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Trump wants to kill 30,000,000 of Africans

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Trump administration plans to tragically cut foreign aid.

The human impact here is extraordinary. Food aid funding would drop from $3.5bn in 2017 – enough to feed 67 million people – to $1.5bn in 2018, enough to feed only 29 million. Beyond the food side, refugee assistance would be cut by nearly 20%. International disaster assistance, which covers the non-food needs of the world’s conflict and disaster victims, takes a massive hit as well – dropping from $2.5bn in the 2017 budget to $1bn in 2018.
Not nearly enough if you ask me.

Most aid to these countries gets stolen by their corrupt governments and the people starve to death anyway.

Cut the aid.
not our job to feed the world

This might force a population correction in Africa towards a natural equilibrium.
He needs to make more cuts, theres a lot more than thirty million africans to get rid of
That's a good start
>feed Africa
>population boom
>population spills over into Europe

It's the humane thing to do. Less starving Africans means less starving Africans being born from them. Africans just eat and fuck so if you give them food then they're going to fuck to make more eatfuckers. The reason there's so many starving African kids is because foreign aid created their parents who were irresponsible enough to create them. They'll grow up to be irresponsible parents. It's welfare on an international level.
Plz cut it all, I want a war here. Maybe we can get a bigger third Congo War out of it.
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We, as a species, cannot afford the impending population explosion out of Africa. It will be humanity's undoing. Trump is literally trying to save us, and will be called evil for doing so.
Kill 30,000,000 now, or keep them alive and watch 2-300,000,000 die to famine and disease later.

Why not to $0.0bn?

They should kill more. No one will miss them
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that's not enough africans, kill 30,000,000 more please
>Why don't africans just grow their own cro-
Oh right
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Finally something I like about Trump.
Killing 30 million simply isn't enough
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Watch this
African "governments" are nothing but the most successful nigger gangs in their immediate surrounding.
Good. Kill more than that. There are a billion of them.
Seriously think about it, they have like 5-8 kids in africa but cant grow nearly enough food to support them, so we send them more food, and they produce more children who will not be able to support themselves...so they come to europe and america so they can be fed, and produce more kids who will just end up on welfare...its a vicious cycle that needs to end.

Yep, pretty much this.

If you want something, you subsidize it.

Want more starving Africans? Keep feeding them.

We need to leave these countries alone and let them sort themselves out.
Cut all of it. I want all the niggers to starve.
Starving African babies only materialise in time for liberal appeals.

If the crazy cat lady down the street has 100 cats too many you don't ship more cat feed to her front door, you lock her up and put them down.
Sending that continent gibs is one of the primary contributing factors to why it never actually advances. It destroys the agricultural market. Kill 30,000,000 now, save 10 billion later.
Africans need our sperm, not aid.

With our sperm, they can produce hybrids which will have bigger and better brains. These brains will be able to direct Africans bodies to farm more productively, and grow more than enough food for everybody.
>Trump wants to kill 30,000,000 Africans

based as fuck
Foreign gibs really fuck up the economy of these poor African countries. Just think of the damage that could be done to your economy if a powerful foreign country decided to give out free burgers. Maccy D's would go out of business; How are you supposed to compete with free?
ONLY 30 million?

i didn't vote for this!
I want them all dead
It's about fucking time. Letting the population of African unnaturally spiral out of control is going to be the greatest travesty in human history if it isn't stopped.
This would probably fight global warming more than the paris agreement

Stop keeping these suffering people on life support.
fuck yes
Good. The US shouldn't be seen as the caretaker of the world.
Yeah then in 50 years we have to battle with superniggers.
Let as many of them as possible die out from their own stupidity first
legitimately good for Africa

He should cut literally all aid to Africa outside of education and business.

Re-invest all the aid to Ukrainians or something. Europeans need to breed like Africans have.
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Maybe those mongoloids will stop fucking
About fucking time.
Food Aid in Africa
>US flies in free food
>Corrupt local government receives it.
>sell it to starving locals who can barely afford it.
>Locals get sick of this, try to grow their own crops
>Government troops torch their farms so they don't get 'free food.'
>Feeding a bunch of future murderers,rapists,and terrorists
Trump is killing Africans just as much as you are killing the homeless by not giving every single one of them a handout.
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Ack ack ack!
The eu wants to import 30million africans over the next 10years(and they as usually lowball just like the "fugee" crisis)
So yeah good jesus please, foreign aid into africa has done nothing but expand the initial problems while creating overpopulation its insane.
>too many niggers being born
>too little food
the answer is simple: We reintroduce them to cannibalism. have one half of the population eat the other, solves both problems.
And why does Trump this maneuver? Because (((Trump))) wants them directed to Europe of course.

Good, african farmers can't compete with FREE FOOD
cut it all, immediately. Africa has the most fertile soil in the world, yet they let it remain dust. Also, notice the fat fucking parents, but the starving child. They do not care.
Change african for russian and the sentence still checks out.
Ok cutting food aid funding actually IS a stupid idea.
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Not our responsibility. Maybe they should pull themselves out of the slime and filth and use their brains to increase their greatness.

Also not a valid argument saying he "wants to kill" them.
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Goddamn this dude is BTFOing everyone today. Hard not to shill for the man.
>it's our job to feed people on another continent.

> 1 post by this ID
you're a bunch of idiots

Sadly, it's true. I had some friends that worked through Christian services to try to help feed people in another country. One of the African ones. They actually got a few trucks through. Then the gangs started killing the truck drivers. There's no way to help these people. They need to learn to help themselves. Somebody here called it "international welfare" and I think that is spot on. Look at what welfare has done in our country over the years. Where is all of that violence coming from? From the people we give free food to, because "starving babies." It has become generational now, and they won't even TRY to make their lives better. If we stop sending aid to some of these countries, maybe hungry bellies will get these people fighting to improve their lives.
Good. We shouldn't be propping up corrupt African governments and warlords
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This image is fairly reductionist.

They only have so many kids because there is fucking nothing to do in Africa and there are no contraceptives so everybody just fucks and rapes all day.
But think about it. 15 million people unable to have 4+ kids would stop at least 100 million births over 10 years
work or starve.
repeat message to Africans living here
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Africa needs some population control.
anti panhandling laws in my state

Invest what? The government doesn't have money.
let em starve & die, way more humane than multiplying em

Man, imagine if Bill Gates and Warren Buffett used their hundreds of billions of dollars to relocate whites to the PNW in preparation for the civil war and crackup. That'd be nice. Instead they waste their fortunes developing bioweapons for Shlomo to be used against their own people.
Even the fucking UN wants to impliment a depopulation plan. Really this isn't enough. Ideally all foreign aid would be cut.

Let them die, the sooner the better.
don't feed
Trump is a massive cuck and will never do it.
And yet people on /pol/ still unironically hate Trump.
This dude is gold and always will be.
When you have an infestation of roaches you use pesticide, not roach food.
And the projected African birthrate will decline, preventing certain calamity from trespassing.
lel more immigrants to europe, this is trump plan all alongs
Good. I do not want my tax dollars to feed niggers, or anyone for that matter.
All of the aid goes to corrupt African governments who spend all of it on a strong military to stop the staving feral niggers from overthrowing them. Cut the aid.
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Yes, because niggers need to breed faster.
Good, it will reduce the population boom expected in Africa, though not by much.

Europe should be grateful to have less invaders too.
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Fucking FINALLY. Not only is it bullshit that U.S. taxpayers are forced to buy food for all these worthless shitskins who are literally to retarded to feed themselves, giving them free food actually makes their problem WORSE. Their own farmers go out of business because they can't compete with free U.S. food!

This reminds me so much of the whole "oh we shouldn't exterminate the aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads zika virus and a bunch of other nasty shit, because then the animals that eat them might go hungry". WHO GIVES A FUCK? Same thing will all these millions of retard level IQ starving niggers. Who fucking cares of some of them have to starve in order for them to finally start feeding themselves? Giving them food just makes the issue worse. Can't manage something as basic as fucking feeding yourself? Evolution prunes you from the tree. Same as all the other failed species and subspecies, as far back as time itself. We evolved brains intelligent enough to keep us alive in a changing world, they didn't. Tough shit, better luck next time.



Shut the fuck up, fake Monaco.
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>no access to clean water
>living in filth
>haven't eaten in days
>half of village dead or dying from disease
>"I'm bored, I guess I'll make more people!"
I just can't defend this

Why would he not cut all the aid?
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We can't keep feeding them while they maintain their sky high birth rates. We would only achieve more children born in suffering. Foreign aid must be cut in half and used only for education.
>pic related

Also this
And this
And also this
Oh shit.
Marvin is dying.
Implying not gibbing niggers your money is killing them
Most foreign aid never get to the people anyways. You have camps with two dozen of charity organisations, all with their own expenses for housing and food.
You could double the aid and these organisations would send twice the people, without an increase in money going to the people.
That'll improve the quality of life of the average citizen down there dramatically
PLEASE BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God I love this shit I hope this will stunt Africa's population growth. Could you imagine if everyone stopped giving them aid and their populations had to sustain themselves there would be barely any.
Okay it's time to prepare for that, everyone from Europe knows what it means. Now (((they))) say there is around 1 million of rapefugees in north Africa ready for their (((humanitarian))) ferry. When the food runs out there will be whole Africa and guess what, they will still be importing them here.
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Hey, kids dying is sad. But their country is never going to get fixed. Might as well just pull the plug on that shit and let it die so they don't get to exist for 5 more generations of starvation. Or better yet. Just take over Africa completely and clean house. Might as well if we're already propping it up.
Seriously? They go and have nine children and then plead on charity television shows for gibs. They can go and fuck themselves for being "sad" when their children inevitably die for their parents being so irresponsible
>No education
>No access to contraceptives
I seriously doubt most Africans even know where babies come from, and most rapists don't care.
>campaign on "America first"
>get elected
>puts americans first
I dont see the problem here.
Darwin's law survival of the fittest. Stop feeding those unfit to survive? Sorry to sound heartless but if they are no longer depending on aid they may actually attempt survival on their own
>can't afford to feed myself
>better have a dozen kids
>why you want us all to die, US?

explain to me how africans aren't sub-human
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Only 30 M? Well, that's a start.
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Ayyy lmao
Then maybe niggers should stop breeding beyond their capability to feed themselves.
oh no the poor little crack baby who had a murderer for a father and who carries those same violent genes can't eat at the expense of someone peaceful

you should feel ashamed of yourself
Isn't Swaziland actually doing great in spite of the AIDS pandemic?
They don't think about stuff like that. They have an urge, have sex, have children. Then someone comes and throws food and clothes at them. Repeat.
trump is the messiah

would be better if he cut $3.5bn though
It's a good start
The population of Africa is not sustainable.
Or fund nuking Apefrica.
Poor white SA. Every time I see one of you lads post a little prayer goes through my mind for your safety. Really hope you and yours aren't genocided.
Please God yes! I hope he cuts it all
Foreign aid is unironically cancer. Most 3rd world countries who got over their bad luck streak literally reject NGOs like World Bank Groups and the IMF as corrupting and stunting entities. They're not half wrong desu.
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more like become better raiders, pirates, and rapists

they dont have the concept? to plan for farming. its a fault even to their language and abstract thinking. they can into cattle because that requires less planning. "no food/water here? i'll just move herd elsewhere. cow die? i take cow from other tribe."

that said, there are some that have shifted to tourism to make a living and there was this one tribe, in ethiopia i think, that were great yam farmeres. after they got introduced to money they became Jewish bankers.
Please, anon, I can't get any more erect...
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>Trump wants to kill 30,000,000 of Africans
rly? wtf, i love trump now. I hope he wanted to kill 300 000 000 Africans, thoguh. Or four times that, honestly. It would solve so so many problems.
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Fucking this. Gotta man up and actually WANT the change. Or else you'll just get sat on like a chair. Have to have the fighting spirit within.
>you only gave my country 1.5 billion dollars
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Don't worry about it. Just look at how their population will grow.

link: http://www.businessinsider.com/africas-population-explosion-will-change-humanity-2015-8
>1 post by this ID
report ignore and sage slide threads.
Archived: https://archive.is/483Ez <- businessinsider.com article
Cut all foreign aid to Everyone, fuck the rest of the world, I'm tired of footing the bill for your shit. If you can't provide for yourselves then fuckoff and die.
Good, funding third world shitholes is wasted money
Sad to see that beautiful country getting turned into little congo
Lefties often complain about overpopulation. The solution to that problem is to stop feeding subsaharan Africans.
>1 post by this ID
Anyone who gives a shit about Africa ever getting it's act together should support this. But you won't because you genuinely think niggers are too dumb to drop a seed in the ground and piss on it, oh and btw fuck drumpf
wtf i love trump now
>Just look at how their population will grow.
Only if we keep feeding them.
You all want to help africa, YOU fund it. Fuck it. We're done.
its simple, cut the aid to zero, let them still fuck like rabbits, most of the blacks will die, zimbabwe falls, chad and niger will fall, British and french colonisation restarts, Rhodesia is reborn but at the cost of South Africa (which SA whites restart Rhodesia anyway)
Apartheid states get discount rates ;)
It's not the sort of thing that makes you feel good but it's the right and proper course of action. Africa can't sustain it's population as things are, it only keeps growing along with the amount of the foreign aid required to sustain it. The only thing that will really help them in the long run is the infustucture necessary to self sustain, at the curremt growth rate there will inevitably come a point where international aid won't be enough and with a much larger population the food crisis will be far far worse as a result, cutting aid now and pressuring them to provide for their own people saves more far more lives in the long run.
It's much like the old saying, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

Truly shameful. A lot of so called Christians in thread supporting this. Very sad.
If you care so much Italy then open your wallets
Africans who aren't citizens have NO rights in america. The right to life and liberty is ONLY guaranteed for Americans. There are plenty of roads in the USA that could be repaired with that money, if people in Africa are dying of starvation, its their own fault for not being competent at finding/creating food.
Enough with this fucking Communists

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Luckily Ebola_Chan will finish them quicker so the suffering will be short and swift.
>Africa can't save itself
>implying it's worth helping

Unironically this
I hate drumpf but cutting foreign aid is a good thing. Every expert has been saying this for decades.
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looks like a fucking tumor
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>Implying this is a bad thing
Pray we do not alter it any further - else you potato niggers might be in trouble.
is farming impossible in most of africa, or are the people just too stupid?
fucking finally

meritocracy here we come, rotate them crogs you fucking alien niggers
And all our troops brought home... Just as soon as we take care of North Korea. That is getting a bit out of hand.
>Trump wants to kill 30,000,000 of Africans
Only 30,000,000?
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They destroyed everything they were left after generations of occupation by the british, and then had to rely on foreign aid. Niggers are literally too dumb to live.

that's a pretty modest proposal.

If you feed feral animals, they will continusouly breed until they run out of food, then you feed them more and they keep breeding. Its an unending cycle. The only solution is to stop feeding them or euthanize them.
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Africa is blessed with HUGE tracks of rich fertile land... they should be EXPORTING food from Africa... WTF is wrong with Africans!!!
>kill 30,000,000 of Africans
It's either millions now, or billions later.
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When you foolishly breed like they do and don't help to develop an intelligent society this is what happens. Sorry Africa the best help we can give is to not at all.
>post comment supporting this move
>instantly deleted
>the rest of the comment section is anti-trump talk
Really makes me think, Britburkas.
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MFW I voted for the gimmedats holocaust president
Cutting food and monetary aid is the best thing we can do for Africa. Stop subsidizing corruption. Help them irrigate a d grow crops and leave them to burn each other alive and rape each other.
Its full of niggers.
Not our problem.
Take it from someone in africa (EU fag here so pls), foreign aid doesn't do shit. It rather keeps the africans dependant on foreign aid to function, where investment would boost the economy much more. I met this american girl here working for "peace corps" - she was terrible, firstly she is a typical opinionated american college smart know it all, secondly she actually believed by living with the niggers she was saving them. When one of them attempted to rape her, she was convinced he needed her help.

Foreign aid is retarded and should stop.
It is purely down to lack of education.

Swaziland has a university that teaches agriculture, Swaziland also has a functioning agriculture industry that has displayed reasonable growth even despite Swaziland undergoing an AIDS pandemic. Swaziland is also land locked.

It's also worth noting that Swaziland's university has also produced a billionaire.

It's pretty clear that foreign aid is doing more harm than good. Even setting aside the eugenics argument of foreign aid keeping the inferior Africans alive, the foreign aid is causing apathy at best and fuelling corrupt regimes at worst.
This is some apocalyptic stuff. I can't even imagine what kind of hell white people will have to live through in an almost entirely black world.
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Africans in America =|= Black Americans or Africans in Africa

all the Africans that make it to foreign countries (legally) on their own with little outside aid get jobs and either have an education already or work towards one. they have the drive to change their shit situation and do so. ghetto blacks and hungry africans are where theyre at because they lack the will to better themselves as a community.
there is plenty of food in africa, otherwise they wouldnt have had and wouldnt still have the population explosion they had and still have
if you spit in the face of the people that help you people wont care when you dont get help anymore. its pretty simple. you dont take america's kindness for weakness that is a very stupid thing to do.
Nah, it's more of a biological extinct. In times of despair, humans reproduce more to perpetuate the species
>equating not giving someone free stuff with murder

You are mentally ill.
what do you prefer? dindus or africans in america?
Hey if you know any poor white Afrikaners tell them to report to the Croatian embassy and claim that they have Croatian ancestors thus allowing them to seek Asylum and Citizenship.

We have jobs for them on our farms and in our tourist sector.
They will be able to freely travel and work across Europe later on as well.

I view them as valuable not just as a competent labour force that can integrate well but as a way to warn our people of what's to come.
Soylent Green, senpai
there is no way to make a baby on accident
everyone knows that peepee in vagoo makes bby
Not our country not our problem. Trillions of dollars later and the spoiled world still wants to spit in our face. I work to feed my family not yours. Fuck off.
>>127855134 good we owe them absolutely nothing. That money should be used here and here alone.
>being a christcuck
My question is what good does giving the money to these 30 million people do? The fact of the matter is we are throwing money at them and they aren't returning any real investment or profit. There is no point in giving money to governments that will embezzle and waste it, nor return to us some material benefit for all our funding. People must produce something of tangible value if they want our aid.
You first. I'm not touching that AIDS infested hive of monkeyfuckers with a 100 yard pole.
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i bet that thing STINKS


That's a nice start, I'll vote for him again.
YES!! foreign aid doesn't help anyway, it only serves to cripple their developing economies.
Fuck foreign aid. It's nothing but a way for those in the decadent west to feel better about themselves.
The reason they have 9 kids is because 7 of them would normally die in these circumstances.
Then the fucking cucks storm in and save those nigglets lives, and you get a population boom.
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True.. There are honestly a lot of good hard working people in Africa and many of them make it to the West.

Problem is the kids suffer an identity crisis living in a foreign culture and eventually migrate to full nigger mode. (Generally)
Stay safe fuck the zog
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Let's take a look at another country that is massively overpopulated.

Do these fine pajeets look like upstanding, economically minded citizens? Or do they maybe look like smelly rapists with nothing better to do than blow their load and not enough of a shit to give to pull out?
Why the fuck is Africa the responsibility of the USA? Pro tip: IT'S NOT




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Wtf I love Trump now


Copypasta from a foreign aid worker in Africa

>A volunteer once fronted enough money for the farmer he lived with to buy fertilizer. They spread it together, and the yield was recorded. In total, it was 9 fold over the year prior. Instead of taking the money back for the loan, said volunteer forced the farmer to buy fertilizer for the next year, and save it. The next year came and they used it again, and again the yield was 10 fold over the first non-fertilizer year. This time, though, the volunteer had left the country. The farmer didn’t buy any fertilizer, and instead blew through the money he earned from his crop on frivolous crap and gifts to every extended family member who cast a shadow on his door. The next year his yields returned to the original level, and everyone went on with their lives as happy as before. The end. There’s a bit more to it – the Peace Corps showed graphs and charts of this particular case as a successful intervention. I only found out about the little coda because I specifically asked what happened the next year; they didn’t decide to share that little fact in the larger meeting. It brings together everything - the waste, the stupidity, the lack of foresight, the inability to see cause and effect, the massive importance put on frivolous crap, and the way communities tear down their best members. Here’s the takeaway: nobody who wasn’t white on that farm saw the connection between the yields, the money they were making and the fertilizer. Nobody stopped to think hey, we should buy more of this.
Based pusy posters

Africa is a money drain and a complete lost cause.
i watched it.
He's a bit off the mark.
Ethiopia is not full nigger. Being on the East coast and near Egypt it is more arab in its genetics and had trade with the arabs.

Ethiopia is involved in the history of arabs wars, because it had good food production and towns and cities, not just tribal villages.

The 1980s ethiopia famine was nothing to do with hand outs causing over population, it was due to jews funding terrorists to destroy ethiopian law and order, sieze the farms and food and drive the poeple into the deserts to die.

Just like now with Syria, and with the 2012 Libyian terrorist uprising. It got kiked.
>muh 30 gorillion
Yeaaa... hate to say it, but theres no saving that kid
How is Somalia exponentially growing in population?! The country is in a civil war, lacks basic food access, and a whole host of other issues!
Fuck those refugees. Maybe if they can unfuck their corrupt governements, then I'll give a shit about their problems. We don't owe them a thing.
>human impact
>stop feeding country full of hut dwellers who eat their own children will have human impact
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pajeets in pajeet land are really weird on social media, just very weird to women in general there. the ones in 1st world aren't so bad cuz they actually are civilized. no different that lookign at jigaboo comments on cuckbook or something. it's alll jigaboo ebonics
ayyy /ss13/?
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>foreign aid
>actually helping
This is you, OP
More like:

>Trump saves 50,000,000,000 Africans by killing 30,000,000

Someone has to do the job.


>ayyy lmao
Holy shit, that would be awesome.
And leftists can't do shit about it, it's just combating overpopulation.
They might actually have to fend for themselves?

Like most other people?
This would arguably do more for the climate than the Paris agreement would.
Guess what?
Africa is Africa's problem.
Most food or aid sent there is appropriated by war lords and never makes it to people. Keeping them dependant on gibs reinforces a cycle of poverty and corruption. I know it's hard to far facts when all you want is free shit, but it's the facts, m'butu.
Kek. Not ENOUGH aid already misappropriated by corruption?
>relies on food from the west
>doesn't know how to make own food
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And we thought we couldn't admire the man more.
They're very weird because literally all educated Indians become doctors and scientists and literally the second their diploma is handed over to them they hop on a plane to the first world and never look back.
Yup, I'd recommend that article to anyone interested in the economics behind foreign aids.


If libtards really wanted to help Africa, they'd stop selling them weapons, progressively lift trade sanctions and only focus on medical foreign aid like vaccination. Meddling with the economics of 3rd world countries fucks up their governments bad, which in turn fucks up their people. Throwing money at despots and warlords is never gonna help them develop the institutions and political/economic apparatus needed to extirpate themselves from poverty. It's literally virtue-signalling of the worse kind.

It's no different than giving a druggie a a fat cheque and fooling yourself into thinking he's gonna turn himself into rehab. And sadly, the poorer they are, the more they breed, the scarcer the resources become and the more violent their lives get. From a humanistic point of view, foreign aid is fucking disgusting.
This is why they're turning to the chinese.
They get infastructure, chinks get resources.
No strings attached, unlike the west that tries to enforce human rights, anti-corruption, and democracy.
Our country is in a fuckton of debt, this is good news.
"Do not feed the animals"

that's a bad thing?
nigger jokes sub saharan africans live in crowded and shitty conditions with not that many resources to sustain them
letting them simply die off eases the burden by a lot
Massive kek
Foreign aid... you mean sending food to support dictators and flood the regions with food so local agriculture has trouble competing? Ok bud.
Good. Those are the immigrants we need. We also need domestically educated doctors and scientists too. But we have plenty of domestic people to do menial labor we don't need to import that shit.
suddenly I like trump again
meant to say nigger jokes aside
kys dem shill.
Yeah, let's feed poor people... that way they can have babies and have EVEN MORE starving people in the future.

They are multiplying too fast. Instead of 2 people starving and dying... 1000 people will starve in the future. Real fucking smart.

There women are beautiful. They look almost like statues.

Africa has a problem, but much of that problem is subsidized by the West. We need to stop dropping metric tons of food and clothes in their market that wipes out all of the local producers. If we want to help, we can help through education efforts and medical facilities. But people need to be able to create their own industries there. Africa is chock full of natural resources. In 100 years Africa should be the next Asia.

IQ is a problem, and we need to jump start selection for more intelligent people. Remember the average westerner was a slack jawed retard. Average IQ a century ago was 70 when compared to today's scores. If we set up industry there, that will create pressure to select for intelligence. We already know there are incredibly smart Africans, Nigerians dominate in our university system.

We just need to create the industrial revolution in Africa. Even if they never become as successful as us, whatever the free market creates there will be better than what they have. We just need to stop the endless gibbmedats.

There is always stuff to do.

The white man cuts down trees and digs holes.
>post yfw you realize this is how the ayylmaos see us
Thank you trump
They do know they don't care

In high school I worked in a mailroom with a bunch of black women

Nearly every single one was fat and had 3-4 kids working a literal mailroom bottom barrel job with me the 16 year old

Several of these obese women were preganant in their late 30's early 40's. Because them and their husbands (some had husbands some didn't) literally didn't give a shit

Two of the women had children from the same man and he was married to some Mexican bitch in another department

They literally do not care about what will happen. I don't know if they just have some kind of view that kids are worth it or if they really don't understand the consequences I can't figure it out
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>your genetic basted hybrid seed mongaloid supernigger child will be walking around the planes of Africa shitposting and out thinking the darker natives

I am ok with this
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Im in favor and have always been of cutting all foreign aid.
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This has to stop.
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only 60 million? why does he want to kill 120 million? what a madman to kill 420 million usless savages
where do these cuties come from seriously ? the left one must be one of the cutest womens on this planet
Necessity is the mother of invention.

Besides, why are we helping those the overpopulate beyond their means to care for themselves? We don't pay taxes to fuck over our world.
Its alright, an average of 80million are born into poverty each year in Africa
Just cum in a jar
Charity is something you give when you have exposable funds. Given that our governments operate in huge deficits it would be unwise to give foreign aid to these unchanging countries at all. The money gets stolen by their corrupt governments and the debts will never be repaid.
Op why did you post a picture of ayy's this is pol not x

>Keep having children when there isn't any food or jobs
>We send food aid
>Cool, lets have another 5 babies.

Sending food aid isn't going to fix the problem. It's the institutions which need to be reformed.
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Its like feeding garbage to seagulls. When the garage stops they will all starve.
Don't pretend they could figure out agriculture or medicine on their own. That being said, it's inhumane to keep pet niggers. They can survive on their own volition or die out. Not our responsibility to maintain unstable populations.
good,he is doing the better chioice for humanity and the planet aswell
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>[Africa] has almost 600 million hectares of potentially suitable land that is not currently under cultivation, representing about 60 percent of the world's total available cropland. (McKinsey Global Institute, June 2010)
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Can't stump the trump. Im just hoping for colonial era number 2 when there are no blacks to fight back. Imagine a fully white africa <3
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Good. Now go even lower please.
could the US not just send their aid bux in the form of building universities like this one >>127858485 in swaziland?

who runs the university? why do the africans not just riot and burn it down like they do to everything else?
Yes it is, a bunch of revisionists will claim it's not but irrigation in the deserts is possible, also in the savanah, jungles can be cleared for farmland.

Plenty of room for castle farming and the southern end of africa is mediteranean climate, Zimbabwe was once the "breadbasket" of Africa and now they have famines.

They have seas and rivers teaming with fish, unknown fathomable mineral wealth, incredible landscapes for tourism and a billion people to sell consumer and financial products too

If Africa wasn't filled with Africans it would be a very wealthy place
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If we don't all cut aid, and man those fucking borders, Africans will destroy Europe from sheer numbers. Trump will be seen as a true hero in the future, even if many people are too stupid to see it now.
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Population control

Fuck niggers
They're just going to keep relying on us and never fix their own problem.
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Kek, that fly on the middle one.
Europe is being destroyed by the immigrants who pour in. RIP in peace Europe!
Should be 300,000,000 but it's a start.
He's not directly killing them is he you autist
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>chad and nigger will fall
Yes... YES!
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We need the genophage
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Yeah that's true. When whites farm in Africa they produce a lot of crop.

Picture related Zimbabwe tobacco plant
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>Food aid funding

Realize that food aid from USA means sending USA food there... we literally drive African farmers out of business by GIVING food away to Africans. Food aid to Africa is subsidizing the American farmer while penalizing the African Farmer.

Praise Trump!
Pepe takes no joy in extermination. A sad but necessary thing.
tobacco plantation now.

Don't worry it will get worse. In a few years there will be no tobacco plant left
For every dollar given, how many cents ends up in the hands of the needy?
Ultimate fucking "trickle" down.
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call me naive, but i want anyone that'll embrace the concept of "Americanism" in America. many native sons have become complacent and their apathy for freedom, work, and civil accountability weakens the nation. "new blood" introduced to the system helps right the ship, but we cant just let anyone in. we shouldnt let the rabble masses in just because they're from a place that has no food or is in a war. we need vetting and an observation period.
While i dont think he cut ENOUGH money from international aid, i think its good more money can be put into fixing roads and investing into our schools.
Ya know, think about it like this guys.
We COULD stuff 3 billion dollars up John Luke Picards asshole, OR only stuff 1 billion up his ass and spend the rest helping out our country.

I think the less we spend on dicking around in other countries, the better it will benefit the US.
Is it a bad thing? USA win, niggers suffer
I mean if we're going that low just get rid of it completely
If the government is good at anything its good at wasting resources.

ayy lmao
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Would this solve the problem of the upcoming white genocide in South Africa ?
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I would much rather see the aid to Israel cut and given to Africa instead.
Africans are out breeding every other continent on Earth, if they can't afford to feed their 10 kids each they should do what middle class white people do, which is take some responsibility & only have children if you can actually afford to feed them.
Just let the Chinese colonize Africa, it'll be better off.
Back to Le Reddit
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pert !
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>cuttin food aid
nobody noticed he's cutting subsidies for US american farmers
>there is fucking nothing to do in Africa
This mentality is exactly why the continent is like is is.
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this is /pol/ porn
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>Nearly three-quarters of the absolute increase in output would occur in 11 coastal countries: Angola, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania. Many more countries could raise their agricultural growth rate as well, but these 11 have the biggest commercial farming opportunities.
Zimbabwe is a democratically-elected Presidential Republic and Mugabe ran on confiscating lamd from white farmers. The people of Zimbabwe literally voted to starve and we must respect the results of their election.

Why send money to a bunch of thugs who are shitting on there own people?

Funding the criminals who legitimately stand in the way of any social progress in africa...
30,000,000 Africans will die of their own incompetence*

And they'll just make another 80 million per year until they realize how foolish it is.

Which is never.
fact is, most of monies intended for humanitarian relief, ends up in the pockets of prince mud-hutter, and his fat wives. If they don't care about their own people, that's their problem. Hands off my tax dollars.
Thank god trump got his shit together
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bro this is what we did here in the states 300 years ago look at the bed we sleep in now
The more we subsidize 3rd world populations, the higher their population gets, and more we have to subsidize. It is an unwinnable position long term. Do we really need to be encouraging even more population growth in Africa by giving them food and medicine?
2017 and fucking african kangz still can't put seeds in the ground and water them correctly
>Bite me please
What did she mean by this?
Sounds like gun runner talk. Need a working hand?
i think you speak for most of us
Good, I don't want welfare from them either

It places us under their control and in a position of subservience.

Which is also why GBI is a bad idea.

Everyone should be striving for individual autonomy while looking out for the betterment of others around them.

Welfare is slavery.
>Trump wants to kill 30,000,000 of Africans
Wtf, I hail Trump as a god-emperor now.
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60 million? That's not racist enough, make it 120million.
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"we need to start feeding africa and international UBI when?"
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first of all, most niggers in Africa should be castrated so that they stop having more niglets they can't feed

second of all, the only way to help African countries is to not help them at all. We should not only cut aid but also material donations by charities. Aid money is pretty much all embezzled by African governments, so that is pointless. Donations really harm these niggers because they can't develop an economy if mega corporations dump all their excess product in Africa because it dilutes the markets and snuffs out domestic production.

Third, South Africa needs to be reclaimed by whites, and we should do anything we can to help if a civil war breaks out
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sorry, i ment to say gas em all

i thought this was /pol/ porn?
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My friend is there right now. He was a level headed white guy. He's now totally fucking racist after like 5 days.
That picture from many countries receiving aid. Why should we continue if it only helps the corrupt?
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I am going to need sauce on that 70 IQ.
USA government purchases excess crops and gives it as AID to foreign governments.
The foreign governments will need to purchase the food if it is not given to them or try to grow their own.

Giving AID is OK for EMERGENCIES but is ultimately bad for a foreign economy since it is very hard for a foreign farmer to sell his crops to the locals if USA is just giving food away.
this and only this
prepare your anus europe
White people are kept docile with false stereotypes and constant media lies.

Things would be getting done RIGHT NOW if it weren't for jewish poison pills force fed to the population through hollywood and news networks. The jewish control of media in the west is the single greatest threat white nations have ever faced in their entire existence.

Whites are exceptional at war, but we are not as good at subterfuge. We have an almost suicidal capacity for empathy that makes us easy to exploit and con and deceive.
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He should cut the aid and instead send them nukes.
actually the niggers win because they breed more children which they then send to Europe and America as "refugees"
Mongoloids are asians
Because their farmers can't compete with free money from overseas, you're flooding them with?
If only we could do the same to the niggers in the US. They REALLY need it.
The aid is only speeding up overpopulation. Cutting the aid is actually a very environmentally friendly thing to do in the long run.
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>castle farming
The Chinese are finding plenty to do in Africa. Mugabe is begging white people to come back so they'll do stuff.
you dont have to let them in
Ok Jonathan Swift.
If your country/region cannot support itself at its current population, then your population needs to go down.
from 3 b to 1.5 ???????????
why not cut everything????????????????????
this is actually true, its inevitable that a fast growing african population is not sustainable, especially with the increasingly more common droughts here and there.
Honestly disappointed in Trump.

>Giving any foreign aid

What is this shit the 90s? We should actually be taxing Africa.

Also the food problem in Africa is entirely artificial, if UN would just encourage/make them eat insects, they wouldn't starve. Instead the UN cucks are trying to get westerners to eat bugs so we can send grain and rice to Africa. Beggers can't be choosers, if they just ate bugs they wouldn't starve.

It's a well documented trend called the Flynn Effect. The Flynn Effect says IQ's have risen over the last century in the developed world by about 30 points.The Flynn effect is not only true in intelligence, but also in other areas of human activity. For example look at baseball statistics a century ago and compare them to performance now. As time has gone on and people have learned to be more efficient, we have seen rises in baseball player performance, especially in home runs.

The most famous of these "Flynn effect" like examples is the 4 minute mile. For decades experts said that it was impossible for a human to run a mile in under 4 minutes. But after it was done the first time in 1954, now everyone can do it. The high school runner's record time is now below 4 minutes.

We have this uncanny ability to improve behavior over long stretches of time as we become more and more efficient. By kick starting this same process in Africa, it could be possible to do the same. Will they be as smart as us? Maybe, maybe not. But as long as they're able to rise above the 60 to 70 average IQ, they will accomplish a lot. The free market can do wondrous things when kick started.


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