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BCC Admits and confirm Syria Boy picture was staged for propaganda

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Mr Daqneesh said he had been sitting with his then five-year-old son when their home was hit on 17 August and that he had not heard a plane overhead.
He added that Omran had suffered only minor injuries and that the blood on his son's face had dripped on to him from one of his own wounds.

As he searched for his three other children among the rubble, "gunmen" took Omran to an ambulance in the street outside and started filming him, Mr Daqneesh said. They then took him to hospital despite there being no need, he added.

This fucking cunt on CNN Kathy Bolduan or whatever was crying on air when they showed this video

fucking liars

I know this is not new, but I'm surprised that the BBC actually admit it was a hoax

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Wow, who could expect Western media to be lying cunts
I'm still convinced they put that blood on him. Maybe even some makeup. His left eye looks all weird.
>Omran had suffered only minor injuries and that the blood on his son's face had dripped on to him from one of his own wounds.
that was his father's blood, the kid wasn't even injured, just tired and sleepy because they yanked him out of his bed for this bullshit picture
>I'm surprised that the BBC actually admit it was a hoax
Nothing in the article said that you dumb fucking leaf
That's because you need to learn how to read you fat useless fuck

His fucking father explains literally, that the kid did not need to go in the ambulance nor the hospital, but he was dragged in the vehicle anyway for pictures...

That's a fucking hoax, you little sad pathetic burger eating bitch, 60 IQ, nigger tier Tyrone
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See if they will say the same about Manchester and London. Also many more. People have no idea how dirty journalists are. They have been reporting police training drills as real events for decades, to traumatize the masses, and pass draconian legislation.
>That picture
I hope they continuesly bomb them
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The leaf is correct
The BBC won't use such language as 'hoax' or anything that will redflag the normies
Just the other day they were caught 'arranging' a protest near London bridge using scabby, dumb-looking mudslimes with signs. All proven to be another fake protest.
Fuck these cunts. This time next week everyone will have forgotten as they cite more BBC 'evidence'. Make this shit known!
>bbc finally admits it
wew that took its sweet time
>Just the other day they were caught 'arranging' a protest near London bridge using scabby, dumb-looking mudslimes with signs
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The western mass media is so saint and unprejudist!
CNN did the arranging, but BBC used them in a news report. I watched it myself.

All of them are at it, I know this already, and so does the OP. But fuck me people are quick to forget. They always act like it's the first time it ever happened.
Nope, he's wrong. It was stated that the boy had minor injuries. He went to the hospital because the building he was in was JUST BOMBED, dipshits.
>His fucking father explains literally, that the kid did not need to go in the ambulance nor the hospital
What the fuck does he know if he's saying that his kid who was in the house when they got shot by missiles doesn't need to be checked out by a doctor? That is not something you eyeball, you fucking dumbass. Clearly the father is retarded and / or biased, which is clear by the fact that he's accusing the rescue workers of "propaganda."
This kind of "staging" is common in news casts. The protestors were already there.
that's a lot of damage control for something even the MSM admits to.
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This is far from an admission that it was a hoax. They merely quote him, then literally say in the next paragraph he was taken to a hospital and the doctor said the kid needed stitches and was in shock.
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This cops, continuously bombs anuses of that k9.
Yup. Most people new that
The whore media faked it
Those described as 'conspiracists' were right all along as usual
Same with the fake drowned boy on the beach
The whole thing is staged
The rest of the bullshit will emerge as time goes on
>a fucking leaf
His father saying he was fine kinda disproves you goy.
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and this is the reason, i get more reliable news from /pol/
Yes yes good memes lads. I wasn't saying who was right or wrong outside of the OP, who is wrong. The article isn't an admission of guilt, they are just reporting on the fact that the father said it was bullshit.

Again in case you need repetition to understand things: I am not saying they didn't bullshit it.

[spoiler]You always take people to the hospital when they are involved in any sort of potentially harmful incident and you most definitely don't base whether you take someone there on a father's eyeball attempt at triage[/spoiler]
Seriously I mean we literally got proof in the pudding that they literally stage their stories and it's just overall rediculious on what they do now. that i just cant watch MSM like CNN or 10TV and etc.
shilling nonsense is also common from sharia blue
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>I'm not saying it wasn't bullshit but it wasnt bullshit
The kid got napped by moderate rebels to be parrotted around tv crews in multiple ambulances/locations despite having nothing wrong while the dad was still searching debris for his kids, and once that waa done he decided to take his family to the government controlled zone rather than the rebels. Really cogitates one's cortex.
Where did I say it was bullshit? Are you proxying? Have you ever been outside of your house? A father can't tell an ambulance to not take his son to the hospital when they've arrived at the scene of a violent incident you fucking mongrel.
You're retarded if you think journalists should be allowed to 'stage' newscasts. Please educate yourself: https://youtu.be/aI2AIu9oBJg
It wasn't an ambulance you fucking fag, it was a patrol who took the kid.
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your knew hear?
>Video footage of Omran being carried from a damaged building and being placed on a seat in the back of an ambulance by an unarmed man who appeared to be a rescue worker was filmed by the pro-opposition Aleppo Media Centre (AMC),

Really makes one think. If you're going to argue they are lying about it being an ambulance then there's no point continuing this, I can't debate your imagination.

also we know this
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from the same guy
he's the guy that has sissy cucks fuck his wife
>staging of leftist ptotests is common

What did Shlomo mean by this?
But they are not INTENTIONALLY LYING. So they are NOT Fake News. Okay? Fuck Drumpf!
>I couldn't blame them for what they were doing

I wonder if that's an insight into what actually goes through a cuck's mind as he's about to be beheaded by ISIS
>As he searched for his three other children among the rubble, "gunmen" took Omran to an ambulance in the street outside and started filming him, Mr Daqneesh said. They then took him to hospital despite there being no need, he added.

You're cool with strangers taking your kids away without your consent/letting you know and sending them on an ambulance/propaganda tour? You fucking shill.
>That's because you need to learn how to read you fat useless fuck
On Sunday, he was photographed at his new home in the city, which is now under full government control.

In interviews with pro-government journalists, Omran's father complained that he had been used as "propaganda".
>full government control
>interviews with pro-government journalists
So much for the credibility. Any media will destroy this in less than 5 seconds and you know it, that's why you omitted that part.
Oh because moderate rebel media is much more credible, perhaps?
As with anything there are two sides to the story. The clearest picture can be made from this fact: The father had a choice. Flee to rebel held territory or move into government held territory.

He chose Government, I wonder why that would be.
>I hope my blood doesn't make too much of a mess
Probably hit by a (((rebel))) mortar.
You seem to think this is the same as making up news, as if they are paying these people to protest or something. That is not what is occurring here.

Basically the news people get there, see a small protest going on, want to incorporate it into the piece and interview some of the people. Yet it's TV, so they have to be considerate of lighting, audio, and if it's live you have to wait some time before you can even start rolling.

If you think about any newscast you've ever seen where the reporter is standing around a bunch of people and interviewing some of them, you'd realize how stupid you or anyone else complaining about this look. This is conservatives reaching to fit more stuff into the "fake news" narrative.
so what did they lie about exactly?

You live in a dictatorship, your despot is ex-KGB, and your news channels are state owned. Western media may not always be 100% on point but they're a thousand times than Russian fake news today.
It doesn't matter now. It served it's propaganda purpose, and normies will never hear about these new developments.
did they also coat him in dust and bomb the building too

how the fuck is this a hoax? anyone in a building that's been bombed should go to the hospital for a check-up
What is outrageous is the fact that you are more mad about a fake photo rather than the Syrian government killing 55,000 children.
LA and Baltimore riots had many people standing around along with plenty of interviews without having to stage anything.
Something something they're Muslim children.

Where are he Muslims upset about ISIS and other groups perverting the name of Islam and killing dozens on a daily basis? They only condemn large attacks, over and over again.
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it's 6 gorillion children, you insensitive putinbot
Muslims and leftists lie. It's their entire schtick. And they believe their own lies.

Never, ever, believe them. Assume anything a Muslim or leftist says is a lie. You'll be right 99% of the time.
the danish state news also brought the story that the Syrian kid was used as propaganda against Assad.
They even describe how armed men kidnapped him so they could stage the photo.
Mods mods mods Canada is being a cunt again
>right wingers never lie
thanks for your input you comfy dipshit


Definitely bait
>man says 'X lies'
>second man incorrectly infers 'Y never lies' from the previous
that really makes me think

I give your reading comprehension 1/5 stars.
Fuck this kid and fuck that piece of shit fake drowned kid even more.
Wasn't this pretty much the official story since day one?
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Clearly the correct procedure is to be placed alone in an ambulance with no medical attention while your photo is taken.
No shit

Have you seen a child with any major injuries?

They will panic and cry non-stop, not sit still for a picture with blood not even wiped off the eye.
Well you can visit the government controlled territory and see for yourself. Plenty of photographers and journalists have. Or you can believe the "Syrian Observatory of Human Rights" brought to you by one Muslim Arab from Coventry, England! And those White Helmets, how trustworthy they are!
Documenting, with photographs, someone's condition is very common.
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that guy even admitred that he was listing every non-government death as civilian casualty if they had no uniform, including suicide bombings
fuck if normies are dumb
nah man the media bombed the place, coated him in dust and blood then dragged him to the ambulance then sacrificed him to appease ISIS, the fake one appearing in the after articles is his twin brother, who'll also most likely be sacrificed to Ialdagorth the devourer once ISIS has fulfilled their purpose
Kid got lucky they didn't stab him in the heart with a syringue to "save" him, same goes for the father.
hit me with a sauce of that claim right now
Kid still actually hit with a bomb in a warzone, woman cries about a child having to live in a war zone....but fuckin fake ass news, i mean, i know, right?
>no archive or screencap
here's what jewgle gave me, there's also a r*ddit post with a link to an official PDF but I'm not sure if it's worth posting
Big Canadian Cock?
>CNN did the arranging
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