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Why would a professional assassin have a little fistfight with

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Why would a professional assassin have a little fistfight with their target and then leave him alive after firing twice? At first I was thinking maybe they hired niggers to do the hit like they do in the sopranos, but that doesn't fit the MO of any other deaths on the CKL, the creepiest of which seem to be done by a professional(s).

Can anyone provide a real answer this question? I want to believe, I really do, it's just not fitting together for me.
also if it seems like you've seen this post before, I've posted this in other threads but could never get a response other than "shill", etc.
To make it look like it WASNT done by a professional, thus shifting the narrative away from that possibility from the very outset?
Holy shit, think like a Jew for 4 seconds
so if they hired dirtbags off the darkweb they probably offed them afterwards?

Like we give them $xx,000.00 up front them meet up for another $100k and take them out at the meet ?

Its an old ploy even showing up as a theme in Mummy movies... killing the slaves who bury the queen etc so they can't tell anyone where she's buried.
They beat him to say what he leaked. DNC needed to know who he was talking to and the extent of the damage.
It wasnt a professional, they were just SEIU goons shill.
The gun shot wounds were non fatal, the "fist fight" bruises could well be signs of torture. It is speculated that the gunshots wounds were meant to simply get him inside the abulace. Hence the reports in previous threads mentioning one of his devices logging in a abandoned hospital.
Next time say Seth Rich so my filter picks it up.

But anyway. It's clear as day, that they shot him without intending to kill him (accidently?) but then changed their mind about it while he was en route to the hospital (said too much to the police already, threatened to speak out?)
Because they don't want it to look like a professional assasination? They want it to look like some nigger robbed him. It's not like this pro assassin is going to lose the fistfight.
>hiring losers for something like this
It would've been blackwater tier at the least.
Because it wasn't an assassination, it was a robbery.


the actual murder took place in the hospital, pedro.
Cleanse leafs
George Webb is saying "Two Hush Meetings at Two Hospitals Mean Seth Rich Went to Both Hospitals"

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Bumping for Seth.
Professional hitmen aren't as easy to get as you think. What the Dems were doing would not be okay with the FBI, etc. The Dems had to do this in a half-assed back-alley way.
fuck off shareblue we know your going to be charged in couple of days! Also since th Doc last night was fake, what going to happen now?
they probably used truth serum on him
>only giving someone bruises
Fucking lmao you're delusional
>can't even hire professional hitmen
You're delusional as well
This. Ally niggers spill instantly. They'd need somebody loyal: something like a homosexual veteran immigrant.
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read about the black sites where terrorist suspects were interrogated, see their interviews, watch a few investigative journalistic documentaries. They were usually made by leftys but they are informative.
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That's besides the point if you think they were trying to torture him before killing him you're as autistic as anybody who actually believes half the shit they post in these terrible threads
Y-you don't ACTUALLY believe this shit, right?
Could have tried to bag him but somehow he got away then they iced him. They could have staged the break in to the FBI vehicle after then lied about the time.
I said the bruises could be sings of torture but they could have actually been signs of a scuffle, remember the hospital worker that said he was hit by small rounds? why would a thief go around carrying a smaller than average weapon?



>nothing robbed

dc googles "rob" dnc leaker but get super scared they might get caught so they shoot him and run off because that's what dc googles do because they are normal people who are super smart and afraid to get caught. went down like this:

"excuse me mr. honky, would you please be a kind old chap and relate to us the time from your golden watch and/or your crispy new iPhone. perhaps your fresh 20 dollar bills have the (((current year))) on them. i say old chap, thanks! oops my sidearm accidentally shot you once in the back!! shall i call the lorry for you?? no need to get the bobbies involved, now old friend!! oops shot you again!! so sorry mr. cracker honky. oh noez, tyrone, what if the bobbies arrive!! best to run off without acquiring any payment for tonight's endeavours. i completely concur with your focused appraisal, sharkeith!" - SHARIAblue official account of what must've happened that fateful night that the dnc leaker accidentally got shot twice in the back and "robbed". of nothing.

Most likely it wasn't orchestrated by the normal Clinton Death Squads. It was most likely plotted by amateurs, people who hadn't done this type of thing before, and as a result it's blowing up on them. That is why they are so scared
>blacks kill each other more
>more unsolved black murders
"they" you believe it was multiple thieves? where did you read that?
you mean why didnt a professional assassin zip tie his hands behind his back, kneel himm down and execute him with a single point blank shot to the big and the head?

Because hes a professional assassin thats why.

>dnfkekdjfj duh pikttuushuurrss

another illiterate shariablue communist.
You guys know that some Freemason cop did it to earn his 33rd degree right?
>they can't refer to a single person
gb2 elementary school retard

>"durrrrr i'm retarded and didn't think of how fucking stupid the picture i posted was" - u
It wasn't a freemason, the cop was in the illuminati. Get your facts straight
I quoted you. Don't pretend you are stupid.

oh. so you are brain damaged, too.
>when your reading comprehension is shit but you're too retarded to know it
>Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders. The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of MASONRY and from whom will issue the watchword and program. In these lodges we shall tie together the knot which binds together all revolutionary and liberal elements. Their composition will be made up of all strata of society. The most secret political plots will be known to us and fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception. AMONG THE MEMBERS OF THESE LODGES WILL BE ALMOST ALL THE AGENTS OF INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL POLICE since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police is in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts for discontents, ET CETERA.
Come on dude. You don't think that if the DNC knew he was the leaker they wouldn't also know what he leaked? You think a criminal organization with their power and resources would be interrogating someone on the street like Jack fucking Bauer?
There are hours between Seth leaving the bar, and being shot.
No one can presume to know what happened in that time period.
Botched robbery, or otherwise.
they is commonly used as a plural
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>You think a criminal organization with their power and resources would be interrogating someone on the street like Jack fucking Bauer?

Yes, actually, they have a history of it.

He was meant to die in the streets, but they got him in the hospital anyway.
So you ignored my post originally because you were fucking wrong
You got salty and called out a "grammar error" that WASN'T EVEN ONE
You're fucking wrong but can't admit it because you're a fucking autist lmao
Those are your words faggit

it could have been this fucking easy

This reasoning just doesn't work for me. The very IDEA that a major political party would knock someone off is enough to keep people off the trail, that's why they've been able to get away with it in the past. Why would this time be any different? Esp. since everybody expected hillary to win
You're either really fucking dumb or a 2/10 troll
Fuck off shill
The Nightstalker killed most of his victims with a .22 or .25 pistol.
Kys, shill.
kill yourself shill rat
So why didn't they pop him in the brain then? I'm telling you dude, people that powerful can afford to hire killers that will do the job right (see: Vince Foster)

also, what history? it just seems like a clumsy and unnecessary risk to me. yes, it was 3am or whatever, but somebody still could have walked down the street and seen something

You goddamn T_D niggers. We're trying to have a real fucking discussion so either contribute or fuck off.
The anon you responded to will fail to mention any other instances where they interrogated anyone like he says they did
He's a disinfo shill
says the Le master baiter

Because they wanted him to suffer?

It's clear you have never lived this life.
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>so if they hired dirtbags off the darkweb they probably offed them afterwards?

How come no one is talking about this DNC (Clinton) staffer that was shot and killed by two men A DAY AFTER the Seth Rich assassination? Rafael Aguilar – 31 yrs old – Carmelo Marmolejo-Calixto – 33 yrs old Hillary Clinton Campaign Aide were shot in a car at a South Carolina parking lot.


Hmmm...what do those black tear tattoos mean again?

>The anon you responded to will fail to mention any other instances where they interrogated anyone like he says they did

I fucking gave you a picture, dipshit.

Do you think he got a ring mark on his face from nothing?
That doesn't make any sense you retard, they get assigned a job and they want to make it slow?
Yeah right, great logic there
>Because they wanted him to suffer?
that is not how it works when you are assassinating somebody to shut them up. if they wanted him to suffer he would've just been abducted and tortured to death at a secure location.

>It's clear you have never lived this life.
and you have? you're a fucking joke, m8
Yeah right, shill
my guess is the night stalker's objective was to kill not to incapasitate, small weapons decrease the odds of a fatality.
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Oops! I meant Seth Rich was killed by two men, not the two latinos...

Pic sorta related; shows segment 3.
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So I've seen this Seth Rich meme gone pretty hard during all of trumps daily scandals and I just wanna check with you guys what it's about.

From what I gather people suggest that Seth Rich would be the DNC leaker and that there'd be no Russian hack even though CIA or was it FBI confirmed it to be so on multiple occassions and this someone points to the democratic controlled deep state or what's the scoop?

Sorry for being lazy but I want some good old quick rundowns.
My point was that they wouldn't do it on the goddamn street where anyone could walk by. You don't think they just came up to Bernie at Starbucks and started wailing on him, do you?

>and you have? you're a fucking joke, m8

Yes, I have. Not for DNC/SEIU teamster & mob friends though.

Doing it at the DNC is pretty comparable.
>even though CIA or was it FBI confirmed it to be so on multiple occassions

oh fuck off
Fuck off shill.
Fuck off, shill.
Kys, shill.
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Comey said it under oath. If he's lying it's a pretty big "big if true" so you can fuck off.
Even if that's true, they still did it in a locked room somewhere out of the way.

Cannoli eating goombas are nowhere near on the same level as the illuminoids behind all of the dark government shit, my friend
Seth Rich was not exactly Bernie, kike shill.

Just what we need, another FUCKING LARP piece of shit on here
GTFO shill faggot
Warren Flood, DNC official, changed metadata to russian on the "guccifer 2.0" leaks. This is proof they were trying to frame russia. And further evidence that they killed seth rich.
Why do you have to be so fucking lazy? Bullshit is "confirmed" to have been Russians.
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>5 posts by this ID
>every single one is calling somebody a shill
What do you believe happened on that night? enlighten us.
Wtf, people MASTURBATE to the thought of a convention killing somebody. If there was evidence that Trump maybe killed somebody, reddit would organize local orgy events to contain their enthusiasm.
IIrc Seth isn't tied to the hack, just Hillary's emails.
>they wouldn't do it on the goddamn street where anyone could walk by

Days before, Podesta wrote in an email that they want to "make an example" of the leaker. They wanted a public destruction.
True, but people also masturbate to the idea that the government is behind Sandy Hook, or 9/11, or the OKC bombings. That's why they get away with everything, at the slightest inkling of something weird going on hundreds of thousands of idiots flock to it and make the entire thing seem ridiculous. If they had just popped Seth in the head and been done with it, we wouldn't be any closer to catching "them" than we are now
>want public destruction
>do your best to make sure it seems like a botched robbery
How fucking stupid are you?
I was referring to the idea of interrogating somebody right there on the street when anyone could just walk by
you keep ridiculing everyone yet you won't share what you think, is all about earning them cryptoshekels hu?
Seth was drunk as fuck stumbling home from a bar. Two nignogs try and rob him, get in a fight, then pop him twice get scared (the police gunshot location thing is common street knowledge) and run off.

until someone can come up with a better explanation, that's all I've got


M-MUH CONSPIRACIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where did you get the two nignogs story, is the msm improvising now?
>can't refute point
>sperg out about irrelevant shit
Where have I seen that before?
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It depends who's ordering the hit and the difficulty of the target. So when Hellary Clinton herself wants someone powerful dead for political gain (Scalia) all of her resources are then directed towards making that happen, gathering capital and hiring a professional, paying off secret service agents, etc. And it works out smooth like butter, mostly.

But when John fucking Podesta wants you dead because he suspects you might be a leaker and he wants to make an example of you, regardless of evidence, he doesn't go talk to Hillary and try to make it her top priority. No, he tries to keep it quiet and a secret from her that he was in any way responsible, and uses whatever resources he personally has available to him as a child fucking cannibal on a lower level than the high priestess herself. Like getting his friends to spread fake rumors about Russian hacking or getting his union worker thugs to fuck up a hit job and then having to get some other union thugs in a hospital to sloppily finish the job, for some hypothetical examples.

If your hitman isn't at least this cool, just fuck off though.

>are nowhere near on the same level as the illuminoids

You think they're the ones intervening personally?

They have people for that, who have other people, who have other people, that put them into contact with hitters.
Are you samefagging? the question was meant for the other id. Over worked and underpaid. are you kept locked up by your shareblue masters?
>there can't be two people who don't believe our crackpot theories
you replied with the wrong id faggit
The "botched robbery" is a load of shit. If they were so adamant it was a botched robbery, how can you possibly know that when the suspects haven't been caught and nothing was taken? Isn't that just straight up murder? Surely the murderers are the only ones who could say whether or not it was intended to be a robbery. Seems like they already had the narrative set before he was taken out.
Okay, *this* is why the shills are thick in this thread.

George Webb is getting close.


Too close for comfort, so it's all hands on deck for Shareblue. It's like when #SpiritCooking broke a couple of days before the election. Well, not quite at that level, but much more aggressive shilling than we've been seeing in Seth Rich threads.

PS: Kys, shills. You're paid money to lie and spread disinformation. You're traitors, and unironically deserve the rope.
lel ur sad
Maybe the apparent struggle?
You're fucking stupid, if they wanted him dead it would have been easier than that
>John fucking Podesta

Smiling John who has a tasteful painting of the act of cannibalism in his office.

Bob Creamer, Scott Foval, David Brock. John Podesta.

Birds of a feather.
Seth Rich hospital "hush meeting" + breaking news re Joe Capone.

Why the shills are here.


Death to shills.

Truth wins in the end.
May your most beloved person die in agony if they already haven't.

May you never see them again.

Drunk as fuck DNC worker at bar needs to get home. What's he do? MaybecCall a fucking cab. But what if he has no moneys?

No one says "hey man you're drunk as fuck lemme get you a cab home"?

Please m8 this wasn't a botched robbery
From the CKL, Mary Catrin Mahoney the girl who was gunned down in the Georgetown Starbucks was killed by a nigger
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you think this so called scenario is clear as day LOL
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unrelated but do you think we can some how co-opt your pic related to show that the term POC is a racist term that segregates whites and sets them alone from the community. Either that or make POC the new colored person. It's the same fucken thing any way.
i need to add 2015 to make it look even better
there were no unsolved white homicides that yera either
i think expecting niggers to retweet it is not going to work
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oh no thers actually an unsolved victim in 2015 that looks white what do i do
bump for justice
Maybe they were idiots and thought he was dead?

I don't know but it seems more likely than an armed robber leaving someone lying on the ground with all that cash, a watch, phone, etc.
I didn't figure the other guy would respond so I thought I would. Also, shareblue are not people having arguments and disagreements, they're the ones flooding threads with nearly identical posts at the slightest inkling of dissent
this is why we can't have nice things. I want to be proven wrong. I want someone to make this all work in my head the way it does for you. people like you are the true cancer killing this place. you cant just post a video to compensate for not having original thoughts or the ability to defend them cogently when challenged.

please return to the_donald you piss drinking ape.
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>No one says "hey man you're drunk as fuck lemme get you a cab home"?
nobody did, did they? I mean the last time seen alive was at the bar. plus i don't know how fat you are but when im pissed I like a nice stroll
Moar Seth rich threads pls
The part about Podesta trying to do this by himself and so not going to the usual hitmen does make sense to me. The whole thing of it for me is that the entire conspiracy narrative relies on the assassin being an incredibly incompetent fuck, so the proposal that this was done by somebody without the full resources of the DNC is totally valid to me.

Only thing I can't figure is the bruises and cuts and stuff. Seems way too risky for a paid goon to be instructed any way other than "get it done and get out of there as fast as you cant."
Unclear, that is actually decent evidence of a botched robbery, but leaving all valuables still points to a hit. Maybe they beat him to gather evidence, but a street is not an appropriate place for that either.
Im only thinking two because obviously whoever robbed him was at first trying to do it without gun
Holy fuck you're retarded. You don't think professional killers can make it look like a mugging gone wrong? You don't have to hire some niggers to do the job, you only have to make it look like a mugging gone wrong
why would they even bother? would we be any closer to solving the mystery if he had just been killed normally?
He faked a robbery , wresttle a bit but not to rough . Shoot but dont kill.

Police arrive ask Seth roch whats up
> oh i fought 2 guys that wanted to robb me . I guess i was to tough so they shot me .
To let seth rich tell the police it was a robbery ,
You can horrifically torture someone and barely leave a mark silly nigger. I could dope you up with LSD and mind fuck you so completely it would take months to recover.
Well they might have assumed he /was/ dead - they'd shot him twice after all, and maybe was on the ground bleeding - and were in a hurry to get out of there. They were supposedly not professionals after all.
why isnt this trial over yet i cant find a conclusion
it was supposedly scheduled for january 2017 anyone know how i get an update?
Lurk more 2 people were found the same weekend shot execution style, one was a dnc staffer, clearly their fuck ups were punished
Can't find the thread but they were identified and confirmed. Was posted here plebbit and voat
because it was probably some ANTIFAGGOT thug like eric clanton who a person affiliated with the DNC hired
He was interrogated before he was shot.
I could see that.
"give money"
"fuck you you - "
"fuck YOU you motha fuckin..."
> smack
> Seth smacks back
> gets shot
"sheeit they's people over theya we gotta split man"
Can confirm

also this took place in...? an abandoned hospital?
Once the dc police decide to release the autopsy and coroner report, we'll know if the narrative originally given was even real. Could have been an interrogation in a vehicle or offsite location at a safe house too.

Far too many questions and people with answers are suspiciously silent.
Many people have already been killed. One more professional hit would raise suspicion. I've been on the dark web plenty and I've seen many hitmen sites (scammer and real) and I've noticed that many will give you the option to make it look like an amateur, leave some fake evidence, fumble around a bit. That could be a possibility. They tell the guy to make it look like an amateur, hoping that Clinton and co don't seem suspicious in the matter.
anybody know how i get more info about this trial?
im looking for someone with autism id do it but i have to sleep
Poor Seth.
Please note: all of the above theories make more sense than a botched robbery, given the surrounding evidence and possible motives.

You are a literal retard or a literal paid shill if you can't connect the dots outside the given narrative of this fact pattern.
Seth was a fighter. It was not a botched robbery but a botched hit.

He was confronted by someone he had met or had some kind of relationship with, suspect draws gun, Seth fights him off and knocks him to the ground

Seth runs away, suspect grabs fire arm unloading 3 times, 2 hitting Seth in the back knocking him to the ground. Suspect realizes his gun fire would draw police and runs.

These are the events that happened that night. We have statements from Seth to police officers who responded to the scene. Seth was conscious when they arrived at the scene

Leaks are coming - no I cannot leak here it has to be done through the proper channels. Seth says he was shot by an associates employee
I posted this on another SR thread and I think I got separated from the asking anon, so posting it here, too:
>>Someone on the last thread asked for any info on a tunnel at DC General and I found this and archived it:
DC General used to be called Gallinger
archived here: http://archive.is/r3r5d
Got separated from an anon at the end of a previous thread. Anon was looking for tunnels under DC General:
>>Someone on the last thread asked for any info on a tunnel at DC General and I found this and archived it:
DC General used to be called Gallinger
archived here: http://archive.is/r3r5d
Sorry guys thought i switched to a different SR thread
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there's no fistfight.
according to the family, he has wounds on his knuckles, knees and face. consistent with falling face-first to the ground.
so hold on. you think they tortured him in the middle of a street for a couple of minutes and then shot him in the back and ran away without the foresight of taking anything off of him to make it look like a robbery? that's retarded. they hired a couple of gangbanging losers to do it and they did it messy.
the lacerations are explained thusly:
(pls note digits of truth.)

Can you give us anything else to go on?
There was a fight, not a fist fight more like grabbing and shoving off fight
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Pic Related?
We are going off a police report. We are verifying it and getting statements from the officers, until we have everything in order we cannot release it publicly.

Seth confirmed to officer on scene he knew his attacker. That doesn't necessarily mean it was a hit but it was related to his work
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>Pic Related?
yes, anon, pic very related!
No idea who he is, he is claiming to be an FBI asset and is working with a handler.

We are not working with an Asset.

We are independent from the government but have a few sources in the FBI. I wouldn't believe anything that account leaks with proper verification first.

There is many real leaks coming and he could be a disinformation agent
ty for blessing us with info, praise kek
The job was to make it slow so that insiders would understand what happens when you leak. How old are you?
So Comey quotes Crowd strike as the credible organization he was referring to as to why they started the investigation on Russia. But wait is this not the same company who had to retract their lying story about Ukrain in December that caused us to kick out the Russians from their US Embasy.
>2 hitting Seth in the back knocking him to the ground
what killed him?
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Bullshit, I had this very conversation a few nights ago in a SRG. With that being said, I completely agree with you, and with a job this high profile, considering the stakes, requires a pro.
Would make since he was killed at the hospital by professionals. It's strange how most bloods go to DC when they join, would make sense the Cia pushes herion through them which is in bed with pharmaceutical companies, in which president Bill Clinton executive ordered to allow to pay for TV ads which now make up over 50% of ads on television, and people wonder how the dems control the media. It's a big circle of pharma,dems,clintons,Cia all connected by Seth Rich. No wonder no one will touch it.
Yes, CrowdStrike are Ukrainian shills, along with the Chalupa sisters.
Big pharma doesn't push heroin. They make their own patented synthetic versions and force-feed them to West Virginians. The heroin is just a fundraiser and forbidden fruit.
If he was shot from the front, I would undoubtedly believe that but idk
Probably the bullets entering and exiting his body, but that's just a guess, fatass.
The Deep State no longer sends their best

This shoddiness is really a microcosm of the organization as a whole

They can't even Rig an election for crying out loud
People don't just start out shooting up herion. Get hooked on pills, can't afford pills go to herion, try to get off herion go to government issued methadone paid for my tax payers.
Haha, this.

Samefagging shill got his (you)'s mixed up.

Why is David Brock so cheap? He's got $40M. He could hire more shills, ya think?
>The part about Podesta trying to do this by himself and so not going to the usual hitmen does make sense to me.

That's not what he said you tale-twisting shill moron.
Timeframe of these future leaks? And is there any video out there? Whether it be bodycam or CCTV?
>why would they even bother?

You fucking loon.

Because if you straight out assassinated him that suggests he was -- assassinated, which raises the question WHY was he assassinated.

PLEASE try to make sense, shill, you really aren't earning your shekels with this shoddy shilling.
maybe one of the attackers was somebody who was in the know to actually try and interrogate him? you wouldn't trust a random thug to interrogate for you, you'd do it yourself.

Do we know for a fact he was shot in the back?
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Even under such circumstances, street thieves would have stolen his wallet and phone.

There's a webm from a security cam of some idiot driving a motorcycle on a sidewalk. A woman steps out of a doorway unexpectedly, he hits her and either knocks her out or kills her. Within 20 seconds of hitting her, the motorcycle guy steals her cell phone, and is off again. And he wasn't even planning a robbery.

The nothing stolen "botched robbery" makes about as much sense as Mark Zuckerberg surprising an Ohio family by dropping by for dinner.
Podesta handed the job to someone amature-ish and then killed them to create a buffer and eliminate the trail.
you can know what he leaked and still not know who he leaked to

unconfirmed police report (looks legit) says SR indicated assailants were speaking spanish.
Ploy to make it look like a mugging. Dindus will use any size weapon they can get and the intent was blame it on dindus.
There are already some vague connections between Mexican wealthy (carlos slim) and the cartels and the DNC. I wouldn't put it past them, especially since they sell a lot of downers in the NE without very much interference.
If memory serves - yes.

Memory, same here. If that is the case, they were there to kill him. At some point he takes off they let two off and haul ass.
So ((they)) are going to run Zuckerberg for office now?
This EXACTLY what I think happened. It is the only thing that makes sense
This is all speculation.
He was picked up off the street.
Taken to abandoned hospital (black site with medical personnel)
Drugged. (Talkative and alert when found)
Interrogated (bruises)
Shot once in a less than lethal area ( do/say ? and the Dr. helps you)
Shot again in an area that would be lethal.
Dumped on the street for the robbery story. (even though nothing taken most people still buy it)
Backup teams (cops?) medical personnel at the other hospital to make sure the deal was sealed.
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alright i added 2015
i gave up on the getting black people to spread it angle
its quite damning to the "standard robbery victim" narrative
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He wasn't dead when he arrived in the hospital and someone took control of part of the hospital in unprecedented manner (see leaked doctor statements). Then he was dead. Ergo, they finished the job in the hospital.
Which hospital though?
Not yet.
I oporetty sure forensics could tell if he was shot on the street or not? Has anyone confirmed that? Or is it still a "pending investigation "
Carlos slim also was involved in the Hillary Clinton Haiti deal with her brother and that mine. This was what sparked Monica Peterson to investigate and get killed.
why are you pushing this so hard in the threads? are you trying to scrub? I member when Howard was scrubbed.
the amount of links is absolutely retarded
I don't get it. Who is Howard?
NVM, got it from the other thread. You have a cryptic mind. Don't assume mine is working very well, something fucked up happened to me.
How about local dcanon talk to Engine 29 and find out where they take GSW patients. If you want to know where he went then you need to speak with the first responders. Engine 29 Truck 5 and Resuce 29.

They know where he went. They hauled him there.
>How about local dcanon talk to Engine 29
i have an appt on thursday.
Great work, Anon. Really the best SR meme I've seen by a mile.
Doing Kek's work brother.
How do we know seth rich was even shot at all? maybe he was just poisoned at lou's bar by joe and finally collapsed near his house walking home where the ambulance picked him up and allowed him to die. they could have easily lied about the shooting for hillary to use in her narrative against gun violence.
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fyi... found this if anyone still looking into hospital with me: http://archive.is/1Zh5y
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>(((they))) need to make an example out of him
>hire some goons to rough him up
>drunk panda fights back
>goon#1 and panda scuffle
>goon#2 pulls out gun a pops the panda
>goons run without even grabbing his panda wallet
'just beat him up' situation gone wrong
This is probably true, they got soft and careless from lack of competition.
i think we should just use voodoo to bring him back to life so he can give us an accurate description of the killer
Think about what that says for the two-party system.
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Maybe because it was a couple of stupid mexi-bros.
They just might have underestimated him... "wounds on knuckles" is as something as I as a drunkfighter and stumbling drunk only can accord to fighting or being incontrollably angry and wallpunching... haz nothing to do with falling or whatever.
(((Regularly wake up with bruises and worse, in general have confirmation from non-blackout friends and girlfriends and I have never, not once, gotten out of fights without minimum knucklebruises, and I have never, no matter how beaten up I was, woken up with knunklebruises without actually hitting someone or something. Just doesn't happen.)))

The hitman fucked up and is probably dead himself. Look among the unsolved homicides for suspects falling in the time range.
Can anyone tell me whether the bullets (not the casings) found at the scene. In Seth or they at the crime scene.
>beaten, bloodied, but still breathing
Yes, wouldn't be a very good assassin. Can't rule out niggers. One thing just as mysterious, is the fact that there were 65 unsolved murders in 2016, and only one of them was white, well sort of (((white))), that was seth rich.
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One of our Seth Rich cops made officer of the year...
*tell me if they WERE found in Seth or at the scene
Or not found
That's not strange at all..
>65 unsolved in Wash DC, that is.
managed confidential informants, conducted undercover ops..
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They weren't operators,they were SEIU Union thugs . They were sloppy and the police cleaned up.The police work for the DNC. The thugs left his watch and $2k necklace and other things to send a message: dont rat. He's the only unsolved white murder for a reason.
>No really it was a robbery
This is the biggest bullshit part of this whole thing. Hey geniuses:
If you haven't arrested anyone, how do you know it's a robbery?
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>SEIU Union thugs
But, but, but
>How many have the Clintons "had fixed"?
Geee i guess they dont just hire dumb niggers who make it look like a robbery.
>But they didnt take anything
Yes, because people NEED TO KNOW it was punishment, but they dont need to know 100%. If he died, and it was an accident then no one learns a lesson...

paid in bitcoin, these guys are good enough that they wrote the entire narrative before committing to action yawn. if you think that you can figure it out from the facts, you're sleepwalking.
Sociopaths often have rage issues because anger is the only emotion they feel.
Don't be so convinced that someone out of a Bourne movie was hired to do this. If the hypothetical is that Seth had done something very unethical in the eyes to the powerful , the powerful might have just taken this into their own hands.
Check out borderline personality disorder. People become obsessed with revenge to the point of them needed to be the hand that pulls the trigger.
Yep,these people are actual mobsters.
A family member of mine was in the SEIU for years and was privy to high -level shit. Intimidation,prostitution, racketeering etc. all of it. They're protected because they put Dems in office at the local level by rallying their troops & are heavily involved in false billing and kickbacks.
They get 10 construction companies to bid on a government project, that should only cost 1mil, but all say it'll cost 10 mil+ and each company gets a kickback.
>Hahah what can a few thugs do
I just listed them . They are a 2+million army.
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Ya look at all these Clinton Death Coincidences!
alright anons, I have a serious thought and shits gonna go deep. This is all just speculation but remember when FBIanon was saying Isreal was one the major threats? well I think i've put some puzzle pieces together. First, I definitely think DNC was behind killing of seth rich and Hillary was behind it. But Seth was just one piece of that puzzle. I also think Eric braverman was behind the leaking (maybe pedesta's emails?) under the orders of Kissinger or some other high up, and was told to give them to wikileaks. NOW THIS IS WHERE THE SHIT GETS DEEP, I think Kissinger or whoever else is part of the economic elites are the main source of funding for wikileaks. and I think these economic elites are the ones that are in charge of every fucking thing in our country! Kissinger had his choice of trump or hillary, and decided to go with Trump because Hillary had too much baggage. But these elites choose who they want to win EVERY ELECTION. So kissinger decided to make the plan to leak all of Hillary's shit and peg trump as the winner. But only for now. (Maybe put Pence in charge soon?) Once Hillary found out she decided to say fuck it, I'm not going without a fight, (hence why she had SRC killed). Im a trump supporter. All I'm saying is this shit could run deeper than anyone even realizes. Look at these links, in the George Webb video he discusses this. Kissinger deciding to go with Trump over Hillary (start at 4:05) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWbrpdDLM2k
This video is George Webb on radio saying he has been a drop point for wikileaks b4 and he says Julian Assange is just a small piece of what wikileaks really is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSO6EEzQby4
This link talks about how wikileaks has been working with the government and new york times the whole time http://www.globalresearch.ca/who-is-behind-wikileaks-2/22389
And the economic elites all have ties to isreal (this is where i don't know how to connect the dots on who/what "mosad" is and who all are a part of these jew elites with ties to isreal)
>they hired niggers to do the hit like they do in the sopranos
Ohh yeh dere's a special one.
But here's the thing. Is NOT real. Is totally imaginary.
>switches from grog to beer
>Can anyone provide a real answer this question? I want to believe, I really do, it's just not fitting together for me.

Because it was a lone Trump supporter.

He's being purposefully disambiguous. It's like when the media quibbled over Trump's claims that he'd been tapped.

No, they didn't bug his office, they listened through either his or someone else's cellphone.

It's like people claiming Hillary didn't kill anyone. No, of fucking course she didn't PERSONALLY kill anyone, she just hired people to make problems go away, and they hire the people to do it. Plausible deniability.
She doesn't even have to say "KILL SETH RICH" she just says "Hey, this guy is a problem" and leave it at that. Her people know what that means.
Because the DNC didn't know for sure who was the hacker, hence Pedopheldesta saying

>I'm all for making an example of the leaker, even if we aren't sure how it is

He was beaten up to extract a confession, didn't work, so they shot him in the back to send him to the hospital where he was cordoned off, drugged and tortued and finally allowed to die
>what do those black tear tattoos mean again?

Means he was a prison bitch. People that are pimped out for cigarettes get marked with that to shame them, they lie about it when they get out saying they got it because they killed somebody.
He's dead, Jim. Did you see >>127533138
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>he could be a disinformation agent
We already know here that calling out others for what you already do is the jewish way my redditspacing, tripfag, (((FBIanon))), shilling friend.
>someone he knew
>scared off by his own gunshot
>didn't finish the job
Utter bullshit you redditspacing, tripfagging shill
A few reasons. They could have roughed him up trying to get information from him. They could have done it to look like a robbery gone wrong, but forgetting to take something off his body. Or they could have done it so people don't think it was a professional hit.

If the shots are to the back, they were there to kill him.
Summary: They hired regular dirtbags to do the interrogation and the dirtbags attempted to kill Seth when he fled. This is the only logical conclusion as professional interrogators would have shot him dead if he fled.
It wasn't professionals because they didn't make it look like a robbery at all. If you're Podesta why would you hire a professional yet not make him do professional grade hits?

That is this one's opinion as well.
If the point were making a deniable example, why wouldn't you try to make it look dirty?
Yet the thugs didn't bother making it look like a robbery. There's no plausible deniability in that. A lot of people masterminding that death fucked up that night.
Depends on which details you look at. The daylight between the news reports and the internal details would constitute the Example.
You're going to be going in circles if you try to assume everything is a bluff in an investigation. If you see evidence of unskilled thugs, it's unskilled thugs until you find more evidence.
Face it, DNC is involved in the death of Seth Rich. Why would media not report a single thing on his death until after the connection was drawn to DNC a year later. Why wouldn't the DNC put out a reward for information for the capture of his murderer?

If we knew exactly every detail of how the murder went down then it wouldn't still be an open investigation, would it?

Face the facts, DNC doesn't want people to investigate his murder because they are involved. Accept it. It's more of a mental leap to assume that families and associates just don't care when their own get killed and don't want it investigated.
Yeah yeah, horses, not zebras. Yet certain people Wanted something like this to happen to someone who was reasonably likely to be involved and admitted it in email.
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responding officer Derek Tarr changed his profile pic to the image on the left on July 8, compared to seth rich.
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>professional assassin
nobody said anything about a professional assassin

it's weird that you bring it up, very odd indeed
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i posted in another thread and shills spammed to hell within 20 seconds.
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>professional assassin
>implying it wasn't some union worker who would kill for pennies
These fuckers look like soulless cartel thugs, DNC was tying up loose ends.

With DNC, you lose.
we need to write Hypothesis C
Hypothesis C
Tarr collage
Report diffs

Why everyone stealing my shit tonight?

The problem is that a professional killer can only kill for "real" if he can hide the body.

But this guy was a member of the democrats and his missing would be known immediately. The whole Hillary campaign would be more damaged if he would just have been "disappeared".

Don't you know that the criminals often say "it has to look like an accident". You can kill a 60++ year old with an accident like drowning in his own bathroom, but for such a young person you need to be a bit "sloppy" to make it look like an average "gang crime".
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A .22 won't exit like a high caliber round it tumbles and ricochets inside the body tearing things up to cause max bleeding. It's also quieter - would sound like like a firecracker.
depends on the round actually

a solid lead pill will go right through most shit including people

they make varmint grenade type rounds now which would be perfect for assasinations though, they are pre-fragmented rounds which break apart right away on entry
dude. man up.
no one here had anything to do with this.
i heard it was tumblr detectives
He was beaten with a baton according to one news report. A baton and guns were "stolen" from an alphabet vehicle allegedly parked a couple of miles away just two hours earlier. They pretended it was a robbery, beat him but left him conscious, and then shot him nonfatally so that when he was picked up he would tell the authorities they had tried to rob him. Then, they killed him in the hospital or administered some drug in the ambulance.
These are literally all my posts.
such is the life my friend
>Then, they killed him in the hospital or administered some drug in the ambulance.
It was in the hospital. Nurses are some of the worse people you will ever meet on this planet. Imagine your typical Stacy, but smart enough to graduate from a university. Nothing, but narcissism, daddy issues, and high functioning sociopathy.
Look what kind of incompetent "professional" they hired to wipe their server. A fucking Redditor. Does that answer your question? How about this. They had like 8 people to assassinate. How many top notch assassins do you think they could come by within a 4 week period? There's no way a single pro takes on that many jobs so close together that puts him at the location of every hit. That's just retarded.

It's true. There are some nutty nurses out there.
>Can anyone provide a real answer this question?

It was a couple of young MS-13 gangsters doing a hit
Street thugs do this too - - they'll make it look as if a mugging was done by a special ops team to throw suspicion elsewhere.
you know nothing, dipshit. cannoli eating la wop killed hilda with a 8.5 x 11 piece of paper on oct 18. several chabad jews take credit, sadly. but just know cannoli eating goombas are in, around, below, and above the deep state and fucking them up.
>you want to ask me anything?
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