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Brit/pol/ - Teacakes & Anime Edition

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Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 61

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The DUP has distanced itself from remarks made by MLA Sammy Wilson off camera while being interviewed for BBC Spotlight.

Mr Wilson was talking to a member of the public, who said, 'Get the ethnics out', to which the East Antrim MP appeared to reply, 'You are absolutely right you know'.

>PM May promises to provide certainty

>May to form 'government of certainty' with DUP backing

>Job centre knifeman takes workers hostage in Newcastle

>The SNP's Westminster leader Angus Robertson lost his seat in Moray
>Nick Clegg lost his Sheffield Hallam seat to the Labour Party
>Former SNP leader and former first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond was unseated in Gordon by the Conservatives


Lad, can you stop doing anime editions please?
>UKIP are ded

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how to lose 80% of your votes in 1 easy step
I'm glad the DUP are there to keep the ((Tories)) in place
Stop making new threads cunt

Man I haven't had a teacake in time
What time do the results for the last seat come in?
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reminder that the tories had a majority and pissed it away for no reason
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Asked in one of the sub thread.

Do you think the PIRA/CIRA/RIRA is going to freak out and take up arms again with the DUP in power?
just drop it ffs that thread is dead
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>no reason
>it was all a plan to use the DUP to shift the party to the right
128D Chess.
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Makes me wonder. If Nige does come back and runs for the next election, he's going to be taking votes back from Labour isn't he?
>aliased text
I just hope now that they have less power less of their manifesto goals can be accomplished. Is that how it works? Or am I being thick.
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Start buying guns.
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What he did mean by this?
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Yup, they are proper shit.
At least all the Brexit stuff will no longer be bounced around in the lords/voted down in parliament because it was an "extreme version of Brexit which nobody voted for".
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Who will be leader of ukip now?
Does anyone else deliberately type like a retard on social media for fear of alienating your friends if you type with proper grammar and linguistics?
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This is our future.
the lady at the chinese is a qt milf. i'd marry her, she's probably old enough to be my mum

i want a chinese wife

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post slags

The reason was simple
Their globalist masters dont want to stop immigration, and cant delay Brexit 3 years

So they forced one 3 years early hoping either for Labour win or what we have now, then they can push for full freedom of movement
all t fuggin time
>Labour have lost the election as badly as Gordon brown in 2010. But they're treating it like a win.
>Conservatives have won he largest share of the vote since Thatcher.

Just think what would have happened if the conservatives had fielded a competent candidate.


it would be a bit ridiculous if tories win the 3rd count and then become the MP
Most Tories are Remoaners, allying with fucking DUP was a mistake. Actually allying with LibDems and cancelling Brexit would being a more stable government than what they did instead. See you in two weeks.
if i posted ur mum, you'd get doxxed mate.
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g-good evening senpais...
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I've got a bad feeling about the EU negotiations.

I reckon the EU will just go "Pay us 100 Billion, stay in single market and customs union, take it or leave it"
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Leave anime to me
Bongs, I don't understand something.

What is the difference between a minority government and a coalition government?

I know Cameron had a coalition with the LD in 2010, but May is forming a minority government with DUP now.

I don't understand the difference.
What is the DUP's stance on anime?
>tfw far-right wing Catholic
>I like the DUP but they hate me
IIRC it was actually 57 - 43% in favour of Brexit for conservatives

the number of those who are part of 'Continuity Remain' (i.e want a new referendum) is even smaller, something like 23% of the general population.
What if we say "Or what"?
>mfw Crumpet is a better poster than me
Is anime illegal in the UK? Asking for a friend

"Or what" is we leave on WTO terms, which will cause all kinds of autistic screeching in parliament and will bring down the government.
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your waifu is SHIT
Threads are starting to get comfier after the madness of last night.

Coalition government is that two or more parties join in running the country. So for example, party B might run education or something.

Minority government is that one party rules, but has other parties that agree to support them in motions of no confidence and on budget bills so there no need to have new elections.
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Karen is not shit
Coalition is a partnership, minority government means there is no deputy prime minister, the DUP are providing whats called confidence and supply, essentially they provide the Tories with the ability to form a government by protected them from no confidence votes and allowing them to pass budgets but they are not actually a part of the ruling government
Why hasn't May fucked off yet?
It is possible for a government to exist in the United Kingdom with fewer than half the seats - minority government - if it is the largest party and it can pass the Queen's Speech as its first piece of legislation.

A coalition is when two parties combine to form a government with a majority when individually they would only have a minority. The three examples are the Coalition in 2010-2015 and the National Governments in the 30s and Second World War.

At least, that is how I think it works.
Rather than forming an actual government with the DUP (i.e. having DUP members in the cabinet) the Tories are literally being propped up by the DUP in return for favours basically.
Got it. Thanks.
Too autistic to hear the 1922 club gathering with their knives and bricks in socks outside her door
so are the DUP /ourguys/ or not? (and by our guys I mean right wing and ultimately anti-EU if it comes down to it, labourites need not reply as they lost the election and nothing they say is relevant now)
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Soon marching season will be in full swing.
Is this solid proof the pope's a bender?
Because they'd need a leadership election just 10 days before the start of negotiations with the EU.
and also how long will it be until david davis replaces may? days? weeks?

what is this Bilderberg tier sounding thing ?
Then the tories would be back to squre 1 with "b-but the PM wasn't elected! ILEGITIMATE!" shit coming from the other bench, which as they are now not even a majority they can't currently deal with.
What the actual fuck happened to them? I haven't really been paying attention.
They can delay the negotiations for that. Theresa May probably doesn't even know that.
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t-thanks kind stranger...
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>lefties unironically vote for labour in which the far right racist ukippers turned to
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>Whats that Theresa, DUP?

lads, what is this orange meme?
Nige was the only one worth shit in the party.
A bilderberg tier thing. It's the people who run the tory party from the shadows.

they replaced big nige with a speccy scouser with none of the charm or wit he had
Got and won their referendum, lost Nigel, replaced by a muppet.
I will be the one patting your head
It'd be too much of a clusterfuck. If May leaves she'll be replaced by someone with absolutely no democratic mandate.
Because if she resigns and a the Tories begin an election for a new leader there'll be a fucking uproar from their opposition about how the GE needs a redo. She needs to stick around for a little bit then become mysteriously ill for them to be able to drag themselves up from the cliff-edge they're just grasping onto.
Lol what a dyke

So long as she falls in line IDGAF but don't fuck shit up cunt
I hope you voted yesterday, it's every weebs duty
that what (((They))) want you think kraut.

>Thinks that right wing social issues will suddenly take precedence
>Thinks a northern irish fundie party will influence British law

lel. The Tories gave up 13 seats and joined forces with a soft brexit party to make up the numbers
> your reaction when the SNP got slaughtered in the election and lost more seats than they expected to, even though a few remained SNP with tiny majorities (such as 75, 21 and 2)

Not even 24 hours in and the wheels are wobbling.
DUP are the party of the Orange Order. They're a Protestant supremacist organisation in NI and Scotland that hates Catholics.
Well, she doesn't have a mandate either
They're all caught up on religion since they don't have the racial crisis we have on the mainland. Apart from that, yes they are.
They are very right wing and very anti EU, on the other hand, they're also incompetent and will basically guarantee a Labour government next time round if they remain powerful for long
The committee of the Conservative party, made up of all the backbenchers, they basically control the internal goings on of the party and wield the axe when people need to go
>Soft brexit
She will be ousted
OK Ruth, you're not bad as Scottish leader but kindly shut the fuck of for a bit.
haha i just saw our Scottish lass on the street five minutes ago. did that thing where i wasnt sure it was her and both glanced each other unsure on whether i had recognised her
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queer rights will ruin the tories government
I-I did desu. UKIP of course.
Finally more chaos

Orange is the colour of Loyalism
Starting a brit/pol/ kik group, #britpol. Join it for discussion
Orangemen are the worst of the worst and I'm not a kraut
Exactly. May failed but she still gained the largest vote share for the Tories since '83.
>tfw godless weed smoking bifaggot but hate commies so much that I'm glad DUP gets a look in

royght wing deat squads noy
maybe the shaft as well
literally where?
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May is now a figurehead puppet
Does now.
I want to hold hands with Karen. Please forgive me, Bongs.
Has Frankie Boyle had a meltdown yet?
Fucking haggis

Hey, newsflash: an enormous contingent of the conservative electorate are socially liberal/centrist. How do you think they got elected in 1990, 2015? It wasn't by saying "ban abortion and also fags shouldn't get married.

The coalition will keep May in power. That's it. She's a grossly incompetent leader and campaigner and by staying on she's devastating her party's future. And no I didn't vote Corbyn
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w-what?? humble animeposters are not for lewding
She has more of a mandate than any other politician in either party.

stop typing so loud atab cant focus on his rhythm
No she doesn't. You're being silly.
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Karen is too pure for inferior paddy seed
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>when an election victory is more poison than a loss would be
>Tories can't just hand Brexit talks to Jezza "Nuke Brussels" Corbyn
She doesn't have a mandate for a hard brexit. That's clearly been rejected.

The final constituency not counted, Kensington, is currently going through a FOURTH recount and the result is expected circa 20:30.
U wot?
edinburgh. was tempted to shout her name to check if it was her but i chickened out
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Tonight's QT panel.

It's live, will be a must-watch.
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I'm a Catholic, but it really looks like DUP is /ourguy/. Am I right?
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>tfw no DUP in England
orange = Loyalist
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Jesus christ can they not count or is it just that close?
Can you imagine if it went Labour by 1 vote?
she isn't incompetent at all, throwing herself on her sword was all part of the establishment plan to keep the UK within the single market
Not if I force it on her
Was just elected as PM properly m8. Yes as a minority government, but still. The "no madate as PM" shit came from getting parachuted in as a Cameron replacement without a GE. This GE has put that issue to bed, though it has cost them their absolute majority.
>people's vote
>mattering to party politics
Yes. I know that feel m8, I'm a Papist too.
wtf i thought brits banned japanese child porn
my boy armando back on british soil.
>alastair campbell
why a comedy writer? really? that just to throw support against anything slightly right wing

Do you know how to count? DUP existed before this election, they will get no cabinet positions, and the Tories now have less seats.
>Scotland demands power for devolved parliament
>Gets it, doesn't use it
>Goes from Tories to Labour to SNP
>Demands referendum for independence due to universally voting in party based on that
>Gets it, votes against it
>SNP takes all again, demands second referendum
>Scots rebel against it
>Now just throwing seats everywhere, wins GE for the Tories

I don't understand what the jocks are playing at.
>That's clearly been rejected.
absolute bollocks.
Labour's manifesto said they'll be leaving the EU and will also be putting an end to freedom of movement which de facto implies leaving the single market.
If they somehow find a way to stay in the single market yet stop freedom of movement then I'll take that.

If voters wanted to kill Brexit they would have voted for the Lib Dems who really were anti-brexit who got a whopping gian of 3 seats.
He wrote the thick of it
Labour won the vote count twice by 20-50 votes
what the fuck is atab?
Was just elected as PM, rather than take over because of a resignation.

My dick is in my hand already
can you imagine if the tories were on 325 seats right now?
armando iannucci made the thick of it and veep, he has also written for a range of great comedies such as alan partridge and his own sketch show.
Dr Corbyn, I'm DUP

in terms of free movement they are. Tbh that's all I give a shit about
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they only banned loli in england and wales

shota is legal everywhere and loli is still legal in scotland
Kek, isn't kensington super posh?
>1 conservative cuck and 4 full cucks
don't bother
>gets it, doesn't use it
hmmm, is that why Scots have free university, free prescriptions etc and you don't
>If they somehow find a way to stay in the single market yet stop freedom of movement then I'll take that.
They won't, Merkel and goons insist that freedom of movement is a hard sell if they want in the free market.
Labour are pro-Brexit and have also said we won't remain in the single market. The two parties who wanted to reverse the referendum result were either BTFO (SNP) ot still pretty much irrelevant (Milkmen).
>shota is legal everywhere

please be true tho
why would you vote leave then vote labour?
Issy. The Queen of Brit/pol/

theres no point leaving the eu when your chancellor of the exchequer would be a literal marxist. 5 years time UK would = greece, but with shit weather. Sounds like a right barrel of laughs
shami is a qt
because the leader of the labour party voted leave?
>qt panel

But I only see one
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Iannucci fucking YES
the DUP don't give a shit about european free movement they only care about the republic, read up on the CTA
because you're a fucking disgusting northern monkey
cos charity starts at home


even tho labour want to open up the floodgates and give all our money to the wogs

but don't tell that to plebanian northern ukip voters
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2nd best Isabel after Hardman
She had more of a mandate before she lost the Tories' majority
I agree.
That means the manifesto says but doesn't really say "We're leaving the single market".

The way the remainers are trying to spin this is as if I said I'm going to Madrid on holiday but I never EXPLICITLY said I was going to Spain.
It's fucking stupid.
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Shhhhut the fuck up.
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I see this gobby cunt's still in then
Banned in what way, should I be expecting a SWAT team any second?
>lose the election
>protest against the winners

Why are we still here?
wtf is this image

it's true

the law makers were retarded, they only termed loli as banned.

that's what happens when you don't understand the japanese cartoons you're trying to censor
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You naughty Goy
They're not clear on their position on the single market.

The fact is, May called an election to strengthen her position and she didn't. Her "mandate" was rejected. It's simple.
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we are chaotic neutral
May is too evil to accept sittting in as a lame duck and giving in to the demands of the Lords and MPs, she's getting knifed in the back right away she's moves away from hard Brexit.

They also can't get rid of here for the same problems May had in being unelected and their only time for calling an election is in October. Any longer is in the middle of Brexit and by then Labour will wipe them out.

I have no idea what they're going to do. Whatever it is it will be party before country.
A lot of leave voters are dole scum, white niggers desperate for gibs.
theres a point about being a terrorist sympathizer also people in her own party want her out so
Mrs May had very little personal democratic mandate as PM, having only been elected as an MP. This time she was elected as an MP *and* Prime Minister.
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Reminder that one of your PM's is a 24-year old that got sent to Tesco to buy a suit, because he didn't have one.
it's fictional drawings

one guy has been arrested in 7 years, they've got more important things to worry about than your chinese cartoons

thats what happens when youre such a cuck that you want to punish the pedos but not the gay ones because theyre a minority
>those people who thought labour was going back to the 70s
>Her "mandate" was rejected. It's simple
Well she won and can form a majority with a party that also wants to leave the single market, so her mandate was accepted. Simple.
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What do you propose then? May resigns, Tory leadership election which would last months, Brexit talks stalled...

Who runs the country in the meantime?
More like back to the 90's
>wants to leave the single market
Watching the world burn
We DUP now
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The PM is not elected The PM is the leader of the party that can form some kind of majority in parliament, which theresa may has just about managed to do, and is then appointed to the role by the queen
I'm a good boy outside of my internet history officer, I buy me mum flowers every Friday I do.
Not yet.
its because the corbyn effect didnt really reach scotland that much only in some uni areas
>DUP MP becomes Northern Ireland secretary
>new famine unleashed on the taigs
>Ulster remains British
>Empire restored
They were told Brexit would mean protectionism, not globalisation on steroids. Brexit will and should fail. It's your fault for lying to these people.

It's far from free, it's fucking suffocating the taxpayer.

I got free tuition fees for being Scottish and going to uni in Scotland, but under any sane system there's not a chance I deserve it. At that point my parent's combined incomes were in the region of £150,000 p/a. I should have had to pay tuition.

We should be taking away blanket free tuition fees, cutting the number of bullshit social studies degrees and have means tested grants so that poor but smart kids can get into uni to do STEM and that middle income kids can get a bit of help.
Nick Cohen got absolutely blown the fuck out

She didn't win anything you muppet. They lost support. THEY. LOST.

Theresa May is the one who fucking sent the article 50 notification then called a fucking election she didn't need to. And then lost badly. She has to go.
So it's exactly Corbyn's situation, then.
And you're a dope if you think there is any politician who doesn't have to "sympathise" with one side or the other and who'll thus be called a terrorist-sympathiser.
So the Tories are terrorist sympathisers just look how they cuddle up to Israel/Saudi Arabia. So Labour are terrorist sympathisers look how they cuddle up to CAGE.
>may as a Tory puppet (to an even bigger degree) for brexit negotiations
>may resigns
>brexiteer right winger like Gove steps in
>3 years of right wing populist Tories
>massive GDP growth due to Trump Presidency and free trade deals etc etc
>Nigel Farage joins the Tory party again
>650 seats in 2022
Could Mogg be PM lads? Would he do it?
Scotfag here. We run the largest deficit in the developed world. If we became independent we'd sink like Greece.
Labour's manifesto said nothing firm about ending freedom of movement and they want access to the free market. There are also plenty of Tories in remain constituencies ready to rebel not to mention all the new Scot Tories who if they want to keep there seats will be looking for a soft Brexit. Heck the reason May called the election was because she knew this was the case and would need more seats to reliably get shit done. I can't see how they can push through a hard Brexit with this parliament.
someone on my facebook has written a letter to the conservatives might post it later so you lot can have a chuckle
You haven't answered my question bossman.
I know how our system work m8. The tories are the largest party in Westminster, but lack an overall majority. They have now done a deal with another party, who are in fact rather more right wing than they are and more anti-EU than they are. This combined means an abolute majority in westminster for parties supporting Brexit and the right wing in general. In fact rather more than that as much of Labour are mild to strong eurosceptics as well.
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Tell me about the rabbits, George.
> The DUP sees no value in the attempts by some to keep re-running the referendum. Instead, we want to get on with the work to make it a success; to write our own laws; to deliver on the vision of a Global UK with new free trade deals; to control immigration; to deliver policies for farming and fishing shaped to our needs; to lift the burden of unnecessary regulation.

>She didn't win anything you muppet. They lost support. THEY. LOST.
Yeah she did. She won.

>Manchester United beat Watford 3-1 in 2015
>Manchester United beat Watford 2-1 in 2016
By your logic, Manchester United lost in 2016
No and No
He's a backbencher with no cabinet experience and that's the way he likes it, easier to look after farmers, lobby for Imperial Tobacco and get away with making massive speeches that way
I am Scottish too. Good thing we're not indpendent then, and have a devolved govt that actually delivers things that benefit us
Best moment of the election after seeing that wanker clearly planning his post-Labour wipe out "This is why the centralists were right and the lefties were evil" article/new book deal.

I fucking wish. Not even right wing and id have Mogg over Jezza 'Castro was a champion of social justice' Corbyn any day
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>Theresa May: Biggest humiliation in living memory. Hasn't resigned
>Jeremy Corbyn: Despite making gains, still lost and would be 73 by next election. Hasn't resigned
>Tim Farron: Got half of the seats he wanted and lost his best MP. Hasn't resigned
>Nicola Sturgeon: Lost 21 seats and Scottish independence told to go fuck itself. Hasn't resigned

At least Paul Nuttall isn't COMPLETELY dense.
WTF lads?

The only party that had a flat out good election were Plaid Cymru who made a gain of one.
I said she had to resign. She doesn't have to hold a leadership election right now, but extend the deadline while a new leader is chosen.
Someone mentioned it earlier on, but no.
>Walking meme
>Likes being an MP and nothing more
>Something something shitting on the Middle class

This is the present, mate.
Btw, where did the leftie rumour about Phillip Davies losing his seat come from? He won bigly.

The feminist cunt who ran against him won 1% of the vote :DDD
cuba is a better place without america burger-fying it with mcdonalds and iphones
Why is this general so comfy?
I'm only here because of your latest elections and holy shit, it's such a difference from normal /pol/.
Banter and civil conversation all around, nobody gets called a shill, nobody is glorifying the party leaders.

So americans are truly this obnoxious? Was it them that ruined this board?
is the plenty of fish dating website any good lads?

24 year old virgin here, getting pretty desperate
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Sorry honey, backing trump was a mistake and has already fucked this country.
OK, so you're aware that she wasn't elected as PM and her mandate has diminished because she has lost her majority and now has to seek support from the completely insane DUP
Redpill me on DUP.

Wikipedia says they are a "right wing populist party centered in Northern Ireland."

From a bong, what are they and what are they like?
i thought that was lord buckethead for a second
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>labour making gains
>"Looks like I'll have to buy a Red beret."
>they flop and DUP are in a coalition
>"Looks like I'll have to buy a red beret."
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you're forgetting somebody
They can only afford to give these gibs out because of the Barnett formula. The eternal Anglo subsidises our spending.
>tfw 24 year old virgin and don't really care anymore
desu i'm more interested in getting a good fucking job and securing my future instead of sticking my dick somewhere warm

Cuba is the most successful socialist state to have existed and its STILL a shit hole

It's the lowest quality, least classiest, highest incidence of mental illness 'dating; site so it might be perfect for your needs.
I bet you'd like that, would you? Blairite scum.
Normalising effect of a core topic that's mundane most of the time and a group of regular posters
Jesus christ just get shitfaced and smash some fat bitch you met in gregs
You forgot the part where pakis go back
HE'D BE 73 IN 2022.

fucking retard
They're literally /pol/ through a N.I. lens as well as tied to literal terrorists and RWDSs.
Her mandate has not diminished as the Tories under Cameron (the last time the public was asked before yesterday) ran on an EU referendum, but siding with remain.
Support to Corbynites? Yes.
The election if they form a coalition? No. You're living in denial if you say this is a false statement.
That's what John "Castro should've launched the nukes" McDonnell is for.
ugly chav
I suppose she could say she's leaving before the end of the year or something like that. Really does throw the negotiations up in the air.
>Nick Cohen got absolutely blown the fuck out
link pls

Their manifesto is The Bible with a page stapled in at the end about collecting the bins once a fortnight,
foreigners trying to dictate your way of life
/POL/ * 2

They are hardcore rightwing
It's mostly because all the batshit white supremacists have gone into hiding after Maggie Thatcher and Adolfo Hitler's boys took a hell of a beating.
lmao that's rich coming from a country that doesn't have any comedy at all
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meanwhile at the DUP
Sounds accurate by what I've heard of your perverts over there. Little boys are great, little girls are only good for the savages.
>implying there not getting shot in the uvf death squad
Christ the arrogance of some people. Pls post senpai
>literal terrorists

wut? Who are they tied to?
Dolan Drump will be 79 when he leaves office in 2025.
I live in Northern Ireland, DUP are a meme party but are very right wing
Bad Points
>Crashed the government with no survivors rather than admit its bad at maths
>Like to ignore the results of referendums when it suits them
>Carp on about shit no one actually gives a fuck about ie Creationism, Ulster scots etc

On the Good side
>Right fucking wing
>Single most eurosceptic party in Britain
>Some of their politicians are walking memes

The meh
>Most of the mainland electorate will absolutely hate them, they are going to be toxic for the Tories
>Have links to literal RWDS, but SF the other important NI party was literally the political arm of the IRA so that doesn't matter much
>Said RWDS were big fans of murdering random people for no real reason other than it amused them
Let them fox hunt so we have time to rob their giant empty houses.
Please post anon, can't be worse than the stuff in my feed currently.
See this page
So? The Scottish govt receives the money and they decided to give people free university. Should they have returned the money instead?
>those chink qt's

would make them fox cosplay and spank their bot bots
What RWDS were they tied to?
word, see my post >>129231512
The English taxpayer shouldn't have to fund our bloated public spending. It's not fair on them and in the long term it's not fair on us.
>politics is just one big football match

why are you here?
go to korea or something for a month and just get it all out your system lad

yellow fever is a hell of a thing not to be quenched
when oil and gas was actually above whatever the break even price for the north sea is, it made some sense.

The industry has contracted severely.
Niall's new song is great

Happy to see a 1D boy having solo success

1d are /ourguys/
Starting baking the question time bread lads
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Well then westminster shouldn't have used it as a bribe to stop scotland becoming independent.
UVF, RHC, LVF were the main organisations they had ties to, all of those did various death squady things, Loyalist paramilitaries had the highest ratio of civilian to active target kill ratio of any group during the troubles

There's also a conspiracy theory that they had links to the Shankill butchers but I don't really believe that
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>the gall of Conservacucks partnering up with literal terrorist sympathisers after the shit they flung at Corbyn
i'll have a join m8
>left one nurse claiming she used a foodbank
Well if shacking up with people with shady pasts regarding that kind of thing is the done thing these days then it might as well be British loyalist ones.
I was taking the piss m8.
A literal IRA member is a Tory councillor



They're /ourguys/
>The young mobilise for the first time in like 25 years
>The elderly apathetically stay at home
>It's STILL not enough to push a Labour majority

The "Muh 18-24 bracket" narrative has been unequivocally blown the fuck out. Wait until 2022, or whenever another snap is called. The much more divided and conservative leaving 25-34 bracket, and everything over that, is going to absolutely DESTROY Labour.
I'm dying with laughter well done mate
Hi Hilary, how's Bill these days.
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