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/ptg/ is literally the_donald

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Thread replies: 148
Thread images: 53

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Why has this unmitigated cancer been allowed to fester on /pol/ for so long?
private tracker general?
Get this gay based black trannywoman a maga pede coat!
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>He's a /pol/ack, not a lebbit faggot

This is what /pol/'s become...
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Being this butthurt over a thread
Shoo shoo back to reddi t!
god i hope most of you don't look like this irl
No. I'm sexy as hell.
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Go back to reddi t, stop sucking donalds dick all the time faggot.
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Nu-pol ruined it for the old fags

Seriously they have less critical thinking skills than the niggers and spics and chinks they all supposed hate

This is exactly what /pol/ users look like
This picture perfectly sums up these invaders.
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Quality argument. Is that all you got?
Nah we're just making fun of nu-/pol/ and bootlicking faggots
Normies get out of our secret club. REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

They used out special secret memes everybody! Now we have to come of with new SUPER SECRET special memes right?
says the 320 lb. goober in a truckers hat
to be fair he did say he knows more than the Generals do
>leftcuck LARPing as a stormfag

They are our retarded children and it is our duty to nurture them until they have completed the red-pill.
Donald Trump is a Jewish puppet, he has barely followed his campaign promises. He is a traitor to all of us. Trust me, I liked him, but its been 5 months and hes barley done anything.
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How come every time there is a picture of a /pol/tard, the person is nonwhite or a degen white like that guy?
Stupid liberals degenerates.....they need to follow the real white people with high opioids abuse rates and child pregnancy rates like in West Virginia

#im not a cringelord
>tfw red beard but brown eyes
fuck, at least I'm not obese
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>not understanding the difference between words and physical violence

I smell a post-modernist
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Reminder that you are all literal shills still participating in this psyop sage and kys
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If he was a Jewish puppet, wouldnt he be a big success right now?
What about all those retarded LE BASED STICKMAN faggots?
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No hymen no diamond! MAGA!
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Nice proxy pakishit
You're forgetting about his cabinet as well, Mnuchin, Ross, Kushner as an advisor, etc.
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How come white people are so ugly and and fuck their cousins?

>hmm, even ivankas long neck is unappealing
Regressive leftist logic:

>Your free spech is violence, my violence is free speech.

>Your self-love is hate, my hate is love.
It's a containment thread you goddamn newfag. Lurk 2 years before posting again or just kill yourself.
I thought he was a Saudi puppet or a Russian puppet or a Bannon puppet. Which is you fucking faggots? I know your precious Assad is too much of a useless shitskin to actually rule his country but that's not Trump's fault.
t. 300lb. goober in a MAGA hat
there's "not being kind" and "violating the social contract"
No it's not and it's never been. As soon as the first /ptg/ threads came up long, long ago, the cancer started to spread to other threads on /pol/ and eventually other boards as well.
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He IS a big success. He's carrying out their agenda.

>not even the same image

>I thought he was a Saudi puppet or a Russian puppet or a Bannon puppet
Strawman fallacy. The guy you're talking to never said he was a Saudi puppet, a Russian puppet, or a Bannon puppet.
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Nobody believes your bullshit.
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You think the goyem know shit about changing money?
happened after anarchist larpers started it
I see ShariaBlue is out in full force.
/ptg/ and r/the_donald are active in redpilling and spreading the anti-globalism of the God Emperor.
I actively post in both communities and have produced some of the freshest OC and uncovered a great number of happenings in my time in each. I've done more to redpill people than you ever have. Stay jealous shills and stormfags the based pede in the OP is the future and I welcome it

Nobody believes you faggot.
if you reply to this thread without saging, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
>it's another assblasted leftypol /r/marchagainsttrump thread trying to shit on other redditors

all of you, get the fuck out
>Oh they started it first so we can do it too
I hate these fucking deflection """arguments""".
/ptg/ sucks because it doesn't even contain the cancer.
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does anyone have the Faceapp version of that guy?
>Why has this unmitigated cancer been allowed to fester on /pol/ for so long?
because /pol/ is dead, most oldfags have already migrated.
just look at how much libcucks we have nowadays... libertarianism used to be the laughing stock of this board
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Oh is that why?
Look at your posts in this thread and try to tell me you aren't a shill.
Fuck off and sage if you don't like it
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do you not understand how time works

faggotoupolis tried to speak at berkley, milky tits spencer tried to speak to a reporter, antifa shut them down

after that we got le based stickgoy and these oath keeper fags
that's literally the shit the left is trying to pull
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Kike enabling shill
You are both the reason why I browse this board less often. God even horse fuckers and degenerates are better then you fags. There is a reason everyone else on this site hates this board and its because you fags exist. Off yourselves.
>anti-globalism of the God Emperor

you mean globalist nationalism
I'm not a shill, I just remember a day when /pol/ was a bastion of free speech, where you could actually express your opinions without being called a shill. You know, actually have a somewhat meaningful political discussion.

It's retards like you that have ruined the place.
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>/ptg/ and r/the_donald are active in redpilling and spreading the anti-globalism of the God Emperor.
No they aren't. They are seriously more bluepilled than the average American because the average American doesn't care about politics.

Most of these people have zero critical thinking and are deeply embedded in populism and identity politics.
>24:12 video
The right as well, which isn't right either, but you can't do the same thing as them and then call them out on it, it's hypocritical.
Calling out non existent fallacies is the most plebbit thing you can possibly do. Fuck off kike.
LOL you're fat
Gosh we just shouldn't have ptg threads cause they are leaving cringe.

Not like this isn't a goal of leftypol to squelch any kind of support for Trump. It's cause le cringe!!

You fucks are so transparent
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i'm not trying to call anyone out on it

as far as i'm concerned saying "the other side does it too" is a valid point
no i'm not
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Why is it getting dark when you switch of the light?

>the strawman fallacy doesn't exist
That means that I can say you are the man in OP's picture, you post on T_D daily, and whenever someone says something you don't like you call them a shill or a leftist.

It's a logical fallacy because it's fucking incorrect. Of course the strawman fallacy exists.
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Well you have to pick a side. And I can tell you that there's one better than the other.
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The great irony is that this kind of reddit fanboy shitposting, which will naturally be punishable by a trip to the camps in the Natsoc 2.0 future, is enabled by the same freedom of expression that will allow Natsoc 2.0 to rise in the first place
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That's some retarded logic, so you'd rather lower yourself to their level as opposed to actually attempting to act better then them?
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The shills will get bored. Look at occupy.... oh yeah hahahah exactly they left
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Speaking from personal expierence they redpilled me and there are thousands of subscribers on reddit and contributors to the /ptg/ that are the same as me.
Seriously stop by a thread and maybe you'll see the light one day too
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>inb4 reddit spacing
i don't consider it to be bad at all you idiot, read my posts
The difference between that guy and r/the_donald is he knows about the HOLOHOAX
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What does this even mean? Everyone who disagrees with you, and who you perceive to be the cool kids, or some older version of a majority on /pol/, should not be here?
You know what you are describing right?
A safe space? Do you need your safe space, free from thoughts you deem offensive?
>supports current POTUS
what a mess.

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There's something glaring in this image:
>When you criticize leftists for using identity politics
To say "leftists" is identity politics in itself. The image could simply be "When you criticize leftists for using identity politics" and the point would still be there.
I voted for Trump and I like Trump. I'm just sick of the cancerous groupthinkers and crossposters

>implying you aren't shariablue

Fuck off, the divide and conquer tactics of the left will not succeed against us pedes!
>a thread about a thread
Wow glad to see the mods doing their fucking jobs, enforcing the sticky and ensuring the quality of the board instead of deleting wolfgirls in a containment thread.
They act just like the leftist Nazis on /pol/ who freak out if you challenge THEIR identity politics.
Pretty sure that's what the whole OP was.
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If HWNDU and these other free speech meetups are any indication, I'd say it was expected that the majority are a bit funny looking.

/ptg/ always hooks me up with the happen in in the Trump administration since I'm asleep during usually important times (2pm-onwards).
The most cancerous part are those awoo posters posting the same image every day in every ptg thread. Mods aren't doing anything because they think they lose their job

>inb4 containment thread

Let it go to /b/ then or bant
>it's a containment thread that just attracts more of what we are trying to contain
Wow that's really great
"Yeah, let's censor people on the antiPC boards.
Everyone must agree with us, or get out. Who me, I am anti-PC."-What you sound like to me.
>I hate identity politics. also I hate muslims and leftists but that's not identity politics ok?

That sums up every single poster on this board. years ago, before the newfag election swarm you would see daily threads bitching about identity politics, or "virtue signalling," now /pol/ engages in both of these ideologies on a daily basis in almost every thread.

The sad part is that the underage retards that shitpost on this garbage board are too dumb to realize that they are nearly "identical" to the leftists SJWs they hate so much. Maybe it's a bit of self loathing going on over their own failures in life?
Pol literally projects it's own insecurities onto the_donald, fact.
It's actually all the same people, don't delude yourselves into thinking that there are "good" parts of this board, it's all a heaping pile of garbage. You think that it was just a bunch of newfags that came here spewing this Donald shit? No, it was a large majority of gullible retards here as well participating.
kill yourself
Getting rid of the general will absolutely ensure the cancer spreads further. The general doesn't lure people here, the ecelebs and fox news are straight up talking about 4chan on the regular when reporting on the fight against leftists.
Analytics of the site prove you wrong
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Say what you want, but at least they are excited and (if in the US) it's a good voting bloc.
If this is you, unironically kill yourself. Also ironically kill yourself for being a tripfag
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Of course it's me. What did I do wrong now?
You: "Agree with us and follow all our rules, or kill yourself."
Have you been reading Alinsky again?
Who the fuck goes outside with an anime pin? Do you bring your katana too?
Wth am I looking at, this why you and everyone in your gay little thread needs to be gassed
Does it really trigger you, that my fellow autist is not scared to be himself?
On an anti-PC board?
Are you really going there?
Is this really real?
I feel lost anymore.
>Poster to reply ratio
lel why do shills even try?
>1 post by this ID

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>The most cancerous part are those awoo posters
This I should the most obvious tactic of the liberal; attack the foundations of tradition in order to topple the tradition itself.

Awoo posters are essential to the Trump Generals, damn near always have been
, and long before teh_dahnald_amiright over at Plebbit was ever created. Yet again it's no surprise that liberal cuntbags are trying to remove the awoo posters as they're the most energetic part of Trump General.
Mods have clearly stated in the past, multiple times, that Awoos are permissible inside of TG and just because one fucking uppity power-tripping faggot mod tries to undermine the tradition doesn't mean they have established a consensus.

Take your commie, liberal tactics back to Plebbit.
I'm not saying there wasn't an influx of new people, I'm saying that the vast majority of this board thinks exactly like TD posters do, they just are contrarians about it, all of the kek memes, the "shaliday" " kekistan" and all the other cringe-worthy edgy memes from this election started on /pol/ and were just co-opted by the Donald because guess what, a large portion of this board are TD crossposters.

Don't separate the two, they're one and the same.
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I make that guy look like Fabio in comparison.
>Works at Goymart as a wagecuck
>Actually wears his autistical anime button around thinking it makes him unique or special

Honestly, I normally don't tell people to "kys" as I'm not an underage toddler, but I have to make a special exemption for you. You are truly pure cancer.
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I was a weeb around the turn of the millenium, so my past self probably would have. I just find the interchangeable character funny.

It's great because no one gets it at work.

>Works at Goymart as a wagecuck
I don't have many options as I'm in my 30s without a GED.

>Wth am I looking at
My life for over the past decade
Those two guys in the hats look really confused about these two faggots.
if they are the same then why hasn't t_d created anything you stupid fuck. that's like saying grandmas are the same as teenagers because both have a faceberg account

reddit has a vastly different culture. most of the examples you gave started as one-off threads but then reddit/twitter drive those funny, organic things into the ground (or worse, into real life)
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>socks with sandals
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>That Hair
>That Sign
>That Fucking milk
Why do you faggots try this hard? Do you think it's going to get you some kind of status improvement? Yo may as well dress up in Anime cosplay if you're doing this shit.
/pol was born of cancer. /pol eats the cancer, it gives energy
Each board is allowed 1 thread to talk about the board newfag
the shill cries in pain when it gets called out
I know. Hiro said so. What's that have to do about this thread that isn't about the board, but about a /general/ thread on this board?
This is how they all look. I saw a pics from a reddit meet up they had. They all look exactly like that.
>implying people can only use one site
>not understanding that the wrong words lead to physical violence when you're not on the internet in mom's basement.
Fuck off, commie from /leftypol/. Words aren't violence, and there's nothing wrong with self-defense.
>Going to Reddit Trump Lovers general
Let them have their containment thread
You're an idiot or a shill. There's a mile of difference between terrorist actions and self-defense.
>wrong words
who decides what is wrong?
stop being such a violent nigger and stop getting offended by everything
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so based, amirite, fuck shariablue! amirite?!
these redditers are a terminal disease for /pol/

you cant fix it
I spent a whole our on a board yesterday, where shitdicks were talking about dick and buttt, and the mods were cool with this. This was literally what the whole board was about, dick and butt.
Dick and butt, dick and butt...feels good man...and this was all good. but they moved to random, a thread about Egyptian Mythology.
Shortly after, I started a thread with the subject title, Dick and Butt; ince it was okay for fags...call it a test if you will.
Thread blew up, mods delete.
Go figure. I think /pol/ is ran by Stone Dick Priests, who are Freemason, dick-butt sympathizers.
Fucking triggering as fuck. I get censored EVERYWHERE.
Yes, and if the words in question are of a political nature, you, the terrorist commie, is entirely culpable for any violence.
Please die in a ditch.
>the wrong words lead to physical violence when you're not on the internet in mom's basement.
none of the shit we're saying used to be the wrong words though
fucking hell lmao these are the people on /pol/ who regularly call others subhuman?
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No, these are.
Thread posts: 148
Thread images: 53

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