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Every single white female I know is attracted only to white race

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Every single white female I know is attracted only to white race and often can't stand non-white people, especially niggers. I learned about race-mixing only from internet and women's ''love'' for non-whites and hatred for whites exists only there, not in the real life. Maybe it's because I live in homogenous country, but I think this white women-black men shit is just jewish propaganda.
>Maybe it's because I live in homogenous country
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No, women love black cock. The only ones who don't love it are the ones who haven't had it. Finnish girls like me are addicted to big black cock.
>Finnish girls like me
top larping faggot
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im done man, next time i wanna watch some porn i'll just put this one on to remind me what those women really are
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I'm confused.
Achmed with the vpn for the win.
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It's true, check the stats on any dating site, white women racemix less than any other group.

I'd say for two reasons, 1) people are naturally attracted to their own race from growing up around usually only that race, and if you're the majority race the chances of you growing up around any minorities in your household are lower and 2) women want a man with resources essentially and minorities are more likely to be poor, that's why the idea that white women want immigrants to come and fuck them is retarded since women are disgusted by Ahmed living in a tent city whos dream is to live on welfare forever.
Non-white men are also less attractive.
>stats on dating sites
>representative of the population

Those two reasons are exactly why I never could believe this myth about white women preferring non-whites. They have no qualities that any women of any race requires for a relationship.
The only quality that matters is the BBC
show htem black cocks supremacy
If we look at biology, it is quite proven that we feel a natural attraction to people within our own race. The reason why is that the risk of miscarriage is alot smaller cause of better genetical compatibility.
I am white and I love the BBC in my ass while I moan

Listen op this is mostly a meme, especially for croats. But the only countries were real race mixing on a large scale, is happening between blacks and white is America and Germany.

In sweden the swedish girls who are together with people of a diffrent race, are together with shitskins and asians. Blacks on white is really rare here, especially with pure aryan breeds and kongo tier niggers.
more like schlomo...
he is also being a faggot over here spreading jewish filth:

But you can't be attracted to someone because of that WTFF? I grew up thinking women want security, protection and their kids to live in a normal functioning family. This is something minorities cannot afford. They are mostyl violent, coming from different cultures where it's preferable to give woman a black eye if she fails at something while white man is intelligent enough to EXPLAIN BY WORDS something to a woman if she doesn't understand it or misbehaves.
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Your country simply does not give women the freedom to pick their partner, in my town there is no culture or responsibility so women choose whoever they want to be with.

Here I a collection of a few coalburners I saw last weeks when just walking for a few minutes to the store.
It's the U.S mostly. That's why I find it strange when americans make fun of swedes because the meme is more applicable to white american women than it is to scandinavian women.
Sexual revolution has allowed women to go and sample a bunch before settling down.
They may want a same-race long-term partner, that doesn't mean they won't burn coal before they find the right rube.
middle-eastern females beat out asian females?
It's is just Jewish propaganda
>Woman start off normal
>Hear bs about how cool black people are
>Most don't even like black people but go out with them just because they literally get praised for it in the media and online
My theory anyway
wait, read the graph wrong, nevermind me
>They have no qualities that any women of any race requires for a relationship.
Then again neither do you or most of /pol/ so what's the issue?

Western European men are the most desired globally while black women are the least desired.

the whole blacked meme is just that. a meme
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Nah I'm tellin you guys, as far as WHITE WOMEN...what they want is the prime white man, they'll take other shit but that's their prime directive.
If you lose out to that it's a failure of your own willpower as much as it's a failure on the Jewish war against you in the media.
Your own willpower has the potential to make you irresistible to white women, IF you're white, I'm tellin you.
Only time I ever meet coalburners is when I go to international weddings. There is ALWAYS a German, Swede or Dutch girl with a brown man on her arm at such events. It's a very specific issue with these northern Germanic countries, I fear. Perhaps as simple as just desiring something different to the perceived racial "monotony" they grew up in.
That is part of it, but you must look at economic interest first. White women can rely on the state for financial security so they can pick whatever shitty partner they want. In a homogeneous free market society only the best K-selected men that can produce the most get the best wives, niggers would not even survive in an environment like that.
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yeah, of course not, they are genetically programmed to get moist by superiority, and as every single person on the planet knows and openly agrees with, white males are at the top of the food chain, no one in their right mind would want to be a nigger or their kids to be born with a disability such as being a fucking nigger
Pushed mainly by Jews
>security, protection, functioning family
They get that from white guys that they date or marry, but that doesn't mean she won't fuck black guys

See the stats from dating sites. Do you think black guys go on dating sites to get pussy? They get it in real life. But women go there to get beta providers, but they get sex elsewhere
The majority of white men do have that quality, at least here in Europe, I think. The point is that a white woman, such fair and fragile being cannot find true happiness outside of her race, unless it's domestic violence, rapes, murder and single-motherhood what makes her happy.
the sexual attraction is really that of getting fucked by an ape, not really much else, i'm sure niggers happily oblige considering their sexual culture isn't very much different from that of actual fucking apes, she won't respect a nigger in the sense that defines a real alpha, but i guess our definitions just differ to much on this point, your definition of alpha is the the equivalent of a silverback gorilla, i agree there is a sexual nische to be attracted to this type of creature but come on buddy, a fucking nigger
Why do you guys just mention black men when speaking of interracial relationships?

From what I've n both in Europe america, white woman don't like black men much but they like middle eastern, latino(non mestizo) and north African men alot, it's just that most middle eastern men fuck and dump white woman instead of marrying them, lol.
women use niggers as dildos in the same way men will fuck their sexbots in the future

in both cases, they're just afraid of something good and real

also, once you go black
>we don't want you back
>you're a single mother
>you have AIDS

What age group were the participants?

What ethnicity were the participants?

Why am I so low?

Shit graph desu
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It is not a jewish meme goyim, white women love niggers.
Age doesn't matter, ethnicity of participants is written on the left side of graph, colors determine what ethnicity they like the most. It doesn't matter where you are, there's no reason for this particular order.
It only mentions Asians, blacks and whites though. The graph doesn't even make sense. Why didn't they ask about middle easterners, Pacific islanders, native americans?
Maybe they thought they weren't important.
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The US is the ONLY nation where to put it bluntly: Our women all stink and have STDs. But then again it's not like they have to pay for them so the entire US will be Detroit soon and South Africa within a decade or 2 after. I do think Trump means well but it's too little, too late and I doubt even he'd be willing too deal with the Hollywood 24/7 nigger adverts blasted everywhere no stop.
My gf grew up in tiny rural city in the middle of nowhere and never even saw a coon until she was 20 yrs old. She's scared of them of course.
More on mudshark psychology here: https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2015/12/14/sweeps-week-discourse-on-the-psychology-of-mudsharks/
Maybe they did an those groups got results of 0?
Anon do you have autism?
And it doesn't differentiate between Asian & Indian
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Our US women will do ANYTHING if it's in a movie somewhere and it appeals to their emotions in some form or another, they don't even know themselves just what media tells them. Same with the way Hollywood controls the nigger ID so is it with America women for the most part. I'm not even kidding either! If there was a sitcom to ever come out about American women chopping up and eating their own children with chainsaw and eating them, you can bet that a surprising majority of American women would do so and do so with glee thinking it will get them some kind of attention that doesn't exist as we all know media sells them a big empty box......of fairy tales and fantasy. But again, they even don't know themselves.
of course they prefer their own race, they literally need to be reconditioned by constant stimuli from a very young age, and even then they can fall back on it once reality sets in.
>kurve ne priznaju ko ih sve puni, nego lazu kako su dobre devojcice

sta jos ima novo?
they love black dick until they want kids and a home.
they treat blacks like western men treat thailand women. it's like free cock for them.
i hate those women, would never date them.

they date black men for their own pleasure, because white men are harder to get and most blacks basically fuck everything.

white men always want relationships and loyalty.

wonder why all these black rappers are rapping about bitches and hoes? this is why.

yeah i'm generalizing, but fuck off.
It's mainly american and german girls imo.
Of all the women I've dated only 2 have ever not hated niggers. And even the only one of those 2 said she would ever date a nigger.

And they both wound up being severely mentally ill, and supporters of the Labour Party. Not sure which is worse.
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Oh man, do you even know what Redpill means?

You cuck. You know what, I shouldn't even call you a cuck, you still believe in that bullshit.
Women, regardless of race, are born traitors and opportunists.

Tapa itsesi.
vidim da ove otvoreno priznaju ipak >>128120693>>128125481
it's ok to generalize niggers, but not white women
My sister is a coalburner. I dont think she was looking for the Bbc. She's a basket-case with a saviour complex. After she dumped the nigger she met an italian subhuman who was even dumber than previous nigger and got pregnant again. It's got to do with her own mental issues, more than anything else.
This is fucking disgusting. Where is this?
women are niggers of gender, check muh digitz to confirm
>Why is /pol/ so adamant in saving the White Women when The Black Men themselves knows what's up.
Don't call me out on things, your coalburner women are a bigger problem.
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Indians are Asian. You live in fucking Asia.
The white women I ever see with blacks are fatties and absolute bottom of the barrel thrash whores.
whats up with that dude? I dont know why but he kind of looks like a woman who looks like a man who is transgender and painted a beard on
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India is shit tier kek
cunts here love niggers and turks because they are different than original europeans
Dream on fag, most white women are disgusting even shaking hands with a nigger. If you have ever seen it happen you'd know, they get a look of disgust on their face just before they hide it to fit in with social norms. It can't be helped it's genetic.
If they would fuck a nigger then they were molested as a child, or they are a covert kike.
All that graph means is that Indians race mix the least out of all participants. Learn the fuck how to read a chart.
Niggers? In Slovakia!?

wtf m8
Burn the coal, pay the toll
>blik guy holding camera - "are you racist"
>white girls - "n-no"
Most white women would rather fuck a dog over a nigger
wake up mate, they are everywhere
>Most white women would rather fuck a dog over a nigger
>Most white women (I know) would rather fuck a dog over a nigger
We are vastly different ethnically, are you dumb?

Does an American white and a Mexican look the same because they live in the same continent? You're fucking retarded man.
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It is only for the "progressive" countries
No but you share the same fucking ancestry. They also lumped Asian and Indian together because nobody except Indians would pick Indians. They were trying to throw you a bone
Citation needed
they don't look very happy
filthy nigger poo fuck off
closest thing to a white racemixer was a how from the ghetto of tornto and im pretty sure this this poor gal was molested. nit to mention a croatian italian mongrel to begin with who was abandoned by her mother. so yeah mental problems
You wouldn't be to happy if the glass separating you from the violent beasts at the zoo broke either.

Same though. I've known two coalburners in my entire life and one of them was dating a super skinny, manlet black dude.
The other girl was a social pariah with a baby daddy and is now dating another black guy, so basically this black guy is the one raising his girlfriend's half-black son. Other blacks are the only ones that even vaguely like her.

All the other girls outside of them date exclusively white guys and if asked about dating a black guy they give the whole 'I'm not racist but I'm just not attracted to them' response and they will fucking die on this hill if they have to. OR they'll say 'sure, I guess, if the right one came around;;' and then carry on only dating and eventually marrying whites. Seriously, white girls by and large are not attracted to black guys at all. Blacks intimidate them and gross them out. Social justice faggots trying to guilt them into dating black men so as to appear non-racist are met with massive resistance. Getting attacked for dating other whites has actually pushed so many average shitlib white girls to a form of race realism-lite.
>No but you share the same fucking ancestry.
Absolutely not you inbred mong. Asians and Indians have nothing to do with each other genetically, hell, there's been a 6km tall mountain range cordoning the two regions off for most of human history the two cultures did not have sufficient contact to make any form of genetic continuum.
This is the ultimate red pill OP you are almost there let me take you the rest of the way

Oh hey mike, Still nobody buying your art commissions huh?
Same here. My city is 98.1% white. Most of the 1.9% are Asian female hooked with the BBC. IF WE SEE NIGGER it means our police have not done their job.
>German, Swede or Dutch
Also their white men are mostly irretrievably cucked
>now you too can have pale, unappealing imitations of the original

What a great project
Which city?

Gas yourself.
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It's all confirmation bias. Only retards think all white women want to date date black men.

If you see a white woman with a white man, your brain doesn't even register it. You probably see hundreds of these couples a day. The most interracial couples I've seen in a day is 1-2. And I live in fucking Florida.

If you see 2 a day, even if the other 98 couples were wm/ww, the autistic brain thinks that 2% of white women respresent the majority. Learn basic math desu
>white women-black men shit is just jewish propaganda.
It is.
why don't you faggots take the ultimate red pill

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Every party i attended was pretty much whites only

Niggers and other outcasts tend to mingle but the majority of them know where they belong and it isn't party hardy to our music inbetween whites.

I like how they keep to themselves here same with arabs.
Our gov knows this wide segregation exists but wants us to mix espacially with refugees so they spin their pro nigger muslim propaganda on the tv newspapers advertisements etc
Shame its not working i bet they lose a lot of money and credibility and have nothing to show for except making people docile so they wont criticize the invaders... or immigration as they call it

>Implying I'd want her ugly body
I too live in a rural place.Its only popular in the multicultural city life.
>Why do you guys just mention black men when speaking of interracial relationships?

It's mostly males here, that's our primary competition for white females.
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Enjoy dem gov benefits my white girl will actually have nice things along with this big azz dong

that white chick has no soul
look at her eyes
In Holland it's almost exclusively the poorly educated woman. Also, my non-white friends told me white woman tend to be less interested than they used to be. They say WW are often afraid, perhaps because of the worsening reputation of Muslims and blacks.
Why are Finnish girls such sluts?
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It's getting so old man. And please take away the flags from this board.
Kill her. Put her out of her fucking misery
Yeah, i'm sure you have sucked lots of cocks in your spare time you faggot.
White American women were a mistake
>this thread
Holy shit, how insecure you guys.
Niiiiice. This gives me hope for the white race.
They're not indo-europeanen.
So you're essentially saying she's a nigger in a white body?
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>your women
Ya blew it, Ahmed
Funny, Croatia is well known to be Disneyland for black men.
You've got to respond to fuck somebody you cuckold lol sort yourself out
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>t. pic related
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Yeah, nice try, Schlomo
I've never seen a good looking girl hanging out with niggers or sandniggers in Finland. They're always ugly and fat as fuck.
Look at me, im the captain now.
In western countries rce-mixing is openly promoted and seems to be aimed mostly at white women. It's amazing that their miscegination rate isn't that high (it's still way too high though and seems to be getting worse).
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Day of the Rope when?
Kill her and her children.
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Which state do you live in?
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Holy shit why is everyone here so insecure
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My wife finds black men, and women, sexually repulsive. Same with asians. She had a thing for Latins though, which is understandable, since I've fucked numerous Puerto Rican chicks in the past. Sexy, fucking insane women, to say the least.

Regardless, nobody should be sleeping with people of sub Saharan decent, even if it is just a young persons fetish or cry for help.

Some choices are unforgivable, and you must be branded, and learn to publicly live with that shame.
Where the hell do you live?
In the land of make believe
I went to Croatia with my class for a trip a few years ago.

My class had a few blacks and when they went to croatia, a lot of croatian women were making photo s with them. 3 blacks get to fuck croatians during our stay.

Your women are whores.

In Albania, such thing is pretty taboo. It's worst than amputation.
Have you ever considered the fact, that women are retarded?
Could have a lot to do with it
I was born and raised in a french oversea island with 5% white people and 90 % mulato to full niggers.
of the 5 % whites -> 4 are leftist.

Believe me or not, i don't know a single white man or woman who had kids with blacks. Even the stupid brother of my sister in law who is the most dirty leftist with dreadlocks in his hair thinking he is bob marley has blond kid with a too cute for him blonde aryan girl.

My wife is full leftist too and married me. 1m90 white, blonde, green eyes, right winged. Hungarian, north italian and east french blood.
>white female

Based on your flag I think there are few white women around, right?
A majority of the white women I know generally feel the same. /pol/ is full of insecure autistic virgins though, so they find it fun to place the blame for their lack of pussy on a white woman's apparent love for big black dick.

There ARE plenty of coal burning sluts out there, but they are the vast minority from my experience.


Try again.
same here leprechaun bro
Also this. I used to work with some nigs and they all had morbidly obese white bitches. Why? Gibs. No one wants to fuck these smelly white Jupiter class ham planets, so they give them black dick (because niggers aren't picky anyway) and in return the nigs get free or reduced cost shelter and bills paid.

The only time I've seen black men with white women personally is when the black dude was educated and very well off, making the white woman your average gold digging do-nothing skank.
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*only time I've seen black men with ATTRACTIVE white women personally
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They're just lying to you so you don't break down and become a NEET due to a single girls rejection.
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>South Africa
Checks out.
Checks out.
6'0 vs 5'11
hey Tibúrcio
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>imagining girl in picture being fucked by a nigger
effective picture anon
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Who the hell cut his hair Holy shit.
>I swear white people aren't about to be exterminated in South Africa
>Let me call him a cuck
You're not even worth saving or thinking about. Enjoy the coming cultural enrichment.
You white pussies won't last long behind that computer screen. Whites are gone in South Africa, we have won the race war. You're next, America.
You're the jew from South Africa
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fun fact: the entire "white females fuck black guys lol umad?" mass shilling on /pol/ began with Stormfront's actual unironical subversion raids back in 2012, where they used to gather on a chat client and coordinate such threads to trigger the people here into becoming nazis (they succeeded)

funner fact: most of the blacked threads nowadays and "umad virgin whitey?" type of threads are created by TRS """"subversion"""" raids to, again, achieve the same effect. They're also the same ones who spam the threads about the girls once they get trucked by a muslim to make you mad
Kill me please.
Go to any large city in croatia and go to a "hiphop" club there. you will see white girls with black men.
Is >>128134345 your typical kaffir?
Oh you're a nigger. Even better. Unfortunately for you we're not next. Niggers here are confined to their ghettos in major cities. They are kept dumb and violent. They only breed enough to keep up with their death rate.

Beaners are the real issue, and they have been pretty well geographically contained to border areas, with the smarter and hard working ones getting up into northern and eastern regions.

Regardless, I'll be old and/or dead before it's ever a real issue here and white people's grasp on power, wealth and influence is in real jeopardy.

Also, I've killed niggers in Africa when I served. Given their were nigger in the Horn, but niggers all the same. Great time. It takes about 1000 of you shit skins to equal one white man worth of difference in a gun battle anyway.
croatian women famously love the serbain cock
stay may cro boi
u know, if someone asked me if I like white women more I wouldn't be like YYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS, I would try to be a bit more respectful to other races.
Can confirm, even lib girls I know don't like black people around here
What's so weird in this? Romanian women also love the Romanian cock, it's commonplace everywhere I guess.
Hilarious, white girls will want a relationship wuth a white guy for resources but not for the sexual primal dominance she can only get from a black guy.
White guy=beta used up goods receiver
Black guy= Alpha white women prime age for short term intercourse
No. Blacks here don't know how to use computers. It's probably some guy LARPing/shitposting. I've done that too before. It's an easy way to get (You)s and trigger newfags or retards.
Yeah I thought something was fishy. His English is too good for a kaffir.

I wish I could say the same. Happily, the women i hang around with all hate niggers and sandniggers. But there are a few women I know (but not friends) that are coalburners through and through. Three of them. All paying the toll now. Only one of them has the nig nog dad still running around but he's super dominant and she's a beta. Probably hits her too.
Almere negerstad kek
What I notice is a majority of the ones that seem to burn the coal are fat white women or those who are easily played by black men pretending to be white and not realizing an ape is an ape it will never change and it's genetics are shit.

I think there needs to be redpilling in regards to niggers for females and how unsafe they are. I know Liberals will defend it but they can not defend the stats.

Niggers always are selfish even if they can fool you by pretending to be normal, they always talk shit behind your back. They always leave the mother as soon as she has the child, and also beat women. They are also lazy and annoying. They commit the most crimes. Any female that dares to fuck a nigger is a masochist at that point.
Nothing triggers men more than the idea of a foreigner dicking down the women from their group. It's like an ingrained tribal instinct.
>serbian women famously love the afrikaaner cock
>stay mad serb slave
It triggers me as well. I'd rather the foreigner killed them as well.
That was one time event imported from Britain. Real club swagga is at bongland, they had to stop the "swagga" nights because people complained too much about niggers.
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>south africa
>whole civilization based on slavery
>calls a serb a slave
Very true, that's why it's a very powerful propaganda tactic
it doesn't really matter. i cant get girls any way so i dont care anymore

For subhumans like you.
>US females will do anything seen by movies etc. To be popular.

That is why a majority are hollow as fuck personality wise and pretend to be a "gamer girl ;)" instead of developing actual interests in video games or whatever and just care for attention and are whores basically they do the most minimal that they need to put in to get a ton of validation out. Selfish really.

Because they have been brainwashed to be boring by Jewish media to think they need to be popular to find the right person or that they need to burn the coal because no one else will and "he's different". Honestly females need to do better and evolve otherwise they will lose white men as well.
t. avar-bulgar milkshake
>putting women on a pedestal
Where the fuck did I say that you gypsy? I'm just pointing out how the male psychology works and how easy it is to manipulate it with females
They were shamed into feeling bad Brit. It's almost like they are the pity fuck when they do not need to be.
Same here. I know a few coal burners but they are girls I'd never be into. Every girl I've been with (see: decent white females) would never burn the coal. Not even bc of the toll, just not attracted to them.
Showing them any bit of attention is putting them on a pedestal. For a man, there is a mixture of feelings which works as a fuel for his life; whilst for a woman - there is the attention. They are social beings, whilst I can stay in my mancave for one month straight, a woman could not. They are socially conditioned and attention makes them thrive. So putting "traditional" women on a pedestal means ensuring them with this feeling of "protection".
you're also in a country that hasn't been too Americanized compared to Western Europe, so your cultural values stay the same
fin pimppi is made for aussie cock.

I've travelled the world quite a bit and the whole blacked thing is, indeed, a meme.

Even in cities like Paris I almost never saw a black guy with a white girl. If I did, she was almost always unattractive.

In America I've gone clubbing with black dudes... After seeing what kind of luck they have with almost all girls (despite being rather good-looking and non-autistic) I feel sorry as shit for black guys.
>In America I've gone clubbing with black dudes

You may as well consider going off this site, normo.
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Yes, I know? And the reason most people on /pol/ are conservative is because it's their subconscious reproductive strategy - to coup the tribe and install (conservative) societal rules that make interaction with females easier by reverting this scary "degeneracy" to which they're incapable of adapting. Most people here claiming to be nazis don't actually believe in the ideology itself and have attached themselves to it purely because it offers them "traditional" women if they ever succeeded in installing it

What's your point? I agree with you.

90% of coal burners are Americans so don't worry Croatia it's only Yankee issue
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10 years later with two or three mongrel children.. they will be single and looking for a "good man"...
All the "good men" will just pump and dump them.. they will be confused and never truly understand that they are nothing more than a cum dump
You have missed my point I think. Stupid people may stick to their reproductive strategy, but the smarter one are reaching past it. The most tedious thing is to find a wife. It's harsh.

Thinking about having children in this sickening world, as a male, is beyond my comprehension. As long as the artificial wombs aren't a thing, of course.
Is that what happened to your mom
rarest of them all
>Hungarian, north italian and east french blood
>Maybe it's because I live in homogenous country

No shit? Dumb fuck. The Polish women living in Poland are also disgusted by shitskins but the ones living in western europe are notorious race mixers
its all just a meme from the us
Slicc Ricc


could larp as god/hitler literally anything, choses to be a black cock loving woman

how do we get rid of fingoloids?
Race mixing is sadly very common here.

Just yesterday I was in the pub and there was a white woman with her blacker than black husband and their three mutant kids. It was awful.

The older daughter was wearing yoga pants though and she had one hell of a thicc ass, so I guess every cloud has a silver lining.
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>Is that what happened to your mom

Close... but my Grand parent married over 50 years and may parents over 50 and me 10 so far.
I know for you it is shocking, but not every family is filled who cum dump whores.
I talked about this yesterday...

I live in Baltimore City, and travel to Philadelphia and New York every week... and I RARELY ever see a white female with a black male.
like who the hell put indian in same category with asian
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listen mate, i am no slanty chink poofta
i am a proud warden of the australian land.
I have pure aboriginal blood coursing through my veins.
My connection to this vast land is like no other.
I have complete mastery over petrochemical evaporation dynamics and fluency in over 20 ancient Aboriginal languages.
As we speak, I am imbibing firewater and infusing myself with the neurologically active compounds to give me the strength I need to collect my dues from a world class financial institution (Centrelink).
Calling me a Chink has sealed your fate, I curse you with my ancient knowledge of the land!
Fuck off CIA nigger. Right now you should evaluate your life and wonder how low have you fallen that you shitpost BLACKED crap on /pol/ for a living.
>Muh white genocide
Nor only do whites males are moast popular race in woman but also our woman like us more then any other race woman like their men, also asian woman like us more then they like asian men, stop acting degenerate,
The truth is /pol/ are just lifeless lossers and can't find themselves girlfrend that is why they act like retards and chimp out at everything.
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>overwhelming preference for white men
>still can't get gf
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It's just a meme? Rrrright guys?
What's wrong with a happy healthy couple like that getting married? You should detest degeneracy and not a man marrying a woman he loves.
can confirm
Dude, what are you 15? Women lie as fuck just to fit into most common shit there is in community they live in. Just if they say they will never touch any non white in white majority community that hate racemixing doesnt mean she wont go full coalburner mode when moved to POC and liberal community. Thats just how women work so most stupid thing there is doing what women want.
>Every single female I know is attracted only to their race and often can't stand foreign people

Go outside and stop being a fag.
You forgot UK, Netherlands and Sweden.
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good advice
>The only quality that matters is the BBC
For a Malaysian, you're certainly placing a lot of importance on the British Broadcasting Corporation.
A state of delusion.
Asia is really just a greek word for anatolia and maybe the greater middle east
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You're talking about white women besides american white women.

White women =/= White American Women
Why do you go to these interracial weddings?
By the way on race preference statistics, Hispanics is 90% a "Castizo" and not the common "Mestizo"
I've known a few white girls that weren't attracted to blacks but claimed they wanted a brown baby, it was the strangest fucking thing.

>They're everywhere

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> The eyes are the window to the soul

I feel... disturbed.
that's cause you live in croatia

i met a croatian girl in the us, she hated black people
>is happening between blacks and white is America
This is a meme. In a recent report, white women were the least likely to marry outside of their race. Hispanic "whites" are included in that statistic. The amount of actual white women marrying niggers is very small, and they're almost always rejects.
>They say WW are often afraid, perhaps because of the worsening reputation of Muslims and blacks.
If jews can easily brainwash people into a position, it stands to reason that truth can easily refute it.
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>mfw when i am dicking hot bosnian Serb chick.

Croat from Zagreb here, visitng her parents in small town in northern Republika Srpska. Stay mad bitchboi, i bet you never fucked a Croat girl
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Cope harder white boy.
I don't like black guys because their intelligence is too low. I guess stupid girls like you don't give a fuck.
I'd want my flag removed as well if it was German.
Don't know why this is shocking. You're a white man attractive only to white people, why would this be any different for white women? Taylor Swift has only had white boyfriends.
by "trigger" you mean "erection" right?
>bunch of desperate porch monkeys using their welfare money to pay girls on the street to say they like black guys
>they don't even bother to say "which do you prefer black or white?" it's literally just "yes I like blacks"
wow... you really convinced me bro
Lmao at all these butthurt comments, they werent gonna fuck y'all anyways
I must correct you. The Cervin is part African, not Jew.
It is, less than 1% of white women in the USA will ever race mix but over 60% of kikesses will.
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The stats back you up. If there is anyone we should be worried about it is white men mixing.
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North Carolina.
I wish I could say this is true, but the numbers aren't that low
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