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>pls no bully

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>pls no bully
Not sure what's worse.
Trump not understanding he's obstructing justice or Ryan making apologies for that stupidity?
Nah, what's worse is the three of you thinking he obstructed justice.
How Trump can fire Comey but not remove this pseudo-kike is beyond me.
what happened with brexit?
Paul Ryan must have ridden the short bus to school. That or he's willing to suck anybody's dick to keep power.
Why would being ignorant mean he would ask that? That would presume on his part that he assumes everyone swears personal loyalty to the president?
This newspaper not knowing they should not use quotes when they slander people by reinterpreting their words.

It's fucking Fake News 101.
>you are not obstructing justice by asking an investigator to drop a case and swear personal loyalty to you and firing him when he refuses both

What did he mean by this?
what if that is justice?
Because Ryan makes an ass of himself everytime he speaks. He'll never be a threat.
>quoting people is slandering them
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>sensationalist headline
>obstruct nowhere in the article itself
God damn, the low standard we've set for ourselves. People wonder why this country is shitty and then elect people that apparently need a grace period where them fucking up is just being "new at the job". This ain't McDonalds nigga.
Option C: No obstruction was made. Liberals and CNN can stretch it as much as they want, in front of the Supreme Court it will never hold up because it was not obstruction.

No orders were given, Comey's firing did not stop the investigation on Flynn, and Trump wasn't under investigation. The Left has become the party of conspiracy theorists.
>telling your underling that you expect loyalty is bad
Where do you work?

Thinkprogress isn't a newspaper and makes no promises to being objective.

>ThinkProgress is a news site dedicated to providing our readers with rigorous reporting and analysis from a progressive perspective.
>progressive perspective
This whole thing is a ruse and waste of time.
Where do you work, the DPRK ?
>telling a person who's possibly investigating you that you expect loyalty

Gee, I wonder why Trump would do that...question, is the head of the FBI supposed to be loyal to the president or the American people?
WTF I hate justice now.
guess i'm with her
>Possibly investigating you
>After he said he wasn't investigating you
Yeah fucking wonder why he didn't think the head of the FBI would lie to the president am I right?
Loyalty to Trump is not loyalty to the US. Far from it.
>Gee, I wonder why Trump would do that...question, is the head of the FBI supposed to be loyal to the president or the American people?

Take it easy on Sergey, his wife's son stole their TV set for drugs again.
He didn't obstruct justice, though. The former FBI director literally stated that.
>The Left has become the party of conspiracy theorists

Seth Rich
Mic drop.
You have a point on Pizzagate, but there's more proof of the DNC having Seth Rich killed than there is of Trump colluding with Russia.
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Suck my dick.
>please, Trump is... well he's a bit special and slow but he has good intenti- what's that? Oh, he did get pally with the Saudis after saying he was going to get tough on them, the guys who did 9/11? His what? His son in law is Jared Kushner who has numerous ties to Soros, AIPAC and Larry Silverstein? Well I'm sure you can trust him goy- I mean guy, he said numerous times now he's going to make America great aga- well no, he didn't technically promise he was going to build a wall. No he didn't - well you're fake news. Of course he's fit to lead, who do you think you are questioning the God Emperor? America comes first, right after Israel!
>telling a person who's possibly investigating you that you expect loyalty
Except, as Comey testified under oath, Trump was never under investigation and he informed Trump of this on three separate occasions.
It's funny how this image is reversed now in the current year
>telling a person who may at some point be responsible for investigating you for wrongdoing that you expect loyalty
"when did you stop beating your wife?..."
>comey works for the American people
>tasked with investigating American people
>can't be loyal to the American people
So he's a traitor?
Reversed how?
>there's more proof of the DNC having Seth Rich killed than there is of Trump colluding with Russia.

There is no proof for either.
Yes, because glorifying and empowering unelected officials like you're doing is so unlike North Korea.
The US elected Trump. Nobody elected Comey. Nobody. Not a single vote was ever cast for James Comey. Unelected government employees do not get to act autonomously of their elected superiors. Does this really need to be explained to you?
Yes they do you idiot
So you entirely fine with the concept of Obama telling Comey that he hopes that he will lay off Clinton? And after he refuses to do it publicly Obama fired him? Would that have been okay?
>is the head of the FBI supposed to be loyal to the president or the American people
Trump. He's not elected, he's literally an employee of the executive branch. Trump is the servant of the people but the executive agencies work for Trump and it's up to Trump to direct them for the sake of the people and for the other branches to keep him in check.

The fact that people don't understand this is proof that these executive agencies are out of control and all of them need to be severely downsized. They are NOT independent branches of the government, the executive branch has become a virtual conglomerate with these goons running around doing whatever they want.
>Unelected government employees do not get to act autonomously of their elected superiors.

They do it all the time, it's called the court system shit for brains.
>He's not elected, he's literally an employee of the executive branch. Trump is the servant of the people but the executive agencies work for Trump and it's up to Trump to direct them for the sake of the people and for the other branches to keep him in check.

Brilliant, let the President decide who gets investigated. Can you imagine if Obama had shut down the Benghazi or Clinton investigations? The FBI is independent of the executive branch and needs to stay that way to keep them in check.
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>june 2015
>glumpf is a moron

>march 2017

>june 2017
>grindgold blumpf is stoopid monkey
he's president. he could have ordered him to drop it if he wanted.
The FBI was intended to be an independent entity in order to perform work that is not tainted by bipartisan issues. The FBI reports directly to the Justice dept., not the president. There is a reason for this layer of separation. Although Trump holds the responsibility to fire anybody under his administration, that does not mean that Comey's boss is Trump. If you have worked at a global corporation before, this would be easy to understand. My CEO could fire me for instance, but I answer to the president of my division and am not required to answer to my CEO. Yes, there are even checks and balances in the corporate world.
Wrong. You just admitted it. Trump is Comey's boss but Trump is our boss so argo we are Comey's bosses. His loyalty is for the American people and since the Constitution. Not Trump.

Trump supporters have this odd notion that Trump is a god when he is literally our servant. The American people supercede Trump.
the court system isn't the executive fuck stick
Are you loyal to America, or your burger king manager?
congress was investigating benghazi
>americans only just start to realise that their system is a clusterfuck
Never should have abandoned Westminster, faggots.
no the american people are not boss of the president.
You are arguing with people who see Trump as the boss of everyone and everything.
>Wrong. You just admitted it. Trump is Comey's boss but Trump is our boss so argo we are Comey's bosses.
Those mental gymnastics
The President is elected to lead - not to rule.

They're still government employees and they aren't beholden to whoever appointed them. Do I really need to explain to you people why having independent actors free of partisan bullshit within the government is a good thing?
He is a servant to the public, of course we are. We hired him.
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ITT: Trumpbots so desperate to defend /theirguy/ that they don't know the head of the FBI swears to uphold the Constitution, not to serve the President
rule is a synonym for lead. lol

nope. tickle me this, can you, as his 'boss', go up to him and order him around? no? yeah, because you're not his boss.
Mental gymnastics? I repeated who I replied to. Trump is our servant, Comey works for Trump, therefore Comey works for us.
Jesus christ Paul Ryan needs to shut his neocuck faggot mouth. Trump did not obstruct justice.

1. Flynn was already cleared of any wrongdoing for his calls to Russia.
2. "I hope" is an expression of desire not a request and certainly not an order.

Checks and balances. Paul Ryan is in a different branch of government, you need a real 4D chess move to remove the leader of the legislative branch. Paul Ryan's AHCA failure was step 1.
Hildog didnt need to she got the doj and freinds for that
No, but I can vote to fire him in the next election if he doesn't do what I want him to.
Answer the question. Obama does what Trump did. Would you have complained?
>h-he was obstructing justice
>literally quoted by comey as saying "I hope"
>loyalty to the president

fuck off this isn't a totalitarian state. comey is loyal to the fbi and the constitution.

day of the impeachment is coming fast

And people unironically called him King Obama. And then turn around and post shit like this.
>Thinkprogress.org is the source on that pic
I wish there was a version of archive bot that would tell people not to respond to obvious bait threads automatically
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>it's a "retarded american thinks that words that are synonyms have IDENTICAL meaning and not just broadly similar meaning"
If rule and lead meant the same thing we'd not have both words.

So this... is the power... of American education.
meant for>>129156008
Could have pardoned Flynn and stopped it there
>muh fake news
anyone who even utters these words is a total and complete fucking retard in my eyes now. just fucking kill yourselves please
Black guy: 5'11
Comey: 6'0
They called him King Obama but were jealous
>quoting people is slander

drumpfies everyone.
damn you are fucking retarded. the legislative is a separate branch from the executive you fucking autistic.
that's cute and all and i learned that too in 1st grade, but legally the president has rights and responsibilities that a regular citizen doesn't have.
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There is no master-slave relationship in the government. I'm sorry, uncle Tom.
No becuase you cant intererate "hope" as an order, comey even got grilled by saying he thought it was
>things a mafia member would say while holding a bat
they called him king obama because he did a lot of illegal shit
Disloyalty to the head of state is just treason m8
I have watched most of the testimony and you can banter about all the rest but It's crystal clear that Comey was an Ill fit for that job.

If you have ever had employees it is important for them to have fidelity in carrying out their roles. The head of the FBI should have huge fucking brass balls and stomping around all day making serious decisions while giving whatfor whenever it is needed.

The idea that Loretta Lynch cowed him and he was too afraid to speak his mind to Trump - that is a first rate pussy. His role to the President is in part to inform but instead he acted the part of a schoolgirl and wrote tear stained notes to himself about how scared he was.

Complete horseshit and the leak of the memo to the NYTimes is just icing on cake that Comey has a gaping vag his wife must plug every night.

Such a weeping bitch.
>Trump is neither a mafia member nor holding a weapon
>mfw when shills purposely lie about testimony the entire world saw
This site has gone to the dumps. Fucking saged
A slave isn't loyal to his master, so not really relevant. It is a fact that Trump is a public servant..

Yes, I learned about the Constitution in the 1st grade. You should try reading it, you might learn how our government is suppose to work.
It means you are not obstructing justice by asking. I think you need a dictionary.
> loyal to the constitition
> can't even procure documents to congressional commities under court order

If he cant even follow the law I dont think he is capable of even sound interpretation the page of likes
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Ayyy checked
Look at the flag senpai

There literally hasn't been a single non-partisan impeachment in history, kys


noun. 1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy, joyful, elated.

>behold, a cuck whose country was defeated by emus trying to mock a superior back-to-back world war champ American.
>Unelected government employees do not get to act autonomously of their elected superiors.
>Well actually...

It's a shitty argument regardless. The head of the FBI should just be a yes man to the President regardless of potentially illegal activity? Nah, fuck that. The FBI should be allowed to go wherever the evidence leads them and if the President has a problem with it he can suck the fattest cock imaginable.
>He's new at government
>The President is new at government

the lack of answers to this post right here is enough proof for me that trump supporters are the political equivalent of a herd of beheaded chickens
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Could you tell me the preamble without googling it? And also tell me how many articles there are in it? Bonus points if you can tell me which article states the presidents power.

Also, loyalty is earned, not entitled.
I am not sure about you, but when my boss pulls me aside and says "I hope you can do this I want you to do...", I don't take it lightly. You can be sure that there will be consequences for not doing what he hopes you do.
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that was said on purpose
he is working with the dems
Ignorance is his best defense
Lead and rule are interchangeable, do you speak the queens english
>The FBI is independent of the executive branch and needs to stay that way to keep them in check.
Except that's not how it works, not even in practice. The person who puts the official in power is the person to whom the official is beholden to. That's how our government works, and it's why we elect the president and congressional members. To make them beholden to us.

If there is reason to believe there's wrong doing then it's the Congress that should be opening an investigation into the executive branch, which is the entire point of Congressional oversight. One way or another the FBI is not and was never intended to be an independent agency.

No, it was not. The DOJ is literally the AG's department and the AG is a cabinet member and it was literally formed by a past president under the executive branch. Over time it's evolved to become an executive agency that works to which Congress delegates some of its investigative powers and responsibility but it's still an executive agency.

You're a literal retard who doesn't understand how the executive branch works. We don't supercede Trump because we delegated our power to him by letting the president delegate work to appointed officials. Comey absolutely shouldn't be running off on his own because he's not serving the people's interest ever, he's serving his own. Trump is the people's interest and if there's wrongdoing it's the Congress's job to investigate Trump, not let an unelected official run around doing whatever he believes is right. You don't even understand the fundamental problem with the way the executive branch has expanded and how it's harmful to our nation.
>>pls no bully
Are you in your safe space, faggot?
"I want you to"
Nice strawman he never said in direct terms
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The only job in the world where you can apply at an entry level experience for a senior level position.
>no order was given
Yeah because even Trump is not dumb enough to tell the director of the FBI : "stop investigating me or I fire you". But in the end that's exactly what happened, thus the obstruction of justice.
I could but you will just claim I googled it anyways. The argument is that Trump is our servant which is true because we hired him. It doesn't mean that Trump doesn't have the right and responsibility to fire Comey, but Comey is loyal to the American people over Trump which is what many people are claiming otherwise.
The Comey issue is literally one of the only times I've seen /pol/ so divided, not even memeing.
Is this a terrible sign of what's to come?
Take out the word want and the context remains. "I hope you do x" means "Do x". He won't just shrug it off and say "Fine, you didn't have to do it anyways"
You have to go back, newfag.
>Comey is loyal to the American people
HSBC says "Hi."
Even /pol/ has a hard time mustering the courage to argue that you can't blame Trump, he is just too ignorant of the job to be good at it.

The divide stem from the cognitive dissonance created when a shill has to change the argument "Trump will be the best because he isn't a politician and will run the country like a business" to "Trump isn't being better because he doesn't know how to be a politician and you can't reaaally run the country like a business"
Nope you lied and got called out, if you need to put a sentence into context for someone for a legal basis you need absolute proof not just "I feel as if he said that"
Are you really this retarded or are you roleplaying?
Order to servitude:

American People
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How the fuck are our congressmen so stupid to not see the inconsistencies in Comey's memoes?
The attorney general was a cabinet position created amidst the birth of the US and the FBI was an agency developed solely to help the AG. Nowhere, in law, does it state that the AG responsibility is to serve the president. The official duties of the AG are to represent the United States in a court of law, review (Not judge) legal affairs within the US, give legal advice to the president or other head of agencies, etc. The AG is not subservient to the president nor was it intended to be. The same goes with every other dept. They are not legally obligated.
Your boss pulls you aside and says "I hope you do x". Will you do x? If you do not do x, will you face consequences?

Most people would
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Order to servitude:

The Cabal
This entire ordeal has brought out a heck of a lot of Trump LARPing. It will be much easier for them to move on and pretend Trump never happened versus his supporters in real life.
You always see skepticism in investigative report because of the importance of falsification . He is trying to give Flynn the benefit of the doubt, but you Trumptards are too dense to see it.
She is dead Jim, move on.
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holy macaroni. Must be russians hacking quintuples.
And then it's against corporate policy, so now you and your CEO are facing legal repercussions and gets canned by the board.
All three of them will be dead after this hearing lmao.
>"Will you do x"
If you can prove trump said that then you should take that to hildog, she might give your arse a wristie you weasel piece of shit.

If you even bothered to watch the hearing you would understand why that talk was irrelevant and why it is not a sound legal standpoint to use against anyone

I hope that Trump falls into the same problem that Nixon did. Nixon was a really good president but he was so damn paranoid about leaks which is what led to Watergate.

Actually. Thinking about wire tapping. Trump could get away with it in this day and age.

This is true ^^^^
>jesuit scum
pick one
Thought you could sneak in with Retdit did you Neingag?
Shoo shoo varmint.
If you had the capability to think critically, you would look into what happened prior to Feb 14th and what happened after. Trump thought Comey was doing the leaking and told him to drop it, as in stop the leaking.
>>you are not obstructing justice by asking an investigator to drop a case and swear personal loyalty to you and firing him when he refuses both
he really went to far when he threatened his wife and kids didn't he?
Out of Context quoting is the first thing they Jewish information merchants learn how to do on the job. Easiest way to spin a story with minimal effort and get away with being a "free and unbiased press."
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7 months of nothing was getting repetitive and really boring ...so what is the next step of the Liberal medias plan?
Russia is gone and they have comey for how long?
This; fbi is independent checking system
Trump isn't a king you total mong
>comey is loyal to the fbi
fbi works for the DOJ, DOJ works for Trump.
Didn't you school?
And Comey had a feeling Trump would fire him, so he kept memos to counteract Trump's prevarications. And what do you know? He fired Comey and now there is a special council because of Trump's prevarications. Did you not take into account about how they (Trump, AG, and Deputy AG) were tossing the hot excuse potato around for the reasons behind Comey's firing? Did you not take into account that Trump cleared an entire room just so to tell Comey to drop the investigations on Flynn? Did you not take into account that Trump's son-in-law is under investigation for potential counts of perjury for lying on his security clearance? There is just too much dirt on the carpet for anybody to neglect it and the fact of the matter is it's just too much to hide under the carpet at this point. Even if Trump is innocent in all of this mess, there are people in his administration that do not have mine or your interest at heart.
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muslim truck of peace in D.C. get in hereee
No it isn't.
every thread in the catalog is a bait thread dumbass
MPs work in the military though and apprently really well compared to other law type deals like the alphabet agnecies,when you have too many looking over their shoulders instead of looking out for you then you get fucked.
over specialize and you breed in weakness
Paul Ryan is a cunt, what else is new?
Or that news channel taking what comey said and putting their own spin on it

Too much opinion being pushed as news nowadays
It's the latter
that is what they are left with now,using someone who already hates Trump to show that ppl hate Trump?
If the left really give up after this comey thing this place will be boring,we need them to latch on to something crazy but new.
Trump was never under investigation by the FBI, according to Comey. Trump knew he was never under investigation by the FBI, according to Comey. The extent of Trump's "obstruction" is an allegation that he asked Comey if Comey could "let the Flynn matter go." This is, at most, a borderline inappropriate question. It could have been resolved in the conversation with a simple: "No, sir, we cannot let it go until we conclude our investigation." To which Trump would have simply nodded and said ok. But Comey apparently is a (giant) beta and didn't realize he is allowed to present his point of view or participate in conversations. He just stood there silently stewing and feeling all "uncomfortable." Seriously, if Comey feels like cracking under this level of "pressure," his house must be just full of As Seen On TV crap. Regarding loyalty - wouldn't it be a bit weird if the FBI director wasn't loyal to the President? I'll admit the "let the Flynn go" thing was a bit inappropriate, but in the grand scheme of things, does the nation seriously need to come to a halt because the President allegedly said something that could be categorized as moderately inappropriate in a meeting to a (physical) giant of man? I think it's fair to characterize it as a misstep of somebody who is new to government/separation of powers. Holy shit: text wall. Sorry, newfag.
do a tldr version or never return
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Horseshit. Seth's body was at least examined by law enforcement with jurisdiction. That fact alone establishes Seth Rich Theory > Russian Collusion Hypothesis.
>GOP completely blasted Obama for "being an amateur"
>oh trump is new pls be nice

How can Drumpfkins ever recover?
You can't be politically affiliated and in the civil service in the uk- in mi5 interview I was grilled over my conservative party involvement
I have just read a post from what is possibly the smartest and most level headed leaf on /pol/.

when the day of the rake comes I pray you will be showed mercy.
Asking for a cessation of an investigation into an attack on U.S. citizens is treason m8
Yeah, Trump fired Comey because he was colluding with the leakers.
Are you talking about Ryan or Trump?
>Trump was never under investigation, per Comey.
>Trump genuinely asks Comey if he can "let Flynn investigation go."
> Comey clams up like little girl.
> Question is mildly inappropriate, at worst.
>Comey has a house full of 'As Seen On TV' crap.
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Fuck, its like an adult shaking hands with a little kid.
If you zoom way in you can see Rand Paul in that pic too
well the too stupid defense worked for the hilldawg
He wasn't intimidated. He's a political creature that has been on the Clinton take for decades.
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