the like were chased out of Europe
Romans 2
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
I'm an atheist
>Saith unto them
Is this available in English?
it's the King James version you mong, it was commissioned in England.
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Jack Chick was zionist as fuck yet he still drew Jews going to hell.
Because Evangelicals see Israel as fulfilling biblical prophecy and thus crucial for the Second Coming.

They support the Israeli state because by doing so the Temple can be rebuilt and thus further fulfill Revelations and bring us closer to Jesus's Return.
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>Christcuck AND phone poster
KYS, you are more cancerous than reddit.
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And Christcucks wonder why I make fun of them. The cuckoldry is too real.
Because of (((christianity)))
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clearly a white aryan man
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>Why do Evangelical Christians have such a boner for Israel?
Money. Pastors want it and jews have it so they kiss their ass. It's become a cult at this point. It won't matter in the end because "Israel" will be destroyed and these guys will look like idiots.
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>posts anti-gay pastor
>thinks it's good
dirty chriskike
fuck off
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Die in a fire tripfag.
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Listen up Goys, the ultimate religious redpill is Lucifer (and by extention God) become WHATEVER FORM YOU THINK HIM TO BE.

Lucifer is the archangel who walks upon the earth guised as a man. He is gods first beloved child in his image before Jesus.


Not Pastor Steven Anderson, watch his documentary on the subject:
They are uninformed. It's like how Fox plays constant "Christians need to support and help these Israeli charities for the Jews!" nonsense. Any Christians need to watch this

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Whoa, beat me to it.

Also, for anyone attempting to argue or reason with that trip, know that he is a mentally ill pajeet.
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Also, namefaggot when are you going to prove your whiteness since you claim that you are a hindu/nazi/aryan defender.
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