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Thread replies: 200
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If you can't code, you are literally subhuman and will die of starvation.


>checks flag
go back chink.
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For one, programming is an incredibly degrading job that offers 0 job security and is the vocation most plagued by ageism by a far margin. You are not respected at any normal company. Every day, some Alpha who probably does nothing at his job except get his secretary to suck his dick in his corner office cucks you into doing random bitch work, and then yells at you when it's not done by the deadline despite it being impossible to complete the work requested. Not only that, the code rarely works, your co-workers are Indians brought in by Tata Consultancy who will replace you for half the salary and you have to train them to get your $500 severance, and the work never, ever ends. You pollute your body with the caffeinenated jew, deprive it of sleep, and let it rot while you sit the majority of the day, neglecting any healthy exercise, social interaction or life game goal attainment.

It's like a postal worker, but coupled with feelings of loneliness, helplessness and total hopelessness. Programmers are too depressed to go postal, a sad state of affairs. After dentists, programmers have the highest rates of mental disorders, especially depression and suicide.

It gets worse. Women, when they hear you are a programmer, instantly reject you. It is far better to tell a woman you are on welfare than to out yourself as a computer programmer. It's highly embarrassing for a woman to associate with a programmer, as everyone knows they are the grown up version of the hopeless virgin in high school. One who never really grew up and became normal and fit into society, but rather found an environment where he could escape the reality of his situation and be invisible, able to hide the toxic shame and utter humiliation that is the programmer.

Programming's father, Alan Turing, 404'd himself with cyanide because he was a programmer. Programmers, why haven't you taken the cyanide pill and quit jewgramming and turned to a respectable and productive profession?

>What did he mean by this?
We're gonna be fucked when all the women die of starvation.
kek, this pasta is great. Never fails to rile the stem autists up.
Nice copypasta Panjeet.
codemonkeys will be obsolete in 10 years when we have self-assembling machine language. better import more unskilled migrants to fill the gap.
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>tfw too old(25) to start programming
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Sounds like retail work.
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im 34 and starting a course in web development in a few months
daily reminder that coding is a slave job and one of the shities on the market right now
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i like this shop. i-it is a shop, r-right?
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what's the matter, can't handle a little girl power?
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When guys code:
not too old, but if you keep making excuses for yourself you're probably not cut out for CS anyways.
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meant to respond to this guy
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Jebus Christos

Thats some seriously pointless piece of code. "Hurr durr I wont use * so Im just gonna handicap my code and write it all manually"
We are so far from that it isn't even worth discussing right now. By the time it actually is a thing, there will be another decade worth of work just transitioning all the legacy applications. Most of us will be retired by then, or in management positions where we won't care.
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>50 instances found
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>you are literally subhuman and will die of starvation.
I can grow food, I'm not coding or starving.
I started at 28, got my first salaried job doing it at 30
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>tfw I just got into Computer Engineering
>tfw almost 5 years for a degree
Why is it that girls can't code anyway?
IQ and a complete lack of analytical ability
I've never seen a decent female coder
>If you can't code, you are literally subhuman and will die of starvation.

Coding is nothing.

Understanding the complex mathematics needed for AI is needed.

50 Million NEETS playing with Arduino's and Raspberry Pi's are NOT the future of technology.
That one is sort of fun, going to give it a try

if(a == 0 || b == 0){
return 0;
int result = a;
for (int i = a; i >= 0; i--){
result += a;
if (a < 0 || b < 0){
return 0 - result;
return result;

will it work?
>Programming's father, Alan Turing, 404'd himself with cyanide because he was a programmer. Programmers, why haven't you taken the cyanide pill and quit jewgramming and turned to a respectable and productive profession?

58 year old unemployed programmer here.
Getting a CDL and becoming a bus driver.
In 3 years I'll be above my old salary.
I may die of boredom, but I won't starve.
>doesn't work with negative numbers
>can't use while loop
public int Product(int a, int b)
int s = 0;
if (b >=0){
for (int i=0; i<b; i++){
for(int i=0; i>b;i--){
return s;
You can automate coding. The most important Job Skill of the future will be to actually fix and improve the physical hardware. That's something you can't automate (yet).
how did you end up unemployed? did you not educate yourself of newer languages?
You know PLC and CPU architectures are mainly designed with AI right?
oops, one correction for cases when they are both negative, and getting rid of the extra loop

if(a == 0 || b == 0){
return 0;
int result = a;
for (int i = a; i > 0; i--){
result += a;
if ((a < 0 || b > 0) || (a > 0 || b < 0)){
return 0 - result;
return result;
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AI has been applied to the design of computer chips, and in fact was one of the first applications of AI. Some techniques taught in Intro-to-AI courses are routinely used by computer-aided design tools every day. Finding shortest paths in large sparse mazes by A*-search is used in wire routing. SAT-solving is used in formal verification (how do you know that your circuit always produces correct output values?).

Modern chips are so large that doing all the design by hand would be hopelessly slow. And verification is way too complex for doing it by hand. So, many tasks have been automated over the last 40 years, and additional tasks are being automated. Every time someone comes up with a new way to design chips (e.g., new interconnect fabrics, new combinations of memory and computation, etc), the design process needs to be automated. Intel and IBM have internal CAD organizations for these purposes. Several companies (Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics) sell CAD tools, which can be viewed as applications of AI to chip design.

Machine learning has recently been applied to chip design in several ways.
You can try to learn the best configurations of software tools to improve the results of chip optimization. You can learn how to predict likely places on a chip that may experience manufacturing defects. If you can predict the load on a CPU, then you can dynamically scale down the voltage to save energy.
another correction
for (int i = b; i > 0; i--){

it's a process

My employer sold a new product that cut into profits, so my boss took over my work.

It does no matter what I know - they can tell my age from my resume and I go to the bottom of the pile.
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nice copypasta
how does you age make you unemployable? there's serious demand for coders afaik.
I actually really want to learn to program, I know some Python basics but that's about it, anyone have any good learning sources they could recommend?
> you

MIT has tons of courses for free online.
I have, but all of them are autistic as fuck. Basically guys in female bodies.
I've never seen a hot girl who's simultaneously a decent coder.
thanks friend
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Jesus christ...

def multiplier( a , b ):
product = 0
For i in range(b):
product += a
return product
That's a great age to start, you'r not too old for it at all. Just start now and make a few novel programs.
That's manufacturing. Of course nobody makes a complex chip by hand.
I hate this term more than "app"

This is one of the lead designers of darksouls, he didn't start programming until his mid-late 20s.

He's now president of the company.

Dude is a fucking legend in my opinion.
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>>tfw too old(25) to start programming
Silly leaf. Maybe you didn't get a head start, but its not too late. If you can read and enjoy problem solving, you can code.
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Looks very similar to electronic logic gates
honest quesiton, what's the hip phrase to say? im just a simple env scientist who samples groundwater and asbestos.

code? program? hackering? write code?
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this is absolutely disgusting
>programming jobs declining

just say programming
>>128071144 has it right

>>128068446 and >>128068649, see me after class
It's never too late. You can move from nothing to a professional (employable) level in less than a year. But real programming is hard. It isn't just fun.
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yeah.. no.
Someone explain what this is and what is happening. Also nice ID
Please rewrite this sentence with your preferred word in place of code:

"We have made no code changes to the software since December 1st, only configuration changes to the application enviornment."
Someone give me a quick rundown on this programming
shes just changing directories over and over in a terminal
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Why learn code if I'm not going to work in anything related?
I want 2 build a nice PC sometime though.
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Find a task that in manually being done and automate it with a complex set of instructions
This shit post again leaf?
Female coders lol
>she needs to join our startup
>let's invite her

For fuck's sake

Hope you enjoy having a useless piece of shit sitting around and draining resources all day because you hired her solely based on the fact that she's a woman

cd changes your current directory. "cd .." moves you up one directory. Half of what she's doing there isn't even running that command properly. ls lists everything in the current directory. This is what you learn in your first day of any class that uses Linux. As for the top of the screen, she has a super basic concatenation function that just combines two strings, also something you would learn on your first day of any programming related class.
Building things that run on machines is such a useful skill. Espically if you own a machine
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Doesn't work for floats or negative values of b.
hacking, so you can get information from people you don't like.
Negatives yes but muh floats.
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Chris Hawkes started @ 27 I think. https://www.youtube.com/user/noobtoprofessional

the sad thing is it's rap videos that made women what they are today. You cant blame the fuckers who thought this up.
women were a mistake

People automatically assume an older programmer isn't going to be able to adapt with the times as a younger one will.

Trying to learn to code past 25 or get a programming job after 25 is a waste of time because nobody will hire you. I know a 40 year old who is an amazing programmer that's been doing it all his life and his constantly reading up on newest shit to change with the times yet he had to go freelance cause nobody wants to hire him due to his age despite a godly resume and tons of great references.
I had a fairly good knowledge of Assembly, Turbo Pascal, and Qbasic back in the early '90s. Fucked around with HTML 1. What's a good starting point to get some skills that could earn me some sidebux? I read the last thread, just found this one.
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>on this programming

Are are you ever going to get floats when the method signature only allows integers to be passed in?
his age has nothing to do with it

its his resume.

why hire a senior programmer demaning $90k salary, when you can hire a 23 year old schmuck straight out of college for $30k.
usually someone posts the version with wiki article. the guy's is some aesthetic code used in early video games during a time when processing power was very limited. i think it was for doom 1, it made shadows possible.
implying a low entry level of coding is worth something
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Anyone? I'm legitimately curious. Curious enough to respond to myself.
you're right. negatives require a "b < 0" conditional that makes "product += (0 - a)

floats require a much more complex solution, would have to read the float for the decimal point and inflate the nums to be big integers for the operations and then readjust after

I don't know if that tweet is a joke or not, but the guy code is historically significant. It's John Carmack's implementation of a fast inverse square root originally attributed to Gary Tarolli at SGI.
your problem isn't being 25, your problem is being a leaf
>be me
>tech-savvy lead designer at (((successful))) startup
>basically screenshot happens because ceo thinks with his dick
>gets full perms on master on his request(!)
>manages to fuck up master 3 times in a row on her first morning
>on release week
>product owner gets fired
John Carmack is incorrectly identified as the implementer.

Anyway getting a square root of a number is notoriously difficult, and was a tricky problem in early computers with limited resources.

It's still a problem today, especially finding large prime numbers.
Tbh learning to "code" just isn't enough, you also need a fairly rich understanding of data structures and algorithms to get a job. This is a huge oversight of a alot of these "learn to code" shops.
>calling it coding
>programming being important
The world is collapsing and your knowledge will be useless.
>actually going to school for computer science
ebin meme

The job market for computer science bullshit is becoming very very saturated because they've been telling us since the 90s that computer science is an untapped gold mine and every lazy kid who played flash games in the library and every poojeet third worlder is going into that field.

Most programmers aren't actually that good at it anways. Be smart, learn a trade.
excellent post
>my sides
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>web development
No, that code, that's Carmack's implementation. The preceding implementations were done on MIPS with a different floating point specification.
because feelz don't compile
Linear solution, your fired.
This post is the truth but only tells half the story

The world needed tons of coders, what we now would call code monkeys, that market is gone, that market is now saturated. These are your testers, Q&A, maintainers, etc.

But there is the field of software engineering, the actual development part, the R&D, that part is sought after a lot, because it takes significantly more brainpower, time, effort, money and skill to train someone in all the skills required for that.

Code monkeys are on the way out, they're one of the easiest fields to automate. Modern complex software isn't even written by hand anymore, we instead program bots who then solve problems by themselves, by machine learning.

A good measure of which side of the fence you're on is count the amount of brown people working in your field, if you've got the indians, I've got bad news for you.

Who are you and why are you shilling this pasta every day?

because its fucking funny
>let's make a cyber smart app!!
>profit sharing
>i'll do sales, you make the cyber smart cloud app. you can do that right?
>is it done yet?
Almost using the term correctly isn't the same as using it instead of program or script where appropriate. Code as in source code isn't the same as code the buzzword.
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computers weren't even around not very long ago faggot. coding is a false flag homo. it is also gay. and for chinks. faggot.
>godly resume
nah, just cut off the earliest jobs to keep your resume short, go into the interview in jeans and make it clear you give 0 fucks and bs about the cloud
topkek. i'm sorry but you're a fucking idiot. i dropped out at about $7k and self-taught. also, i was smart enough to not live in ohio
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>being a literal bugman

We're supposed to be fighting ZOG, not embracing it and helping Zuckerberg complete his (((vision)))
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>take years of coding classes
>it's so easy a monkey could do it
>company outsources to India
>monkeys steal job and start coding

Why even live? Just kill me now.
Oh my god. Brace yourselves....

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Kek, feeling better about leaving Computer Engineering for IT now.

IT is in the sweet spot where its too hard/boring to be taken over by women, but easy enough to not be infested with spergs and poos. Mostly pretty normal guys and tomboys as far as I've seen.
>graduated college in 2013 with a CS degree, thought programmed would be a great field
>suddenly in the past couple of years, waves of Chads, Stacies, and Pajeets become programmers
>field is becoming so saturated and worthless now
Thank God I decided to go the sysadmin route and not become a programmer.
I'm going to build a whites only operating system.

So the farmer you depend on not to starve needs to know how to code?
>but easy enough to not be infested with spergs and poos.

that's totally not true
TempleOS is already made anon
we already have linux m80
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In my experience it is. I've worked IT for both a large company and my uni, uni had a few poos but other than that neither group had a lot of autists.

Or maybe I'm just autistic myself and don't notice.
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I don't know if any of you fuckers will read this but I'm too drunk to care.

Look, the thing about coding is that it is one of those skills that has multiple applications. Nobody is saying you need to become le genius silicon valley coder autist. But understanding some coding languages, almost regardless of whatever fucking dumb job you work, is becoming more and more necessary.

The thing is, boomers don't realize how necessary this shit is and still overvalue the fuck out of it. You can get a job that actually doesn't require that much coding and still get a decent salary out of it just because you know the basics.

Learn something you fucks. If you are in college then take some coding classes. Don't worry about where to start. Pick something universial. Python, C++, even if you can learn how to do some SQL shit you will be valuable.

It's not fucking hard, it really isn't. There's a reason that fucking pajeets can't figure out how to use a toilet but can figure out how to code. It's not hard to code effectively. Coding efficiently is another matter altogether, but anyone can write code.

Take some classes on codeacademy. If you're in college take some college courses over it. Just famliarize yourself with it. It is an invaluable skill.

I'm off my soapbox now. Also really fucking buzzed kek.
>Be coder
>Get payed 100k a year
>Still poor trash code monkey

Engineering is master race.
Should I start coding? I'm only 18 and have an actual IQ of 110. My math skills are not very high though. What do?
Just be prepared to have your jobs taken away by hoards of chongs and pajeets on h1b visas.

t. bayfag
Temple is a jew worshiping OS

Mine will blind any non white who looks upon it, linux wishes it was AryanOS
Better than working fucking retail man.

Can you write a basic sentence? Judging from your post you can. Good news, you can learn how to code. You can absolutely figure it out. Take some classes in college, if you're not going to a 4 year school or can't afford it find a CC that offers some classes. It's not hard.

Also go to codeacademy.com
you just need okay math skills (some boolean algebra for one)
its a fun hobby that can turn quite profitable if you get really good at it
I just graduated HS and I'm going to a University after summer. I still don't know what I will major in, though.
So reference >>128074680
What's a good place for me to start to get in to it? Looking for a sidegig that doesn't involve manual labor.
Major in whatever you want, but regardless of what you major in take some classes that involve some type of coding.

The point that I'm trying to stress is that we are moving more and more towards a future where most professionals in your general office environment will have some sort of coding knowledge. It might be very basic but everyone will be somewhat familiar. That day is fast arriving and people without the knowledge will be left in the dust.

Major in whatever you want but if you can develop a professional skillset around coding in whatever fucking language(I recommend learning Python, SQL, and also how to VBA code in the Microsoft Office Suite) you will be invaluable even if your degree is in Feminist Transgender Otherkin Basketweaving Studies.
Vancouver is like 99% chinese it's fucking crazy
pick one
I only sleep like 4-5 hours a night

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coders work for me. at least i'm better than that tho.
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I thought about picking it up as a hobby but, I rather keep studying chemistry honestly.
This + the automation capabilities is what worries me the most. Even in IT fields you notice the same thing. More things becoming automated + waves of Pajeets and Changs coming over.

Automation + third world labor = bye bye white man. My plan is to just keep working in tech for as long as I can and then fall back on a trade of some kind.
How did that work out for you anon?
Mechanical engineer working in the energy sector here.

Unlike programming, there's a huge amount of innovation happening right now in the pursuit of energy efficiency, and there's an even bigger amount to continue getting on with. The physical sciences are alive and well.

There are only so many ways you can program a phone to order a fucking pizza.
I wanted to get into energy department too but not with engineering. Something like management.
You clearly have no grasp of how much innovation their is on the software side of technology. Software today is Safer, More difficult to hack, More efficient, and more legible than software written in the 80s and 90s.
Not bad, got a shared office with a good view, $67,000 per year. Better than where I was the year before, getting turned down by Amazon because I wanted too much money asking for $30,000 to work as a data warehouse tech
I'm aware of the broad arms race between security experts and hackers, and I'm also aware of the concept of system isolation.

But really, functionality isn't leaping forward, and jobs relating to software security cannot be great in number by their very nature. You employ too many people writing security code, you will end up with insecure code, simply for the reason that too many people understand it.

It the "programming" equivalent of opening Windows Explorer and just pressing the back arrow button over and over.

This is true.

t. marketing and sales
Web dev can be a nightmare depending on the platform you work on.
Because male programmers are the worst people on the planet to work with, and females can't stand being around loser betas as much as other men can.
>error message after each line

Really gets the neurons firing.

>Women, when they hear you are a programmer, instantly reject you. It is far better to tell a woman you are on welfare than to out yourself as a computer programmer. It's highly embarrassing for a woman to associate with a programmer

software engineer here. while you were getting a bit hyperbolic towards the other half of this paragraph, I 100% agree with this

> If (a >b && b < a)

does your code plant crops?
is it too late to get into machine learning?
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>but rather found an environment where he could escape the reality of his situation and be invisible, able to hide the toxic shame and utter humiliation that is the programmer
faggots like get to voice their shitty opinion because of programmers
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beb thread
don't worry. pajeep is getting pushed out of the market.

>great again
less h1b visas, ugly code with no comments or comments that murder the english language. companies will still outsource, but they'll have to contract with indian companies and we all know how terrible indians are at running their own software companies
>family business, mommy picks your wife, no poo in loo even
>Be smart, learn a trade.
I've always wondered what people meant by this. I install flooring for a living and While there are times when I've made $300-$400 a day for the most part I make around $16/hr. It is very unstable.
Business Fiance = The Iron Career.

Civilization can not even exist without banks.

Irrelevant argument, this is a blue collar skill of the early 21st century by the 2050s AI will be doing it all anyway.
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>tfw learning coding and game development so I can create redpilled vidya and steal ideas from /v/
>tfw I will never be replaced by a robot.
Are you retarded? Those are two completely different people disagreeing with each other.
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India pajeet poo-in-loo can code but still subhuman anyways.
Sorry - am old programmer and doing fine. I do get bored af with it overall though.
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>>128081321 >>128097395 >>128094713
India pajeet poo-in-loo can code but still subhuman anyways.
So a Patel can replace you? Nice job security
While there is some hyperbole in your post, this is pretty spot on. I truly regret going into software engineering. And now that I'm a middle aged "fucking white male" I'm finding it extremely difficult to find my next job. If I could go back I would have gone into ANY field other than computing.
Pajeet can't code. Their work is truly shit baking in the street. They are the reason code is bloated, buggy, and insecure, when it runs at all.
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>>128081321 >>128097395 >>128094713

>So a Patel can replace you? Nice job security

>>128097516 >>128097395
>Even subhuman India pajeet poo-in-loo can code

>it's so easy a monkey could do it

>we all know how terrible poo-in-loo indians are

>Pajeet can't code. Their work is truly shit baking in the street. They are the reason code is bloated, buggy, and insecure, when it runs at all.

We still need to compete with them, for lower wages.

If a tech bubble burst, and the demand for code stops, we are all fucked.
no, and neither can joãos. go write some brics code or some shit. stay out of my codebase.
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literally one line of code...

return (a > b) ? a : b;
>no, and neither can joãos. go write some brics code or some shit. stay out of my codebase

too late because any monkey can do your job.

Too late Nordic Boi your Job is ours.
>no, and neither can joãos. go write some brics code or some shit. stay out of my codebase

BRICS (Brazil monkeys, Russia white-mongol rape babies, India pajeets, China dob eaters & South Affricar niggers)

Pajeets & any monkey can learn to code.

Too late Burger. Your Job is ours.
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you're a confident faggot aren't you?
fkn hurts
>We still need to compete with them, for lower wages.
You'll get no argument from me. The problem is that consumers really can't vote for QC with their dollars, and management doesn't give a shit. So we're stuck competing with shit but cheap coders.

If Trump would send them back job prospects AND code quality would leap forward.

>If a tech bubble burst, and the demand for code stops, we are all fucked.
Then we're fucked. There's a tech bubble right now. Along with the student loan bubble, an automotive industry bubble, and a small but still bad housing bubble.

Even if there wasn't a bubble, tech is an extremely wasteful field. Every new language means duplication of common solutions (i.e. duplicate libraries). Every new 'paradigm' forces the reworking of old code. And every company pushes useless updates to generate revenue. Ever play with older systems? There's no reason you couldn't setup an office with old systems and abandonware and be just as productive, with the sole exception being the web. And that's only because the web is bloated and inefficient shit. You realize just how bloated and inefficient when you see a CAD program running as fast or faster on an old Power Mac or Pentium system but modern web pages run like shit on same.

The world doesn't need all the programmers it has. Even if you trimmed the people who shouldn't be programmers there may be too many.
nigga thinks liberal feminist programmers gonna take over the world.
neega get reel,
everyone knows ai gonna get us all
It's true /g/ will deny this, that's proof enough.

return (a > b) ? a : b;

this has no exception for equal numbers but you can build upon it for that need

return (a >= b) ? a : b;

this return either the highest, or in case of equality it doesnt matter wich one you return may it be always a, and no errors, and you wont get that beautiful random 5
For once i agree with OP. You have no excuse to be technologically illiterate. It's like not knowing how to write, illiterate.
Learn how shit works because if all you do is push buttons to make the magic happen then that's exactly what it's going to become and you'll be at the mercy of more knowledgeable men.
gib moni
If a and b are equal there is no need to check for equality, returning a or b is identical unless a and b are function calls in which case you're probably a retarded indian who needs to be fired
>Tfw SE
>Only 3 years
good luck coding yourself a broad spectrum antibiotic when you get pneumonia
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