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Brit/pol/: Lost leaders edition

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Thread replies: 356
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>Latest Intention poll CON: 43% (-2) LAB: 37% (+2) LDEM: 6% (-1) UKIP: 5% (-) GRN: 2% (-):

>British tourist falls from third story balcony after ladyboy romp:

>Brendan Cox says news of Jo's death was like a hand grenade going off:

>Boris wrestles with Labour MP:

>Tim Farron once again refuses to rule out homosexuality as sinful:

>Theresa May goes against Michael Fallon saying tax plans have not changed:

>Boris Johnson to keep job after election:

>latest Owen Jones and Peter Hitchens:

Haven't been on brit/pol/ in a long while.

What's the current state of it? What happened to the old tripfags? What are the new ones? Do people still hate the Tories?
CON: 42% (-3)
LAB: 40% (+5)
LDEM: 5% (-2)
UKIP: 5% (-)
GRN: 2% (-)

(via @YouGov / 30 - 31 May)
Stop posting fake polls.
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Still fucking bored in London


ya fucked it up Anon
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>Vote for Brexit
>Muh freedom XD
>Muh right wing surge
>Muh Based Mummy May
>Le left BTFO
>Patriotism is back XD

Reminder that Brexit will LITERALLY lead to a marxist, IRA supporting, CND activist becoming Prime Minister and even more pakis coming here.
Flooded by labour shills
Fucked off
All cancer
Mostly yes but tactically voting to stop labour.
People are now 50/40 in favour of Labour.

Disgusting, I know
Where are these bloody polls REEEEE
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>The Independent
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If the tories lose their majority mummy will resign right?
Say Jeremy Corbyn had been the Home Secretary for six years, during which time he slashed some 20,000 police jobs taking us back to 1970s levels of per capita policing.
Let's say he also slashed the UK Border Agency budget so that over a million people per month were coming and going through UK airports without being properly checked.
Let's say by virtue of an extremely self-serving EU referendum non-campaign he managed to get into 10 Downing Street, where he kept up his agenda of cutting the UK security services and border agency.
Then there's a home-grown terrorist attack by a known Islamist fanatic in a city where Corbyn had cut the police budget by £157 million.

Let's say Jeremy Corbyn "lost" files on an internal pedophile ring.
Let's say he wanted to take the homes from the elderly.
Let's say he cut 30% of your disabled benefit.
Let's say he signed an arms deal with the (ISIS-funding) Saudis worth billions.
Let's say he wanted to take away your child's free school meal.
Let's say he forced NHS staff to use food banks or starve (great choice).
Let's say he made so many cuts to the NHS that people are suffering waiting for ambulances and A&E doctors.
Let's say he went against doctors, nurses, teachers, fire fighters, the armed forces...
Let's say he took away funding for University for upcoming doctors and nurses.
Let's say after all these cuts there's still a deficit and he'd missed every target he'd set himself for reducing it.
Would you vote for Jeremy Corbyn under these circumstances?
Then why the bloody hell are you voting for May?
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Start going to church.
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My neighbour is having a barbeque lads

smells heavenly

makes me want to...

wank in the garden
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>how come there's so many shills on /pol/ when May stabs me in the back
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>he ordered people to murder people on his behalf, both in ww2 and in the holocaust

>war is murder
>the holocaust was real

So we both agree that Hitler did nothing wrong then.
Brexit was just people voting anti-establishment. It's why voting for May makes zero sense.
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>t. in denial, Tory boy mong
An excellent Peter Hitchens:
>261 Seats

>This is your polling on skimmed milk
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You know, in many respects, the IRA is honouring Jeremy Corbyn. He's the founder! Corbyn in the founder of the IRA.
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Canvassers on the ground are saying the labour surge doesn't exist in reality.
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It was his plan all along

4D chess
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Remember when May was almost hitting 50%
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keep shilling corbcuck mong


£100 lost
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>YouGov will go out of business after failing to predict the third election in a row
its going to be funny when labour wins and all of brit/pol/ pretends they were always on the tories side
Nurses make £22k to £28k a year, not including the overtime they all do which adds another 30 percent. Many have a higher basic salary, that figure is for your first job as a qualified nurse. They have guaranteed pay rises every year and guaranteed employment.

If you have that and use food banks then you are a liar.
Anyone else sense that Labour turnout in retarded/shit areas like London will be high but in swing seats where it matters it won't

If you think of the eponymous swing voter in your mind and imagine that he or she did not vote for Miliband, question whether you think they'll vote for Jeremy Corbyn

It's just not happening lads, Labour might see huge gains in places where they're already winning but it won't matter, they've done nothing to convince the rest of the country

It's just like Clinton winning by 2 million votes in California

Not to mention that I think these predictions of youth turnout are horseshit

Why the fuck would may hold a special election

Why is parliamentary systems so retarded

>Labour 261

without Scotland? nope

>Tory cucks
Tories will win a 60 seat majority with 46% to 32%
Screencap this post
Anedotes vs. statistical modelling

Who will win? Can't wait to find out desu
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I want Corbyn to win just for a reunified Ireland
be fantastic if Labour get in, they'll be literally parties everywhere
he's wearing a belt and suspenders

how can you trust a man who can't even trust his own trousers?
>Throwing away £100
Will enjoy your tears on the 9th lad.
>believing MemeGov polls

May will win because the average middle-aged person doesn't watch debates or participate in online polls
>corbcucks think he will outside of degenerate shitholes like londonistan
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>Why is parliamentary systems so retarded
Polls are historically dogshit in the UK
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Because she was polling around 50% at the time she decided to call it, and Labour at about 29%. She literally blew it single handedly.
Go to the British Museum, went on Monday and it was fascinating. I'll probably go again tomorrow because you can't even come close to seeing everything properly in one visit.
>Ruled by a gay Indian
LMAOing at your life.
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Anyone have that list of upcoming and past Debates / Interviews?
Do you people genuinly call May mummy
Did she just try to steal Merkels gimmick or what?
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Just ordered one of these bad boys for a tenner (all pizzas are 50% off right now)
>Why is parliamentary systems so retarded

It's LITERALLY as strong and stable as you can get though
Looks like we're getting another Labour minority government boys.
>*Head stab*
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>spammed by meme spewing faragefaggots for years straight
don't complain about shills here pal
You can be reunified when you return to your rightful place in the UK
This looks like something posted on /tv/ za threads as bait
But fucking why didn't her advisors say "this is retarded stop it now"
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>pineapple on a pizza
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corbyn is a joke leader, so may felt it was an opportune time to call a snap election and win an easy victory.
but, it turns out, she is an absolute horrorshow of a leader herself, and we underestimated just how many people can simply be bought with the promise of endless gibs.

my sweet summer child
Just like 2015 we're getting Labour propped up by the SNP!
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>the call that saved Labour
It isn't just brit/pol/, two celebrities and two MPs and lots of Tory activists have been caught calling her Mummy as well. Personally I have never done it though.

No shekels today
>http://independent co uk/voices/theresa-may-called-mummy-by-tory-conservative-activists-why-motherhood-female-power-a7707841.html
Looks like shit lad
>Republic finally gets N.Ireland back
>Realises what a shithole it is
>Realises it's a gaping pit that just swallows money

Enjoy your ulster scots I guess.
>strong and stable
>in 12 months you will have had 3 prime ministers, Scotland almost leave and U.K. Leave the eu then not leave the eu

Wew lad sounds super stable
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The former. YouGov do their polling predominantly online and their seat projections are based on a model that's never been used before and that fails to accurately predict the 2015 and EUref results when applied retroactively. It's complete shite and not worth the bandwidth it takes to view the articles it's written in
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niggers that call merkel mama because of gibsmedat

'mummy may' is dirty talk
May will still be PM you muppet. The absolute worst case scenario for the tories is a slim majority.
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>wants to build social housing for decent ordinary people
>believes in workers rights and co-operatives
>directly names the Jew (Phiilp Green)
>indirectly names the Jew (greedy bankers)
>principled stance on Brexit, not a whinging Remoancuck
>pro British jobs for British workers
>anti tax avoidance (a genuine problem)
>anti Buy To Let
>anti landlord parasitism
>hates Israel
>claimed the least expenses, not corrupt
>can't be bought
>democrat at heart, is sincere about reducing immigration
>redpilled on many issues, but hides his power level

Why do we hate this guy again?
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At least the gay Indian won't shit on my civil liberties. Have fun having the Tories shove their cocks into your internet privacy
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Nobody answers back to mummy
Meanwhile it takes you half a century to pass legislation and even when you do the other side chimps out about it
So then what Brexit is over? Good job

I don't know how your autistic system works
>Angela Merkel is also called Mumy by Germans

The state of Europe.
They said they tested the model during the EU referendum internally and it predicted it well.
>Needing internet freedom when you have strong and stable leadership in the national interest
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I find it hard to believe there isn't a chippy nearby you lad that do pizzas twice as good as that cardboard shite and for half the price, even if it was a tenner.
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Not a week goes by in which Miss Abbott does not serve up to a snickering public further proof that she has been promoted wildly beyond her capabilities by her erstwhile paramour and it would take a mind far cleaner than mine not to wonder whether their sweaty trysts under that Duvet of Destiny might not have had a little something to do with her rapid rise. (Miss Abbott once wrote me a note telling me how much she admired my mucky bestseller Ambition; perhaps I should have sent a quick line back advising her that it was a work of fiction rather than a self-help manual.) Whatever the ins and outs of this sordid episode, I can’t help but think that Corbyn’s racial awareness might owe more to Mandingo than Mandela, having as it does a slight whiff of parasexual fetishizing of The Other.
For the lulz
Why is May so shit? How did she blow it all this badly? There was a brief moment where the Labour party could have been permanently removed from politics and the UK could have solved the immigration issue, but that has all gone thanks to her inept leadership.
It was too late, and calling it now was the perfect time to blackmail voters with Brexit so they could push their abysmal policies nobody would ever vote for through.
because people i don't like like him

Because we are a bunch of dumb Island niggers who has been taught that socialism always leads to fascism
>British tourist falls from third story balcony after ladyboy romp:
Nah this this bullshit. Thailand is full of "suicides" by rich tourists jumping out of their hotel rooms. That ladyboy will be doing a runner at this very moment.
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he's a dirty communist. i need no other reason.
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I doubt in a similar way to us though..
hi leddit
That's the point our system is designed to be slow to limit as much government intervention as possible

Same reason why trumpnwont be impeached and why he will probably be president for 8 years

The founders bought brittish parliament was unstable
The tories will still win the election. Our polls always underestimate the tories and overestimate labour.

What are you on about? We leave the EU in 2019 after negotiations. Unless the lib dems suddenly win a majority (lol).
>still not enough seats to form a government
They'd need fucking Sinn Fein to show up as well for Christ's sake it's not going to happen
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>paying a tenner for a pizza

You fucked up.
Tories BTFO
> Whatever the ins and outs of this sordid episode, I can’t help but think that Corbyn’s racial awareness might owe more to Mandingo than Mandela, having as it does a slight whiff of parasexual fetishizing of The Other.

A very convoluted way of saying "he has jungle fever"
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Referendum was applied on total votes, not sets, completely different concepts, not to mention they got it wrong anyway
Corbyn + UKIP's immigration policy = the perfect form of government?
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giz yersel a MUNCHIE BOX
more then 20 dollars for a pizza?
is this from a fancy joint or a fast food?
Even by some sort of act of God through Farron's incessant prayers, a second referendum would probably end in Leave again
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>is a Marxist
>rendering all of that other stuff moot
>can only destroy society
Thank god we'll be free from socialism on Friday. Oh, it'll still be loud and proud in the shill media, but at least it will be crippled in Westminster.
hi leddit
Yeah and two dudes from politicalbetting did it themselves and said it's bullshit and they must've fiddled the numbers to get the result they wanted
YouGoy are not to be trusted
Corbyn's weak on far more than immigration policy
Internally tested, and from what I understood was they used the same demographic and regional data and predicted it correct.
It's like looking at an orangutan figure out how to use a phone. She just has that dopey look on her face
Proof that most fags calling her mummy are Tory shills.
fast food is expensive in the UK unless it's chicken n chips
£20 for a large pizza from dominoes
>I don't know how your autistic system works
Imagine you had no president. The Queen is technically head of state, but cabinet members come from the house of representatives (and a few senators). The head of the government is the PM, whoever can control a majority in the house. Like your speaker.
So Paul Ryan would be in charge of the government and appoint the other ministers from his party.
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>curly fries

That's a shitbox, not a munchy box.

This is a munchy box.
only if you're a skiny NEET virgin larping as a natsoc.
If you want a recession, yes
>The founders bought brittish parliament was unstable

And they were wrong, seeing as parliamentary democracies have a higher success rate than republics

You clearly don't understand your own history anyway (not surprising, as you're a burger), power did not reside in parliament and the royal prerogative was still exercised by the king at the time of the revolution. Your founders were concerned with the power and tyranny of the crown, but I don't think they ever suggested that that tyranny was not stable.
>fast food is expensive in the UK

Is it fuck.

Stop buying from chains.
I'm going to go outside for a pizza I'd rather just get a frozen one from Tesco/Sainsburys.

Chippy pizzas are shite.

They don't do them here.

Papa Johns.
>curly fries
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I would but I have no one to go with until the 20th when my mates are back from Uni
Will the youth finally enact their revenge on all the Brexit pensioners who fucked up their futures?
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The British Communits Party and Socialist Workers Party UK will not be putting any candidates up for election. This is the first time since 1920, they are throwing their weight behind Jeremy Corbyn
looks pathetic as fuck
Well I can't vote UKIP because they haven't fielded a candidate in my constituency. Tory it is then.

Kind of like a blend of nationalism and socialism? Sounds good lad.
What's the deal with this Norwegian bot?
local pizzeria does a margherita for £6 and it shits all over dominoes in terms of quality.
Corbyn will make it worse rather than just cover it up

*internationalism and socialism

That worked out great
60% said this in 2015, 43% actually voted
That's another 400 votes for Labour then
voting intention: LAB: 68% CON: 16% LDEM: 8% GRN: 3% UKIP: 1% (via @ICMResearch)

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you wouldnt stick your willy in mummy?

whats wrong with you
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>he funds muzzie-run halal takeaways

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>The British Communits Party and Socialist Workers Party UK
>All pizza in Korea is literally shit and expensive as fuck

send help
What else is he weak on?
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nah our lads in the army will boot him the fuck out.
>Chippy pizzas are shite.

That's why you have to shop around and find a good one.

A good chippy is like a beautiful woman, anon; once you find one, you shouldn't let go.
Make your own, it's not hard
Meme parties who get like 2000 votes
Even the shills can't cherrypick any good looking pictures of her, because there are none.
If I had an oven yeah, even decent apartments like mine don't come with oven as standard since gooks just fry or boil everything
>I've never read the federalist papers the post

Fuck off an die bong your system is shit and you are shit

Enjoy Eurabia
that looks like terrible gyro

britain confirmed for garbage ethnic food
>Corbyn will make it worse rather than just cover it up
It's better to have it out in the open so people can see the damage that's been done, than pulling the wool over the voters eyes.
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If that little communist rat tries to do anything at all to good old Liz then they most certainly will.
>I (your name), swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me.
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Munchy boxes are for poofs now.

It's all about the cheese and doner sarbenis.

t. original munchy box poster

>not putting the money into a mutual index fund
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Holy fuck Labour is gaining.

I think Labour is going to win.
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He looks like Harry Potter.
british cuisine
Can't wait for the Labour tears on Friday lads.

>Why is parliamentary systems so retarded

It's actually very robust, or at least it was when the voting franchise was small i.e. only land owners.

bit generous to the scots
Looks like sloppy shit in a naan
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>Local UKIP candidate is basically everything I would want from a candidate politically
>Live in one of the safest Torie seats in the country
That literally looks like shite
It looks like used bog roll
Online? Because the whole point of me ordering fast food is so I don't have to go outside and/or prepare it.
Will be brexit all over again. Faggots in the cities voting for Corbyn because (((FACEBOOK GOOD GUY POINTS))) then everywhere else that has maintained a stable level of intelligence voting for mumsy.
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I'm not shilling, I would love nothing more than for mummy to forcibly extract my cummies
better than being in a young girl
what is the reason for that?
I can get a 3 topping large dominos pizza for like 7 Dollars.
I love this pasta
I've yet to see anyone bother to refute it too
Don't bury this
Underrated post
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We had all this shit two years ago. Articles praising milipede and predicting a hung parliament with labour ahead.
over here kimchi and other tasty shit like that is expensive, if you can even find it. i live in a big city, so it's not too hard to find korean food, there is even a bibimbap stall £6-8 for a nice big bowl.
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See you at the polling inquiry boys

t. pollster
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A fancy munchy box.

>giving anyone without property the vote

Worst mistake lads.
Conservatives: tough on poor people, tough on the causes of poor people.
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>no good looking pictures

lad ..
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My m9 is recording the results in Cheltenham, do I get him to plant a pepe or something in the background?

Phone. Like the olden days.
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>cholestorol in a box
What did he mean by this?

Will the tories lose?


You must be having a giggle pal
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>tfw Hull will never be converted to any party right of centre
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>then everywhere else that has maintained a stable level of intelligence voting for mumsy.

umm, no sweetie
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>doner meat

You don't know what you're missing.
Back to plebbit
Aaaaaand discarded
No, the polls are going to be massively wrong again and the Tories will win a comfortable majority.
if he doesn't mind looking like a kekistani sperg, then yeah
Lad, don't get mad just because you don't understand your own history.

There was no parliamentary democracy in the UK during the time of the founding fathers, there wasn't even a fucking franchise. Power resided in the king
>tfw no polls
>that flabby chin
>those wrinkly hands
comres in 5
>tfw part of the right wing Hull masterrace




You haven't even mentioned May's shitty track record over immigration numbers as Home Secretary and PM, despite the fact that we've been hearing about immigration being reduced to the tens of thousands by the Tories ever since they returned to government.

If you want a party that's going to genuinely tackle national security and immigration then you have to vote UKIP.

9 is the only fuckable one
All I want is a greasy kebab with loads of garlic mayo and chips.
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Polling council inquiries must be pretty neat
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LABOUR + SNP and reduced tory vote share = RED BRITAIN
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she's an incredibly sexy woman but I know 8 is too old for you akhmed

>Paki jizz and chopped up raped school girl
brit/pol/ is so fucking patrician when it comes to posting junk food. I'm always hungry after spending just five minutes in here.
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Is Vazeline running for MP?
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Because she is not Corbyn. And socialism always fails.
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Does anyone here actually LIKE the Tories?
Is Corbyn taking a hit after Question Time yesterday?
>Phone. Like the olden days.

Fuck me I'm too lazy to do that.

I do have a good chippy near me actually. Don't deliver though.

flebbit baggots
No polls have come out with polling data from yesterday yet.
fuck off
Me, second from the right.
>hung parliament
>tories largest party
>nicola sturgeon is kingmaker
>jeremy corbyn becomes pm

how big a shitstorm would that scenario create?
you mean 8
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This is probably the most astute prediction I've seen so far.
Watch it instead of letting the media feed you what it wants to you fucking yank cunt
YOU fuck off gook
Corbyn isn't going to win, in fact Labour will lose seats.
>congratulations we managed to nake half a dozen retards stay home, lets try to get it to a full dozen next time

Polling is absolute fucking cancer and should be banned for anything but favorite toppings or waifu
It means that the general expectation is the Tories will have a sizeable majority but that's not what the polls are showing. Either the polls are seriously wrong or the country will be in for a shock on fri morning. He's expecting the polls to be massively wrong

Exactly, biased towards the left and still fucked for labour.
yeah. it's bonkers, isn't it?

lol. had to look twice.
fucking hell, somebody just called diane abbott a retard on LBC lads.
not my proudest fap
second from right minus 30lbs
Dan Hodges is unbelievably thick
Ugh I forgot how cucked Scotland is

It's like you're Canada

>inb4 Canada is our Canada

Yeah yeah whatever
Would take a shot every time I read "coalition of chaos" in the papers then promptly die.
Yougov poll from May 2nd found that your waifu 'is shit', m8.

No I'm not an idiot
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good little goy
So who you goys voting for? and why?
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why she lookin chinesey ?
Who /hung/ here?
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why did she say this ?
good song
Tories because I want to laugh at Labour voters when they win.
>tfw /r/ukpolitics is completely ruined

I only went there for the articles but still
WTF! I'm going to vote for the literal Islamist party now!
>what was he Magna Carta
>what was the glorious revolution

I don't know my history? Literally fuck off
>you have to vote UKIP
There's really no point. It has to be Conservatives to guarantee Brexit. Any other vote is a wasted vote
She didn't, some """""expert""""" gave their opinion on it to her.
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 47% (+1)
LAB: 35% (+1)
LDEM: 8% (-)
UKIP: 4% (-)
GRN: 1% (-)
(via @ComRes)


CON: 47% (+1) LAB: 35% (+1) LDEM: 8% (-) UKIP: 4% (-) GRN: 1% (-)
Westminster voting intention:

CON: 47% (+1)
LAB: 35% (+1)
LDEM: 8% (-)
UKIP: 4% (-)
GRN: 1% (-)

(via @ComRes)


All back to normal
Britain Elects @britainelects 23s23 seconds ago
Westminster voting intention:

CON: 47% (+1)
LAB: 35% (+1)
LDEM: 8% (-)
UKIP: 4% (-)
GRN: 1% (-)

(via @ComRes)
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>>'Lost files on paedophile ring'

Rotherham. Rochdale. Labour

>>Why did all the cuts have to be made?

Labour overspending with other people's money, as usual.
Why do you post this shit everyday? People here have made their minds up

Because he's the only one with decent policies and he offers a genuine alternative to getting fucked in the ass by the Torys
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kek how dumb are you ?
She was told this by another person you utter mong.
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Which one?

Reminder that ComRes were the most accurate in 2015.
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Can't vote for the tories,

I'm a foxkin which means by body and spirit is that of a foxes under a human cloak.

Fox hunting puts my brothers at danger
That the Ted Heath comparisons are looking even more apt.
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darth theresa.jpg
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Corbyn just went full socialist.
''>Boris Johnson to keep job after election:

for 6 months max
It's bizarre how different ComRes is to the rest of the polls. I guess we'll see who's right on Thursday.
Corbyn because I'd probably have to find a new job if Theresa May struck a brave "no deal" with the EU.
Also I think he's a top man with integrity and respect for his fellow human being, can't say as much for many of the Tories.
You's completely correct anon, Corbyn is only popular in university towns and shitholes that already vote Labour anyway. All that will happen is the vote share will increase in seats they were never going to lose anyway.

I don't see hard working normal folks getting excited about Corbyn, if you look at the type of people who turn up to his rallies it is practically all smug liberal types who are at yooni or moonbat old CND/SWP types.

The GE will finish very similar to the local elections.
Westminster voting intention:

CON: 47% (+1)
LAB: 35% (+1)
LDEM: 8% (-)
UKIP: 4% (-)
GRN: 1% (-)

(via @ComRes)
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mummy scumbag.png
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may is just like pepe kids
Comres got 2015 closer than anyone else IIRC
>Anonymous (ID: aKQY7rLJ) 06/03/17(Sat)18:02:31 No.128292141 ▶
Were they? Sources on that?
How likely is a UKIP&TORY gov?
lad... just... you fucked up there. i can't even begin.
And on top of this, they were responsible for selection the BBC QT audience for Corbyn/May.
The one that the muzzies actually vote for.
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labour cuck.png
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this guy saying the new poll is fake
why do you ask?
>ComRes has CON up by 12

This gives a Con Majority of 90

so I'd say this is the accurate one
I'm voting Labour to kill New Labour. If Labour form government, New Labour will be killed both in the Labour party *and* in the Conservative party*. So, if Labour wins, it's a step towards the killing of bullshit in politics. Already people are laughing at the stupid fucking meaningless sound-bites.

Decent, honourable politicians like David Davis cringe every time they tow the May New Labour line. Free them.

* The Tories are new New Labour, see Hitchens.

UKIP will get 0 MPs
Why the cuck flag?
You're just spouting historical events now, retard

The idea that King's John's Barons are in any way equivilant to EITHER the early 19th century British parliament or even more retardedly, modern day parliament, is fucking ludicrous

Don't know what the fuck the glorious revolution has to do with anything


full figures at the bottom
Explain yourselves, /pol/
That's some slimy reporting lad
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Worth a watch.


I honestly don't understand how Remainers can hate Nige. He's such a likeable bloke.
>linking BBC News youtube
Fixed so they don't get views. Just switch the domain in the url.

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his name.jpg
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vote may

shes just like that green frog u fags like

>the one with the highest tory majority is the most accurate one

Yeah ok Tory shill.
UKIP might win one seat if they're lucky
Tories might only have a majority of 30 if they're unlucky

So absolute zero lad
>Autistic adult

>implying he wasn't already a dirty commie

What is it with this bot cunt?
cos I currently live among the cucks.
Don't mind it though, it's quite nice.
Will May roll over like Cameron? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxk3bNGkE8E
YouGov assumes the same turn out for youth as for the referendum, I think.
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>4/20 a national holiday
>Ban gays but keep traps
>Make anime real
>Still get french wine and cheese but don't follow EU laws
>Is the cool substitute teacher who lets you sit with your friends
>Economic policy is backed by actual economists
>Good Christian man

Why aren't you voting for Based Tim™ /pol/?
>we will get a deal because we are willing to walk away

Is this the most pathetic Tory spin yet?
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growing stronger.png
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I get great joy imagining how rustled they will be after this election. I can't wait for brexit too, lots of ginger tears.
Please explain how both the franchise in the election of parliament and the wielding of executive power via the royal prerogative at the time of the american revolution is in any way comparable to the modern day.

I'll wait.
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jew messiah.jpg
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Vote may goy we love you
>>principled stance on brexit

=let in loads of muslims to vote for him.

Will destroy economy using other people's money.

Believes money grows on trees.
Hmm, a good amount vote for both major parties.
#WeDemand - fucking socialists - how about work and earn.
>tolerant left
my sides lads
>let in loads of muslims to vote for him
But he hasn't been in power to do this. Plus immigration won't change unless we get UKIP, which we wont, so immigration will always remain the same.
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Umm, anti-semitism isn't ok friend. I've reported you to the appropriate authorities.
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Vote for Brexit, not Labour.

We can drink remainer tears on June 9th.
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i wish a politican would visit me but live in tory stronghold so no point.

You know she used to bang Corbyn, right?

Mate, I know xenos vote tory. I'm just saying fuck all of them are muzzies.
lads, if JC our lord and saviour gets in when will the Anglo-American war machine invade Blighty to topple secular muzzie leader and install Sunni madmen backed and funded by Jew World Order?
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socialism of the 21st century.jpg
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>socialism fails in South America
>right-wing surge across the continent, commies are hated
>meanwhile, in Europe socialists return to power
>they redistribute other people's money and the whole thing works for a while
>South American commies say: "See, socialism works, look how Corbyn is doing good in the UK"
>commies return to power in the entire world
>The entire thing collapses again

It simply doesn't stop happening.
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i see you have no grasp of the reality you're in. Mays going to be alot weaker after the snap election then before she started no matter who wins hahaha you can take that to the bank
brexit ya ok. lets see shall we
fucking idiot

the best of british

The country that predicted the fall of the EU is disappearing before our eyes in less than a year.
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This. so. fucking. much. Conservatives = Brexit

It's the only vote

She's right, but for the wrong reasons. Black politicians in Western countries are always a disaster for whites.
>It simply doesn't stop happening.

There's no cure for stupidity, anão.
He's a ban evading prick who spams sarcy remarks every thread.
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I'd say Labour have the best policies for me because they'd give me tons of free shit.

I still wouldn't vote for them.
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fake but I still got a boner
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What a lying blue pill hag
Why is cornwall grey?

She's legit.

Vote Tory and then 'shop your ballot later. What a dumb whore
>Ask for ballot
>Tick Labour
>Take picture
>Dispose of ballot
>Ask for new ballot
>Go to whore
>Get sucked

Flawless plan lads
Because they hadn't declared in time when the map was published. They voted to Leave though, should be in blue
Thread posts: 356
Thread images: 103

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