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Kikebart fires Jorno

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Thread replies: 257
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So it looks like kikebart succumbed to leftist pressure and fired their Journalist for calling Muslims terrorists. Giving any Breitbart article clicks or linking their articles is as good as supporting the rest of the leftist mainstream crap. Never trust the Jews.
More photos of Cutie McHugh pls
Breitbart isn't run by Jews
they shill for the kikes pretty fucking hard. i stopped giving them clicks once they starting openly sucking israeli cock a bit too hard during the election.
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no, they fired you for implying being indian is bad

you can't get away with that outside /pol/
The bitch got what she deserved. Not everyone wants to be caught in your bullshit extremist war
You're an Indian
your country is getting what is deserves, Canadians are a pathetic people.
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Why's she so perfect?
NEVER TRUST THE JEWS! Get that through your thick fucking skulls.!
>ywn cum inside her
It's for the best senpai
They're right wing Zionists, just as bad as left wing.
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She's so great. Will Tucker rehire her for The Daily Caller?
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I dunno, hey if i ever get rich i will hire people like her to write shitposts in a newspaper and trigger all the leftists, move them down here to NZ/AUS
Rare QtMcHigh
You must choose, anon
Who do you think Breitbart was?
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Perfect girls don't exi-
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>not fake news

yea off yourselves.
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>the right is extremist
>wanting to protect your country, culture, and life is extremist
>passing laws that say identity is subjective and you can make it up but if people offend you they go to jail isn't extremist
>unironically waving soviet flags in public isn't extremist
>making up entire academic disciplines focused entirely on training communist social activists isn't extremist
>repeatedly insisting that a religion intent on destroying your civilization because you're not them is peaceful isn't extremist
>agreeing that the subjugation or sometimes destruction of the white race is a net benefit for the world isn't extremist

ya I concur I sure am worried about those right wing extremists
I almost unsubscribed from their youtube, they've been doing a people of breitbart video with nothing but diversity hires for weeks.
But she just said "you're an indian", I would only take that to mean "this isn't about you".
The one on the right has the crazed "my eggs are dying, pls help" stare.
At my door the leaves are falling
A cold wild wind has come
... meanwhile anti-white articles continue to fly out of the msm faster than the production of bullets during wwii
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Disgusting. Why are they changing? This is all fucking apart Andrew's philosophy. Shapiro shill tier desu.
she made fun of a guy solely on the grounds that he was indian. now she is behaving like an sjw. she was indiscreet and stupid and now shes being a little bitch.
Why not? Leftist faggots can say "You're fucking a white male!"
>dark hair light eyes

Aussie bro where did you find these? I looked earlier and found nothing.
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Maybe he'll bring her on for his "Top That" segments. He always has some qt 3.14s for that.
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>ya I concur I sure am worried about those right wing extremists

Their rhetoric does and expelling Muslims would have a disastrous effect. Look at how well it worked when it was simply tried by Trump. Airports flooded with protesters and pretty much shut them down.

There's more of us than there are of you. Police and military are on our side, even when you put a far right govt in power they're still limited by the power of the people.
She said "you're an indian" OOOOOOH TOO FAR. Imagine if he said "you're a white woman" Would he be fired?
lel. You have to prove to me you're not trolling if you want a real reply. That post is too ez.
>Police and military are on our side
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Your number goes down every time another attack happens, and ours goes up. Every new terrorist attack redpills a new generation of normies.

Eventually if the government refuses to do anything, the people will take their safety into their own hands. I'd rather just get them the fuck out of our countries but if you want them dead because you're too monumentally stupid to see the writing on the wall then I'm fine with that too.
Is the daily stormer hiring?

I thought pol liked this news source
Water isn't wet. The sun isn't hot. Pizza isn't delicious.

What happens to TEXTBOOK FACISM and Trump being a dictator/emperor/king?

Like everything with brain-dead leftists, it gets discarded the moment it's no longer useful.
>Eventually if the government refuses to do anything, the people will take their safety into their own hands.

Then you will be the terrorists and the people will target you. DOTR will end up a bunch of white and Jihadi extremists hanging from trees as moderates finally get sick of all your shit.
hnnngggg wood smash
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Hey. Hey guy. Do the world a favor and do this:
>Then you will be the terrorists
Everyone will be a terrorist by that stage you bluepilled normie.
>What happens to TEXTBOOK FACISM and Trump being a dictator/emperor/king?

This is one time that I can say "THANK FUCK I WAS WRONG"

American democracy is more resilient than I thought and I'm sorry for underestimating the ability of your country to come together keeping this autistic orangutan sedated.
just stop bro. This and your last post were among the most pathetic I've ever seen. Go take a good sleep.
Is that real? Holy shit. Kikes never stop.
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I go out on a party
And look for a little fun
But I find a darkened corner
because I still miss someone
Sick of your (((antifa))) hijinks, starnigger.
Gas the kikes racewar now.

brietcucks on suicide watch
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>>Then you will be the terrorists and the people will target you.

Well if the government keeps going down its current path; terrorism will expand with Waring factions killing each other with plenty of innocent people dying in the process. Best solution is to eject all Muslims before things get really out of control.
I kekked.
poo in the loo detected.
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i was really going to help katie and this cause until i stumbled upon this tweet where she used the word cucked. i don't take anyone, who's over the age of 18, who uses that word seriously. i will now make sure everyone on my kikebook and other social media accounts NOT help her and do the OPPOSITE. fuck this loser wannabe try hard retard. she's just as bad as the MSM she complains about.
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>tfw kek gives you quints and nobody even notices

That's not how it works. After a certain point, killing muslims in our nations will be simple self defense. Muslims keep doing terrorist attacks.

People are getting more and more sick of this shit. Eventually if they do not stop the terrorism, if they will no leave and the government will not force them to leave then we will have to kill them.

I don't want to kill them, but I am not willing to let them invade our countries and kill our children. So if they will not live in peace, we must send them back hom in pieces.
Israel is a country we should emulate... It's pretty nearly an ethnostate. There's nothing wrong with admiring Israel the state, while also being redpilled on the JQ... which has nothing to do with the average Joseph in Israel.
Canada's pretty comfy if you don't live in a shitty city.
You should worry more about the niggers trying to kill you instead.
>I got myself fired by pissing off my bosses, pls gibe monis
Literally a welfare queen
>Based Katie BTFO'ing Jew Jew Rogen
dont worry nigger
I have a nice pole in my yard to chain you too
if you work real hard maybe massa will give you some rice and beans
or did the jew rub off on her?
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>mfw based Leaf get
... This is a word used since Chaucer, dumbass.
>fired for stating a simple fact
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Yep Seth is still seething that she called him out on being a fat fuck loafer years ago:
>It’s unlikely that either Moore or Rogen, both of whom are grossly overweight, are familiar with the grueling regimen Cooper endured in order to respectfully represent the deceased Chris Kyle. It’s equally unlikely that either of them would have volunteered anything to make a sacrifice on behalf of veterans.
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thank you for noticing my friend
Get the fuck off our board you fucking disgusting camel jockey
>tweets polarizing things
>gets fired
>doubles down with a link to gibmedats
How many of you cucks gave her money in hopes that one day she'll be your pure Aryan gf?
Women + Journalism = Holocaust + Cancer + Aids

I see no problem here, get chicks in general out of the media, they are mainly the ones who spill bullshit and spread fake news cause they have shitty judgment and dont do proper checks.
We need new media. Someone get Chuck Johnson on the horn.
Someone needs to hire this chick. She's doing God's work.
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not all posts are made equal my feathered fiend, make sure to check under your keyboard for giant spiders before you post
I love Katie Mc QT. Speaking the truth and calling out browns. She deserves our support.

And fuck all the ugly beta scum saying all women are whore. Stop reflecting your own inner trash self onto everyone else.
sad this woman will basically be homeless now
It wasn't a fact, the guy was Iranian.
She really is perfect.
>Then you will be the terrorists and the people will target you,
that would certainly not be the sentiment here in texas
fuck kikebart
Who cares where on the Bristol stool chart he lined up? Non-Whites don't have a say in the immigration policy of White countries. That was her point: 3rd worlders don't have standing.
>Mexico 2.0
>Thinks the white Texan cowboy meme is still relevant
Reminder that Breitbart created the Huffington Post, one of the greatest sources of degeneracy of our time.
this lmao
>doesnt know mexicans hate muslims too
>doesnt realize that even a shit ton of liberals in texas are sick of the muslims
>doesnt realize that almost everyone in texas is armed to the teeth even little old grandma
Found the poo
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I hope she kills herself.

Let this be a lesson to anyone who makes racist "poo in the loo" jokes against Indians we WILL find you racist bigots and we WILL get you fired!
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Yes, yes and yes. There's always the "BB-BUT DAS NOT REAL MUS-" people but they're slowly losing. Also nice numbers
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We can't have that kind of intolerance here!SHUT.IT.DOWN.
Calm down Raj. Most Indians I know hate Islam and are decent people. Also, poo in loo.
Literally everything is run by the Jews. How fucking new are you?
>t. texan
wow even netahyue is there ,
>another actor who can't handle the banter
>gets her fired because of it
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You already sound like a terrorist, you'll be shot first
Hitler escaped to South America
Respecting the quints.
A Ptarmigan.
>over 18
>wannabe try hard retard

Lmao, you're a mentally challenged hypocrite.... and we already know you're a shill. Nice try though.
I hope Fox News hires her
That girl might be attractive but she has some serious crazy eyes,would not mess with her
This is why whites must determine their own destiny, shitskins will do everything in their power to oppose us once they live in our lands. There is no such thing as a based Indian, they must be driven out.
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I get called a fucking white male all the time with no repercussion. Fuck this shit.
>Wanting to stoop to the Level of Leftists

Silly Kraut, you probably apologize when someone calls you "racist"
Simply google her name and see the msm shit all over it. Un real...RAcist tweets etc etc..
Biast media. What are the odds.
Didn't they also fire Milo like little bitches?
Filthy C17 cuck your country is at the bottom of the totem pole. Why dont you go practice your fucking pronouns in front of the bathroom mirror.
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It's the Israelis that are undermining any attempts at nationalism so they can be the sole exception
Um my friend was there he said it was way more than less than 100.
Tell me about Katie. Why does she wear the mask?
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>Police and military are on our side

Yeah like cops are gonna pass up the opportunity to beat up leftists and niggers?
So two people exchanged subjective insults and one of them gets fired?

#SUPERPOWER2030 #NamoIsMyBro
breitbart are cuck faggots. fuck em.
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The sad thing is im not laughing at what you said because it was funny.. even the cops ran from the 3 knife wielders who surrounded that one girl on the bridge and were ceaser stabbing her as she yelled "help me. Help me". The cops ran faster than the civilians.
Stop jerking off to this gorgeous flower and write Breitbart you faggots!

She was always reporting the negative affects of Multi-culti life, she was just a little to bold, even if she was correct. She didn't deserve this.

Send her a positive message on twitter too, she'll respond if you're sincere. Pls no bully, Katie is and always has been /ourgirl/
Wow Jews jew someone in a most jewey manner, imagine my shock!

(((BREITBART))) has ALWAYS been leftist controlled opposition. Look at the editors of Kikebart Texas and Kikebart (((ISRAEL))) for the most grossly obvious examples. And that's not mentioning the fact that (((MILO))), (((BEN SHAPIRO))) and (((MICHELLE FIELDS))) cut their kike "journalist" teeth there.
>Supporting the website after Andrew's murder in the first place
You're a faggot and you always will be, all of you
They literally hired a gay Greek race traitor who couldn't be fucked to live in his Homeland so he fled to bongistan where to acquired nigger cocks to suck.
Alex wasn't a kike do your homework
She got fired for lobbing chilish insults on her twitter.
Shes a social media fuckup.
She needs to do something else
Like be a swamp hag for the rest of her life.
>expelling Muslims would have a disastrous effect
Considering we don't have that many, I'm not very worried dog fucker
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Different context retard
Anything short of using it for it's original intended purpose outside this site or bullshitting with friends makes you a fucking faggot
She's ugly, so you're wrong
Die in a fire cunt
Thread is full of people who think she's insanely hot, but it's subjective. Not every girl can look like your body pillow.
Yeah, I stopped linking shit from them after the election. It's not surprising they're at core a bunch of neocohen globalists who are going to maintain the status quo, they just throw a little red meat at the GOP base, they're not true believers in nationalism.
What she said is objectively true. The truth = gets you fired.
He's Iranian though

Get it now?
Anyone ever says that send them these and make them watch
Cry more low standards pleb
I'm a professional photographer, I know what people really look like Anon. She's not even a 7

Yeah it is. Founded by a Jew. They are heavily pro-Zionist.

They're usually anti-Muslim too. What did this chick say to get fired?

Wait...That was it?

It's literally fucking true. It's not even offensive (by normal standards, not insane marxist standards)
These are good too.



As well as the with open gates documentary (original unedited version)

Unfortunately logic really doesn't work when emotions are involved. It's like trying to reason with a cultist. I showed someone the second video and they said "pffffft, that's just HIS opinion". They wouldn't know reality if it skullfucked them.
Breitbart was a Jew but he wasn't huge in Zionism, he was more of a Jewish nationalist despite that never being possible.
He thought Israel could confirm to America's ideology but they will never willingly solidify into a single state entity and all go back there because without the millions of kikes living elsewhere they have no control

Depends where you are. The majority of people in Australia would happily expel Muslims. No leader would do it because you would get buttfucked by the U.N. and our (((allies))).

We already get screwed hard enough over common sense border control.
How can they say that when he's an Egyptian Coptic priest?
Dude literally lives in effectively the middle East
Or he did at least, with that bounty so high I'm not sure if he kept his home or had to move
I've never edited any of my social media photos, and I don't look different irl...

I will agree a lot of girls add filters, lighting, angles, etc to change it and even photoshop. They CAN look radically different, like false advertising. But whether this girl is doing it can't really be known for sure unless we've met her irl
Nah cunt, Trump would give you a pat on the back for putting your spine back in

I don't think you understand how this always ends up. There are no moderates. Certainly among Muslims.

There will be conflict, and one side with will win and one side will lose OR a third party intervenes and stops them from fighting. It's how it's always gone down.

As long as the left and Neo-Con's fail to address the root of the issue, it will continue to fester and boil over.

I don't get. He is an Indian.
Yeah true. Grew up surrounded by based people, PC culture and SJWs were hardly a thing within my circle and no one - not even the super religious, nice teachers - liked Islam, so it's not just Gen Z. We're much more open and defiant than the rest of the anglosphere, but places like Melbourne, Sydney (etc) are fucking full of idiots. We still need to make changes to save ourselves.
I remember when some MSM piece literally called Breitbart a White Nationalist website. Completely absurd.
>woman "argues" with nypd as she takes part in a protest

I think they mean screeching at a man who isn't paying any attention to her?

No he wouldn't.

The U.S. would royally fuck any country that attempted to protect it's borders and people from globalism. They always have.
She's not false advertising at all and that's an admirable thing to do
But the fact of the matter is her forehead is terrible, her hairline is bad, she murdered her eyebrows at some point and they will forever be fucked, her cheeks are chubby as fuck and make her look fat, and the size of her face is too big for her nose, mouth, and eyes
Even if the rest was fixed she still would look terrible because looks are absolute about almost nothing but proportions and ratios
>poo in the loo
Think she was saying he's bias
I meant the second one I posted (iirc the German Muslim laughing about Islam conquering Germany through birth rates). It really doesn't matter to them. As soon as it leaves the super friendly form of Islam the envision, it is no longer "real Islam".

Come to think of it, why do they have such huge boners over Islam? Do they know they're subhuman infidels? Fucking idiots, mate.

It's not just Sydney or Melbourne. In fact, I found Tasmania FAR more tolerant than anywhere in Sydney regarding Islam. I guess because they have zero exposure to living around Muslims they only go by what they see on faceberg and SBS.
>They always have.
Except that's wrong, prior to 1934 we encouraged it
Listen to what the god Emperor says and then look at what he does, they're almost identical word for word
He would champion you for getting rid of them
I think similar things can be said about basically everyone. You yourself I'm sure have a lot of uneven and fucked up features that I could pick out, and I'm sure I probably do as well. You're never going to see someone who's 100% objectively perfect. Just people you'd wanna fuck. And clearly most people here find her super hot. Me, personally, not really since she's not my type.

Also props on savageness.
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>He doesn't know that Indians kill people for asking them to use a toilet like a civilized human being
>He doesn't know they swim in shit water and are almost constantly ankle-deep in feces
>He thinks this is just a stereotype
Anon... You should go and see for yourself.
>Breitbart isn't run by Jews
"Breitbart was born in Los Angeles, California, on February 1, 1969.[10] He was the adopted son of Gerald and Arlene Breitbart, a restaurant owner and banker respectively, and grew up in the affluent neighborhood of Brentwood, Los Angeles. He was raised Jewish; his adoptive mother had converted to Judaism when marrying his adoptive father.[11][12] He attended Hebrew school and had a bar mitzvah.

Andrew would remain proudly Jewish, although not always religiously observant. He would sing Hebrew songs at work while also teasing his Orthodox Jewish colleagues for keeping a kosher diet.[14] Breitbart later said of his profession: "I'm glad I've become a journalist because I'd like to fight on behalf of the Israeli people... And the Israeli people, I adore and I love."

Are you kikes even trying anymore?

The left hates Western Civilization. I was looking at a post on faceberg tonight from a distant acquaintance. He was DEFENDING the Somalian fugee murdering that Chinese bloke yesterday, and using a copypasta that was as cringe worthy as the one we spam on here about "You Kill The Muslim. You started this in Pakistan etc etc etc".

Everyone was loving it.

>m8 that's fantastic. Look what we did to the aboriginals. We deserve this.

When people would ask, for instance, what dead Pakistanis killed by U.S. drones in Afghanistan has to do with a Somalian and a Chinaman in Austarlia, the response was;

>More Muslims die in Kabul, like, every day!

Liberals hate Western Civilization and white people, and they see Islam as it's destruction.
They trick the peasents, just like every invader has to win
Christianity did it to Europe though mostly by force and open executions of opposition that didn't surrender. Romans did it to the Greeks, Greeks did it to literally anyone who got in their way, "Persian empire" did it to the people of the middle East when it was still essentially white(RIP Iran), Spanish & Portuguese did it to the spics.
The peasents are always stupid and easily convinced because to them life is too much trouble and if anyone can talk very them a solution to their wandering thoughts or a reassurance to every day Life they'll accept and believe it just to take one more thing off their daily plate if worries.
The smart, strong willed, and resolute always resist and are unable to be decieved and that's why they are always the Ines to be demonized most by their opposition and opposition's converted peasent lapdogs.
Think about it
Course I do, but I'm actually well above average. But lucky me just like most people I'm hypercritical if myself and unable to take advantage of that opportunity that life has presented me with
I've not seen a full body pic so I can't give a full assessment but she really isn't anything to whistle at.
Remember numbers mean shit, 2/3 of people on this board used to think Ivanak was hot but she's always been an ugly genetic dustbin thanks to her mom and incessant it was revealed she was a leftist she was dropped like a bowling ball
There are definitely some who want to destroy the West, but then there are others who are just so fucking stupid that they listen to everything the MSM spoofeeds them and conform because that's all they know. They are weak and insignificant in their own eyes, and the media is an authority figure to them who always knows best.

Then there's the stubbornness. They don't want to change their opinion so the second they see something that makes them question their beliefs, they run to their echo chamber for positive affirmations.

"phew! I almost agreed with that awful nazi! I'm glad my circle jerking safe space has shown me I was right all along."

The same people who are feminists and LGBT are defending Islam of all things. That's like chickens defending KFC. It makes no fucking sense.

The two main groups of useful idiots are ethnomasochists and pathological altruists. Either way they're both drinking the kool aid and they're both bad people.
You say you're above average and then that you're too critical of yourself. Idk man you seem like a troll. I don't think Ivanka is ugly either, and I definitely don't think she's a good example of an ugly person. Don't get me wrong, I don't think she's that attractive, but you seem to be the black sheep here. Maybe aspie as well seeing as you focus on little details.

But whatever dude. Not sure what being a photographer has to do with finding Ivanka ugly but I respect your opinion and outlook even if it's atypical.
>Maybe aspie
I've both severe ADD and OCD, so probably
Photographer was mainly to show that I actually know what I'm talking about since being hyper analytical is important to my livelyhood (that's also why the majority of photographers are reclusive, insecure, self conscious, and lack basic interactive etiquette)

Feel to whiteknight intensifies.
At first I thought you were a raging faggot. While I disagree about her being ugly (she's not ugly but she's not stunning, probably average or a tiny bit above), I do agree with you about how if she were an unbearable sjw/leftist, 95% of the anons here would call her an ugly hambeast and tell her to kill herself.

Though this is just an example of bias; if someone shares your views, and they're not ugly, they're instantly more attractive to you, and vice versa.
>If someone holds attractive views, it makes them more attractive
Well bugger me, it's almost as if FEMEN harpies would be attractive of they weren't raving loony man-haters.
Sounds like israel is giving them money
The OCD was kind of obvious. You definitely noticed details I wouldn't have seen or cared about. But I'm interested in how you see things. What, in your opinion, makes Ivanka ugly? I think her nose is kind of tiny, aside from that I think she looks pretty good.
Nah bro most FEMEN protestors are ugly slavshit garbage or just plain European ugly
Maybe 10% are reasonably attractive enough to out your dick in
Genetic dead ends generally feel slighted by society and when they find a group that will have them they gladly join the picket line for whatever cause they're pushing
M8 you know what I mean. If you were talking to a plain looking chick at a party and she started saying "shitskins don't belong in white countries. Gas the kikes, race war now", she'd go up a few notches on the attractiveness scale.
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Leftism is a philosophy of erasure and suicide. They want to erase themselves, be barren and erase their lineage, erase their nation, erase their race, erase their civilisation.

It's a Satanic impulse. God created the world ex nihlo, from nothing. They want to return to that state of nothingness preceding creation, to erase God and all creation out of hatred and spite. Seraphim Rose writes about it in his book "Nihilism:"
Wasn't there a study showing unattractive women are more likely to be feminists? I find they're usually uglier and weirder looking on average. I won't lie that I've seen a few attractive ones. But it's obvious as you said that personality plays into attractiveness. You can be a 10 and be rambling about the patriarchy and I won't take you home.
Cheek bones are massive to an almost cartoons level, she has no middle jaw to speak of, her eyes are a little too far apart(but that's just an observation, it's a normal trait in most slav women to an extent), the guy that did her nose job fucked up royally do that her right nostril is drastically different from the left, her nose bridge bends to the left(but again observation not flaw), surprisingly her mouth is properly aligned unlike most people.
Also her tits are fake, her ass is me, and there's the whole part where pretty much her entire face has had work done
That all being said if she did a JOE for me I would cum with the force of a thousand sun's, her voice actually is very sexy
Highly doubtful since more and more if your moderates are flocking to our side.
It's less about the notches and more about you starting to justify or outright ignore flaws because you cut them a bit of slack.
That isn't what Nihilism is though kek, satanists are just as bad as Christian's though at least satantists are open about being piece of shit whereas Christians vehemently disagree that they are bad
There is a livestream of the "event", the fucking yoga on the grass next to it had more people in it. From the looks of it I doubt it hit even close to 100 people.
Kek, you salty poo? Are you mad that white women don't even notice your ecistance? Indian men are literally lower than chink men, the lowest of the low.
>her ass is me

Also damn, you honestly strike me as a fucking super-sperg and I mean that in a good way. Most people just say someone's ugly, you deconstruct every tiny little flaw. I'd honestly hire you to insult people for me.

Is there anyone you can think of that you think is perfect? Like, someone you think has no flaws?
Satanism proper is a rebellion against creation and a desire to return to the nothingness of pre-creation.
I've never seen a white girl with an Indian/Asian. I've seen lots of Asian chicks with Arabs though that's unrelated.

Anyway, he's a troll and he's not Indian. He posted a comment saying he's not Indian and is just after yous, but he deleted it.
>What, in your opinion, makes Ivanka ugly?

This is what I would tell her:

Your eyes are too far apart. Nose is definitely crooked. The shape of your face is not aesthetically pleasing at all. You look like a 3/10 with make up in this photo. I don't even want to imagine what you look like without make up. I actually just threw up in my mouth, just thinking about it.

Your head is too big (although that may be, because of your giraffe neck posture). As for your hair, lol. Seriously, do something. You look like a horse.

Stare at your face for more than 5 seconds, and you will see how ugly you are. The eyes which are too far apart is what ruins/damages an already ugly face even further. Unfortunately for you, that can't be surgically fixed, lol.

You arms are way too long. lol at how they hang by your sides. Kind of reminds me of lurch. As for your tits, we all know there is extra padding there. Don't even let me start on your pale complexion. It only works if you look hot. Unfortunately, you do not look hot. Its hard to sum up a creature like you in one word. 'UGLY' would be unfair, since it doesn't reflect how repulsive you look. GROTESQUE is stretching it. But somewhere in between, is where you would be, on the scale of an average man.

I'm sorry if my words seem a little harsh. Just so you know, I sugar coated this post as much as possible.

Have a nice day.
>posting 5+ year old misc copypastas
My mother for instance is one of those people
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Nobody is perfect, but Teen Kasia(Phil Flash) and pic related are in my book
I could probably think of more non-pornstars if given the time to think about it for real
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If you're legitimately curious look to the Dutch and ukranians, their women are the closest you will get to flawless
I think the other guy is better honestly, I can tell you're trying to be provocative where with him it just seems like he's giving it to you in an emotionless, monotone sort of way. I don't disagree with anything you said either.

Though to be honest I find things that are *too* flawless (if they exist) off putting in a weird way. Like I saw some girl in an Adobe ad and it was obvious they used makeup and editing to make her face super smooth, but it just looked too smooth. It looked fucking weird and unnatural, like a robot. Then again it's mostly subjective and maybe there are people who are into that.
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NRO 2.0

cuckservatives are mentally castrated by christcuckanity so their natural position is always naked on the floor with their ass cheeks spread for Shlomo/Muhammad/Jamal.
Nose is way too big, neck looks too skinny and frail, you can tell she has absolutely no tits, eyes are asymmetrical, nose-bridge is fucking wide and stretches up to her forehead, also face shape is gross, skin seems caked in makeup though maybe she's just super pale/clear.

Meh her nose is weird and her body shape looks like a teenager, also tits are alright but not that good imho
Are yku even aware? It's literally a 6+ year old copypasta written to troll an attention whore on bodybuilding.com misc forum.
Also her ears are too big and oddly shaped
Nah I haven't seen it before. Wasn't on misc back then, try to stay off it now since it's on par with /b/ in terms of autistic degeneracy
Like I said, a few specific elite, not the average Israeli.
And just noticed her dreadful caterpillar eyebrows.
Her nose is symmetrical and it's properly proportioned to the rest if her face, neck again seems apt for her size if you notice some of it is covered by her hair and her shoulders are quite visible is she isn't very big of a person therefore neck size is proportional, I'll give you the shape of the upper portion of the bridge but it's most likely less extreme when she isn't opening her brows aren't intentionally raised like that, she is just really pale, what you're seeing is her freckles which I find cute in their chaotic nature, and what's wrong with her face shape it's a classic Aryan angular shape?
I'm surprised you didn't notice that her left eye is slightly higher than her right
she would love getting fucked by black guy with his virile dick
How can you be so dumb? The context is irrelevant dipshit, if some ancient Briton called a man a cuck to his face or we call someone a cuck online, it means the same thing and is still just as viable a word. Please don't breed.
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What's wrong with her eyebrows? They're strong
Here have a go at this
It doesn't though
We use the term in a more broader sense as for anyone who's getting fucked by someone else whereas the original meaning was solely for your women being fucked by another man
Are you that stupid or just I'll informed?
I said her eyes are asymmetrical, so yes I did notice. Her head makes her look like an alien, it just looks too big and it's in an extreme upside-down egg shape. Also, you can't deny her nose is pretty fucking big, like come on. I already mentioned her eyebrows but there tragic.

As for the other stuff, everything I mentioned is glaring, you're basically just saying "well, yeah, but I like [blank]". Every flaw I mentioned is legitimate but it still doesn't mean she's not cute. Again, everyone is going to have some flaws, and it's okay if you personally like some of them.
Please tell me the context of her tweet to Seth Rogen dipshit. His wife publicly offered herself up to another man. He would have been called a cuck in Chaucer's time as well.
Tiny tits, body isn't girly/curvy enough for me (too thin), don't like her dimples (subjective but I think they look like shit), she has a slight butt chin which ruins it for me and the space between her bottom lip and chin is too big. Neck is also too long and arms are a bit too twiggy. She's still not *ugly* imo though.
Also her eyes are a bit too far apart, though I don't mind too much
But go on thinking you're super intellectual.

>more broader
>Trust me, I know lots about words!

/pol/ is more autistic than misc
lmfao bibi, these jews want to racemix and lower eu/usa so much they forgot what muslim did to them at kaybar... no need any semite near whites
>And just noticed her dreadful caterpillar eyebrows.

Too use to drawn on ones that every unnatural whore has?
Nah, I've been to misc quite a bit and they're definitely more autistic. Pol is extremely autistic as well, but it's more weaponized instead of just "BRUH ASTHETIC AS CHIT". I can't remember the full terminology because it's been a while but it was super fucking dumb.

/b/ is the top dog though.
Yes, and that's the original context of the word dumbass
>"Curvy" = girly
But that's not true, women are meant to be meek feeble creatures. Literally the opposite of men, being small is what makes women women. Being fat is a Jewish meme cobbled together from old tradition that stood for large women being high in status fur yo affording enough food to be fat and not doing enough exercise to get rid of it because they weren't financially obligated to do so. Big women are a perversion of what it means to be a woman in whatever form they take be it large asses, tits, hips, thighs
No, lolwat. They're too big and bushy, and they look unnatural and ridiculous. The third picture posted, the black and white one, had a chick with nice eyebrows.
>they look unnatural
So the vast majority of what eyebrows look like, undisturbed, is unnatural? You are use to the unnatural and find anything that isn't, unnatural.
Broader is correct, a more broad sense would be in proper english since it doesn't fit the sentence structure
>Definitions and useage if words
>Anything to do with intellect
Yep, you're just stupid
Didn't mean to trigger a rant. I know they're meant to be small, and I agree ofc. Big overgrown girls are off putting. By "curvy" I didn't mean the American term (fat) I meant average but with wide hips and a small waist (thus creating a curve). She has it but she's also a bit too thin, which makes her look weak and feeble as you said.

Men are attracted to wide hips because it means women can give birth easily, and big tits means they can produce lots of milk. It's science, baby! But I know some guys like thinner girls.
Uh, no, she's definitely been playing around with them. Those are not normal. You mentioned fake whores, those are the eyebrows they have. Like I said, the black and white girl has nice natural eyebrows.

Not sure what girls you grew up around but didn't mean to offend.
At least it's self improvement and not just complaining about the world being a fat NEET n shiet.
>Yes, and that's the original point of the word dumbass

... Yes, I'm glad you put two and two together Jamaal, you've been crying that she used the word in some abstract faggot meaning and I informed you that she used it in a way that has been the viable since Chaucer. Now you triumphantly inform me of the same thing. Why not KYS this instant.
You've been programmed to like the sparse, constantly plucked and trimmed look then mate
Second grill has almost perfect eyebrows (I say almost because she decided to cut them at the inital starting point where they go down twords the bridge of the nose because that's the popular thing to do despite being retarded and unnatural as fuck, we have Tumblr to thank for popularizing this again)
bitch deserved it
>Not sure what girls you grew up around
It's a question of the unnatural. What you are saying is that the women you like are the ones who trim or shave off their eyebrows, which is of the unnatural.
You would say simply "broader", you absolute idiot... The dumbest person I've encountered on pol.
Fuck off pajeet, poo in the fucking loo
>you've been crying that she used the word in some abstract faggot meaning
No I did not
You got onto that SAcunt for saying he will be against her for it. And I told you to fuck off because he abhors those who use it in public for the express reason that it's over use here therefore he doesn't respect anyone who uses it period.
Pay fucking attention or lurk but don't post when your eyes can't follow your mind
Growing up most girls had thinner eyebrows. I very rarely see eyebrows as thick as the blonde girl's. Maybe it's just different in my neck of the woods. The black and white girls eyebrows just look normal to me, but then again I have somewhat similar eyebrows so maybe that's why.
>Growing up most girls had thinner eyebrows
Growing up most girls trimmed their eyebrows to fit what they were conditioned to favor via media.
Well you are in Straya, and most of your women are Anglo more or less.
Thicker eyebrows are an Aryan trait so it would make sense you didn't grow up around it
Misc hardly ever talks about gains seriously, it's always just weird shit. Also what's that about the world being a fat NEET? Is that pol or b. I'm lost.
Where I am, the barbie thots usually have thicker eyebrows, whereas just normal girls tend to have thinner ones, which I guess is why I associate it with unnatural-ness. I can't say whether or not they trim them for sure, but the average, non-makeup obsessed girls looked that way.

Also as far as the Aryan thing goes, that means exclusively Nordic and Germanic people right? I thought anglos were also Aryan.
banning all muslims is literally insane. lefties want to flood the country with muslims, righties want to ban all muslims. seems like both sides are mentally ill.
just close the borders and enforce immigration laws like it was 20 years ago.
have fun with your fantasy ideology, banning all muslims will never happen.
if you really believe all muslims are evil, you seem to live under a rock.
>I can't say whether or not they trim them for sure

They trimmed them.
Still showcasing your alarming stupidity. If it were a word 4chan created along the lines of "kek" you might have a point, but the fact is that cuck is a proper word that people have been using for centuries. There is no better word in English to describe Rogen in a situation where his wife offered herself up to another man. To disregard someone for using the word is an impressive level of dumb, but you've shown yourself even dumber not only in defending it to begin with, but failing so miserably in doing so, and then acting like a guardian intellectual.
My eyebrows are similar to hers. In fact she looks like a female version of me if I'm going to be honest. I never trimmed my eyebrows so idk. I'll take your word for it though.
>not kikefart

baka, you had one job.
I bet it's BS. She probably got fired for tardiness.
Also I'm not saying I'm a girl ofc just that there's a similar eyebrow/eye shape and head shape

it's interesting, over the past few months breitbart has gotten more and more shitty, but the comments sections have becomes more and more redpilled. still a heavy cuckservative presence though.
Would berry
>Typical woman gets fired and begs for charity
Aryan is Germanic so Germany, Scandinavia, Denmark, Nethelrands, Polan, Austria, Estonia, Switzerland, bunch if eastern Europe countries. And yes Bongs have Aryan blood as the Normans, saxons, and vikings were Aryan but they're also English and kelt and the admixture they've had with Roman blood as well make them a heavily mong rsce(yet Anglo-saxon is their tagline despite Saxons having far less of an impact on them than other groups did)
Nigger just go back to plebbit where you belong, even the way you post is offensive to look at
>turkroach got scared shitless

It would be fun to se you get deported back to ththe country you are so proud of
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Confirmed for not having looked at any of the ither pictures of her
Show me where the big bad paragraph hurt you, Jamaal.
I don't buy the master race thing anymore. Swedes are Aryan and they're so worried about being called racist that they're letting their country get literally ruined and their race decimated. The vikings are gone.

is she a jew btw ?

some senses in be tell me, she is ... i absolutely cannot explain why, but something in the looks.

S-so ... is she ?

( btw : she is absolutely right with what she said, also her words got willfully false-interpreted / taken out of context )
Why not? Can you name a more successful and powerful race?
Personal opinions and alliances aside you should give credit where it's due
Ffs until the end of WW2 every Aryan nation was doing better than the rest of the world and only getting better. It took 2 world wars and decades of propaganda to stop Germany ffs, and Sweden's crux was their working with Germany during the war so the kikes shamed them into becoming cucks as they are now. Don't forget the US either, which is and for the majority of it's history has been Aryan despite what the English want you to Believe
It's her skin, hair, and facial structure
Very German
When the Jews started the whole conversion thing Germans of that makeup were targeted most. Look at any "beautiful" Jew that the media trots around and they all have the look. Look into their family history and they're all Germans who converted.
Jews despite being reptilians are powerless against the allure of alabaster skin and bright eyed just like everyone else
Maybe in the past. Now, though, they're fucked. Economy is going to shit because they're over budget spending money on rapefugees, most of which are on welfare and causing crime. The UN says Sweden will be third world by 2030, below Libya. Their people also don't care about the safety of their innocents and children. They are overly sensitive, insecure, naive mental midgets.

If this is the master race, then to hell with them.

a based leaf.


It's part of mainstream vernacular now. Too late to turn back the clock on that. I'm still mad about what they did to "epic" but it's calmed down since the 00s and I've learned to live with it.

cuc.k spotted

Oh my eyes, what is that fucking monstrosity???
A beautiful WOMAN, and NOT a mentally ill man who has destroyed himself through extensive plastic surgery.
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