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Black Privilege Thread

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See pic related, which was at least partly funded with American tax dollars, under Obama.

A Black organization made a list of all of the bad things about working with white people.

We are so nice to them, apparently that we are too nice.

Blacks are actually complaining that whites are too nice to them.

White people try too hard to go out of their way to be nice and non-threatening to Blacks.

Unlike Blacks, who hate the holy hell out of whitey.

One of the pitfalls?

#18. White people practice colorblindness

>You crackers is colorblind and that oppresses us somehow.
Acting friendly, lol.
>Most oppressed race in history, the world and the entire universe

We had to face slavery, rape and pillage on a daily basis for thousands of years and still experience them to a degree today but with even more racism and oppression and you wonder what we have a problem with hmmmmmmmm
Great we should segregate.
also we should not try to fight back when they do attacks like these on whites because this is what is pushing people to us.
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just watch this shit, couldn't make it past two minutes.

I'm expected to tolerate, respect, and work with people like this in professional settings?

And here's the next generation of "youths"

Obviously not all of them are like this, but I've already encountered a significant minority that behave in this exact manner, just going about my daily routine. Really makes you think
As you can't let go of yours or another's father's sins, that makes you not a black man, but your enemy. You think as the one who seeks to destroy you, so you shall be destroyed.
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>>Most oppressed race in history, the world and the entire universe
Here comes the eternally oppressed nigger.

Never mind it is your brothers who murder, rape and enslave you on a daily basis.

No wonder people are apathetic about your situation.
How do you experience rape, slavery and pillaging today?
dey don't accept no EBT at mcdonalds!
Did you mean... ape-athetic?
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>just watch this shit, couldn't make it past two minutes.

Saw the show. Tucker puts up with a lot.
I'm surprised they didn't add

>Whites treat dogs well.
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Everyone had to face that shit throughout history. You whining about it and holding people who had no role in it responsible is what makes you a pathetic faggot.
Even more racism and oppression today? Ok I done ben trulled.
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Blacks never developed the ability to do abstract thinking. Empathy is impossible for them.

Whites and Asians got the ability after our ancestors left Africa, 70 thousand years (or more) ago.
Why do black people run so fast but once they get in a crosswalk they take forever to cross the street?
kill yourself, nigger
t. An actual black man who doesn't suffer whiney bitches like you
Why don't you study. Medieval Europe you stupid fucking monkey. You don't know what oppression is.
yeah black slavery is still a big deal and legal in the Middle East. If you care so much, how come theres no BLM protests about it
>We had to face slavery, rape and pillage on a daily basis
You're talking about European whites right?
>yeah black slavery is still a big deal and legal in the Middle East.

Didn't the Arabs castrate every (or most) black slaves so they couldn't reproduce? Actually, wondering if anyone knows any good books about black slavery in the medieval Islamic world.
Stop hiring niggers, I'll never hire one. Problem solved.
Shieeet y'all jus stole our history n e way.
Yes they did, which is why they don't have huge nigger populations.
Yes they did. WE made a mistake not doing the fucking same
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>but once they get in a crosswalk they take forever to cross the street?

I noticed this too. They seem to take longer to do normal things if White people are inconvenienced by their laziness.
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also, NATO's humanitarian bombing of Libya really improved the human rights situation


>West African migrants are being bought and sold openly in modern-day slave markets in Libya, survivors have told a UN agency helping them return home.

and this is an MSM source too.

sheeiit we wuz slaves gimme a ticket to Yurop
>I'll never hire one. Problem solved.

If you work for a corporation, you have no choice.

Sadly, even if you own your own business, the jews (on behalf of the niggers) run a statistical analysis on your workforce if it is beyond a certain size.
As a black man I will give you the answer--it's a "fuck you" to whites. Same with walking slowly on a sidewalk, or even speaking in words you don't understand. They're saying, "fuck you" to your white system.

>inb4 dank black guy in a trump hat
You never faced slavery, dumb nigger
I'm just happy I'm not the only one who noticed this. I wish we could return to the days when they were considered "10 points."
Y'all dumb as fuck I swear
Us blacks get MORE AND LONGER jail time than whites FOR THE SAME. DAMN. CRIME. Explain that shit RIGHT. NOW. YOU CANT.

All this fucking racism in this fucking site is why we fighting in the streets, BUT keep hiding behind you computer because we gonna find you haha we gonna run these fucking cities and take over and THEN we will do to you what you did to us, and THAT IS WHY. YOU. AFRAID.
>Why are dindus so obsessed with there hair? I have never asked one about there hair, and I can't imagine any white people I know doing it either, yet they insist there are holds of white people out there trying to tussle there head pubes.
But it's a Jewish system, the fuck u talking about. You know it is because every race are just walking around saying "oy vey ist mir". It's difficult to respect anyone, because as soon as the conversation starts going in a constructive direction, some faggot inevitably throws a handful of sand into the gears by saying something to the tune of "WELL IT WASN'T MY FAULT", "WE DIDN'T START THE FIRE", "THIS OPPRESSION..." For the sake of your family, friends and community, stop being a fucking drama queen.
Why are you putting so much emphasis on these same damn crimes if you're not committing them. It's almost like you want some sort of special treatment because u wuz kangz or something.
Isn't that due to a manipulated statistic that didn't account for repeat offenses?
A nig with a chip on his shoulder who wants more gibs...color me shocked.
Because you subhumans are more likely to have committed previous crimes, ergo statisically you'd get a higher sentence for the same crime.

Its "give an inch and they'll take a mile" at work. Whites gave them equality and for decades now have treated them better than any minority has ever been treated. They are a big time net drain on welfare, the education system, housing, hospitals and policing, they kill, rob, rape, riot to insane levels, they turn neighbourhoods and entire cities to shit, they constantly try to antagonize whites and overall are just pure cancer on every society they are in including their own home continent. Yet white people STILL treat them with undue respect and kindness, but in typical arrogant, delusional nigger fashion they are incapable of seeing it and just demand more and more from whitey.

If we kept on capitulating, their power grabs and demands would continue to escalate and get more and more insane. Make no mistake about white folks, if they could enslave, genocide and systematically oppress (REAL tangible systematic oppression, not the imagined kind they complain about) you, they would do it in a heartbeat. So its a pretty good idea to stop empowering them.
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1. implying small talk is bad. implying you wouldn't ask a white co-worker the same thing if they came in with crazy colored hair done up in a weird way.
2. I don't listen to most people at my job because I'm usually the smartest guy in the room. It has nothing to do with colored people.
3. wat. We're all wagecucks in the Zog machine, faggot.
4. See #2. If I let some idiot handle it, I'll end up spending twice as long cleaning up the mess.
5. Only 20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites. Let that sink in.
6. I'm not concerned with how I come across, what matters is if I'm right or not.
7. This isn't even true.
8. What do I need to know other than your skill level at said job?
9. I don't do this and don't need your help.
10. See #9
11. See #9
12. See #9
13. Has no bearing on the job.
14. Why would I do this? You can speak for yourself.
15. I don't even know what this means.
16. People are equal under the law, but otherwise not equal.
17. See #s 2 and 4.
18. Oh, I see color.
19. I've had plenty of experiences with colored people, and they've been disproportionately negative.
20. lol, yeah i'm just itching to be an Hororary African
21. Caution is prudent when you look at crime statistics.
22. I do own it.
23. Everything clearly is not equal.
24. I care about people within my own "tribe" - family, friends, etc and more abstractly State/Nation. Worry about your own tribe and help each other and you can prosper too.
25. That's literally true though. We just got over it.
26. It's exhausting when it's clear what you really want is to punish contemporary whites for a few of their ancestors actions. Grow up.
27. wat
28. no
29. Cucks do this.
What do you care? It's like a family reunion for you jungle bunnies. I'm sure they serve grape Kool-Aid for you to enjoy.
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Have you considered not committing violent crime? Works great for us chinks.

Won't do the time if you don't do the crime.
>29. Cucks do this

Isn't it ironic that this list reads like some bespectacled pussy? It's almost like being a nasally fucktool constantly apologizing for every breath, every ""microagression"", is impossible to respect.

If I wasn't a moron I'd put "Kangz" at the very last second of this gif.

Blacks are never going to change unless they, as a collective, begin to understand and embrace the concept of personal responsibility. As it stands, they blame their way through life in regards to fucking everything, and look where it has gotten them. At this point, they are bringing their shit social standing on themselves
>If we kept on capitulating, their power grabs and demands would continue to escalate and get more and more insane.

They are already legitimizing anti-white segregation in universities and in the workplace.

When niggers can vote in anyone they want, whites will be enslaved.

Don't think it can happen?

Look at some of the things Obama did (some of which are only now coming to light) despite whites being the majority in the US.
>At this point, they are bringing their shit social standing on themselves

They have been responsible for their social standing in America for a long time. Certainly since the Eisenhower Administration if not before.

With a bit of selective squinting, you can even make the case that slavery would have been impossible if African Blacks had been genetically capable of empathy and working together to build things.
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When you put it that way, I definitely understand why colored people don't like working with those kind of whites.

Without a doubt. It just goes to show how the majority of whites have had their sense of self preservation brainwashed out of them. In the minds of sheltered white liberals all shitskins are peaceful loving people who just want equality. They wont be able to keep up the delusion for much longer if they keep willingly surrendering their power and numbers though.
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>the majority of whites have had their sense of self preservation brainwashed


Look at Merkel. She is actively trying to pollute the whiteness completely out of Germany, for instance.
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The only time I ever saw this was in a bit from family guy
The reality is we woulent touch them because of the thought of blackness tubing off on us.
Not that we actually think it will, but it's always in the back of our minds.

Plus niggers are nutorius for stinking and never washing their hair.
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We are one or two generations away from a crisis.

Niggers are obsessed with white people being obsessed with Black hair.

13 Crazy Things White People Think About Black Hair
>13 Crazy Things White People Think About Black Hair

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all the more reason for public schools to institute school uniforms. he's going to school to learn, not to peacock in front of his classmates in his designer clothes
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>he's going to school to learn

Niggers don't learn in school.

Sit a white kid and a black kid side by side in a math class.

At the end of the year the whites learn about negative numbers and the basics of algebra.

The nigger learns how to make excuses for his laziness and failure.
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The nigger in the pic was let out of prison and immediately breaks into the home of a Georgia mother with 2 little kids.

Look at this Georgia mother being forced to shoot a nigger who chased her and her little children through her own house (which he had broken into).

Hillary Clinton would happily disarm this woman and shrug her shoulders when the nigger did horrific things to the Mother and children.

This nignog in pic related wasn't killed, but he was shot in the face and neck for 5 times.

African American good boi Paul Slater, not long out of prison, broke into a home with a white woman and her kids in there and he chases the mother and kids upstairs.

He could have simply taken their TV and left, but he follows the mother and the little twins as they try to escape. He breaks through several locked doors to get at the woman and her kids.

The mother had a .38 with her and knew how to use it. She does what she has to do.

>Mother shoots home intruder five times in face and neck after he cornered her in attic with her twins, 9

>Suspect Paul Ali Slater was found bleeding heavily in nearby driveway after crashing his car


Excerpts from the 911 tapes, with the shots.


tl;dr: Around Blacks, Don't relax.
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Another case. This one in Indiana.

2 feral negroes killed a little girl and her 21 year old uncle.

The whites let them in the house to use the bathroom because THE WHITE FAMILY HAD TAKEN IN ONE OF THE BLACK MAN WHEN HE WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL. The whites had fed him and given him a place to stay, when he needed it. So the nigger brings in another nigger who kills them to rob them. The white family was targeted because they had been charitable to a black teen.

Brutally murder the 21 year old AND the little girl by killing them execution style by making them lay on the floor and shooting them in the back of their heads.

>Jeremy Crane, 21, and his niece Kyleigh Crane were shot as they lay on the ground during a robbery turned violent, according to the formal filing of murder charges, the Indianapolis Star reports.

>Prosecutors say that Michael Bell Jr, 22, offered to give tattoo artist Jeremy Priel, 25, a Playstation 3 in exchange for tattoo work. Bell told police that he and Priel went to the home of Crane, a former co-worker, and asked to use the bathroom. As planned, Priel pulled a gun on Crane and his niece ordering them and Bell to the ground, according to his statement.

>Bell told police that Priel then shot Crane twice, first wounding him and then killing him with a shot to the head. Bell said he then stepped over the bodies to grab a PlayStation 3 and an Xbox. He said he ran out of the house with the consoles before the girl was shot.


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