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>see blindfolded muslim >want hug >wat do? Blindfolded

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>see blindfolded muslim
>want hug
>wat do?

Blindfolded Muslim gives free hugs in Manchester in trust experiment after terror attack

‘I’m Muslim and I trust you. Do you trust me enough for a hug?’

>A Muslim man spent hours giving “free hugs” on a busy street in Manchester after the deadly explosion which killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert.

>Baktash Noori decided to show small acts of kindness in the wake of the largest terrorist attack in the UK since 2005, to show that he and thousands of other Muslims were reeling from the atrocity.

>He held a sign that read, “I’m Muslim and I trust you. Do you trust me enough for a hug?” and has spent the last few days standing alone on Market Street, wearing a blindfold, arms open.
I don´t trust Muslim invaders.
>Taqiyya is now being advertised in newspapers.
>somebody wraps a bomb around themselves
>detonates it while giving the Muslim a hug
>buys bacon
>puts it on muzzie's hand
>Muhammad gets mad
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No one said a muslim couldn't also be an insufferable faggot. Speaking of faggots,

Steven Spielberg made a documentary called "The Last Days" about the Holocaust.
The film features Paul Parks, a black soldier, as the one American soldier out of 5 people featured in this documentary talking about their experiences during the war.
The problem is, Paul Parks was a known fraud and liar. He was outed after taking part in an earlier documentary focusing on black soldiers who supposedly liberated concentration camps in the war (no black soldiers liberated any camps -- whoops!).
That didn't stop Spielberg from including him, though. And it didn't stop the documentary from getting the Oscar that year, either.
Amazing, isn't it?
You can find out about this and other ridiculous lies by watching this documentary about "The Last Days"

>The Last Days of the Big Lie
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stab him
We've been here before

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Trust nobody, not even your self
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>I’m Muslim and I trust you
Of course the shitstain trusts white people.

And I'm sure some mentally damaged whites gave him a hug. It only takes a few rotten apples.
That totally makes up for the dead kids, thanks Ahmed!
Whisper in his ear that you're covered in bacon grease.
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>strap bomb to chest
>go for hug
>yell "HE'S GOT A BOMB"
>detonate bomb
>people blame the muzzy
>implying the uk isnt a muslim nation
>Hugs make up for dead children

I wish they'd realise its their fucking awful shitstain religion thats the problem.

It's like some try hard fucking kid wondering why no one likes him, except every morning he runs up to you and kicks you and everyone he meets in the nuts. And then for the rest of the day he's super nice and apologetic, and can't understand why people don't like him.
>whites trust muslims
>get blown up
>muslim trusts whites
>gets hugs
rinse, repeat
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>tfw muslim gets the blame
> I’m Muslim and I trust you

No fucking shit, that's probably because we aren't the ones carrying out suicide bombings and raping children.
>Hugs make up for dead children
should make this a sign and stand next to him
>>see blindfolded muslim
>>take garrote out of my pocket.
>>soak it in lighter fluid
>> set it on fire
what's stopping him from strapping on a bomb the next day?
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I trust it must be haram to shower god damn you stink of more than just weakness today
>Implying this was not staged
>implying this wasn't a filthy MSM psy-op for a tear jerk reaction
>implying they are not trying to suppress the natural response of anger and retaliation
>implying this isn't one of the many ways in which the Orwellian nature of the shit British government expresses itself.

To be honest, if I saw a fucking faggot like this in my city after a suicide bomber killed a bunch of teens, I'd brick the stupid mudshit.
The blindfold, I would imagine.

You ever try and arm a bomb while blind? It's a bitch.
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>mfw i realize how brilliant this is

We need tributes! Anyone tired of living?
I know he wasn't even /ourguy/ but imagine wearing a SS uniform and offering hugs in Portland hijacking this exact narrative lol after that faggot evicerated those 2 cucks on the train.

> "sir why are you doing this"
> "Do you trust me enough for a hug"

So very tired.
HAaa. Or in a KKK grand wizard outfit, that the media tried to make it out to be.
Based taqiyya
>Not pulling down his pants and walking off while he awkwardly tries to waddle after you
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What could possibly go wron-
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They did that in Finland too in 2015...

Its part of the plan, to humanize the virus that is Islam
>Anyone tired of living?
Oh yes.
Isn't this old? Didn't a muslim alredy do it after the Paris attacks and turned out to be a terrorist himself like 3 weeks after?
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they do it all the time
If muds had audacity to do a terrorist attack in my country, and then pull shit like this, they'd earn a swift shank to the ribs while they're blindfolded.
This is why I don't trust these people. They make an atrocity, caused by their own kind, following the same religion as them, all about themselves. Fuck these people.
This. He posted it before me. The last "hug a muslim" guy was arrested for terrorist threats.
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nice deception, jihadists

the blood of children is on their hands too
if he was blindfolded I would give him a sign to hold explaining what taqiyya is
>the bomber was not a muslim, kuffar, but i am
>don't want to hug me, kuffar? well fuck you, kuffar, here's a bomb for you! allaaaah akpar!
If you see a plunger you bout to go under
id go up to him and pat him down for a vest
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We will make /r9k/ become a suicide squad.
wasn't that guy a sikh?
He probably did see his daughter everywhere

They gave up on the "Free muslim taxi rides" angle real quick once all the missing kids started getting reported, didn't they?
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I'm disgusted by Muslims for truly having no shame nor respect for the victims in order to benefit their ideology, but I'm even more disgusted at british degenerates lustfully celebrating it.
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Press should denounce ideology that kills children. Denounce uncontrolled migration that lets terrorists in.

What they do instead? shill more for islam. Tell people to do nothing and accept this.

Press is accomplice. They are guilty in these deaths too, And in every death that will inevitably happen in more terrorist attacks.

Every islam apologist bitch in these rags has blood of children on their hands.
exactly this. they will keep talking endlessly about how peaceful they are while plunging a knife in your back.
Just look around internet for nasheed songs. Everything in english is about peace, love, friendship and these nice things.
If you listen to some arabic, its all jihads, Osama bin Laden and gunfire
>Islam means peace
>Hug me
Every single time
Worst part is that media, government and women will love it
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Shitskins tried this in Finland.
Result: Only the other illegal shitskins and couple of their anti-Finn leftist whores gave hugs.
hugs will also be given when your teacher tells you to hug :)
So if he gets hugs and lives, there is no such thing as racism.
Only if a white man stabs him does he win this little thought experiment.
Kind of the opposite effect he had intended I would imagine.

I wouldn't hug any stranger due to not being a degenerate
>white christians are so inoffensive you can blindfold yourself and hug them randomly
I want to see whites blindfold themselves and hug black and brown Muslims randomly, kek
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>No, thanks. I'm terribly shy.
And then walk away doing this.
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I saw that retard on (((faceberg))) for fucks sake he only demonstrates the high trusts of brits, the real experiment would be for a brit to go to a mudslimes country and see if they can do the same,even on Ramadan they would snack bar him,my only response is pic related
The guy probably isnt even muslim. He's a liberal in black face larping as one.
>"Yes he beats me, but he still loves and hugs me!"

Typical abusive relationship.
that bj couple photoshopped in
Fake news. This is all fake. Nobody died.
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