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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 74

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Rolling for explosion.


Roll for flames of suffering
Space is not what we are told it is. Earth is flat niggers, get rid of your cognitive dissonance.
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Rolling for först contact with ayylmaos.
you're brain is flat :)
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>Implying I'm a globetard
I just hope Elon's flying dildo explodes in his face.
This is the 11th spacex mission to the ISS. It's an unmanned cargo flight.

There will be a 1st stage landing at LZ-1 a few minutes after launch.
What would such a stupid ass conspiracy even try to achieve?
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I have something for you.
The dragon docks within 24h after launch, no?
If the earth is a globe and our solar system is spinning through the universe, why do we see the same stars since thousands of years?
Elon Musk has gotta be the king of virtue signalling. He gets all the blue pills hard.
>prayers given 0
did i miss it

also elon musk is a faggot who needs to go away

How many Eurofag and Mexicans are here hoping it explodes? FUCK YOU!
>flatfucks will tactically ignore this post
15 mins away
three days I think

the first attempt on the 1st was going to dock on the 4th
keeping the masses dumb by telling them they are insignificant compared to the trillion other galaxies out there created by a meaningless bang of random and pointless chaos. I mean isnt that the most depressing thing ever?
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>SpaceX still running in 2020.
How exactly do you know what the sky was thousand of years ago? Acurate sky maps have been a thing for barely a few centuries.
Ha Elon is such a cuck for globalism
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Here I go! Lets see the fireworks!
to hide god
Thats fucking dumb. If anything, it's super inspiring and fuels our lust for adventure and expansion


I cant believe im having this conversation
Check these digitals m8s
Is such a thing even possible?
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rolling for explosion

also i wanted to use this possibillity to say that i believe spacex is fake
note how it gets dark when the thrusters ignite, thats normal due to the exposure, but it stays dark even when the flames left the frame it doesnt get bright again. shortly afterwards the commentator even says "the sun set several minutes ago" 1:40 minutes after liftoff even though during liftoff it was still bright. my guess the editor edited it the right way in the beginning, and after the cut some other guy took on the work, saw its dark at the end and kept it and the commentators had to go with it
false. all our names of star constellations come from the ancients. Most of them roman and greek who got them from earlier civs.
To me personaly no. It makes me appreciate the humankind that much more since we can comprehend the size of this Universe. Our size might be small all things considered but we definetly don't think small. We are what gives the cosmos the ability to grasp itlself.
that was NASA's shitty fucking leather gasket sealed hose that exploded.
Fuck off Ahmed, you jealous bitch.
How much money have they pissed away on fancy fireworks?
Just out of curiosity, would the people keeping the flat Earth a secret really allow SpaceX to advance this fast towards commercial space flight? Seems like a fast pass to getting busted for lying to everyone
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What is the cargo?
yeah but in your random universe everyone and everything dies and is erased for ever. Also at any time a giant astroid can smash into the earth annihilating humanity. end of story.
Dragon dildo.
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>I cant believe im having this conversation
>on /pol/

New around here?
Purple or black?
nah, it was a problem with crystals forming in one of the the composite fuel tanks.
>implying elon musk isnt just a crypto "yeahj science" shill himself.
im not a flat earther, in fact im a hollow earther https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/126352757
but still musk seems pretty fishy

also since its semirelated and this thread got promoted in the other one, here a thread about nasa

You need to go back, Achmed.
Yes it is
Common man, I dont really know who this God is but I know he is out there and everything has a purpose. Havent you thought about death or love or really any philosophical concept, If everything is random than nothing would make sense, but we dont see that anywhere, we see patterns down to the smallest scale.
You do realise that the person who first postulated the big bang theory was a catholic clergyman, right? Also Kepler, who proved the elliptical model of heliocentricism was a Lutheran. Even if you are not the same Christian denomination as these man, you can not say they were not men of faith.
I don't like this cunt
I hope it explodes
mice, fruit flies, rolled up solar panels, general crew supplies, pulsar trackers...
They are sending rockets into the Dome which is like water, thats why so called "astronauts" have gotten water inside there suits, something impossible in a vacuum
Roll for the rocket going off course and hitting refugee camp
Eat shit. Mohammad.
T- 3:00
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T - 3 minutes

get in here faggots
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Why can`t ayy lmaos invade us already.
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they fuck up all the time nobody cares except flat earthers
people are deluded


not real christians

its possible to be a christian and be wrong about this however
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T- 2 minutes
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>falling for the CGI rocket meme
So this is the first launch of a reused rocket?

or just the first entrusted with a payload?
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this things gonna fall over
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T-1 minutesee
Inside us.
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I love this proof man, seeing actual stars is what opened my eyes to our earth realm
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lmao why does it move so slowly?

Am I really supposed to believe this isn't a 3 inch tall model dangling by a string?
It looks like a penis!
then what's the big whoop?

Fucking faggots, use MPH like real Americans.
Man the Earth has aged well
With every launch we have threads.
wtf it didnt explode. why did i watch this gay shit then?
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We need to break the space rocket patriarchy and make a vagina shaped rocket!

looks like they upgraded that nozzle a lot
the one on the right is cgi?
this desu even i agree with this

It's a fucking rocket going into space.

It's fucking awesome.

So badass. Another used stage success. We 21st century now.
fake and gay there is no such thing as space
SpaceX has never demonstrated their refurbishment process.

For all anyone knows, their rockets are all brand new every time.
so the earth is flat, right guys?
that better be renewable energy based fuel
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Congrats neighbors!

Keep em comin
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>curved earth
Bullshit. This entire thing is CGI. What more important news is being slid right now? You're falling for a Psyop. Dig deeper.
nobody argued it wasn't circular

Sorry, we don't all plagiarize our values from the television.
Nope, the rocket is just inside the water dome
>SpaceX shills
>they do it for free
>"I fucking LOVE science! xD"
WTF was all those lights? Technical stream.
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People still fall for this CGI bullshit?
It's basically a religion to those people.
see how the earth doesnt look round at all from the rockets point of view
>t. Bill Nye
kys bill

>ULA fag
>Picked the wrong team
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Ayy lmaos.
yeah the fov
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i can't even handle this as a joke
A fucking bird/!?!?!

You have to go back, Paco.
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It's nice living in Florida so I don't have to keep up with this but can jump on a stream and watch when I hear rumbling
A big lump of something came up towards the stage 1 rocket as it breached atmosphere on technical stream. No joke.
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That was fucking amazing.
a lot of pissed off wasps there
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holy shit the beautiful bastards did it
Damn that was some of their best landing footage yet.
that was kinda cool
I don't give a shit about space travel

We've got problems here on earth. Space Exploration is just a way for white liberals to stay delusional while our country is falling apart.
Starting to get a bit boring now though.
Holy shit that came in hot
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fake af

camera cuts to some cgi bullshit
did anyone else see that pteradactyl
so fucking smooth

like there wasnt even any risk involved
those were some high quality graphics.
crazy how far cgi has come in 10 years alone
Holy shit that sonic boom I just heard...
Flat earthers should be gassed

Explosion confirmed.
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what is the black thing that flew by
Yes...haha thats the reality of floating through space I suppose.
>what is a fish eye lens pointed above the horizon
I mean it's a private company man, can we really take credit?
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lol same thing popped into my mind. I wish there were more european companies doing space stuff.
dude that totally looks CG.
>cognitive dissonance kicking in
Man, that was fucking weird. You said it and then I heard it 15 seconds later. Internet is faster than sound I guess.

It has to.


The Black Knight ET Satellite
Explain the boom I just heard if it's fake.
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>cognitive dissonance
>doesn't understand what that means
It is.

superior sperg genes won

elon musk is a tech god among humanity
Don't reproduce.
probably a piece of the gigantic inconel nozzel blasting all that fire
What are all those fucking bubbles? Is space water or something?
If the earth is actually flat, why aren't we seeing the underside?
your fucking mom just got out of bed lmao
I live in the Cocoa/Port St.John area.
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That shit looks unreal. You just don't get used to it.

>burger forgets that the strongest drivers of technological innovation in modern times have always been war and space exploration
fucking CIA nigger craft probs
What exactly does being a "real Christian" represent to you? I talked with catholics, Lutherans, evangelicals and even JW in Ro and not one rejected the heliocentric model or current cosmological knowledge.
>what are curved lens?
It's an american company staffed with americans that works with NASA. I'd say it counts.
This was better overall especially at 14:25 stage separation.
That video is retarded.
I live outside of Daytona, shows how fast the internet really is as much as we bitch about it.
Did i miss it?
You love space out of ignorance alone.
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I know, it's just fucking crazy to watch
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I don't understand, he never said the earth was flat
this. So sad to think humans aren't capable. The atom was cracked, Kepler tracked the motions of the planets. Science is real you retard. How else are you posting your shit on a computer? Where did that come from.
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evangelical probably might be

theyre just ass deceived as you are on this thats all

i was a year ago
space exploration only did it because two superpowers were in a dick measuring contest.

Nowadays there's only one superpower in the world.

It's ice, Achmed. You have to go back.
so is this rocket the one that was already in space or is it a new one?
even crazier to think this is century's old technology we are using
Different spacecrafts, different cameras with different appartures, wide angles and crops. Jesus /pol/ ...
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>astronauts in 2017
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An illiterate man can look at the vastness of space and the splendor of the stars and appreciate them as much as any highly educated scientist.

Please fuck off.
Reminder that all who claim to be "flat eathers" on /pol/ are joking/shitposting.
Russians actually have superior rockets. Comparatively what they're doing with the resources allocated is pretty incredible
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>not blaming gohnald grumpf for everything
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i always thought saying the earth is flat and everything is the biggest insult to god

i mean instead of creating a infinetly expanding universe we can't even comprehend he decided to create a pie with little thingies that glows above it
So whats is it going to do out there, will it save starving african children?
Like it or not the US is on a downhill, Im not saying its gonna go full rome and get fucked but its far from its glory post cold-war days

If something doesnt change in 25 years China will be a direct contender in every aspect to the US
>spherecucks are this delusional

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they are literally JTRIG

The capsule was reused this time.

They reused the first stage in an earlier launch.
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Stupid thing could have at least exploded.

It's been boring since Manchester.
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wait it has teeth???

Yes and no.

Space travel is the white Jan's door to salvation.

Like our ancestors that left evrope, we shall too conquer new land.

I for one, would love to have a dome on the moon.

Besides, space mining would be by far the largest industry ever.

We have trillions of dollars floating about.
Oh okay you fucking idiot, I looked it up and the statement in the tweet had absolutely 0 to do with curvature or any of that.
>The tweet was quoting Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person to walk on the moon. He famously said of viewing Earth from space: “You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, 'Look at that, you son of a bitch.’ ” This quote has been cited as an example of the overview effect, a perspective shift toward global unity and conservation reported by astronauts struck by the planet's fragility.
I wish they'd pipe down already

It doesn't really matter.

They still deserve to die.
what causes stars to look like that?
Spine beetles?
>An illiterate man can look at the vastness of space and the splendor of the stars and appreciate them as much as any highly educated scientist.

Lol only an idiot would say that. The laymen thinks nebulas look like hubble photos. The laymen thing you can jump out of a spacecraft in orbit and fall to the ground. The laymen think you can accelerate right up to the speed of light and beyond it.

Laymen know absolutely nothing about space. They think it's cold, ffs.
the white man will never conquer space.

That belongs to the chinese/indian/jew hyrbids who will inherit the world after we die out.
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Dropping this rocket.
fuck yeah, nice landing

The atmosphere and some retard on an unstable tripod filming them.

Assuming the monkey is even using a tripod.
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theyre not suns theyre lights in the firmament
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Limitations in optical lenses and light sensors.

See also "Orbs". Schizophrenics think these are ghosts or something, when it's just dust and water droplets magnified.
pretty fucking cool man

Musk's other companies might be pretty retarded but you can't argue that SpaceX is dumb or not worth it.
>chinese/indian/jew hybrids

Wishful thinking, bud. You know full well the nigger/spic/mohammed hybrids that will inherit the earth will never get to space.
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What is this even supposed to imply?
video no longer exists?
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(unless you count the rocket itself)
>chromakey screen
>multiple color grid

Lol no. That was to measure how far it moved.
is Space not pretty close to a vacuum? Why wouldn't it be cold?

t. ignoramus
>For all anyone knows, their rockets are all brand new every time.
It's a metal tube that is strapped to a zillion tons of exploding rocket fuel that goes into space and then crashes back to Earth. Refurbishing it would be more expensive than making a brand new one.

The whole shtick is nothing but retarded politics. I guess NASA didn't want to fund this unless they made some token effort of making it 'reusable'. (Cancelling the Shuttle and going back to plain old rockets would have probably ruined some moronic boss's plans and career aspirations. Plus USA #1 'n sheet.)
This is like reading troll physics threads. I honestly can't tell if people are just stupid.
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Our education system proves once again how much it has failed us.
>live 100 miles away
>can't see shit captain
Never used to have this problem before Trump destroyed the world by pulling out of the Paris treaty.
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We did it boys, another successful landing
Well there is nothing else to sat than. It's "born again" American Christians like you whose vitriolic anti-science dogma (which has no basis in scripture whatsoever) turn away modern men away from church.
You might be better than those amoral liberal denying the humanity of an unborn child, but not by as much as you may like to think


He did it, Musk did it
No, you didn't do shit. You just pissed into bottles for another year.
>it's getting boring
That's the definition of success in engineering/technology.
>Reminder that these kinds of posts are meant to make /pol/ lose credibility to normies.
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>no basis in scripture
And you piss used kossu on the sauna rocks while shitposting.
That's true, it's routine now.

Many people are simply that fucking stupid.
Also it feels like some weird ass psyop thing to me.
I've noticed an increasing amount of this flat earth shit this year.
Both here and on jewtube.
Give it some time and this satire will be taught at schools, in the name of accepting and tolerating alternative worldviews or something.
>Refurbishing it would be more expensive than making a brand new one.

I've never seen a more apparent Putin shill in my life. Keep pushing that meme bro, once ULA loses its contracts you won't be selling anymore of your rockets to us.
This is fucked. Billions for space yet pennies for the homeles.
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hey fuck you I did stuff.
kek if we gave you more welfare you would just have more kids and still be homeless
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cloud goes behind the son

that settles it atheists
Fuck the homeless. They had their chance.
>Give it some time and this satire will be taught at schools, in the name of accepting and tolerating alternative worldviews or something.
I think you're onto something.
How do we push this as a Leftist narrative in the name of "tolerance"?
Because as you said it's a vacuum so what exactly is cold? The 1 atom per cubic meter? That's not going to make you cold. You'd lose heat to radiation, not from convection with that 1 atom.

I agree. It's disgusting that nobody has dared to question spacex and make them prove that the first stage is refurbished.
going north on a globe doesnt mean going upwards. at this point i hope for yourself that you are just a troll or shill and not really that stupid

I would literally pay money to watch you be beaten in the street.

friendly reminder that flat earth posts are also shareblue, they're attempting to get people to start memeing it like troll physics, so they can run the proliferation of such posts as another way to slander the right.
your science is fake and pseudo. The earth being flat is the oldest and most accepted fact in history. Only the last three hundred years did we think the earth was a globe.
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Is there a way to crowdfund this?
New bird species that fly over 58km.

>apollo 12

Mike Collins in the command module you worthless fucking chimp.
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The issue as i see it is post-modernism and pop science.

Post modernism tells people that reason and science are inherently incorrect.

Pop science tells people that they can understand science without an education.

You put those things together and people end up using the same logic and arguments for perpetual motion, ftl travel, asteroid mining, space elevators, flat earth, anti-vax, elvis is still alive, etc etc.

Science depends on reason and having trust in reason. Reason is no longer a component of any aspect of our post-modern world.
> Points out basic engineering and economics stuff
> Gets called "Putin shill"
Whew lad, I never knew Putin was in charge of reducing NASA's graft!

Anyways, facts are facts -- 'reusable' spaceflight is a money losing proposition, it only happens because you guys are sucking that unaccountable Uncle Sam teat like there's no tomorrow. It's a nice fantasy but unfortunately the world doesn't work like that.

>Keep pushing that meme bro, once ULA loses its contracts you won't be selling anymore of your rockets to us.
Fine by me. It's embarrassing that the USA lost its spaceflight capability when even the Chinese have it. (Focusing on boondoggles like 'reusable spaceflight' probably had a big role in this embarrassment.)
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flat earthers BTFO.png
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Do you really take those verses literally?
What's next? Do you also belive that the creation was literally made in 6 Earth days(144hours)?
explain this shit
>Do you also belive that the creation was literally made in 6 Earth days

>(Focusing on boondoggles like 'reusable spaceflight' probably had a big role in this embarrassment.)

Actually, the main driving force behind this tech is asteroid mining. The first company to catch and deliver a rare-metal containing asteroid will become the most valuable company to ever exist.
>using XSplit
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>It's embarrassing that the USA lost its spaceflight capability

We just lost our manned capacity which is worthless anyway. Though we still use your slavmagic engines.
>It's disgusting that nobody has dared to question spacex and make them prove that the first stage is refurbished.
Refurbishing would be more expensive than making a brand new one. Imagine 'refurbishing' a cell phone that got dropped into salt water and then thrown off a cliff. That's the kind of 'refurbishing' we're talking about here.
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I have a terrible understanding of physics, but wouldn't the heat from your body escape into the surrounding vacuum?

Or is it that since there's nothing for it to escape to, it would just stay within me. To be fair, I have no idea what I really mean by "escape into surroundings"

Why does rubbing into things make me colder and them hotter?
ULA is overpriced same as SLS, Blue Origin is looking good though.
>The first company to catch and deliver a rare-metal containing asteroid will become the most valuable company to ever exist.
False. Anything that you can mine on an asteroid you can also mine from the bottom of the sea at one thousandth of the cost.

There is no practical value in spaceflight aside from spy satellites and orbital weapons.
so why doesn't spacex just go do it?

how fucking hard could it be to build a self-instantiating mining facility and self-launching space center that could be dropped on an asteroid.

I feel like you could take 100,000 engineers working non-stop and have it done in like 3 years tops.

It's nothing like that. They designed the engines and rockets to require as little maintenance as possible between launches. It's nothing like the shuttle boosters that landed in salt water.

Time and the price of launches will tell.
i just computed the square root of the largest prime number known to man
What? Spacex lands their rockets on land what salt water are you talking about?

>google largest prime number
>go to wolfram alpha
>type sqrt(
>type )
>press Enter

wow so fucking hard.
there were UFOs. now they're not showing footage of the spacecraft anymore

They don't have 100,000 engineers and infinite money to throw at it.

You need a profitable business first.
>Anything that you can mine on an asteroid you can also mine from the bottom of the sea at one thousandth of the cost.
There's no guarantee at sea mining, sea mining comes with countless and VERY EXPENSIVE environmental regs, and it's much harder to mine at 300+ atmospheres than you think.

Asteroid mining is what SpaceX is after. Idiots like you can't see 50+ years into the future.
>I have a terrible understanding of physics, but wouldn't the heat from your body escape into the surrounding vacuum?
A vacuum is an absence of matter so there is nothing for it to escape "into". Rather your body emits infrared radiation that shoots off into the cosmos at light speed. But that's not nearly as efficient as convection is so space suits need heat radiation systems or the astronauts will die of heat stroke. The Apollo astronauts all complained about getting swamp ass in the moon landing suits because the heat was unbearable.

>Why does rubbing into things make me colder and them hotter?
For simplicity's sake heat can be thought of like vibration. So if you had a vibrating object like a guitar string or a musical triangle, if you brought it in contact with an object that wasn't vibrating the vibration slows or stops because it has transferred its motion to the atoms in the other objects.
i used pen and paper
took me 1 year
>more people working on a problem scales linearly
Too many chefs in the kitchen. Read "The Mythical Man Month"
Paper is for wiping bottoms after poo.

Internet is for prime Numbers.
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>hey designed the engines and rockets to require as little maintenance as possible between launches
NASA designed the shuttle's main engines to do the same thing. They still had to replace them every time because there are few machines in existence more complicated and that contain a greater amount of energy than a rocket engine.

The SRB's that landed in the sea were always recovered intact.

They land them on barges because they get too far away to make it back to land on the fuel they have. It takes a while to get back to shore after that, and the salt air and water spray gets in everything and corrodes the fuck out of it.
How can there be a largest number aren't they infinite? According to google that is 2^57,885,161-1 so wouldn't 2^57,885,161-1+2 be higher?
I guess next big things to wait for are Falcon Heavy and this beautiful thing.
>look at things that will never matter:
>the hundred billion dollar expense
but it's not one problem is it? Engineers are good at breaking things down into subproblems. Surely 100,000 engineers could properly organize themselves and accomplish more than 10,000 could.
>Asteroid mining is what SpaceX is after

A belief in Asteroid mining requires the same cognitive dissonance and dysfunction as the flat earth.
fuck that shit. Profit is for nerds.
>properly organize themselves

Engineers aren't managers. Idiots and women are.
has it launched yet?
Everyone else is probably on facebook making sure to delete flat earth comments. They aren't looking at anything important on their screens.
interesting. I really need to study and learn basic physics.

I really wish I didn't squander my education as much as I did.
Better pay niggers their welfare.

How retarded are you? That's clearly not the same footage.
>being so emotionally crippled you can't be in awe of nature

Well NASA fucked it up because they were a government agency working with '70s era technology.
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Profit drives civilization.
>A belief in Asteroid mining requires the same cognitive dissonance
Not really. We know that gold and other rare metals came to the earth via asteroids.

The only question is how do we engineer something to capture and reel in an asteroid to get at its metals.

Spend some time in science and engineering rather than sucking conspiratard cocks.
>earth is curved on the same picture used to "prove" the earth is flat
>y'all be like
Yes, let's take this highly educated man's word for it. He MUST know. Jeebus told him.
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Nah i was super into that shit as a kid. Went to APOD every day, listened to podcasts, had stupid space posters, loved everything about space, the works.

Then i got an education, and it all fell apart.

>no true scotsman

They weren't the only ones who spent a shitload of money on re usability and got nowhere. the ESA and JAXA also came to the same conclusion.

A physics education enables you to make products for companies. You would have to have been born more than a century ago to make any important discoveries. We're fresh out.
no what youre seeing is a fish eye lense
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And yet here spacex is doing it.

That's private industry for you.
>The only question is how do we engineer something to capture and reel in an asteroid to get at its metals.
We don't. That's the issue. There are no methods that would allow us to get that mass down to earth that wouldn't cost more than the material is worth. breaking it up makes it more expensive, and there's no way to deorbit a giant rock since they aren't made to handle the loads and they'll be completely uncontrollable if the rocket you strap to it is off the asteroid's center of mass by even a few millimeters.

But go ahead and resort to the same reductionist logic as a flat earther.
>And yet here spacex is doing it.
You will be hard pressed to present evidence that spacex refurbished the rocket and did not just replace everything but the outer casing.

You're being incredibly retarded here.

If the costs go down, obviously there is some driving force allowing the costs to go down.
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Your math is wrong, and your image is wrong (wrong mountain range entirely, it's only a 10,000 ft peak), but you probably didn't study math or do the calculation. They are 80 miles away. Bulge is only about .5 km.

>There are no methods that would allow us to get that mass down to earth that wouldn't cost more than the material is worth.
As yet discovered, hence the need for more development, hence the point of what SpaceX and others are doing. Space tourism is another funding method.
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>If the costs go down, obviously there is some driving force allowing the costs to go down.

There is no driving force because satellites don't need to be replaced that often and we already have a bunch up there.
Satellites don't exist, GPS comes from radio towers.
>As yet discovered

That's the flat earther logic i was talking about. You can say that about literally anything you want to be true. "God of the Gaps" etc etc.

Space tourism has no market. The only people able to afford it are extremely risk-averse people with no interest in a prolonged roller coaster ride.

Which is how GPS works in the middle of the ocean, right.
>Space tourism has no market. The only people able to afford it are extremely risk-averse people with no interest in a prolonged roller coaster ride.

And yet, people have already booked flights around the fucking moon.
This rocket is much too phallic. Why do men always insist on thrusting their penises everywhere?
Radio waves don't magically stop when there's water, dipshit.
How come every thread about space always attracts /x/?


You're more retarded than I thought.
Yes they do. And you can't triangulate your position when you depend on radio waves bounced off the ionosphere.

As i have demonstrated, the same logic that attracts people to the paranormal also attracts them to space travel.
Not only that, but "shooting" their "load" into space.

This wouldn't happen if we had a female president.
>Yes they do.
This is what globe tards actually believe.
There's a post-modernist argument if i've ever seen one.
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