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Where's all of this headed?

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Went to Porte de la Chapelle this morning. Tents everywhere, refugees by the hundreds.

Is this going to blow up one day /pol/? Where are they going to go?
Spot my tent /pol/
no you don't understand pierre
refugees are the best thing ever
i don't know how exactly, but they are
the green one
Burn them all.
Remember to follow in their footsteps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVmYFJGoZ-0
Shouldn't have closed down the Calais jungle.
Rapefugees were contained.

Look up "Rhodesia"
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I'm trying to understand the situation here. So the subhumans somehow afford tents to put underneath public bridges, on public lands, and use porta-potties that I assume is paid for on the public dollar? How does this make any sense to anyone?

Refugees are totally not leeching fucked up monsters
>is this going to blow up one day /pol/?

Up to you, m8.
l'enfer est tenté de bonnes intentions
waiting on their ((((bank loans))))
remember frenchie. your gay country asked for this and is THE SOLE reason the EU will be around for a very long time. remember that for the next few years as your country and europe itself circles the drain harder and harder every year, getting more and more irreversible.

macron will put them in paris, of course!
>Is this going to blow up one day /pol/?

hopefully. the alternative is gradual decline.

(((NGOs))) collaborate with the invaders and gib them tents.
Behold, my fellow Parisian, our beautiful city surrendered to barbarian hordes by treasonous elites living in gated communities.

All these grim episodes of our past, the St-Barthélémy, the Occupation, the various civil wars, are going to look like a walk in the park once the invaders feel emboldened enough and decide it's time to take over.
The only place they should head it to is a very long and very deep trench where a firing squad waits up top.
Is this some new airbnb feature?
This is Paris. 18th arrondissement.

>tents on some wooden skids

is this refugee engineering?
isnt that a roadway?

sure would be UNFORTUNATE if a truck were to run those tents over.
Finally france colapse,thanka God
How does the public use of space and funds make sense to the average tax payer though? I'm just struggling here because apparently I live in a place where we don't allow freeloaders to just shit up our town.

Maybe I'm just some rural and suburban retard though.
They'll move in with your daughters
Goodbye France

Liberte is dead

They will go in your apartment after you are evicted by the government.
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see >>127553383
make them feel fucking afraid.
my friend i have some bad news for you when france, germany, sweden and all these other shit countries collapse where do you think they will go next
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This is only the beginning.
That's for time to tell. I know there are a few that are like "Hey, let's not wear a bomb." but then there's the one's that're like "Yeah let's go boom." Just don't terrorize them anon and avoid crowded places until the current civil war is over and you'll be good.
Hmm just need more white women to take them in.
I like you
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Then you'll bitch when the refugees do the same shit and then /pol/ will have a divided circlejerk.
implying we will leave peacefully. we soon outnumber you cucks and will rape yur women
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>they havent already been burning shit down and fucking shit up
bitch its time to retaliate
You're just seeing the after effects of how your politicians handled the chase with Libya.
Time to remove kebab.
> implying poles with stretch their arseholes for niggers like western cucks do

Oy goy
glad i left paris a long time ago
deal with it faggots instead of taking pictures
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> American flag and wearing a Honda hat
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name an american dirt bike company
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>bitch its time to retaliate
>implying they won't just do more
>implying that this would help
>implying that this would do anything positive to the cycle we're already facing.
Stop calling them 'refugees' . The wordgame influences too many gullible people.
Dela Chapella?
lol ok lets just let them all in and let them do whatever they want then thats going well fuck white people am i rite ?
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>As of 5/20/2011 ATK has associated itself with S&T Motors, parent company of the Changwon, South Korea based Hyosung. S&T/Hyosung will make motorcycles with ATK nameplates and a few requested changes to the standard Hyosung Motorcycles.
I spent this weekend in Paris,
>a lot less tourists and refugees than I expected, maybe I went to some places that there's no many of them
>cuties everywhere, cutest tourists are american teenagers, they're not fat at all
>friday evening, I was strolling from La Cité to Le Marais, ended up in some gayest streets and I liked it (rue des Archieves)
>implying I want that to happen
No, what we need to do is for one; move the fuckers away from society so that we can monitor and teach them ways of integrating. Make it to where they can go back to their countries and do good. Then, we need to take the fucking religious PC bullshit out of every attack and look at the facts that we're dealing with crazy people within a minority that's already home to enclaves within itself. We need to deal with these enclaves negotiation, make their society create the peace they talk about. What's the point of us letting them in here if the ones that're already here are just standing by doing nothing.
Who gave them the tents?
Can i get a free tent?
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Learn Mandarin.
>can i get a free -
can't make that shit up
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Go take one from a Palestinian and say it was a holy tent from your people kike
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what we need to do is send them the fuck back, and refuse the rest. let them fucking drown in the ocean if theyre dumb enough to keep coming.
then once thats settled we'll use your idea
>move the fuckers away from society so that we can monitor and teach them ways of integrating
on the blacks here
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Get a good STEM degree
Migrants. You mean migrants. These people are not refugees, and rebranding them as refugees is just another leftist trick.

There are no genuine refugees in Europe. Even the one who started out fleeing war then set off in search of economic prosperity, making them migrants. The real refugees sit in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan. You know, countries bordering on the conflict zone. The moment they decide to leave those without already having an agreement with a European government, but rather banking on our shitty, self-hating politics, they become economic migrants.

But these people are all subsaharan niggers from countries where there is no war, only a glorious society free of racism on account of no white people living there and colonialism having ended. By left wing logic, they left paradise to sleep in a dirty tent under a bridge.
Somebody should distribute bread laced with poison to these shitskin parasites.

>implying anyone wants to go to poland

Even poles don't want poland, otherwise we wouldn't see those cucks begging for money in France/england
We dont want them contained, we want them dead
Yep. The only true refugees would be the Middle East Christians.

My man. Poor people are hidden and people who see them daily are mostly failures and jobless cucks
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>i don't know how exactly
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>on the blacks here
Do you mean blacks as the people or is that supposed to be some sort of way of saying you're half and half?

Because moving the blacks away like that would be segregation and we just got done with that fucking conundrum. Better to just get all the criminal degenerates from every group available and do that so that maybe we could finally have the coexistence shit everyone on every corner of the planet's talking about.
Petite question un peu hors sujet..
y'a t-il un équivalent "Français" de POL ? En gros un POL/ Francophone ?
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Yep and it will be extremely bloody
Or those who have left Islam behind, and now see themselves persecuted by the same cunts they sought refuge from, with the full support of our leftist parties.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one. Exiled from this country for having the gall to be a black woman, and a right wing ex-Muslim. You'd think that a Somali refugee climbing to the top of our political game and denouncing misogynistic practices would make the left so wet they'd slip off their chair, but instead they called her a Nazi just like the rest of us.

We have many more like her. People with Western convictions who came here from shitholes, tossed under the bus to placate radical Islam. It disgusts me, and every time a leftist says he wants to provide refuge for persecuted people, I think of them and know him to be a liar.
they already segregate themSELVES, they fucking want it. i say give it to them, fuck their integration
Pretty shure the family of palestinian you just killed had one,kike. Go get it!

Yeah, where the Eurostar trains and boats into the UK had to be shut down multiple times a week because some rapefugee wants to go to England and culturally enrich the place.

Good move to eliminate the Calais jungle, deport them when
agree. ME Atheists and former Muslims are often the fiercest defenders of the West, even more than Westerners sometimes...

Spot on. The MSM wants to call these migrants "refugees" because they want to invoke white guilt from whatever the left wants them to be sorry for, and perform white genocide.

I wonder who's behind this...
non pas vraiment
peut etre le 15-18 et encore

I have no sympathy for France, they forgo the chance to elect someone who's not a globalist cuck.
Dommage...Ok merci quand meme.
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Nah that's not segregation, they just ending up building a culture in the neighborhoods where there people ended up. Just like how there are Mexican majority neighborhoods and White majority neighborhoods. It's just human nature to want to group up with people of your own kind.
en meme temps bonne chance pour trouver un hebergeur en france avec ce genre de propos
These refugee camps are going to give birth to a plague that make Ebola look like a fucking joke.

Believe me, folks.

Tourism will be dead in Paris soon, nobody wants to see the the place if it means being harassed, raped, and killed by turd world monkeys.
>just human nature
unless youre white, then youre racist.
As a black I can say I know more literal black racists than white.
They'll go to the Mosques and get radicalised.
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and as a white i can say i know more literal black racists than white
Certes , mais Fdesouche par ex , n'utilise pas de serveur français si je ne m'abuse...
hebergeur pardon..
Fuck the UK.
They have Brexit now. They'll be fine.
fds est plus un site semi-professionel
la tu demande un site libre ou il y aura du shitposting et des utilisateurs immatures donc peu de chance de trouver un gars qui va se casser le cul pour ça

Mason occultists run the West. We are pawns in their sick game.
Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons. Et vite !
>Where's all of this headed?

Read Houellebecqs "Submission". It is accurate.

Europe will turn into a 3rd world islamic shithole and up unto the point where libtards are being carried to the top of the roof for being gay they will defend the development.

>Went to Porte de la Chapelle
that place always was a non white clustershit
why would you go there?
wtf dude
I always wanted to visit Paris for the cafes and the lourve and whatever but it looks like I'll get mugged and converted to Islam before I can say "I surrender!".

I went to Saint Denis 18mo ago. Looks like this everywhere, but theyre not refugees just sandniggers
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My ideal image of France is dying with this thread. I know Paris had Muslims but this sounds like some Algerian colony.
>Where are they going to go?
in your house to rape you hopefully
You voted for this

I doubt the police would put much effort into trying to solve crimes against them.

It'd be pretty much open season if you had the predilection towards murder.
It is going to blow up. Dunno when, but it will. People are getting really angry, desperate, and have given up the hope of the government to do the right thing. So they'll go outside and do it themselves. There's no avoiding it.

I just hope it won't happen too late.
>I just hope it won't happen too late.

It will, if it happens at all.

Too much bread and circuses, and people don't want to lose it.
Does forgetting about the past help you accept the shit your politician give you?
Europeons think everything is free, paid for by the feudal overlords.

They don't understand taxes.

>roving groups of sandniggers
>literal niggers on every street corner loitering
>mudshits occupy 90% of the subway
>rapefugees selling eiffel tower trinkets

it's hell with nice architecture.
And, surprising no-one, French philosophers were the ones who killed it
poland is definitely thirld world tier but atleast they don't have shitskins running around raping their women, beating up the old while faggots like you do nothing to stop the destruction of your homeland
Someone clearly hasn't been to Paris before. It's been a dangerous shithole like this for over 10 years, and it's getting worse with the constant threat of terrorist attacks too
>Where's all of this headed?
To hell anon.

To hell.
naah, its not as bad as you think. Big cities are pretty awsome. Good wages, no blacks, no muslims and its safe = prosperity. But in fact small towns and villiges are fucking dark ages.
They cannot stand the idea that their political opposition has any legitimacy whatsoever.

Honestly I'm not even a proper right-winger in the same vein as most of /pol/ but I don't think you are all even close to being the monsters that you're all made out to be.

Someone legit said to me that "right-wing politics doesn't have a single correct part" which is literally retarded because it espouses tradfams and children from tradfams are better than those not in every way it's possible to measure.

I don't know how I'd do it, but one day I hope to be like these men.
Once Corbyn is elected UK will take them all. Downside is France will be a transit route for the forseeable future, maybe UK can start a direct ferry service from the Med if it's economically viable.
Why salty?
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What are you talking about? they're at their destination, and they are blowing up. I thought this was part of your plan.
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I'm staying at a Hotel in Port de la Chappele in July

I wondered why it was suspiciously cheap
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how about u frogs do something about it...
Have at least sympathy for those who voted against it
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Why didn't you elect Le Pen, why?
>represented by corrupt anti american leftists
>taxed by them

tyranny right?
Read a bit about the tower of babel and the confusion of languages. It's pretty much the operating plan on how to defuse a rising power.

The core idea is basically to forcibly push alien cultures together in order to cripple the societies common language. This effectively dumbs them down collectively and makes them unable to uphold and build upon the achievements of their forefathers.

It's symbolically represented by the unfinished crumbling tower.

You gotta ask WHO would want this and for what purpose. Who profits from it?
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this! In the night, set blaze to as many as pref, do it frogs!
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