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This sick and twisted world needs to end.

When will we reach peak degeneracy?

government issued 8yo sex slaved when?
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I normally don't care about degeneracy and such, but that's a little too much
the vid was bretty hot, can you sex children in canada?
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We Weimar Republic now :)
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The pendulum is going to hurt
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Whats the matter goyim
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Every year it seems we reach peak degeneracy, yet every year I am surprised again. To answer no, we haven't reached peak degeneracy and I fear we won't anytime soon
>it's Canadian

Nothing to see here, just poop in the toilet.
Quebec, so much to answer for.
Peak degeneracy is like peak oil
It may never come
ya think ya hot shit don't cha
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Soon op
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really makes me THINK. wow really ACTIVATES my almonds. Really MICROWAVES my dinner. WOW. damn...
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Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord,

https://discord dot gg/Stp5U
this one has open comments.

This is so fucked up. These people should be dragged out of their homes and executed.
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Your tax dollars fund this
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The day of retribution is soon among us
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child abuse.jpg
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Lets assume for a moment that the child in pic related is everything the mother says and indeed is looking out for the best interest of the child.

Why the fuck would you post about a sensitive topic like this on the social media?
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The west isnt worth saving.
No... We have to fight.

The fuck, Canada?
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There will be child porn stars, mark my words.
This is a slide that's only going faster.
at first I thought I was the mad one with my fucking depression..but now I wonder if it is the world thats crazy and not me

Its the world. Its gone nuts.
>tfw a mongolian symposium is the only sane place left on this planet
This would never happen under sharia law...
Thank you capitalism.
>just enlisted in leaf military
>this is what im gonna get shot in the head in a foreign country for

fuck me
Ever notice that most of these cases are white males?
What would push a White Male child to want to desperately become anything but a White Male?
Maybe a world full of people blaming them for things that they had nothing to do with or did not happen at all.

No actions without consequences.
End us now.
no tits best tits
Yes full blown war until near extinction please and then we must just remember to never allow degenerate behavior in the first place.
God what a total loss of morals, and common decency. This is the start of the decline boys. Was fun while it lasted.
>whine about being circumcised because muh child mutilation
>fawn after passable trannies (that require transitioning as a minor)
4chan logic
They aren't raised to be proud of who they are, so they seek the next most advantageous thing.
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Muslims doesnt seem so bad now
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Is there anywhere else this would be?
This thread again... end my suffering...
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I wanna fuck his boi pussi
Just had this discussion today. It's the world.
Transgender Boy Quickly Returns To Normal After Removal From Mother’s Care
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I'm not even surprised. That place is a fucking shithole. They have an entire neighborhood dedicated to fags and trannies called the "Gay Village". Nuke us the fuck up, pham

I dunno. Anywhere? Are there fat people anywhere else in the world or only in Burgerstan?
Oh, I'm sure it's in the US too unfortunately.
I was not sure how real this was until I watched it again. What the hell is the world coming to? WHY WON'T IT END FOR FUCKS SAKE! Someone please kill me, I do not want to start a family in this morally desolate society.
If, when I was five years old, I announced that I thought I was actually a little girl, my Dad would've said "Don't be a fucking retard" and that would've been the end of it. Delusional parents who encourage their children's fantasies for their own social standing don't deserve to raise children. And doctors who prescribe drugs to interfere with childrens' natural development do not deserve to be practicing medicine, as they are clearly causing long-term harm.
We still haven't reached peak degeneracy though. I don't know what awful trend will be promoted next, but I'm sure that it will be horrifying
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I'm finally just accepting the fact that this is how the whole world is going to see us forever. We're all perverted, bug-chasing flamers who indoctrinate children and encourage pedophilia. I legitimately want a gay civil war just to purge all these degenerates.

>inb4 le based fag xD and you'll get the rope too posts
>Anyone can do anything in their life
Does that mean i can murder someone without going to jail?
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>8 years old
Wow this is SO progressive and tolerant. Really warms my heart!
Ever hear of the dancing boys of Afghanistan? Muslims can be sick pedo fucks too
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The Beaneater rip.png
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>mfw I first heard "Lactatia".
I imagine this is what will be forced upon us next.

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these people are sick, mental illness has been recognized in a more disgusting way. transpregnancy too. this children are living in a diluted fantasy world where it is okay to be raised by two ""men"" to begin with.

everybody involved in that production that thought this was okay, should be shot in the face.
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When you join ISIS
I think if that little weirdo self-identifies as a dog, you can suck her dick, but no fucking. Maybe a leaf can clarify.
what's immoral about playing dress up?
What if I identify as an 8 year old? Minors can have sex with other minors. Who is to say I'm not a minor? Age is just a social construct.

Age doesn't even make sense. The Earth has orbited the sun X number of times since my birth, therefore I can't stick my penis in certain people? Yeah that is logical...
I honestly don't care about that. I care about parents who sexualize their 8-year-old kids.
Remember when NAMBLA was absurd? The idea that it'd ever be accepted or legal was deranged. Now...
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Before a boy is allowed to take any hormones or undergo any surgery they must first be taken on a hunting trip and stalk and kill a deer with a bow and arrow, then skin the deer, clean it, and butcher the meat.

If that doesn't awaken some primal masculinity deep inside the boy then sure, they can go ahead and become a girl, because they aren't really a male.

Until they make that kill they will not be allowed to transition.
Play dress up if you want but shit, don't take your son (8 year old son mind you) out dressed like a sleazy hoe then allow him to go up on stage and dance like a hooker for a bunch of strangers. Seriously, that show was one thrown dollar away from being a shitty strip club.
One of the best posts of our time
Have some individuality.

That's the problem with most fags, they let every freak speak for them out of fear of being alienated in an already shallow dating pool
>well jewed

no way this is real. they wouldn't let it out.
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>I love the fact that your mom is here to support you
that's our problem right there. I'm sure he doesn't even know his father. This is the kind of shit that happens when women raise children alone.
If you idiots don't understand why this is happening, you won't be able to stop it.

All you do is complain. None of you take the time to try to understand the real reasons for this all.
I try, but every Christian and NatSoc on this board will still want to kill me for being a sodomite/degenerate no matter how hard I white knight for them.
Virtue signaling.
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What if I identify as an 8 year old?
> Yea but we don't and neither does anyone else so we don't care.
Minors can have sex with other minors.
> Not my kids....no.
Who is to say I'm not a minor? Age is just a social construct.
> The law, society, parents of the child, everyone says you're not a minor. Age is a measure of time. It's scientific.
Age doesn't even make sense
> No it does your brain just isn't right.
The Earth has orbited the sun X number of times since my birth, therefore I can't stick my penis in certain people?
>Not if they're little kids. Has nothing to do with the earth or space or shit. Has to do with them being little under developed, innocent, easily manipulated children.
> They are assigned guardians by birth or the state, who guard them from insane shits like yourself so they can develop naturally, healthy, and happy, without a child molestation mind fuck that might give them split personality disorder or worse.
There's multiple reasons, but ultimately it's money. Cosmetic pharmaceuticals and lgbt lobbies to be more precise. It's a cash cow - trannies require HRT for life and require a lot of makeup. With gay marriage legalized, LGBT lobbies would be all but obsolete if it weren't for the T.
Enlighten us, oh wise men
Surprised there's no Turkroaches in this thread drooling in lust.
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It was proposed that drag queens be brought in to teach students in our public schools in Alberta.

Get me off this ride
Mind your own fucking busniness. Doesn't affect you, so what is the issue?.
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sodom and gamoron people ,the end is near

Read jewish communist books:

They want to impede, at all costs, that a democratic capitalist western nations to have a fascist ethno revolution again

Thus, they bash white men, white families, promote feminism, promote multiculturalism, sexual revolutions and much more crazy shit

All to avoid the people to become inspired again by ideals of tight unity and community, and rebel with that violent spirit against '''''democratic''''' order that fails to serve them again and again

Thats it. No fascist revolutions = No threat of whites taking the country and cutting ties with their jewish private central banks and all of other jewish owned institutions, like media or what else, but mainly, the banks

It's all about impeding another white fascist revolution on a western country, so they don't lose their assets and impeding this revolutionary spirit to further 'infect' other nations

They would lose it all if all of Europe were converted to fascism, and all collectively decided to destroy central banking

What power would the jew have on them, if that happened?

That why Hitler is satan. He is the ultimate existential risk towards central banking like the american FED.

He not only named the jew, he kidnapped ROTHSCHILD HIMSELF AND THROW HIM ON A PRISON, and destroyed his shitty presence on Germany.

What would happen if all nations decided they wanted to be FREE?

It can't happen, can it?

So destroy bad goyim before he starts thinking of revolution again.

It was all thought by communist jews, during the war and near after it ended.

They aimed at all the coehesive forces of a nation that could be considered proto-fascist.

Religion, majority of one race, heterossexuality, morality cultural tradition, family centered, etc all the forces that added to patriotism in general
>Remember when NAMBLA was absurd? The idea that it'd ever be accepted or legal was deranged. Now...
It just keeps getting sicker. Soon the left will assert that it's "child abuse" to not encourage young children to have sex with each other. Shortly thereafter, they will say the best people to teach them about sex by having it with them is adults. All of this will be as neatly justified as the trans movement is right now.

Everybody knows what we need to do about these "people" pushing this shit. Everybody knows and yet they still walk around freely, spreading their poison and evil.
GTA fag here... you only ever see white kids doing this shit but it's way more common than you think. no doubt they have been "groomed"

I miss when /pol/ was a libertarian board

This whole industry is good for our GDP
no bully, but that kid is the first tranny I've ever seen that actually seemed tolerable.

From what I could see, [he] genuinely didn't seem like he was doing it for the attention (which is clearly what a lot of being in drag is about). Also, he seemed less gay than the fucking guy interviewing him.

Me thinks this is just some kid who lives in a family of SJW with no father figure. Really wouldn't be surprised if in a year or two he goes back to being a boy.
nigger, next time if people are not pro abortion and transgenderims plus multicultural enrichment,they will be racist, this is how they get your consent nigger ,
Thread theme:


Thats why there are new religion groups migrating.
Thats why there are foreign people coming by the millions.
Thats why there is a campaign for GAYS and man becoming HORMONE TAKING FAGGOTS.
Thats why Christianity keeps being bashed forever.
Thats why blacks openly call for WHITE GENOCIDE.
Thats why feminists are funded and promoted so hard.
Thats why man are being alienated.
Thats why white pride is bad, and all other prides are good.
Thats why they want more diversity at colleges, jobs, military, cinema, STEM, etc

Keep the white man away, and you keep fascist revolutions away.

So bash the damned white boii until he dies.

They agreed: NEVER AGAIN.

So it's down your goy head.

Your masculinity is TOXIC. Because it's a EXISTENTIAL RISK to the powers that be.

Thats why, there is a fucking little faggot kid, dressed as a TOTAL FAG, while his fat bitch mom is using an anti-nazi vest.

White masculinity must die, so that there must not be any risk of a nationalistic ethno revolution in no democratic capitalistic western country ever again. Their assets must be safe from the risk from another NAZI party.

They destroyed and are destroying the cultural conditions that allowed the breeding of an entire nation rebellion against international finances.
My fucking stomach hurts now after watching that shit.
That poor kids gonna get passed around at poz parties like a bologna sandwich at a hobo gathering.
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>we went from this to OP's image

i feel like i was born too late
>My taxes going towards cosmetic surgeries, child abuse, and a weakened effeminate state don't affect me.
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I'm opposed to violence against children, but these kids are damaged goods.
Should prolly just put them down, and use their organs to save some 'normal' kids.
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God is dead. We must avenge Him
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>another day in leafland
you say that in the future tense like it already isn't happening

It's not fucking cosmetics, it's about destroying the potential for another white revolution, like the nazis. Why do you think they keep creating new media content to keep bashing a dead state after 70 years? It's their biggest existential threat.

So they are not holding back in ruining everything in the process to create an anti-state for everyone.

You can clearly see the doubt in his eyes... like "Mommy likes me more like a girl, so must be right"

At this point wouldn't surprise me if Canada were the first country to legalize child prostitution.
If the partner self identifies as a child
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>not wanting a trap
I'm disappointed in you guys
>future tense
Yeah, like this weekend.
Defective genetic material must be disposed of safely and efficiently to avoid any contamination.
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Every single person who protested to give fags rights worked exactly for this. Give them 1 inch and they take a mile.
I don't disagree. I'm sure there are many involved with this goal. But to dismiss the financial aspect behind this is foolish.
>Destroying the fabric of society and culture for profits.
Jew lad
It literally would. Guess which prophet raped littlr girls and boys...
Holy fuck, you're right...and digits
Oh, it's only white masculinity dying? I'm ok then.
Seriously, here is why WE are failing, because WE cannot work together against GLOBAL degeneracy.
How the fuck is "imposed gender roles" seen as damaging to kids yet being a fucking 8 year old dragqueen is seen as totally normal by these nutjobs?

I dressed up in my sisters clothes once when I was a kid. My sister did it. She showed me off to my dad who I remember gave me a "wtf" type of look and said "uhhh ok....". I felt like my dad was disappointed in me so I took that shit off and have never thought about it again.

Im sure if he looked proud and encouraged it I would have grown up thinking it was normal and good and made me happy, and Id be blowing some guy while another guy with aids penetrates me asshole after performing at gay club.

I guess they aim those stuff at western capitalist states, the more a nation is rich, the more they push their satanic ideology of destruction.
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