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Brit/pol/ - YouGov Election Centre edition

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Thread replies: 316
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>YouGov Election Centre

>Russel Brand has endorsed Labour and the tories should be worried

>Corbyn WILL attend election debate calls out cowardly May:

>Trump pulling our from Paris agreement:

>Surgeon gets 15 years for performing hundreds of unnecesary mastectomies

>Latest shock poll shows conservative losses

>Corbyn follows up car crash with a disaster on mumsnet livechat

>Corbyn suffers childcare car crash interview at hands of Women's Hour

>Lastest Owen Jones and Peter Hitchens

>Zoo worker killed by tiger

>Sturgeon calls for IndyRef2 at the end of Brexit process in Manifesto

>Labour plans will see your council tax triple at least
I know a Corbyn government is unlikely but it is fun to speculate.
Say Jeremy Corbyn had been the Home Secretary for six years, during which time he slashed some 20,000 police jobs taking us back to 1970s levels of per capita policing.
Let's say he also slashed the UK Border Agency budget so that over a million people per month were coming and going through UK airports without being properly checked.
Let's say by virtue of an extremely self-serving EU referendum non-campaign he managed to get into 10 Downing Street, where he kept up his agenda of cutting the UK security services and border agency.
Then there's a home-grown terrorist attack by a known Islamist fanatic in a city where Corbyn had cut the police budget by £157 million.

Let's say Jeremy Corbyn "lost" files on an internal pedophile ring.
Let's say he wanted to take the homes from the elderly.
Let's say he cut 30% of your disabled benefit.
Let's say he signed an arms deal with the (ISIS-funding) Saudis worth billions.
Let's say he wanted to take away your child's free school meal.
Let's say he forced NHS staff to use food banks or starve (great choice).
Let's say he made so many cuts to the NHS that people are suffering waiting for ambulances and A&E doctors.
Let's say he went against doctors, nurses, teachers, fire fighters, the armed forces...
Let's say he took away funding for University for upcoming doctors and nurses.
Let's say after all these cuts there's still a deficit and he'd missed every target he'd set himself for reducing it.
Would you vote for Jeremy Corbyn under these circumstances?
Then why the bloody hell are you voting for May?
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Reminder that both main parties love uncontrolled migration.
Reminder that both main parties will give us a shit deal with europe.
Reminder that both main parties will ensure that immigration stays at least in the high 200k range for years to come.
Reminder that both main parties are dedicated to Orwellian levels of spying on this countries citizens.
Reminder that both main parties will keep us part of the European Arrest Warrant, meaning out citizens can be dragged before foreign courts.
Reminder that both main parties support abortion.

Reminder that the status quo wont change if you keep fucking voting for it
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do you have this image without may?
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What a time to be alive!
Anyone think Shariah May wants to kill herself for calling an early election?
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>tfw phone buzzes multiple times a day
>every time I scramble to check what it is, hoping it's a kikebook message from the one girl I've finally gotten to know quite well (who now barely ever talks to me)
>literally every single time it's an email from Twitter with a Nige/Hitchens tweet as the title
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Post yfw May still wins even if Corbyn beats her at the TV debates.
Child Killer meets Pensioner Killer
>4% and 51 seats
>4% and 0 seats
(((Nice system.)))
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Breaking news, sorry if it's already been posted.
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>mfw that cheeky wank in the garden didn't turn out as well as i hoped
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Hi, Momentum

Enjoy your stay
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Who else here /notvoting/?
She probally wants to kill whoever wanted to add that dementia tax to the Conservative manifesto.
Both seem kind of dead behind the eyes.
Maybe, the problem is that whilst May fucked up with Social Care, Corbyn's bread and circuses were going to invigorate a good chunk of the population. They could have experienced this problem in 2020 as well.
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>Corbyn wins
>the country collapses
>get to play Mad Max IRL
>get to shitpost to normies on corbynbook about how they fucked the country before the robo gulag enforces come to take me away
>fight them off with a £16 machete and a crossbow from a fishing supplies store
>Corbyn himself in a robotic warsuit comes to take me in
>we race through the streets in ford fiestas
>i am taken and enslaved in White Male Camp #004 with Brit/pol/s tripfags

Someone would've actually had to write that article
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Fucking car crash of a thread


Fuck off
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YouGov are the same company who said Hillary would win by 50+ electoral votes
Who cares about any of those people?
Reminder that Mogg voted for Snoopers Charter, despite stylising himself traditional conservative and defender of ancient institutions and traditions.

Reminder that Mogg is a notorious carpet-bagger and stood in seats from Scotland to Somerset before he actually won a seat.

Reminder that Mogg disavowed the Traditional Britain group after he came after fire from the leftist media for daring to speak to a conservative group.

Reminder that if Mogg placed principles/country above Party or had any integrity whatsoever he would've defected to UKIP back in 2014.

Reminder that not only did he not defect, but he helped to campaign against Mark Reckless in Rochester in 2014. Mark Reckless being UKIP's second elected, and only decent, MP.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-7MbLwG0AU) .
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Get fucked.
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That's right cunts, keep thinking the Green party don't have a chance. You just keep worrying about Labour getting in. Don't worry about us Greens at all.

Soon Global Warming and non-plywood houses will be a thing of the past.
That night was honestly almost on par with brexit night.
That prediction is bollocks. It says east devon is fucking likely independent.
Journalists are laughing
Other pollsters are laughing
Tory and labour sources are calling it dogshit.
then why are you here? You are less than a person if you chose not to vote. People have died to get you a vote and you won't even go in and spoil? Fucking kill yourself and while you're at it kill your family for spawning you
FYI, I wasn't going to vote, but now I'm going to vote conservative purely because I'm sick of the Labour shills that flood these threads.
1, 8, 5, 7, 9, 4, 6, 3, 2

Truly the last chickens in the butchers' window
Nah, tory internal polling shows they're on for a majority of over 50. The yougov prediction is wank.
It predicts the greens between 4 and over 50% in Glasgow somewhere and says one of the devon safe tory seats is likely independent.
Going in and spoiling the ballot is functionally identical to not voting. Not voting is perfectly acceptable if you don't like the candidates.
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Thats the best you could do? Must be a great person for a politician
Well one murdered her child for money and attention, and the other is the target of autistic mummy posting, enough to make anyone go mad.
>Cleggy Bread on Question Time




Too many labour mongs and tripshits. Might just avoid the whole thread until the exit poll next week.

They also had remain on 55% on June 23rd at 10pm
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>allowing americans to vote
Wow he looks like a right gimp. Spot of tea rarara
>boris above milkman
There is a way I can stop them?
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>2016 elections

The americans had to choose between saudi arabia and orange saudi arabia. wew how exciting
Good post.

He's just another politician. He's a complete meme. Maybe he'll be better in future but atm he's really not that principled, just has a very good act.
>BoJo had more of a chance then Farrage
>Nutt isn't even there

Mays loses majority > Mays gets ousted > Boris becomes PM
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Imagine unironically being this boring

>this election
>voting choices are "more migrants and socialism" or " slightly less migrants (maybe), lol censorship, lol corruption, good goy"
>UKIP are irrelevant at this point
>im in a safe seat so it doesnt even matter

I'm not voting because my vote doesn't matter. Fucked no matter who i vote for.
>boris above milkman
>nige on par with milkman

Obviously nobody who isn't an american would pick the US election, it wasn't memorable
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You think she's been told about the mummy posting?

I mean the mummy may meme did start on /pol/ and spread to Tory MPs.
>Angry dad captures moment he confronted two men 'stealing flowers and stuffed toys' from Manchester terror memorial

Checked. use archive.is on blogs with a reputation for trash journalism and clickbait. Thank you.

https://archive.is/NVCEl <- mirror.co.uk article
I'm voting Labour to make your life a misery. Cry to mummy little poof.
i feel sorry for you guys, but honestly,
id rather get feminist granny's orwellian state than see the country blow to pieces with corbyn
>barry gardiner on question time

when did /pol/ turn pro-May ?
t. cuck
we aren't pro may, we just aren't pro labour

this obviously baffles the labour voter's mind
More posts like this please. Enough of the weird Labour shilling. Even if everyone here voted Labour it would barely make a difference.
I'm drawing a cock on my ballot because tory is a kiddie fiddler & the rest are wankers
Voting for higher taxes, higher immigration, an anti-white woman in charge of policing and immigration, remaining in the EU in all but name.
Great. You're clearly new here, no one a month back would have ever voted for labour.
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It's fun to watch dystopian films too but not live in one. I'm off to Wales if he gets in England will turn into an African desert within three years.
>Good post.
It's WN's copypasta
The yougov prediction in OP is horseshit. Even labour sources say they're losing seats.
>People have died to get you a vote
Literally who?
Doesn't matter, nobody's keeping track of your ego. The post was relevant and on point.

I know a desperate qt in China that wants my BWC

i'd just be off there tbqh
>Voting for higher taxes, higher immigration . . . remaining in the EU in all but name

But what about Labour?
Take your colony back
People quite literally died to give you a vote if you're engaging in voter fraud with IDs of dead citizens.
Not really, spoiled ballots are an actual identifiable way to state that you don't consider anyone worth voting for and they are accounted for in the statistics. Not going means you just get lumped in with all the lazy/ignorant cunts.
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Going to be a fucking massacre, Gardiner will cry.
Vote for the candidate that walks out on the debate stage floor to this song:
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Me too actually, my ancestry is of Welsh origin.

What's life like as an Englishman in Wales? Where's a place in Wales where they don't have shit accents I could move to?
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>tfw I checked to see if they were pakis
Why did I have any doubt...
Did you see Gardiner on the Daily Politics yesterday? He went fucking mental.
The tories traditionally don't raise taxes, are more likely to cut immigration than people ideologically committed to "rubbing the right's nose in diversity" and are going for a hard brexit right now.
Get your willy out the biscuit tin you're spoiling the Bourbons

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>taken and enslaved in White Male Camp #004 with Brit/pol/s tripfags

We'll get see YMCA's gf.
No instead you're lumped in with sub 60 IQ people.
I'm also spoiling ballot, but I have to admit it's almost as futile as not voting unless we convince enough people to do it that an article is written about a spoiled ballot surge.

Yeah Gove really got to him was hilarious.
Reminder that this is the yougov poll everyone is so excited about.
A hung parliament would be the world possible thing for this country. Honestly, fuck Shariah May if she fucks it up this badly

She'll be even lower in my regards than David Cameron

Is this on Thursday?
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Come back on the 9th and remind us who you voted for.
Be careful. We're watching.
And that east devon
>likely independent

Spoiling your ballot is even more retarded than actually voting.
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QT lineup, could be quite fun actually
Oh Moira, it's better than that….. For the love of Mary……. I'm getting fucking MARRIED!!!!!!!!
answered my question.
You can fuck off, you're not coming into Wales. I'll be voting Plaid Cymru once we collapse this union.

By putting a woman in charge, lad.
North / Mid Wales is god tier countryside. South Wales is clannish Momentum people and dirt poor.
Spoiling is wasted effort unless you can actualy get a ton of people to do it in protest.
And even then the winning party will still get in so it literally does nothing.
Labour promising free shit to everyone and a terrible manifesto.
The tories are still on for an easy majority I think. The more reliable pollsters like ICM are showing them 12% ahead. The yougov hung parliament one is especially awful with bollocks like this >>127867725.
I suppose, I can just respect people a lot more if they actually take the time to go and register their discontent rather than sit at home whining. Does it do owt? No, but at least you're trying to make a difference.
Female PMs have been shit for the UK. Queens haven't been that bad.
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Completed & mailed off my postal vote before lads. No UKIP so I ticked conservative. God speed United Kingdom and God bless our majesty.
And it predicts Halifax, a constituency with a Labour majority of less than 500 votes, as very likely remaining Labour.
Seriously? Have you not looked at voting suffrage during the 1800s for men? Originally only the wealthy men could vote in the UK, leading to the strange situation where if you were the only one allowed to vote, you voted for yourself and became an MP. People have died and suffered to get your voting rights and you won't even go in and spoil your vote? That's basically saying you don't want to talk politics on a politics board.
How is Theresa blowing this so fucking hard?

She should just step down and let David Davis take command of this shit show, god damn. He's a man of action.
I will you're heading for a surprise.
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No, it started from Tory shills because they only engage the creepiest of memeposting. Trying to distract from what a non-entity she is by acting like everyone wants to fuck her.
Ready for David Davis to btfo everyone on the panel.
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It's truly awful m8, I can't believe they released it in this state, as the Tory number guy says he's pissing himself laughing over it.
>putting so much effort into subverting a favourite tie colour contest

Fuck sake lad.
If you apply that logic to everything you'll spend a lot of time doing nothing.
Whats the IBD/TIPP equivalent poll for the UK.

They were right about all the previous elections and had trump to win.
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Literally never heard of this '''''history'''' before

honestly think you could be making it up
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>le epic davis xD
It predicts labour gains too. Which is bollocks except maybe Gower (the seat with a 21 vote tory majority) and some lib dem seats.

A tory majority of 50-100 incoming in reality.
Not a chance, she will get a larger majority.

>Tory number guy

Who's that?
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It's hard voting for which party will rape you the least desu
Cities of London and Westminister, with a 10,000 Tory majority, it projected to only slightly lean Tory. Lmao, this is shit.
"""history"""? I mean......really? Is everything that doesn't agree with your world view somehow inherently wrong? Use google you sad fuck
Don't vote for either.
Have female PMs been good for any country ever? Merkel's letting Germany getting raped, South Korean one is now in prison for bribery & cult activity, then there's Hilary fucking Clinton

The Queen is doing a pretty good job though, desu.
Even labour sources are saying it's bullshit
The majority of Tory voters on this board are NEETs. If the do win, they won't have the cushy lifestyle they've become accustomed to.
>Don't vote for any.
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I'm a mummyposter and I've never voted Tory in my life and won't be voting in June because I don't care who wins. I do want to shag her. From what I've observed my mummyposting irks Tory shills because it disrupts their po-faced shilling.
YKTD did you end up going on the prozac?
and a crackdown on their 4chan use
just googled it, nothing came up. confirmed my suspicions.
It irks the labour shills too. I find it funny lad.
t. tactical voter
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I approve of this post.
RCR UK audio book

First name terms is it, typical Liar Kuenssberg, the Corbyn loather..
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>spoilng a vote
Why waste the effort?
It wont make the cunts in our government do anything even if vast amounts of people do spoil theier vote.
And even if they do, do something they'll just talk a load of bollocks about how the british people are "clearly disatissfied" and say that they're gonna change. And then just give us more fo the same shit only worded/acted differently.
>anyone ever talks about actual politics on /pol/ ever
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>I vote
The Graun cartoon was actually right about this.

>If you are going to start a cult of personality, check that you've got a personality first.
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Nah my labour councillor is jo cox's reincarnated corpse
Christ, is this bait?
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You better be voting Corbyn so she can contribute to our economy with her useless degree lads.
YKTD is still blackpilled, I assume. I've moved past worrying about the barbarians at the gates that I can do nothing about and started to enjoy the wine and orgies
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Yeah I was joking, however it's a genuine thing with Corbynistas.
I thought my mate's game design degree was a waste, but at least he's gotten a job in that industry. What can you do with a degree relating to that shit, historian?
she's quite fit
Fucking christ. The left has gone off the deep end
How can I be a good human being and have faith in my culture and people if I can't even talk to girls

Thousands of years of ancestors who were successful.

And along came me. The failure. The loner. I don't want to have a lonely youth
>german and hispanic studies

I've heard of meme degrees but this is something more

They'll be calling her a zionist next.
99% certain I've matched with her on Tinder.
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>youguv thinks this will happen

He probably yelled for someone to beat him off and they took it a bit too literally
why doesn't she just move to those countries if she wants to embrace their culture?
Spoiling a ballot is probably worthwhile to a NEET to be fair - it gets them out of a house for a bit of exercise, plus they can practice their cock-drawing skills for once
Isn't that a tory ultrasafe?
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Guys I keep getting a boner when I see Corbyn. How do I fix it?
But they haven't actually got the price of nationalisation, I don't even think they've read the shit they're defending.
>tfw britpol has a kstew poster but britfeel doesn't
This is why we're miserable
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voting for labour

She won't be able to hold a conversation in German by the time she has finished the degree which is the sad part, it's a complete utter waste of money.
[University of Warwick] Hispanic Studies and German (Full-Time, 2017 Entry)

Recent graduate destinations include:
Assistant Producer, France 24 TV; German market, American Express; Fraud Investigator, Apple; Translator, The Lonely Planet; Assistant to the Governor of the Banca Italia, International Marketing Assistant, Next plc; International Graduate, HSBC Private Bank.
They had a majority of 165 in 2015
That's the sort of thing women talk about when men aren't around.
>damaged goods
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Post a photo of your hand as proof
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no lol
It's the magic dust in his sexy beard.

imagine getting a gentle kiss from corbyn...
I hope Corbyn wins. Ever since Trump was elected I pray for the most far left candidates in every other western countries to win. So that more capital investment flows into the US. Policy implementation doesnt even matter, just the fact that these people got elected will have people with money looking elsewhere. And its not like we run surpluses with these countries so there's literally no downside for the US. Get overrun by commies for all I care.
How are Corbynistas going to react next week when the Tories are returned with an 80 seat majority lads? I can see twitter being an absolute gold mine and they won't be talking about racist attacks they will be lying about hundreds of disabled people killing themselves.
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Is there any point in even voting lads?
>>127869100 (checked)

LSBU lets you study Bakery Management as a 4-year sandwich degree...
>taking the absolute best-case scenarios of the course
Tooth pasta, smashing. If jezza had actually had any job in parliament, in his 43 years. We might have some idea of his worth, but no one thought him worth a job. That must tell you something.
its more a tory lean but he's a well liked locally and even kept his seat as a independent when the torys deslected him.(they let him back in the next election)
Oh I was thinking of Croydon south.
The yougov prediction is rubbish though. At least it'll scare the pensioners back to the tories I guess.
Kiketown shills in britpol too? Wew

>implying she isn't doing it at the university of bolton
>study spics
>become fraud investigator

I love Mummy
Brexit was a clue. Its not about Corbs vs. May, its about hating politicians.

>MFW we're officially in the era of Shitvoting.
London will be brought to a complete standstill by the protests and the rest of the country will simply laugh and say 'tsk, typical fucking London'.

Kek at Rachels gammy eye

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Corbyn might actually win it

This will be like a trump upset for the polls
>New Zealand haka bullshit

Fucking annoying.
STOP IT STOP IT you're making it harder
Speak to Mike Pence, he'll give you a jumpstart
> Jahans unironically defending centrism and iron fist rule over media
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 43% (+1)
LAB: 33% (-1)
LDEM: 11% (+2)
UKIP: 4% (-)
GRN: 3% (-1)
(via @TNS_UK / 25 - 30 May)

I haven't watched any of his stuff in a while, how is he doing?
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I'm in there lads
>cock-drawing skills

I want to know why on earth you consider that a skill, anon.
Riley, no!
I thought she was still a virgin
>How can I be a good human being
Morals are for the benfit of society, society gives them value. If society doesn't value morals, like today, then they're nothing but a self imposed handicap
>and have faith in my culture and people if I can't even talk to girls
Our culture is dead and our people are fractured beyond repair

>Thousands of years of ancestors who were successful
They lived in a different age when the integrity and continuation of society mattered

>And along came me. The failure. The loner. I don't want to have a lonely youth
It's not your fault, it's those who destroyed the institution of this country after the great war and the wave of globalism that followed.
No he won't. Even the bullshit yougov poll with a hung parliament has the tories by far the largest party.
she's cheating on you lad she sent me the same thing nice trips though tory brother
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what the fucfk
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Your taxes pay for this:
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u fuckin wot
Yep, the dense cunts can't see that though. They'll learn, and will regret voting conservative. Most of these posters are 18-20s and don't remember the recessions or the poverty of the 90s.
I was just compiling some old lefty butthurt for you lads to mark the Brexit anniversary, and I stumbled across this:


Thought you might enjoy it. A little blast from the past.

There's a long way to go but it doesn't hurt to occasionally stop for a moment and just savour the victories every once in a while. Otherwise you end up sad, angry and jaded like Peter.
% who trust CON / LAB on...
NHS: 21 / 34
Economy: 33 / 23
Brexit: 36 / 16
Security: 34 / 16
Immigration: 25 / 19
(via @TNS_UK)
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Current year.jpg
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and this
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Imagine that wrinkly old codger slipping his wrinkly old todger up your back passage. Bound to deflate your johnson in a heartbeat.
I though the 'conservatives' were going to blow out labour, but now they only have a 3% lead?
Link to where you're getting these?
Chop your cock off, it seems to be what the rest of your ilk are doing these days
You don't work, so whats the problem?
Same here, Theresa is a right slag tbqh.
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>Time appears on your shoulder in tesco
>your hand moves to the blue top milk
>tim: "*cough*"
>"i-i was going to water it down, Tim"
Someone help a burger with this, if both SNP and UKIP are expected to get 4% why is SNP expected to get 51 seats??
Proof that the YouGov polls are fucked. There's literally no way that they take that seat.

Looks like a sampling error.
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which one are you lads?
community for me
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Labour-SNP coalition coming up. Say hello to your new PM.
>twitter notifications

Fucking why
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>23% trust Lab on the economy
The yougov poll is absolute dogshit.
See >>127869634
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eddisbury leaflet anon from yesterday, a new challenger enters the mix, note this is the only one so far to feature the name of the leader on the cover of the leaflet, still waiting on lib dem and ukip will update when they arrive.
Taking drugs to become HIGHTEST and gets angrier and angrier each video.

Its quite the spectacle.
However he's a total Corybn shill
Fake and gay
Because their vote is concentrated, whereas UKIPs are spread. Think of the election involving 650 mini states. So it's essentially 650 elections, UKIP would get some votes but not enough to win in any of the seats.
Our Britain, ofc.
>it's a the guardian removes my comments about corbyn appearing on the same Iranian TV channel that broadcasted the confession of a tortured journalist episode

Feels good to be suppressed desu.
They only run in Scotland where they'll get 40% of the votes.
UKIP will get 1-8% in all their seats and win none.
Our parliment works like your senate
SNP gets around 50% of the scottish vote so there garanteed the 50 scottish seats while ukip get ~10% evereywhere so they cant win a seat
why don't the greens just stop campaigning and support labour at this point?
none. identifying as british is for wogs and *centrists*
You can't have Trump in the US with Corbyn in the UK. It's just BEGGING capital to leave the UK for safer shores in the US. His election alone might throw you into a recession.
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You've obviously never met a proper NEET then m8. Filling up piss bottles to the correct level is an essential lifeskill, as are Wotsit-dust finger-licking time trials and seeing how long you can leave a half-eaten Cuppasoup before things start growing out of it.
Roger 'gas the kikes' Helmer will take it with 88.14% of the vote
4chan banned in uk now i think
Just remember, half of the people voting for the Tories are simple minded shills who are voting because they think the Conservatives are traditional right wingers who will stop mass immigration.

Only they haven't and won't.

>Net migration has tripled under the Tories since 2010
>Theresa May as home Secretary let in hundreds of thousands of non EU immigrants which could have been controlled with 650,000 immigrants coming in last year even with her as PM
>Theresa May has always been pro EU and opposed Brexit

Nothing will change if she wins and immigration will continue to rise with the Tory party supportive of the big companies solely hiring from aboard (one of the big factors of immigration which Labour plans to stop).

The idiots who vote for her thinking she's the UK answer to Trump, will have a meltdown when they realise we'll be in the same position as we have been for the past seven years with her still in charge, only difference being more cuts, taxes and austerity.

Last thread, I got called a socialist shill for wanting Corbyn because he's the lesser evil by a "political expert" cumstain who works in McDonald's and refuses to use Google to research a few simple facts.

The morons voting for her are voting for the establishment and will get what they deserve if she wins and when they see that nothing changes, as has been the case since 2010.

In fact, I kinda hope she wins just so the minimum wage workers, white nationalists and shills here who think the Tories will bring about a economical utopia and also curb immigration, will have a massive meltdown soon enough when things carry on exactly the same.

They're trusting someone who did nothing to curb immigration as home secretary, was pro EU and refused to call the terror attacks here "Islamic Terror" instead praising Islam and condemning its critics. Lol OK.

Conservatives are the same as Labour socially. Anyone thinking she will be tougher than Corbyn is deluded.
Even the great Michelangelo could have brushed up on his cock-drawing skills, lad.
I legit feel bad for him.

He should be forced to join the army.
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For 3 days straight i have had the same leaflet from a Lib Dem candidate called Amna Ahmed
>mfw it goes straight in the bin
If only, I'd actually get shit done for once
if we turn into venezuela 2.0 all the immingrants here will move to europe where the jobs will bw
Not even notifications, they just barrage me with emails because they must think I'm missing out. Deleted the app the other day so I guess that's why they're bombarding me about 5 times a day.
When I was at uni I unironically had over twenty piss bottles. I could just not be bothered to get up and go to toilet.
only 10% of national Capital is liquid financial capital. FDI normally means yanks buying existing assets and stripping them rather than building new assets through investment. Govt borrowing from foreigners for gibs is also classed as "investment". UK is being screwed on trade.
Don't think I can be bothered to watch the debate tonight, it's just going to be everyone vs Nuttall again
They have a Michelangelo and Sebastiano exhibit in the National Gallery at the moment, everyone should go to it if you can get the chance
so tiny...
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>Kek at Rachels gammy eye
One of our daughter's did not Kek, lad.
I saw Jeremy Corbyn at a Tescos in east London yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
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Thanks for the support, greatest ally
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> Tory + SNP forced coalition
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We'll eating each other.
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>vote conservative
>get cucked
>vote labour
>get cucked
>vote UKIP
>get cucked
kek I actually saw him riding his bike while on my driving lesson once desu
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Mate that's grim... hope you're in a better place now
>Tories don't stop immigration!
>They're too soft on the EU!
>They don't care about British traditions or culture.

You're absolutely right.

>Vote for Labour instead!

Just kill yourself retard.
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Lads, what time is the debate?
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>which Labour plans to stop
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Crying Rikka.gif
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>Over the next few years its only going to get worse, only this time with the backing of government

And where exactly does cock-drawing come in?

I'm actually gonna watch this one thanks sempi
Just hang a England flag out and they'll stop
>get cucked

how many years has this taken you to figure out? I suppose this is your first election, yes?
Yeah, I have changed my life around now. But for a couple of years I was in a grim place.
Avoiding this debate shitshow. It'll just be a hugbox vs Nuttal and sometimes Rudd
1500 calorie deficit and best bench press set this year so far, what did YOU do with your day?
NazBol Party when
Is the debate at half past seven on BBC one today?
The torys should help out ukip in debate. Ukip is more of a threat to labour than the torys
More likely than Labour getting a 70+ point swing and overturning a majority of 17k.
*cucks you*
How much was the set senpai?

Gonna head up snowdon tomorrow
Can somebody shop Rachel as Karen? I would do it but I'm lazy and I don't want too





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meme arrow man.jpg
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>Going for PBs while cutting
>best bench press set this year so far
how much?
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*lightly kisses you*

s-see you tomorrow, anon.
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>best bench press set this year
Same, I recommend that you avoid the thread too because the shills come out in force whenever there's an election event on.

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Top-tier image
It was 3 sets of 5, not going to say how much because some cunt who doesn't let the bar go anywhere near their chest will inevitably chime in and call me a DYEL.

Have fun on Snowdon, I've been up there before with bad visibility and even then it was spectacular and fun.

I'm starting the deficit as of today, hardly enough time for it to have an effect.
Thanks lads
should be thegondorian though desu
I'd give that tranny some love, if you know what I mean
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>Yeah, I have changed my life around now.
>I only have 10 piss bottles
imagine laughing all day about one thing
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This seems familiar
Imagine that tribal bullshit everyday.
My thoughts are with you senpai.
Complete outsider regarding UK politics. Can I get a quick rundown on who are the good/bad guys this election and in general?
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1) I don't want the communists to rule the country, and
2) take all my stuff away,
3)tax my garden,
4) invite in millions more immigrants including terrorists,
5) cancel brexit,
6) end up as a second class citizen in my own country,
7) end up in the Gulag for criticising the 'dear leader'.
Thread posts: 316
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