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Anti-sharia march in Atlanta Tommorow, Michael Williams and Nathan

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> Senator Michael Williams AND Nathan Damigo in attendance.
> pissed off antifa and altright coming to shut eachother down
> richard spencer might even make a surprise visit

its going to be glorious. spread the word, we need as many people (and communists) as possible to come.
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>richard spencer
God, I wish this faggot and his bitch tits would fuck off already.
This is gonna be a shit show. Are the nogs planning to show up?
It's Atlanta so I don't really know who else would be coming...
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proud boys know about it and will defend the free speech of every American

yes, we have already gotten those chimps riled up. and a good number of them should be going.
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this leaf lies

richard spencer is not a faggot, he is the true leader the alt-right needs and deserves, fuck off shill.
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You Nazifags are gonna get your shit pushed in tomorrow. BTFO even!
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I'm in Atlanta, should I come
It's a Pro Trump / anti Antifa rally right
Should I come armed got permit
the proud boys can not condone bringing fire arms to a rally like this, please don't come armed.
Hope we get to see a brawl, and not some boring faggots catcalling each other.
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White Sharia shall will out
I wasn't trying to be funny!!
To show support for the Pres. is not a crime! Exercising my right to bare arms is not a crime either!!
I wouldn't.
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white sharia is a stupid meme that those faggots from the war room started. I wish it would go away as it does nothing but divide the alt right movement. The proud boys disavow that shit and they are smart to do so.
How about the first part pro Trump /
anti Antifa?
Do we have confirmation on attendees? It doesn't say anything on Facebook...

I understand if they want to keep it on the down-low though.

because you're a betafag cuck. ;^)
bearing arms and shooting bike lock fags is what any true patriot would do
go back to canada, leaf

the entire altright community is talking about it, 20+ confirmed so far. more normies and neocons than that are coming. intercepted antifa and blm comms suggests 50 or so of them are confirmed.

see >>129273946

So who else here is going to the Soros/CIA fight? I know I'll be shadilaying my way there with my fellow Based Pedes!
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We're gonna shut all you fascist fucks down nationwide.
fucking based dude!
Why did you join the most meh-tier of groups?

see >>129273953

shadilay brother, we need as many white warriors as possible.
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nothing wrong with the proud boys. gavin is a pretty cool dude and lauren southern is the hottest woman in the movement.

fuck off commie fag.
isn't japan where those anymay cartoons come from?
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canadians are retards even on the right
go back to t_d
What are your meetings like?
What kind of counter-antifa training do you receive or is it up to you to train yourself?
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This is in midtown Atlanta which is pretty affluent, full of hipsters and gays, naturally there will be some dindus but it's not exactly their neighborhood.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm definitely walking over to the park tomorrow to partake and maybe meet some anons.
Spencer supports homosexuality. Homosexuality has no place in a white ethnostate (It will lead to destruction)
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we have trained hard with anti COMMIE tactics. I won't tell you are secrets on this board though ha ha ha.
Sharia is a satanic world order. Muslims are going to Hell.
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But this is good civil behavior?
This is why we have the right to bare arms, and Cali is totally fucked.
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There's not one single thing that is even slightly fascist about forcing people to obey theocratic laws like sharia.
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there is going to be plenty of pro Trump gays and black people as well. Don't forget the good ones!
Never heard of Japan

Hey I'm in Atlanta. Where is this going down?

you're more then welcome to come by even if its just to show support my dude, invite your friends, nathan damigo and the proudboys are confirmed and they are pretty cool guys.

Shit I'm in midtown. See you guys there tomorrow!
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You're just butthurt that we got your country on lockdown
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The people at http://www.actforamerica.org/ are organizing an anti sharia event that many people in the alt right, including the proud boys, will be attending. rumor is it that the commies are going to show up.
>richard Spencer
So there's a gay pride parade too?

piedmont park, atlanta. my dude
Glad you're joining the movement against sharia and islam.
I want to see blood and deaths. Very good entertainment.
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we'll be glad to have you m8
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Cucks like you are why our women are out of control
why is it all about cucks with people like you?
>supports israel
Go rake yourself leaf
yeah just like every other time, right?
delusional commie faggot
Please keep disrupting right-wing rallies. It's fun seeing limp wristed antifa vermin getting BTFO over and over again. Not to mention all the glorious propaganda material and new memes being produced.
There's one in seattle tomorrow. I want to go but i am quite reasonably afraid to do so. seattle niggers will just run up and stick you with aids needles.
>gavin the great military leader

you're still a fag bro.
Sorry but the elder council is in agreement on this
I have never seen a more fake post than this.

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what are you talking about? gavin, cernovich, and paul joseph watson are the best people in the alt right.
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Go back to plebbit, nigger
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whatever shill
>le 4chan le meme picture le jews are bad
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here is a (you) commie
Just because they have large influence doesn't mean you should follow them as leaders

role models maybe

Note the boilerplate "pol stock image reply"

This thread is compromised.
who better to follow? they have the moral authority

same poster.
oh hell no

I'm not a retard who follows the butt-plug man
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>Swissfag thinks the Fascists are gonna continue winning. How is Europe doing btw?
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Nice. I'm goin' to NYC.
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They can't even get their ACTs together enough to get a permit to march in DC.

Tell me when you do. I'll show.
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March Against Sharia -- March for Human Rights


Rallies nationwide tomorrow!
Why do antifa cucks run away when they hit someone?
1 post by this id

I may be new here, but even i can see the shill
>marching against islam in Atlanta
>Atlanta is entirely fucked by an exploding negro and spic population
Dumbasses should do this in Kennesaw possibly at KSU, doing it in Atlanta is suicide.

>realizes following Israel-loving gavin as leader isn't getting traction
>fellow shill comes in and stops argument claiming I'm a shill

evidence is in my favor bud(s)
I heard there is something like this going on in Austin Tx tomorrow also.
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islam is a hateful religion, there is literally nothing wrong with mexicans and black people, they just need to be here legally.
i'm not that other poster, if i was going to proxy it would be to another country, duh
Are you stupid?
Open carry state.

It would be suicide for anyone to try and stop them.
>antifa protesting match against fascist ideology
proud boyos are Israel-loving fags

convince me otherwise

>Thinks we should hang around when the cops are literally on your side
Antifa should be careful lest they end up like this or worse:

Well then you're a weak faggot

this guy's fbi lmao
>richard spencer might even make a surprise visit
will he be punched by a shit eating cuck again?
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proud boys is a group of American PATRIOTS. there is nothing wrong with loving your country.
>cucking this hard
Hope some downtown niggers give you a warm welcome.
you avoiding the base of my question buddy

really proves my point huh
he's a grade A attention whore. He's to the 'right' as Anita is to the left. A scam artist vying for attention.

He's like fucking Milo. Notice how much better everything got after Milo pissed off?
Kek. They spray painted one shell square, the most powerful ppl in the state
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i don't see what is wrong with loving our greatest ally? even richard spencer is on board here is one of your peoples memes
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fuck you
I'm going, and i pack the heat. See you there anon
please don't come armed, im not even saying this ironicly
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u joking m8
man, that's a wrecked asshole
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>Antifa pissed

Why would Antifa support Sharia? It is the definition of fascism
im gona sage this now because i don't want to see any of you actual nazis showing up starting shit with antifa.
god damn you fuckers are hilariously obvious

at least put sage in all fields, we are still on page 1, this has gotten out of hand
>alt light
I don't know if I'll be there, heard there was an antifa splinter group going for the Sam Houston statue in Huntsville to take it down.
Those antifa-baa-baa's are going to jail.
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wtf I love throwing gays off rooftops now
Durp, it's Texas. The most gun loving state in the nation. Even the bystanders will be carrying. You cannot stop that here.
>current state of /pol/

The "white sharia" of the meme is not the sharia of the Muslims, although there is overlap. It's mostly about re-establishing white male dominance and coverture over our women, as was the standard practice for thousands of years prior to Jewish Liberalism. "White sharia" is a great meme, because it forces its Leftist detractors to expose themselves as being anti-white at heart. E.g., the same Leftists who would denounce white sharia would never denounce sharia, etc.

These are happening in 28 cities all at once tomorrow. Why isn't this being discussed?
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i live near atlanta which is why i jumped in this thread, but others have discussed events elsewhere, like texas

>WM in Atlanta
Any of you fags gonna be in VA beach?
Hey Leaf, for your information those with guns are not the type to go out looking or hoping for a chance to shoot someone.
Antifa on the other hand, having a naturally violent nature like most communists, once they get their hands on guns and start killing, don;t stop.
i hope no white nationalist scum show up, they'd end up just fighting with antifa and making all of us look bad.

You're a shit troll m9
>Should I come armed

Now is not the time.
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>or worse

i see you.
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remember that thread today where the guys talked about a false flag bombing planned by Oathkeepers, Southern League or Three Percenters for either Roseville or Austin to spark conflict and national outrage

if any anons are planning to go to one of those protests please stay safe and be on the lookout for suspicious behavior, especially near the main body of the crowd, especially from people dressed as antifa who don't seem to be part of the main counter-protest

screencap this
why would Oathkeepers do something like that?
>oath kikers
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