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Black man walks his white girl on a leash and muzzle in the grocery

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Black man walks his white girl on a leash and muzzle in the grocery store.


Politically speaking, is there any doubt that this world belongs to the Black Man?
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Posting some comments from the video.
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This one I'm posting now is my favorite. It's so true.
This is so fucking hot...
Is that literally all these dumb fucks think about? No wonder they're in such a sorry state.
This is how cunts should be treated.
Bitch is probably an actual prostitute.
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>is this all they think about
niggers don't really think about much
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She's hot as fuck.
She's wearing a mask. She appears to have a nice figure as some whores do, but most likely these niggers hired her and are going to pay her in crack.
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Muh Dick meme...shit tier
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kill yourself
This thread is so nigger it has scars from when its ancestors were whipped for slacking.
fuck this collectivist revenge bullshit
these people deserve hellfire

The thing about the pact is true. I grew up in Chicago and they all actively tried to fuck and humiliate white girls.

Heres the other thing us white guys also had pact "Once they go black we dont want them back". When they were getting beaten up at school by their boyfriend we would just walk past like nothing happened. Turned our back on them. Only stuck up for the ones who stuck with us.
your id nearly says "no 2 fap".
>I will never have a white girlfriend that's been spit roasted and dominated by bbc
What is this a chart of?
kek white women are truly inferior trash
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Christ almighty, look at that fucking profile.
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Please explain this chart, anonkun.
>What is BDSM
Kill yourself OP
Where are all these caps from?
Just looks like one of those humiliation fetishists.

Ask yourself why a beautiful "pure Aryan princess" white woman is looking to a Big Black Animal Bull to do it.
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Sick fucking shit
You know, it could just be a kink those two people share, just saying. It's probably not even a bad thing, nor is it a race thing.
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>Average day in USA
I am diamond hard right now
i am hand free cumming
That niggers aren't really even human

If the nigger ancestors are enjoying this in the afterlife, they're looking up... not down.
"anon why do you hate niggers xd!!1111"
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Black men are superior. White boys simply cannot compete. That is why white "people" will be extinct soon.
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nice trips.

as a black man...I can honestly say most of us ain't as ripped as that kid in your pic. If a white guy was half as ripped as him he'd have it good.

You guys have no idea how bad it is. We're hated for getting da womyns..but it's more like your women go for top of the line blackman meanwhile us typical niggas are left out to dry

>but I should probably get back to my BBC memes now
We got the blacked poster in here, where is that chink riced poster now to finish this thread off.
anyone know the source for this chicks other video? A bunch of white ladies saying "nigger" and "porch monkey"

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and to think they kicked Terry Davis off YT
why do you use /pol/ do you hate yourself?
You should be thanking him for training your women seeing as how you failed miserably at doing so

Got these bitches running around with your castrated white nuts in their purses. That kang is on a solo mission to save western society
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i'm mixed...but I'm dark enough IRL that if you saw me down the street you would probably cross the street.

I use /pol/ to meme and every now and then when I'm not larping about a 9 inch dick I'll be honest

No, I don't hate myself
>that pathetic attempt at ebonics in text
he's obviously white
>you would cross the street
Some people suffer from the mental disorder of solely seeking out mates of a specific race. Wouldn't be too surprised if that was closely linked to BDSM mental disorders.
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I would knock him out
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hey man i'm not race mixin with whites. I go for latinas. then maybe in a few generations my niglets will look brown/white enough to marry into whiteness.

but not me
Obviously fake. He didn't even buy anything or browse as if he were shopping. Kys op.
They did? FUCK
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I really don't get why these dumbasses are fighting over something so childish.Every race on this planet has been through slavery and torture.As they say, two wrongs don't make a right.
Yeah but do you see what is going on? We do not hate blacks we hate niggers. My dick is 7 inch and I am 6ft blonde hair blue eyes and my girl friend is hot and white. She has only had me we have been together for 13 years so yeah man it is not about what color you are its about weather your a piece of shit...
No, you go for black women.
wut? you sure are either a white dude trolling or a self hating black cuck. in case of the second, it must be really sad.
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Brazilian women love the BBC
There's like a 90% chance those are all white dudes from /pol/ or /gif/
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>cross the street

>tfw conceal carry and i wish a nigga would like a kitchen cabinet
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>we will never get a boondocks episode based off this cause boondocks ended

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>our queens
Holy fuck Negroes are cuckolds.
well you know who the pieces of shits are? look at the vid. that nigga is 6 foot something and is manipulating hot white girls.

I'm just some manlet nigga, if I had the chance I'd do it though, ain't gonna lie.
No. They're all ghetto whores.
Oh... I guess I am self hating if I'm not posting about my BBC. see /pol/ this is why we can't have a serious conversation
shes average as fuck and is just wearing a dress and heels
all American white girls could look like that
I know this is a troll thread but there was a picture of a black violently assaulting a white woman in a crude pose on instagram. It was just left there for a day or two, its probably still up.
Even if this stuff is reported do the liberal shitheads that run these social media platforms take it down?
>women go for top of the line blackman meanwhile us typical niggas are left out to dry

That's universal across race
Like I said, it doesn't happen often where one nigga is able to do that to a white girl. but when it does happen, he's alpha as fuck and it makes for easy trollin about white boys.

buy ya i hear u
i'm sure they do. was that to offend me? Brazil is like 70% non-white.

>woman is taller than the nigger
>Politically speaking, is there any doubt that this world belongs to the Black Man?
Politically speaking, is there any doubt you're a fucking moron?
yeah but the ones that get white girls are..insane with all girls.

if that nigga walking that white girl in walmart on a leash was white. He'd be takin over the world and have 5 bitches on a chain
This reminds of O and A when Patrice discussed interracial relationships with Anthony. Anthony didn't find black chicks attractive,but Patrice would acknowledge an attractive white woman. Patrice went on to say that he would fuck white women, but would say "and tell the slavemaster I said thank you for his wife". That's the psyche of bmwf relationships and why I don't want Tyrone's leftovers.
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Why did we have to breed them to be so tall?
>all these asshurt /pol/cucks flooding the comment section

You're not alpha if you pay a whore you dumb nigger boy
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I wonder if this means niggers are ahead of women on the Oppression Index now, it seemed close before

I can't wait to see if they'll challenge Muslims for the top spot. Niggers and Sand Niggers fighting each other would be killing two birds with one stone
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>implying that isnt the girls fetish and she wanted that

girls are sick dude
>all this joy seeing degeneracy because of something whites did over 120 years ago

It's things like this when I wonder if god is real
when did i say you were?
this was my immediate thought

bitches be cray
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>ywn be 6 4 niggerchad controlling a white bitch
it's just some fetish bullshit you mong
if you are seriously that insecure that you're threatened by some black dude you don't know dating some white chick you don't know then you are truly mentally cucked

You know I remember years ago reading a news article about some britbong guy and his "pet" on a leash being kicked off a bus because the driver didn't play that shit. The screams of oppression and calls for the driver to be fired were loud enough for the media to make a thing out of it.

Now nearly 10 years later, in a post - 50 shades of grey world, this is somehow unacceptable?

Why was this okay then but not okay now?
Dumb nigger.
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>We do not hate blacks we hate niggers.
blatant shill posts
this board needs moderation
The thing about the majority of these muh dick niggers is most of them are permavirgins living out their deluded fantasies. Niggers have a high rate of alphas getting all the women, while they stay cucked in virginland. This is also why niggers turn gay more often, no other options. That doesn't stop a single one of them acting like they're all mac daddies though. Most niggers are huge larpers.
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kek confirms
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>not using trash man
Their child will be the Crimson Chin
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This picture?
None of these comments are on the youtube video.
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>shill post
Go back to plebbit, this isn't your safe space.
She was wet the whole time. White boys on suicide watch
No it was a cosplay picture
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>American White Women
Why am I not surpired
Is this the "empowerment" feminists envisioned? KEK
sage. If anything belonged to you, then you wouldn't be a disgruntled "person of color" whining on /pol/ because you're insanely triggered.
flip the races, imagine the fucking media outrage

Yeah I gotta say I unironically hate all black people and it's not based on ignorance.

It's just niggas dawg this one can do math let him pollute your genes dawg
Wshh was the original video site.
I'm such a degenerate, but you just now her minge was soaking
my first thought was "daddy issues"

It's almost as if theres a reason
hmmm, what could that be... Why would a black person in public bondage be percieved differently to some kinky white girl?

I'm sure we can figure this out if we put our heads together.
The jews!
>White "people"
Sides in orbit
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