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Would you support a Russian annexation of the Baltic states?

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Would you support a Russian annexation of the Baltic states?
why, my Baldick friend?
I certainly wouldn't fight for thier defence.
Let them stand and fight if they care so much.
Id support almost any russian move
Fuck Russian annexation. The Baltic states earned thier independence.
No but Poland should have them

Hell no.
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Estonia and Finland are the only two nation states I would fight for to defend.

Especially against Russia.

They are the only two nations that have the right to exist.

Some independence? submitting to The (((EU)))
Because Russia will bring cultural enrichment along with their chechens and any annexation would paralize the already shitty economy.
Fuck Russia annexing anyone
You mean by choosing to be an ally? Alliance isn't submission, fuck off.
eastern part of lithuania is ours
No, for the sake of Russia tho.
You don't want to feed a bunch of useless countries with zero economy. Trust me on that.
yes, but only if russia give my homeland (east prussia (königsberg)) back..
You seen Kaliningrad lately?

It's 3 or 4 depressingly shitty villages, a dilapidated air force base and dotted with high security military installations for nuclear warheads and Iskander missiles.

The EU isn't an alliance NATO is.

People from other countries in Brussels making laws for them =/= independence brah.
Flatten it, rebuild it. I'd personally volunteer to go ahead and help rebuild the city, if it were given back to Germany

It's already pretty flat and marshy
yes man. its only because of the stories from my grandparents..nostalgia
Don't get me wrong, blyats ale mean, annoying and unpleasent but I will defend them to last drope of my blood.
As long as we can drown the Soviets living ther in the Baltic, I might be on board to help you.
Absolutely not.
You need to go back.
Finland also belongs to Russia. The independence of Finland was a mistake.
No, they seem pretty eager to not be annexed by Russia. Why would I support it?
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We fought for it and russians lost. Then we fought again. And again. They will think twice before coming here.
No, too much trouble for no gain.

Finland had a special status in the Russian Empire. It was never 'Russia'
NATO is trouble for you my 3rd world slavshit friend.

Except for that whole Karilia place you lost in both the Winter War and Continuation War.
Yes, for they are rightful Russian clay and their deserved warmer water ports
Well, it was formally an autonomous part of Russia, but was still ruled by Russian tsars
You wouldn't be able to point them out on a map though.

Finland got so cucked by the Soviet Union and NATO there is even a word for it.
Yes we kill like half a million of you and 20 000 own casualties and give you some clay for you to leave us alone.
stop making this thread
Loling at the number of people always sucking up to Putin. Russia's not that all interested in the Baltics anyways, but enjoy larping on.
No, but they seriously need to treat their Russian minority better.

I would move there ASAP and do more or less exactly this. Idiot soviets basically bulldozed the entire inner city and then ran out of money.

If you could build a little German/Russian enclave there without muzzies, TOP FUCKING KEK it would be heaven on earth.

I get why the Baltic States play it up though. $$$€€€ not because they actually fear the ₽₽₽
We will follow your example after you make Spanish your second official language, bud
Why not move to siberia if you enjoy poverty so much?

I don't think the burgers have a first official language.
you didn't fight for it
lenin granted finland independence
and as a token of gratitude decided to annex karelia, which didn't go exactly as planned

and don't forget that under the czar, finland was allowed to keep their language and culture, sweden never allowed that shit
rebuilt koinegsberg, capital of 4th reich europe?
They sure do have a primary language when it comes to legislations and law, though
Can you give any examples of how I am treating my local Ivans badly?
USA has no official language, we do a pretty good job treating everyone well unless they are illegal or indian

Pop Quiz. Whose statue is in the Senate Square in Helsinki?
yes, and cleanse all those toilet cleaners
no, Estonia is nicer than Russia.
Why let Russians ruin it?
They've ruined enough of this Earth as it is.

Imagine what Konisberg could be today if Russians didn't ruin it.

Because, grandparents, 700+ years of German/Prussian history there. Königsberg has a special place in many people's hearts here.

One time at Remi in Tallin at the kassa they told me they didn't speak Russian. I was so oppressed...
Axex 2.
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No, I'd support a Finnish annexation of the Baltic states though.
>and don't forget that under the czar, finland was allowed to keep their language and culture, sweden never allowed that shit
Ah yes you know my country history better than me. There was forced russification and thats why we wanted independence. The reds wanted to be part of russia and whites wanted independence. Whites won the civil war and put reds in concentration camps to die from hunger.
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The Soome-Viro Khanate is not formed by Annexation, it will be a National Awakening of the Finno-Ugric Identity.

Denying them citizenship unless they learn Estonian and pass a test.
german multicultural hellhole?

I dunno about all that man, I know plenty of Estonian citizens that don't know Estonian.
The test is really basic stuff and really easy to learn. Don't they have citizenship tests where you live? I thought it was common practice...
I can understand that nostalgia because half of my family was from Karelia that russians took from us.
>Would you support globalism if the Russians did it?
Why does Russia need any more land to underdevelop?
No, we deserve some peaće in Eastern Europe. Leave our borders you globalist kike
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Aw yes

>easy to learn Estonian

Yeah? Why would they acquire citizenship if they can't speak a language? You burgers have a "Naturalization test" of your own, that one has to pass if they want to become a naturalised U.S citizen.
You lost, Mr Denial
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>baltic states

i won't even give you a (you).
Russia really does ruin everything
every city in Germany is nicer than Russia and Moscow is more multiculti than Berlin.

That argument would only work for Poland, not Russia.
Russia is one of the oldest multiculti countries. They embraced it even before the United States did. We were still segregated and believed in assimilation when they were sucking muslim/jew cock and abolishing in the red army.

Tbqh i don`t want annex Lithuania, your girls are so qt, and your language is pretty interesting, Riga and Tallinn are our rightful clays, but Lithuania is nothing but our brother
Mulle meeldib eesti keel.
Whites are always the best side in any war
>Whites won the civil war
if only that happened in all of the imperial republics
and didn't this "russification" only begin after the empire fell?
at which point the bolsheviks were out destroying everyone's culture beginning with the russians

Same anon bragging about 'winning'those wars complaining about losing karilia.
cuckland never grew to that size, it is an alternate history map you doofus
That's pretty nice of you, Russia. Now gib back Lithuania Minor.
Only if we deport all locals to arctic regions of Soviet Union. Otherwise a pointless exercise.
I mean, there are exchange students who have learnt it in just a few months living in Tartu, but many older Russians do not speak a single word of it after 25 years of independence. Same goes for a few younger Russians. When I was in military service, Ivan and Vsevolod of my battalion refused to sing our anthem because it "INSULTS RUSSIA". wat.jpg
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You don't say.

Retarded fucking american, ofc it's a fictional map you fucking idiot.
Lithuanians are actually Swedish?

woah didn't know that
I can turn this around and give you the liberal spiel about you oppressing illegals.
Baltic governments hold that the Soviet occupation was illegal and a transgression against the the First republics.
Ergo, in 1991 the people restored the old republics, as result those and the descendants of those who were citizens of Latvia and Estonia before 1940, irregardless of ethnic nationality, got citizenship.
Ergo, our governments see all those who moved here as illegals and can earn their citizenship by proving they can function in our country, for which one criteria is knowing the state language.
The only people denied citizenship are former known KGB agents and shills.
Only a liberal would call this practice oppression.
No, but I wouldn't oppose it either

I totally get it. I have zero Ill will twords Estonia. Army dudes not singing the anthem because it insults Russia probably don't want to give up their EU passport and come home though.

Worst Russians Ever


>but many older Russians do not speak a single word of it after 25 years of independence

No one needs your mordva-tier shitty language, you should speak english or russian, maybe german
Rightful russian clay.

A Russian annexation of Britain would be more entertaining.
Russia bought them from Sweden empire as a bonus together with their land. Just like Finland later. Swedes sell stuff.
using the same arguments as mexicans refusing to speak american
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Liberate then annex.
Why are they allowed to remain?

Kick them out Estonia!
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A bit maybe. But they are more of their own thing i think, would be very intresting to se a study of the ethnicity on estland if someone has it. West finns are swedish atleast.
I've actually speak all of those. Languages aren't that hard to learn and what is spoken here is Estonian, since this is Estonia, where Estonians live who speak Estonian. Not too hard to understand?
typical Russian imperialist pigfucker treading on all weaker than him
>russian education

You slav.
You kill.
For the jews ehmm mother country
Sounds fair. When we annex you you learn russian fast, da?
Nah, wouldn't care if they would tho
No. Lithuania should be independent.
Latvia could become part of Germany, as they had a long history under german rule

the only problem is that english>spanish


>since this is Estonia

You mean we should take it back? No problem, don`t cry when it would happen

>where Estonians live who speak Estonian

it is kind of soluble question


The break up was complicated, I mean you could have a family living in Estonia for a couple generations with no connection to anything in Russia due to the government moving them there.

That is their home. It's just more complicated than expelling people based on ethnicity.
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At least contain the Russians to Narva. Sort of a Ghetto as it were. Wall it up and fill it with water from Lake Peipus.
Nuke Russia.
Absolutely not. What the fuck. Stop larping fag.
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>tfw britbong has insulted you as imperialist


>Latvia could become part of Germany, as they had a long history under german rule
>Macaco education
Yes, they're not real countries.
>imperialist pigfucker
Imperialism is not so bad, thanks to him your dull island still has some meaning.
>didn't this "russification" only begin after the empire fell?
No. Russia was always a shithole. Or maybe it was good before slavshit came from south...

Our citizenship test is only for actual immigrants, not people who moved within a country and wound up on the wrong side of the border at independence.
I've already speak Russian. And the thing is, that together with me in the trenches, if you do try to annex, will be other Russians, so trying to run a "saving fellow countrymen" narrative would require some extreme mental gymnastics to explain.
We paid you for baltic region after north war, Sven. In Gold. Moneyback now!
and bring their chechen subvermin to demonize the natives here?
no thanks
why the fuck. estonias economy is booming? u want that free vodka or what? blows my mind.
>only 60% of Latvians are actually Latvian

what went wrong?
Says a Prison Colony.
>Latvia could become part of Germany, as they had a long history under german rule
>Macaco education

Have you ever heard about the Teutonic Order or baltic germans?
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>what went wrong?
Only Estonia, that's Russian clay
I guess the Russians finally caught up as to why so many Finns constantly travel to Estonia.

After we killed their king

>in the trenches

I knew, that estonians are not so fast people, but trenches are outdated
>expel russshits like they did germans in 1945
>flatten city
same.. my brother
it's a saying you dumbass
>me in the trenches
That would be very uneuropean of you. Bad cuck!
i will fucking volonteer if that is the case. want to die anyways to, might as well send me to the grinder estobro

How deep of a trench can you dig in Estonia anyway? It's swampier than LenOblast
no, they'll ethnically cleanse it and make it Russian just like they did to "Kaliningrad"
Latvia and Estonia are based. So no.
also forgot to say
reduce taxes and interest for credits to encourage rebuilt and recolonize and allow only old germany style buildings
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>mfw all that yuropeans will die after few tu-160 raids
Also Russia having EVEN MORE LAND is never good.
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The Tanneneberg Line 2.0 will be lined with the bodies of Russians to make it water tight.

Latvian pop
1950 - 1950k
1990 - 2650k
2017 - 1950k

I change mind, no annex, just wait.
>Letting slavniggers enslave white people...again
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>old germany style buildings

aw shit we will not allow THIS
Basically by saying that trenches are outdated, you are also saying that artillery is outdated, which is obviously not the case as seen in the war in Ukraine.
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Boohooo, we will just import hohols. At least they integrate and their women are hot.
No. They are part of EU. Aslong as they are part of EU Russia cant have them. However if they exit then sure.
You didn't even had this back in the days.
You needed a bunch of germanics to teach you how to properly rule a country
your childish opinion makes for a great argument
keep it up
"We are allies! Now comply with these laws we impose without allowing to veto them or vote except for the few unelected representatives of your country which we chose. Welcome ally! You're independent! Prepare for our EU army!"
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they will be no ivan to do so
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Ärgake, Baltimaad!
On a serious note where did the Estonians speaking slow meme come from?
Po velnių it was 6,000,000km, you fucking Communist.
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dumb fucking meme. They are ahead of Lithuania and us in almost everything.
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I was actually talking with a friend the other day as to whether or not the AWP rifle was would be effective in modern trench warfare. for charging across the field and defending from charges, you'd be better off with something like an M16, but when nothing's really happening and it's just two trenches shooting at one another, a bolt action with a mid-range scope would actually work pretty well.
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Check your privilege
these being...?
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Eesti cannot into Nobel Prize.


>Aaron Klug


>Bernard Lown


>Czesław Miłosz

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Nothing wrong with any of this. You are not an antisemite, are you?
They seriously want to appropriate Czesio? Not my favorite (I prefer Herbert) but holy shit.
They, along with Kalingrad, belong to mother Poland.

It's some old Soviet shit where every word is spoken slowly with every sound drawn out for a full second
Why you hate finland old friend. Germany and finland were friends during 2nd ww
>is ruled by a clan of oligarchs
Estonian is a non-language invented by Finns who migrated there during the early iron-age and wanted to distinguish themselves from their northern cousins. As a result of their language perversion, they have perverted their culture and moral as well, basically making them a shitty knock off version of Finland. Truly, it is a place, that is more of an extension of Finland, like a malignant tumor sucking off our prosperity, than a real sovereign country that has a right to exist.

Prove me wrong?
>tip: you can't
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>>128746102 (OP)
No, and especially if the west would recognize our struggle as righteous, I am willing to die for defending Estonia against russian invaders.

Bear in mind, I am no soldier, I am just a skinnyfat /pol/-addicted shitposter. For fuck's sake, i don't even hate Russia or Putin that much. But if shit really does come this far that Russia would legitimately try to conquer our lands, I really think it's my duty as a man to join the resistance and die fighting for my homeland if necessary.

I am fucking terrified of death, I am the last person on earth who wishes to throw my life away, but I feel like living in shame of becoming a rapefugee or being cucked by invading force for the rest of my life feels even worse.

Thanks for all the westerners who have responded to this thread with a resilient no towards seeing the baltics occupied by vodkaniggers.
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I would be in the trenches with you as a member of the kaitseliit.

It would be an honour dying with you in your glorious struggle against the Soviets.
Germans settled Riga and spread their religion in Latvia, also they established Livonia

Ready for another Dyneburg.

Pretty sure every Russian in this thread is against it too
Not all of Finland lad
no; balts are based. vodkaniggers fuck up everything they touch

The Western Euros need you to save them from a kebab siege. Put on your wings and take care of that.
Heel nah!
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I think you responded to my earlier post (I deleted it and remade it because of one grammar mistake) but I appreaciate it, dear burger.

Even though I hate the kikes, the mudslimes and the niggers, there is nothing I hate more in the world than the legitimate organized force from the East looking to destroy my people and my nation forever. It would be an honour to welcome you to such a fight, my brother.
Germany annexing Prussia and Silesia when?
Estonians are bros
I would seriously consider joining their side as a volunteer if it would come to war
Couldnt care less about the balts

In Poland we siege kebab.
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I will always be there for you, serkku.
I am glad that they are. In fact, I am 1/8 russian by my bloodline actually. I am just saying that no matter where the invaders come from, be it the russians or the swedish caliphate, if the situation is serious enough, I must do my duty and fight to the death.

Let's just hope it doesn't come to this. I am really hoping that russians would see mudslimes more of a threat than a bunch of balts.
Fuck you eastern fin
Thank you swedebro!
Viies kolonn, jah? Saan seda täiesti ette kujutada.
Any middle aged overly patriotic to Russia tibla must be fucking purged, the absolute worst scum.

t. ruskie from lasna
Hell no, Estonia should not be punished for actually supporting its allies properly while the rest of the EU lived on American NATO handouts for decades.
Right there with you man, would fight for freedom til the bitter end too.

The overly patriotic dudes are always the ones that cheated their way out of military service too.

Absolute worst.
You bet your ass we're against it. It's not the XX century anymore. There are "muh rightful clay" ruske scumbags left that unironically support the annexation of the country by you.

Most of the time - yes, though I personally know some, who did go to the army, yet they never learnt the language even in the army.

You'll just be fighting windmills.
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This thread

It's just another ex-Russian territory

It was just anuclear capable B-52H from Barksdale.

Russia scrambled a Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jet on Tuesday to intercept a U.S. B-52 strategic bomber which it said was flying close to its border over the Baltic Sea, Russia's Defence Ministry said.

Russian air defense systems detected the bomber at around 1000 Moscow time as it was flying over neutral waters parallel to the Russian border, the ministry said in a statement.

"The Russian SU-27 crew, having approached at a safe distance, identified the aircraft as an American B-52 strategic bomber and escorted it" until such time as it changed course and flew away from the border area, the ministry said.

Russia said the SU-27 had been scrambled from its Baltic Fleet air defense unit which is based in Kaliningrad.

The B-52 "Stratofortress," a long-range nuclear-capable bomber, is one of the most recognizable symbols of the Cold War and entered service in the 1950s.

In another sign of Moscow's unease over NATO's proximity to its borders, Russia also scrambled a MiG-31 jet fighter later on Tuesday to intercept a Norwegian patrol plane over the Barents Sea. Russia's Defence Ministry identified the plane as a P-3 Orion anti-submarine aircraft.

Norway says patrol plane was flying in international airspace over Barents Sea

The Defence Ministry said the Norwegian plane had flown close to Russia's state border with its transponders switched off.

The Norwegian military confirmed the encounter and said it was "normal".
What are you trying to say with this? Russians are windmills? We will be fighting Netherlands?
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>We will be fighting Netherlands?
Don Quixote reference...
Their army is a lie because all the official numbers include reservists.
Au. Learn 2 Periodic Table.
Don Quixote
If the general public wanted, but thats not going to happen
Learn how to read?

I'm saying there will be no Russians to fight. We ain't coming. Drumming up the 'threat' is a great tactic to squeeze money out of NATO though. Hats off to you for that.
I don't care so long as I don't have to go
>Britons shall never be slaves

Education is a free mans gift.
>Fly your bombers next to Russian borders
>surprised when ecorted out
It's just casual revenge for all the Tu-95 Bear Bombers they've flown at Alaska.

>Give migrants who came to your country illegaly citizenship, regardless of wheter or not they speak they language and share the values of the country, you fucking bigot

Did I stumble on some alternate universe where 4chan is tumblr?
>Did I stumble on some alternate universe where 4chan is tumblr?
Responding to a Mexishit.
Süda kuis Sa ruttu tõused kuumalt rinnas tuksuma,
kui Su nime suhu võtan püha Eesti isamaa.
Head olen näind ja paha, mõnda jõudsin kaota,
mõnda elus jätan maha, sind ei iial unusta.

Sinu rinnul olen hingand kui ma vaevalt astusin,
Sinu õhku olen joonud kui ma rõõmust hõiskasin.
Minu pisaraid Sa näinud, minu muret kuulnud Sa,
Eestimaa mu tööd, mu laulud, Sul neid tulin rääkima.

Oh ei jõua iial öelda ma kuis täidad südame,
Sinu põue tahan heita ma kord viimse unele.
Ema kombel kinni kata lapse tuksvat rinda Sa,
Eesti muld ja Eesti süda, kes neid jõuaks lahuta.

Eesti muld ja Eesti süda, kes neid jõuaks lahuta.
the baltic what?
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>at Alaska
That's an understatement
Ko tu tikko teici par mani, mazā kuce? Es tev pateikšu es esmu absolvējis kartupeļu audzētāju kursus ar zelta liecību, es esmu bijis iesaistīts vairākās kartupeļu novākšanas operācijās Vertukšņā un Elejā, un esmu salasījis vairāk nekā 300 tonnas buļbu. Es esmu trennējies traktoru vadīšanā un esmu vislabākais kapļa operators Vangažos. Tu man neesi nekas tikai kārtējais pilsētnieks. Es tevi pārspēšu kartupeļu ražas novākšanā ar ātrumu un precizitāti kuru tu nekad neesi piedzīvojis šai saulē,turu pie vārda.Tu domā ka tu tiksi prom sakot šīs rupjības internetā? Padomā vēlreiz,pajol.Kamēr mēs runājam es sazinos ar savu slepeno Madoniešu kartupeļu vācēju divīziju un tava IP adrese tiek notiekta tāpēc gatavojies vētrai,tārps.Vētrai kas pārtrauks to nožēlojamo lietu ko tu sauc mājas jumtu. Tu esi miris puis.Es varu būt jebkurā vietā un laikā uz lauka, un varu novākt ražu vairāk nekā 700 veidos ar savām kailajām rokām vien.Ne tikai esmu īpaši ilgi trennējies traktora vadīšanā, bet man arī ir pieeja veselai arklu divīzijai un es to izmantošu lai izbeigtu eksistenci tai lietai ko tu sauc par uzartu lauku,tu mazais mēsls. Ja vien tu zinātu kādu bezdievīgu atbildi tavs asprātīgais “komentārs” gūs pār tevi, varbūt tu būtu turējis savu sasodīto mēli. Bet tu to nedarīji, tu to nevarēji, un tagad tu maksāsi, tu muļķi. Es tevi aplaistīšu ar vircu viscauri un tu tajā slīksi.Tu esi miris dēls.
Estonia gave us Skype

Latvia gave us blue jeans

Lithuania gave us... Basketball players(?)

What have the Swiss done aside from horde Jew golds?
>300 tonnas bulbu
In your dreams.
Nah but I wouldn't bat an eye if they annexed Sweden
We are just social construct for Russian political games. Every response is made by bot servers located in Petersburg.
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Would you support a Finnic annexation of Russia?
No. they can take ukraine, belarus and centralasiastan. Baltics are underrated
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More Viina for our daddies.
take the ultimate red pill
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This is my new favorite Navy Seals... Kek.

I was merely posting the lyrics to one of my favorite songs.


Heart, how quickly you rise
to beat hotly in my chest
when I say your name,
holy Estonia, fatherland.
I have seen good and bad
I have managed to lose some things,
to leave some things behind in my life.
I won´t ever forget you

I have been breathing on your chest
when I could hardly take a step,
I have been drinking your air
when I was shouting from joy
You have seen my tears,
you have heard my worries,
Estonia, [heard] my work, my singing
I came to tell you about them

Oh, I´ll never be able to say
how you fill my heart
I want to lay myself into your bosom
to final rest one day
Like a mother you cover up
child´s throbbing chest
Estonian soil and Estonian heart
who could ever separate us?
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Yes. We must secure the existance of volga-finnics.

i am all for annexing russia
Don't you have enough alcoholics already?
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>Don't you have enough alcoholics already?
I'm ready.
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Another one of my favorite songs (also Estonian).

Mis maa see on? (What is this land?)

Have you ever had such a strong feeling of nostalgia, you feel you'd die because of it?

I want to go back. :(
>Have you ever had such a strong feeling of nostalgia, you feel you'd die because of it?
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Sometimes. :(

I'm in love with Estonian's singing traditions. Even "Estonia Has Talent" does a beautiful rendition of Mis maa see on?


(It doesn't hurt that this chick is gorgeous)

Sway is such an incredible song.
but aljosha if u annex Lithuania all these qt3.14s belong to you :^)
> der ewige jude wants to mix it with ooga booga and snackbars

after living in this multiculti shithole my only wish is that someday they all start truly appreciating how good they have it compared to the westerners

Same here. It's an indescribable feeling of unity and pride during these festivals, something you usually don't find here. And it's full of white natives, which adds up to the uniqueness of the event.
M8, it's not middle age anymore. Nobody in the first world is going to accept annexation of their country. Some ppl would stay and figh to death, most would just leave the country.

There aren't any natural resources here, Russians have more land than they need and they already have access to Baltic Sea. What would even be the point?

It only worked with Crimea because it was full of russians to begin with. Russians are a minority in Baltics. There would be no support for annexation of Baltics within Baltic states and outside of them. "Muh russian occupation" is nothing more than nigger CIA psyop.
America supports the noble Mongolian-Prussian - u-uh, Finno-Ugric people in their struggle against vodkanigger invasion.
I wish we had this kind of pride and unity you find in the Baltic singing festivals. It just can't happen here.

I'm hoping to go to laulupidu 2019.
If it comes down to it Id rather have Russia as an ally than any of these micronations.
Ally agenst what? The baltic states
I'd rather fight with 100 Forest Brothers than a thousand Russian conscripts.
>a thousand Russian conscripts.
Well I have bad news for you...
I'm saying, I'd rather fight with the meža brāļi and die to protect Baltic soil than fight with Russians against anyone.
>Russians against anyone.
There are no Russians left in Russian army.
Only Rossiyans(RF citizens)
Im saying Russia is a much better friend to have
Have you seen this docu, bro?

Mr. President, if I may speak freely, the Russkie talks big, but frankly, we think he's short of know how. I mean, you just can't expect a bunch of ignorant peons to understand a machine like some of our boys. And that's not meant as an insult, Mr. Ambassador, I mean, you take your average Russkie, we all know how much guts he's got. Hell, lookit all them Nazis killed off and they still wouldn't quit.
Russians belong in concentration camps.
you hate austria?
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They belong in swamp.
>I you can survive in 100% peat marsh.AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Shit, I haven't even heard about this one. Thanks, Latbro. I shall look for it.
Estonia should be annexed by Finland, Lithuania by Germany and Poland, and Latvia, idk
Latvia can come under the umbrella of the Finnish-Estonian Khanate sine they have women almost as cute as Estonians.
We are proxy Finno-ugrics/Balts, basically the bastard child of both due to ethnogenesis.
It all goes back to Talava theory which I can't post because all sources are in Latvian.
Pretty sure that our ~40% population will annex you tiny country by themselves the moment EU starts forcing you to take niggers en mass. All we need is an airdrop of AKs and vodka.
>~40% population will annex you tiny country by themselves the moment EU starts forcing you to take niggers en mass.
Russians like Multi culti more than we do.
More like useful allies
We already annex their countries back in 40s, without firing a single shot by the way.

And look how it ends!
We developed their nations, preserve their culture from globalist influence and how they repay to us?

They lose all their industrial potential, they even lose most of their workforce, hundred of thousands of people fled to UK or Ireland.
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the only option
>without firing a single shot by the way.

Are you serious, Onion?

>We developed their nations, preserve their culture from globalist influence and how they repay to us?

Okay, his is bait.
Why does Lithuania look like a squished Africa?
>Are you serious

Yes, absolutely. There was no armed resistance at all.

>We developed their nations, preserve their culture from globalist influence and how they repay to us

What exactly incorrect in this statement?
Why would Russia want non viable Nazi infested swamplands?
Estonia's GDP was on par with Finland's before the war and it still hasn't recovered from your "guidance."
> We developed their nations
Yea, thanks for countless commieblocks, hideous architecture, centralized economic system that led some of the local clowns to come up with their mentaloid IME and hazardous industry that made Ida-Virumaa a complete wasteland. Thank god they stopped you from developing a whole line of schist quarries across the eastern part of the nation that would irreversibly fuck up the ecology.

>preserve their culture from globalist influence
By importing low IQ drunkards to slowly culturally and ethnically replace us? Are you fucking dense, blyat? You did the very thing the globalists are doing right now, only you did it under disguise of leninist marxist horseshit.

>how they repay to us?
By simply remembering, what you're capable under a authoritarian collectivist commie regime and they don't want any of that anymore.
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I'll take "Forest Brothers" for $2000 Alex
Why would any sane Russian ever want Baltics now for the third time?
Russian empire got fucking rebellions and it got backstabbed by Latvian rifleman who largely helped bolsheviks to kill the empire off.
Soviet Union was an inefficient joke in itself meant to collapse on its own, but never the less the Baltics made first blow of its destruction.
35 minutes ago, General Jack Ripper, the commanding general of, uh, Burpelson Air Force Base, issued an order to the 34 B-52's of his Wing, which were airborne at the time as part of a special exercise we were holding called Operation Drop-Kick. Now, it appears that the order called for the planes to, uh, attack their targets inside Russia. The, uh, planes are fully armed with nuclear weapons with an average load of, um, 40 megatons each. Now, the central display of Russia will indicate the position of the planes. The triangles are their primary targets; the squares are their secondary targets. The aircraft will begin penetrating Russian radar cover within, uh, 25 minutes.
-t. Ivan?
>annexation of fucking swamps

What for?
Bullshit, you can't get a job in service industry if you don't speak russian.
Not sure what would we worse - Invaded by Russia or Muslims? At least Russians don't blow themselves up.
Sad thing is, that in 100 years, because of eu, europeans wont even remember what it was to have your own nation, and whole eu will probably merge into some Europistan or some crap like that.
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Latvia to Russia
Estonia to Finnland
Lithuania to Poland

Any disagreements?
Only the West, Václav. If V4 falls, then we're truly doomed.
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Leave the Baltic states alone.
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No, and all the subhumans from our countries should be deported back to their shithole.

Someone post that pic where it shows wealth distribution by ethnicity where only 0.15 something % of jews off all population exist in russia and they own 25% or so of thw wealth, or was it 40%. Can't remember, anyways, more cucked than the US and CCCP ruined the baltic states.
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Would you support the Soviets enslaving half of Europe again?
How about we combine all of the baltic states into one country

We can call it Teutonia or maybe even Neu Prussia
Yes, they are US puppets now anyways
and Kaliningrad to Germany :^)
go join isis thats what all the eurocucks are doing besides allowing muslims to raw dog their moms.
Give all the baltics , poland , Ukraine and a part of Russia back to Lithuania
>Mad cucks incoming
No, stop with this shit. Its suggested in every damn thread, our cultures maybe are not that different (still are), but languages are and we shouldn't be united. (I would be for it, but still, we shouldn't)
>EU starts forcing you to take niggers en mass.
LMAO how is that different from USSR forcing them to take niggers en mass?
>Lithuania to Poland
you mean Poland to Lithuania? right anon?
Fuck you nigger
Only if you throw in Belarus.
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The Russian government is shit and poor and they want them here because it gives them a lot of Russian influence in politics. If we were to actually discriminate and try to deport them the ruskies would immediately come and """liberate""" the Russians living here. Not so easy with the political shielding of the EU and NATO but still a possibility. They're like white niggers in many ways, Russians here are the worst of the worst. At least being called a FASHISTI is funny.
It's a russki uncitizen
Wew finally a balticbro who too calls russians white niggers. The similarities are obvious, just check out russian mainstream culture. More degenerate than white US (aka nigger)
Ungrateful scum. Let's go one by one.

>countless commieblocks
That was temporary living space. When Khrushev was building those, it was sounded upfront that useful lifecycle is 20-30 years. Land was burnt by 2nd world war. Also, scum, you have short memory and forgot Royal Russia / early Lening and Stalin's time when there were plenty of building raised, that has nothing to do with commieblocks. For example, center of Vilnius - all Stalin's architecture + 19th century one, apart from old town, which was still kept intact during 20th century.

> low IQ drunkards
ungrateful scum at it again. These IQ drunkards were re-building all factories/ ports/ hospitals / schools, treating you on the same level as they were themselves.

>Ivans to replace us
Fuckface, you replace now yourself with nothingness, by moving to Berlin / London and other powerhubs. During soviet time, there was no replacement, people lived together. Check your population, especially within young generation corridor today.

>collectivist commie
Have you heard, scum, of Khrushev thaw? Have you see movies like 3 musketeers, man from Caputzin boulevard - those are 80's USSR movies. Super liberal, forward-thinking, funny, gentle - that was avant-garde of new USSR, that was on renaissance stage, would it not fall apart. You stuck in Stalin / Hitler times, fucker, good luck.
What does your country produce?
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They made Skype and are huge IT people.

Mostly, their biggest export is supermodels.
Your cultures are shit

you're teutonia now
They have culture, unlike you, you hockey loving poutine eating fuck.
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Poland cannot into Lithuania?
skype is owned by microsoft, so all share revenue goes out. I don't know about your huge people, but we are not progressing in our discussion. Let me help you out - what is Estonia's economy based?

Supermodels, yes, perhaps. Russian girls or Estonian girls - pretty much same, beautiful Eastern European meat.
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Export goods
machinery and electrical equipment 21%, wood and wood products 9%, metals 9%, furniture 7%, vehicles and parts 5%, food products and beverages 4%, textiles 4%, plastics 3%.
What machinery? Capitalization of comanies? Names? Ownership?

Are you a child? Relative measures are useless, I can provide you relative measures of Kongo, it would look impressive. To naive imbeciles for sure.
Hey, leafs are shit, but don't talk shit about hockey.
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Yobanaya expat vata, is scum the only insult you learnt from the pakis there?

> muh temporary "khruchevki"
> muh temporary "stalinki"
How in the shit did the westerners manage to rebuild their cities with many more square meters per family, whereas your temporary abominations to keep human cattle alive kept popping up all over the place? These temporary cattlehouses were made specifically for the imported russians across the RSFSR and made according to the most degenerate sovok style that's ever been.
Also, the Russian Empire? The fuck does that have to do with anything, we're talking about imperalist commie pidorahah here, vatnik.
All the pre-stalinist buildings make about <2% of all buildings in the Baltic States. All the deportations and authoritarian commie regime were totally worth it.

>ungrateful scum at it again. These IQ drunkards were re-building all factories/ ports/ hospitals / schools, treating you on the same level as they were themselves.
No, imbecile, they were treating us as chud, who must bow to their (((liberators))) from the nazis. They were the conquerors and all they did is rebuild everything for themselves. Nevermind that everything was absolute fucking shit - doesn't matter, so long as everyone believed in the (((international solidarity))).
And what kind of fucking argument is that? Rebuilding shit is not hard and back then everyone in Europe could do it. You didn't rebuild out of hot commie love for all of us - you did it, because leaving the war torn land as it is was retarded. The Baltics were annexed, you were obligated to do that, it was your territory, illegitimate as it is.


>Fuckface, you replace now yourself with nothingness, by moving to Berlin / London and other powerhubs. During soviet time, there was no replacement, people lived together. Check your population, especially within young generation corridor today.
I'm here because of my job temporarily. Also, Ivan, before I even begin to point out your nigger tier HIV ridden degenerate abortion torn culture, let me remind you not to throw stones out of glass house.
I don't know what kind of life you had in your fucking Niggersransk, but it was always tense and between the natives and the russians. My parents and grandparents were discriminated and silently despised by the estonians, because they were regarded as invaders. If you listen to the interviews of the people from the late 1980s about Lasnamäe being built in Tallinn, you'll badly hidden disdain in their voice. No matter what they told you - the russians were never welcome in the baltics and never are.

>vata uses legitimately decent movies as an argument for invasion and cultural/ethnical displacement of other nations for his globalist commie wetdream
You can stick your movies up your ass - it won't change the fact that the USSR the ultimate white nigger in the history of mankind - the ever whining, fucked in a head supersticious entitled sovok.
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The 20 largest companies included Kesko Food, Stora Enso Timbe, EMT, Elion Ettevõtted, Eesti Põlevkivi, Silberauto, Toyota Baltic, Eesti Statoil, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, Lukoil Eesti, Kreenholmi Valduse, and Eesti Gaas.

The 20 most valuable companies based on 2007 profit estimates by GILD are: Hansapank, Eesti Energia, SEB Eesti Ühispank, Eesti Telekom, Tallink Grupp, Olympic Entertainment Group, Tallinna Sadam, Tele2 Eesti, Sampo Pank, Tallinna Kaubamaja, Merko Grupp, BLRT Grupp, Elisa, Tallinna Vesi, Transgroup Invest, Eesti Raudtee, Kunda Nordic Tsement, Viru Keemia Grupp, Falck Baltics, and Pro Kapital Grupp.

I'm a big hockey guy myself. Go Panthers, fuck the Penguins.
Yobanaya pidrila tupaya, can't comprehend that people can equally hate Putin and scum of your tribe? Vatnik much, huh?

>muh westerners
>muh how manage to rebuild
fuckface, chewing again for mentally handicapped - ww2 burnt soil with underlying minerals ONLY on the east. West has never suffered percentile of destruction East front took. Questions?

>treating us as chud
>muh opression
>rebuild for themselves
Mentally challenged australopithecus - first of all how is working abroad of your country? Enjoying? Feeling patriotic, cleaning toilet clogs with plunger? Secondly, what was rebuilt for themselves? What part of baltic are your from?
Talinn is Juriev for example - Russian city since inception. Other places were heavily built during Tzars, you stupid fuck. Keep LARPing Staling oppressed victim, cunt.
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