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Rip Sweetie Trump's blocking the Leftist Verified trolls

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Thread replies: 252
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Rip Sweetie

Trump's blocking the Leftist Verified trolls
damn... is this the end of sweetieposting?
So this is how common sense dies. To when being blocked on twitter is tantamount to the POTUS personally restricting your 1st Amendment rights
She's broken.
Ask/demand her to release a list of who'm she has blocked
>Getting this butthurt you can't shitpost directly at someone anymore.
amazing that adults don't even understand the concept of private vs public space.
And women wonder why nobody thinks they can be funny.
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>Tfw no more sweetie posting
Lol this bitch is so insane
Stop posting this cunt's Twitter, no one cares
Honeybuns noooooo
She lost all relevance in the blink of an eye. I would be too
>ironic/sarcastic comments devoid of arguments
>expressing dissent
airdrop this bitch somewhere with real oppression please.
or don't, her salt is hilarious.
can we get a list of people she blocked due to her victimhood complex?
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>literally harass someone by replying to EVERY SINGLE TWEET with derogatory remarks
>after a year, they finally block you
>"wtf blocking people.is bad now!"

I'd to see a lawyer actually take this case and have the defense explain what harassment is.

I look forward to the day your argument is put into law and the deplorables can be purged from the civilised internet.
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Is this bitch for real? Its fucking twitter. It is not like he is controlling what happens on your tv. Its his personal fucking account and he can run it however he fucking likes you baiting piece of shit.
Snowflake Trump can't handle the bants
because verified people cause a notification when they reply, they want to be able to see if someone serious replies and not be drowned in hundreds of irrelevant (((verified))) trolls
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She has become the Kim Kardashian of /pol/.
Dear police, Trump reset my fame clock to 15:01. Please arrest Trump for ruining my life.
but its in the constitution that you get to reply to every presidential tweet no matter what

Stop spamming this.

This is actually a legitimate use of a block. She feeds off him for attention by blocking her she can no longer attach herself to his tweets.
Hello, @Twitter @jack. Please release the full list of anime avatars all the journalists have blocked as Media for expressing dissent.


>thinks Trump blocking a troll after months of harassment is a violation of the first amendment


Says she'll be working with a "lawyer friend" (then later deleted the tweet.)

https://archive.li/SgXo9 (at the bottom)

>Dude, Read my TL.

The only ones we can see are the ones she didn't delete.

And so she was cast down into the lower realms of Twitter to shitpost with the rest of us
leftists are insane and need to be culled or they will be the death of us all
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Trump blocked her because she usually writes him and he got amused, then she stopped doing it and he felt betrayed.

Then she wrote him again and he sayd "No way fag", and blocked her because of revenge.

Don't play with Trump feelings.
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>She is actually being serious about this
Coward-in-chief can't take the heat from shitty comedians? lol how does he keep lowering the bar it's beyond anything imaginable
it's like she's a bot who only exists on twitter on one account. bitch please, log out and check his shit.
they can keep telling their stupid jokes, just not on his platform
doo doo
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>dude, read my TL

>no "sweetie"

she is so fucking mad
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I really hope pol is still harassing this bitch. The OP screenshot shows the insane amount of Cognative dissonance.

I really hope more Twitter user are calling this bitch out. She actually thinks she is in the right and the bitch has been complaining to news outlets

This is pathetic, Fuck her.
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>keep your window open to listen to nature
>some guy keeps stopping by and screaming through the window about how much he hates you
>(((You))): I'm not a pussy so I'm not closing the window when he comes by!
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BUHbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sweetie!
Why the fuck has no one pointed out to her the fact that @realDonalTrump is his personal twitter, and not the @POTUS account?

Isn't the fact she was basically spamming him a violation of the twitter TOS?
>but it's a joke
I bet she's blocked every single account that ever made a "joke" at her expense.

Libtards can dish it but not take it, and they can barely dish it.
what trump is doing is the equivalent of shooting the guy shouting at his window. it shows gross misuse of power.
Sweetie posting is bants?
>inciting dissent
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>ywn sit on her lap suckling on her tits while she strokes your dick calling you sweetie

why live desu

Her vareer is over she has no trumpntweets tonsponge and leech off of.
The woman is a bottom feeder.
okay you already made the first post it's not like you can suddenly switch to baiting.
That guy Trump blocked for sending anime girls (if it was real) should complain too, that shit would be hilarious.

> Trump is violating my civil rights, sweetie!
> Me too ugu oni-chan
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Yeah. In the actual POTUS Twitter. He blocked her in his own, personal Donald Trump account.
Holy shit I went to her Twitter and she actually thinks he blocked her cause she triggered him.

The isane amount of reply and circle jerking as well as white knights in her comments make me hate this bitch more.

I don't understand why more pol users are making accounts to point out how much of a retard she is. Id make a account myself if I wasn't working all day.
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Seriously read this in the voice of Colonel Klink.
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read the tweets. coming from william legate's mother.
What did she mean by this? Sounds as if she blocked him.
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>tfw jeorge bush pops up under ur desc and starts giving u the succ

>tfw he calls u sweety after u cum in his dry mouth

this is why u live
I've decided to switch to baiting this is the real me.
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LOL heres a good screencap
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reading this has pretty much ended my no-fap challenge
Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?
Twatter is picky with phone numbers its why their user growth is slow and they lie to pump up the value of their over valued stocks.
So much butthurt and rage going on on Twitter in recent days, I gotta admit this drama is sort of fun.
That Jew nose and filter though
Well the woman is a bottom feeder of the worst kind.
Reminds me of governor kasich that guy is a bottom feeder too
Bitch got whomst'd and now she's in tantrum mode

>relies on corporate nanny to police free speech
>btfo under the same system
>begs corporate nanny for redemption
this is why we can't have normie things
What a pathetic woman

this is what Mike Cernovich said to do a month ago. Finally. Glad!
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But, my Australian anon, that's not what I want. I want to sit in a chair across from her as another man suckles on her tits and she strokes his dick calling him sweetie, then looking over at me and telling me that I can never have any of that because I voted to make America great again.
He kek'd into the abyss and the abyss kek'd back
>Not letting me sweetiepost is homophobic bakery all over again, plz let me be internet famous
>Id make a account myself if I wasn't working all day.
I'd guess that more people think it's a waste of their precious lifetime to keep a cunt in check who has no other life than tweeting.
Also, I'm pretty sure she blocks dissenters, see >>127718107
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I started muting all the checkmarked trolls quite a while ago. They're cancer
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That guy is an old school troll, believe it or not.

He was involved in the Casey Serin saga about 10 years ago, someone in the last legate thread dug it all up.

He even spent thousands of dollars supporting Casey's wife so she could divorce him.

he needs to ban more leftards so we can keep laughing at them
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William LeGate, obnoxious Trump replier. Got the top comment on every single tweet, practically a stalker.

Even went as far as to harass Trump supporters and ring wing conservatives.

We organise and decide to DOX the everliving shit out of him, find his grandparents' addresses, people went as far as to stalk his family members (allegedly).

Ended up deactivating his twitter after being bombarded with phonecalls to his family.

Oh, and the fact a picture surfaced of his unusually large nipples.
>pic related
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Are those nips the result of some kind of medical disorder? That just isn't normal.
Those nipples have been photoshopped, surely?
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Rip blue check marks
Should have hid the thumb and palm portion of the hand 1/10
Holy shit this bitches timeline is insane. Why are these people so obsessed with Don? If he bothers you that much just stop paying attention to him, Christ.
they have.
If the no name checkmark brigade whines enough on twitter Trump will surely get impeached.

>JUST sweetie

>It's okay I was only pretending to write jokes and suck at it!
Her whole (((career))) is built around it, of course she's serious
Why are literal nobodies allowed to be verified but ONLY and yes ONLY if they are on the left?
No, they allow the controlled opposition to be verified too.
The hill actually ran an article about her getting blocked by Trump
Then I guess that says a lot about Milo, since he was unverified during GG.
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>Leftists want to censor everything they don't like
>"ok leftist I'm tired of reading this so I'll just prevent you from communicating with me"
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Awwww, is poor little sweetie kums mad at big bad meanie pants?
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she is paid shill
Someone post the Bess Kalb lookalike lewds pls
Twitter is shadowban happy and also bans right wingers all the time
Also you get locked out of new accounts quickly if you don't associate a phone number to the account
Well shit. I never had any trust in Spencer. That guy seems weak. Cernovich, idk. He seemed alright.
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d-delete this, shillard spencer is our based alt-right leader. He, uh, he redpills normies, right my bros? Praise kek haha!
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You say that like it's a bad thang.
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Trusting (((Cernovich)))
How about Dominika Dark?
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gee i wonder who is she really are
is this real?
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>jewish women
Social media, from the perspective of the companies running it and the advertisers who use it, is about one thing: making money. Twitter added the checkmarks to make money and facilitate ads in exactly the fashion described. That got extended to politics.
>directly shitpost at someone every day
>after a year they finally get tired of it and block you
>have a public meltdown because of it
>someone points out that you shitposted at someone every day for a year until they got tired of it
>block person for dissenting with you
Do these people use some kind of script that alerts them the immediate second Frobnald Frumpf tweets?
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>provoking anon
>expecting anything good to happen to them
Why do they never learn until they go piss on the electric fence themselves?
yeah, but I would think they wouldn't explain it so explicitly or want photos of this presentation out there. but I guess they can just strangle any news they don't like
Honestly, this should be splashed all over Twitter. It's a giant redpill.

You mean safe space?
Wheres the joke

Every time Trump tweets, it's endless garbage from the same people replying to him.

I'm sure if this place raided her, she would block people too.

For a dictator, being blocked on twitter seems like a pretty lenient punishment.
Cross 4 chan and you're fucked.
i can see it now. 3am, her phone goes off, no doubt with some snarky ringtone like the imperial death march theme. she awakens, face down of course. she knows she has to be up in 3 hours for liberal arts vagina magic class, but....TRUMP....MUST....SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETIE HONEY POO

she's literally having withdrawl
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This is one hypocritical cunt.

Protip: If you want sweetieposter to block you, just bring up the fact that her last name Kalb literally translates to dog/bitch in Arabic.
I replied to someone complaining how trump blocking people is censorship saying blocking people isn't censoring them since you can still use twitter.

I was them blocked by them. The fucking irony.
You know....

If I considered myself smart as LeGate does. Before I started looking the bear named 4chan, I might Google up some things about how that idea has gone in the past.

Then promptly decided it was a bad idea.
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Twitter has a built in system you can sub to, to alert you as soon as they tweet. So yes you can have an alert go off as soon as Trump tweets.
I look forward to visting the Caliphate of Londinstan one day.
I had wanted to visit Great Britain, Land of Shakespeare, birth place of Common Law, But
I see it is now only shit stains, pakis and yobs on the dole.
SO sad...
> maybe Paris is still French?
Can you imagine this bitch probably can't sleep at night anymore, think of it, out of all the people in this world to go to sleep knowing an us president blocked you on social media the same place where you waste 10 hours a day, probably she is on suicide watch from all that anxiety
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What does this have to do with harassment? Harassment is the criteria by which Twitter will ban users permanently from the site. A user can block another user at any time for any reason. Nobody ever accused anybody of harassment here. If you think Trump was being harassed by sweetie, that's a personal (and wrong) opinion.
That would require him to not be complete delusional about himself.
Oh sweetie, you are not entitled to be able to tweet at POTUS, honey bear. Its okay if your bum bum is ouchy. Let th geownups talk politics, dont worry your pretty little head, honey.
that jew women have penis envy and that's why feminism was basically created for jewish women
Kek, I had a go yesterday at trying to get blocked by her, but it never worked.
fairly accurate 8/10
Not a troll but what the fuck does "Verified," Citizens means? I don't get it why the fuck would anyone care about some random person on twitter being verified outside of famous people?
What did he say to Ivanka?
Congratulations on your white penis.
Only famous people used to get Verified account, now anyone can get one.
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poor willy
they are the capos in the concentration camps
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she loves pol
i want to punch this stupid bitch in the face
Your credit card is linked to your account good goy.

Not even shitting you that's how you get verified.
You faggots are a bunch of hypocrites.
So you think it's okay for the President to block free speech as long as it's for people you don't like?
Redditors fuck off.
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I wanna hit her in the face too, with my cum.
>twitter replies
>free speech

You're confused.
Blocking someone on Twitter isn't blocking someone's free speech you fucking retard. Anyone can block anyone.
>replying with passive-aggressive comments
>the same as "harassment" and "derogatory remarks"

Goddamn you "people" really are snowflakes.
kalb means calf in german
Fun Fact: Dicky Spencer is literally the only """"alt-right"""" twitter personality to never been banned since being verified

really does make my almonds activate
>you "people"

Wow racist much?

>"Nnnn....No, ur snoflakes, K?"

I could never have imagined a meme so low energy thats practically absolute zero.
he was suspended during a massive shoah of alt right accounts a few months ago but got unbanned
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she blocked me lmao
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He usually doesn't really incite hatred or racism, I don't think he does.
I'd probably be a fan If he actually had a bit of aggression to him.

One thing about Spencer though, is he gay?
He definitely gives those faggoty vibes.
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Not an argument.

If you consider someone being passive aggressive the same as being "derogatory", you're probably an overly sensitive millennnial snowflake.

I win.
I just borrowed someone else's insult to try and get blocked off her, I thought constant sweetie posting would have made her block me.
Too bad.
She kind of turns me on for some reason.
>If you consider someone being passive aggressive the same as being "derogatory"
She was both you precious little snowflake. The problem is you faggots are so used to being offended by everything, and getting butthurt at the drop of a hat, you assume everyone else must be as well. Fact of the matter is shes just a spamming whore who got blocked, no sweat off anyones nuts.
Why are you so dedicated to defending the Jew?
>haha you blocked someone that means you're a pussy like us too :^)
>implying she isn't behind all these threads shilling for herself using the YEAH GOYS LETS TROLL HER tactic
Fucking boxxy wannabe v16474.9

You dumbasses take the bait every time.
>calls me a snowflake
>defendds the idea that calling someone "sweetie" is harassment and derogatory
Top cuck

Why are you so dedicated to defending effete millennial sensitivity?
Listen sugarplums,
I'm not going to expend any energy on you snowflakes, hon. If you don't have a blue checkmark to your name, you're a rural or suburban retard.
Simple as that, kittycat.
That's all for now darlings.
Unwanted, constant badgering is literally what harassment means.
Face it, Sweetie. You were annoying, and you got blocked. You can't always get your own way, snookums. You will understand when your old, Bessy.

Nu/pol/ loves ecelebs
She's full of fucking shit. She hounded him for every little thing he did. Nothing but a sheep.
Shills are trying to make /pol/ look like it loves ecelebs*

But there's also a handful of few regular users with no fatherly figure and damaged self esteem who get emotionally bound to ecelebs

not an argument
>It's not harassment unless it's a white male who does it!
Listen sweetie, just because LE DRUMPF wasn't LITERALLY SHAKING after every tweet by this yidfly doesn't mean she's immune to getting swatted just like every other tiny insect that constatnly annoys people.
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More then just the hill ran a article. I Fucking hate the state of modern journalism. Of course all of the articles make it seem like she hurt his feelings when this bitch has been harassing his Twitter since he became president.
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How does Twitter's algorithm for reply order work? Are replies listed chronologically? By who has the most le upboats? I'm assuming twitter does some bullshit where they always put these dedicated anti-trump shill tweets first, no matter what, because every goddamn time without fail, the first 3-4 replies are always by one of a small handful of sweetieposters.
Um, wow, no, Sweetie.


Like she can't make a new account.
Yeah but Twitter isn't already tweeked to automatically put her tweets first if she uses a different account.
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That post caught me off guard, you made my day.
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Glorious, they mean nothing to him and it kills them.
His name is Seth Rich

People lime her and william leFAG were annoying when your trying to read responses to trump tweets and they mske tweets off topic
You're beta as fuck, but I'm sure you already know that
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>cutie patooties
always a hearty kek
>all attention is good attention

Can we please end this myth.
Twatrer is a ponzi scheme they put false value on their stock and had false user growth.
How long until 4chan gets "verified" tags too? Oh wait...

I'm starting to hate this shithole on a whole new level.
I'm pretty sure they would use some sort of program to automatically shit out a couple canned "take that" responses whenever Trump tweets something, regardless of what the content is.

I doubt it would be that hard.

If she started a new account,she could just cap the post Trump makes and retweet it with her old account... she just won't have all those Trump followers seeing it.
The fact those two were in the top and their response was off topic is weird like they had bots tweeting for them since their tweets were off topic mostly
Nobody cares about her, they just follow Trump and she tried to piggyback off him

Now she has nothing
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>can't sponge off of the POTUS anymore
>bitch about it to fully grown adults on the internet like a puerile brat

oh sweetie pie snookums patootie cakes lady bug, you really need to wind down and take a nice bubble bath!
Thats the whole point is she wants trump followers reading her bullshit.
That's the whole point though. Twitter always makes the first 3-4 replies under a Trump tweet be by these shills. It creates the false consensus that everyone on the internet hates Trump. In reality, you scroll past that first page of replies, and literally the next thousand replies are from /ourguys/. But someone just casually looking at Twitter will only see those first couple replies, and just think that literally everyone is shitting on Trump over and over.
She is a bottom feeder,a leech.
She posted nothing of value
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She's panicking because her 15 min just ended. She will cry a bit and then everyone will forget about her.
>That politico article she tweeted the other day

Truth in advertising needs to apply to news articles.
>Crazy! Insane! Trump Just Did What!
Is really
>Same Thing We Said Yesterday With Slightly More Conjecture By A Different Writer
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umm no sweetie. you're the president, it's your duty to listen to the people. #resist
Dude you are one epic anomalous hackerman. Hold on while I turn my CMD prompt green
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I have liberal friends and their gfs who actually believe no one likes Trump cause all the liberals do is shitpost about him in YouTube, kikebook, and Twatter.

In reality the social media sites always make the anti-trump comments number one so it gives off the impression to normal users that Trump is hated.

Its manipulation in the highest form and its fucked cause so many millenials actually think exactly how you explained it anon,
Sue her ass!
Sweetie dude sweetie. Read her Twitter. She hasn't tweeted Trump for a long time except yesterday.
This is just sad. Women shouldn't be allowed to use social media. They can't handle it
Is anyone compiling a list of paid twitter shills that always bot their way to first reply of every trump tweet? Sweetie, Willy Legate, etc?
young girl harassing old orangutan
somebody call PETA now!
Is this a stock image? Also sweetie pie, ill fucking rape you mmmk
Trump loves to suck on wahabbi cuck. It's his favorite hobby after lying to the American people.
Its her default pic for Twitter. Anons have been photoshopping it for sometime now.
sweetie........................... no.......................... pls..............................
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Umm no, honey. sigh
Her tweets are always at the top because Twitter has a script to put her there anyways, does it really matter that much to her that Trump sees her trying to be condescending with her "sweetie" bullshit? He probably hasn't read his twitter replies in years.
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If people forgot the gop headquarters being bombed in north carolina they will forget the useless bitch that post on twatter
Pic related the gop hq bomber
We should start small claims suit against her if she files one on trump.
lol @ shes such a bottom feeding kike
The blue checkmark parade is made up of delusional idiots. I mean just look at Rick Wilson, his career and reputation are in shambles but he's still smug as fuck, confidence without ability or wisdom is just arrogance.
Guys I'm actually starting to get sad

We may never get to sweetie-post again

Well aware. She's only got 80something thousand, Trump millions.

But some dweeb at twiiter can easily incorporate her new account to the top of the list.
Oh sweetie...no...
You don't have a 4chan pass, sugarbear?
Into the gas chamber you go.
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>ywn gangbang the original sweetie poster with your /pol/ bros
Why live?
Umm no sweetie, I meant the literal ##Verified tags that are now a thing whenever some faggot comes here to do an AMA.

That's what really pisses her off. She was getting off on her twitter fame and he fucking murdered it right in front of her. Now she's pissed off. Can't wait to see her retweets/likes plummet.
I have to wonder if Trump has ever blocked any of /ourguys/. There's always plenty of people in those reply chains dropping redpills on niggers or ZOG.
is it the girl that wants to hire a lawyer because trump blocked her ?
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aww true face is a two faced shill. Wow could have guessed that.
no sometimes I funpost. please don't think less of me I apologize.
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Oh, hi sweetie! Next up, Bess gets redpilled by right wing cocks.
Great post. These leftys with (((bluecheckmarks))) are everywhere.
Yes, please release this list.
Could be useful
Could Trump not handle it anymore? Disappointed.
Is she /oursweetie/?
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>handle trolls

u know how trolling works rite nufag?
when did that ever happen?
Kek, this
>her hairline

Several times now, most recently on /pol/ it happened when Tim Pool did an AMA here.
This is the truth. These people are beyond saving and don't want help. They must be purged from our lives and countries if we are to survive.
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>wanting to fuck this bald italian man
>get blocked on social media
How to normalfags not see the irony in this?
Literally nothing, he posted happy Mother's Day and alt right Nazis with funnyjunk destroyed this poor boy's life with fake edited pix
Aww schnukums is mommy's bwave wittwe toaster sad she can't tweety tweet the pwesident anymore?
The fact Trump blocked this (((bitch))) is laffo.

It's like Election 2016 has never stopped, Everyday is a new triggering.
Holy fuck how do you get pepperoni nips like that?
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could be worse, she could be william legate

pic related is his dad
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