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What's your HONST opinion on black people? Be honest.

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What's your HONST opinion on black people? Be honest.
Unpleasant to the eye. Somewhat discusting even.
Met a few decent ones in my life.
I have no problem with them as long as they're nowhere near me. Preferably on the other side of a border.
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Black* guy here, what do you niggers want to know?

*Biafran South-Eastern Nigerian Igbo black to be specific.
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Not human
don't care as long as theyre not muslim
Lesser evolved subhumans.
Different species to Caucasians and Mongoloids.

They aren't capable of functioning in a civilized society collectively.

They'd be better off living in Africa as hunter gatherers until they evolved naturally.
Poor dindus need our help
I could care less about black people I hope they learn to take care of themselves
>send them all to Africa
>replace them with all the non-blacks in Africa
>put up great big walls so they can't leave
>sink any ships, shoot down any planes that try to get out
I'm in favour of this.
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Just had a dream I got robbed by one but I ended up running over him in the end.
Some bad, some good and some worthless shit
Pretty much like every other group
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leaves a faint, musky shit taste on the tongue as well
Look at Geert Wilders over here....man The Dutch are trash....hopefully it will become morroco 2.0 by 2020.
Never relax, always assume at any moment they will try to attack you for no reason. Avoid.
I fucking hate niggers, aint nothing dishonest about that
Fucking vermin. I hate them more than everything else
I also like blacks when I oversimplify them
fine as individuals, but in groups intolerable

I don't blame them for not being able to adapt, just as I don't the Abos here.

They were forced into something they never evolved into. Nips, for example, can handle modern Euro civilization just fine.

Modern egalitarians (lefties) do more harm than good (since they think race realism is wrong, they have inaccurate views of the capabilities of the Negro collectively). Modern realists don't often see the truth, that the Negro must be moved back, and not just over policed or self-segregated.

The truth is niggers are the only humans that never achieved anything of worth and are still not achieving anything without outside assistance (along with the Abos ofc, but Abos aren't human).

They have no place in Western societies and their inclusion does NOTHING but make things worse for westerners. They need to be sent back to Africa ASAP. I don't have them and hope they manage to do something with their pathetic "civilization", but I know they won't. Send them away from the West and stop sending aid to Africa. There, I fixed the nigger problem for you.
i saw a nigger on the subway today

japan is doomed
don't worry we'll send some your side
you have a really keen mind for nuance I can tell
Black people are fine. Niggers are not.
We need to get rid of them
Instead of funding shit like their welfare and keeping them alive in prison, we could easily instead improve life for ourselves, help the economy, fund domestic catgirls, etc.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
In my personal experience not bad, had some friends.
Our blacks are mostly from Suriname though which already was CHEESED a long time ago.
Of course there's the occasional nog that drags it's race down but i hate ''tokkies'' and football hooligans more.
I really don't want more migration though.


Akmet pls
See? Even in this thread they don't care about you.
Nah we'll just send them all your way
You seem to like them so you wont mind right?
I don't really hate them or anything. I just don't want them around me.
>they have inaccurate views of the capabilities of the Negro collectively
What's even worse, a lot of them subconciously know the truth, because they baby them with stupid policies. "Muh voter ID is racist because minorities can't figure it out!" Fucking hell. We require photo ID here to vote. If you can't figure out you need ID to vote, you don't deserve to vote.
Idc, i am not white and im living in Europe to destroy white people with my jewish allies.
I think they smell, look, and feel strange
Where do you think you are at? This is /pol/. You're talking to yourself. Everything here is a simulation of your own ego. Why do YOU lack nuance, anon?
>caring enough to reply

But it's fine, I just like looking at how /pol/ will sperg out in the next black-centered thread, doubt most of the Europeans here probably never met a black person, just watched webms in the nigger hate threads, oh well
please elaborate on which part of my post you disagree with. Certainly not the one that claims that we would lose very little and gain much if all the sub-Saharan Africans were removed from our countries?
Good entertainment. The US would be a lot more boring without them.
says the mediterranean nigger
Couldnt give two shits about anyones skin colour personally. Well except for >>129187222
My boss is black. She's really fucking smart and has this sweetness way about her but we're all scared of her because she has a temper and I can tell she would hold a grudge.

I don't mind their existence if they stay where they are and don't consume gibs.

that is all
I've met quite a few niggers in the UK actually. Most of them are cool. I've met some criminal niggers, those were cool to me, too. Most of my best friends there were Caribbean/African.

Still think that you lot are dumb as shit.
so the saying is true

dogs lick upwards and kick downwards
Most of them aren't people.
Some are ok, but their friends and family persecute them for "acting too white."
They're people just like you and me.
I know black people in real life.
Bro, no black people are coming to bulgaria.....never even heard of that shitty country.
not sure if you are actually black m8, but even though my other post is extremely negative at your race, I wanted to let you know, that I recognize perfectly well the fact that a part of the black population are perfectly fine people, individuals are not the groups they belong to, but those groups exist non the less. I most certainly recognize individuals for individuals and treat everyone as an individual not as a member of a group on my daily life. But I consider the group you belong to harmful for the west, even if you are not.
The problem is intelligence. The 20% who equal the whites in this regard are excellent people. But the rest is difficult to live with, especially if they are under the influence of a pernicious culture.
In real life

Holy shit you are limp wristed cock mongering faggot liberal
It depends always on the individual you FUCKING RACIST. Kys OP
Never saw them IRL. Such is life in Siberia.
Says the idiot who thinks that it's an issue of ideology and that doesn't care as long as they are not Muslims. Ideologies can be crushed, religions buried. You can not do that with genes. For fuck's sake you are Dutch, how can you be ok with this? I travel to the Hague every few months for business, the place is fucking disgusting, filled with Africans and Middle-Easterners and from what I understand other large cities in Holland are equally fucked. Are you seriously ok with this?
Some are properly civilized, most are little more than animals.

Franky, I do not see how their existence offers even the slightest advantage for humanity. An evolutionary dead-end that, sadly, is not allowed to play out naturally.
Met some in university in Iran. They were nice people.
Don't worry, some people in my specific group [Biafrans] think that too about the rest of our race.


Best I can do for my specific group is to become a better example, not sure if I can do that for my entire race, but I am sure I can do it for my specific group, trying to distinguish ourselves, hopefully other blacks of other groups will do the same.
My honest opinion about black people is that they are naturally nice and simple people. I won't blame IQ on their simplicity because I know high IQ black people who are still simple. Most smart blacks are disruptive to the "peace" to support their vision of what life should be like, AKA simple. I look at black people 1950 and prior, and the majority had values, were good people, etc. but ever since women dropped their standards and dads stopped sticking around, black kids grow up with no masculine figure and learn to live on emotion, (feminine upbringing) never logic, never reason, never thinking before acting. They grow up knowing ONLY to live like that. It's my belief that black people on average are more athletic and headstrong, so if you pair a single mother raised black kid with a chip on his shoulder, you get a super militant emotional warrior who will fight for the wrong reasons and use any means to an end.

Hip hop culture grew out of blacks living in poverty in Bronx, because There was a very high standard of living in New York, with blacks not adapting to the economy. They weren't knowledgable of the economic trends (due to simplicity in nature, not really worrying about future income) and got stuck in extreme poverty. Naturally extroverted on average, blacks feed off each other's energy, which is why I think black people follow a hivemind way more than white people. Hip hop took off, and in it, were narratives of poverty, violence, and women. This leads to a high status in society, and it becomes glamorized. Thus the cycle of single motherhood, poverty, and deadbeat fatherhood grows exponentially, because THIS is the easiest way for black people to "make it" in this society. Black Kids only want to rap or play sports. And their only parent, the mother encourages it! "Yes, get rich baby, we will live good" and the fathers aren't around because society changed, the family unit became obsolete, but men still want sex.
Most have the potential to be normal functioning black human beings.
Most decide to become niggas because they think it's a better idea.
Reminder that even African blacks hate American blacks.
The only good ones are either over 50 years old, or they like anime and video games. The rest are niggers and no one wants to be around them. They're all talk too. If they have a job, you can safely call any violent bluff they make.
They learn gibmedats is much better than actual working

The black community is plagued with feminine energy, combined with genetic predisposition to a simple lifestyle. This leads to overemotional men who aren't educated in the economy. That's a bad combination.

t. Grew up around black people.
I mean, that guy was a little extreme, even for me. But I wish you luck in your endeavor, be the best person you can be. Leading by example is the best way of doing it.

Unironically this, niggers >>>>>>>>>>>> arabs
Another African tribes that is WE WUZ KANGZ WE HIGH IQ JIGABOOS I SWEAR.

Fuck off back to the jungle.
>Inside of this creature lies wild and unrestrained passions: an incessant need to destroy, filled with the most primitive desires, chaos and cold hearted villainy.

Theres different types. Some i met and worked and fought with i would bet my life alongside. Most in USA are utter untrustworthy scum. I have met far too many to say i innately judge them foe their race tho. Its always the surroundings.
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Are you aware of this /pol/?
The ones who dress like niggers I find intimidating and never feel at ease. The ones who dress and act normal Im always nice and friendly toward. I kind of use those normal people to feel a little better about my underlying racism. Though I can't ignore it either, since a large majority of black culture right now is violent.
This is EXTREMELY true

ya this to bee hage

>Another African tribes that is WE WUZ KANGZ WE HIGH IQ JIGABOOS I SWEAR.

Well, we did have our own kingdon...
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>they are naturally nice and simple people.
wow I guess if this picture says it then it must be true
Hate niggers
Love nigresses
almost as bad as arabs
they smell worse than arabs though
black culture in general is a problem. An individual black person has the choice to engage in that culture or not. Just like every other race some are good and some are bad.
so what, you're claiming that they're mean and complicated? What are you even arguing? Keep some sense about you, bro
They have a right to exist. In a narural reserve in Africa, away from our civilization.
nigresses will make good babies for the smart race
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Foul, diseased, sub human creatures that need to be purged by the purity of the flame.

Disgusting (smell horrible), unhygienic, savage, can never well integrate into a civilized society.. they don't appear to be pleasant to look at honestly
the world would be a better place if every last one was exterminated.

Grew up around them in the rural South (small farming town 50% black.) When I was a teenager this home improvement show came into town and rebuilt a home for a poor black family and turned it into a mansion. Within a year the black family destroyed it.

They self-segregate and everywhere they inhabit they turn into a crime-ridden shithole. They are violent, stupid, and selfish; a lesser evolved breed of human incompatible with Western civilization.
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They are living fossils.
Homo Erectus to be specific.
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Literally not people. They're some form of subhuman humunculus ghouls.

Of course there are a few select individuals that are OK or even good, but all in all we should not see negroes as real people.
Over 53% of homicides in America is committed by niggers, but hey, who cares, right?
Some are ok. 95% are ghetto trash.
Kill all niggers everywhere including any mutts with 10% or more nigger blood.
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>Some bad, some good and some worthless shit
Pretty much like every other group

Incorrect. They have a far higher percentage of "some worthless shit" than any other group.

That's the problem. It's key.
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A "black person" is just a nigger who hasn't chimped yet, ot never got caught for it if it has.
I cringe every time I see some fat lipped, loud, stinking pavement ape muck about in the middle of Western civilization like a zoo escapee.

I never cross the street either. I pray they give me a legal reason to beat a nigger dead. I despise those disgusting creatures and wish them nothing but the worst.
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i can stand them just the degenerate music does my head in
Incompatible with western civilization, sure, but they can adapt. Problem is, we adapt to THEM, rather than making THEM adapt to US. The KKK during reconstruction, segregation, Jim Crow, etc all that shit made integration worse. Either send them all back, or integrate them. Not some segregated society. The south REALLY didn't want to be around black people. But if only they understood that they HAD to, integration might have been better.

Is there even a modern day Frederick Douglass? I didn't agree with his women's suffrage fight, but he was spot on with a lot of stuff.
I can't hate them for not being as developed as other groups. But I concede that any time their numbers grow, the area they live in becomes Africa.

I've now seen this in two geographical areas with two (generally speaking) groups of blacks. In my home state of Arkansas, the slave descendants act like crazy tribesmen in large groups. Now I love near Miami and large groups of Haitians do the same thing.

I wish better for them but they seem incapable.
They are capable, I live in Miami lol. They are capable, but they prefer to live like Africans In a European style society. That will never work. Read my post here for more knowledge >>129188778

I don't believe they can be integrated. Every integration attempt has failed despite aggressive affirmative action programs and 50 years of nonstop preferential treatment in education and business for their benefit. The only solution is to kill them all or ship em back to africa.
Even the niggers who aren't "criminal" are loud and obnoxious and will likely help themselves to any unattended valuables.
And a lot safer too.

i kinda like Morgan Freeman
you can tell how a person is going to be from the vibes you feel off them.

> be at 7 eleven getting drink.
> crazy looking spic that looked like the bug guy from men in black was giving me hateful stares and looking at me like I did something to him.
> he tries to intimidate me by shuffling around me.
> don't give the wetback an inch and bow up at him and never turn my back to him.
> intimidate him and he tips his hat to me and walks off.

went to the grocery store and I didn't get the vibe from a well dressed black guy. the Mexican acted more animalistic than the few niggers I've ran into.

I just do what MLK said. I'm judging their character and most niggers and dirty spics are lacking in that department.
Sounds like a real nigger.
they have higher concentrations of melanin in their skin than me
Is this what your brain looks like on drugs?
everyone in this thread is getting along too well for it to be legit, is this social astroturfing?
I'm willing to bet you've ACTUALLY been a cuckold before, so stop throwing that word around. My willingness to tolerate any human being but recognizing bullshit and calling it out doesn't make me a "cuck". I can PROBABLY make you a cuck, give me your girl's number or kik and you will see. Black people love me because I treat them with respect. You don't know how many black people I've "red pilled". im immune from being mugged because the niggest of nigs either A wont mug me because they like me or B defend me from other niggest nigs
Only 1 in 10 are valuable, civil, saveble people. If the rest were culled, the blacks would be a model people.
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They're worse in real life.
I hate them with all my heart
I want to kill em all
they belong in Africa.
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they are the golems of the kikes
Some are alright, most are niggers though.
sort of like boiled tripe and offal?
I take people as I find them regardless of race, gender, religion or even sexuality but I don't trust anyone until they have earned my trust.
Now fuck off
I have a natural physical revulsion for them, also Jews.
Because that was us adapting to them. Lynching black people for being black and making examples out of them isn't making them adapt to whites, it's threatening them and terrorizing them.

Saying "no blacks allowed" causes blowback, but saying "no loud talking" or something that curbs behavior will subconsciously re invent the black persons behavior
He's saying they are naturally inclined towards savagery.
Damn you're one thick motherfucker.
worthless to the west, actually counter productive on the whole. should stay in africa and fix their shit.

They have a natural magnetism and charm and as a result can honestly be pretty cool.

Most them are niggers though, which is a shame.
And what is savagery? Are you saying Europeans have never gone through savagery? Isn't "savage" animalistic in nature? Isn't animalistic nice and simple? Do you hate lions for trying to survive?

Or do you mean more inclined to be a human, just rife with sin? Damn I'm schooling you
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Worked with both.A nigger and a black man.

>The black man loves video games and became one of my best friends over the course of 2 and a half years of working there.

>Nigger got fired on the 2nd day for keying some old lady's car.
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The kinds of people crime loves most.
Man that's some b greade photoshop, I wonder why though?
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The only difference is skin color, right Goy?
Most I've met are pretty decent. Hardworking family men who integrated pretty well in our society.
They don't bitch about slaver and oppression and tend to mock the likes of BLM and such.

Those I don't mind.

The gang members, rioters and white cucks can all go fuck themselves.
damn, it's the 100th "be honest" crap thread today. what kind of filthy redditor are you? are you one of those idiots doing a payless internship and buzzfeed?
in your next click bait article about the board please don't forget tell the world how important your job is.
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I can tell you're a nigger so quit LARPing, monkey. I don't care if niggers seig heil, invent the wheel and suck my dick, you savages don't belong here "redpilled" or not.

BTW a truly redpilled nigger doesn't continue to leech off of Western society, it goes back to Africa to better it's own subhuman kin.
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sounds like heaven
There are some nice ones, but on a whole they're a group to be avoided. Watch your back especially when they're in high concentrations.

There's many nice Blacks. On average, I believe they are more aggressive, less able to control their impulses, and less intelligent. They are naturally gifted in athleticism, but we live in an age where machines have taken over most hard labor and modern arms have made a fatass and a gifted athlete mostly equals on the battlefield. There aren't a lot of jobs for gifted athletes, so while sports are dominated by Blacks most professions have traditionally favored the intelligent. In a society that places a value in intelligence, Blacks were automatically relegated to the lowest classes by birth, which contributed to their "culture of poverty". This, combined with their natural aggression, is what leads to their high violent crime rates. Ultimately I think Blacks are (on average) incapable of creating or sustaining advanced civilization. Their low average IQ means that they will have too many low IQ members of their societies lack the ability to memorize facts and apply logic in a way which, I believe, allows Whites to create functioning advanced societies with lots of laws, specialization and other nuances which we (mostly) learn to abide by. The mongrelization of our two races means we will become the average of the two. At this point I don't think society is prepared to come face to face with the possibility of genetic inequality. We have so much staked in the "melting pot" experiment that any advances in genetics will quite possibly be suppressed, and if not then the discovery of a concrete, irrefutable measure of intelligence and its genetic link will be quite the explosive one. Brace yourself for impact.
idk, i don't think about it very often.
Haha you think I'm black larping as a white guy? hahaha wtf.

So take off programs that enable people to leech. I bet your parents and their grandparents set up that shit and voted for FDR and LBJ.

Who's the cuck now?
Hiphop was subverted by the (((record companies))) and turned into gangsta bullshit, meanwhile the same people flooded their communities with drugs and guns and invested in the private prisons,

20th century and higher standards of education brought forth multiple geniuses in jazz.
They just fell harder for the glorification of ignorance and money = status memes, sadly
good post.
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scourge of the earth
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What did he mean by this?
There are black people like every other person, normal people doing there thing and there are niggers which are human waste
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Not humans.
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>Black* guy here
Too lazy to post a time stamp, take my word for it

>inb4 lazy
>"checks out"
Igbo huh. Igbo women are attractive
this, they have to go back
Don't mind them on the whole. Generally they're fairly well integrated into British society, and some of their women are unironically stunning.

They're not as whiny and identity politics obsessed as their American counterparts are, and it's telling that for the only BLM protest that took place here, there wasn't a single black person in sight, just middle class white kids.

There's a few here who chimp out, but they're no worse than white chavs.
Not even humans.
had just few interactions with black people, cant say i have a positive or negative opinion
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>they're fairly well integrated into British society

No they are not Tyrone. Niggers are trash everywhere. The problem is their genes not their place of birth or residence
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I believe black people should live together, and they would be happier that way. They should be allowed to thrive and prosper in their own countries/communities, and they can control their own fate and futures.

That being said, I never want to live with them ever. Fucking savage niggers raping old women, robbing stores, shooting innocents babies in strollers, kidnapping couples raping them burning them alive, making people drink bleach, burning kids alive in bathtubs while raping their mom.

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This could only, maybe, perhaps be considered true in the sense that they'll be easier to deal with when the time comes: niggers are literally animals and incapable of opposing any resistance outside of rioting in huge numbers, while mudslimes are actually capable of creating a somewhat functioning (albeit inferior) society and fight back.

Aside from that you have no idea of the huge looming danger:
Theyre annoying. Atleast from my experience qnd I live in Illinoi. If u live in the suburbs and ur black you would most likely be popular in school cause faggot white kids want to be all hip and shit. They cuck up to them so badly.
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Best served with bbq sauce.
>Person with mental problems does crazy thing

Well no shit.

In my school whites and blacks would team up in big fights against Pakistanis. There is a lot less of a divide between us and them than there is in Americas.
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Do Africans even know what they are doing? So much pain, and suffering at their hands. Like big kids, or psychopaths. How much help have we tried to give black people, and this is what we get in return. It's sad, just fucking sad.
das cuz da blacc peoplez arent greedy liek da whitey devilz y'knowmsayn son
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Dumping some nigger pics
I've always found members of the African American community to be very respectful and even downright kind.
Maybe it's because I give good bjs, who knows.
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>Like big kids
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I like them at distance more than up close. So we should limit their spread to africa and parts of sweden.
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desu I don't view them as fully human
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>give your honest opinion
>puts biased picture of a criminal mug face
>excpts no one to point out the picture is a bait to get the answers you want on this board
>be that jew
well, honest opinion:
they are genetically inclined to be more expressive in agression and physical strenght.
they seem more friendly between them as a race and friend group
They win all marathons probably because of the years running from the police lol
they live in the suburbs financed by jews.
they live a thought live most of them
they are crazy supresticious, very afraid of ghosts and stories of paranormal
they like chicken, watermellon and have elephant african dicks lol
They are missunderstood by SWJ and new-wave "nazis".
they belong in africa, they have the knowledge to create a good africa so if i ruled the world i would send them all there. ALL. medics, lawyers. back to your country.
They should not race-mix.
Blacks are pretty cool, but europe ...you know, blacks gtfo maybe?
Some of them are not dumb at all, they adapt maybe even faster than europeans.

inb4 *too cringy to have replies*
fuck off, pol is dead anyway, jews killed it.
Enjoy your 1984 NWO "kids".
Sweet "divide and conquer"
I don't like them
Never saw one, i guess they are better than gypsies, do they like bananas?
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One of the main differences is Europeans were savage thousands of years ago, not in 2017.

Africans are savage at the same time you can video chat your friend on the other side of the planet. Post landing on the moon. Post robots on Mars. Post discovery of the Higgs Boson.

Europeans were savage when it was the way of the world. They then changed that world for the better.

Africans are savage in that better world, meaning their savagery is inherent.

Look at it this way, if you filled a brand new, fully functional modern city with chimpanzees and came back a year later, do you think it would still be in working order?

No. It would be completely defunct.

A very similar thing happens to cities that fill with niggers.

You think this is a coincidence?
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bix nood muhfugga
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mub da bup bip boop ma nigga
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but das rayciss
Nice excuse. Dylan roof killed a bunch of black people for being black. That's savage to me. If it's not savage to you, well maybe you just have a different perception of savagery. It's all the same.
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I have never seen them in real life, so can't say.
Buy some deodorant!
there's like so many things that don't add up in this vid. It always feels strange
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Dylan Roof was a fucking moron. If he wanted to make an impact, he should have brought a machine gun to the next black riot over nothing and opened fire. He would have been considered a national hero instead of some dickhead that shot a bunch of old, nice churchgoers.

And stop cherry picking you left wing twat. It's not about isolated cases. Why don't you brink up the Chinese dude who cut some guys fucking head off during a bus ride in Canada?

Exceptions to the rule aren't what smart people focus on. Stupid black people are the rule. Smart black people are the exception.
You know I'm starting to notice that they use emojis far more than any other race, kind of like Hieroglyphics.

Maybe they wuz kangs and shiet
The ones you posted are not black, they are quadroons. I have never seen a "stunning" black here.
honestly, that they are a inferior race that must not be allowed to hold the rest of humanity back.
I think for the most part they should be left alone to be Africans.

That is my opinion on every race though
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what the fuck is going on here!.

Bladder stones.

Loud and prone to violent aggressive posturing in discussion and actions. I have met a handful of black people who I could consider my friend, I'd sit with them, have a beer and enjoy life. But the vast majority of blacks I have met give a shifty vibe, have aggressive tendencies and have a deep seated hate for whites that is ingrained in them from childhood.

Very intelligent man that worked with me once displayed it best. When he was 12 the neighborhood kids were hanging out and they consisted of 4-5 blacks, 3-4 whites and 2 latinos. One of the white kids rode his new bike over, [the meme is real]. The kids all messed with him as kids do and my coworker jumped on the bike and rode away down the street, the kids ran and got tired halfway and screamed "you fkin nigger give me my bike". The kid realized it wasn't the right move and bounced, but later came back and apologized to his "friends". Said he didn't think about how mean that would come out when he said it, he took a soft approach. This intelligent, religious black man as a kid said "okay, no problem" then sucker punch laid his "white friend out cold".

The thing about it that bothers me is that he believes to this day that is the right way to handle that situation. He is righteous in his belief. So it leaves me in a weird way. He is capable, intelligent and performs his job perfectly. Religious and devout in his life. Yet still believes a word results in a fist. That is my problem with black people.

Rather they live in Africa than white countries
uhm, yeah thats not what bladder stones look like moron
Thats a good read

That's how they look in third world shitholes, I guess.
This. They are capable of assimilating through slow and controlled immagration and be perfectly decent people benefitting a society. But something happens when they self segregate and they drag each other down.

End mass immagration ofc.
Multiple threads with the same theme.
Really makes me think OP is a massive faggot.
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Really stupid and degenerate

They're primitives occupying land that holds vast amounts of natural resources that we could make use of far more effectively. When present in western countries they are generally a source of instability, social decay (ghettoisation), crime and are an economic drain.

To be quite frank we should be doing everything in our power to reduce their population numbers and replace them with whites.
Spay and neuter your pets.
That was a great read too
t. kike
Met and spoke to many.
They're less evolved human subspecies.
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>ITT 18th century discardable opinions
this is a pretty burger post.
It's an evolutionary accident they exist at all.They need to be exterminated globally and Africa used for something productive.
You'll find plenty more of that here:
they're subhumans
From what I understand you're right. I wish I could find it, but there is a lot more in that emoji messaging than you know. They are sending messages with it like they think /pol/ does with not-so-secret racist memes that coded. There is a language developing in there.

Remarkable sence of rhythm.
Blacks are not homogenous, so what fucking opinion can you have about them?
Mostly a problem, but since there are a shitton of different flavours some of them are alright. The ones descended from the original Caribbean migrants from the 1950's tend to be normal, well-adjusted people here on the south coast (even if they are all massive weebs for some reason), but practically all of them from Africa and any that came here recently tend to be shitters we'd be better off without.

>Blacks can assimilate through slow and steady migration

I'm skeptical of this claim, and I think we're led to believe this because small amounts of migration lead to smaller, imperceptible changes. The small number of migrants typically have a greater impetus to act like well-behaved guests, are offered greater social services and are surrounded by an advanced civilization that Whites built and maintain.

Take a single Black and place him in the middle of Japan from his birth. He'll speak the language, adopt the customs, and he'll be surrounded by a native Japanese population. He will have the resources available to him that Japanese society provides which Black societies normally can't, so he'll reach his full genetic potential. There will be enormous social pressure which forces him to behave Japanese or face ostracization, but I strongly believe his personality will have a distinct Black flavor, and his intelligence will still be hindered by his genetics so he will probably fall below the average and suffer academically and professionally.

But bring in a hundred Blacks, a thousand, or more. This will alleviate pressure on them to act like the native Japs, and they will be able to act like they naturally want to. Though they speak the same language, eat the same food and occupy the same land, they will create their own subculture. Some, maybe the ones of higher intelligence, or those who see the dysfunction of Black society and drawbacks of Black culture, and will favor integration and native Japanese culture while rejecting their own (the Tom's).

Another thought experiment I had was this: if you take a million Black babies and adopt then out to Whites who raise them as their own and provide them with all the resources of White society, then they'll be far better off than Black children raised by Black parents in the ghetto. But if you took a pre-fabricated White society and allowed these million White-raised Blacks to take it over, and you removed all the Whites, then the first generation might be fine, though there would be a little mismanagement they might be able to hold it together, but believe their children (the second generation) would be slightly worse off. The first generation wouldn't be able to raise the second generation as effectively as the White parents did to the first generation, and their IQ, values and economy would suffer for it. This would be more pronounced in the third and fourth generations, and eventually society would have slowly fallen apart until this society resembles Detroit or East St. Louis. They will have regressed to their natural state, which is closer to tribalism than a functioning advanced society with advanced laws, economies, academic institutions and a high degree of specialization.
I've met a handful of based black folk. Some of the first red-pilled values and facts I learned was from a former black coworker. Of course, the spics took up most of the nigger niche in my city everywhere besides the eastside. Also some of the best people to ask for wymyn advice.
Honestly, I blame the kikes for their lack of evolving. Removing welfare, and setting up society otherwise properly would force them to evolve or go extinct in the west. Knowing there to be handfuls of good variables out there, they would be the most successful group to reproduce, and, consequently, the population would decline in chimp traits to have more human traits.

I'll also say the military usually does wonders for blacks.
>The only good ones are either over 50 years old
Some of the wisest niqqas I've ever met. Like Nigger Confucius.
my honest hopinion is that hafricans in the husa are turned into niggas and ruined
>saw 11 niggers while I was in China
>one had an Aryan girlfriend/wife

China is doomed
On average, they're not fit to live in Western civilization.
>Removing welfare, and setting up society otherwise properly would force them to evolve or go extinct in the west. Knowing there to be handfuls of good variables out there, they would be the most successful group to reproduce, and, consequently, the population would decline in chimp traits to have more human traits.

I don't know about that. It would certainly provide an inventive for Blacks to get their shit together and act right. If they can't or won't then they would just die, but eliminating the bottom third of a race doesn't mean the race as a whole is progressing, it just means you're practicing good eugenics and pruning the problem children as they pop up. I think that if you stopped your "kill the worst Blacks" program, then they might naturally start springing up again, and so it is only with continuous, active maintenance that the Black population will be able to maintain an average IQ and temperance favorable for maintaining an advanced, crime-free and successful society. Many people aren't prepared to defend civilization like this, especially since "muh Nazis", and especially while they believe in ideas like equality and the inherent benefits of diversity, whatever those might be.
Superior to tiny dicked white bois
Igbo are nice people and most of the time more intelligent than the average white, pity that they were almost killed off.
nice kike
The only good ones are the ones with high IQ. And those are few and far between.
Negroids are a primitive hominid species that are common wildlife in subsaharan Africa.
They are violent, unintelligent, and are behaviorally incompatible with white civilization. They are often used as a biological weapon by the jews.
He is not a jew, he is a free range big dicked goyim.
Literally every group needs maintenance, because you'll always have new genes mutating in a species, including those for shitty phenotypes. And while the new group would initially have a bottleneck after much of the group dies off, that population would have every chance to repopulate should the combination of their niche, environment, and genes/behavior prove fruitful enough to do so.
I might be against the /pol/ norm in saying this, but I'd honestly say almost any ethnic group has potential under the right conditions that pick for progressive evolution. Just unlike most groups, ethnicities like a majority of the whites and such reached this more civilized form of evolution first, hence why Europe and Asia produce many advanced civilizations first.
However, we're not the elites here, at least yet. The first step would be removing the kikes from the ruling class. Then we can talk eugenics.
I feel guilty for my racist feelings but I truly believe they are inferior.

there you go

There are black people and there are niggers. But no one has ever met a black person.
You feelings are realist, not racist.
Try studying evolution more in depth. Hell, look into animal breeding and how it works. Apply these models and theories to humans and different ethnicities and boom, free redpill. It won't construct much in the terms of value for you, but you'll have more reasonable and accurate thought experiments/theories.
Is reddit down?
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I beg to differ, kind anon. I'd be a cuckservative if I hadn't. My path to unironic nazism began with the teachings of a few wise niggers.

This, but that doesn't mean you can relax your guard around them for a second.

I will always be polite to anyone until they prove that they don't deserve it. Worth blacks I just also stay alert when I see more than one in any given area.
Go away FBI. All my posts are satire and irony.
Hard Workers in the fields, they are similar to italians when they emigrated to find fortune abroad. I think that they should make their countries rich, unlike in our case where italians were left as vassals of the anglos and the french.
You sound like a jew. Are you paying their rent?
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I know right, who could try to justify interracial killings

They should all have moved to european continent while they could instead of settling on a desert, evolution pays off with melanine and not that much brain.

The shortage of resources led them to a primitive status, then colonization came and those resources decreased even more.
They are as conflictive as any human being, but our systems have teach them to steal and rap for the masses after millenia of slaverism and repression, their actual adaptated culture is our fault.

Anyways they are soulful, immaginative, charismatic, and those who gets to insert in societies are as capable as any of us.
shut up kike
Trash mostly, some are good but the good ones are like super alpha males or smart scientists, both Tysons are good example, but they're mostly trash

I get what you're saying, but none of those breeding experiments provide a reasonable solution to Black intelligence or behavior. We can't selectively breed Blacks like that. On a social level people think that giving Blacks access to resources will somehow make them act better within a generation or two. Are Whites supposed to raise Blacks out of poverty and maintain the gibs for ten or twenty generations until they get their shit together and hope that only the best and most well-behaved of their genetic stock breed? I don't think so, Tim.
14/88 white revolution is the only solution
Tend to be dumb, but they have been absolutly fucked by the DNC and ((others))
>pay corprate media put up stuff on the msm about black acceptance
>the unspoken assiciation is obviously "the white man is opressing you"
>"give us votes so we can give you gibs to help you out of the white mans opression"
>this replaces nigger culture to the degree that their culture becomes the eternal vote slave.
niggers should all get shipped to Liberia, unless they're millionaires and pay taxes then they can stay.
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i don't think any more or any less of any one based purely on their race alone.

the sole exception, in this case, is that i find myself far more attracted to black women on average than other races of women.

t. biracial (2/3 white 1/3 black, in b4 one drop rule fetishists) trump supporter who is in love with a black woman

I'll also add that those experiments have absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about with that other guy, which was immigration and what I think about Blacks in general in society today. If Blacks are generally less intelligent and more aggressive, what's the point of allowing them to immigrate? So they can occupy the lowest classes and push lower class Whites upward and into the middle class, at least temporarily, before they get all uppity and start protesting, and stupid Whites convince you they're our equals and it's okay to interbreed with them? Then you get the opposite of what you're saying we could/should attempt to accomplish: you get the average of an intelligent, mild-tempered race and a savage race. If we selectively bred Blacks to more intelligent, mild-mannered and beautiful then you would just get Whites, and we already have those.
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My opinion of blacks is the same as my opinon of mexicans, and muslims. I know that many of them are just average citizens, but there are too many instances of them being antisocial, violent, untrustworthy, lazy, kleptomaniacal murderers for me to ever relax around them or want them to live in my community.

Think of it this way: A glass of water has 99.9% water in it, but .01% ebola. Are you willing to drink that water just because 'well 99% is ebola free! We can't judge the water based on 0.1%'

ebola = blacks/spics/muslims

I mean what are you arguing for? That we can possibly breed and raise a super-Black race to replace the old one or something? Sure. Maybe it's possible in theory, but it's not happening. What we have right now is a Black race of inferior intelligence. We could possible breed then to be as intelligent, mild-mannered and beautiful as Whites, but then what would be the point? Right now we're struggling to get normies as a whole to accept that we're possibly not as equal as they want/hope. My thought about taking a Black baby and raising them in Japan, or taking a Black baby and raising them in a White family stands for the average Black baby that exists TODAY, not the product of a breeding program. I don't think an excellent environment provided to Blacks by Whites will change much in Blacks in a generation or two, and I don't think we have the manpower or resources to entertain this experiment. I think that staking the future of our civilization on an experiment like that is reckless, and the entire point of trying would boil down to inclusivity, diversity, and feels.
>I think that staking the future of our civilization on an experiment like that is reckless, and the entire point of trying would boil down to inclusivity, diversity, and feels.

And that's what got us in this bind we're in in the first fucking place.
so extremely low iq they should be restricted to the sub sahara
There are exceptional niggers. Most of them are borderline retarded and have no morals whatsoever though. I spend a lot of time around black people at one of my jobs and mostly white people at my other job and the difference is clear as day. They can certainly function in society I suppose, but they'll never be equal to white people in any way.

I've never got to know a lot of them, but I've never met one I didn't like. You can find plenty of shitty ones on the internet though.
depending on income
if poor they're born into a world
where backwards logic is glorified
if middle class white kids look to them as a token
black friend to scapegoat their racism but also
they're seen as a roladex for street knowledge
because it is assumed they know more ghetto
stuff cause they're black
if rich they're surrounded by blatently ignorant
and arrogant people so they have to act like
their white frat brothers.

it's a complex maze
You don't need a fucking lab to pull this shit off. Literally a removal of political correctness, slightly bigoted cops breathing down their necks, and a complete end to the welfare system. A lot of them would simply die off, and those that don't would properly integrate. Simply raising an individual expressing violent and retarded phenotypes in a civilized, peaceful, and educational environment may help, but they'll have a tendency to violence and idiocy.
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Teh smartus poeplz eva
You can't just have the state go in and hang them all. LARPing as the KKK accomplishes absolutely nothing.
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I thought that was a dead baby at first.

I'm black and Chris Rock said it best.

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it's like approaching any animal. You have to assess the situation as it arises. When I see a golden retriever I'm less aware of a threat than if I'm around a pitbull. Most blacks i've known in my life have been alright. I know an old black i use to work with who would talk about history with me. I don't hide my powerlevel so I open myself up to them about IQ and other aspects of racial realism. I told him that ol' angie merkel will be remembered for 1000 years. That she was the whore of berlin and that whites are waking up. I don't think blacks who have criminal records should be harmed. I think they should be taught nice guy national socialism. I honestly really love funk music. Man i don't hate blacks, i just hate white genocide and multiculturalism.
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they're not human
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enjoy your genital warts
Honestly, Their culture really holds them back. I let my wife's nephew live with us for a bit. I found out that to be a mistake.
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>married a nigger
Even the nigs that somehow integrated into normal civilized life are still going to be voting in leftist parties, so let's not pretend that civic nationalism is some kind of solution to making blacks a positive agent in society.
Blacks are ok, but niggers must hang.
I like some of them dislike most of them.Maybe we are better off being segregated or having completely seperate societies/countries.
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They can't swim either

We already fucking had that for the first few hundred years they were here. They didn't get smarter because we didn't breed them to be smarter, and since they're dumber, in a system that places a value on intelligence they're automatically relegated to the lowest classes by birth. This creates the culture of poverty, and combined with their increased aggressiveness and impulsiveness leads to an increase in violent crime. You can make them act right with iron-fisted rule (nurture overcoming nature), but the underlying conditions will still be there and the moment you loosen your grasp they'll go back to being themselves. So what does this mean for interbeeding? Blurring the lines between our races?

I get what you're saying, my man. Your plan would "work" if we could convince Whites that blacks are subhuman and can only act right with the constantly looming threat of violence against them. At that point it wouldn't matter if we expelled them or kept them around, because we would have accepted our fundamental differences and began a real dialogue on our differences and the implications for society at large, and we could reverse this disastrous course the West is on.
Not much inherently different from any other human, but their culture here in America is so hideously destructive that anyone that wanders down it's path, black or white, becomes irreversibly fucked in the head.
You wed a woman who's related to niggers by blood??

>The majority haven't learned to swim

Fixed that for you buddy.
>learned to swim
the human body naturally floats. how people are so stupid that they drown is beyond me. all you have to do is not move and push your head above water every 10s.
Return them to Sub-Saharan Africa.
Outside of their big ass dongs, their useless.
Come to America. See what happens once they become too uppity.
I see shit like this all the time but it doesn't have a source anywhere to be seen. How difficult it is to copy a link and post into onto the margin of an info graph. Sourceless infographs are low tier
>You can't just have the state go in and hang them all. LARPing as the KKK accomplishes absolutely nothing.

And pretending we're equal and flooding the West with the third world accomplishes even worse. I don't know what we're supposed to do if/when we eventually realize our racial differences and the implications for society at large. I know some people will want to unravel this "melting pot" mess, reinstitute segregation and be with their own race, as they pretty much do anyway, and I know some will want to go balls to the wall with integration and breed out our racial differences, at gunpoint if necessary.

It's a fine mess we're in. What you want and what you get could be two completely different things. I'm under no delusion that Whites will wake up from the spell they're in. I think Whites will fight themselves once again, and the shitskin hordes will flood in from the third wold to help fight the new "Nazis", and the Whites that will be left will be forced to interbreed and that will be that. I only hope that Asians are less kind to Blacks than we were.
why you say black people and post a pic of a nigger?
Niggers arent people, common misconception.
I legitimately only sleep with mixed and black girls. I'm white, really pale, ginger and part Jewish.

also, you want sources? commencing dump
(1997) Barbujani et. al., find a human genetic distance of ,155. There are no recognized subspecies.


(2001) Kim et. al., find an Asian dog genetic distance of ,154. There are eleven recognized subspecies.


(1994) Roy et. al., find a North American coyote genetic distance of ,107. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.


(2002) Schwartz et. al., find a Canadian lynx genetic distance of ,033. There are three recognized subspecies.


(2014) Jackson et. al., find a humpback whale genetic distance of ,12. There are three recognized subspecies.


(2008) Lorenzen, Arctander & Siegismund find a plains zebra genetic distance of ,11. There are five recognized subspecies.


(2003) Pierpaoli et. al., find a European wildcat genetic distance of ,11. There are three recognized subspecies and five biogeographic groups according to (Mattucci et. al., 2016).


(2007) Lorenzen et. al., find a Kob antelope genetic distance of ,11. There are two to three recognized subspecies.


(2003) Jordana et. al., find a south European beef cattle genetic distance of ,068. There are eighteen recognized subspecies.

(2004) Williams et. al., find a red winged blackbird genetic distance of ,01. There are twenty-two recognized subspecies.


















(1997) Wise et. al., show that the genetic variability within humans is 0,776. There are zero recognized human subspecies.


(1997) Wise et. al., find a chimpanzee genetic variability of ,63. There are four recognized subspecies.


(2001) Uphyrkina et. al., find a leopard genetic variability of ,58. There are thirteen recognized subspecies.


(2001) Eizirik et. al., find a jaguar genetic variability of ,739. There are nine recognized subspecies.


(2000) Culver et. al., find a puma genetic variability of ,52. There are six recognized subspecies.

(2002) Schwartz et. al., find a Canadian lynx genetic variability of ,66. There are three recognized subspecies.


(1998) Paetkau et. al., find a North American brown bear genetic variability of ,5275. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.


(2000) Waits et. al., find a Scandinavian brown bear genetic variability of ,687. There are nineteen recognized subspecies.


(1996) Garcia-Moreno et. al., find a coyote genetic variability of ,629. There are nineteen recognized subspecies. They further find a Gray wolf genetic variability of ,574. There are thirty-seven recognized subspecies.


(2001) Girman et. al., find an African wild dog genetic variability of ,643. There are five recognized subspecies.


(2001) Kyle & Strobeck find a North American wolverine genetic variability of ,55. There are two to three recognized subspecies.


(2001) Walker et. al., find a Scandinavian wolverine genetic variability of ,325. There are three recognized subspecies.


(2000) Polziehn et. al., find an elk genetic variability of ,395. There are seven to eight recognized subspecies.


(1995) Forbes et. al., find a bighorn sheep genetic variability of ,6235. There are three recognized subspecies.

(2000) Reinartz et. al., find a bonobo genetic variability of ,535. There is one subspecies.


(1999) Paetkau et. al., find a polar bear genetic variability of ,68. There is one subspecies.


(1999) Wilton, Steward & Zafiris find an Australian dingo genetic variability of ,445. There is one recognized subspecies.


(1996) Garcia-Moreno et. al., find a domesticated dog genetic variability of ,5085. There is one recognized subspecies, and there are many breeds.









(2000) Turkheimer presents his Three Laws of Behavioral Genetics and explains their meaning.

Turkheimer begins by stating, "The nature-nurture debate is over. The bottom line is that everything is heritable, an outcome that has taken all sides of the naturenurture debate by surprise. Irving Gottesman and I have suggested that the universal influence of genes on behavior be enshrined as the first law of behavior genetics (Turkheimer & Gottesman, 1991), and at the risk of naming laws that I can take no credit for discovering, it is worth stating the nearly unanimous results of behavior genetics in a more formal manner."

The Three Laws are as follows:

? First Law. All human behavioral traits are heritable.

? Second Law. The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of genes.

? Third Law. A substantial portion of the variation in complex human behavioral traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families.

In short: no one is born tabula rasa.


(2005) Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen (author of, "The g Factor") conclude that IQ is the greatest indicator of future success in Western societies when inter-generational income dependence is accounted for.

They also found that IQ is at least 50% heritable and likely nearer to 80% heritable. To draw comparison, height is 70-90% heritable.

During their analysis they concluded that Whites have a minimum of 75% IQ heritability.

(2004) Plomin & Spinath discuss intelligence in the wider context of genetics, genes, and genomics.

Their discussion is multi-faceted; their analysis illustrates proof of the genetic heritability of intelligence, the immense weakness of environmental explanations for intelligence, changes in heritability during development, a multivariate analysis of IQ and various testing metrics, gene expression profiling, and genomics.

This is an excellent compilatory piece.



(2009) Rushton & Jensen refute erroneous claims made about the nature of the Flynn Effect and its relationship with the Black-White IQ gap.

In their conclusions they state, "We conclude that predictions about the Black–White IQ gap narrowing as a result of the secular rise are unsupported. The (mostly heritable) cause of the one is not the (mostly environmental) cause of the other. The Flynn Effect (the secular rise in IQ) is not a Jensen Effect (because it does not occur on g)."

(2001) Rushton & Rushton show evidence for racial-group differences in the form of brain size and structure, IQ, and musculoskeletal trait variation.

Their analysis shows significant variation in both the structure and sizes of the brains of Negroids, Caucasoids, and East-Asians. In addition to this, they have found differences in the skull shapes and structures of the races, alongside differences in average height and weight and all parts of the bone and muscle structures from the neck to the feet.


(2007) Shatz analyzes the relationship between IQ and fertility.

They find that IQ is negatively associated with total fertility rate, birth rate, and population growth rate. This means that higher IQ populations are less fertile than lower IQ populations.

(2013) Michael Woodley, Jan Nijenhuis, and Raegan Murphy conclude that Western IQs have declined by an average of 1,6 points per decade since the Victorian Era.

Higher IQ people are more productive, healthier, and are more creative. The reduction in IQs across the West has been met with a marked decrease in average productivity and general health despite vast increases in average wealth, nutrition and access to healthcare.

The cumulative reduction in IQ is between 12,45 and 13,35 points or roughly one standard deviation on a normal IQ bell curve. This represents an eight-fold reduction in the number of geniuses and a counter to the Flynn Effect.

The resultant decrease in IQ is attributed to dysgenics in the form of outbreeding and negative mate selection within populations. The importation of migrants of different races and ethnicities preempts the outbreeding and subsequent loss in IQ. This effect has sped up as migration has increased.
I saw two niggers once in my life
They asked (they said ask as axe for some reason) me where the hotel is
I told them I don't know
They left with their bikes, probably stole them

fucking niggers
she sounds cool.

Hold on, so all those children from all backgrounds who drown on a daily basis are just stupid? Damn, who would have thought.

Have you seen something like this before?

You might be able to think rationally about what it takes to stay alive in a body of water because you are older and generally understand the way the world works. You'd be surprised at the amount of children and adults I have taught to swim, who I had to explicitly tell NOT to inhale when their mouth/nose is submerged.

Also buoyancy varies from person to person mate, mainly due to the body composition and fat. Yes you can have a person who has never been around water before, feel right at home, others sink like a rock.
1.although i've seen some good examples they are not to be trusted.
2.if you see one, turn away and walk away. If you see a lot, turn away and fucking run.
>Hold on, so all those children from all backgrounds who drown on a daily basis are just stupid?

Ah, Ok. Were you ever taught to swim? Perhaps your parents/family members took you to the local pool or watering hole as a youngster?
yeah my dad threw me into a river when i was like 4 spolier alert i didn't drown
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