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Meat is fucking bad for you. Saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol,

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Meat is fucking bad for you. Saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, carcinogens from cooking, methianine, hormones. The list goes on and on.

Go vegan.

>inb4 vegan shill

Your body will thank you, you don't need as much protein as you think, 1g per 1lb of bodyweight is not necessary, you only need .7-.9 per kg of bodyweight. Furthermore, protein is still easy to acquire, and you'll be consuming much more fiber and nutrient dense foods. All the while you will feel better from not consuming that garbage. It's cheaper anyways, it helps the environment and saves animals.

>pic related, king of the jungle, is vegan
>shills about how meat is bad
>survives solely on a diet of nigger cock

really gets the noggin joggin'
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~1 kilo boneless chicken pieces
1/2 cup potato flour
1/3 cup self-raising flour
~1 teaspoon salt & pepper
1 egg for whisking
veg oil(pref. peanut) for deep frying

Egg, Flour, Egg, Flour.

1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon minced ginger
1/2 cup ketchup (or bbq)
1/3 cup corn/rice syrup
~1/4 cup chilli paste (gochujang) *chilli paste is hot
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1 tablespoon soy sauce
gladly Italy is going full vegan
>implying gorillas are vegan
Primates eat the young of groups they war with.
Vegans are the fucking worst... it's idiots like you that are creating nu-males. Low protein diets lead to less test which leads to weak beta faggots like you OP
Animal fat is roughly 4x more efficient at producing ATP(energy) than glucose. It's is way easier to break down and have nutritional value than n-chain complex carbs that mostly get stored as fat cells.

Stop drinking milk.

Milk accounts for 60-80% of ingested estrogen.

Milk is especially high in 17B-estradiol, which is one of the strongest estrogenic hormones out there and is orally bioavailable.

Full fat milk carries these hormones more easily.


RESULTS: We found that 23% (31/133) of all pubertal boys had gynaecomastia. More specifically, 63% (10/16) of boys in genital stage 4 had gynaecomastia.

PATIENTS: A total of 501 healthy Danish school boys (aged 6·1-19·8 year) from the COPENHAGEN Puberty Study.
Italian faggot
Gorillas aren't vegan
Humans aren't gorillas
If I got 70 grams of protein a day I'd look like a twig
Saturated fat is good for you
Trans fat isn't in meat
Dietary cholesterol doesn't correspond to blood cholesterol

You're so uniformed and retarded this is fantastic
Fuck you I want my food to be tortured slowly before I consume it. the more the animal suffers the better.
i think what is creating the low test is not them being vegan, but them still choosing to have retarded ass diets despite the eating requirements. the thing is, i can have just as much l-carintine as you do, just via fermented foods like natto and tempeh. while that is made with soy, the process can be done with any bean. so for those truely wishing to up the test and fat burning, make tempeh out of garbonzo beans and chia seeds or something gay idk.

I do agree that eating only plants is truly the only way to survive in the coming years, but that will be a consequence of the times we live in, not so much the choice we make.
>>pic related, king of the jungle, is vegan
Gorillas have enzymes which humans do not which allow them to extract amino acids from plant matter. They also eat 40lbs of food a day.

If you're really concerned about saving the environment and saving animals, the most effective thing you can do is to reduce the human population growth rate. The more humans there are, the more resources they need, the more arable land is required to feed them, the more forest must be cleared, etc.

Any environmentalist that does not vociferously advocate population control is merely participating in environmental advocacy for the purpose of appearing virtuous and fashionable. If you really want to make a difference, you must advocate policies that will result in fewer humans on the planet. You must advocate for the reduction of all forms of foreign aid save birth control methods. No intervention in famines, plagues, or genocides. The world does not need billions of Africans, Indians, and Chinese all clamoring for first world consumptive lifestyles.
Who dat? Charles Barkley?

Meat helped expand the cranial capacities of northern and eastern homonins after Homo Erectus left Africa.

The homonins were eating meat in Africa too but not at the rates of the northern groups.
so many experts on this Vietnamese image board
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I wish animal products weren't the only food that tasted nice. I can't imagine a world without at least milk and cheese, let alone meat.

I wish veganism wasn't akin to slowly starving yourself to death.

Because the truth is, factory farming is awful. It's utterly wrong, and I have no doubt that one day it will be outlawed. The development of cultured meat must be accelerated as a priority, and in the meantime abattoir standards must be improved industry wide.
I'd drop that guerilla in one punch.
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>pic related, king of the jungle, is vegan

pic related, king of the world, is an omnivore
There's a reason our eyes face forward. It's because we are predators, we are made to eat meat.
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I drink 1.5-2 L of 2% milk a day. How fucked am I?
OP posted a picture of an animal that doesn't eat meat.

Then again though, people thought chimps didn't eat meat either until fairly recently.
You should be too!
My grandmother is 87 and she has eaten hotdogs, and hamburgers her whole life. Not often anymore, but she is super healthy and never had any problems with meat. Native Americans at a lot of meat and had very low rates of cancer. Fuck yourself OP your a flaming faggot
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wrong, there have been no studies that show health conscious meat-eaters to be less healthy than vegans
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other than british people whos eyes are slowly moving to the side as we become a prey species
Look at the digestive Organs of humans, much more similiarities with bears, than gorillas. Same goes for the teeth and true we don't really have fangs, but we don't have them because we have our hands and tools. Bears are omnivores and so are humans. Humans aren't made for eating only meat or eating only vegan either.
Gorillas are omnivorous, dumbshit.
There's nothing wrong with being a vegan, but if you're a raw vegan. You are literally killing yourself.


>yes goyim, eat breads, pastas, sweet fruits constantly.
>ignore carb numbers
>grow into fat as fuck proportions

Atleast I'm a vegan....
Women don't know shit about anything though.
>An adult Grauer's gorilla male is estimated to eat 30 kg of plants every day, an adult female about 18 kg

C'mon now lad
Depends Mountain Gorillas aren't. I thought we Talk about them, because OPs pick is a Mountain Gorilla. Low Land Gorillas also eat insects, but I would still say they are overhelmingly herbivore.
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I might accept the vegetarian pill, but there is no optimal substitute for animal-based protein. I still need whey powder. I'm not being biased against veganism, it's just a fact.
Fuck off Luigi your ancestors scoff at your stupidity.
Biggest strongest animal currently living or in human history is a carnivore

Veg fags BTFO
There is no natural wholefood source for B12 in a vegan diet.

That means you have to rely on UNNATURAL foods or suppliments to survive as a vegan.

No dickhead, well water doesn't count.

The only reason gorillas can survive is becuase they litrially eat dirt (with B12 containing bacteria) when they rip up plants to eat.
>vastly different metabolism
>"he's vegan!"
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>Saturated fat
Part of a healthy balanced diet
>trans fat
Harmless in small quantities
Part of a healthy balanced diet
>carcinogens from cooking
Real men eat their meat raw
You mean methionine? Literally an essential amino acid
Rendered inactive by low stomach pH, which is about 100,000 times more acidic than the blood that hormones are designed to travel through
5'10 140lb high carb vegan here.
and the animals you eat get injected with b12 shots because the soil is so nutrient deficient.
ok vegan gains
You will always here the same lines repeated from any diet shills

>You don't/only need blah blah blah
>You're actually not supposed to eat blah blah blah because blah blah blah is bad for you
>This animal eats like this diet and they are healthy so you will be too
>You will FEEL so much better after you stop eating blah blah blah

Truth is that none of this is ever accurate. Meet will always be the best natural source for protein. Humans will never be able to synthesize an appropriate or dietarily required amount of protein from an assortment of vegetations like implied by OP's pic because gorillas are herbivores with digestive systems that can create amino acid, and therefore protein, from foliage and vegetation, something human systems can not accomplish even if you colonized our digestive system with the same enzymes and bacteria in herbivores, humans physically can't do it.
The good FEELings associated with new diets setting in are usually your body readjusting from excesses of sugar, caffeine, and other consumed substances that the average human diet is overly abundant in. Adding a chicken breast to the salads for every meal isn't going to prevent that "healthy feel good" from coming up after your first two weeks of eating cleaner and more responsibly.
Humans are omnivores. You could say the science is settled on this if you wanted to. We are capable of taking in nutrients from every source imaginable, from deep sea squid to sunlight itself. In no way does this imply though, that we can gain the correct nutrients for healthy diets by restricting ourselves to one to two food groups. We are built to take in nutrients in the most diverse spectrum in the animal kingdom. There is no food group that as a whole is bad for you as omnivores, but what is bad for us is over consumption in one food group over the others. The negative biproducts OP mentioned, cholesterol, fats etc only pose a threat when the consumer does not have a balanced diet or does not exercise.

Krill is technically an animal but you wouldn't really call blue whales "carnivores", imo.
Some plants contain phytoestrogens too and pesticide residue, many of which also act very strongly as an estrogen.
A little bit of everything and everything in moderation is the key to success.
Take it from an oldfag. (40something)
The people I've seen living long lives are the ones who eat lots of "natural" foods as opposed to mass produced shit. That means eating bacon with all the fat on it. Butter? Lather your bread in it. Cakes, beer, fish and chips... it's all fucking good.
The problem in the last 50 years is the additives that have gone in foods. Artificial sweeteners etc. Also, not exercising enough. I left school in 1991, we used to have to play rugby and do cross country running in freezing cold stinging rain.
Somewhere in the following years doing exercise hurting kids feelings because they're lazy little cunts became a thing and schools couldn't make children participate anymore.
Kids don't play out like what we used to because Xbox and Paedophiles
And now we're here, I'm reading posts from O.P who hasnt lived yet and is trying to tell you guys what is and isn't the right diet.
He's wrong. I reiterate my opening sentences. A bit of everything ... moderation... don't dodge salad and fruit.... move about and don't be a lazy cunt.
you will probably die of cancer within 15 years anyway.
Already vegan.
I feel fucking amazing.
I didnt do it for my health, but i got those benefits anyway.
People against trying veganism are unnecessarily close minded. Just try it FFS. You might feel better.
There is nothing magical about meat besides all the bad shit in it which kills you.
i'd rather have a heart attack than going vegan
That doesn't mean you're not "technically" completely wrong though
6foot5 225lb Vegan here.Get plant-BASED, manlets.
I dont eat animals matey, I get my B12 from cheeses and malt extract.

But yeah, fuck vegans, they're all assholes.
fuck off
Funny story, I didn't lose much weight from eating half the carbs I was used to eating but lost 10kg after going from lean meat to full-fat.
Maybe my metabolism's fucked, maybe the anti-fat campaign is really just an (((anti-fat campaign))).
>That goes against my viewpoint so I can't comprehend it
Down with the vegan agenda!

OP is a faggot.
>no control group
>no methodology explained
>claim milk causes gynaecomastia when it is common knowledge that gynaecomastia occurs in adolescent boys often and goes away after puberty

what a bullshit "study".

protip: eat hormones doesn't mean you absorb those hormones
>at 6'5
Kys, lanklet
What makes you say that?
You know, you are mostly right, but because vegans are so abrasive i sit down every night and pound down about 1.2-1.4kg of meat a night.
At this point i don't even want to eat that much meat, but yall are such cunts i have to.
>TFW you had to eat 14 bratwursts because they were out of flank steaks.
>2% milk
Might as well chop you cock off, leaf. You're practically a trap.
Lol at that thinking that humans, who have been hunting and fishing for hundreds of thousands of years, aren't omnivores that benefit from eating animals. If avoiding meat had such amazing benefits you'd think that a vegetarian master race would have emerged by now. But the exact opposite seems true, the populations that ate the least meat seem to be smaller, weaker, and less fertile.
Cows milk has mammilian estrogen.
Last time i checked humans are mammals. Good chance u r going to absorb it.
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>eat soy
>grow tits
>vote hillary

average male vegan
Ok so why cant you eat exclusively meat and not be ok? U would die from a heart attack in a matter of weeks.
I can eat exclusively plants and be 100% fine.
The isoflavens stuff is all b.s. and has been debunked. Yes it might have an affect on u if u drinks gallons upon gallons of soy milk everyday. Otherwise there is no impact.
Please read up on it before sprouting b.s. plz.
25 more lbs and I'm Batman, faggot.
>getting there
>vegan shills
No the opposite. They are going to throw you dandelion eaters in jail if you force your lifestyle onto your children.

>Parents who restrict their children to a vegan diet could face a jail term if a controversial bill is passed by the Italian parliament.
>Such parents are imposing a diet "devoid of essential elements for [children's] healthy and balanced growth".


>N before my child, my right. Many babies have died because their parents gave them at milk and apple juice.

>In 2007, a vegan couple were given life sentences after their 6-week-old baby boy died of starvation in 2004. They had fed the baby a diet of mainly soy milk and apple juice, and a jury found the couple guilty of murder, manslaughter and cruelty to children.

>A 12 year old girl raised on a strict vegan diet was admitted to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, Scotland, suffering from a severe form of rickets. The girl had already experienced multiple fractures and been diagnosed with a degenerated spine comparable to that of an unhealthy 80-year-old woman.


Even real milk can kill the baby if the mother is vegan because she is malnourished and lacks key nutrients vital for the babies health.

My diet has been almost entirely meat, potatoes and dairy for all my life and I'm doing just fine. I'm slim, too.
What's the draw back of this hormone specifically?

Men grow moody and emotional, develop tits, develop less muscle and store more fat, become beta and submissive.
Estrogen is the prime hormone of tranny choice, because it literally feminises you.
Nigga you in my class? The prof is showing cowspiracy atm just created thread
stay away from soy
almost as bad as animal protein
That is absolutely not true unless you are a literal bodybuilder. Otherwise 70 is a little much anyways whether youre vegan or not.
HAHA. This is the funnoest most original thing I've read on this site in years!
>from a cow
Imagine the dump you take the morning after...
Fuck you.
You are an example of human being turning into retard if he stops eating meat.
>cholesterol is bad
Into the trash it goes

Go back to the sweat lodge Running Beaver.
Estonians drink milk a lot and there are no such effects. It is the opposite here.

Stop lying, nigger.
Nice low hanging fruit. Typical weak vegan behavior.
>become vegan
>eat tons of pesticides
>countless deficiencies
>feel like shit
>become a faggots
>become a transfaggot
>commit suicide

No thanks. At least I could become a vegetarian, poos do it and they're fine, though they also have quite a different metabolism, and haven't given up on eggs and milk.

But vegan? Fucking retarded.
carnists BTFO


Saturated fat and cholesterol is good for you, too much of anything is bad. Those two in moderate are very good for you.

Transfat is garbage and banned in the EU - Carcinogens are from burning meat - Hormones could be addressed, feeding animals hormones to beef them up is definitely something that should be addressed but isn't inherently an issue.
He asked about the effects of estrogen on the male body, you fucking mongoloid.
Tell that to the Inuit who eat nothing but meat and survive without getting heart attacks..
probally because they dont sit on their ass the whole day
You forgot
> brain devolves and loses the ability of abstraction
Fuck off, nigger. Branch started with claim of milk having those effects because of the hormone.
>"What's the drawback of this hormone specifically"
>what's the drawback of milk

No fucking wonder the soviets ditched you.
Fucking hell, is veganism the next sientology/sjw/niggers

What the fuck is going on with the world? Is it going full retard now
Can you read, I said "Branch started"?
We ditched the soviets, retard.

Are you by any chance vegan nigger?
>lost 10kg after going from lean meat to full-fat.
ketogenic diet. Eat fats, train your body to burn fat for energy, utilize your body fat in tandem with the fat you're eating.
You just don't know how to read, do you.
The guy specifically asked for the drawbacks of the hormone.
The start of the branch is irrelevant.
Will look into it, cheers
This is a vegan, you don't want to be a vegan.
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Why deprive yourself of pic related? It's vid related.

Did he get his guns taken from him? I never followed up on that court case of his
no wonder lefties make good sheep. they eat all the grass and are led wherever their master points the stick.
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Not too sure, he lives in Belgium with his ugly man thing that he calls a girlfriend.
So how does milk having this hormone in it not affect humans in this way he described (in case Estonians are humans, of course)?
Pls explain. The effects on milk drinkers here are the opposite of what he claims.

And never forget, niggers are of different race and have bit different organisms (and almost useless brains).
Why are you posting a picture of an omnivore then call it vegan?
Dear Kek, that thing does look like a man

This is what veganism does to you people, dont be fooled
Because vegans are mentally ill.
Tigers a bad boy,sort it out son
6 foot 8, 305 pounds cunt.
>You twigs are sucked again by true omnivore masters.
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Listen you blue pulled shill virtue signaling faggot. Life feeds on life, we all die and if i want to eat dead baby cows or whatever meat i choose until my death its up to me. Eating rabbit food isn't going to make you immortal.
He never even replied to you, please stop fooling yourself.
>>pic related, king of the jungle, is vegan
>has a massive cecum to produce the necessary gut flora to digest his food
>still has to eat around 12 hours a day just to maintain its body
>if it should ever find itself in a famine like situation it's going to starve in a matter of days
King of the jungle? More like "King of evolutionary dead ends".
Breeding meat rabbits is easy. Stop being a faggot.
>>127853416 Life feeds on life, does that make it okay to stab you to death? Stupid kunt.
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>"Meat is fucking bad for you"
>eskimos/inuit eat nothing but fish and whale fat
>perfectly healthy
>no exposure to plant based food until culturally enriched by the candian settlers
>plants gave them cancer because it was so foreign to their diet

It's almost like humans are omnivores capable of adapting to their environment and can, over generations, learn to subsist on specifically meat, plants, or both based on what the local environment provides.

hmmmmm, really gets the ol' brain-meat marinading

"In the latest study, researchers at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute took a fresh look at the original Greenland studies that started the myth. It turned out that Bang and Dyerberg did not study the native populations directly. Rather, they relied on death reports and hospital admission figures, which, in rural areas, turned out to be less than reliable.

In fact, data collected over many decades showed that coronary artery disease is common in Greenland’s Inuit population. Heart disease is as frequent — or even more so — among native northern populations as it is for other populations. Strokes are particularly common, and life expectancy overall was found to be about a decade shorter among native populations.

The best estimates suggest that a diet emphasizing fish and blubber is, if anything, harmful for heart health. Northern natives pay an unfortunate price for the lack of availability of healthful foods."

archive media with a reputation for shilling and clickbait. Thank you. https://archive.is/PqbCJ <- huffingtonpost.com article
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But I drink three glasses of milk a day and I'm constantly pissed off. also muscle growth seems fine. Shill your my-male gypsy ideas somewhere else
I'm not defending milk's potential influence, I explained what estrogen does to the male body. Nothing more.
If you're not trolling, Jesus fucking Christ you're dense.
Look up at the keto or paleo diets, basically your body is learned to burn the fat more efficiently if you provide him with more fat than carbs / sugars
I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian.

If you want me to go vegan you will need to hire me a personal chef or cook all my food yourself.

I ain't gonna stop going out to eat or just eat fucking salad out of the fear of eggs or dairy in something.
>milk has estrogen and your body absorbs it
>estrogen does this when absorbed
Are you retarded???
Saturated fat and cholesterol increases LDL cholesterol, thus increasing your risk of heart disease and all cause mortality.

Go lookup Vegan Gains bro. Get hip.
Arya hnnnng
>King of the Jungle
Sorry Sweetie, but I don't see a fucking mane on him. Not to mention, Apes and monkeys like him DO eat meat when it's available. They just aren't very good hunters so they usually only get to scavenge corpses. Guess I shouldn't have expected that much from a fucking Pasta Nigger though.
Gorillas eat meat, you fuckin loon.
>king of the jungle
You're constantly pissed off because Casein fucks with people's brains.
>Aussie mentions estrogen in milk
>Burger asks about drawbacks of estrogen
>I give quick rundown on estrogen
>Estofag goes livid
>you don't get it

Classic reddit this fucking thread.
>Your body will thank you

My body exists to serve, it's opinion is not that much relevant.
threads like these never get anywhere. all you get is people who given up animal products and people who haven't that post pics and go "c dude i eat all kindza pigz bums n donkey milk and i'm jaced XDDDDDDDD". neither of these people have no clue how epigenetics function and who unique we all are. each of our situations is different and our glandular and intestinal health varies highly, thus some of us would be able to handle the acidity of animal proteins and milks on a good or bad basis. this is the fundamental understanding of whether or not anecdotal evidence is valid, and so with common sense you can see, it is not. for if we were to take logic instead of anecdote, you can see with the length of our intestines and size of our teeth we are not meant to consume it. but have we? yes. must we to survive in dire situations? yes. must we today? no. however vastly deep in internal understanding we become of the rights of blood brothers we become, we must ultimately recognize that they too scream in hatred in fear when they are hunted, as we are, but also in the ultimate end, if it were up to the last humans on earth to hunt a deer and eat in order to survive and propagate, what is wrong with that? precisely. it is a must do behavior, not a must have desire. there's a whole other occult aspect to it that the freemason cw leadbeater and people like plato, aristotle, porphyry, ovid, bruce lee etc had some good work on. gl niggers.
Story of my life in 3... 2... 1...

>Went vegetarian
>Got 10 kg overweight from all the fucking cheese
>Went vegan
>Had to constantly go and take shits, the turds were real creamy, everything was a big mess
>I'm now back on yoghurt and chicken breast

Vegans BTFO animals are our slaves, deal with it. Treat them with as much respect as needed, give 'em a short painless life and an even shorter and more painless death.

Also praise Kek, hail Molekh, I'm walkin on the edge, bitches!!!

>Autism intensifies???

>you only need .7-.9 per kg of bodyweight
>t. Nogains McWeakfag
You were obviously supporting his argument. So now your saying milk isn't bad for you??
How the fuck am I supposed to eat cereal without milk?
eat it with man milk
I was obviously supporting the idea that estrogen is bad for men, which is proven fact.
I didn't mention milk in that reply at all.
Now go clean your room and sort yourself out, maybe you're from the same mongoloid school as Estofag that doesn't teach reading comprehension.
alrighty, so grains and carbs are bad because muh evolution or whatever, meat will kill you, veggies are loaded with hormone changing pesticides that give you diseases and homoism...water is loaded with fluoride and lead, air has bad stuff in it because we wont allow the gov to tax our asses to the moon...ill just die already, or enjoy a bacon cheeseburger & fries and enjoy myself for my time on this planet....fuck off with this bullshit everything kills you because death is inevitable. moderation is the key.
>pic related, king of the jungle, is vegan
then go and be a king of jungle, faggot. Humans managed to become the ruling species because they started eating meat.
It's called context you slow fuck
saturated fat isn't bad for you , that's a myth that big sugar companies pushed and paid off scientists to lie about which led to the suggestion to have whole grains suggested in the food pyramid and to say saturated fat causes increased risks

Dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol aren't connected together and there's no research that indicates a real connection

I mean preservatives are bad and you should attempt to eat meat that is fresh and not laced with sodium nitrate and other things but meat overall isn't bad for you.

Don't buy into this whole bullshit , the bottom line is humans need energy. Whether you get your energy from a pure no carb or low carb diet or a more varied diet, the only thing that matters is you don't over consume calories and eat a balanced diet of vegetables/fruit and other things.

Personally I been cutting down on my meat consumption because of ethical reasons. I don't like what the factory farming of animals is doing for the environment. So I get some deer meat from my friends and some occasional elk from a friend and mainly eat fresh caught fish and buy meat at local butcher's shop so I can best be sure it's free of preservatives but I really eat mostly rice and veggies with some seafood.
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There is no argument against veganism
Given that meat is unnecessary in the human diet, you have to give me a difference between the animal and the human, that if true of the human, would make it okay to stab the animal to death but not the human.
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the hardest thing about being vegan lately is having high testosterone from doing it for a long time, then going around the purple-haired lesbians that only eat this way because black lives matter.

you sound low-test. Are you low-test?
The difference between animals and humans is simple: Satan.
We have a luciferian component that animals lack.

I hear the vegan argument "How is a human better than a chicken? A chichken doesn't make wars and stuff!". Well exactly. Humans can.

You would surely feel alright picking a flower in your garden to put it in a vase, right? Would you feel alright cutting down a Sequoia tree to make something out of it?

This postmodernist idea of making everything the same is cringe overload.
A flower isn't a tree isn't a fly isn't a chicken isn't a cow isn't a wolf isn't a human.

Deal with it.
You are an idiot that cant admit he made a mistake. Go fight with the aussie, not him. Or drink less milk, it will make you less pissy.
RE to wrong post sorry kek.
Milk spikes your IGF-1 levels in yuuuuuge amounts
>literally makes you a fucking machine
I don't know about Aus, but it gets easier every year over here. We've got burgers that bleed, the fried chik'n is indistinguishable, every kind of cheese known to man... Why don't you try it for one day a week?
Ok, pretend it's a picture of a horse
I am not making them out to be the same; a human life should be valued over an animal's life in any circumstance. I said given that it's UNECESSARY; therefore, you are needlessly murdering billions of animals a week. You have to name me a trait that is present in the animal, that if true of the human, would make it okay to stab the animal to death but not. the human
Breathing is fucking bad for you. Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, tainted water vapors, pollution, carcinogens from cars, methane. The list goes on and on.

Stop breathing.
Because it's unhealthy. It's not just about vitamins. There's shit in animal products that we barely understand but it's necessary to be a strong well functioning human. Vegans are sticks, and that honestly disgusts me. I've been powerlifting for 6 years, I'm a bulky kinda guy. I know everyone has their preferences but I won't purposefully starve myself.
King of the jungle is the lion, you know. Also, we're omnivores.
half the USA is b-12 deficient. Good thing for all of us there are supplements we can take.
gorilas eat bugs, not vegan
No but you are if you think a source that unironically has "fact" in the title is credible.
Quit falling for this bullshit
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>we need stuff from meat
>i dont know what kind of stuff... but we definitly need it
I'd stab a human as long as they were a kike and I wouldn't face consequence
>No point
>0 Gucci belts
That guy isn't a vegan. He eats heaps of meat. He's been seen buying meat loaded kebabs.

I'm sure his heart's in the right place, but you need animal products to power a properly functioning human body. He knows that, which is why he eats lots of meat.
I'm in my 40s, been vegan half my life. 6'3" 225lbs and I just leg pressed 990lbs for 5x5 last week. You can do anything you want to do with weights on a vegan diet, and vegans are overrepresented among top athletes with longevity.

That did not answer my question in the slightest.
Are you going to support your blablabla with facts or are you just trying to push your personal agenda? Fuck off shitposter
You can't stop eating carbonara and you know it.
Saturated fat and cholesterol are good for your brain, stay bluepilled.
So this is actually a good video. But if the sugar industry has paid off scientists to push sugar/grains consumption , and the meat/dairy industries do as well?

How do we actually know what we should be doing?

How do we not know the surge in heart disease isn't connected to preservatives and increased rates of people consuming sodium?
I like this guy.

Switzerland is right, a lot of molecules (hormones included) are hydrolyzed in your stomach, so they lose their activity.
Idk man with a brain like that
>tfw too itelligent to eat meat
Your brain is made up of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Low T didn't exist until the advent of statins, and the low cholesterol diet. Your killing yourself with that diet.
Who fucking eats cereal, what a meme breakfast food
I've researched him. He eats meat. He claimed to go vegan (after making all his gains, of course) and I'm sure he did for a couple weeks. But many have seen him buying meat.

You cannot fuel a fully functioning human body without animal products of at least some type, much less a 135kg strongman body.

I commend you for doing the ethical thing, you should feel proud. I would do so if it was possible to properly fuel my body on it - but it's not. That old bodybuilder is on steroids and looks like he weighs very little. I'm 5'10", 250lbs. No sprinter, no powerlifter, no weightlifter at the top level is a vegan, because you cannot get the power from it that you need.
Are you Chinese?

Ur gay
You democrats need to stop hiding behind your dynamo IP addresses and simmer down.
Vegan literally turns you in to a homosexual and is very bad for your body. Humans were made to eat animal fat. Which is why animals are delicious and tofu tastes like shit.

Oh yeah? Then why am I ripped as fuck at 210, 6'0" when I eat any and all kinds of meat on a daily basis? Fuck off with your faggy trend diet. Fitness is about lifting weights, light cardio, and eating a good diet. The diet doesn't have to be vegetarian, or vegan, or Atkins, or any of those retarded memes. Just get two servings of vegetables daily and watch the bad cholesterol (in other words, watch the fast food and fried food). Also cut soda out, that shit will kill you.
Google up some vegan athletes. Team vegan won three medals at the olympics last time; one more than the UK. With some research and planning you could do it.

Yes, he's on roids, he's also 79. He wasn't making his own test anymore... put him up against his own age group, he's looking awesome, put him up against 25 year olds... he's still looking pretty good
He is a vegetarian since 2005 and there is no evidence of him eating meat since then.
You are obviously not interested in the truth. You got your own personal agenda and there is no possible way that its wrong.
I bet they didn't win any medals in power sports, like track cycling, sprinting, shotput, etc.

In endurance sports I could foresee veganism being a minimal handicap.

I would prefer him to be a vegan. It just isn't the truth. I'm sorry.
suck on my keto dick bitch. Ketogenic for life
carl lewis, and kendrick farris
broeder, you are right its called ketogenic diet its great
Don't you realise fat (both saturated and unsaturated) is essential, not bad?
>I would prefer him to be a vegan. It just isn't the truth. I'm sorry.
If your next answer is not a link to a site that gives evidence that he eats meat then fuck off. Seriously, if you are not interested in the truth then just off yourself.
you need more than 1g per 1lb if you arent a dumb ass weakling that doesn't run 50k per 5-day week plus upper and core workouts.

You will lose muscle if you dont get enough with all the cardio.

Yeah, you dont need to OD on meat, eat balanced.
Kendrick Farris is an interesting example, I will have to look into him more.

There's some article claiming veganism was responsible for Carl Lewis' diminishing performance btw.
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As long as you eat my corpse. Faggot.
Bring it on.
What's with all the Luigi shit posting today?
Vegan is worse than vegetarianism. There is a large vegetarian empire, but it's the most malnourished on the planet. There's never been a vegan empire. It's just not a tenable diet for humans.

There's literally no reason to exclude eggs and yoghurt from your diet.
The lion is the king of the jungle dumbass.
If a vegan gluten free diet kills kids then it ain't a good diet you vegan
The evidence is that he built his muscle as a non-vegan and many have seem him eat meat despite his claims of not doing it.

Is that a good thing? No. I don't want to have to eat cruel products. It makes me sad. But I won't deliberately starve my cells of the energy they need to keep me healthy. You know why vegan diets are recommended for chronic autoimmune diseases? They starve the cells of the immune system so those cells can't attack your own body as well. They starve the mitochondria. Veganism is starvation. I wish it was otherwise. As I said, cultured meat must be developed urgently.
And that means: OP is a retarded faggot giving false information. What a surprise, a vegan claiming something is vegan that isn't to shill
>If your next answer is not a link to a site that gives evidence that he eats meat then fuck off
Can you not read? Fuck off you shitposter
I have seen that... It's possible. He also could have just gotten older, or maybe he was eating something wrong back then. There aren't enough of us at the top level to put together a study for it, but there are enough other names that I could confidently say it's possible. When I see a vegan athlete with some doubt to their story, I find three or four more names. Jehina Malik is another example, probably the only one claiming vegan since birth. There are some record-holding lady powerlifters, other strength athletes, pro ball players, etc. too.
>fuck this, fuck that
>swear, insult, hurr, durr

Worthless faggot.
King of the jungle is lion fag and they eat MEAT!!!
You are unbelivably retarded
You claim a lot of things and have evidence for none of them. Thats basically the definition of a shitposter.
dont respond to shills or baits you mongolos
>pic related, king of the jungle, is vegan
its funny your bring it up. it was determined a few years back that what you eat will activate / deactivate specific genes. over generations its believed that it may lock specific ones in the off position

fun fact 2 amino acids cannot be obtained from plant sources. all proteins are broken down into... amino acids. the building blocks of life

research that goes back to the late 90s that was partially suppressed indicates some how a large portion of africans dna was lacking in specific base code for some genes. i believe it was 2 genes. going by more recent data it may have been caused by a lack of wild game in the area that forced them to eat only plants for a time

its known that the switch from being vegetarian to eating meat most likely allowed for a larger brain in our predecessors. the lack of meat may dumb down the population. the bell curve doesnt play favorites. it isnt racist. its just compiled data
i agree with this one, but not OP
Those people are hideous.
Vegetables are bad for you and the environment. Pesticides, tilling good natural Forests for agriculture. Only eat krill like the peaceful whales.
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this is now an italian meme thread
By eating healthier, your life just feels longer.

The things you list are a non issue.
>not knowing gorillas eat meat.
Out of Africa has been debunked
>Meat is fucking bad for you
It isn't
>Saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol
Saturated fat is not bad for you except in excess, dietary cholesteral is not the same as body cholesteral, trans fats are found in foods considered vegan (deep fried)
>carcinogens from cooking
Vegans don't cook their food?
Also this is only an issue with searing food not simply cooking it, just stop burning your food into coal if it bothers you.
>methianine, hormones.
Do you have any idea how much estrogen is in soy products?
>1g per 1lb of bodyweight is not necessary
Says the Auschwitz mode manlet
>protein is still easy to acquire, and you'll be consuming much more fiber
Excuse the fuck out of me for not wanting to eat several pounds of beans every day.
> It's cheaper anyways
Not if you're consuming enough to sustain an active lifestyle, eating fresh produce is cheap, eating a balanced diet consisting of only plant products over a long period of time can get expensive.
> it helps the environment
Literally the only decent argument vegans have and it only applies to one situation and that's the beef industry, nobody is cutting down rainforests to raise chickens, fish farms don't contribute significantly to global warming.
>and saves animals.
I couldn't give less of a fuck.
Gorillas aren't vegan
So have most of the vegan sources posted in this thread
Milk is basically the only food in the world that is meant to be food.
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Time for the Realpolitik post.
We eat way too much bad shit. Not only meat that was put together again with "meat glue", juices and soda with let refined sugars into your system way too fast and without fiber, and in general food that was made to be transportable and looking good for as long as possible on your local supermarket shelf.
Your diet is one of the most important things to look out for and everyone should be participating in growing and producing your own food in the best and most fresh qualitiy there is. Even wagecucks in litte apartment cubs still have window shelfs.
For anything you don't make yourself you have to by local to not only support those that diserve it, but also because small local breeds of plants and free range animals taste better and have better quality on average.
Any plant based food with estrogen inducing effects are worthless garbage. Soy being at the top of this list.

You can get all 9 BCAAs with a simple food supplement drink from Walmart - and there's 0 animal products in it - which means no cholesterol.

Purely Inspired Organic Protein uses brown rice and pea protein, packs as much of a punch as needed for growth/maintenance, and is plant based. Not only that, your body will produce more test the more you workout and consume the stuff.

Other meals throughout the day can consist of any veggie/fruit you like. If you need more substance, mix Red Beans with Quinoa, or Black Beans with Quinoa, or both.

Almonds are the only nut you need. Speaking of which, switch to almond unsweetened plain jane milk if you are a milk drinker. After 3 weeks, you will grow to dislike the taste of regular milk.

1. Stay away from beer. (clear liquors are OK in small amounts)
2. Stay away from soy.
3. Stay away from dairy.
4. Stay away from meats, unless the portion is small, and limited to once per day; or ideally 3 times per week max.
5. Drink water. Lots of it.

If you need a supplement, take multi-vitamins, with additional B12 supplements. If you are a weight lifter, take your maintenance dose of Creatine Monhydrate 5000 ~ 1tbps daily in with that shake.

That's it.
There is no argument for it other than "MUH COWS"
seriously what issue do you cunts have against poultry?
fish farms?
insect farms?
What is your issue with non meat animal products like eggs and dairy?
You don't have one because while the beef industry is a soft target anything else would require you to think.
> king of the jungle
> gorilla
thats LIONS you dipshit.
> vegan
so grubs caterpillars ants and termites are vegan?
> doesnt know gorillas will eat ANYTHING when hungry, including monkeys antelopes and even other gorillas
> carcinogens
plants have a larger quantity and variety of carcinogens than meat, and you have to eat MORE plants for the same amount of energy, and even then you have to supplement plants with some kind of animal flesh for proteins and amino acids as well, or you DIE (processed soybean curds and seed oils are hardly natural foods dingleberry)

veganism is a conceit for the wealthy urbanite, relying on plentiful and cheap imported foods from third world nations and their imoverished peasant farmers to maintain even nominal health
veganism is not only unhealthy, it is unethical.
>Muh vegan bodybuilders that ate meat their entire lives and only converted to veganism last tuesday!
Gorilla is king. If I eat gorilla I will have all nutrients to be king.
some bodybuilders go vegan to get "cut"
elimination of almost all carbs and fats, lots and lots of dietary fiber and very little protein to rapidly drop to what would be considered an unhealthy level of body fat, sometimes as low as 1% FOR COMPETITIONS, but then after the competition they go back to eating the shit you need to build strong bones and muscles.

vegans always "accidentally" forget that part.
Yea guys stop breathing air its responsible for most deaths i live in the ocean and identify as a Cyborg salmon Version 420
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sounds legit.
gorilla is the new Super Food
imma get on the gorilla diet for maximum gainz

gorilla, the other other white meat.
it's whats for dinner.
>5. Drink water. Lots of it.
I love it. It is always said everywhere like it is something that should be not clear by itself. If the biggest part of your daily input of fluids is not water you might aswell kill yourself.
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>filling yourself with phytoestrogens

Kek, go ahead faggot. It will be easier to kill you when its RWDS time
100% vegan fed... according to OP.
>yeah, well no because Gobekli Tepe is over 10000 yers old.
>Jamie, see if you can pull that up
>yeah, the Nile used to be a rainforest and the erosion on the Sphynx is...
>Jesus Christ, look at the size of that fucking gorilla, he'll rip your face off and eat it.
i'm 6'3 205 how the fuck will i get enough calories from plants without eating 24/7

otherwise i'd go vegan
Gorillas, like humans, are omnivores you absolute bonobo
I'm in the same boat (same height and weight) I saw a post up there with suggestions but it sounds like it would taste like ass. Why would I subject myself to that when I can eat meat? Vegans have a misunderstanding of the basic nature of the universe. We are all potential resources and competition, and vegans fucking side with non-human competition. It is an ideology based in misanthropy.

I eat whatever I want and I stay 125 lbs at 5'7". I'm cute though. Milk is for white people so you dont have to drink it if it makes your tummy ache.
Carbs are whats bad for you. Go suck some cocks, faggot OP
Vegan isn't how we're designed to survive fucking retards.

We're omnivores for a reason, it's good to exploit that and get shit from every kind of food we can eat. You'll be better off.
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>King of the jungle
Gorillas eat their young if they don't like them or aren't theirs.
HAHA. Perfect / True.
>no replies
>these niggers are too into their little fad diets
Yea, that kid is a sociopath.
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I like cereal though
i eat my muesli with oat milk

tastes the same and is better
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you may take my life, but you'll never take my gabagool
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