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Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community

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Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Germans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only German man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Americans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Italians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a German man a "cuck"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth German man that they are a "cuck"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
Still not as bad as being an Indian or worse, a Swede.
Because you are gutless little fags who can't handle the bantz. Suck it, wolfgang.
What are you going to do about it Hanz? Go enjoy your scat porn dungeons and let us handle global affairs. You lost Two fucking world wars. Fucking plebs.
Shut up sour kraut, your economy is based on shit porn and sausage you fat fucks.
Oh you would like a good shart wouldn't you. We know the number one German fetish.
Germany produced Hitler and the great NatSoc ideology. What can you be proud of? First nigger president?
And in this post we see Ahmed confused about how to handle his anger and frustration because he cannot release it online via beheading or bombing
All real german men died in the 1940s. Only Russian rape babies remain.
>chokes on burger

You were saying?
Idiot. Look how it turned out. You INVENTED national socialism and still fucked it up despite numerous economic and strategic advantages,
that bbc special really brought in alot of new fags didnt it?

and look what you did with it
fucking euroniggers honestly, the only way to explain being this retarded
Bring dich um op
Fuck you, krauts are worst posters on this board
Worse than fucking leafs
>Muh Eu thread XDDDDDDD
It was not funny first time it won't be 6000000th time
Has a east German communist leader turning their country into a Islamic State...and has the audacity to tell us that is not meme worthy on /pol/

If you wanted respect you should have not invaded Russia in winter.
Jews sabotaged us.
Bold statement coming from a country that consists out of a mixtures of niggers, spics and literally european refugees who couldn't make it in their home country.
perhaps some ruski chechen polak posters with your IP don't help, also fairly tense situation with elections and Brexit don't help, but personally like you German germans.
>being this autistic about banter

Turks need to be gassed.
You had every jew in a camp and didn't immediately kill them. How fucking incompetent can you get.

cry more eternal kraut
Worked for big German engineering company for 3 years on a badly managed international construction contract. Got treated like a piece of shit on the German shoe every day, but since I got the opportunity to demonstrate to Germans examples of their own poor engineering, I absolutely loved it

Never met a bigger bunch of clueless yet supremely arrogant cunts.
Thank God we fled that shithole, you can't even keep some towel heads out.
This any other white country with that many people under National Socialism that Germany had could have ruled the world
Stop being muslim cucks and people won't shit on your once great country.
>You’re destroying national pride
I wasn't aware Germans had any.
OP, I think you should take a tea-spoon of cement and harden the fuck up.
Also, stop being a fucking faggot.

Half of the "germans" on /pol/ are shitposting migrants and the other half are actual germans with Hauptschule-level of english and/or are simply too retarded to bring anything of value to any discussion on this board.

I wish it wasn't like this but it is. The hate we get is unfortunately totally justified.
German "engineering" is worse than what you would find from Sudan or Ethiopia.
"Turks need to be gassed."
Another cousin lover retard
>Would you call a German man a "cuck"(very true) to his face?

I always do, while I impregnate their wives with my arab semen.
If your forefathers weren't spineless cowards who sold their homeland to the Jews there wouldn't even be a need for Europa to defend itself.
Yes, total retards.
everyone is like


meanwhile germany conquering europe by giving everyone "FINANCIAL AID" without noticing that everyone who decides stuff for them speaks german

4chan should praise germany

Zerg rushed by the millions of back-stabbing jew-driven Americans.

If the world goes to shit, perhaps you will realize that it was your grandparents that betrayed the white race more than a trillion Swedish cucks could ever do.

And now back to losing your country to niggers fuckung your (at best) mediocre looking fat whores.
Sorry Fritz.Maybe next time try to have some balls when you get raped.
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If you don't want to be called a cuck, then maybe you all should stop importing migrants to fuck your wives and daughters?
You can't even fly your own flag in Germany. Cucked to the core.
>round up all the jews into arbeit camps
>jews still defeat them
>call themselves "ubermensch"
>the eternal kraut
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>"Turks need to be gassed."
We came back and saved Europe from Germany's complete and utter incompetency. if you had taken complete control we would be in total shit. Famines and Disease from poor German management.
fuck amerinigger, attention whore somewhere else.

When everyone hates you it only begins to be really good.

no fuck of son.
Germany is the new Jew of Europe. Roping in everyone through financial burden. Just off yourself.
Couple of things.

One, get the fuck over it.

Two, this is meant to awaken the sleeping giant within you.
I'm glad you cucks didn't get control in Europe. Would have ruined it.
Fucking retard uses a Persian drawing to mock Persian rules to intimidate Turks.
Haha classical ameritard.
Haha yes.
Don't worry, I will always like our brothers in arms. Love from Finland.
>le ebin reverse psegologey
Fuck off commie
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I can't even find you on a map. I don't even know what continent you are on.
sas the petrol dollar nigger.
Says the Saudi cock sucker with created ISIS and al quaida.

fuck of child you r time is over, get ready to pay 10 dollars for a gallon gas. You will finely become a 3rd world country for real.
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Stop this crybaby bollocks and create a proper Kraut/pol/ thread where you update this meme swamp with what's going on in Germanistan outside the filter bubble. Foreign folks mostly receive only that which got filtered through the legacy press and therefore don't know about the state of dissent and/or resistance OR how really fucking bad the situation actually is, link related.

>We came back and saved Europe
Nice to see that the IQ of the average American actually dropped to the level of the average nigger.
It's not Persian when I shop a Turkish flag on it faggot. You know you love oiling your friends up naked for a session of "wrestling"
so you fucked up at getting rid of the jews
then the jews stole your country and filled it with niggers
and now the jews are using your country to destroy europe
>4chan should praise germany
kill yourself mehmet
"I can't even find you on a map. I don't even know what continent you are on."
Thats because you and your nation is the most ignorant people on Earth.
We will glass this entire planet before paying a dollar more for oil. If you had good leaders you would be as strong as us.
The call is shiza right?
Or we just don't care about countries that have no sway on global affairs.
ahhahhahahaha what???
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>economic and strategic advantages
What? Speak English Franz, you lost remember?
It seems you dont know about Middle East and its politics.
Turkey will become important when the Kurds overrun the place and assassinate Erdoroach.
thx for this testimony, based anglo
i knew you had to be good at something
france england germany are a trinity
we need B to bash C
>Abundant natural resources
>Industrial base
>Skilled, motivated, white workers
>Large and well equipped military

Still lost.
Says the country with a woman president
some people on the internet called me names :(
Who cares, as a frog I surrendered long ago, give up trying to be accepted by crying you dumb kraut.
In America after 9/11 people actually bought wine from France and dumped it into the street because you guys didn't join us in the Gulf War.
germans have no national pride
cant even sing full national anthem
your fault for giving in to jew lies
shut it kraut
Can't even wave their own flag.
>everyone falling for this pasta
summer is here

Either you are a crybaby or a faggot, or even worse an achmed

in my estimation germans are really appreciated around here and if you can't handle a jab or two consider killing yourself or sort yourself out and toughen up
Seriously, the bullying against Canadian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Canadians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Canadian man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Germans or Swedes? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Americans get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in North America.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a Canadian man a "cuck"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Canadian man that they are a "cuck"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
No. We know it's pasta but it reflects German attitude so we will leave it.
I bet OP is a rapefugee and not a real German. Just some douche trying to make actual Germans look like whiny cunts.
Fight the globalists and refugees and maybe the hate will stop.
The problem is that you are so passive, you welcome destruction with open hands.
Kill the traitors and solve the problem.
Then receive kind words.
Pasta leaf. gtfo nobody like you.
Oh, they don't need any help with that.
OP is a leftist pasta to sow discord, defeatism and blame the generally anti white shit commies, niggers and kikes spam every minute all over this board on other whites.

Its the same faggots who spam all these "le solution to the white goyims problems caused by us is putting a le stronk (((EUSSR))) army into our hands" or "le hungary the clock is ticking be a good goy and let niggers in" , "muh Japan needs immigration now!" pastas
> vs. The Commonwealth, the USSR and the US
>each with 5 times each of those things
55% pedro
tick tock tick tock
Can't even say no anymore. No matter what they do they're cucked beyond belief.
At least here we had Le Pen's antisemitism and nationalism as a main party for a while.
The average german IQ dropped when all your women got raped by slavs and drops even further to this day when they all open their legs for mohamed
Maybe if they hadn't been offensive autists and laid low they could have done something instead of pissing literally everyone off.
Freedom Fries!
Hah, didnt see this pasta for a while. Good luck with your farming.
We are so fucking retarded. Not as bad as Germans though.
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>Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country?
>our peaceful little country

*breathes in*

German's are scum who don't know how to leave well enough alone.

Yeah and the "cheese-eating surrender monkey" joke was also popularised in 2003 by (((Jonah Goldberg))) and (((David Letterman))) because we didn't follow you in Iraq.
Always the Jew. I know you are our oldest and best Ally. <3 u France
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You're up there will Slovenia in being the worst posters on this board. You do more EU shilling then previously thought possible.
>be germany
>ruin Europe
>ruin Europe again
>ruin Europe again

you've been shitting everything up for 100 years, Klaus. a little bantz might do you good.
Stop making fun of America.
>when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it.

this is what gaslighting leftcucks actually believe

shill more
Germans suck.
Post modernism goy. The truth is only what everyone decides is so.
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Pathetic cuck
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You're about to reelect Angela Merkel (ANGELA MERKEL), if anything you don't get bullied enough.
>Italians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.
Obvious troll is obvious.
>Good luck with your farming

Thanks, it worked <3
+ if you guys weren't Pearl Harboured on
payback for armenia faggot
Yeah wtf was up with that shit. The japs went out of their way to make us enemies for what.
Better to lose against an enemy whose pilots can't even keep their planes in the sky, than to lose to flightless birds.
They believed it would deter you guys from intervening. What tards.
Sounds like you are faggot also
>bomb the middle east into oblivion
>flood europe with refugees
>blame Germany

I wonder who could be behind this post...
Ha! We don't THINK before invading a country.
Well the idea was we couldn't intervene if we didn't have ships anymore.
Don't make Petry cry you bastards
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>Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand,

Fuck you, kraut. You don't know what pain is.
I do not view Germans/Deutschers/Elves as problem posters

I do view Americans who LARP post here about 1930s Germany as a problem. Those posters have more in common with MLP, Anime, and Steampunk then politics.

In regards to cuckposting where accusing another country poster of being cucked out, well it's spam which should be skipped over.

IOur country is responsible for exporting cuckism worldwide by our corporate media and through advertising of our non-media corporations distributed via iPhones..

Far too many politicians worldwide, past and present, know by promoting whatever celebrity progressive issue of the day (Apartheid, AIDs, Rapefugees, Climate Change, multi gender bathrooms) they will get positive press by our corporate media overlords.

On the other had, when reading /pol/ I usually just read American flag posts and skip over the rest of the shit.
Reported for being a leaf.
Germans caused massive white genocide and Europe never ever recovered. Hitler was a kikes wet dream.
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You sick fucks
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Commie cunt. Get out! Delete this!
>You’re destroying national pride,
Your countrymen are doing a fine job of that. Gemanistan when?
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jews sabotaged ur mothers cunt, so u got out too late and with brain damage
Next is Europe when they get totally overrun by ISIS. I would re-enlist for that.
> irregardless
God damn it Hans
You're the one taking the refugees and paying them to rape your women and run you over with box trucks.
I will be too old to be enlisted.
>hat bbc special really brought in alot of new fags didnt it?

see >>129325008
Banter is the ultimate tool of psychological warfare, we will not stop until every ARYAN lies slain, drained of blood that we might retake this nation from the G*RM menace once and for all.
>invade every other Euro country like the pack of feral niggers you are
The only German I've ever met was this one who flatted with me for a short period of time.

>Traveling around the world on her parent's money
>Planned to go to Oxford or Cambridge next year to become a doctor (despite tertiary education in Germany being free)
>Wanted to come to New Zealand for a gap year to do some working and studying
>Typical millennial who would talk til 3am about traveling the globe and saving lives in Africa and why couldn't she get a cute NZ boyfriend
>Confused why she couldn't get a job in NZ as a nurse, with her broken English and high school level education
>She turned down multiple job offers for animal care and elderly care
>I come home one night to her sobbing because her rich German parents called and said they couldn't keep paying for her expenses anymore
>She moves out of my house next week without notice
>Oxford and Cambridge refused to accept her
I don't get why burgers always try to start shit with 'muh muslims'

Meanwhile, more people in the US get shot daily than terrorists here kill in decades
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that dick isnt brown enough
I love me some German. I just hate frau merkel.
I can't believe she hasn't been thrown in jail for treason. How many hostile foreigners have been imported so far?
Usually when ISIS invades a country, militias pop up out of nowhere to fight it as the local governments crumble. I would drop everything and volunteer if shit got that bad.
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desu compared to the brit and german presence on pol i must admit france is turd world now
not that i didnt know that already, but still.
i always steered clear from the french internet in my almost 20 years of internet, barring a few valid exceptions
and this is why Pol bullies Germans. We made our mistake years ago with slavery. Why would you make it now after an example of what not to do?
that bad?
that's about the way i feel about frenchspeaking netizens
btw Sauds on pol have been based recently
or maybe it's just one guy
I didn't bring up Muslims, i simply responded to a post about them.

>thinking i care about black people shooting each other in the hood of some big city i don't visit.
I don't man, ask Merkel.
I always thought that uncontrolled immigration is pretty fucking stupid. Germany is really strict about pretty much everything, but when it comes to refugees they suddenly don't care anymore?
Don't know what went through their head
Nice copypasta, i remember the Canadian thread like this.
You're really complaining that we've hurt your feelings? On /pol/? Fucking man up Herman.
I really wish this copypasta would die.
Medium brown for Syrian cock.
is this irony?
germany is in control of europe and ruining it
added copypasta to the filter
Mehmet stop larping as a German and go make me a kebab.

>Germany produce Hitler

Wrong. He was born in Austria and, thus, he was an immigrant.
Europe will be an shit hole in an few years, the only reason tourism is at an uptick is because people around the world realize this, and want to see it before it's some hell-hole Muslim country
>offensive autists
dude do you know where you are?
yeah but it was only because we had competing interests regarding iraqi oil or sumak like that
Fuck off, Klaus.
You retards declared war on us first, literally. You wanted a fight and you got one, get fucked if you don't like it.
hahahah the eternal finn hates the germ?
nice to hear
I'd bang her/10
so that is the original
makes sense
explains why op only made one post too
>we are the purest whites in Europe

My sides are now in space.

The thing is: most of the german flags I see on /pol/ are so far on the left, that even I hate most fellow german flags here.
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>At least here we had Le Pen's antisemitism and nationalism as a main party for a while.
and what kind of a joke are you to bring this up as a matter of pride?
le pen made 9% over the whole paris region, and 5% for paris itself
the le pen family's job has been to lose for 40 years and they've been exceedingly good at it
le pen was dancing the evening of her loss of the election
her dad never looked as bothered as in 2002 when his winning a pass at the second round was displayed
they're agents, their job is to neutralize french nationalism
shut up Fritz. Fuck you if you can't be a man and put on a brown shirt like your grandad.

>shit brown rainbow flag

Mohamed, blow up yourself.

LOL. After you make fun of Americans for electing Trump for months you now want to be victim.

Red rover, red rover, I'm gonna send Kathy Griffin right over...

Have you looked at the race statistics on that?

We have a non-white elephant in the room.
yeah that should have given the pasta away

Well, half-nigger technically.


can confirm.
Die Americans are making fun of me und my country! Oh nein!
This demand for respect will have the opposite effect, Heidi.
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>OP thinks 4chin is a hugebox
fuck off Hans
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not much different from the "greater Israel" plan... really makes you think.
actually we really forced their hand by sanctioning the fuck out of them and then saying if they attack any allied supply ships that happen to have American passengers it would be considered an act of war.
Why don't you man the fuck up, you goddamn faggot?
a fucking sour kraut
Your shithole got what it deserves. I hope you wont have any descendance, and if you do, I hope it will be brown and praise allah. Faggot

American education!!!!!

KYS Hanscuck, you're literally destroying Europe. Do you want us tic give you a cuck-medal?
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I don't even have to read the thread to know all of you teared that germ a new asshole. Now that's community.
>whining about bullying

great way to get bullied even more.
Try it starter sharter
At least your no leaf. Quit bitching, when the germanfags are gone, only the germanBROs will be left.
Why call Erdoğan to white house and allow him to beat up Americans on American soil then?
I'll stop bullying you when you stop being a walking embarrassment to our common Germanic ancestors.

When I see Brownshirts in the streets literally beating shitskin migrants and leftists to death with metal pipes then and only then will you redeem yourselves.

You bring shame upon The All-Father Wotan.

Klagt nicht, Kämpft.

why is she crying ;_;
Well they had Jews as slave labor making their weapons and ammo so
We're breaking the conditioning. it almost has a spine.
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>why would anyone hate the Germans?
>muh based ARYANS
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>Would you call a German man a "cuck" to his face?

The deaths listed under Martin Luther were perpetrated mostly by the Catholic church. You could blame the anabaptist murders on him, but it still is a stretch and dwarfs what the Catholic Church did to them. It is also believed that what ML did was inevitable. Many priests and monks before him tried to do what he did and were exucuted.

Wilhelm was stuck and just cause he was against USA didn't make him evil. The leader of Germany is not always Hitler.
You fucking idiot, you're germanic, even more Germanic than me. Are you a shitskin immigrant shill?
Beat up leftist east coast faggots? At least turkroaches are good for something. Come out to flyover country and get froggy, you'd have to find yourself another King Roach.
You're one election away from becoming New Sweden

Everything is fine, deutcher. Calm down keep on contributing. You are set.
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Not all german man because we would REKT your face.
and* keep on..
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Every German man with balls was killed 70 years ago.
All you have left are girly men.

Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Germans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only German man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Americans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Italians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a German man a "cuck"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth German man that they are a "cuck"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
Swedes are ubermensch while all you others are disgusting nigger-jews.
Why do you bother, friend?
80% of those US flags are (sand) niggers anyway
>Getting anglocucks to stop shitting on Germans
Not gunna happen


Seriously, the bullying against Canadian members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Canadians are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Leaf man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my maple syrup from insecure losers here. Why not bully Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? SJWs get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest beavers in NA.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth regardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a Canadian man "A FUCKING LEAF"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Canadian man that they are a "LEAF"? Would you say those words to your fellow 'white' brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
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>please don't be German, please don't be German

...Oh god.

Fuck off and kill yourself, you retarded piece of shit. Can't you really into complex thinking? Don't you realize that when other countries here insult you or "bully" you, it's actually directed at our state itself and all the cuck Germans? How can you take this personally unless you're a retarded cuck yourself?

Germany deserves EVERY hate it can get. Stop being proud of it. It's basically the Weimar Republic again, except this time Jews were clever enough to not give it a special name, this way we have retards like you who still want to be proud of "Germany" despite the degeneracy.
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You're worried about mean words?

Muslim refugees are the COCK.
Germany is the condom.
Europe is being fucked.
And you'll be happily discarded and thrown in the garbage once you're full of muzzie cum.

And you're worried about mean words.....

Lol no. Keep dreaming kraut, you're the first stop on our freedom tour to get liberated once shit really hits the fan over there again
The average german poster is pro globalist and pro EU and wants to punish other countries theyve never set a foot in before for not cooperating with the EU
>You’re destroying national pride, you’re dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.


Shut the fuck up you gutless kraut, your bad reputation belongs to you and only you, now fuck off, you have some sexual emergencies in the muslim barracks to tend to.
Thats because we love you guys and want you both to stop being pussies! Get it?
Germans always start shit then cry when they get their shit pushed in.
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>You’re destroying national pride
Your nation died on 1945. What you have now is worthless, think that Germany deserves respect in these days is stupid and only delusional krauts like you will defend that.

>won 2 world wars
>Kraut can't even speak his mind without going to jail
fuck off hanz
Your nation is the head of the snake for liberal bullshit and globalism. Most of /pol/ looks forward to the day that your government starts another world war so that everyone else can wipe your nation from the face of the planet.
>everydqay with this goddamn thread

this is getting worse than the interracial bait thread stop it. proxyfaggot
Purest whites in Europe? Okay Ahmed. How's the goat bride?
wtf i a

Gay Bavarian lefty here.

Thanks to all for participating in my bait thread that I post at least once per week. You guys are the best <3
theres a "germ" in germany
90% post on /pol/ are bait thread now
you are not special
>you are not special

This is a lie.
They do, but it is in the form of perpetual national guilt/cuckholdry. Makes me ashamed of my German blood, which I was once proud of.


Never noticed. Stop being a whiny faggot and accept the bantz
You are second only to Swedistan for what regards cuckoldry.
There are lots of reasons to hate you:
>Constantly try to push globalist agenda
>Spits on the rights of european brothers and treat their nations as colonies
>Due to WW2 caused the start of decolonisation and put end to the european empires
>They put white socks with sandals. Absolutely degenerate and disgusting.
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