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lol they actually want race war. they actually think they can win holy lol
>implying negroids will have a choice when push comes to shove

Not that hard to archive OP
Yeah, real Nat Turner there, better watch out
Man, slave breeders were damn good at what they did, they bred black people to be so mentally incapable that hundreds of years later they are still essentially fighting for dominance within he confines of a cage, always seeking not to be the highest form of person, but simply he too nigger
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tell that to ALFRED THE GREAT king of Scotland
we know, we are preparing.
>he too nigger
>the top nigger*
Why do Americans allow incitement to Civil War? Do they not understand that they were able to fight the last Civil War without interference because it was the middle of the 19th century and it was just too much of a hassle to anyone to get involved? This time you'll have Blue Helmets (including Russians) unloading in JFK before the day is out.
Its so funny nigs dont realize spics will rule America.
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At this point at least 45% of the population is dead weight, we either die slowly or take the risk

>they actually believe they ever truly had the country to begin with

This is just embarrassing to watch at this point. Did they truly believe that 8 years of Obama coupled with 6~ years of loud internet posturing won them the USA in non-contestable absolution?
They won't even be spics any more. Just an ugly, UGLY brown mass.

Heavily-mixed South Americans are easily the ugliest people I've ever seen.
How exactly would a race war play out? Would it just be big riots in all the major cities with more guns than usual? Would it even last long or would the military and militias sweep everything up when cops couldn't handle it anymore?

Yeah, yeah, but it's just weird to see this in the country that coined COINTELPRO. Unless this is excatly what (((someone))) wants. It's as if (((someone))) at best allows, at worst facilitates your sociopolitical climate to degrade beyond the point of no return.
the Brits and the French intervened in the Civil War you dumbfuck. And no one in the US will be pleased to see your mong mug there, in fact it might be the one thing that reunites them
Has a race war ever actually happened in history (without just being a war between two countries)?
>I’m a black man in America with graduate degrees on top of graduate degrees.

This has seriously been a case of black people working feverishly for the last decade to get on top of some imagined academic mountain, JUST so they could then spend their careers doing little else but cry about "waipeepoh." That was the entire end that justified the means, which is pretty fucking sad.

Not on a scale the Brits and the French intervened in the Mexican revolution and Russian Civil War just some 4 decades later. It's all abotu mobility. Civil War is bad enough, Civil War on a race basis in the biggest superpower in the world will cause international meltdown.

I think China. Some crazy dynasties made out of foreign people.

Literally what the jews do today: they own the capitalist aristocracy and make the rules, while pretending to be native.
>making the implication you took over/ are trying to take over the country
dumb nigger
>What’s ironic is that my family has been here a lot longer than many of the same people who claim to serve the “real America.” When did your family arrive here, Mr. President? I can trace my family lineage back to our nation’s original sin, but I still love this country more and more each day.

That's funny, since 99.99999% of the time, niggs don't care if you're family wasn't any part of the US during the slave years. They don't care if your family emigrated over far in the future due to horrid shit happening in Europe. No, YOU'RE JUST WHITE, so they can lay all the sins of the US against blackie at your feet.
Who is this guy? Some retard democrat?
Why is his post worth any more than some retard posting on here?

What a hack.

Haiti you dumb nigger
I would agree if they weren't doing such a good job driving everyone to the right with shit like this.
Fuck this stupid fucking nigger talking about being a fucking American yet they think everyone person in the world is an American that just isn't here yet, fuck him stupid fucking nigger we aren't going to stand down because we don't want to make the black kids angry fuck you we're either taking our country back or we are carving a place out for exclusively us and if you think some dumb niggers can get in between that then your a fucking idiot.
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we need to breed out these nigger and shitskin genes
idk, i guess you guys can have it,if you really want it.

At least he admits that it’s your country.

they get paid to write inflammatory shit to get clicks, you're taking the bait
Bring it on, there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
Because the voice of individual plebs don't matter and the government is actually totally unified on the big issues? Civil War is a risk when a) people are starving or b) when there are violently opposed factions in the government, neither of which is currently the case
another nigger to the list

just kidding I don't need a list. they have black skin. nothing could be easier.
>All spic country that aren't mexico peak before 50M in population(Including spain)
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This is what so many people fail to talk about. Black people and Hispanics dont get along, despite how MSM tries to paint the picture. Black people in ghettos dont like illegal immigrants. Black people are more at risk of losing their jobs to spics than white people are. And the hispanic population is growing while the black population is at a stand still. Steve King was right, but everyone just called him a racist
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but it's gonna be a fuck off.
Thanks anon
These sorts of niggers are like some kind of homunculus made from liberal brains.

I'm so glad I'm from the same state as Steve King.
In Hawaiian Gardens they had the largest gang bust in history at the time where there were a gang of Mexicans ethnically cleansing their community from blacks.
Because the chasm is too wide, and the lefties are delusional beyond belief. The reason that it hasn't started already is because the death toll would be staggering, and none of us want to be responsible for that.

And, FYI, Blue Helmets would get wrecked.
Spics are more likely to join white people in killing blacks. They're not going to like the outcome.

T. Spic

Literally tabloid garbage for hipsters
Russianbro is right. A wide spread civil unrest in the US would be basically apocalyptic for the world's economy.
Kek. They grow them at MIT and send them out to Harvard as soon as they're fully grown.
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We never lost it, shitskin
Russia bro, I'm not sure. The moment we become a declared civil war, the USA is over. ((YOU)) will be flying in advisors and arms to the south. China will try to advise California. It'd be an epic shit show. That's why I think the media focuses so hard on "militias" and whatnot.

Because, the moment it goes from a crazy compound to large scale civil unrest, the USA loses. The moment the government uses the actual military (unconstitutional) on citizens, the rest of the freaking world will come screaming about how evil the USA is and to support the rebels. Russia would send support. EU might send support for the rebels. The UN will back the USA government.
I wish I could vote for this man, holy fuck. That's a man with balls.
ive always wondered why the older generation of white supremacists don't take blacks with them since they're no use to white people at that point.
Just genocide the Democrat Party. Done and done.
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Oh yes, Haiti. Nobody won in that mess. Fucking niggers ruin everything

Don't they realize White people are the ones protecting them from the Mexicans?
>Thinking they have any power whatsoever besides being a voting farm for jews
They can't even do math. Literally not scared.
This projection and level of entitlement is fucking astounding. He calls the president a "race-baiting failure" and treats the opinion as fact without providing anything to back up why he thinks this. And can somebody explain to me how supporting our elected president is un-American? Shouldn't we support our constitution and the systems it puts in place? How do people manage to shovel this garbage down their throats?
virtue signaling
virtue signaling
no u
virtue signaling
virtue signaling
no u

Hope this saved someone the trouble of reading that dreck
sage sage sage
he wasnt talking about "white people", rather individuals who support trump and hold bad ideologies about "taking back a country".

i think if you would read this article with an open mind maybe you could identify with a few things he says. Yes there are flaws in some things he says, mainly the last stanza.

Lets be better than those who are trying to ruin whatwe all supposedly stand for
Whites own 90% of the farms,Own most of the long guns,Know how to fish and hunt, and to this day out number you......I hope you fuckers start a race war tomorrow can not wait.
You'll be fighting a two front war, one with Europe and one against EU forces on American soil alongside right wing Americans.
lmao you couldn't get your forces onto our soil even if one of the sides was welcoming you.
Of course the entire world would collapse and become war torn
Do you think they would try to Zerg rush during a race war?
depends how far into the conflict it was, after awhile it would devolve into syria style technicals and shit. A modern army would just walk right in.
Yeah I think this whole anti spic thing is a ploy from the liberals this POC bullshit for example.They are trying to get spics on their side when whites and spics have more in common than most blacks and whites.

So basically the nigger's argument is:
1) Fuck white people
2) Waaaah white people were mean once like five decades ago
3) Stop supporting Trump, white people, or else

Why don't these fucking coons get it that THEY are the reason people voted Trump? White people tried "tolerance" and "diversity". It didn't work. The "diversity" immediately and violently exploited white people's empathy, and the net product of all those decades of playing nice is simply "FUCK YOU WHITE BOI WEEZ TAKEN OVER :^) ".

Tolerance is dead because "diversity" killed it. Whites are only going to get more right-wing in America.
I can't wait to watch the three way race war in America on the news in twenty years from my comfy cabin on a snowy winter night.
Spic here. That's what they're obviously trying to do. I'll side with white before blacks all day.
It's true, I don't like niggers and I'm of bean origin.
It all seems to be true, but only if white is replaced by jew
The negro does not constitute a growing percentage of the American population.
Do they thing a Latin-American majority will treat them better than the white majority?
the fire rises brothers
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This is good. The sooner the race war, the better.

Blacks can only exists as a feral parasitic enclave within more advanced societies. Giving them power will only hasten the rot. The decay will keep Asians and Hispanics out of the US, they are the real threat to white hegemony after all. Once the US becomes a backwards shithole, we will have an excuse for radical change.
We hispanics, as a whole, do not hate whites in general
What about the army? Will it divide itself? Consider that US army has all kinds of races between soldiers
yeah, someone has to pay for jose and maria's 11 kids
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Hahaha give it 10 years
I didn't think you did.. I know I made some spelling/grammar errors. But my point is that blacks in a white majority society will have more advantages than in a Hispanic majority country. I seriously doubt a dominant Hispanic nation will enforce "black history month" or massive affirmative actions.
i dont give a shit, if they start a racewar in america im gonna go there and help every single white person i can, using all my cooking and backstabbing ability against every nigger/jew i can
>FSB is inciting racial civil war in USA to invade USA or dissolve USA

What about the nukes? Someone has secure US nuke facilities?
I always have a conflict with this, I'm 90% white, born and raised in Uruguay, am I suppoed to feel atacked when blacks talk shit about whites, or about latinos?
Traitors get hung first.
civil war 2.0

Once the economic capabilities of urban cities is diminished completely, China, India, and Europe will no longer have vested economic interests in the US. The #1 problem the Confederates had was that the north accounted for most of the economic output in the US. Therefore other countries that the US traded with (except Britain who coyly played both sides) sided with the Union. The confederates got completely cut off because 1) they could not urbanize, 2) they could not import the goods that come along with industrial urbanization.

If we destroy our urban economic centers by giving sovereignty over them to blacks, then we can equalize the power between urban vs. rural America.
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there will be no war, only mixing until we are all coffee colored like brazil.

it's already happening. 25% of young whites have non-white partner. and that number is expected to continue to rise.

soon we'll all be so mixed up no one will know their origins, i hope by then we will just be americans and forget race.
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When the shit finally really does hit the fan the left and their nignog pets will be slaughtered like the sheep they are.
>its that bitter nigger again
>everyone should know at least one by now

The fire rises, black.
Black supremacists are literally doing our jobs for us.

They bring solidarity to already woke whites and make our traitors self identify as our enemies.
Of course not. Actually in leftist goverments they try to push black history recognizing but people in general refuses to accept it, the poorer parts of society in Latin America don't have problems showing its racism against blacks while praising whites only for being whites.

A colonial behaviour perhaps.
>Lets be better than those who are trying to ruin whatwe all supposedly stand for
Fuck that, and fuck you.
I say kill em all.
In a way the nugger is right, America is dead, there is no "taking it back". There's only the choice between slow death vivisection, as the kikes demographically replace the rootstock of America, and swiftly ending the American experiment on OUR terms.
That 10+ kids in hispanic families meme has to die.

Look at every hispanic country except Mexico demographic stats. None of them surpasses the 50M inhabitants. I think you relate the numbers of kids with catholic faith
they aren't going to fight us with guns, if you think libs are going to shoot you, then you are wrong.

they way they win is to continue doing what they've done. bring in large amounts of immigrants, have them mix with the natives, so everyone loses their identity and society drifts further and further to the left wing goals.
>25% of young whites have non-white partner. and that number is expected to continue to rise.
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Why do these people willfully ignore the fact that America allowed little to none non-white immigration no longer than like 70 years ago? People need to bring back awareness to the fact the country was 90% white for the majority of its existence.
It's time to speed up the escalation. We'll be the autist who stabs when we get shoved.
50 years
Anyone who doesn't believe in escalation at this point is delusional. The only way forward is ultraviolence.

Brownies and niggers will never run merica. Low IQ (sub 80) makes it almost impossible for them to have a functioning gov't, let alone a free and prosperous citizenry.
If it wasn't for affirmative action, scholarships and education to people with shit SAT scores,
he would most likely be flippin burgers at McD.
Hiding behind the counter every once in a while the nog crackpots pulled their weapons.
nope, we will just turn into brazil. small elite class (jews, chinese, and a few whites) running the place while the majority is a brown underclass.

another latin american country, basically. already see it happening in texas, look at the elites who fled to the rich suburbs. you won't see too many congressman living in spic areas.
I think most of the spics would, desu. Same with the Asians. It would likely (LARP incoming) be nigs and sand nigs vs. whites, asians and spics.

If that were the case, it would all be over before it began. Sure the Muzzies would likely be aloha snackbar-ing all over blowing shit up, but the nigs can't shoot and are too dumb to organize properly. They would fall quickly as they would lack any sort of chain-of-command or leadership. Whites (even without inevitable military intervention) would finish the war before it even had a chance to begin.
They don't want one. They think they can win thru outbreeding and making us mix with the low-IQ shitskins
it's happening every single day
No they won't, everything they touch turns into a shithole. Just look at Anahiem.
>How exactly would a race war play out?

Initial white casualties when the chimp out spontaneously manifests, then they quickly get distracted by the next store they come across and want to loot.

And then they'll just get tear gassed to shit and added to the prison labor pool
I live close to what is probably the largest stockpile of nukes in the US. In a true SHTF event, there are very few nogs here, so that's not an issue, but we do have a number of illegals and their kids who want this area to go back to Mexico. Depending on how things go, it may be up to us plebs to secure those facilities. I certainly don't want them falling into the wrong hands.
LOL its all good as far as I'm concerned, let them think they won. The reality is they're just modern day servants. Go to the south and see who's doing all the low wage jobs - black people.
That was the longest run on sentence ever. Good job Jed, you're more of a nigger than the nigger who wrote the article.
90% white in 1960

60% white now

40% white by 2040

yeah, niggers really lost. they've stayed at 13% this whole time.

also, if you think spics and asians are going to preserve american culture, take a look at california.
The US will be the next South Africa.

White man, come home to Europe.
Yeah because kneecapping random niggers really quickens the fall of the ZOG
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the fuck is up with that image?
> kneecapping random niggers

Just let the niggers destroy themselves. They are after all the favorite targets of their own violence.
first time seeing a weak cuck nigger
I want to, but I would only come back to a place that allows guns. Maybe it's time for this stormfag to start learning Czech...
>Whites (even without inevitable military intervention) would finish the war before it even had a chance to begin.

I just hope they exterminate blacks, Muslims and good amount of Latinos before any major intervention.
serbia, switzerland and finland have high gun ownership rates

not all of europe is nogunz
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I want that.

We all either die slowly or take our chances.
I highly doubt that, it seems your government would put more effort into expanding elsewhere while we fight.
Of course not, but having grown up in CA Asians aren't nearly the problem you say they are. It's mostly shitty mexicans, and having lived around both they aren't nearly as bad as nigs, even though they are still retarded.
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There is a bit of a reversal from the civil war here though. Prior to industrialization, most cities wouldn't get much bigger than ~50,000 people. Exceptions were typically major trade hubs like Rome or London. This is because, due to a lack of transport technology, basic necessities had to be produced within a reasonable distance of the city. While the Civil War was most definitely after the beginning of the industrial revolution, the whole local production of basic necessities still had some sway over daily life. More people were rural, even in the North back then. Since then, urbanization has been supported by mechanization. Pic related only goes back to 1900, but it shows the clear trend. All of the urban dwellers are the ones that can be cut off this time around, because of the insanely long supply chains that their food and fiber depend on. In the event of an actual race war, the urban nogs are so completely fucked because of this that it's unbelievable.

I know enough about agriculture without synthetic inputs that I could disappear to some out of the way place that most urbanites don't even know exist, and support myself the first year. After 3-5 years, I could have a very productive operation, and in the event of SHTF, I would be willing to share knowledge with those I sided with. OTOH, most people in the US don't have a clue about the Just In Time supply chains that keep their grocery store shelves stocked. There is only something like 7 days of food on the shelves in most cities. That is a huge liability for them. Especially if their average IQ is double digit.
The biggest problem with Asians is that Asian women are bloodsucking status seeking parasites that love miscegenation. They are diluting whites and creating whole generations of Elliot Rodgers.
asians aren't a problem criminally speaking, but they bring their own problems.

second gen asians tend to become far more liberal then their parents, many assimilate to collegiate SJW culture. again, not as bad as niggers robbing you or mexicans dealing drugs, but still a problem.
Oil was never going to be < $100 either.

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what if you live in blue area and never asked for revolution?
There'd be a lot of special snowflake types who took the other side. Not that they'd be effective, but I'm just saying.
Niggers can't even raise a decent human bean,and most nigger babbys are aborted.

I am so scared.
>You will never get your country back
They should tell that to Native Americans..
THey should go up to a gang of Native Americans and say "Black lives matter" and see how long they last. I'm tired of all the whiney black idiots who think they deserve something.
i think it would be more than two factions.

you'd have liberals, conservatives, ethnonationalists, race nationalists, all sorts of groups with competing ideas. people of all races would be present in all these groups.

it would be one giant clusterfuck, it wouldn't be as easy to divide like the past civil war because people with different ideologies live all over the country, and we are a very divided country right now.
They do not ignore it. They just attack anyone who wants to reverse that process or even recognizes the significance of it. If White Americans are not waking up now to the massive shift in this countries discourse about race in the last decade(Coinciding with our percentage of the population almost below 2/3rds). It will only get worse, and at an exponential rate, as we lose our centuries old control of the discourse. They will assume the legislature, they will manipulate the constitution more than previously to destroy all values the founding fathers espoused.
sorry i meant civic nationalist instead of race nationalist, i guess race and ethnonationalist would be quite similar
>supply chains

The problem is international trade. Remember that the US Basically fed Britain for 2 solid years years before the age of mass globalization. Hitler tried to starve the Brits out of the war, and it would have worked if not for US aid.

What needs to happen is that foreign agricultural exporters need to lose that economic bond with American urban centers. The Chinese need to see that supporting America's urban population is fruitless, i.e they don't benefit from it. Economic interests trumps everything today.
I think you are probably correct. This would probably be less of an issue if state's rights weren't ignored 3/4 of the time. I will say that generally left leaning groups tend to think more with their feelz, which puts them at a disadvantage.
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What states/areas will become white enclaves in America? Will we have to live in fortified towns like whites in South Africa?
well it is working. I personally know several race traitors.

Its like that nigger at that rally where the cuck said "YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE" who said "the good old white days are over"

Niggers despise us. 90% of their behavior isnt even about any kind of fight for equality (they already have it) or to end racism (its pretty much over)...its simply to just randomly and illogically lash out at whitey. They want us out of politics, out of the colleges, out of the neighborhoods, out of the police, out of movie and tv roles, they just plain old want us out of existence. And unlike white on black "racism" there beliefs dont actually make any sense since white people are objectively better for society than them, meaning less whites and more niggers = much worse place, even for the niggers themselves.
Yes, but you don't know about them because whites lost every single time.
lefties would be at a disadvantage, problem is what do you do with competing right wing factions, as there will be several.

you see these disagreements on /pol/ all the time...christian vs. pagan, race vs. values based nationalism, free trade vs. protectionism, etc. etc.

this isn't 1861 where you have 2 sides clearly against each other, divided by state lines. people with these different beliefs are everywhere.
every race is going to fight for thier own interests, there wont be any alliances
No doubt international trade is a big deal, but in the event of a civil war, the US Dollar is going to take one, big giant shit. We won't be able to print and export our inflation in exchange for goods anymore.
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Do they think I'll just go away peacefully when they cut my disability money off to feed LaQeQe and her 35 niglets?
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I'm 23 years old when was the country ever mine?
yeah invest in barbwire
my county says Clinton won when trump actually won, this map is off
>niggers make up under 20% of the population
>think theys gun be in charge wen whitey gon
It's either the spics or the chinks that will take over and neither will be as lenient with the niggers.
Niggers have been and will be 13% because they kill all their babies.

Abortion is a good thing.
It's working incredibly well for them, at the expense of everything else. White women are 100% on board.
The specific answer to your dilemma depends largely upon what specific factions try to assert dominance, and I dare not try to predict how that's going to turn out. I will suggest that the best chance of a non-violent solution rests on convincing people that many of these differences wouldn't be such a big deal if the government weren't involved in every aspect of our day to day lives like it is now.
Whites already woke up and they think whites deserve it because of Jew programming plus lack of exposure to lower class minorities
cuck fantasies are so tedious
i would actually be ok with a civil war

it would remove all these welfare leeches and niggers, making this country look 10x better
>b) when there are violently opposed factions in the government, neither of which is currently the case
Yeah, because antifa aren't violent
democrats murdering people isn't violent
Liberals screeching, demanding genocide of all white males isn't violent
>the US Dollar is going to take one, big giant shit

oh yes, I agree, but my point is only that financial ruin must disproportionately affect urban centers more than rural areas, and a necessary prerequisite for the failure of urban america is deep political and economic decline. We can's just starve them out initially by denying them raw agricultural goods, they have to destroy themselves first so they won't have any allies to back them up.
It's not a fantasy. It's blackpilled rage.
He should be speaking to american Indians because it wasn't the white mans country to begin with.
You underestimate white Hispanics wanting to actually join white people. We don't like the blacks or the spics that won't actually adapt to white american culture.
Fuck I wish I had a comfy cabin with good internet.
US megacities are completely unsustainable in such a situation. They have at best 48 hours worth of supplies.
I would be so happy if this country would replace all its niggers with spics (as long as they speak English)
Take it a step further. Flyover country should make allies before urban centers can.
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You realise the mcdonalds are going to close down right? There is no us in the US its just a mud pool of niggers and spics
To be fair, of your ancestors weren't puritan settlers, you shouldn't be hete
>You will never get your country, Black

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>There is no us in the US
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Pic related
What's his name again, /pol/?
What's funny is that niggers aren't replacing whites in the US, Hispanics are. And Paco hates niggers as much as white people.
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Basically those city shots from Elysium.
Yes; it's called 'ethnic cleansing'.
They're usually VERY one-sided victories.
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Liberals want be to politically disenfranchise the white working class and they think we'll just lay down and die instead of fighting. They should be sucking Trump's dick right now because he won't be anything compared to what's really coming.
When was the last time you saw an injun, Todd?
Murder them all. Then, dispose of the bodies by dissolving them in acid, then burning the remains. Pee in the ashes for bonus points.
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same shit as them seeing regular conservatives as 'evil fascists' and don't realize those are the people stopping the 'evil fascists' from grabbing power
>neither will be as lenient with the niggers
Black people have it pretty rough in mexico. They treat them even worse than indios. And they are a VERY small minority. In the city I live (been here 9 years) I had never even SEEN a black guy until a few months ago, a black dude from some island country begging in a traffic light. Got kicked out from the US, somehow ended up in central mexico lol.
Constant distraction combined with ADHD combined with media & information overload pretty much guarantee it'll never come to that again.
Which is unfortunate; it's the only way shit is going to change.
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No white identity community or clearly defined factions
>no clearly defined factions
>t. european intellectual

Half of this country is patriotic as fuck you stupid snownigger.
Niggers right unfortunately. It has been forever corrupted by minority filth.
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Such arrogance.
Well we'll see about that.
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t. based patriot in your enclave
To reddit you go
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lol dumb niggers

if white never rises (we will rise)
brown will take over. brown won't kill white because we are too intermarried. brown hates black and didn't own slaves.

bl won't m
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I'd take a black American who loves America over the hundreds of millions of self-hating Europeans that are the product of generations of marxist brainwashing

If 'white nationalism' is so great, why is Europe so shit?
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that's great anon, let's just continue down the path of cuckservatism and allow the country to drift more to the left
Compared to being like any white European country that is actively installing socialism?
>muh white pride
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How many days of harsh war till your "brother" turns or deserts? Non-homogenious societies are destined to total chaos in total war. One people with one purpose is the way to prosperity
>Non-homogenious societies are destined to total chaos in total war.
Compared to the homogeneous paradise of Sweden?
South Africa currently.

Yugoslavia back in the 90s.
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gas the kikes race war now
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Sweden didn't remove all jews with the help of nazi occupation. Their humanitarian white guilt culture does not help either. Their destiny is not on my hands
It must be ((((pure coincidence))))
>anyone who isnt literally Hitler is a cuckservative
You do realize that even the 14 words dont require full scale white nationalism right? People self-segregate. I can be against unmitigated ethnic cleansing and not be anti-white
and just what has your ideology achieved besides sending americans to die for israel and replacing american workers with mexicans
>what is suni and shite
Haha what a little crybaby faggot
Less than 2% here. Whatever did this melanin positive gentleman mean by this?
Nig nogs aren't a problem, but their handlers are.
Its obvious even from an ocean away
what are you even talking about, i said nothing about "ethnic cleansing"

america is too late to be saved, a future similar to brazil or other latin countries is the probable outcome for us, but europe needs to get their shit together
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One of the ultimate goals of the globalists for the US is to fracture and balkanize the country through civil war and economic collapse.
There is no conspiracy anon. Its just humans being humans. All of history in one emergent phenomenon after another.
It wouldn't be hard to win. Just get a buckets of fried chicken and hide a grenades at the bottom of therm, then have palates of the buckets sent to their huts.

It'd be fun to fly a helicopter around playing https://youtu.be/BKGNvo8WTrA
Apocalypse Now style.
Meant to type pallet.
They are right you know
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>Race war s-soon...

Never gonna happen

Why don't we all get in there, and bash him for being racist against native American's and see if he says some fuck white people stuff to clarify?
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I think it is closer to 3 days to stock on hand (includes all dry goods) in a non-panic scenario. It will be 12 hours from right of bang, meaning after three meals and no EBT, the shelves get "liberated."
I'm a white man and I would love to kill you dumb white trash. Not being edgy or trolling. I would love to torch trailer parks flat.
Fuck you,Nazi. You will lose and be demographically replaced
Idk man. Quite a bit of grammatical errors in that sentence. Maybe you're half black?

trust me whitey im a whyat man notice my lack of evidence and your inability to refute my clams you no spice using honkey
They do realize they're like 13% of the population, right? The Mexicans for the most part don't want to start shit, it's why they left their shithole country in the first place? But the blacks are so damn uppity.
Place and time?
spoken like a true retard. Don't you have mart to shart in m8?
I think the best proposal to counter this slop is to seemingly float the idea of giving "refugee" status to white Afrikaners of Africa.

The total population of whites in Africa are 3 million to 3.5 million.

Simply we encourage the government to give them refugee status based upon race- since they are actively discriminated against.

While the left will cry. 3 million new refugees from Africa (the headline) will be sweet to look at.
I'm waiting faggot. I'll be your huckleberry.
We can't
But look on the bright side: They can't either.

There is no country to 'get back'. Retards on the left think this is a game to 'win', and it's not. It will either end with America collapsing into a third world shithole in which Europe supports with Gimmedats, or the population pyramid stabilizes and we continue to thrive for another hundred years or so.

The fact liberals think this is something to be 'won' is baffling. They're not launching a seige. They're not preparing an invasion. All they are doing is writing internet articles while their population goes down. City populations are crashing faster than Rural populations, and they somehow think they are 'winning'.
>Nig nogs aren't a problem, but their handlers are.
Thank you, based Dracula. I see it.
>lol they actually want race war. they actually think they can win holy lol
I see the digits. Very nice.
The war started under our noses a long time ago. Whites are not winning. There is much work to be done, and if things had gone differently last fall we would be desperate to make a big fucking move.
Pretty much this.

>Proceeds to be trapped in a welfare quagmire of which there is no escape for the rest of their lives and their children's lives.

Its nice to see a nigger that knows there place. America does belong to the white man. Too bad uppity niggers will have to hang on night of the rope when the white man asserts ownership over this grew country. God bless this country when that night comes.
Just try to rise up. The vast majority of whites love our melting pot so start shit and I will be among the first volunteering to torch your society flat.
I hate you white nationalists. You all should be killed.
But who am I kidding? You won't do Jack shit shot as the nation get a more diverse because you lot are all talk and no action. Pussy faggots
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>white man
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lol white people are mentally ill
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>1 Post by this ID
>literally the same exact post as yesterday and the day before
>300 replies

The irony of that article is that he doesn't know history. Even the man who freed the slaves wanted blacks gone but he died before he could enact the policy. The USA was founded as a nation by white Europeans for white Europeans. The country was never his, he doesn't belong no matter how far back he traces his lineage. Just like a black man will never be British, or Australian, or Canadian. He should go and live in Africa with those he truely belongs with.
>shilling for archive.is
Fuck the both of you for steering traffic through that honey pot data mining site. I will never use that site and recommend other anons avoid it as well. Who gives a fuck a out clicking news links. Its not like you cant avoid ads with ad blocker ffs you stupid fucking niggers.
Half Puerto Rican here. White people don't realize how much other cultures and races hate eachother.

I grew up being told that it was the "fucking Dominicans and Haitians taking our jobs."
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>talks about killing and torching white people completely unprovoked
>thinks hes actually white
sorry bud, you're white in skin color only. you've got a nigger brain in there
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White nationalists are. America is not a white country and if they want some white ethno state it has to be wiped out.
I purposefully married a black woman and had kids to reduce the number of white people because I think all races need to blend. That's liberty and white supremacists threaten freedom
There aint no rise up shit here. This is you and me. That's just my game you little bitch. Time and place.
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>You Will Never Get Your Colonies Back

Deja Vu
KEK. We have some assholes here in the highest percentage since WWII. Take that gamble I dare you.
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At least he admits its our country being stolen out from under us because of Leftards and The Juice
this desu. we're on our own. no based hispanics and asians to help us. we've got something that they want. know thy enemy.
1/10 seriously be more subtle, trolling is an art
95% of whites consider white nationalists white trash so at more you have 5% of th population. White will live up to kick lick a Nazi in the ass so no sure where your army will come from
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So, in short
>"America is for everybody because I'm willfully ignorant of history"
>drawn out paragraphs of ad hominems that basically boil down to "take that, nazis"
To think that the west discovered electricity and built devices which harness it and allow people to communicate thousands of miles apart so that niggers could use it to complain about westerners and proclaim themselves their equals.
Every word is true
All races must blend
> Blue Helmets
>Ethiopians, Pakis, Indians, Eastern Pakis, Rwandans, Nigerians
Enjoy your IQ 78 babies, retard.

We ain't giving your garbage website hits, you concern shill.
Judging by the outfit. I'm guessing the disability is the mental variety.
t. (((White)))
why dont american dindus create an autonomous region like natives and just fuck off there?
When your great-great grandparents owned 1 trillion slaves, you piece of shit plantation owner!!!
America is anmelting pot of all races. Rural whites are just mad because they cant work some bullshit manufacturing job. Instead of getting an education they use heroin and blame mexicans because they are human garbage.
What's the deal with your picture?
>cooking and backstabbing ability
Thank you based hobbit
>tfw your kids just identify as Black, because they are
You played yourself. "Blending" the races just results in the extinction of the white phenotype. Nothing was blended. The only result of your heroic act was an overall loss of human diversity and cultural richness on this planet. Congratulations.
Why invite the Chinese to work, then?
As if the Asians won't BTFO all spics and niggers after whitey is out of the way. White empathy is the only thing preventing their extinction. Asians don't have that empathy problem.
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Nigga, those yellow motherfuckers showed up and most of the country wanted them gone.
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That doesn't take into account all of the gangbanging niggers who have been training for urban warfare for decades. Nor all of the logistics networks of the mexican cartels that could deliver arms to >90% of the country within days. Nor of the jihadi sleeper cells that are all over the US in both urban and rural areas.

All I'm saying is that you should never underestimate the enemy, nor their burning desire to see you and yours dead. And they have more practice at killing people.
ah, historical irl shitposting
Because the liberals are complete trash and I don't want to live in the same country they're in any more.
>one of the minority groups that isn't expected to grow pasr 20% will take the nation
Im laffin
>nignogs training for urban warfare
>cartels will arm liberal militias

niggers are trained to get drunk on dark liquor and escalate retarded disagreements into hip firing extended magazines and shooting up residential neighborhoods. The 45th drive by cavalry will never ride.
These niggers understand Asains and Mexicans hate the just as much as the white man right?
notice how he says "your".
He's acknowledging that it is your land.
Don't let his bullshit demoralise you.
The cuck whites in the cities would be instantly killed. The rural whites would be armed to the teeth and just waiting on their property for the invasion to come to them.
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>democratic strategist

>republicans won the house, senate, white house, and supreme court

nice job, faggot.
Insignificant idiots
>Democrats murdering people
muh Seth Rich
>liberals going crazy
Isn't our motto "gas the kikes, race war now"?
This man gets it. There is no biped more vile than the North American Pavement Ape. They need to be treated like the scum they are once again, like in the 40's and 50's.
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Soooo...why would someone write something like that, and attach their name to it?
Is that a special kind of stupid of what?
Like, "hey, the S might actually HTF in a few years, so i'm going to paint this big ass target on my back."
Can't we all just get along?
I just want to fish and drink.
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u know...
this is true.
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